Naruto: Shippuden (2007) s03e07 Episode Script


Whoa, I was about to get flattened Fuen's traps are nothing special.
I can't believe they're this skilled.
I can't handle him anymore.
Did I get him? That won't work! Damn you! It's futile! Scurrying about like that Earth Style! Stone Plate Coffin.
It's over.
I guess I can at least make him a grave marker.
I had to work up a sweat on account of that jerk Fuen.
You place too much confidence in your own Jutsu.
You have to make sure you've finished the job.
But what are they after? After stealing the bodies, they intentionally attract attention in their escape Are they after one of us from the Leaf? If so, is Danzo involved? Impermanence It appears we totally got caught in the enemy's Jutsu.
First, we must join up with the others.
I bet they evacuated to some nearby location.
Huh?! I'm off to find that awful jerk.
Just a minute! There's no point to looking together.
For crying out loud.
So in the end, everyone's scattered all over I guess it can't be helped.
It's not like he received any training on teamwork.
Come to think of it, didn't Naruto flunk that part? What's the deal with her?! Oh, boy.
I hatemanual labor And here the plan was to let the traps do the work without me having to get involved.
I guess I have no choice.
I'll take care of this.
I'll end this lickety-split! Let's go! What?! What the heck are you doing out of the blue like that? What?! This taste of Chakra leaking from your Chakra Network.
So you've got the rare wind Chakra nature, huh? So what if I do?! How about becoming part of my collection? Hm?! Huh? Do you prefer French or soft? Are those foods or something? They're kisses.
In other words You mean you're going to kiss me?! Yes.
You're such an inexperienced boy.
You still haven't even had your first kiss? Yikes! What?! Don't mess with me! Even I've had experience kissing! It was with a guy, though.
I see.
Well, whatever.
How about having lots of fun with me? Not a chance! Who'd want anything to do with you? Oh, my I've been turned down Hey, what's with her?! I'm not good with women like that! You must not turn down a proposition from a woman, kid! I-won't-let-you-get-away.
No! C-Cut it out! Reaper Kiss.
What?! You missed! Too bad! Your kiss was kind of cold, but soft.
Here you could've gone to the next world comfortably if you'd just held still Well, guess which one of us is real! Now you've made me angry.
This isn't a Genjutsu.
I summoned the terrain I designed and created from a different spatial environment.
You can't escape now.
I'm not so stupid as to fight in a field created by the enemy.
It's useless to hide.
You'll never be free from my eyes.
After all, you've already got my mark on you.
I can see right through you no matter where you try to escape to.
Did I lose her? I've got to join up with the others quick.
So you chose that path, huh? She shouldn't be able to see me.
Why? Why are there traps wherever I go?! I'll bring the playtime to an end here.
How unfortunate All of your movements appear on this design drawing.
Earth Style: Spears of Stone This is the finishing blow! Ninja Art: Super Beast Scroll Spears of Stone! He got away.
I can't believe he made a fool of me.
Well, he might just be on the right track since he was actually able to outmaneuver me.
This isn't the time to be standing guard over an old man.
A night transmission?! What's that? It's an owl.
Is it a Blakiston's fish owl? I want to know what an owl is doing here! Oh! It's an urgent report from the Fire Temple.
It seems Team Kakashi, in pursuit of the grave robbers, has been caught in an enemy trap.
Why didn't you say that sooner?! I took care of one of them.
Unlike your opponent, mine was a kid with some fight in him.
Did he get away? This is the perfect labyrinth I have created.
There's pretty much no way to get out alive.
I wonder.
This is just a precursor of the traps to come.
Maybe I'll give them a round of applause if they are able to escape from my traps.
This smell It's sulfur.
It doesn't seem to be poisonous.
Sai! Ninja Art: Super Beast Scroll Sai! Sai, don't move! You've got a broken bone.
This is going to hurt a bit, but tough it out.
That should do it! Now for the spider poison.
It's of low toxicity, so you don't need to worry.
I'll neutralize the poison right away.
Ummwere you moved? You were moved, weren't you? That's why you're doing this What're you talking about?! "Recommendations for Self-Sacrifice"?! Yes.
In order to create better personal connections, with women in particular it says it's effective to lay down your life for someone.
Maybe I'll try this with Naruto, too.
What? Knock it off! Now that you've made me angry, your luck has run out, boy.
Now you're serious?! That's what I want! Okay, bring it on.
Can you kiss all of us at once? Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu! You're just a boy, after all.
Now, I wonder where the real one is hiding.
Did I get her? What?! Damn it! What's going on? And here, I'm sure I felt like I hit something.
Earth Style: Hidden in Stones Jutsu! It appears you've got some fight in you.
Now I want your wind Chakra even more.
Are you immortal? No way can you be unharmed after getting hit by my Rasengan.
Your attacks are still too soft.
More importantly, this time for sure you will receive my kiss of death.
I won't let you do that so easily! First, I'll make it so you can't talk back.
Shadow Clone Jutsu! Oh, my.
No artfulness at all.
More Shadow Clones? Then I'll go with Water Style! Mouth of the Serpent! What?! She has earth, fire and water Chakra natures.
She's got three of them? Lighting Style: Earth Flash! What?! Lightning?! She's got four Chakra natures! What the heck is that?! Who're you?! So you're Sora, huh? I missed you.
Damn it.
Mysteries of the female body, my foot.
Hair is the most important thing to a woman, my foot! I don't want to know anything about stuff like that.
At any rate, earth, fire, water, lightning, wind She has all of the Chakra properties.
But I'll do my best with my Wind Style.
Now I'll show the fruits of my training! Hey, wait a minute.
I still haven't learned any Wind Style Jutsu.
Next time: "Contact"
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