Naruto: Shippuden (2007) s14e10 Episode Script

The Vengeful

If only I knew where their souls were located… I could save Neji and the others.
Shino! Shino! You're an asset to our military strength! We can't afford to lose you! Shino, please! I'm not giving up, Hinata.
Shino… We're just a step away from saving Neji and Kiba.
If I give up, the flame of hope will be extinguished before we even reach them.
Giving up is easy.
If the only way to save them is to find their location, we can't give up.
We have to keep searching for them! I'm not giving up… Mister Shikaku! Did something happen to Shikamaru and the others? All of a sudden, I stopped sensing their chakra! Tell me if there's anything I can do! Say something! Shikaku… Connect me to Naruto.
Naruto, can you hear me? Mister Shikaku! What's happening to Shikamaru and the guys?! We know the jutsu that they used.
It's the Underworld Transfer Jutsu that extracts the soul from the victim's body and places it inside a special barrier.
Extracts the soul? But they're all still alive, right? Then find the location of the souls and… That's impossible… There's no shinobi who can locate souls.
What can I do? Right now, you are the only shinobi who can mitigate the chaos within the Allied Forces.
No matter how immense your chakra, there's no way you can cover every battlefront.
You're stretching yourself thin as it is.
At this point, the Allied Forces can't spare an important military asset like you for just four shinobi.
You idiot! They're not "just" shinobi! Shikamaru is your son! I heard how Shino and Ino are desperately doing their best to save them! You're his father! How can you turn your back on them?! As the strategist, I must coordinate everyone's actions.
I cannot allow people to go off on their own.
Your duty is to identify the enemy by sensing their malice.
You must do your absolute best.
Give me a break! Naruto! Shikaku said to put every effort into your mission.
Do you understand? Roger on the mission! The Vengeful Give it up! Like I told you earlier, we're immortal.
And even if you do beat us, this barrier won't come down.
There's nothing you can do.
What an idiot.
You're wide open! Fang Over Fang! Eat up his chakra so that he can never get back on his feet! Now, Sakon! Shadow Pull Jutsu! That fool! What is he doing?! It worked! It's such a huge gate, I wondered what would happen if it lost its foundation.
It's dead on! Why you… You made us attack that area?! You were aiming for that all along? Damn…you bastards! Cornered? Escape is impossible? As if all that would make us give up.
You're underestimating us, you pieces of crap! No, you're underestimating us! I thought you were much stronger last time.
Hey, does that mean that we've improved, since the dead don't? Sounds about right! You and your big mouth! Shikamaru… No need to rile up the enemy like that.
Besides, you Reanimations were called back to be tools of war, right? So what's all this stupid stuff about revenge? Why are you directing it at us? Didn't the Sand siblings kill you? Us? Tools of war? We have nothing to do with this war! Our Reanimation is simply proof of our loyalty to Lord Orochimaru… Lord Orochimaru kept his promise to us, and this is the result.
Now kill each other off.
If you're not serious about it, I shall kill you.
The feeling that is born when one gets past the fear of death… That's what I wanted.
Look at those fine eyes.
I shall bestow upon you even greater power.
And you shall do my bidding as my favored ones.
– Ninja Art! Four Flames Formation! – Ninja Art! Four Flames Formation! We've witnessed various ninjutsu at Lord Orochimaru's side.
The ultimate is… The Reanimation.
That old geezer… How dare he?! It seems like you want to say something? No… In my current state, you can kill me.
This is the time to do it, if you so wish.
Well, I guess as long as the Curse Mark binds you, you cannot point your blade at me.
Although you failed, you made yourselves useful in the destruction of the Hidden Leaf.
I shall reward you.
What do you wish for? There is only one thing.
Power… Power as a shinobi.
We wish for nothing more.
Fine… You are all amazing.
I shall grant your wish.
Kabuto, add them to the sample.
I understand.
A vengeful heart will draw out the next level of power within you.
An extreme desire for revenge rapidly increases the power of the Curse Mark.
What's the connection between that and Reanimation? The emotions you four learned from overcoming the fear of death at that laboratory… are bitterness and hatred toward me.
No, it was a much stronger emotion.
I'm sure you swore you would get back at me some day.
Even if you were killed in the process.
When you can hate someone that much, when you are actually killed, you take it with you… That hatred toward the one who killed you.
You die thinking that if you could be resurrected, it would be to only seek revenge.
Yes, through Reanimation, you will be resurrected as ones who seek vengeance.
And at that time, you will attain power you never had before.
And the source of the strength will be your consuming desire for vengeance… Take full pleasure in your newfound power.
Today, as in the past, we belong to Lord Orochimaru! We are Lord Orochimaru's own vengeance seekers! Our hatred and our bitterness toward you release our power.
As it is now, no one can stop us.
Don't lump us into the same category as those other damn Reanimations, you pieces of crap! Th-That's… Are you serious? You were reanimated just to get revenge against us? You're crazy.
If what they said is true… then they're just starting to get serious… It's too soon… to faint! Even the Gentle Fist is nothing against my improved Gum Style Spider Thread! I've always been better at grappling than shooting.
Wolf Fang Over Fang! Did we get him? Hey, you must be joking! As if that degree of power will have any effect.
Now, it's our turn! The power of this Curse Mark is amazing! Super quick cell fusion and cell division are possible! So being bound by shadows means stuff like this is possible? You're too weak, you pieces of crap! Show off… They've surpassed the level of humans now.
So did you get it out of your system? Don't act so complacent.
The only reason why you're not dead is because we're going easy on you! I'm holding back my irresistible urge to kill you! About that… Let me go.
Just let me go.
You've got balls… My hatred just grew a hundred times bigger.
So you hate me that much? Yeah.
Why are you provoking her so much? Choji… Do you remember what we were talking about before we got here? Huh? Luckily, HQ has a strategy using a guy who can see through the fakes.
HQ has a strategy? Uh-huh… But what about it? The strategy is to utilize Naruto's power.
Seems the sensory power Naruto obtained enables him to sense evil.
They haven't notified everyone about it yet.
Naruto's heading to each of the battlefields now with his Shadow Clones.
Hey! Shikamaru! What are you rambling about?! Sorry.
This is one time I'm going by intuition.
But I have a feeling it'll be soon.
The third reason why we don't need to fight directly… Knowing him, he's definitely going to find this place.
I'm just betting on that.
– What?! – What?! Mister Inoichi! You were right! I went toward a pitch-black aura of evil and there was a giant barrier! Leave the rest to us, Naruto! As long as we know where they are, we can save Shikamaru and the others! Right, Shikaku? Naruto, I'll leave you to deal with the barrier.
All right… I get it.
You kept provoking them to make it possible for him to sense their malice.
You had faith that Naruto would pick it up.
No doubt about it, you guys are strong.
But you made the same mistake again.
We aren't fighting alone.
We have comrades who rescued us when we were in a difficult situation.
That's why when we're in a difficult situation now, we can have faith that they'll come to help us! We know that as long as we stand firm, there's always hope.
That's the bond between comrades.
That's what beat you guys! The last time… and this time too! We haven't lost yet! You can't break or stop this power! It's impossible! Shikamaru! Yeah! Good, we're connected! Release! You're…! That brat from last time! Ridiculous! He tore apart the barrier from the outside?! This is bad, Sakon.
If the barrier is broken, our souls will… Before that, let's get our revenge on this guy at least! Nothing is born out of vengeance… Our…souls! The influence of the dead's desire for revenge on the Curse Mark… Well, the data I collected was worth it.
I think pretty soon I'll be able to put him out into the battlefield… And when that happens… all these opening acts will mean nothing.
This time, I was able to use the enemy's evil intent to our advantage, but the malice of war is spreading like wildfire… I have to put an end to this quickly.
Are you okay Neji? My eyes have recovered considerably, but I still have a lot of blind spots.
Please rest assured.
Until your eyes heal completely, I'll protect you, Neji… The way you protected me back then.
When I protected you? This was back when Sasuke was still in the village.
Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "The Heart's Eye" I've always wanted to tell you, to let you know.
THE HEART'S EYE Tune in again!
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