Naruto: Shippuden (2007) s14e19 Episode Script

Sorrowful Sun Showers

The Sad Sun Shower Forehead, forehead, forehead! Geez! Don't make fun! Snow? Kon kon kon.
It's snowing, kon! Yota seems to like you.
Your forehead, that is.
Listen, you… What is it? Kon kon kon! Kon kon kon! Kon kon kon? Geez… I wanted to give him flowers I put together from our shop, but Sasuke just ignored me and left.
So sad.
Poor Ino.
Poor Ino.
Yota… You're nice, so I'll give you one! Ino is so bold… to behave that way with Sasuke… Are you having fun, Sakura? If Sakura is having fun, Yota is happy too.
Sakura… Happy about what? Oh… It's nothing, Ino.
Yota is so fickle.
When he's sad, it rains… When he's happy, it snows.
WEATHER FOR SALE Those flowers… Did Yota come…? To the village…?! You mustn't do that, Yota.
You're supposed to be a secret from the village.
If you're discovered, there's gonna be trouble.
No one saw you, right? Yup, no one saw me.
Are you sure? Just one…weird kid.
Who?! He was the only one outside during lunch… sitting on the metal pole.
Metal pole? Was it Naruto? Could it be… that boy? Oh, I know which one! He's always alone and looks angry.
Really? He sorta smiles at me.
He's weird.
Maybe he likes you? What?! Cut it out! Did Naruto notice you? Probably… I dunno.
Listen, Yota.
Don't go into the village ever again.
If you're discovered, we might have to part ways.
I don't want that! I don't want to be apart from Sakura! Just Sakura? Thank you, Yota.
Wasn't that funny though? Sasuke who always acts so cool… looked like a flower garden.
So does this mean we have to fight Yota? It's like the time with Asuma.
In order to seal him… we have to fight! But how? Can we beat Yota's weather? How would I know? Come to think of it… We don't know anything about Yota.
How can we…? Connect me with Sakura! Huh?! All right… Sakura! Sakura, can you hear me?! Ino?! Sorry, I'm in the middle of something right now! Do you remember? You must! About Yota! Wait, I'm… facing that Yota right now! What's going on?! Over here too! Yota's really mad.
What?! How come Yota's by you guys too? Three Yotas? What's going on? Who are…you? Huh? Hold on! You're…Yota? Are you Yota? Yota! Huh? Hey, where'd you put Yota? Interrogating him won't do.
Naruto, you know, right? Well… You saw something, right? You didn't see him? That… If I didn't see him, how could I have seen him? You're pretty shrewd, aren't you? Why are you guys so impressed?! Come with me! Hey, what is it? Where did you put Yota?! Huh? Yota? You met him in the Academy schoolyard the other day, didn't you? The only one who knows Yota besides us is you! You met Yota, didn't you? You told everyone, didn't you?! Who's Yota? He was a lost kid near the village.
We felt sorry for him, so we took care of him.
But when we came here today, everything was a mess and Yota was gone! Then he's an outsider? Oh… Why would you protect an outsider, but still look at me with those eyes?! Hey! What a thing to say! He's so cocky.
Maybe we questioned him too hard when we don't even have proof… If he really doesn't know anything… Damn it! Why is it always me? I'm lost… You… Are you… Hey, hey! What is it? What's wrong?! What's the matter? I'm scared.
What's your name? I'm Yota! So you're Yota, after all! Sun showers? Is this…your jutsu? Wow… Like I can't even do Clone Jutsu or Transformation Jutsu and Iruka Sensei is always scolding me.
You're an outsider, but everyone likes you… Yet when it comes to me… I know you! You were doing…fuu fuu fuu.
You were sitting on the metal pole the other day and whistling.
Teach me how.
I want to whistle too.
When you whistled, you weren't alone… You cheered up.
I wasn't.
I was pretending…by whistling.
Then I'll try pretending too.
Look, you have everyone… You… Please teach me… Sure… Watch me… First, you just blow without pursing your lips.
Then slowly pucker up.
Make wind sounds… Like "fuuu"! He's…happy.
So his happiness turns into wind.
Say… Fr-i-e-nd.
You're my friend! Hey, there he is! That kid! Hey wait! No! That brat, not again! Yota! I don't like dogs! What did you do to Yota, you guys?! I don't know! I was walking Akamaru… and I saw him.
Then thunder started rumbling everywhere.
It's his doing, right? Oh, it's him! Yota…! When Yota gets mad, he makes thunder?! Go! There, there… One, two… three, four… five, six… seven, eight… nine, ten, eleven, twelve… thirteen, fourteen, fifteen… I'm with you, Naruto.
Don't be silly, Yota.
If you stay with me, he'll find me right away.
Hey, stop it! Don't act so happy.
The weather will change and he'll know where we are! Naruto's mad… Oh no! Stupid Yota! Go away! Shoo! Ninety-eight, ninety-nine… One hundred! Found you, Naruto.
Damn it! That Yota… Is there someone who'll kick the can to save me? Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, Akamaru and Sakura! Yota's the only one left.
Yota… Yota is crying… Yota! Yota! We are taking him into custody.
He will be kept under strict observation and interrogated.
But Yota isn't like that…! Other than members of the Hidden Leaf, no one is allowed around the village borders without authorization.
You will also be summoned in time.
Until then, go back home and remain there.
Yota… Yota is my… That was the start of our parting with Yota.
And we allowed… Yota to die… Get a grip, Yota! It's all right now! It's time for me to go.
What are you talking about? From now on, we're… I'll never forget about you guys.
But you guys will forget about me.
Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "Lingering Snow" There's no way I could forget you! LINGERING SNOW Tune in again!
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