NCIS: Origins (2024) s01e11 Episode Script
Flight of Icarus
OLDER GIBBS: The man in charge.
The hours he keeps.
The pride he takes.
The orders he gives.
The rules he follows.
The ones he breaks.
The giants he topples.
The man in charge.
Aw, hell.
The burdens he bears.
Your shoe guy will know
what to do, right?
Man's a professional.
Last time I took them in,
he said they were on their deathbed.
Why don't you wear your black ones?
Those are special occasion boots.
I can't work in those.
[CLEARS THROAT] Well, you got
plenty of others in the garage.
In that box?
Those are castoffs. I rejected them.
Look at them.
They're perfect.
Genuine Nile crocodile leather.
This one just needs a little glue
and some stitching, that's all.
Tell me you'll take it
to your guy. Please.
Just say it.
Okay, I'll take it to my guy.
HELEN: Don't go worrying about
me or the ranch.
MASON: You like them?
I ain't never taking them off.
MASON: Morning, Mikey.
I overslept.
- I'm doing it.
- What's that?
I'm doing what you said.
I'm covering the morning chores
as soon as I find my boots.
Oh, my night was fantastic,
thanks for asking.
Nancy Caplan?
Oh, Mikey, she is one hell of
a woman and twice on Sundays.
That's enough of that.
Sorry, Mama.
- Morning, Mama.
- Don't go filling
my baby's head with that nonsense.
Oh, come on, he's 21, not 12.
Speaking of,
happy birthday.
It was three weeks ago.
Sorry it's late, darling.
Your brother and me were
saving up for something special.
You gonna stare at it all day
or open it? Come on.
Yeah, I tossed your
old boots in the trash.
These ones are genuine textured
Nile crocodile leather.
Got a dark mahogany stacked heel,
single-stitched welt outsole.
Really ain't gonna find a
better boot in all of Texas.
Perfect fit.
You like them?
I ain't never taking them off.
Captain Cameron Reid, 28.
Infantry officer for the 5th Marines.
Single gunshot wound to the head.
Bullet's stuck in the wall.
I'll get it to Woody, see what
he can tell us about the murder weapon.
[WHISPERS]: Shoes.
FRANKS: That's it?
What else we got? Probie.
I'm taking pictures, boss.
He's doing a very thorough job.
[WHISPERS]: He's taking
way too many pictures,
but I'm just trying
to get him comfortable.
You know? First time.
Any sign of forced entry?
No. Doesn't look like anything
was stolen, either.
Neighbors heard a gunshot
at 07, called 911.
Door was unlocked
when Oceanside PD showed up.
There was a bunch of cops
in the hallway earlier
talking to the neighbors,
if you want to coordinate.
They finally moved their damn squads
so I could get my gurney through, but
Just a statement. I mean no ill will.
You been here a while, then?
Long enough.
That's some uncharacteristic footwear.
Zero interest in talking about it.
Victim was shot at close range.
Entry point: the right temple,
exited through the left.
Bullet is definitely small caliber.
Hold it there.
TANGO: Based on body positioning,
direction of
the blood spatter, my guess:
he was sitting on the edge of the chair,
shooter walks in, discharged the weapon,
walked out with it, victim fell
forward onto the floor.
LALA: The bruising on his eye?
Previous injury.
He's also got some on his knuckles.
FRANKS: He brawled with somebody.
Looks that way, but
like I said, those injuries are
about a week old.
You want help getting him into the bag?
No, I got it.
Let's flip him first.
Probie, get your ass over here
with that camera.
Murder weapon.
FRANKS: Chief.
Muzzle burn around the entry wound,
direction of blood spatter,
position of the weapon
This wasn't a murder.
Poor kid offed himself.
Damn it.
You got to be
[SIGHS] Where
- Crime scene's wrapped up.
- Yeah.
Dominguez notify the family?
Yeah. She took Randy.
What's going on over there?
I think I lost the flash.
Did you see it at the crime scene?
Lala's gonna kill me.
"Respect the accessories."
She said that to me like 20 times.
This case shaking out to be a suicide
Boss, come on. [SCOFFS]
You can't throw a rock
without hitting something
that's too close to home for me.
Hey, blue eyes.
RANDY: Boss?
You're not gonna believe this.
We were tracking down the next of kin
Cameron Reid's father is Alexander Reid.
Lieutenant General Reid?
From the Battle of Khafji?
Yep. Certified war hero,
three stars and counting.
Nicknamed "Alexander
the Great," but with solely
a positive connotation
- that's the one.
- You talked to him?
they-they wouldn't let us in to see him.
His people said he got the message,
and he's heading here to
"follow up with our superiors."
Gibbs, what are you doing?
Why didn't you put
anything on the board yet?
What's there to put up?
We know it's a suicide.
No, we still investigate, dude.
It's called a "death
investigation," and it's like
How would you explain
the difference, boss?
Rando, give me your loafers.
Reid's coming in for a sit-down.
Wheeler's gonna call me into it.
I can't sit across from
a three-star general
in my mowing Reeboks.
LALA: Feel free to keep them.
He's got three more pairs in his locker.
Yeah, whatever you need.
Boss, what do you want on the board?
Same as always, probie.
We owe the family answers.
They deserve to know why
their person ain't here no more.
BLEEDING]" by Bob Dylan playing]
Get to the house round back.
[ECHOES]: Keep Ma inside.
Darkness at the break of noon ♪
Shadows even the silver spoon ♪
The handmade blade,
the child's balloon ♪
Eclipses both the sun and moon ♪
To understand you know too soon ♪
There is no sense in trying ♪
Pointed threats,
they bluff with scorn ♪
Suicide remarks are torn ♪
From the fool's gold
mouthpiece the hollow horn ♪
Plays wasted words, proves to warn ♪
That he not busy being born
is busy dying ♪
MASON: Count's off.
Latch up on the north gate was busted.
Couple cows must have gotten
out, you know, gone grazing.
- Something like that.
How many we missing?
Three cows.
Plus a calf.
Radio said some weather's coming in.
Let's saddle up,
see if we can find them before it hits.
It's all right.
I'll get them back to you,
you know, just
once they're broken in.
Come on.
But it's all right, Ma ♪
It's life and life only. ♪
Are you wearing Randy's shoes right now?
Alexander the Great.
Lieutenant General Reid, Cliff Wheeler,
special agent in charge.
I'm terribly sorry for your loss.
Thank you, Special Agent Wheeler.
Please, follow me.
You're leading the investigation?
Uh, Special Agent Franks is
running point in the field, yes,
but I'm overseeing as a whole,
so you can contact me directly
whenever necessary.
It's easy for details
to get lost in translation.
I believe that.
Makes sense.
I also don't like reading.
I'm with you there, too.
That's what I'll need from you
now and moving forward,
until we're both satisfied this is done.
Can you commit to that,
Special Agent Franks?
I can.
Thank you.
Sir, if you'd like us to go over
the specifics that we've compiled
That's what I just asked him to do.
A neighbor of your son
heard a shot and called it in.
We arrived to find him deceased,
in his apartment,
with what appeared to be
a self-inflicted gunshot wound
to the head.
Where was he found?
Living room.
We believe he was sitting in his chair.
Fell to the floor in front of it.
We found the weapon beneath him.
The autopsy?
The official report
hasn't come back yet.
You're treating this as
a routine death investigation?
We owe you answers about your son.
We intend to get them.
I want this treated
as a homicide investigation.
we'll go where the evidence takes us,
but so far, we've seen
no signs of foul play.
My son didn't kill himself.
My son wouldn't kill himself.
No, I don't think you do.
I taught him how to swing a bat.
I held him in my arms when he was sick.
I saw him become the man he is.
I know him. You don't.
You don't.
Get to know him, Agent Franks.
And then deliver me the person
who shot him in the head
while he was sitting in his chair.
Yes, sir.
You see this a lot?
Victim commits suicide,
family doesn't believe it?
Sometimes, yeah, yeah.
All we can do is deliver the facts.
You know, how and why the person did it.
But with the general,
how could you ever tell
that guy he's wrong?
Huh. Out to lunch?
Never seen that before.
What, they don't eat?
I don't know. They're always here.
Hey, you know, it's funny
that you should mention food.
Because I've been meaning
to, uh [GROANS]
How would you feel about going,
like, s-say, out to dinner?
With you?
Uh, I-I mean, uh, yeah, sure,
I mean, I would love
to grab a bite with you,
but I meant,
um, Junie has this friend, Amanda.
She's really sweet.
She's got a great sense of humor.
She's-she's a teacher.
Um, I think you'd really like her.
I'm, uh
Yeah, maybe, maybe not. Copy.
So, it doesn't
The heck is this?
Phil has you waiting out here?
Come on, Phil.
Oh, come on
It's not even a good sign, Phil.
Come on!
Hey, Phil!
What the hell do you think you're doing?
I put out chairs. It was your idea.
No, it was Michael Franks' idea,
and it was a good one.
Why are you abusing it, Phil?
Saying that we're out to lunch?
We both already ate.
Well, how do I know you weren't
out having a second lunch?
WOODY: I was at the ATF!
Hey, we don't mean to bother you.
We're just looking for
any supporting docs you have
on the Cameron Reid case.
Yeah, that's why I was down at the ATF.
Weapon was registered to Cameron?
No clue. I put in a request to find out.
The ATF moves quicker
if you pressure them in person.
But I was able to turn
the screws a little bit,
and I got them to guarantee
they would get us
the registration in two weeks.
They do it faster for me.
What about the weapon?
Two sets of prints so far,
one from your victim, one unknown.
Really? One unknown, huh?
And, uh, just so you know,
the GSR test came back negative.
There was no gunshot
residue on his hand?
If you track the stats,
though, that's not uncommon.
In half the cases of known
suicides, we don't find residue.
No. No GSR, no problem.
Your victim still could've
pulled the trigger.
But there's a chance he didn't.
No residue don't mean nothing.
Neighbors didn't see nothing.
All they heard was a bang.
No forced entry.
Everything still pointing to suicide.
Uh, there was also another set
of prints on the weapon.
I mean, the bruising on
Cameron's eye was recent, right?
Somebody was angry enough to punch him.
Could be same guy was
mad enough to kill him.
[SIGHS]: Mmm.
Is that the last slice
of Kowalski's sourdough?
- Yes.
Damn it, Mary Jo.
What else do we know about this guy?
Our victim, Randy.
Oh, I got the neighbors'
statement from the police.
No help there.
KOWALSKI: Hey, Sure-foot.
You filled this out wrong.
Nah, it's all there.
Yeah, is it legible?
Looks like it was done by a chicken
with some kind of disease.
Hey, you're the man in charge here.
You should be setting
an example for these kids.
Come on.
LALA: Back to Cameron Reid.
Few months ago, he was prepping his team
for deployment in Somalia.
He already saw some action
in Desert Storm.
He got some commendations
that weren't necessarily
warranted based on the report.
You think his dad was pulling
strings to get him recognized?
That could make somebody very angry.
Yeah, but
Mary Jo, coffee's off.
Hang on a minute, sir.
Coffee tastes like crap.
Tish called. She said your boots
are a lost cause.
WHEELER: Franks.
General wants you in his office
first thing tomorrow for a briefing.
I ain't ready to brief him, Cliff.
You got to stall him for me.
Yeah, I can't. 0800. And don't be late.
No pressure.
- What else do we know about this guy?
- The general?
- No, the victim, Randy.
- Oh, um
GIBBS: I tracked down some
info on the fight he was in.
Happened last Saturday
down on the beach.
MPs showed up, but when they realized
who Cameron's father was,
they didn't write him up.
What about the guy he was fighting with?
And the whole thing was dropped.
They never got a name.
Boss, you really thinking
this wasn't a suicide?
I'm thinking I'm gonna
go back to the crime scene
and give it another look.
Give that to Kowalski, will ya?
MASON [ECHOES]: Get to the house.
Keep Ma inside.
This? It's a mistake.
I'm gonna fix it.
I rode all the way down to the creek.
Couldn't find no sign of them.
[SIGHS] Did you actually stop and look
or just clop around like a madman?
There ain't no way
they hopped that fence.
Got to use your powers of deduction.
Oh! There they are. I see them.
All three plus the calf,
right by the creek. [SCOFFS]
Probably rode right past them.
Get to the house round back.
- Keep Ma inside.
- Yah!
MAN: First notice was mailed back.
Return to sender.
MASON: Ah, I guess you got
the wrong house.
No, the address is right.
[CHUCKLES] You need to prove it.
Don't you? You got something
with my name on it.
Come on, let's see it.
You're hereby ordered for
induction into the armed forces.
In case the words aren't clear to you,
it means you've been drafted.
Name's right up top.
Michael Aaron Franks.
- Let me see it.
- Don't worry about it.
I heard him say my name.
I want to see it.
I said don't worry about it.
Mason, wh-what am I gonna tell Mom?
You're gonna say nothing
because I'm gonna fix it.
Hey, hey, look at me.
This? It's a mistake.
And I'm gonna fix it.
I'll figure something out.
- What?
- They are not sending you to Vietnam.
You hear?
A-Are you a cop?
Federal agent. Can I help you?
I heard you come in.
The walls are thin.
My husband and me live next door.
The man living here is dead?
Did the police come by
and talk to y'all about it?
We don't answer the door
when people knock.
But the walls are very thin.
Did you hear something?
Ma'am, it's okay.
What'd you hear?
Usually, he was in here alone.
Day before yesterday,
I heard another person with him.
A man.
He sounded drunk.
They were arguing?
I heard the drunk one say
he was coming back with a gun.
Agent Franks, right this way.
Can I get you some coffee, tea?
I'm fine. Thank you.
Have a seat. General Reid
will be with you shortly.
Proud day for us both.
The Basic School graduation.
Where are you with a suspect list?
Sir, all the hard evidence we have
still points to your son
taking his own life,
but there are other elements
we're following up on.
So, no suspect yet,
but you do have questions.
You have questions for me?
Your son was involved in an altercation
at the beach last week.
If he had reason to take
a swing, he doesn't hold back.
That's how he is.
He was released without a report.
We don't know who he was fighting with.
He was released because of me?
Sir, did you make a call?
Agent Franks, I don't make calls
on my son's behalf.
People treat him a certain way
because he's my son.
I can't change that.
Someone came to visit your son
at his apartment on Monday.
You know who that might've been?
He didn't mention it to me.
That's all I have for you
this morning, sir.
When my wife died,
my my son was devastated.
We both were.
He was 16.
Three days later, he had written down
every funny story
he could remember about her.
There was one about her
slicing radishes.
We were [LAUGHS]
we were laughing so hard,
we couldn't breathe.
He always had a smile on his face.
Even three days after she died.
He didn't kill himself.
Yes, sir.
A list of people he interacted with.
My staff helped me compile
their whereabouts
and any history they had with my son.
I want you to look into them.
Question them all.
Get me answers, Agent Franks.
MASON: Get in the truck, Mike.
- Damn it, get in!
- I ain't going.
I said I ain't going!
You get in this truck,
and you drive straight south,
you hear me?
You're looking for
the Henderson brothers.
Their mama says they're
right across the border.
I ain't like the Hendersons.
You're doing what I say.
The Hendersons don't care
if they can't come back!
- Damn it, Mike
- You dodge the draft,
you can never come back!
They'll arrest you if you try!
I could never come home!
I can't be here knowing you're
off dying in some rice paddy.
This ain't your choice to make.
Look, Franks should know better.
He should hold himself
to a higher standard.
I mean, look at this.
I told him to fix it.
This is what he had his
minion hand back to me.
Is that supposed to be an "R"?
Come on.
Honey, you need to unwind.
Tell you what.
I'm having Millie and her dad
over for dinner again this weekend.
You should come by.
Millie? The sweet kid
we had here a while back?
That girl could put a smile on
your face without even trying.
- Lala.
- LALA: Hmm?
Love letter from Dr. Tango.
- Thanks, lady.
- You're welcome.
So, yes or no, you coming?
Autopsy report.
Official cause of death:
gunshot wound to the head
"consistent with suicide."
Good call bringing in your lunch.
There's nothing but crumbs
of bread in that kitchen.
Randy wants me to have dinner
with one of Junie's friends.
That's nice.
Who is she?
- She's just
Two days before Cameron died,
neighbors heard a drunk guy
at his place.
Said he was coming back with a gun.
Autopsy report says,
"consistent with suicide."
Uh, that's Tango's picture.
We got to paint our own.
General gave us a list
of his son's associates.
Where's Randy?
Herm brought in Gary Callahan,
so he took 15 minutes to go pet him.
Wow, these are pretty thorough, huh?
He's got, like, their whole life story.
Hey, boss, Gary Callahan's here
if you want to pet him.
Much as I'd like to, Rando,
we got to comb through,
get these folks in for an interview.
Come on, let's get this place jumping!
Find out what these folks
know about Cameron.
If any of them might've known
someone who wanted him dead.
Cameron, was a really good guy.
We dated for almost five months,
but I think I started to realize
I was never gonna be able
to make him happy.
FREDDIE: I met him at Quantico.
We weren't close.
People always talked about him
'cause of who he is.
We got into it at
the beach last weekend.
He was wasted.
And he started calling me
"dumbass" for no reason.
MPs showed up, and then
I told them who Cameron's dad was
so they wouldn't write us up.
MARSHA: His mother
Linda was a dear friend.
After she passed, I [SIGHS]
I tried to make a point
to stay in Cameron's life.
MARY JO: Can I help you?
I got called in for an interview
about Cameron Reid.
I'm a friend of his.
- What's your name?
- Nicholas Barnes.
There you are. You're early.
You mind waiting?
Great. Fill this out,
have a seat over there,
and someone will be with you.
LINDSAY: He was just back from
being deployed when I met him,
and we would go out, and
[LAUGHS]: he was so hilarious.
But sometimes, he just
shut down,
cried even.
He said he was thinking about
how things were in Kuwait.
It was like he was
calling me out for no reason.
It was like he wanted me to hit him.
He always remembered my birthday.
Such a kind heart.
I told him it didn't matter
if he was a
Marine or a plumber,
his mother would've been proud.
But I don't think he heard me.
- Luke Fletcher?
- Yeah.
With me.
LUKE: Well, I didn't have any
direct contact with your victim,
but someone from your office called,
and they said they found
our flier on his counter.
We've been doing a lot of outreach.
He didn't like to talk about it,
but I think with your dad being so
How could you ever live up to that?
Are you gonna tell the general
that I punched his kid?
I knew I shouldn't have hit him.
People talk about him.
I knew he probably had,
like, other stuff going on.
I don't think he ever felt like
he could tell me anything
on a real level.
If he was depressed,
I wish he would've felt like
he could come to me.
Maybe we could set up some sort
of direct line between you
Well, your cases and our support groups.
Most people, they think they're okay.
They bury things deep,
and they try to forget.
They don't even realize
how much talking can help.
I know it did for me.
Nicholas Barnes?
Come this way, please.
Special Agent Franks. Nice to meet you.
No need to be nervous.
We're just gathering some info.
I changed my mind.
Is there a problem, son?
- I changed my mind.
- Whoa.
We keep them doors locked.
Nick Barnes, seems like
you might have something
to tell me about my case, is that right?
See what I did there?
I asked you about it, you didn't answer.
So if you walk out of here
with something relevant,
and I turn around
and I find out about it,
well, that that is
obstruction of justice.
So, why don't you and I sit down
and we have ourselves a little chat.
- I wasn't trying to run away.
- Really?
He told me you were.
He usually doesn't lie.
RANDY: I love it when
Franks takes her in.
It's like "good cop, bad cop,"
but in the opposite way
that you'd expect.
- She's the bad cop, huh?
- Oh, yeah.
LALA: Nick Barnes.
Says you're a good friend of Cameron's,
you met in grade school,
and the last time you saw him was
Monday night at his apartment.
That was two days before he died.
I went over there to hang out.
You were what? Drinking, watching TV?
You remember telling him
you were gonna come back with a gun?
The walls in that building are
super thin, apparently.
FRANKS: Son, getting this off your chest
is the only thing gonna make it better.
Why don't you tell us what happened.
Here we go. This is silent treatment.
Into the big bang!
'Kay, I'm done.
Let's get the info another way.
Let's add "obstruction"
to whatever you did.
- I didn't do anything.
- Then what happened, man?
He asked me to come hang out, so I did.
He said he was gonna be
leaving for Somalia soon.
He didn't want to go.
Because he thought it
was gonna be like Kuwait,
or worse.
He asked to buy my gun.
I was confused because I knew
the Marines would
give him one for Somalia.
But he said he wanted it for his place,
for before he left.
He said some people
in the building got robbed.
So I told him I'd come back with it.
Your gun?
I brought it to him that night.
He gave me 200 for it.
I didn't believe the thing
about people getting robbed,
but I wanted the cash.
I was gonna go gambling.
And that was the last time you saw him?
I gave him the gun,
and I left for Vegas.
I could tell he was off.
I shouldn't have given it to him.
He wouldn't have been able to do it
if I didn't give him that gun.
You believe him?
FRANKS: Kid's story checks.
He was in Vegas
when Cameron Reid was shot.
The other prints on the weapon were his.
If you have anything that could suggest
foul play here, like, anything
- that we could still
- We talked to everybody
within a hundred-mile radius
of this thing.
There ain't no foul play.
Well, the general won't accept it.
His only son decides
he'd rather kill himself
than deploy to Somalia?
It's bigger than that, Cliff.
Sir, I believe
I've gotten to know your son.
Gotten to know quite a bit about him.
I know he had a keen sense of humor.
That he was good and kind.
I know on the last night of his life,
he got his place in order.
He folded his laundry.
Washed the dishes in his sink
so you wouldn't have to.
He admired you.
Sometimes that's the hardest thing.
Telling the man that you look up to
the man that you have loved
since forever
telling him no.
- Damn it, get in!
- I ain't going. I ain't.
Telling him that you ain't got it in you
to do what he expects.
- I said I ain't going!
- Come here!
You get in this truck.
You dodge the draft,
you can never come back!
MASON: I can't be here knowing
you're off dying
in some rice paddy.
This ain't your choice to make.
You say a thing like that to the
man that you admire the most,
it could end up breaking you both.
YOUNG FRANKS: I got to go, Mama.
Hey, Mikey, here's your boots.
Got them broken in for you.
So, you're really going
through with this?
- Told you I was.
- You're a stubborn ass.
You would know.
Then I'm going with you.
Mason, what? You-you can't.
My-my mind's made up.
My bag's in the truck.
- But what about Ma
- I already talked to Mama.
She's gonna hire some extra
ranch hands while we're gone.
Get up.
If we're doing this,
we're doing it right.
You and I, we ain't Army men.
We're going Marines.
Saddle up.
FRANKS: General Reid,
I wish things could've ended
different for your son.
I know you wish you could go back
and change what he felt.
Change what he done.
Change him feeling
like he needed to go.
But he made his choice.
And there ain't nothing
we can do to take it back.
No matter how much we want to.
I'm sorry for your loss.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Franks said to give you these.
He just got back from
talking to the general.
I thought he was gonna keep them.
[CHUCKLES]: They looked good on him.
He said he had some other boots
in the garage or something.
That friend of Junie that
you're setting Gibbs up with
Yeah, it's-it's not gonna happen.
He said he's not ready.
Well, whenever he is,
just make sure whoever she is,
she's good.
I mean, like, good enough for him.
BLEEDING]" by Bob Dylan playing]
OLDER GIBBS: The man in charge.
I think about him
a lot these days.
Darkness at the break of noon ♪
Shadows even the silver spoon ♪
Back then,
I thought about him, too.
The child's balloon
eclipses both the sun and moon ♪
To understand you know too soon ♪
There is no sense in trying ♪
I thought about how he managed
to be the way he was
and what I'd have to do
to be like him.
Pointed threats ♪
I thought about
the hours he kept.
Remarks are torn ♪
From the fool's gold mouthpiece ♪
The pride he took.
The orders he gave.
The rules he followed.
The ones he broke.
The giants he toppled.
He did all that with one hand
while he was carrying
some pretty heavy burdens
with the other.
Watch waterfalls of pity roar ♪
You feel to moan ♪
You discover that you'd just
be one more person crying ♪
Good news.
I took them to three other shops.
Got us a better boot guy.
What do you think?
- I ain't never taking them off.
Every case was a burden
that he piled on top of his own.
The problems he saw in your eyes,
he'd take those on, too.
And somehow, every morning,
he'd stroll in
ready to take on more.
Ready to push the team ahead.
And I looked at all that,
and I thought
maybe one day I could figure out
how to fill those boots.
It's all right, Ma ♪
It's life and life only. ♪
What do we got?
OLDER GIBBS: The man in charge.
The hours he keeps.
The pride he takes.
The orders he gives.
The rules he follows.
The ones he breaks.
The giants he topples.
The man in charge.
Aw, hell.
The burdens he bears.
Your shoe guy will know
what to do, right?
Man's a professional.
Last time I took them in,
he said they were on their deathbed.
Why don't you wear your black ones?
Those are special occasion boots.
I can't work in those.
[CLEARS THROAT] Well, you got
plenty of others in the garage.
In that box?
Those are castoffs. I rejected them.
Look at them.
They're perfect.
Genuine Nile crocodile leather.
This one just needs a little glue
and some stitching, that's all.
Tell me you'll take it
to your guy. Please.
Just say it.
Okay, I'll take it to my guy.
HELEN: Don't go worrying about
me or the ranch.
MASON: You like them?
I ain't never taking them off.
MASON: Morning, Mikey.
I overslept.
- I'm doing it.
- What's that?
I'm doing what you said.
I'm covering the morning chores
as soon as I find my boots.
Oh, my night was fantastic,
thanks for asking.
Nancy Caplan?
Oh, Mikey, she is one hell of
a woman and twice on Sundays.
That's enough of that.
Sorry, Mama.
- Morning, Mama.
- Don't go filling
my baby's head with that nonsense.
Oh, come on, he's 21, not 12.
Speaking of,
happy birthday.
It was three weeks ago.
Sorry it's late, darling.
Your brother and me were
saving up for something special.
You gonna stare at it all day
or open it? Come on.
Yeah, I tossed your
old boots in the trash.
These ones are genuine textured
Nile crocodile leather.
Got a dark mahogany stacked heel,
single-stitched welt outsole.
Really ain't gonna find a
better boot in all of Texas.
Perfect fit.
You like them?
I ain't never taking them off.
Captain Cameron Reid, 28.
Infantry officer for the 5th Marines.
Single gunshot wound to the head.
Bullet's stuck in the wall.
I'll get it to Woody, see what
he can tell us about the murder weapon.
[WHISPERS]: Shoes.
FRANKS: That's it?
What else we got? Probie.
I'm taking pictures, boss.
He's doing a very thorough job.
[WHISPERS]: He's taking
way too many pictures,
but I'm just trying
to get him comfortable.
You know? First time.
Any sign of forced entry?
No. Doesn't look like anything
was stolen, either.
Neighbors heard a gunshot
at 07, called 911.
Door was unlocked
when Oceanside PD showed up.
There was a bunch of cops
in the hallway earlier
talking to the neighbors,
if you want to coordinate.
They finally moved their damn squads
so I could get my gurney through, but
Just a statement. I mean no ill will.
You been here a while, then?
Long enough.
That's some uncharacteristic footwear.
Zero interest in talking about it.
Victim was shot at close range.
Entry point: the right temple,
exited through the left.
Bullet is definitely small caliber.
Hold it there.
TANGO: Based on body positioning,
direction of
the blood spatter, my guess:
he was sitting on the edge of the chair,
shooter walks in, discharged the weapon,
walked out with it, victim fell
forward onto the floor.
LALA: The bruising on his eye?
Previous injury.
He's also got some on his knuckles.
FRANKS: He brawled with somebody.
Looks that way, but
like I said, those injuries are
about a week old.
You want help getting him into the bag?
No, I got it.
Let's flip him first.
Probie, get your ass over here
with that camera.
Murder weapon.
FRANKS: Chief.
Muzzle burn around the entry wound,
direction of blood spatter,
position of the weapon
This wasn't a murder.
Poor kid offed himself.
Damn it.
You got to be
[SIGHS] Where
- Crime scene's wrapped up.
- Yeah.
Dominguez notify the family?
Yeah. She took Randy.
What's going on over there?
I think I lost the flash.
Did you see it at the crime scene?
Lala's gonna kill me.
"Respect the accessories."
She said that to me like 20 times.
This case shaking out to be a suicide
Boss, come on. [SCOFFS]
You can't throw a rock
without hitting something
that's too close to home for me.
Hey, blue eyes.
RANDY: Boss?
You're not gonna believe this.
We were tracking down the next of kin
Cameron Reid's father is Alexander Reid.
Lieutenant General Reid?
From the Battle of Khafji?
Yep. Certified war hero,
three stars and counting.
Nicknamed "Alexander
the Great," but with solely
a positive connotation
- that's the one.
- You talked to him?
they-they wouldn't let us in to see him.
His people said he got the message,
and he's heading here to
"follow up with our superiors."
Gibbs, what are you doing?
Why didn't you put
anything on the board yet?
What's there to put up?
We know it's a suicide.
No, we still investigate, dude.
It's called a "death
investigation," and it's like
How would you explain
the difference, boss?
Rando, give me your loafers.
Reid's coming in for a sit-down.
Wheeler's gonna call me into it.
I can't sit across from
a three-star general
in my mowing Reeboks.
LALA: Feel free to keep them.
He's got three more pairs in his locker.
Yeah, whatever you need.
Boss, what do you want on the board?
Same as always, probie.
We owe the family answers.
They deserve to know why
their person ain't here no more.
BLEEDING]" by Bob Dylan playing]
Get to the house round back.
[ECHOES]: Keep Ma inside.
Darkness at the break of noon ♪
Shadows even the silver spoon ♪
The handmade blade,
the child's balloon ♪
Eclipses both the sun and moon ♪
To understand you know too soon ♪
There is no sense in trying ♪
Pointed threats,
they bluff with scorn ♪
Suicide remarks are torn ♪
From the fool's gold
mouthpiece the hollow horn ♪
Plays wasted words, proves to warn ♪
That he not busy being born
is busy dying ♪
MASON: Count's off.
Latch up on the north gate was busted.
Couple cows must have gotten
out, you know, gone grazing.
- Something like that.
How many we missing?
Three cows.
Plus a calf.
Radio said some weather's coming in.
Let's saddle up,
see if we can find them before it hits.
It's all right.
I'll get them back to you,
you know, just
once they're broken in.
Come on.
But it's all right, Ma ♪
It's life and life only. ♪
Are you wearing Randy's shoes right now?
Alexander the Great.
Lieutenant General Reid, Cliff Wheeler,
special agent in charge.
I'm terribly sorry for your loss.
Thank you, Special Agent Wheeler.
Please, follow me.
You're leading the investigation?
Uh, Special Agent Franks is
running point in the field, yes,
but I'm overseeing as a whole,
so you can contact me directly
whenever necessary.
It's easy for details
to get lost in translation.
I believe that.
Makes sense.
I also don't like reading.
I'm with you there, too.
That's what I'll need from you
now and moving forward,
until we're both satisfied this is done.
Can you commit to that,
Special Agent Franks?
I can.
Thank you.
Sir, if you'd like us to go over
the specifics that we've compiled
That's what I just asked him to do.
A neighbor of your son
heard a shot and called it in.
We arrived to find him deceased,
in his apartment,
with what appeared to be
a self-inflicted gunshot wound
to the head.
Where was he found?
Living room.
We believe he was sitting in his chair.
Fell to the floor in front of it.
We found the weapon beneath him.
The autopsy?
The official report
hasn't come back yet.
You're treating this as
a routine death investigation?
We owe you answers about your son.
We intend to get them.
I want this treated
as a homicide investigation.
we'll go where the evidence takes us,
but so far, we've seen
no signs of foul play.
My son didn't kill himself.
My son wouldn't kill himself.
No, I don't think you do.
I taught him how to swing a bat.
I held him in my arms when he was sick.
I saw him become the man he is.
I know him. You don't.
You don't.
Get to know him, Agent Franks.
And then deliver me the person
who shot him in the head
while he was sitting in his chair.
Yes, sir.
You see this a lot?
Victim commits suicide,
family doesn't believe it?
Sometimes, yeah, yeah.
All we can do is deliver the facts.
You know, how and why the person did it.
But with the general,
how could you ever tell
that guy he's wrong?
Huh. Out to lunch?
Never seen that before.
What, they don't eat?
I don't know. They're always here.
Hey, you know, it's funny
that you should mention food.
Because I've been meaning
to, uh [GROANS]
How would you feel about going,
like, s-say, out to dinner?
With you?
Uh, I-I mean, uh, yeah, sure,
I mean, I would love
to grab a bite with you,
but I meant,
um, Junie has this friend, Amanda.
She's really sweet.
She's got a great sense of humor.
She's-she's a teacher.
Um, I think you'd really like her.
I'm, uh
Yeah, maybe, maybe not. Copy.
So, it doesn't
The heck is this?
Phil has you waiting out here?
Come on, Phil.
Oh, come on
It's not even a good sign, Phil.
Come on!
Hey, Phil!
What the hell do you think you're doing?
I put out chairs. It was your idea.
No, it was Michael Franks' idea,
and it was a good one.
Why are you abusing it, Phil?
Saying that we're out to lunch?
We both already ate.
Well, how do I know you weren't
out having a second lunch?
WOODY: I was at the ATF!
Hey, we don't mean to bother you.
We're just looking for
any supporting docs you have
on the Cameron Reid case.
Yeah, that's why I was down at the ATF.
Weapon was registered to Cameron?
No clue. I put in a request to find out.
The ATF moves quicker
if you pressure them in person.
But I was able to turn
the screws a little bit,
and I got them to guarantee
they would get us
the registration in two weeks.
They do it faster for me.
What about the weapon?
Two sets of prints so far,
one from your victim, one unknown.
Really? One unknown, huh?
And, uh, just so you know,
the GSR test came back negative.
There was no gunshot
residue on his hand?
If you track the stats,
though, that's not uncommon.
In half the cases of known
suicides, we don't find residue.
No. No GSR, no problem.
Your victim still could've
pulled the trigger.
But there's a chance he didn't.
No residue don't mean nothing.
Neighbors didn't see nothing.
All they heard was a bang.
No forced entry.
Everything still pointing to suicide.
Uh, there was also another set
of prints on the weapon.
I mean, the bruising on
Cameron's eye was recent, right?
Somebody was angry enough to punch him.
Could be same guy was
mad enough to kill him.
[SIGHS]: Mmm.
Is that the last slice
of Kowalski's sourdough?
- Yes.
Damn it, Mary Jo.
What else do we know about this guy?
Our victim, Randy.
Oh, I got the neighbors'
statement from the police.
No help there.
KOWALSKI: Hey, Sure-foot.
You filled this out wrong.
Nah, it's all there.
Yeah, is it legible?
Looks like it was done by a chicken
with some kind of disease.
Hey, you're the man in charge here.
You should be setting
an example for these kids.
Come on.
LALA: Back to Cameron Reid.
Few months ago, he was prepping his team
for deployment in Somalia.
He already saw some action
in Desert Storm.
He got some commendations
that weren't necessarily
warranted based on the report.
You think his dad was pulling
strings to get him recognized?
That could make somebody very angry.
Yeah, but
Mary Jo, coffee's off.
Hang on a minute, sir.
Coffee tastes like crap.
Tish called. She said your boots
are a lost cause.
WHEELER: Franks.
General wants you in his office
first thing tomorrow for a briefing.
I ain't ready to brief him, Cliff.
You got to stall him for me.
Yeah, I can't. 0800. And don't be late.
No pressure.
- What else do we know about this guy?
- The general?
- No, the victim, Randy.
- Oh, um
GIBBS: I tracked down some
info on the fight he was in.
Happened last Saturday
down on the beach.
MPs showed up, but when they realized
who Cameron's father was,
they didn't write him up.
What about the guy he was fighting with?
And the whole thing was dropped.
They never got a name.
Boss, you really thinking
this wasn't a suicide?
I'm thinking I'm gonna
go back to the crime scene
and give it another look.
Give that to Kowalski, will ya?
MASON [ECHOES]: Get to the house.
Keep Ma inside.
This? It's a mistake.
I'm gonna fix it.
I rode all the way down to the creek.
Couldn't find no sign of them.
[SIGHS] Did you actually stop and look
or just clop around like a madman?
There ain't no way
they hopped that fence.
Got to use your powers of deduction.
Oh! There they are. I see them.
All three plus the calf,
right by the creek. [SCOFFS]
Probably rode right past them.
Get to the house round back.
- Keep Ma inside.
- Yah!
MAN: First notice was mailed back.
Return to sender.
MASON: Ah, I guess you got
the wrong house.
No, the address is right.
[CHUCKLES] You need to prove it.
Don't you? You got something
with my name on it.
Come on, let's see it.
You're hereby ordered for
induction into the armed forces.
In case the words aren't clear to you,
it means you've been drafted.
Name's right up top.
Michael Aaron Franks.
- Let me see it.
- Don't worry about it.
I heard him say my name.
I want to see it.
I said don't worry about it.
Mason, wh-what am I gonna tell Mom?
You're gonna say nothing
because I'm gonna fix it.
Hey, hey, look at me.
This? It's a mistake.
And I'm gonna fix it.
I'll figure something out.
- What?
- They are not sending you to Vietnam.
You hear?
A-Are you a cop?
Federal agent. Can I help you?
I heard you come in.
The walls are thin.
My husband and me live next door.
The man living here is dead?
Did the police come by
and talk to y'all about it?
We don't answer the door
when people knock.
But the walls are very thin.
Did you hear something?
Ma'am, it's okay.
What'd you hear?
Usually, he was in here alone.
Day before yesterday,
I heard another person with him.
A man.
He sounded drunk.
They were arguing?
I heard the drunk one say
he was coming back with a gun.
Agent Franks, right this way.
Can I get you some coffee, tea?
I'm fine. Thank you.
Have a seat. General Reid
will be with you shortly.
Proud day for us both.
The Basic School graduation.
Where are you with a suspect list?
Sir, all the hard evidence we have
still points to your son
taking his own life,
but there are other elements
we're following up on.
So, no suspect yet,
but you do have questions.
You have questions for me?
Your son was involved in an altercation
at the beach last week.
If he had reason to take
a swing, he doesn't hold back.
That's how he is.
He was released without a report.
We don't know who he was fighting with.
He was released because of me?
Sir, did you make a call?
Agent Franks, I don't make calls
on my son's behalf.
People treat him a certain way
because he's my son.
I can't change that.
Someone came to visit your son
at his apartment on Monday.
You know who that might've been?
He didn't mention it to me.
That's all I have for you
this morning, sir.
When my wife died,
my my son was devastated.
We both were.
He was 16.
Three days later, he had written down
every funny story
he could remember about her.
There was one about her
slicing radishes.
We were [LAUGHS]
we were laughing so hard,
we couldn't breathe.
He always had a smile on his face.
Even three days after she died.
He didn't kill himself.
Yes, sir.
A list of people he interacted with.
My staff helped me compile
their whereabouts
and any history they had with my son.
I want you to look into them.
Question them all.
Get me answers, Agent Franks.
MASON: Get in the truck, Mike.
- Damn it, get in!
- I ain't going.
I said I ain't going!
You get in this truck,
and you drive straight south,
you hear me?
You're looking for
the Henderson brothers.
Their mama says they're
right across the border.
I ain't like the Hendersons.
You're doing what I say.
The Hendersons don't care
if they can't come back!
- Damn it, Mike
- You dodge the draft,
you can never come back!
They'll arrest you if you try!
I could never come home!
I can't be here knowing you're
off dying in some rice paddy.
This ain't your choice to make.
Look, Franks should know better.
He should hold himself
to a higher standard.
I mean, look at this.
I told him to fix it.
This is what he had his
minion hand back to me.
Is that supposed to be an "R"?
Come on.
Honey, you need to unwind.
Tell you what.
I'm having Millie and her dad
over for dinner again this weekend.
You should come by.
Millie? The sweet kid
we had here a while back?
That girl could put a smile on
your face without even trying.
- Lala.
- LALA: Hmm?
Love letter from Dr. Tango.
- Thanks, lady.
- You're welcome.
So, yes or no, you coming?
Autopsy report.
Official cause of death:
gunshot wound to the head
"consistent with suicide."
Good call bringing in your lunch.
There's nothing but crumbs
of bread in that kitchen.
Randy wants me to have dinner
with one of Junie's friends.
That's nice.
Who is she?
- She's just
Two days before Cameron died,
neighbors heard a drunk guy
at his place.
Said he was coming back with a gun.
Autopsy report says,
"consistent with suicide."
Uh, that's Tango's picture.
We got to paint our own.
General gave us a list
of his son's associates.
Where's Randy?
Herm brought in Gary Callahan,
so he took 15 minutes to go pet him.
Wow, these are pretty thorough, huh?
He's got, like, their whole life story.
Hey, boss, Gary Callahan's here
if you want to pet him.
Much as I'd like to, Rando,
we got to comb through,
get these folks in for an interview.
Come on, let's get this place jumping!
Find out what these folks
know about Cameron.
If any of them might've known
someone who wanted him dead.
Cameron, was a really good guy.
We dated for almost five months,
but I think I started to realize
I was never gonna be able
to make him happy.
FREDDIE: I met him at Quantico.
We weren't close.
People always talked about him
'cause of who he is.
We got into it at
the beach last weekend.
He was wasted.
And he started calling me
"dumbass" for no reason.
MPs showed up, and then
I told them who Cameron's dad was
so they wouldn't write us up.
MARSHA: His mother
Linda was a dear friend.
After she passed, I [SIGHS]
I tried to make a point
to stay in Cameron's life.
MARY JO: Can I help you?
I got called in for an interview
about Cameron Reid.
I'm a friend of his.
- What's your name?
- Nicholas Barnes.
There you are. You're early.
You mind waiting?
Great. Fill this out,
have a seat over there,
and someone will be with you.
LINDSAY: He was just back from
being deployed when I met him,
and we would go out, and
[LAUGHS]: he was so hilarious.
But sometimes, he just
shut down,
cried even.
He said he was thinking about
how things were in Kuwait.
It was like he was
calling me out for no reason.
It was like he wanted me to hit him.
He always remembered my birthday.
Such a kind heart.
I told him it didn't matter
if he was a
Marine or a plumber,
his mother would've been proud.
But I don't think he heard me.
- Luke Fletcher?
- Yeah.
With me.
LUKE: Well, I didn't have any
direct contact with your victim,
but someone from your office called,
and they said they found
our flier on his counter.
We've been doing a lot of outreach.
He didn't like to talk about it,
but I think with your dad being so
How could you ever live up to that?
Are you gonna tell the general
that I punched his kid?
I knew I shouldn't have hit him.
People talk about him.
I knew he probably had,
like, other stuff going on.
I don't think he ever felt like
he could tell me anything
on a real level.
If he was depressed,
I wish he would've felt like
he could come to me.
Maybe we could set up some sort
of direct line between you
Well, your cases and our support groups.
Most people, they think they're okay.
They bury things deep,
and they try to forget.
They don't even realize
how much talking can help.
I know it did for me.
Nicholas Barnes?
Come this way, please.
Special Agent Franks. Nice to meet you.
No need to be nervous.
We're just gathering some info.
I changed my mind.
Is there a problem, son?
- I changed my mind.
- Whoa.
We keep them doors locked.
Nick Barnes, seems like
you might have something
to tell me about my case, is that right?
See what I did there?
I asked you about it, you didn't answer.
So if you walk out of here
with something relevant,
and I turn around
and I find out about it,
well, that that is
obstruction of justice.
So, why don't you and I sit down
and we have ourselves a little chat.
- I wasn't trying to run away.
- Really?
He told me you were.
He usually doesn't lie.
RANDY: I love it when
Franks takes her in.
It's like "good cop, bad cop,"
but in the opposite way
that you'd expect.
- She's the bad cop, huh?
- Oh, yeah.
LALA: Nick Barnes.
Says you're a good friend of Cameron's,
you met in grade school,
and the last time you saw him was
Monday night at his apartment.
That was two days before he died.
I went over there to hang out.
You were what? Drinking, watching TV?
You remember telling him
you were gonna come back with a gun?
The walls in that building are
super thin, apparently.
FRANKS: Son, getting this off your chest
is the only thing gonna make it better.
Why don't you tell us what happened.
Here we go. This is silent treatment.
Into the big bang!
'Kay, I'm done.
Let's get the info another way.
Let's add "obstruction"
to whatever you did.
- I didn't do anything.
- Then what happened, man?
He asked me to come hang out, so I did.
He said he was gonna be
leaving for Somalia soon.
He didn't want to go.
Because he thought it
was gonna be like Kuwait,
or worse.
He asked to buy my gun.
I was confused because I knew
the Marines would
give him one for Somalia.
But he said he wanted it for his place,
for before he left.
He said some people
in the building got robbed.
So I told him I'd come back with it.
Your gun?
I brought it to him that night.
He gave me 200 for it.
I didn't believe the thing
about people getting robbed,
but I wanted the cash.
I was gonna go gambling.
And that was the last time you saw him?
I gave him the gun,
and I left for Vegas.
I could tell he was off.
I shouldn't have given it to him.
He wouldn't have been able to do it
if I didn't give him that gun.
You believe him?
FRANKS: Kid's story checks.
He was in Vegas
when Cameron Reid was shot.
The other prints on the weapon were his.
If you have anything that could suggest
foul play here, like, anything
- that we could still
- We talked to everybody
within a hundred-mile radius
of this thing.
There ain't no foul play.
Well, the general won't accept it.
His only son decides
he'd rather kill himself
than deploy to Somalia?
It's bigger than that, Cliff.
Sir, I believe
I've gotten to know your son.
Gotten to know quite a bit about him.
I know he had a keen sense of humor.
That he was good and kind.
I know on the last night of his life,
he got his place in order.
He folded his laundry.
Washed the dishes in his sink
so you wouldn't have to.
He admired you.
Sometimes that's the hardest thing.
Telling the man that you look up to
the man that you have loved
since forever
telling him no.
- Damn it, get in!
- I ain't going. I ain't.
Telling him that you ain't got it in you
to do what he expects.
- I said I ain't going!
- Come here!
You get in this truck.
You dodge the draft,
you can never come back!
MASON: I can't be here knowing
you're off dying
in some rice paddy.
This ain't your choice to make.
You say a thing like that to the
man that you admire the most,
it could end up breaking you both.
YOUNG FRANKS: I got to go, Mama.
Hey, Mikey, here's your boots.
Got them broken in for you.
So, you're really going
through with this?
- Told you I was.
- You're a stubborn ass.
You would know.
Then I'm going with you.
Mason, what? You-you can't.
My-my mind's made up.
My bag's in the truck.
- But what about Ma
- I already talked to Mama.
She's gonna hire some extra
ranch hands while we're gone.
Get up.
If we're doing this,
we're doing it right.
You and I, we ain't Army men.
We're going Marines.
Saddle up.
FRANKS: General Reid,
I wish things could've ended
different for your son.
I know you wish you could go back
and change what he felt.
Change what he done.
Change him feeling
like he needed to go.
But he made his choice.
And there ain't nothing
we can do to take it back.
No matter how much we want to.
I'm sorry for your loss.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Franks said to give you these.
He just got back from
talking to the general.
I thought he was gonna keep them.
[CHUCKLES]: They looked good on him.
He said he had some other boots
in the garage or something.
That friend of Junie that
you're setting Gibbs up with
Yeah, it's-it's not gonna happen.
He said he's not ready.
Well, whenever he is,
just make sure whoever she is,
she's good.
I mean, like, good enough for him.
BLEEDING]" by Bob Dylan playing]
OLDER GIBBS: The man in charge.
I think about him
a lot these days.
Darkness at the break of noon ♪
Shadows even the silver spoon ♪
Back then,
I thought about him, too.
The child's balloon
eclipses both the sun and moon ♪
To understand you know too soon ♪
There is no sense in trying ♪
I thought about how he managed
to be the way he was
and what I'd have to do
to be like him.
Pointed threats ♪
I thought about
the hours he kept.
Remarks are torn ♪
From the fool's gold mouthpiece ♪
The pride he took.
The orders he gave.
The rules he followed.
The ones he broke.
The giants he toppled.
He did all that with one hand
while he was carrying
some pretty heavy burdens
with the other.
Watch waterfalls of pity roar ♪
You feel to moan ♪
You discover that you'd just
be one more person crying ♪
Good news.
I took them to three other shops.
Got us a better boot guy.
What do you think?
- I ain't never taking them off.
Every case was a burden
that he piled on top of his own.
The problems he saw in your eyes,
he'd take those on, too.
And somehow, every morning,
he'd stroll in
ready to take on more.
Ready to push the team ahead.
And I looked at all that,
and I thought
maybe one day I could figure out
how to fill those boots.
It's all right, Ma ♪
It's life and life only. ♪
What do we got?