Night Court (1984) s03e05 Episode Script
Halloween Too
Hi. Mario. It's Judge Stone.
Yeah. I'd like to place an order.
I'm gonna need a dozen slimy tongues--
Hi. Mac.
I'll need a couple of severed limbs.
some bloodshot eyes
and the hairy rodent variety pack.
Uh-huh. Thank you. Great. bye.
Court dockets for you to sign. sir.
You wanna know
what I was talking about?
What I don't know
they can't make me testify about.
Mac. it's only four days
till my Halloween party.
Oh. yeah. and the place is abuzz.
Is it really? Huh?
Are they all as excited as I am?
No. he can't make me go.
I don't care what he does.
He can't make me do it.
Oh. definitely. sir.
-Just talking about the big bash. Heh.
-So I gather.
I was just about to explain
the games to them.
-The games?
-Oh. yes.
We have Pin the Tail on Barry Manilow.
Supreme Court-Opinion Charades.
And my personal favorite.
bobbing for anchovies.
I made them up myself.
Sir. I finished my pumpkin.
Bull. it looks like
you just punched it with your fist.
Why didn't you use a knife. Bull?
Hey. what a great idea.
Sir. you wanted to see us.
Uh. yeah. I did.
It's about the costume competition.
Now. as we all know
last year one of us chose to come
as a member of the moral majority.
This will not happen again.
Especially if we all
wanna keep our parking spaces.
Class dismissed.
Well. you ready to start?
Couple of minutes. Mac.
I gotta sort my snakes.
-Yeah. here look.
It's rubber.
You lucky
he hasn't unpacked the live ones yet.
Lethal. non-lethal. Lethal. non-lethal.
Lethal. non-lethal. Lethal. non-lethal.
-Are they breeding?
-Uh. no. I'm just sorting--
Who are you?
Kimberley. Kimberley Daniels.
My friends call me Kim.
Harry. Harry Stone.
My friends call me Shecky.
I gotta get new friends.
-Uh. | isten--
-Let's cut out the formality. Huh?
What can I do to make you
fall hopelessly in love with me?
Direct me to traffic court.
That would be down the hall.
take the stairs. three flights down.
Or you could take the less-traveled
more scenic route by way of Tahiti.
Be glad to show you that one myself.
If we hurry. we could make it in time
for the fertility festival.
Come on.
I'll spring for the passport photos.
This could be the start
of a beautiful friendship.
Oh. one-- One second. excuse me.
All set.
Tonight's docket. in case he shows up.
They've only known each other four days.
Don't they ever separate?
Are you kidding? They've done everything
except sew their bodies together.
I was wrong.
They've sewn their bodies together.
-Oh. Harry. That was unbelievable.
-I told you you're a fast learner.
-You took those stairs like a pro.
Good evening. Your Honor. Miss Daniels.
I swear. I just had one of the most
incredible experiences of my life!
Little nooner at the Hung Jury motel.
Oh. Dan.
I believe the lady was referring
to our buggy ride in Central Park.
Some people have class.
It was a baby buggy.
We both squeezed in.
Harry brought the champagne
and then:
Everybody's kinky
except you.
Uh. mm.
Ouick impression: Robinson Crusoe
seeing you after 20 years alone.
Oh. Harry. about your party tomorrow.
-I may be a little late.
-Oh. that's okay.
Anticipation makes me wild.
Wonderful. heh.
Excuse me.
-Hey. happy Halloween. Christine.
-Hey. Bull. Happy Halloween.
Would you help me finish this.
Sure. Bull. Come on.
I wonder what color we should dye it.
Bull. you dye Easter eggs.
I've been hiding them too.
Now. let me get this straight again.
Every year. parents dress up
their children like monsters
and send them into the streets
begging for candy.
Right. Right.
And if they don't get what they want
they can do something
really horrible to you.
Hi. Mac. Hi. Ouon Le.
Happy Halloween.
Give me some candy
or you'll never see your family alive again.
Heh. Uh. we're having a little trouble
with the concept.
Hey. I'm a reporter.
I could tell by the tie.
A man once hung himself with it.
I don't blame him.
Hank Mire. The Globe.
Dan Fielding. Same address.
"Same address." I like that.
Listen. I used to go over
the People section of the paper. all right?
Now. you happen to run across
any tower killers
or any really colorful psychopaths.
I'd appreciate you giving me a call.
Number's on the card.
Operators are standing by.
All rise.
Criminal Court. Part Two
is now in session.
The Honorable Harold T. Stone presiding.
Come on. gang. Pull up a bench.
So you all set
for the big hoedown. huh?
-All set. sir.
-I love it.
Suck up.
First case. sir.
Disturbing the peace
and destroying public property.
What. some little. uh. Halloween
prank go awry?
No. sir. the charge is building a bonfire
in public property
while dancing robustly
through Central Park.
-Sounds kinky.
KIM: It's not.
You with her?
Well. this is crazy.
There's gotta be
some simple explanation.
There is.
I'm a witch.
Are you a good witch or a bad witch?
Harry. I'm sorry
you had to find out like this.
Am I on Bloopers?
Your Honor.
Ed? Dick?
-Where are you crazy nuts?
It's no joke.
Come on. you're a witch?
What was it really? What?
So a family barbecue?
Family barbecue?
What do we look like.
the Lennon sisters?
And this is?
Uh. Edna Sneer. Your Honor.
Uh. Miss Sneer also has an additional
charge of indecent exposure.
Hey. you dance around a bonfire.
you work up a sweat.
You were dancing naked?
Over my dead body.
Shall we say. eightish?
Kim. tell me it's a joke.
I'm sorry. Harry.
Hold this over for the next court.
We'll take a five.
Sir. are you all right?
You bowl 12 straight games with someone
you think you know them.
I'm sorry. sir.
It came as a shock to all of us.
She seemed so human.
I mean. she didn't say she was Godzilla.
She just said she's a.
A witch.
Well. are you sure she isn't?
Did anybody dump a bucket
of water on her. see if she'd melt?
You're missing the point.
Just her saying so is big trouble.
Do you realize the implications
of a self-proclaimed witch
going out with a municipal court judge?
If anyone were to find out.
you'd be removed from the bench.
-Well. no one has to find out.
No. we could-- We could meet
in cabins in the woods.
Stone. I am your friend
and I'm here to help you. so listen.
You have to make a choice between
someone you've known a few days
and your entire career.
Your very life depends on it.
Thank you. Mary Lou Retton.
In your heart. you know I'm right.
-Judge Stone?
Mario Eisenhower.
Ike's Novelty Company.
I got your comedy body parts here.
Oh. yeah. Put them down anywhere.
Right. Okay.
Now. let me see.
We got your legs. we got your arms.
we got your assorted internal organs here.
Oh. no.
Look at this. will you?
Your heart is broken.
You can kiss the tip goodbye. Mario.
No. no. I need the costume tonight.
Yes. yes. something tasteful.
Say. the Roman Emperor Caligula.
Two hundred dollars?
For some sandals and a sheet?
All right. let's lay the cards on the table.
What can I get for $19.95?
What's a Smurf?
Imagine your cat
threw up a fur ball that talked.
I think not.
Trick or treat. Your Honor.
So you cast any good spells lately?
Sure. all the time.
You got somebody
you want turned into a toadstool?
Did you see what I did to Pia Zadora?
Edna. would you please shut up?
Don't listen to her. Harry.
It's not like it was in the old days.
There aren't any bubbling caldrons
and broomsticks.
Kim. listen to me. We've got to talk.
-I don't care.
There's a sleazy reporter
on his way here.
-How sleazy?
-He drives a convertible hearse.
-Got it. Guard. let her out.
KIM: Where are we going?
We'll go to my office. Come on.
Sir. he's coming in.
May I?
-Your Honor. Ha-ha-ha.
Uh-- Uh. bag lady.
Yes. yes. yes.
I know it's Halloween night.
I have tried every store in town.
You must have something left.
-Those damn Smurfs again.
Hey. Dan. I just. uh.
No need to explain. Harry.
I've had to do it a few times myself.
-I'll keep an eye out for Mire. sir.
-Thank you. Bull.
Are you really a witch?
Not bad. What was that?
A flash paper thing
from the magic store. huh?
It wasn't a trick. Harry.
Okay. it wasn't a trick.
So do you want a eye-of-newt.
toe-of-frog sandwich. huh?
-Some folks louse it up with mayonnaise.
That's funny. I thought I left
my mystic sports coat at the cleaners.
Harry. would you please
pay attention for a minute?
You really believe you're a witch. right?
It's not what I believe
it's what I am.
What I've always been.
Well. you wanna know what I believe?
I believe that you are the best thing
that has happened to me in a long time.
And I'm gonna fight like hell
before I even think about giving you up.
Oh. Harry.
-Hello. hello. hello.
-Aah. aah!
Cough. cough. Harder. harder.
I think she's gonna be okay.
A little kaiser roll in the windpipe.
Had to do the Heimlich maneuver.
I thought the Heimlich maneuver
was applied from the other side?
Uh. well. it was a-- A crisis. I panicked.
Your Honor.
that reporter is standing right there.
Thank you for that update.
Miss Sullivan.
What's going on in here?
Yeah. I was just wondering
the same thing.
Heh. a judge. a witch
and this mysterious kaiser roll.
Kaiser roll?
It's a long story. It involves phlegm.
You wouldn't wanna hear it.
-I would.
-Hit the street. Mire.
Well. I'd hate to leave
without getting all the facts.
I mean. a judge and a witch
in a compromising position.
I'd hate to speculate.
-Listen. you--
-Let's tell him everything. Harry.
Come on. spill it. I can take shorthand.
You want the dirt. right?
I love that word.
Will sand do?
That's where Harry and I first met.
In a sandbox.
I love it already.
His sister was in my second grade class.
Second grade class.
Second grade class?
You said you wanted the truth.
didn't you?
Yeah. well. not if it's boring.
And one day Harry forgot his lunch money.
so I loaned him some.
Now he's just returning the favor.
Giving me a little free legal advice.
Just friends helping friends.
Friends helping friends?
This is depressing.
Yeah. it is depressing.
Because I enjoyed our visit.
And who knows when we'll ever see
each other again? Heh.
Look. I got a deadline
in a couple of hours.
Can't you slap him
with a paternity suit or something? Huh?
-Come on. Mire.
I'll take you to men's detention.
There's a guy
who thinks he's Joan Crawford.
No kidding.
Don't mention the book.
He's still bitter.
Uh. do you want me to take her back
down to Holding?
Give us a couple of minutes. huh. Flo?
I'll be here in the hall
waxing my legs.
That was close.
Don't suppose I could ask you
to give up witchcraft?
Harry. it's not my hobby.
It's my life.
I could never ask you to give up your life.
And I could never ask you
to give up yours.
I lied. Give up your life.
| can't.
-Happy Halloween?
-Bye. Harry.
-Bye. Kim.
Suppose you walk out one night
and there was this message
blazing across the sky
or there's a burning bush
and it's got my name on it.
You'd be the first one I'd call.
Just as long as we're clear on that.
So. what do you think?
Hey. Bull. do you hear that music?
It sounds just like.
The Velvet Fog.
Not the real thing
but an incredible simulation.
You better be smiling under that.
Sir. I don't wanna be nosy.
You were saying?
Sir. you've got to forget her.
I know how much she meant.
but you've got to put her out of your mind.
You're right. Miss Sullivan.
And that costume really helps a lot.
Cou | d-- Could we make this fast?
I gotta go home and change
for a costume party after this.
Excuse me.
Uh. anybody want punch?
Yeah. Bull. I'll have some.
How did he know it was me?
You played hockey before
the mandatory helmet rule. didn't you?
Well. I guess
he isn't such a bad egg after all.
ls everybody hungry for pumpkin pizza?
Great costume. Ouon Le. Why a spider?
Wasn't there one in that nursery rhyme?
"Along came a spider
and sat down beside her
and frightened Miss Muffett away."
The first person
to touch my tuffet dies.
Yeah. I'd like to place an order.
I'm gonna need a dozen slimy tongues--
Hi. Mac.
I'll need a couple of severed limbs.
some bloodshot eyes
and the hairy rodent variety pack.
Uh-huh. Thank you. Great. bye.
Court dockets for you to sign. sir.
You wanna know
what I was talking about?
What I don't know
they can't make me testify about.
Mac. it's only four days
till my Halloween party.
Oh. yeah. and the place is abuzz.
Is it really? Huh?
Are they all as excited as I am?
No. he can't make me go.
I don't care what he does.
He can't make me do it.
Oh. definitely. sir.
-Just talking about the big bash. Heh.
-So I gather.
I was just about to explain
the games to them.
-The games?
-Oh. yes.
We have Pin the Tail on Barry Manilow.
Supreme Court-Opinion Charades.
And my personal favorite.
bobbing for anchovies.
I made them up myself.
Sir. I finished my pumpkin.
Bull. it looks like
you just punched it with your fist.
Why didn't you use a knife. Bull?
Hey. what a great idea.
Sir. you wanted to see us.
Uh. yeah. I did.
It's about the costume competition.
Now. as we all know
last year one of us chose to come
as a member of the moral majority.
This will not happen again.
Especially if we all
wanna keep our parking spaces.
Class dismissed.
Well. you ready to start?
Couple of minutes. Mac.
I gotta sort my snakes.
-Yeah. here look.
It's rubber.
You lucky
he hasn't unpacked the live ones yet.
Lethal. non-lethal. Lethal. non-lethal.
Lethal. non-lethal. Lethal. non-lethal.
-Are they breeding?
-Uh. no. I'm just sorting--
Who are you?
Kimberley. Kimberley Daniels.
My friends call me Kim.
Harry. Harry Stone.
My friends call me Shecky.
I gotta get new friends.
-Uh. | isten--
-Let's cut out the formality. Huh?
What can I do to make you
fall hopelessly in love with me?
Direct me to traffic court.
That would be down the hall.
take the stairs. three flights down.
Or you could take the less-traveled
more scenic route by way of Tahiti.
Be glad to show you that one myself.
If we hurry. we could make it in time
for the fertility festival.
Come on.
I'll spring for the passport photos.
This could be the start
of a beautiful friendship.
Oh. one-- One second. excuse me.
All set.
Tonight's docket. in case he shows up.
They've only known each other four days.
Don't they ever separate?
Are you kidding? They've done everything
except sew their bodies together.
I was wrong.
They've sewn their bodies together.
-Oh. Harry. That was unbelievable.
-I told you you're a fast learner.
-You took those stairs like a pro.
Good evening. Your Honor. Miss Daniels.
I swear. I just had one of the most
incredible experiences of my life!
Little nooner at the Hung Jury motel.
Oh. Dan.
I believe the lady was referring
to our buggy ride in Central Park.
Some people have class.
It was a baby buggy.
We both squeezed in.
Harry brought the champagne
and then:
Everybody's kinky
except you.
Uh. mm.
Ouick impression: Robinson Crusoe
seeing you after 20 years alone.
Oh. Harry. about your party tomorrow.
-I may be a little late.
-Oh. that's okay.
Anticipation makes me wild.
Wonderful. heh.
Excuse me.
-Hey. happy Halloween. Christine.
-Hey. Bull. Happy Halloween.
Would you help me finish this.
Sure. Bull. Come on.
I wonder what color we should dye it.
Bull. you dye Easter eggs.
I've been hiding them too.
Now. let me get this straight again.
Every year. parents dress up
their children like monsters
and send them into the streets
begging for candy.
Right. Right.
And if they don't get what they want
they can do something
really horrible to you.
Hi. Mac. Hi. Ouon Le.
Happy Halloween.
Give me some candy
or you'll never see your family alive again.
Heh. Uh. we're having a little trouble
with the concept.
Hey. I'm a reporter.
I could tell by the tie.
A man once hung himself with it.
I don't blame him.
Hank Mire. The Globe.
Dan Fielding. Same address.
"Same address." I like that.
Listen. I used to go over
the People section of the paper. all right?
Now. you happen to run across
any tower killers
or any really colorful psychopaths.
I'd appreciate you giving me a call.
Number's on the card.
Operators are standing by.
All rise.
Criminal Court. Part Two
is now in session.
The Honorable Harold T. Stone presiding.
Come on. gang. Pull up a bench.
So you all set
for the big hoedown. huh?
-All set. sir.
-I love it.
Suck up.
First case. sir.
Disturbing the peace
and destroying public property.
What. some little. uh. Halloween
prank go awry?
No. sir. the charge is building a bonfire
in public property
while dancing robustly
through Central Park.
-Sounds kinky.
KIM: It's not.
You with her?
Well. this is crazy.
There's gotta be
some simple explanation.
There is.
I'm a witch.
Are you a good witch or a bad witch?
Harry. I'm sorry
you had to find out like this.
Am I on Bloopers?
Your Honor.
Ed? Dick?
-Where are you crazy nuts?
It's no joke.
Come on. you're a witch?
What was it really? What?
So a family barbecue?
Family barbecue?
What do we look like.
the Lennon sisters?
And this is?
Uh. Edna Sneer. Your Honor.
Uh. Miss Sneer also has an additional
charge of indecent exposure.
Hey. you dance around a bonfire.
you work up a sweat.
You were dancing naked?
Over my dead body.
Shall we say. eightish?
Kim. tell me it's a joke.
I'm sorry. Harry.
Hold this over for the next court.
We'll take a five.
Sir. are you all right?
You bowl 12 straight games with someone
you think you know them.
I'm sorry. sir.
It came as a shock to all of us.
She seemed so human.
I mean. she didn't say she was Godzilla.
She just said she's a.
A witch.
Well. are you sure she isn't?
Did anybody dump a bucket
of water on her. see if she'd melt?
You're missing the point.
Just her saying so is big trouble.
Do you realize the implications
of a self-proclaimed witch
going out with a municipal court judge?
If anyone were to find out.
you'd be removed from the bench.
-Well. no one has to find out.
No. we could-- We could meet
in cabins in the woods.
Stone. I am your friend
and I'm here to help you. so listen.
You have to make a choice between
someone you've known a few days
and your entire career.
Your very life depends on it.
Thank you. Mary Lou Retton.
In your heart. you know I'm right.
-Judge Stone?
Mario Eisenhower.
Ike's Novelty Company.
I got your comedy body parts here.
Oh. yeah. Put them down anywhere.
Right. Okay.
Now. let me see.
We got your legs. we got your arms.
we got your assorted internal organs here.
Oh. no.
Look at this. will you?
Your heart is broken.
You can kiss the tip goodbye. Mario.
No. no. I need the costume tonight.
Yes. yes. something tasteful.
Say. the Roman Emperor Caligula.
Two hundred dollars?
For some sandals and a sheet?
All right. let's lay the cards on the table.
What can I get for $19.95?
What's a Smurf?
Imagine your cat
threw up a fur ball that talked.
I think not.
Trick or treat. Your Honor.
So you cast any good spells lately?
Sure. all the time.
You got somebody
you want turned into a toadstool?
Did you see what I did to Pia Zadora?
Edna. would you please shut up?
Don't listen to her. Harry.
It's not like it was in the old days.
There aren't any bubbling caldrons
and broomsticks.
Kim. listen to me. We've got to talk.
-I don't care.
There's a sleazy reporter
on his way here.
-How sleazy?
-He drives a convertible hearse.
-Got it. Guard. let her out.
KIM: Where are we going?
We'll go to my office. Come on.
Sir. he's coming in.
May I?
-Your Honor. Ha-ha-ha.
Uh-- Uh. bag lady.
Yes. yes. yes.
I know it's Halloween night.
I have tried every store in town.
You must have something left.
-Those damn Smurfs again.
Hey. Dan. I just. uh.
No need to explain. Harry.
I've had to do it a few times myself.
-I'll keep an eye out for Mire. sir.
-Thank you. Bull.
Are you really a witch?
Not bad. What was that?
A flash paper thing
from the magic store. huh?
It wasn't a trick. Harry.
Okay. it wasn't a trick.
So do you want a eye-of-newt.
toe-of-frog sandwich. huh?
-Some folks louse it up with mayonnaise.
That's funny. I thought I left
my mystic sports coat at the cleaners.
Harry. would you please
pay attention for a minute?
You really believe you're a witch. right?
It's not what I believe
it's what I am.
What I've always been.
Well. you wanna know what I believe?
I believe that you are the best thing
that has happened to me in a long time.
And I'm gonna fight like hell
before I even think about giving you up.
Oh. Harry.
-Hello. hello. hello.
-Aah. aah!
Cough. cough. Harder. harder.
I think she's gonna be okay.
A little kaiser roll in the windpipe.
Had to do the Heimlich maneuver.
I thought the Heimlich maneuver
was applied from the other side?
Uh. well. it was a-- A crisis. I panicked.
Your Honor.
that reporter is standing right there.
Thank you for that update.
Miss Sullivan.
What's going on in here?
Yeah. I was just wondering
the same thing.
Heh. a judge. a witch
and this mysterious kaiser roll.
Kaiser roll?
It's a long story. It involves phlegm.
You wouldn't wanna hear it.
-I would.
-Hit the street. Mire.
Well. I'd hate to leave
without getting all the facts.
I mean. a judge and a witch
in a compromising position.
I'd hate to speculate.
-Listen. you--
-Let's tell him everything. Harry.
Come on. spill it. I can take shorthand.
You want the dirt. right?
I love that word.
Will sand do?
That's where Harry and I first met.
In a sandbox.
I love it already.
His sister was in my second grade class.
Second grade class.
Second grade class?
You said you wanted the truth.
didn't you?
Yeah. well. not if it's boring.
And one day Harry forgot his lunch money.
so I loaned him some.
Now he's just returning the favor.
Giving me a little free legal advice.
Just friends helping friends.
Friends helping friends?
This is depressing.
Yeah. it is depressing.
Because I enjoyed our visit.
And who knows when we'll ever see
each other again? Heh.
Look. I got a deadline
in a couple of hours.
Can't you slap him
with a paternity suit or something? Huh?
-Come on. Mire.
I'll take you to men's detention.
There's a guy
who thinks he's Joan Crawford.
No kidding.
Don't mention the book.
He's still bitter.
Uh. do you want me to take her back
down to Holding?
Give us a couple of minutes. huh. Flo?
I'll be here in the hall
waxing my legs.
That was close.
Don't suppose I could ask you
to give up witchcraft?
Harry. it's not my hobby.
It's my life.
I could never ask you to give up your life.
And I could never ask you
to give up yours.
I lied. Give up your life.
| can't.
-Happy Halloween?
-Bye. Harry.
-Bye. Kim.
Suppose you walk out one night
and there was this message
blazing across the sky
or there's a burning bush
and it's got my name on it.
You'd be the first one I'd call.
Just as long as we're clear on that.
So. what do you think?
Hey. Bull. do you hear that music?
It sounds just like.
The Velvet Fog.
Not the real thing
but an incredible simulation.
You better be smiling under that.
Sir. I don't wanna be nosy.
You were saying?
Sir. you've got to forget her.
I know how much she meant.
but you've got to put her out of your mind.
You're right. Miss Sullivan.
And that costume really helps a lot.
Cou | d-- Could we make this fast?
I gotta go home and change
for a costume party after this.
Excuse me.
Uh. anybody want punch?
Yeah. Bull. I'll have some.
How did he know it was me?
You played hockey before
the mandatory helmet rule. didn't you?
Well. I guess
he isn't such a bad egg after all.
ls everybody hungry for pumpkin pizza?
Great costume. Ouon Le. Why a spider?
Wasn't there one in that nursery rhyme?
"Along came a spider
and sat down beside her
and frightened Miss Muffett away."
The first person
to touch my tuffet dies.