No Good Deed (2024) s01e08 Episode Script
[Lydia] I mean, what the actual fuck?
This is crazy. These are different.
Why would there be
two different shell casings
if Emily only fired once?
I don't I don't know.
Do you think there could have been
someone else there that night?
Doing what?
It's not the fuckin' grassy knoll.
Lydia, please, don't--
Don't what? If there's a chance in hell
our daughter didn't do it,
shouldn't we do
whatever we can to find out?
We can open the autopsy.
What? Are you fucking nuts?
And then we all go to prison!
There's a reason why we sealed it. It
No. The answer's no.
Oh, okay. Well, milord has spoken.
You can't handle looking at that.
[Lydia] Maybe you can't handle it
'cause you'd rather pretend
that night never happened.
Just erase Jacob
completely from your mind.
- No, I have I've not erased him.
- Really?
Because you never talk about him.
You don't even say his name.
Okay, I'm sorry that I don't wanna
relive the worst night of my life
every fucking day like you do.
No, I don't wanna relive it.
I just won't let it replace
every other day.
- And night, and memory, like you do.
- Okay
I can't live like that.
And I can't live with you anymore.
Okay, all right. Come on. Stop. Wai Stop!
Don't go.
[wistful music playing]
I I will.
Mm-hmm. That's right.
[theme music playing]
He's so beautiful.
He has your nose, babe.
Does he?
'Cause I don't know whose nose I have.
- Okay. You're feeling your feelings.
- I I'm just saying.
I don't know who I am. I could have
serial killer blood in my veins.
- I could be from Florida.
- [sighs]
Where is my grandbaby?
I'm gonna eat those little toes off!
Why does everybody have that face?
Is the baby okay?
The baby's okay, but I'm not.
You lied to me.
My whole life.
I'm sorry, Denise. I had to tell him.
- Oh, we heard enough, Miss Loose Lips.
- [Dennis] Uh-uh.
No, stop. No, don't.
Do not call my wife names, okay?
She's just bein' honest 'cause she's
an honest person, unlike some people.
Who's my real father?
Your real father is Jimmy,
the man who raised you.
I barely knew your biological father,
but I knew enough to keep you
away from him until he passed.
- Oh shit.
- Jesus, Mom.
[Denise] Uh, baby, don't be upset.
- I was trying to protect you!
- [Dennis] I need a minute.
[door closes]
Denise, I'm sorry, I had to--
I asked you for one thing.
And you couldn't keep it in your pants.
Uh, it's a huge thing to keep!
I know. I've been keeping it for 39 years.
You know how many times
I wanted to tell him?
But I just couldn't.
- And why not?
- I don't know!
[poignant music playing]
Sometimes, when you
hold onto something that long
The lie becomes the lie.
[music fades]
[phone ringing]
[sighs] Hello?
[muffled, agitated voice]
- All right, calm down.
- Harper
What do you mean she's not with you?
Hold on.
[mysterious music playing]
[suspenseful music playing]
How's your latte? It's good, right?
I'm not allowed to have coffee.
That's why it's fun to hang out with me
in a fancy hotel room.
Bad girls' club!
Are you guys getting a divorce?
What? Why? Did your dad say something?
Because I want it to work out,
but it can be tough with his anger.
You know how he gets.
- [phone buzzing]
- Speak of the devil.
- Hello?
- [J.D.] Where the hell are you?
Where's Harper?
She's right here.
Everything's fine, honey.
Hey, don't "honey" me.
Hi, Papa. We're drinking coffee.
You're drinking coffee?
Oh! Uh That's inappropriate.
You mind taking me
off speakerphone, honey?
Hi, where you been?
I was worried about you.
Hey, don't play dumb. You got it?
Bobby told me everything, all right?
- The jig is up.
- What jig?
- Where is Bobby?
- Bobby's in a better place.
If you don't wanna end up there,
you're gonna bring my daughter home.
You got that?
[laughs exaggeratedly]
I love you too.
I didn't say I love you!
[Margo] Mwah! No, I love you more!
- [J.D.] You got a lot of balls!
- [chuckles]
He's too much.
[intriguing music playing]
How are we feeling, Mom?
Like a shitty pile of human garbage.
- Well, that's earned.
- [chuckles] Mmm.
But you did it,
and you were such a warrior.
[sighing] It's just a lot of a lot
going on right now.
- [phone buzzes]
- Oh, please stop.
Well, you also have
so many things to celebrate.
- The baby, the house, you know.
- Mmm.
Full disclosure,
my wife and I also bid on Derby Drive.
- Oh my gosh, you did?
- Yeah.
[laughs] What a small world.
Mm-hmm. Even despite all the stuff
that happened there, of course.
- Huh?
- What?
Wh what do you mean,
the stuff that happened there?
Oh my God! I'm so sorry.
Words, go back in my mouth.
No, please, don't take it back.
- I mean, if you want to know--
- Please, yes, I want to know.
Have you heard of the Citizen app?
[keys jingling]
[door unlocks]
[door opens]
- [keys jingling]
- [sighs]
[door closes]
[Mikey] Fuck you doin' here?
[Paul groans]
I came here to beat the shit out of you.
And then I laid down.
[sighs] And now my back hurts
too much to fight.
- The fuck you been?
- I was at Nate's.
With his fiancée, actually.
She's really nice.
Well, congrats on your
happy fucking ending.
Meanwhile, my marriage is over,
thanks to you.
- Oh. Thanks to me?
- Yeah.
Why? Because I told Lydia
something you should have a long time ago?
You got some fuckin' nerve, jerk-off.
All right.
Why was this
in your little collateral box?
It's the bullet casing from your gun.
You told me to collect the evidence.
No, this is the bullet casing.
It was in the pillowcase.
Huh? What, you you fuckin' with me?
No, I picked up whatever was
on the kitchen floor, okay?
'Cause 'cause you called
the fucking criminal
to come help you out,
save your ass, right?
And I show up
like the sucker that I am, so--
That's not what I want.
You know what? Three fucking years,
Paulie. Three fucking years.
- We gonna do this again?
- We're gonna do it again, okay?
You couldn't fucking take 30 minutes
out of your life to come see me?
- I fell off the wagon 'cause of you.
- I couldn't, okay?
I couldn't.
I called because you're my brother,
not because I think you're a criminal.
'Cause you're my brother.
[poignant music playing]
I'm an asshole, okay?
Finally, somethin' we can agree on, right?
[Paul] Yeah.
All right, look, you you gotta get going,
because I got shit to do, all right?
I have nowhere to go.
Lydia hates me.
Well, do somethin'
to make her not hate you, you putz.
Um, get up and fuckin' fight.
- Get up. Seriously, get up, dickhead.
- Yeah.
- Let's go, you fucking jerk-off.
- Help me up, fuckface.
- [Mikey grunts]
- [Paul] Easy. [groans]
- Want me to grab your coat?
- I got it. [grunts]
- Still younger than you.
- Yeah, you don't fucking look it.
[Paul] Yes, I do.
[Mikey] Hey, you all right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm all right.
I love what you've done with the place.
- [door closes]
- Go fuck yourself.
[Paul] You too!
[mysterious music playing]
Oh. You're alive.
Jesus! Can you knock?
Well, naturally, I thought you were slain
by raccoons and buried in a hollow tree.
Why else would I be sent to voicemail
six times, Lydia?
Oh, for shit's sake, what now?
The intergenerational family,
they're out-schwitz.
And I can make that joke.
I'm a quarter Jewish.
Don't love that math,
but why did they pull their offer?
Evidently, the chatter on the app's
breached their ears.
What? About Jacob?
What what are they saying?
Nothing good.
So please pick someone quick.
I need my 12%.
This ass doesn't personal train itself.
- Love you, girl!
- [phone ringing]
- Oh!
- [front door opens]
- [front door slams]
- Hmm. Hello?
[woman] Ms. Morgan, this is
the chief medical examiner's office.
Hi, yes. Yeah, hi, thanks.
Just returning your call
about releasing your son's autopsy.
I wanted to inform you that your lawyer
already came by yesterday to pick it up.
[mysterious music continues]
I'm here to see my lawyer.
I Come in. Uh Come on in. In the Uh
[Leslie] I am so sorry.
Honestly, I don't know
what's wrong with me. I I'm a lunatic.
I have this compulsion to to know things.
I do it for a living.
You know,
it's like a successful compulsion.
But I got carried away
with this one. Really.
- I understand I did.
- You're babbling.
I'm sorry, I really am.
I did not mean to cause you any more pain.
Well, you did.
- So just leave us alone, please.
- Okay.
Lydia, I [sighs]
I I can't imagine
what you've been through.
I don't know what it's like
to lose a child.
But I do know what it's like
to lose the potential of one, and
it killed me,
and I know that I wanted answers.
And I thought that maybe
if I could give you some,
that that it could help.
Did you look at it?
The autopsy?
I did.
Did they say what kind of gun killed him?
It was a .40 caliber.
[unzips bag]
[Lydia] What is this?
[shakily] Uh, yeah, okay. Um
That is a 9 millimeter.
Oh my God.
[sobbing] Oh my fucking God.
Lydia, um
[Lydia wails]
I is there anything that you wanna
that you wanna tell me?
I I am your lawyer, after all.
[sniffles and sighs]
[poignant music playing]
[doorbell rings]
- Hi. Margo, from across the street.
- I know who you are. It's Emily.
Oh, right. Sorry.
Sorry to just drop by. Go grab a drink
from the fridge, sweetie. Go on.
Where's the kitchen?
I'm so sorry. It's kind of an emergency.
My husband is off his meds.
I don't want him around Harper right now.
Thank you so much for looking after her.
- Okay, how long will you be?
- Not long. Like four or five hours.
- Four or five hours?
- [Margo] Thank you!
[Dennis] This house looks good.
No room for visitors.
Bonus, nobody's been murdered there.
That we know of.
[Carla] Hmm.
You gonna ice your mom out forever?
How would I ever trust her again?
- People lie.
- People lie?
- And sometimes it's for good reasons.
- No. Nope. No, ma'am.
How's that book coming, by the by?
Okay, I see what you did there.
No, that is different.
- Mmm
- It is not And and you don't lie.
I mean, there was that secret
about that million dollars,
but that's a little easier to get over.
It's not a million.
It's a billion.
It's a what?
It's a billion with a B.
My dad is kind of a billionaire.
Your da dad's a--
But he's also a womanizing man-whore
who fucking destroyed my mom's life.
[splutters] Oh, oh
All right, just rewind a little.
Uh, wait, so that's the reason
you don't talk to your dad?
Yeah, I just never wanted
to feel beholden to him.
- Got it.
- But didn't wanna live with your mom more.
- Said that.
- But now he's calling.
And I just haven't been able to answer.
Look, I I'm sorry
I haven't told you this sooner.
This is so fucked up.
It is fucked up. I get that.
But I had to make sure
that you loved me for me.
I definitely don't love you for
the billion dollars I didn't know about.
All right, I love you for you.
And your mom loves you.
People make mistakes.
- Maybe your dad made some mistakes too.
- Oh
- Yeah?
- Mm-mmm.
[suspenseful music playing]
[clears throat]
- Lydia?
- Hey, Dad.
- Oh, hey.
- She left.
- Oh. She say where she was going?
- [door opens]
- Mm-mmm.
- [Lydia] Emily?
[door closes]
- Hey, honey, listen, um--
- Emily?
You didn't do it, honey. You didn't do it.
- What?
- Didn't do what?
- I I got the autopsy and--
- You saw the autopsy?
Jacob was shot by a .40 caliber,
and ours is a is a 9-something.
That's why there were
two different bullet casings.
[Emily] Wait, what are you saying?
Then it
Sorry, it wasn't my fault?
- It was never your fault.
- No, no. Of course not.
And, uh wh uh, especially not now.
Holy fucking shit.
I know, honey.
I know.
You're out of toilet paper.
Sorry, I drank a lot of coffee.
[mysterious music continues]
[front door opens]
[front door closes]
Where's Harper? What did you do with her?
Oh, don't worry. She's safe.
That's it, Margo.
I'm not takin' any more of your shit.
What shit?
The bomb threat.
The Kenny Rogers Roasters.
Is there anything about you that's real,
or is it all just Gucci and lies?
It's not all lies.
- And it's not all Gucci.
- [chuckles]
The joke's on you, buttercup,
because the prenup means nothing.
There is no more cash left at the inn.
You understand? You wrung me dry, honey.
I want this house.
In my name.
[tense music playing]
Over my dead body, Luann.
Go live in a fuckin' purse!
You're gonna tell me where my daughter is
right fucking now.
Or what? Huh?
Are you gonna hit me?
What're you talking about?
'Cause you just did.
The hell are you doin'?
- [groans]
- What is wrong with you?
You got a nasty left hook.
You're insane. I never laid a hand on you!
[Bobby] Yeah, you did.
I saw it with my own two eyes.
I pulled you out of the ocean.
I drove you to the ER. I saved your life!
If you wanna save yourself,
give her what she wants.
That's so bizarre.
Why would Margo drop her off here?
I She said her husband's off his meds.
She seemed really worried.
- Well, she should be. He has a gun.
- He does?
Maybe Phyllis's insane theories
about what happened aren't that insane.
Phyllis has theories? What theories?
For one,
you were having an affair with Margo.
- What?
- How is that not insane?
I don't know. You were chummy
that night, in the hot tub.
Oh, come on.
- Ew.
- [Lydia] No, I know.
- Obviously, she would never go for you.
- Is it that obvious?
Also, Phyllis said that you were arrested
in a major drug sting.
- What?
- [laughing] What?
Wh what does any of this
have to do with Jacob?
I don't know. Maybe J.D. was jealous.
Jealous of what?
We we just established I'm disgusting.
- That's right.
- Mom.
Okay, he has a .40 caliber.
Jacob did steal from him.
- And apparently, he's off his meds, so
- [front door opens]
[Harper] Papa!
[J.D.] Oh, darlin'. Papa's here, okay?
You all right?
- [Harper] Mm-hmm.
- [J.D.] Oh, good. [chuckles]
- Hey.
- Oh, hey.
Sorry, I I didn't mean to barge in.
I just came to get my girl.
- Yeah, you probably wanna take her home.
- You've got some fucking nerve showing up.
I understand you two must be pretty PO'd
about our offer falling through. I get it.
- Your offer?
- Yeah.
- What kind of sick--
- Okay. Okay, Em.
Come take Harper in the other room?
- Sure.
- [J.D.] Thank you.
- Yeah.
- I have Jacob's keyboard you can play.
- Hey, okay, yeah.
- I don't know how to play.
Sure you do. Jacob gave you
piano lessons for over a year.
No, he didn't. He only gave me one.
[Lydia] What?
Yeah, all the other times,
he just came over to hang out with Margo.
Oh my God.
Oh fuck.
[ominous music playing]
[J.D. and Paul sigh]
[insects chirping]
- [front door opens]
- [sniffs]
[alarm keypad bleeping]
- [front door closes]
- You back?
Oh Lord. The revelations keep coming.
And not the good kind.
- [Paul] Yeah, yeah.
- Fuckin' bitch!
I mean, you know what they say about
the devil lurking in the shadows, Paul?
Well, how about across the fuckin' street?
You know what? Let's, um
Let's go in here. It's a lot more private.
I appreciate that. I wouldn't want Harper
to hear what a fuckin' bitch Margo is.
- She's not gonna hear in here.
- Whoa!
- This really is private.
- [Paul] Uh-huh.
[J.D.] What is this?
Like a kind of a rustic man cave!
- Did you kill my son, you fuckin' bitch?
- Whoa!
[ominous music continues]
What are you
How did you even get in here?
Your code's 6969, you fucking pervert.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- What did you do with my son?
Did you seduce him?
Ew! Lydia!
I'm married.
Who do you think I am?
I would never hurt Jacob, okay?
I liked him.
You really didn't know
Margo was foolin' around on you?
All we did was hang out, okay?
He had a big crush on me.
He would bring me little gifts.
Like earrings or trinkets.
Some really good stuff.
And you took them? He was a child.
I felt sorry for him.
He seemed sad. I I knew
that he and Paul were having issues,
and I I think he really needed attention.
Don't tell me what my son needed.
You don't know the first thing about him.
You didn't seem to know
he was robbing everybody blind.
He stole from us, Lydia.
Was it 'cause he took your $50,000
fake Rolex you were crying about?
No, no, that had nothin'
to do with it. Wait.
That was Jacob?
[Lydia] How did you know it was him?
Unless you saw him that night.
[scoffs] Come on.
It doesn't take a genius.
He was upset because
I told him not to come over anymore.
And then he threatened
to tell J.D. some nonsense.
[softly] She'll say anything
to get what she wants.
She's a very dangerous woman.
[Lydia] So you're saying J.D. did it.
I'm saying that if he did,
he had every right.
Legally, as an American,
Jacob broke into our house.
He stole our things.
Don't you fucking dare.
Jesus, Lydia!
So what were you gonna do?
You were gonna shoot me
like you shot my son?
Lydia, whatever you think happened,
that's all they are, thoughts.
You evil cunt.
You know what?
You might be able to put on a pretty face,
but I can see the real you.
You're just a fucking pathetic nobody
with a dark soul.
And bad fucking taste!
Like a fucking Vegas brothel in here!
[music fades]
Lydia, are you okay?
Where were you? I was worried sick.
- I think Margo--
- Margo fucking did it.
- What? Is that where you were?
- Yeah.
What Why didn't you tell me
you were going to her?
I don't need you to take care of me!
- I'm gonna fucking kill her.
- No, you're not.
- [Paul] What are you doing?
- [Lydia] Calling my lawyer.
Don't do anything stupid, Paul.
[poignant piano music playing]
[young Jacob, echoing]
Did you see me, Daddy?
I caught that ground ball.
I was like, boom!
Did you see it?
I'm sorry, Jakey.
I know, uh
[sighs] I know I wasn't a great dad.
But, um
You know I love you, right?
I don't know what's gonna happen
between me and your mom, but, um
if you talk to her
maybe put in a good word for your dad.
Tell her I love her.
[Lydia] Why don't you tell her?
I love you.
[sobbing] I have to sit down.
[Paul sighs]
I'm sorry. I, uh
[sighs] I know I have been
a little bit of a shit.
A lot of bit of a shit.
But we've been through a lot of shit.
Well, all I know is
wherever you go, I wanna go.
I love you.
- [Paul sighs]
- [Lydia sniffles]
I was scared. I
I thought you were gonna say
you wanted a divorce.
No, she's not that kind of lawyer.
- Oh.
- No.
Holy shit!
I swear I wasn't just trying
to help Lydia to get the house.
I was honestly just trying
to be a good person.
- You are honestly a good person.
- [sighs]
Unlike me.
Okay, what are you talkin' about?
You're the most decent person I know.
I've gone dark.
I leaked the house's history
to my postpartum
vaginally compromised patient
so she wouldn't want it.
Because you still want the house?
Yeah. I mean, I didn't realize how much
until we lost it.
- Kind of like when we lost
- Yeah.
I I understand.
I really do.
But that doesn't justify me being
a conniving mustache-twirling OB. Does it?
Honestly, twirl away. That's, like,
the sexiest thing you've ever done.
Kiss me right in the face.
[mysterious music playing]
Oh my God.
We're gonna burst out of this place.
[Dennis] I know. We'll find somethin'.
Keith's lookin'.
Randall Owens?
Babe, this is from your dad.
[Carla sighs]
"Can't believe my kid has a kid."
[laughs] That's actually pretty sweet.
So restrained. It's almost freaky.
[Dennis] Come on. Maybe
your dad's mellowin' out in his old age.
Good thing you finally called him.
Okay, now. Don't get cocky.
- [baby crying]
- I'm just sayin'
I got him.
Mm-mm. I got it. I got it.
You were up all night.
[mysterious music playing]
[Dennis] Oh shit!
[Carla] What?
- Huh?
- [Carla] You okay?
Babe, you okay?
[Dennis] Yeah. Ah, it's nothin'.
Uh, be right there.
- [Paul] Hey, come in here.
- Why are you being weird?
- Just stop asking questions.
- What if I don't wanna stop? Oh.
- What are you doing here?
- Good to see you too.
Mikey, he just wanted
to help repay you for, um
helpin' him with the with the detox.
This belongs with you.
[Lydia] What?
[poignant music playing]
How did you--
We had to make a pretty sizable donation
to the USC Shoah Foundation.
Very sizable.
- [Paul] Yeah, but it was worth it.
- [Lydia gasps]
And, you know, if we ever
unload the house, we'll make it back.
Oh, don't worry. I handled it.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
["Missionary Man" by Eurythmics playing]
Well, I was born an original sinner ♪
I was born from original sin ♪
And if I had a dollar bill
For all the things I've done ♪
There'd be a mountain of money
Piled up to my chin ♪
[Margo] Dark soul.
Fuck you.
[dramatic music playing]
[Margo, echoing] What was that?
What the fuck are you doing?
[panting] Taking back what I gave you.
You put that back right now, or I'll tell
the whole neighborhood you're stealing.
I'll tell J.D. about us.
[Margo] There is no us.
[Jacob] That's not what you said
in that bed last week.
- Jacob, stop!
- [echoing] You're fucked.
- [Margo] Stop!
- [Jacob panting]
[Margo] I am not gonna
lose everything because of you.
[Jacob] Too late.
- [clattering]
- [Jacob gasping]
Hey! Stop!
- [panting]
- [rattling]
Jesus fuckin'
[Margo] Hey!
I am not fuckin' around.
If you say anything,
I swear to fucking God
[Jacob gasps]
[Margo gasping]
[Emily] Oh my God.
- [Margo shuddering]
- [alarm bleeping]
- [bleeping continues]
- ["Missionary Man" resumes]
Hey! ♪
Oh shit. Oh shit!
[whimpers] Help!
- Help! Help!
- Hey, hey ♪
Help! Help!
Help me! I'm burning!
Don't mess with a missionary man ♪
- Oh, oh ♪
- Don't mess with a missionary man ♪
Oh, oh ♪
Oh, the missionary man ♪
He's got God on his side ♪
He said "Stop what you're doin'" ♪
"Get down upon your knees" ♪
"I've a message for you
That you better believe" ♪
Believe, believe ♪
[song fades]
[quirky music playing]
[Carla] I can't believe
we're moving to Los Feliz.
I know. Derby Drive, baby!
- [Carla chuckling]
- It's like a full-on miracle.
Well, a miracle for us anyway.
I mean, the house did burn down.
Yeah, but you know now you get
to build your dream. Our dream.
And that is thanks to the huge advance
on Daddy's third book.
- [toilet flushing]
- Yeah.
I told you.
With the baby comes the basket.
- Mmm! [laughing]
- Yes, you did, Mama! Yes, you did!
Hey, give me my grandbaby.
Your mommy has a guest suite
to design for me.
Yes, she does.
- Yes, she does. Yes, she does!
- [phone chimes]
[quirky music playing]
Just a little palo santo
for some good vibes.
This is gonna be your room, baby boy.
Oh. It's time to water the mandarin tree.
Lydia left very specific instructions.
[laughs] I bet she did.
[Sarah] Mmm.
[quirky music continues]
[man] Come here often?
I might if you keep coming back.
Enjoy that drink. It's gonna be
the last one you have for a while.
Well, that was a long, dusty journey.
But we're finally home.
We're in Teton Territory now.
And cut.
- [bell rings]
- [woman] Tail slates.
We got it? I'm happy to do it again.
- [director] You nailed it, J.D. Movin' on.
- Got it?
- [director] We got it.
- Great.
- [applause]
- [Emily] Thank you.
- [cheering]
- Whoo, whoo, whoo!
[Emily] Okay, this next song
is a real collab.
My brother wrote the music,
I wrote the lyrics, and my mom,
the great Lydia Morgan,
will be accompanying me on the piano.
- [cheering]
- Whoo!
- [applause dies down]
- [clears throat] Thank you.
Happy to be here.
[plays wistful melody]
So this is life ♪
I got caught living ♪
If you give me a second ♪
I'll go where you didn't ♪
Home ♪
We're all home ♪
- It's okay to be wrong ♪
- Hi.
[Emily] I know you've lived it ♪
How did we go so long ♪
Without heading home? ♪
We're all home ♪
[song continues]
Did you ever think that ♪
We would find our way back? ♪
I'll be honest, at best ♪
And I'm praying for the rest ♪
On our own ♪
Did you ever think that ♪
We would find our way back? ♪
I'll be honest, at best ♪
I didn't know ♪
Did you ever think that ♪
We could even look back? ♪
Let's be honest, at best ♪
And I'm praying for the rest ♪
On our own ♪
So this is life ♪
We got caught living ♪
Give us a second ♪
Or go where you didn't ♪
Home ♪
[Lydia] I mean, what the actual fuck?
This is crazy. These are different.
Why would there be
two different shell casings
if Emily only fired once?
I don't I don't know.
Do you think there could have been
someone else there that night?
Doing what?
It's not the fuckin' grassy knoll.
Lydia, please, don't--
Don't what? If there's a chance in hell
our daughter didn't do it,
shouldn't we do
whatever we can to find out?
We can open the autopsy.
What? Are you fucking nuts?
And then we all go to prison!
There's a reason why we sealed it. It
No. The answer's no.
Oh, okay. Well, milord has spoken.
You can't handle looking at that.
[Lydia] Maybe you can't handle it
'cause you'd rather pretend
that night never happened.
Just erase Jacob
completely from your mind.
- No, I have I've not erased him.
- Really?
Because you never talk about him.
You don't even say his name.
Okay, I'm sorry that I don't wanna
relive the worst night of my life
every fucking day like you do.
No, I don't wanna relive it.
I just won't let it replace
every other day.
- And night, and memory, like you do.
- Okay
I can't live like that.
And I can't live with you anymore.
Okay, all right. Come on. Stop. Wai Stop!
Don't go.
[wistful music playing]
I I will.
Mm-hmm. That's right.
[theme music playing]
He's so beautiful.
He has your nose, babe.
Does he?
'Cause I don't know whose nose I have.
- Okay. You're feeling your feelings.
- I I'm just saying.
I don't know who I am. I could have
serial killer blood in my veins.
- I could be from Florida.
- [sighs]
Where is my grandbaby?
I'm gonna eat those little toes off!
Why does everybody have that face?
Is the baby okay?
The baby's okay, but I'm not.
You lied to me.
My whole life.
I'm sorry, Denise. I had to tell him.
- Oh, we heard enough, Miss Loose Lips.
- [Dennis] Uh-uh.
No, stop. No, don't.
Do not call my wife names, okay?
She's just bein' honest 'cause she's
an honest person, unlike some people.
Who's my real father?
Your real father is Jimmy,
the man who raised you.
I barely knew your biological father,
but I knew enough to keep you
away from him until he passed.
- Oh shit.
- Jesus, Mom.
[Denise] Uh, baby, don't be upset.
- I was trying to protect you!
- [Dennis] I need a minute.
[door closes]
Denise, I'm sorry, I had to--
I asked you for one thing.
And you couldn't keep it in your pants.
Uh, it's a huge thing to keep!
I know. I've been keeping it for 39 years.
You know how many times
I wanted to tell him?
But I just couldn't.
- And why not?
- I don't know!
[poignant music playing]
Sometimes, when you
hold onto something that long
The lie becomes the lie.
[music fades]
[phone ringing]
[sighs] Hello?
[muffled, agitated voice]
- All right, calm down.
- Harper
What do you mean she's not with you?
Hold on.
[mysterious music playing]
[suspenseful music playing]
How's your latte? It's good, right?
I'm not allowed to have coffee.
That's why it's fun to hang out with me
in a fancy hotel room.
Bad girls' club!
Are you guys getting a divorce?
What? Why? Did your dad say something?
Because I want it to work out,
but it can be tough with his anger.
You know how he gets.
- [phone buzzing]
- Speak of the devil.
- Hello?
- [J.D.] Where the hell are you?
Where's Harper?
She's right here.
Everything's fine, honey.
Hey, don't "honey" me.
Hi, Papa. We're drinking coffee.
You're drinking coffee?
Oh! Uh That's inappropriate.
You mind taking me
off speakerphone, honey?
Hi, where you been?
I was worried about you.
Hey, don't play dumb. You got it?
Bobby told me everything, all right?
- The jig is up.
- What jig?
- Where is Bobby?
- Bobby's in a better place.
If you don't wanna end up there,
you're gonna bring my daughter home.
You got that?
[laughs exaggeratedly]
I love you too.
I didn't say I love you!
[Margo] Mwah! No, I love you more!
- [J.D.] You got a lot of balls!
- [chuckles]
He's too much.
[intriguing music playing]
How are we feeling, Mom?
Like a shitty pile of human garbage.
- Well, that's earned.
- [chuckles] Mmm.
But you did it,
and you were such a warrior.
[sighing] It's just a lot of a lot
going on right now.
- [phone buzzes]
- Oh, please stop.
Well, you also have
so many things to celebrate.
- The baby, the house, you know.
- Mmm.
Full disclosure,
my wife and I also bid on Derby Drive.
- Oh my gosh, you did?
- Yeah.
[laughs] What a small world.
Mm-hmm. Even despite all the stuff
that happened there, of course.
- Huh?
- What?
Wh what do you mean,
the stuff that happened there?
Oh my God! I'm so sorry.
Words, go back in my mouth.
No, please, don't take it back.
- I mean, if you want to know--
- Please, yes, I want to know.
Have you heard of the Citizen app?
[keys jingling]
[door unlocks]
[door opens]
- [keys jingling]
- [sighs]
[door closes]
[Mikey] Fuck you doin' here?
[Paul groans]
I came here to beat the shit out of you.
And then I laid down.
[sighs] And now my back hurts
too much to fight.
- The fuck you been?
- I was at Nate's.
With his fiancée, actually.
She's really nice.
Well, congrats on your
happy fucking ending.
Meanwhile, my marriage is over,
thanks to you.
- Oh. Thanks to me?
- Yeah.
Why? Because I told Lydia
something you should have a long time ago?
You got some fuckin' nerve, jerk-off.
All right.
Why was this
in your little collateral box?
It's the bullet casing from your gun.
You told me to collect the evidence.
No, this is the bullet casing.
It was in the pillowcase.
Huh? What, you you fuckin' with me?
No, I picked up whatever was
on the kitchen floor, okay?
'Cause 'cause you called
the fucking criminal
to come help you out,
save your ass, right?
And I show up
like the sucker that I am, so--
That's not what I want.
You know what? Three fucking years,
Paulie. Three fucking years.
- We gonna do this again?
- We're gonna do it again, okay?
You couldn't fucking take 30 minutes
out of your life to come see me?
- I fell off the wagon 'cause of you.
- I couldn't, okay?
I couldn't.
I called because you're my brother,
not because I think you're a criminal.
'Cause you're my brother.
[poignant music playing]
I'm an asshole, okay?
Finally, somethin' we can agree on, right?
[Paul] Yeah.
All right, look, you you gotta get going,
because I got shit to do, all right?
I have nowhere to go.
Lydia hates me.
Well, do somethin'
to make her not hate you, you putz.
Um, get up and fuckin' fight.
- Get up. Seriously, get up, dickhead.
- Yeah.
- Let's go, you fucking jerk-off.
- Help me up, fuckface.
- [Mikey grunts]
- [Paul] Easy. [groans]
- Want me to grab your coat?
- I got it. [grunts]
- Still younger than you.
- Yeah, you don't fucking look it.
[Paul] Yes, I do.
[Mikey] Hey, you all right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm all right.
I love what you've done with the place.
- [door closes]
- Go fuck yourself.
[Paul] You too!
[mysterious music playing]
Oh. You're alive.
Jesus! Can you knock?
Well, naturally, I thought you were slain
by raccoons and buried in a hollow tree.
Why else would I be sent to voicemail
six times, Lydia?
Oh, for shit's sake, what now?
The intergenerational family,
they're out-schwitz.
And I can make that joke.
I'm a quarter Jewish.
Don't love that math,
but why did they pull their offer?
Evidently, the chatter on the app's
breached their ears.
What? About Jacob?
What what are they saying?
Nothing good.
So please pick someone quick.
I need my 12%.
This ass doesn't personal train itself.
- Love you, girl!
- [phone ringing]
- Oh!
- [front door opens]
- [front door slams]
- Hmm. Hello?
[woman] Ms. Morgan, this is
the chief medical examiner's office.
Hi, yes. Yeah, hi, thanks.
Just returning your call
about releasing your son's autopsy.
I wanted to inform you that your lawyer
already came by yesterday to pick it up.
[mysterious music continues]
I'm here to see my lawyer.
I Come in. Uh Come on in. In the Uh
[Leslie] I am so sorry.
Honestly, I don't know
what's wrong with me. I I'm a lunatic.
I have this compulsion to to know things.
I do it for a living.
You know,
it's like a successful compulsion.
But I got carried away
with this one. Really.
- I understand I did.
- You're babbling.
I'm sorry, I really am.
I did not mean to cause you any more pain.
Well, you did.
- So just leave us alone, please.
- Okay.
Lydia, I [sighs]
I I can't imagine
what you've been through.
I don't know what it's like
to lose a child.
But I do know what it's like
to lose the potential of one, and
it killed me,
and I know that I wanted answers.
And I thought that maybe
if I could give you some,
that that it could help.
Did you look at it?
The autopsy?
I did.
Did they say what kind of gun killed him?
It was a .40 caliber.
[unzips bag]
[Lydia] What is this?
[shakily] Uh, yeah, okay. Um
That is a 9 millimeter.
Oh my God.
[sobbing] Oh my fucking God.
Lydia, um
[Lydia wails]
I is there anything that you wanna
that you wanna tell me?
I I am your lawyer, after all.
[sniffles and sighs]
[poignant music playing]
[doorbell rings]
- Hi. Margo, from across the street.
- I know who you are. It's Emily.
Oh, right. Sorry.
Sorry to just drop by. Go grab a drink
from the fridge, sweetie. Go on.
Where's the kitchen?
I'm so sorry. It's kind of an emergency.
My husband is off his meds.
I don't want him around Harper right now.
Thank you so much for looking after her.
- Okay, how long will you be?
- Not long. Like four or five hours.
- Four or five hours?
- [Margo] Thank you!
[Dennis] This house looks good.
No room for visitors.
Bonus, nobody's been murdered there.
That we know of.
[Carla] Hmm.
You gonna ice your mom out forever?
How would I ever trust her again?
- People lie.
- People lie?
- And sometimes it's for good reasons.
- No. Nope. No, ma'am.
How's that book coming, by the by?
Okay, I see what you did there.
No, that is different.
- Mmm
- It is not And and you don't lie.
I mean, there was that secret
about that million dollars,
but that's a little easier to get over.
It's not a million.
It's a billion.
It's a what?
It's a billion with a B.
My dad is kind of a billionaire.
Your da dad's a--
But he's also a womanizing man-whore
who fucking destroyed my mom's life.
[splutters] Oh, oh
All right, just rewind a little.
Uh, wait, so that's the reason
you don't talk to your dad?
Yeah, I just never wanted
to feel beholden to him.
- Got it.
- But didn't wanna live with your mom more.
- Said that.
- But now he's calling.
And I just haven't been able to answer.
Look, I I'm sorry
I haven't told you this sooner.
This is so fucked up.
It is fucked up. I get that.
But I had to make sure
that you loved me for me.
I definitely don't love you for
the billion dollars I didn't know about.
All right, I love you for you.
And your mom loves you.
People make mistakes.
- Maybe your dad made some mistakes too.
- Oh
- Yeah?
- Mm-mmm.
[suspenseful music playing]
[clears throat]
- Lydia?
- Hey, Dad.
- Oh, hey.
- She left.
- Oh. She say where she was going?
- [door opens]
- Mm-mmm.
- [Lydia] Emily?
[door closes]
- Hey, honey, listen, um--
- Emily?
You didn't do it, honey. You didn't do it.
- What?
- Didn't do what?
- I I got the autopsy and--
- You saw the autopsy?
Jacob was shot by a .40 caliber,
and ours is a is a 9-something.
That's why there were
two different bullet casings.
[Emily] Wait, what are you saying?
Then it
Sorry, it wasn't my fault?
- It was never your fault.
- No, no. Of course not.
And, uh wh uh, especially not now.
Holy fucking shit.
I know, honey.
I know.
You're out of toilet paper.
Sorry, I drank a lot of coffee.
[mysterious music continues]
[front door opens]
[front door closes]
Where's Harper? What did you do with her?
Oh, don't worry. She's safe.
That's it, Margo.
I'm not takin' any more of your shit.
What shit?
The bomb threat.
The Kenny Rogers Roasters.
Is there anything about you that's real,
or is it all just Gucci and lies?
It's not all lies.
- And it's not all Gucci.
- [chuckles]
The joke's on you, buttercup,
because the prenup means nothing.
There is no more cash left at the inn.
You understand? You wrung me dry, honey.
I want this house.
In my name.
[tense music playing]
Over my dead body, Luann.
Go live in a fuckin' purse!
You're gonna tell me where my daughter is
right fucking now.
Or what? Huh?
Are you gonna hit me?
What're you talking about?
'Cause you just did.
The hell are you doin'?
- [groans]
- What is wrong with you?
You got a nasty left hook.
You're insane. I never laid a hand on you!
[Bobby] Yeah, you did.
I saw it with my own two eyes.
I pulled you out of the ocean.
I drove you to the ER. I saved your life!
If you wanna save yourself,
give her what she wants.
That's so bizarre.
Why would Margo drop her off here?
I She said her husband's off his meds.
She seemed really worried.
- Well, she should be. He has a gun.
- He does?
Maybe Phyllis's insane theories
about what happened aren't that insane.
Phyllis has theories? What theories?
For one,
you were having an affair with Margo.
- What?
- How is that not insane?
I don't know. You were chummy
that night, in the hot tub.
Oh, come on.
- Ew.
- [Lydia] No, I know.
- Obviously, she would never go for you.
- Is it that obvious?
Also, Phyllis said that you were arrested
in a major drug sting.
- What?
- [laughing] What?
Wh what does any of this
have to do with Jacob?
I don't know. Maybe J.D. was jealous.
Jealous of what?
We we just established I'm disgusting.
- That's right.
- Mom.
Okay, he has a .40 caliber.
Jacob did steal from him.
- And apparently, he's off his meds, so
- [front door opens]
[Harper] Papa!
[J.D.] Oh, darlin'. Papa's here, okay?
You all right?
- [Harper] Mm-hmm.
- [J.D.] Oh, good. [chuckles]
- Hey.
- Oh, hey.
Sorry, I I didn't mean to barge in.
I just came to get my girl.
- Yeah, you probably wanna take her home.
- You've got some fucking nerve showing up.
I understand you two must be pretty PO'd
about our offer falling through. I get it.
- Your offer?
- Yeah.
- What kind of sick--
- Okay. Okay, Em.
Come take Harper in the other room?
- Sure.
- [J.D.] Thank you.
- Yeah.
- I have Jacob's keyboard you can play.
- Hey, okay, yeah.
- I don't know how to play.
Sure you do. Jacob gave you
piano lessons for over a year.
No, he didn't. He only gave me one.
[Lydia] What?
Yeah, all the other times,
he just came over to hang out with Margo.
Oh my God.
Oh fuck.
[ominous music playing]
[J.D. and Paul sigh]
[insects chirping]
- [front door opens]
- [sniffs]
[alarm keypad bleeping]
- [front door closes]
- You back?
Oh Lord. The revelations keep coming.
And not the good kind.
- [Paul] Yeah, yeah.
- Fuckin' bitch!
I mean, you know what they say about
the devil lurking in the shadows, Paul?
Well, how about across the fuckin' street?
You know what? Let's, um
Let's go in here. It's a lot more private.
I appreciate that. I wouldn't want Harper
to hear what a fuckin' bitch Margo is.
- She's not gonna hear in here.
- Whoa!
- This really is private.
- [Paul] Uh-huh.
[J.D.] What is this?
Like a kind of a rustic man cave!
- Did you kill my son, you fuckin' bitch?
- Whoa!
[ominous music continues]
What are you
How did you even get in here?
Your code's 6969, you fucking pervert.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- What did you do with my son?
Did you seduce him?
Ew! Lydia!
I'm married.
Who do you think I am?
I would never hurt Jacob, okay?
I liked him.
You really didn't know
Margo was foolin' around on you?
All we did was hang out, okay?
He had a big crush on me.
He would bring me little gifts.
Like earrings or trinkets.
Some really good stuff.
And you took them? He was a child.
I felt sorry for him.
He seemed sad. I I knew
that he and Paul were having issues,
and I I think he really needed attention.
Don't tell me what my son needed.
You don't know the first thing about him.
You didn't seem to know
he was robbing everybody blind.
He stole from us, Lydia.
Was it 'cause he took your $50,000
fake Rolex you were crying about?
No, no, that had nothin'
to do with it. Wait.
That was Jacob?
[Lydia] How did you know it was him?
Unless you saw him that night.
[scoffs] Come on.
It doesn't take a genius.
He was upset because
I told him not to come over anymore.
And then he threatened
to tell J.D. some nonsense.
[softly] She'll say anything
to get what she wants.
She's a very dangerous woman.
[Lydia] So you're saying J.D. did it.
I'm saying that if he did,
he had every right.
Legally, as an American,
Jacob broke into our house.
He stole our things.
Don't you fucking dare.
Jesus, Lydia!
So what were you gonna do?
You were gonna shoot me
like you shot my son?
Lydia, whatever you think happened,
that's all they are, thoughts.
You evil cunt.
You know what?
You might be able to put on a pretty face,
but I can see the real you.
You're just a fucking pathetic nobody
with a dark soul.
And bad fucking taste!
Like a fucking Vegas brothel in here!
[music fades]
Lydia, are you okay?
Where were you? I was worried sick.
- I think Margo--
- Margo fucking did it.
- What? Is that where you were?
- Yeah.
What Why didn't you tell me
you were going to her?
I don't need you to take care of me!
- I'm gonna fucking kill her.
- No, you're not.
- [Paul] What are you doing?
- [Lydia] Calling my lawyer.
Don't do anything stupid, Paul.
[poignant piano music playing]
[young Jacob, echoing]
Did you see me, Daddy?
I caught that ground ball.
I was like, boom!
Did you see it?
I'm sorry, Jakey.
I know, uh
[sighs] I know I wasn't a great dad.
But, um
You know I love you, right?
I don't know what's gonna happen
between me and your mom, but, um
if you talk to her
maybe put in a good word for your dad.
Tell her I love her.
[Lydia] Why don't you tell her?
I love you.
[sobbing] I have to sit down.
[Paul sighs]
I'm sorry. I, uh
[sighs] I know I have been
a little bit of a shit.
A lot of bit of a shit.
But we've been through a lot of shit.
Well, all I know is
wherever you go, I wanna go.
I love you.
- [Paul sighs]
- [Lydia sniffles]
I was scared. I
I thought you were gonna say
you wanted a divorce.
No, she's not that kind of lawyer.
- Oh.
- No.
Holy shit!
I swear I wasn't just trying
to help Lydia to get the house.
I was honestly just trying
to be a good person.
- You are honestly a good person.
- [sighs]
Unlike me.
Okay, what are you talkin' about?
You're the most decent person I know.
I've gone dark.
I leaked the house's history
to my postpartum
vaginally compromised patient
so she wouldn't want it.
Because you still want the house?
Yeah. I mean, I didn't realize how much
until we lost it.
- Kind of like when we lost
- Yeah.
I I understand.
I really do.
But that doesn't justify me being
a conniving mustache-twirling OB. Does it?
Honestly, twirl away. That's, like,
the sexiest thing you've ever done.
Kiss me right in the face.
[mysterious music playing]
Oh my God.
We're gonna burst out of this place.
[Dennis] I know. We'll find somethin'.
Keith's lookin'.
Randall Owens?
Babe, this is from your dad.
[Carla sighs]
"Can't believe my kid has a kid."
[laughs] That's actually pretty sweet.
So restrained. It's almost freaky.
[Dennis] Come on. Maybe
your dad's mellowin' out in his old age.
Good thing you finally called him.
Okay, now. Don't get cocky.
- [baby crying]
- I'm just sayin'
I got him.
Mm-mm. I got it. I got it.
You were up all night.
[mysterious music playing]
[Dennis] Oh shit!
[Carla] What?
- Huh?
- [Carla] You okay?
Babe, you okay?
[Dennis] Yeah. Ah, it's nothin'.
Uh, be right there.
- [Paul] Hey, come in here.
- Why are you being weird?
- Just stop asking questions.
- What if I don't wanna stop? Oh.
- What are you doing here?
- Good to see you too.
Mikey, he just wanted
to help repay you for, um
helpin' him with the with the detox.
This belongs with you.
[Lydia] What?
[poignant music playing]
How did you--
We had to make a pretty sizable donation
to the USC Shoah Foundation.
Very sizable.
- [Paul] Yeah, but it was worth it.
- [Lydia gasps]
And, you know, if we ever
unload the house, we'll make it back.
Oh, don't worry. I handled it.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
["Missionary Man" by Eurythmics playing]
Well, I was born an original sinner ♪
I was born from original sin ♪
And if I had a dollar bill
For all the things I've done ♪
There'd be a mountain of money
Piled up to my chin ♪
[Margo] Dark soul.
Fuck you.
[dramatic music playing]
[Margo, echoing] What was that?
What the fuck are you doing?
[panting] Taking back what I gave you.
You put that back right now, or I'll tell
the whole neighborhood you're stealing.
I'll tell J.D. about us.
[Margo] There is no us.
[Jacob] That's not what you said
in that bed last week.
- Jacob, stop!
- [echoing] You're fucked.
- [Margo] Stop!
- [Jacob panting]
[Margo] I am not gonna
lose everything because of you.
[Jacob] Too late.
- [clattering]
- [Jacob gasping]
Hey! Stop!
- [panting]
- [rattling]
Jesus fuckin'
[Margo] Hey!
I am not fuckin' around.
If you say anything,
I swear to fucking God
[Jacob gasps]
[Margo gasping]
[Emily] Oh my God.
- [Margo shuddering]
- [alarm bleeping]
- [bleeping continues]
- ["Missionary Man" resumes]
Hey! ♪
Oh shit. Oh shit!
[whimpers] Help!
- Help! Help!
- Hey, hey ♪
Help! Help!
Help me! I'm burning!
Don't mess with a missionary man ♪
- Oh, oh ♪
- Don't mess with a missionary man ♪
Oh, oh ♪
Oh, the missionary man ♪
He's got God on his side ♪
He said "Stop what you're doin'" ♪
"Get down upon your knees" ♪
"I've a message for you
That you better believe" ♪
Believe, believe ♪
[song fades]
[quirky music playing]
[Carla] I can't believe
we're moving to Los Feliz.
I know. Derby Drive, baby!
- [Carla chuckling]
- It's like a full-on miracle.
Well, a miracle for us anyway.
I mean, the house did burn down.
Yeah, but you know now you get
to build your dream. Our dream.
And that is thanks to the huge advance
on Daddy's third book.
- [toilet flushing]
- Yeah.
I told you.
With the baby comes the basket.
- Mmm! [laughing]
- Yes, you did, Mama! Yes, you did!
Hey, give me my grandbaby.
Your mommy has a guest suite
to design for me.
Yes, she does.
- Yes, she does. Yes, she does!
- [phone chimes]
[quirky music playing]
Just a little palo santo
for some good vibes.
This is gonna be your room, baby boy.
Oh. It's time to water the mandarin tree.
Lydia left very specific instructions.
[laughs] I bet she did.
[Sarah] Mmm.
[quirky music continues]
[man] Come here often?
I might if you keep coming back.
Enjoy that drink. It's gonna be
the last one you have for a while.
Well, that was a long, dusty journey.
But we're finally home.
We're in Teton Territory now.
And cut.
- [bell rings]
- [woman] Tail slates.
We got it? I'm happy to do it again.
- [director] You nailed it, J.D. Movin' on.
- Got it?
- [director] We got it.
- Great.
- [applause]
- [Emily] Thank you.
- [cheering]
- Whoo, whoo, whoo!
[Emily] Okay, this next song
is a real collab.
My brother wrote the music,
I wrote the lyrics, and my mom,
the great Lydia Morgan,
will be accompanying me on the piano.
- [cheering]
- Whoo!
- [applause dies down]
- [clears throat] Thank you.
Happy to be here.
[plays wistful melody]
So this is life ♪
I got caught living ♪
If you give me a second ♪
I'll go where you didn't ♪
Home ♪
We're all home ♪
- It's okay to be wrong ♪
- Hi.
[Emily] I know you've lived it ♪
How did we go so long ♪
Without heading home? ♪
We're all home ♪
[song continues]
Did you ever think that ♪
We would find our way back? ♪
I'll be honest, at best ♪
And I'm praying for the rest ♪
On our own ♪
Did you ever think that ♪
We would find our way back? ♪
I'll be honest, at best ♪
I didn't know ♪
Did you ever think that ♪
We could even look back? ♪
Let's be honest, at best ♪
And I'm praying for the rest ♪
On our own ♪
So this is life ♪
We got caught living ♪
Give us a second ♪
Or go where you didn't ♪
Home ♪