Okkupert (2015) s01e06 Episode Script


The Russians will withdraw at the end of summer.
Then I will resign as PM.
Eve Sinclair wants me to lead the Poverty Project.
In Paris.
- Want to come over tomorrow? - Sure.
"If you don't have the balls to print real stories, I quit!" It's time to resist.
You're either for the Russians or against them! Police! Freeze! To protest is to speak up when you disagree.
To resist is to make sure it doesn't happen.
I'll contact you on this secure phone.
Documents? Stop! Documents? Documents? A NEW MAJORITY NEW POWER FREE NORWAY I want that cell phone back.
Why? Don't you trust me? Not anymore.
- Didn't you like that bomb? - No, I didn't.
Too many victims? Wrong time, wrong place.
Why? Wait and see.
The Russians will use this to their advantage.
- Maybe, maybe not.
- I know I'm right.
It's already started.
You called me.
I'm taking a huge risk coming here.
Who was behind the bombing? I have no idea.
You praised the attack online without knowing who was behind it? Yes, I supported the action.
But we are independent cells.
You don't have the support of the people.
- We're growing by the day.
- The Russians are only after you.
- I'm flattered.
- They're going to kill you.
That's why I called you.
- There's nothing I can do.
- Yes.
You have to help me get to Sweden.
- I don't know if I can.
- You have to.
- Give me that phone.
- No.
I'm keeping it.
It's the only way you can reach me.
Are you tired, honey? You were very handsome and wise.
Right back at you.
- Work late last night? - Yes, actually.
Have you switched sides? - It's more complicated than that.
- Is it? Free Norway are the only ones who dare act.
All they have done is kill innocent people.
At least they bring attention to the cause.
Dad, what's this? FREE NORWAY I'm sorry.
We're late.
We have to run.
Ingrid linked Kristensen to Birkeland.
He was Kristensen's adviser.
- When? - Just last year.
- We should go public with that.
- No! We need something concrete.
So the Russians don't lose faith in us.
Birkeland can make a bomb.
And he has gone underground.
That isn't enough.
We have to be 100% sure.
We checked every possible organization, everyone with animosity toward the Russians There is no one else.
Why won't you go after Birkeland? Just don't give them any specifics.
- We'll look like a joke.
- No.
We'll look professional.
We all know who was behind this terrorist act.
Find Birkeland.
18 Russians were killed.
We give you three days.
After that we'll bring in our own people.
- Which apartment did you like? - The one near the park.
Yeah, that one's nice.
But It's up to you.
The EU representatives land in 11 minutes.
I have a table at Magma.
- And you need a new tie.
- Why? - Because it's a mess.
- Are we going on TV? - Hi, Anita.
- Hi.
Shit! What do we do now? - You all got the same text? - Yes.
- Should we move? - No, that isn't necessary.
- Keep us informed.
- They have killed 18 people.
- We need protection.
- We don't have the resources.
- What does that mean? - That this isn't a priority.
Give me your superior's name.
I am a journalist, and I know very well who you are.
That changes nothing.
I am simply following standard procedure.
Thank you.
It's just a demonstration.
Lots of cool people will be there.
Sounds great.
- Hi! - Hi.
Could you get some paint? - Sure.
Why don't you go get it? - Over there? - Don't spill.
It could blow up.
- Just hold it still! - What are you doing here? - What is this? - Leaving? - Have you seen what they're up to? - Yeah.
- They're crazy! - The Russians have occupied us.
- Better them than those idiots! - No, Emma - Go hang with your Russian buddies.
- Are you sure about this? - Yes.
- Just have to clear it with Legal.
- Ten more years of oil production? And we're going to ask the people? Yes.
You realize what will happen to your credibility? Jesper? This is much more important than my credibility.
Bring them back in.
- Are you serious, Jesper? - Yes, I am.
You want people to vote for what we have always been against.
Our fundamental idea.
Our foundation.
We have no other choice.
Imagine you get this referendum to pass - I will.
- What will we rebuild on afterwards? We will have lost our last glimmer of credibility if you kowtow to the Russians.
- But - This will pulverize our party.
Our members of parliament will never vote for this referendum.
- That's your job.
- You can forget about that.
So I have to rely on the other parties? Did you put out an alert? - We're short on time.
- We'll get a million false leads.
We have to take that chance.
You're wasting our time.
And without my approval! - It's my investigation.
- We can't afford mistakes.
This is my responsibility.
Go find out what the Russians know.
And tell me if they know where Birkeland is.
I have to give them something.
We don't have to give them anything.
Not a thing! Hi, do you have a second? I checked Helge's cases.
Several involve the Security Service.
I don't have clearance for them.
This is a state of emergency.
You'll have to determine your own partiality.
- That won't work.
- Sure it will.
Are you sure about this? About quitting? These are all surveillance petitions.
We're monitoring a tenth of the population.
- That's because of the bomb.
- Right, the bomb.
But is that a good enough reason to stretch the law? I say no! That's why it's so important we stay.
To make sure things don't go too far.
To speak up.
It's already gone too far.
I don't think you should resign.
We can try to change things from here.
Right? That's our job.
Protecting the law.
Good luck with that.
- You monitor his entire network? - Don't you? No.
We can only monitor those perceived as a threat.
We want to find him before he causes more damage.
How can you be sure it's Birkeland? We haven't been able to find any evidence.
The bomb was planted while the bus was in this garage.
We didn't know there was a camera there.
We had a camera there, to protect our employees.
That is Birkeland's car.
No one else was in the garage before the driver came to pick up the bus.
Why haven't you shown us this earlier? You ask.
And now we answer.
Who's that guy outside? The police won't do anything, so I got a friend to help us out.
- Is he a Russian? - Yes.
Birkeland's car.
At Viksund.
- The Russians had cameras there.
- You saw the tape? Yes.
It looked real.
Do they know where he is? No.
If we don't find him now, I don't know how long I can convince them I can't wait to get away from all this.
I took the smallest apartment.
It's more than enough for us.
We have to postpone the trip a little.
We have to Have to solve this situation first.
I start my job in two weeks.
But you understand.
- What if you don't solve it? - I have to solve it.
But are you so sure this is your problem to fix? Nothing is happening! Things are happening all the time.
I'm working on this 24/7.
- But you can't solve it.
- What? You can't solve it.
Justice Minister Friis is here.
This referendum has to pass.
And I need your help to make that happen.
- You know where I stand.
- And I'm asking you to switch sides.
We need this to get rid of the Russians.
We can't.
It's impossible.
Ingvild! This isn't a game.
I am dead serious here.
I want you to think good and hard.
This isn't a game.
This is our country.
I can easily force you to resign.
You're welcome to remove me from office if you think that will help.
This government is dying.
I refuse to destroy our party as well.
Our party is irrelevant.
And you are an irrelevant pawn.
But if you won't support me in this, I will crush you politically.
I will destroy you.
I promise you that, here and now.
You have 18 lives on your conscience.
Just weeks before the bombing, I suggested we increase security at all oil and gas installations.
You called me paranoid, and refused.
- That's not true! - 18 lives on your conscience.
- That's a lie! - It will become the truth if I say so.
We are watching all our cameras and all borders.
If he moves, we've got him.
And he has to at some point.
We can't wait for that.
Take a copy of that.
Should I look into the latest car evidence? No.
As long as we don't have that recording, we can't analyze it.
- I need to talk to you.
- Likewise.
- I was just thinking about you.
- About what? I was thinking that you're damn fortunate.
To live in Norway.
What do you mean by that? In most other countries traitors are put to death.
If it were up to me, people like you would be shot right through the forehead.
Who is this? Huh? You know who it is! You have talked to him.
You have met him.
Who is he? Who is this? Answer me! You know where he is.
Come on! Tell me where he is! You have till tomorrow.
Then I'm turning you over to the Russians.
Don't call me on this phone! No, you're a wanted man.
Never call me.
I'll call you.
Stay where you are.
I'll be there in 30 minutes.
No, don't contact anyone else.
You are only to contact me.
Understand? I'm on my way.
- Russia out of Norway! - Out with the Russians! - Russia out of Norway! - Out with the Russians! - Shut the oil off! - Now! - Hi.
- What are you doing here? - Didn't you have something to do? - We couldn't get close enough.
Give me the backpack.
I'll call you when the results are in.
Sure you don't want to come over to Parliament? I'll wait here.
- That's over 50km.
- My contact in Sweden is ready.
So all you can give me is a walk to Sweden? And no one will meet you there if you don't give me your phone.
- Don't let me die.
- You have to hurry.
- What if someone finds me? - Trust me.
Just arrest me.
Bring me in.
The Russians will demand you be extradited.
And I don't trust our government.
What happens when I get to Sweden? I'll contact you.
Just go into hiding.
My contact will fill you in.
But you need to get going.
Police! Eivind Birkeland, you're under arrest! Birkeland? Shit! The referendum was approved.
I heard.
The people will vote for it.
It could happen in as soon as three weeks.
Then I can join you a couple of weeks after that.
You're killing the party.
Our party is already dead.
What? What is it? I don't recognize you.
Astrid, this has been a crazy period.
Yes, I'm aware of that.
I know it's been crazy.
But that's what scares me.
Who you are.
The person you have become.
It's almost over now.
Right? I'll join you two in a few weeks.
And we'll be in Paris together.
I don't know if I want you to come.
Hans Martin? Yeah? I'll be out in a minute.
Are you OK? Yeah.
- I thought I heard Russian.
- Our new neighbors are here.
They're Russian.
They asked about Andrea's school.
Come out and say hi.
Help me get rid of them.
Hey, what's happened here? Are you all right? What is it?
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