One Piece s02e64 Episode Script

Magnificent Wings! My Name is Pell, Guardian Spirit of the Kingdom

The world Yes! Seek freedom, And your world will stand stretched out before your eyes.
If the endless dream guides your spirits, Conquer it! Bear conviction behind your flag! I began my search,With a blast of water, Toward a boundless,everlasting world With this overflowing passion in my chest, I'll go anywhere Seeking the light l've never seen When the summer-colored sun shakes the sall of my heart, It's a sign the door to a new world has opened Swaying between the waves, I can escape despair, For the horize on the other side is what I aim for! I began my search, With a blast of water, Toward a boundless, everlasting world With this overflowing passion in my chest, I'll go anywhere Seeking the light I've never seen GOMU GOMU NO PISTOL! Impaled Buried alive Dried out You may have been able to come back from all that But you won't stand again after this one.
The fight is over.
The poison is already spreading through your body.
You don't understand anything.
Hurry! Hurry!! What's going on? The Marines helped us find you! Did you find the bombers? We haven't seen them, but I know where they are! We've been looking at it the whole time, but it was obscured from us! The bombers must be in there! Nami-swan~! Vivi-chuwan~! WHY ARE YOU UP THERE!? Yo! I've been looking for you guys! ZORO! YOU'RE HERE TOO!? What are you guys doing all the way over there? Gero, gero, gero, gero, gero! Great wings! My name is guardian deity Pell of a country.
Baroque Work? Never heard of them.
Where's your proof that such an organization even exists? We are but humble citizens, Mr.
Would you harm us poor citizens in the confusion of the rebellion? Sergeant Major Tashigi! Why are you hesitating!? If you just stand there waiting for proof, you can't prevent anything! Identify your enemy with your own eyes! Aye! I apologize! We're almost out of time The clock? Gero, gero, gero, gero! Hey, listen to this, Mr.
7! I think this is a pretty important job! You would be exactly right to say that, Miss Fathersday! And I think we just might get a HUGE position after this job! Gero, gero! That's about the size of it! Isn't it great, isn't it great, Miss Fathersday? I mean, all we're meant to do is take this huge cannon, Aim it at the crowd, and then LAAAUUUNCH it~! And that's the size of the plan! Isn't it great? Gero! It's time, Mr.
7! Ready to ignite~! I don't understand what exactly? GOMU GOMU NO GATLING GUN! Don't you understand? You're already dead! The poison entered your wounds and is about to finish you off! Your body's starting to go numb, isn't it? No matter whether you win or lose this fight You're going to be buried within this underground sanctuary! T-minus 15 secounds to launch! Our target the center of the Square! Gero, gero! IG-NITE~! Oi, Nami! What the hell are you planning!? We don't have time for stunts like this! If we screw up, we're dead! OI! I know that! Just stay still! I'm making some calculations! Stay still!? I don't even know why we're standing like this! What the hell are you going to do!? You'll see when I do it! Here we go! Gero, gero, gero, gero! Hey, listen to this, Mr.
7! I think we should do a countdown for a special occasion like this! I'd size that up as a plan! It's great! It's great! It's fun! Warning for Typhoon! T-MINUS 13 SECONDS! CYCLONE TENPO! Oi! Cyclone Tenpo is just a boomerang game for parties! I'm aiming for the clock tower! What? They're flying up.
Chopper! Jump up to Sanji-kun! WHAT!? Does that mean the plan is to keep flying the whole way up!? Sanji-kun! You know what to do, right!? There's not much time! I think I get the idea.
Yosh! Nothing to do but give it a shot! We don't have time to think about this! Please, Tony-kun! Yosh! Hold on tight, Vivi! I get it.
So that's the plan.
Chopper! Jump onto my right leg! Right! HERE THEY COME, ZORO! Alright! Perfect! I just need to get them up to the top, right? ZORO! Yosh, leave it to me! KATANA!? Idiot, don't be scared! I'm using the back of the blades! Now get a good footing! Right.
Be carefull, Vivi! There's some real wairdos up there! Yes, I know them! No Miss Wednesday! Gero, gero, gero! I remember her! She betrayed the organization! They saw them! WHAT!? Hold on! We're in mid-air! If they shoot at us! Your desire does not lie within this country! Am I wrong? You're fighting for someone else's desire! Why would you die for that!? Just one or two nakama If you abandoned them, they would never hold you back! You're all such utter fools Like I said You don't understand anything.
Vivi She tells others not to die But she's the first one who throws her life away to save someone else.
If I abandones her, she'd die! You'd kill her! I don't understand you! That's why I'm saying you should just abandon such an annoying- I DON'T WANT HER TO DIE! WE'RE NAKAMA! That's why, as long as she doesn't give up on her country We won't stop fighting! Even if you die? When I die That'll be that.
ADJUST! GERO GERO GUN! Well this is an unexpected bonus! ASJUST! YELLOW GUN! It's great! It's great! They're as good as dead! Bastarts! Pointing your guns at Vivi-cha- We have to do something! They're a sniper pair! Chopper! I'm gonna launch you up there! Do what you can after that! Me!? Seven seconds left! Do something, dammit! Ready!? Let's do this, Chopper, Vivi! Right! Right! LADY SMASH! Hey, listen to this! Our guns are sized to explode when they collide! Zoro! That idiot! He took a direct! Here we go, Vivi! Give it all you've got, Tony-kun! Gero, gero! Running away is futile! SMASH! Who? Miss Wednesday is sized where!? PEACOCK STRING She's above us? GOOO!! Your most valiant attempts at yelling won't make your body listen.
A fine state you're in, Straw Hat.
STASBER Gero, gero! Too bad You missed! RUNBACK! YES! VIVI! HEY! You over there! You snuck in through that secret passage again, didn't you!? Wah! A guard! Run! Chaka-sama, Pell-sama! Please say something to those children! Of course Vivi-sama, are you going out? Yup, the secret base! Alright, have fun.
Where did Vivi-sama go? Sorry It's a secret.
To the clock tower, eh? Did she stop it? What? You're still alive? T-The explosion? What fell on me just now? What happened? Something funny's going on up there.
Vivi hasn't come out HELP! EVERYONE! Vivi! The bomb has a timer! IT'S STILL GOING TO EXPLODE! WHAAAT!? How evil! At least call it "being prepared", Mr.
When executing an operation, one must always account for any accidents that may happen.
In case something should happen to the bombers before the appointed time, I made sure the bomb would detonate automatically.
Oh well, it will only make a few seconds difference.
Ideally, it would have detonated in the center of the Square.
But, given its proximity and massive size, it won't matter.
"If I do this, I can stop the rebellion.
" "If I do that, I can stop the rebellion.
" Your zealous idealism disgusts me.
I will tell you again: You cannot save this country.
Shit! This can't be happening! Even though we stopped the firing, the bomb has a timer! The blast's gonna be five kilometers wide The Square and the city are going to be completely destroyed! WHAT'S GOING ON!? You mean stopping the Square bombing was impossible from the very beginning!? You made us search for the cannon! You even told us when they were going to fire it! Just HOW MUCH DO YOU HAVE TO HUMILIATE ME BEFORE YOU'RE SATISFIED!? HOW MUCH DO YOU HAVE TO SNEER AT ME UNTIL YOU'RE HAPPY!? CROCODILE! CROCODILE! Was that The bird guy Pell! This place brings back memories, doesn't it? The Suna Suna Clan's secret base.
Honestly You caused me no small amount of headaches with your unpredictable actions.
Pell, listen! The bomb has a timer, and it's going to explode any second! Vivi-sama! What were you doing in the ammunition storeroom!? Oi, what happened!? What was that explosion about!? Do we not repeatedly tell you to stay away from the ammunitions store!? Pell! Pell-sama! I messed up trying to make some fireworks.
Remember, this is the anniversary of your joining the Royal Guard, right? Hey! What are you-!? How many times do I have to tell you not to come here!? WHY DON'T YOU LISTEN!? Infidel! Do you have any idea what you've just done!? You're fired! Fired, damn it! Doing such a thing to the Princess! Wait, Igaram! Oi, oi If you had been badly hurt What would I have done? More Higher! I said higer! V-Vivi-sama! You must keep this a secret from His Majesty, okay? His Majesty has specifically told me not to fly with you on my back! You don't have to if you don't want to! But otherwise, I'll never forgive you for today.
And you were the one who said you'd do whatever I wanted, Pell.
Hey, Pell.
Yes? Why do you spend every day training? Because I am a guard.
It is my duty to protect this country.
I must be strong.
Who are you going to fight? I don't know.
It's more about protecting than fighting.
Are they different? The goals are different.
Oh That's weird.
I Devoting my life to the service of the Nefertari Family fills my heart with such everlasting pride.
I am a Guardian Spirit of Arabasta! The Falcon! One who destroys the enemies of the Royal Family! Shining Ray! Find your brand new way.
Shining Ray! Find your brand new way.
A never ending journey to be together.
What course can I set that will lead me to a better tomorrow? Taking the helm, I spread out the map of miracles I had shut in my heart Aiming for the sky, searching for a dream, there were times when I lost my way But this isn't a dream, I found a wonderful part of myself when I met you With a small bit of courage, I gained something large So now is the time to change my dreams into vows.
Shining Ray! Find your brand new way.
Let's paint a story of the future And put all of our thoughts into this new wind Shining Ray! Find your brand new way.
A never ending journey to be together.
I'll chase it anywhere, this Shining Ray!
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