One Piece s03e19 Episode Script

Godland Skypiea! The Angels Of the Cloud Beach

What goes it to happen? This belt of clouds resemble a river.
Ah, Nami-san! Mellorine! Ca cannot be the work of nature… Ah, Nami-san! Mellorine! Ca does not have anything naturalness! The exit! There is a sign! “Godland”.
“Country of God, Skypiea”! It is not an exit! It IS an ENTRY! Divine Earth of Skypiea! Angels of the beach of cloud An island! It IS the CELESTIAL ISLAND! Said… This sign said… Skypiea.
Yes! The same name as that registered on the chart found by Luffy! The wreck which fell to us above… … had come well up to now! They contemplated the same one thing two hundred years earlier! It is what this place? Ca feels the adventure! Wait, cretin! It is not deep, one has foot.
He, nothing of broken? Usopp! This island is made of this marrowy cloud? One would say well! It is the marrowy cloud! One unloads! Celestial island! Me also, me too! I will change! He, Luffy! What does one make for the anchor? There is not basic here, it is that? One card-indexes oneself some, not? Ouais, one is card-indexed some! One card-indexes oneself some? Take that! Take that! Me also, me too! Take that! He, come! This beach is marrowy! Roll! Let test to me! And Ben, this landscape is rather astonishing nevertheless.
One would believe to dream.
Ouais, you said it.
Look at gallopping them like kids… They are irremediable.
You can speak.
Afflicted! I excuse myself! One took along the Bird of the South with us.
One forgot to slacken it.
It would seem that people live here.
Y' does not have to worry for him.
The birds can manage.
Yes, it is true.
You dropped anchor? It is wedged in the cloud.
They are these bulky clouds who support this island.
Then that means that the island float on this sea… But I wonder whether it never change place.
Bah, one will see well.
All really seems difficult to believe, here.
But one can at least be sure to be arrived on the celestial island.
Look at! I am me there too! There is not what to be afraid! Come with us! Ca will be better when you will have posed your feet above! And you? Ouais, I arrive.
The perfume of the adventure… To sail and explore, it is that the adventure.
I had never found that exciting before.
The celestial island would be perfect for a nap… Ah, here the Captain.
Y' has funny tricks so much with to make, I donot can by what start! Finished! Here Usopp! And if one took holidays here? Finished! Holidays? Ca sounds well! Negative! Negative?! Ca wants to say not! Hold, it is well strange flower which pushes here.
These sheets resemble balloons.
They will explode like this octopus? What a happiness! The navy will not come us to seek up to now! One will be able to release itself a little! He, Chopper, look at! What is it according to you? Funny of fruit! Good appetite! It is what this trick?! It is too hard! He, Usopp! You want fruits? Catches! Ca hurts, cretin! Wait a little, you will see! Ah, Robin-chwan! A flower of the celestial island only for you! For Robin-chan.
And the other… NAMI SWAN! NAMI-SWAN! MT FLEUR! They are also made in cloud! I imagine that they can manufacture heaps of things containing cloud.
But it is not like marrowy clouds.
NAMI SWAN! MT FLEUR! It is well stuffed.
How can one wet them feet in a sea of clouds? Oh, perfect.
Afflicted! It is what, that? A fox? Music? He! Y' has somebody! On top! Still this warrior?! The whistle! Quickly, whistles! That it flies to our help! Not, wait! It is not him.
It is… an angel! An angel? Heso.
CYB3RFR34K-ISO SKYPIEA-FANSUB Heso! Heso? [Note:Heso = Navel.]
She really said… “heso”? Ouais… Does Ca want to say what “heso”? Not, “heso” it is the navel.
Come here, Suu! You come from the blue sea? Ouais, one comes from in bottom.
You live here? Indeed.
Welcome on the Beach angels of Skypiea.
Do you want to taste that? Ouais… The hull of the conashe is last like steel.
One cannot crunch it.
Therefore, by in lower part… And here.
It is too booooon! Did Ah ouais? they is good? Make taste, make taste! It is boooon! I am called Conis.
And here Suu, a fox of the clouds.
If you wish anything, I will be happy to help you.
Well, on this subject… Your glance transpierced my heart… Move from there! We have much of questions to pose to you.
All here seems to us so strange.
Of course.
Ask what you want.
He, Something arrives.
Ah, it is my father.
Conis-san, heso! Yes! Heso, father! Heu… About what do speak you, the guy? What is what it is that? This thing which it overlaps.
Do Ah, you speak about Waver? They is too cool! Waver… Yes, excuse me! I stop immediately! Is nobody wounded? AND YOU THEN!? He, Luffy.
This machine does not resemble that which you did fish out? If, at bottom.
It was thus that the boat which sails without wind about which Norland in its newspaper spoke! They are your friends, Conis-san? Yes, one has just met.
They came from the Blue Sea.
Thus hold.
Ca had to be a difficult voyage.
This is the Sea of Opal.
Forgive me.
O-Oh not, it is nothing.
I did not present myself.
I am called Pagaya.
All my excuses.
Not, no problem.
Father, did you fish fish? Yes, a good catch.
With the fact, which you would say to pass at home? You will be entitled to all celestial hospitality.
One can? One goes there! One goes there! Kitchen of the celestial island? Could I help you to prepare it? But front, I can you to ask something? It… does not have a veil to take the wind… And you did not row with… How can it advance on water? Don't Oh, you know Dials? Dials? PPP that moves in all the directions?! Ca does not want to stop!! Oh my god! I hope that it is not wounded! What a tragedy! Afflicted, I would not have to lend my Waver to him! With the fact, which it arrives to the people equipped with capacities in this sea? Good question.
Is this sea different, not? Perhaps that it will be left there.
It ran.
Does Ca fear, not? OH NOT!! He Ben… A little more and it fell into the vacuum! The fault with which?! It is you who remained planted with papoter!! That is what has you taken to plunge too? The alarming celestial island… the alarming celestial island… It is of my fault, I have let a beginner borrow it.
The hull of Waver is very light.
Even a small wave can to make move the rudder.
It is necessary well to know sea to be able to control it.
I am sorry.
I hardly start with knowing to be useful to me about it.
It is so difficult? Ten should be counted years of training.
Name of god! IT ARRIVES THERE! It is brilliant! Nami-san! You are the best!! Oh my god! Here are which is surprising! I have evil to believe my eyes of them! How can it control this trick?! It is not easy to take in hand! It is well too delicate for you, Luffy! He, Nami! One goes to pépé! Go down from there immediately! IDIOT!! He do not speak like that! IDIOT!! Leave in front! [Note:“O-jisan” means “uncle” but that can too to designate the men of more than 35 years as it is the case here.
O-jisan, I Can to control still a little? Yes, but would be careful! A boat which can split them floods without worrying about the wind! My dream! I wonder whether it goes on our seas with us! He, it is a building site of construction that? Oh, it is the career of clouds.
It is here that we extract them clouds necessary to our constructions.
You really can to cut out clouds? To come to the Sea from Opal… you took Milky Isn't Road? Milky Road? You want to speak about this cloudy snail road? It was manufactured to leave clouds cut out here.
There exist two kinds natural clouds.
Those on which you arrived in boat are océonimbus.
And those, more marrowy, on which you could walk… are ilonimbus.
It would be impossible with normal clouds.
Yes, the process of condensation of each cloud is different.
[Kairouseki:“marine granite”).]
In the Blue Sea, there exists one matter called Kairouseki, not true? Kairouseki? But there is a relationship with that? Yes, one finds it in Pyrobloïne, a particle of sulfur transported in the airs by the volcanos.
And once charged with water, the difference in pressure determines if in fact ilonimbus or océonimbus will be created.
Oh, Ben ouais, of course! Yes, yes, I know already all that.
I played already with these particles of sulfur when I was kid.
BEN LET US SEE! Lastly, in short… The clouds which you find here are océonimbus, ilonimbus… like those manufactured starting from the ilonimbus.
We are there.
What a seen splendid! I manage to see Nami on Waver! He, Luffy! What do you make? This Nami… Why it arrives there so easily? RUN!! Cretin! To me am bitten the language, Sanji! Heu, grandfather… Where is the kitchen? Yes, it is by there.
Doesn't something go? Not, I had never seen that front then I wanted to taste a little… Ben, that tears off serious! This… sauce color blue sky.
My language is all engourdie… It is mildewed.
I am sorry.
THEN DO NOT LET IT TRAIL! I swallowed a spoon whole of this trick! I am sorry.
You cut yourselves? It would be said that he has fun.
It is insane in front of joy refined celestial kitchen.
NOT! Even if we come to arrive, Miss… Could you say some to us more to the subject of these Dials about which you did speak to us? Of course.
Let us see seeing… How to say…? Ahh… Which pleasant and marrowy armchair.
It is what, that? Does Y' have shells here? Yes.
Try to say something inside.
Ok! Usopp is an badger! For… For… Why you say that? And now, press the top of the shell.
It is what a top? Top of the shell! “Usopp is an badger!” “For… For… Why you say that?” AH! SHELL SE FOUT OF the MOUTH Of USOPP! And with your voice! “And now, press the top of the shell.
“ He, it is not badly that.
Ca recorded the sound.
This shell is Dial? Yes, it is a “Audio-Dial”.
It can record and rejouer sounds.
It is one of the shells sea of Opal.
However, this sea does not have basic.
Where do these shells live? On the reefs of not very deep water.
But I do not see how that can propel Waver.
Propulsion of Waver comes from that one.
It is not very large, but the principle is the same one as for the Audio-Dial.
The wind leaves this one then! Give to see! It is a Breath-Dial.
He aspires the wind and slackens then it.
The capacity varies according to the size… But by putting it at the back of a boat, it can move small boats.
It is thus that Waver.
I include/understand.
Then that blew of air to move it.
Brilliant this Waver! In fact, there is the different one too.
Of Skate-Dials and of Board-Dials.
But Waver is it only that I control.
I want to test it! What a chance it has! And one has some too! You found Waver? Ouais, finally by chance.
One found of them an old man very dented.
But after two hundred years, he must function more.
Eh well, not necessarily.
Dials are made leave remainders of shells.
As long as their shell is not broken… They will be almost always functional.
Hear you that? But you cannot still lead it.
Let dream to me… I bet that it in exist other kinds.
Is that one too? Yes, this is a Lamp-Dial.
Oh, the shell shines! There is also which aspire fire, the Flame-Dial.
And another which aspires scents and flavors, Aroma-Dial.
And still another which reflects images, Visio-Dial.
There is of all kinds.
They is too cool… They is too cool! They form integral part of our daily celestial life.
I see.
Thus, culture of the celestial island… … evolved/moved with the energy of Dials.
Here, it is ready! Specialities of the celestial island with fruit trimming! Ca with the succulent air! Brilliant! They is extra! It is a super presentation for shrimp! They is too good! He! Where did Nami-san pass? It is over there in the sea.
Not, it is not there.
It is probably part to explore then.
It knows what it does.
Father, goes it to leave itself there? Yes, Conis-san… I am not not quiet me either.
What? Does Y' have a problem? It is in Skypiea a prohibited necessary where, no matter what it arrives, no one should not penetrate.
It is very close to here.
In Waver, one is there in one moment.
They are immense… What is it? One should never put at it feet… And why that? It is a crowned ground.
A crowned ground? This ground is called… [Note:Upper Yard = The higher garden.]
The Field of God, “Upper Yard”.

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