One Piece s04e30 Episode Script

Luffy vs Usopp! The Spirit of the Clashing Men

I WILL NEVER GIVE UP THIS BOAT! You become nutcase?! You were influenced by a band of engineers! People whom I knew… Would have relied on the force of Merry… Rather than to listen to these balivernes! To drop like a poor old man.
And to believe captain… do not generate the good decisions?! I badly judged you, Luffy! He, wait, Usopp.
Luffy also… Keep silent yourself, Nami! I made my decision! I will not change an opinion! We will change this boat no matter what you say! We will leave from here without Merry! Listen, Luffy… It is not by trailing the feet as that one leaves oneself there! I cannot leave from here while giving up a companion! Anything, a boat is not the same thing! It is similar! Merry is alive and still has forces! You are in a hurry probably already to have your next boat! Oi, the guys, remain calm! You acted without reflecting! Ca will not arrange anything to be irritated like that! DECREE CA IMMEDIATELY! Luffy! Do not imagine you that you are the only one to spend a dirty moment! One feels all the same thing! It is not question of changing boat! Of agreement, then if my decision is not liked… You have only to leave this immediate boat… Sanji! Bandage cretins.
You ridges what, there?! One calms oneself! Did not say anything! I am sorry.
I did not want to say that… Not, they is good, Luffy.
You let speak your heart.
What?! You do nothing but progress, by throwing the useless companions.
If you give up Merry… Give up me with.
You does not want the weak one among you, isn't this? Luffy… You will become the Lord of the pirates.
But your ambitions are too large for me.
Oi, where you go, Usopp?! Ca does not look at you.
I… I leave this crew! Usopp.
Wait, do not do that! He, is turned over! Luffy, I cannot remain any more in your company.
Afflicted for all the troubles that I brought to you.
The boat is your property, since which you are captain.
Then engagements against me.
Monkey D.
ENGAGEMENTS me! This evening, 10 hours, I will return.
Then we will fight for Merry.
I will beat you and recover Merry.
And… This moment, we will not have anything any more to say to us.
Luffy VS Usopp! The spirit of the combatants I am Usopp, the chief of this village and I have a whole horde of pirates under my orders! They regard me as… Their chief, “Cap' Usopp silvering”! Be too delirious for you, you! Oi, insane steps of me! I am a man of a great pride.
So much so that… People calls me, “Usopp, to trust”! Take care of you.
One will find oneself again on the seas.
Why? “Why”? You are really idiotic.
We will become pirate, we will meet surely ailleu… What do you tell? Hurry to go up.
One is companion now, not? I is the captain, it is that?! Baka, I am the captain! You had courage to come.
There is nothing to regret, it does not matter what it occurred.
Here the duel which you asked! Of course.
Give all that you ace.
I will overcome you.
I know already how I will beat you.
One can nothing make? Usopp is dirtily amoché.
If you cannot see that, returns inside.
Remember that your enemy knows your force.
Luffy, we were a long time together.
I know your capacities well… Would not be surprised if I say to you that… I have 8000 men behind me! Give up now if you want to live! Quuoii?! 8000?! I said to you that you should return.
I know that you do not have any man with you! USSOP SPELL! Lames de rasoirs enters the teeth! Ca only hurts to think of it! Return inside.
Cacti under the nails… GOMU GOMU NO… GUN! Usopp! Look at, I were sure, his body cannot… HISSATSU BOSHI [Boshi:Star.]
- [HISSATSU:To kill out of only one blow.]
What? Pity of the enemy is taken? How can you allow yourself? FLAIL HISTSU TAGOSHI [TAMAGO:Egg.]
BOI BOSHI Ca been able! It is disgusting! Salt cretin, a little serious! You believe that it is stupid? But it is you the cretin, Luffy! What? It IS MY STYLE OF COMBAT! He, if you are to you foutu guards the open large mouth! HISTSU BASCOSHI [TABASCO:spiced sauce.]
HEAT! Look at where you go… It is full with caltrop with ground! Ca hurts! Usopp takes the top… Listen to Luffy! I definitively will overcome you and take Merry to you! In all the possible ways! Usopp.
IEA! None of my attacks is useless.
Who been able whore… that… that burns… Ca hurts! I will prevent you from counteracting! HISTSU SHURIKEN RYUUSEIGUN [RYUUSEI:meteorite.]
Smoke? It is a dial poison gas.
You could not notice because of the odor of egg… The place is filled with gas! Gas? Me known as step only… Afflicted.
Take that! KAEN KASHI [KAEN:flame.]
What a explosion! Luffy! Usopp! I am Usopp, the chief of this village and I have a whole horde of pirates under my orders! They regard me as their chief, “Cap' Usopp silvering”! Be too delirious for you, you! Oi, insane steps of me! Why? One is companion now, not? I see an island! Brilliant! It is what this island?! Yosh! Go, Merry, at any speed! Any speed! CYB3RFR34K-ISO I do not like that.
Luffy! Usopp! I knew that would not commit suicide.
I know, Luffy… That you always fight all your forces! I know what you are able! HISTSU GOMU GOMU NO… GATLING GUN! SAKURETSU SABOTESO SHI [SAKURETSU:explosion.]
- [SABOTESO:cactus.]
Ca hurts! SAN YAKUBOSHI [SANREN:triple.]
- [KAYAKU:gunpowder.]
I absorbed your blow! IMPACT! A dial impact! How that is done, whore?! I am Usopp, the chief of this village and I have a whole horde of pirates under my orders! With our new companion and new boat.
Health! How you made ace? It is brilliant.
Also paint it on the sail.
Yosh, finished! Now, the boat pirates Going Merry is fine loan! GOMU GOMU NO… BULLET! Usopp! The combat is finished.
Imbecile! YOU WILL BE ABLE TO NEVER BEAT ME! I cannot believe it.
Do what you want of Merry, We will get a new boat and will continue our voyage.
Oi, exchange your place with me, Luffy! Not, this place is reserved to me! Oh, it is what?! What do you make, Usopp? He! The shoes are strictly prohibited in the workshop of Usopp! We will have absolutely to visit Elbaf… The village of the giant warriors.
Yosh, Usopp, one will go absolutely! One goes there, one goes there! It is Gold Eve Festival! Goodbye, Usopp.
One spent good moments together.
Oi, remains there, Chopper! Why?! It endured that whereas its body was seriously wounded! A combat is not a play! And then?! I am doctor! At least let to me go to look after it! Think of dishonor that a man undergoes who loses a combat, then saves to him your pity! Think of the sorrow which strikes the loser.
He asked this duel while knowing very well what he expected… It is hard! It is the burden of the captain.
Make your decision.
On which can one count if you hesitate? Let us leave this boat… We will not return any more on this ship.

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