One Piece s04e76 Episode Script

Separation Refines a Man! Sanji and Chopper

Wealth, Fame, Power.
The man who had acquired everything in this world, the Pirate King, Gold Roger.
The final words that were said at his execution sent people to the seas.
My wealth and treasures? If you want it, I'll let you have it.
Look for it, I left it all in that place.
Men now, chasing their dreams, head towards the Grand Line.
The world enters the Great Age of Pirates! Looks like those guys did it.
What great timing.
Trying to die alone is too painful, Robin-chan.
I don't wanna see any more victims.
I don't remember asking you to be nice to me! Why? WHY!? What happened to your leg? Without that leg, you can't be a pirate anymore, can you!? I guess not.
Why? You didn't have to! I don't remember asking you to be nice to me! Why? WHY!? Because you You have the same dream as I do.
All Blue? But, even your nakama said it doesn't exist.
Of course it exists! When the time comes, you head for the Grand Line! All Blue will definitely be there! As you can see, I can no longer be a pirate.
But, this time, you can go out and find it! Oi! Old man, don't die! After what you did Don't die after what you did! That shitty old man He sacrificed his leg so that I could live.
I also If I'm even gonna be able to repay him for that I have to be willing to place my life on the line! Dying wouldn't pay him back! That's not why he saved you.
To die after someone let you live That's only what weaklings do! Then what else can I do to set things right!? Errand boy! Errand boy Are you okay!? That's nothing You made me angry! I'm not gonna let you die so easily.
Shit That Krieg jerk keeps bringing out more weapons! There's no way he could match up to that.
Even if armed with hundreds of weapons there are times when you just can't beat a man with a spear of conviction in his gut.
To live or to die.
In a battle between pirates, those who fear death completely crumble.
What are you talking about? At least for that kid there's no hesitation.
It's either his way of preparing to live, or his conviction to refuse death.
Conviction? If Krieg's squadron is his force of power, along with his poison and hundreds of weapons.
Then that kid's spear That's his force of power.
The spear that he's got in his gut For some stupid reason, I know an idiot that's suppressing the spear in his gut.
This time IT'S REALLY OVER!! GOMU GOMU NO Oozuchi Wait! I guess we both have stupid dreams.
I'm going for my objective, to find All Blue.
Sanji? Yeah, I'll join you on your so-called road to becoming the Pirate King.
I'll accept the position of cook on your ship.
Is that okay or not? OF COURSE!! Yeah! That's great, Luffy-aniki! Yeah! Yeah! A cook! It's food! Yeah! Yeah! So that's how it'll be, everyone.
Sorry for being such a burden.
I don't like it You piss me off! I wanted to kick you out of here myself, and now you're leaving with such ease.
Sorry about that Sorry for making you put on such a bad performance, too.
What!? You knew!? It was obvious! You guys are so stupid.
What!? So you went through all that trouble to kick me outta here, right? Shitty old man! Why do you have to have such a foul mouth?! That's right, li'l eggplant.
I never liked kids anyway! There's never a day I don't regret letting an idiot like you live, you little brat.
That's excellent, shitty old man.
Enjoy the rest of your life in peace.
Oh! That's a nice boat! Can we really use it? It's Sanji's, of course we can.
Let's go.
Don't you have to say goodbye? It's fine.
Sanji! Don't catch a cold OWNER ZEFF!! For all these years Thank you so damn much! I'll never forget! I'm forever in your debt! DAMN IT!! We'll miss you! Damn it! We'll miss you! We'll miss you! It's so sad! Damn it! You morons! Men are supposed to bid farewell in silence HERE WE GO!! SET SAIL!! LET'S MEET AGAIN, YOU SHITTY BASTARDS!! As long as you hold the conviction to face death, then you will definitely find it All Blue.
Alright, men! Customers are coming in soon! Hurry up and get back to work! Robin used to always be alone Just like I used to be.
Were you shot? We need to hurry and stop the bleeding or you'll die! You can be one! You can! You can! You'll become a great doctor.
Doctor I can't breathe You're so kindhearted! I wonder if Robin ever had anyone, someone like what the Doctor meant to me.
My, my! Aren't you a weird creature? You probably lived a lonely life, without anyone who liked you, right? You poor monster! Why would a lonesome creature like you want to save this country? Don't make us laugh! Shut up! I can fight even without any nakama! As long as Doctor's flag is here, I will He does have nakama! I AM HIS NAKAMA!! Oi, you! Let's be pirates together! It's impossible.
It's not impossible! It's so much fun! That doesn't even make sense! But But, I'm a reindeer! I have antlers, and I have hooves I have a blue nose too! I mean, I wanna be a pirate But, I'm not a nakama of humans! I'm a monster! I can't be one of your nakama.
So So I just wanted to thank you.
I really appreciate it.
Thanks for inviting me.
I'm gonna stay here, but Maybe someday, when you feel like it, you can come back! SHUT UP!! !! I've never heard of an invitation saying 'shut up'.
That felt good! Oi! Can you do it again? Stupid, we're leaving now.
I I thought we were gonna die Hey! Where the hell am I? Sanji-san, you're awake? Doctor! It wasn't an hallucination, was it? Wasn't your research complete? Or was that a lie, too? We did it, Chopper! The research was a success! Did you think that I'd be sad if you didn't say that before you died? 'Nothing is impossible to a man with a skull on his flag!' Say it again, Doctor! Are you ready, youngsters!? FIRE 'EM!! Listen, Kureha, this dirt is Dr.
Kureha What in the world are you? Just shut up and watch.
Kureha! We've fired them all! LIGHT UP!! Amazing! Yeah.
Beautiful! I will make cherry blossoms bloom! If my research succeeds, this country will be saved! Listen here, this red dirt It's no ordinary dirt.
It'll stick to the white snow, and will make bright pink snow fall! Doctor Doctorine I would never shoot you! My name is Dr.
Hiluluk! I'm a Doctor! Tony Tony Chopper Great name, isn't it? That's what I'm gonna call you.
Chopper, you'll be a great Doctor.
I guarantee it! Even if I die, my dream never will.
What a great life I had! Thank you, Chopper.
Now, go Stupid son Robin.
You're not alone anymore, okay? We'll save you no matter what! So wait for us! The sea train? HERE WE GO!! The more I want to stay with everyone, the more I'll make them suffer.
It's something I thought I was never allowed to want.
But, Saulo You were right! I finally met the nakama that would protect me! Next time, One Piece: Everything Is For a Nakama! Robin in the Dark! I'm gonna be the Pirate King!
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