One Piece s04e78 Episode Script

The Blueprints Aren't Passed! Franky's Decision

Wealth, Fame, Power.
The man who had acquired everything in this world, the Pirate King, Gold Roger.
The final words that were said at his execution sent people to the seas.
My wealth and treasures? If you want it, I'll let you have it.
Look for it, I left it all in that place.
Men now, chasing their dreams, head towards the Grand Line.
The world enters the Great Age of Pirates! Twenty years ago It stole everything away from me, and crushed a lot of people's lives.
All thanks to a single attack The Buster Call.
This same attack has finally shown up.
It's aimed at the nakama that I finally met and trust.
The more I wish to be by your sides, the more my fate will bare its fangs to you! No matter how far I continue my journey on the sea, there's still that gigantic enemy I can't shake off! Because my enemy is the world and its darkness! That time with Aokiji, and now this.
I've gotten you all involved twice already.
If this keeps up forever, even as easy going as you all are Someday you'll see me as a burden! It's obvious that someday you'll betray me and throw me away! That's what scares me the most! That's why I didn't want you to come save me! If it's a life I'll lose someday, I want to die right here and now! I understand now! That's right on the mark! That's exactly it! There's no one out there who'd be stupid enough to not think you're a burden after traveling with you! Look at this flag, pirate scum! That mark! It represents the unity of over 170 United Nations dotted in the four seas and the Grand Line! This is the world! Do you even get how insignificant your existences are compared to this? Do you understand how powerful the organization after this woman is?! I understand Robin's enemy very well Sogeking.
Make that flag burst into flames.
Roger that.
My new weapon, the Giant Pachinko.
The name is Kabuto! Behold the power of this weapon! Hisatsu! Firebird Star! They didn't Done.
They They did it! Do these guys know what it means to shoot a flag? The pirates just They declared war on the World Government! Are you out of your mind?! Don't think you'll be able to survive having the world as your enemy! THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT WE'RE ASKING FOR!! Robin! I still haven't heard it from your mouth! SAY YOU WANT TO LIVE!! Robin.
Robin! To live I thought wishing for it was forbidden No one ever allowed me that The sea is vast.
Someday, without any doubt, nakama who will protect you will appear.
Believe in Luffy.
If If I'm allowed to declare my wish Then I I WANT TO LIVE!! TAKE ME OUT TO THE SEA WITH YOU!! I love you guys! Damn it! Let's go! I'm Not Giving You The Blueprint! Franky's Decision Alright! We pulled the lever! WE DID IT!! Looks like Mozu and them did it, too! GO, STRAW HAT!! The bridge is being lowered! Looks like those guys did it.
What great timing.
Trembles from excitement Hurry up and lower it! What an evil looking face Robin! We'll save you no matter what! DON'T COME!! They have good spirit.
To not fear the government's flag It's useless They can't possibly match up to us.
DON'T COME!! The drawbridge is lowering! Go, Straw Hat-san!! Damn you, pirates! We won't let you! Prepare the mortar cannon! Stop the drawbridge, even if you have to demolish it! Yes! I won't let you do that! PIPE HITCH KNIVES!! It's all over for you! DISMANTLE CHOP!! Judge Baskerville! Too bad! We were really a trio of judges! What?! Me on the left, my real name is Bas! And me on the right, my real name is Kerville! And me in the middle, I am A princess! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! It was just the three of them stuck together? What for? Because we're the best of friends~!! SHUT UP!! Shoot! Use the mortar! The drawbridge stopped?! They're getting in our way! What is this?! Damn it! WHO WAS IT?! Chief Spandam! Escape from the Tower of Justice! G-Good! You did well! We'll head to the Gates of Justice before they get here! Oi, Nico Robin! Somebody, take in Cutty Flam! Robin! They don't have what it takes.
They're just mere pirates We have the assassination group, CP9! The survivor from the island of scholars that planned to revive a weapon Nico Robin.
And the man who inherited this weapon's blueprints Cutty Flam.
There's no way that I'd miss an opportunity as great as this to gain such immense power! Cutty Flam.
Those are You couldn't possibly The blueprints of the ancient weapon, Pluton.
It's the real thing.
Do you believe me? Lucci, Kaku.
You guys can tell, right? I didn't think you would, but You were hiding it inside yourself this whole time? Is it Is it real? Is it the real thing?! Give them here! Give them to me! My long-awaited blueprints! Nico Robin.
I guess you really can't rely on the rumors of society During the time it took to get to this shithole, I found out you're not the devil that would put the weapon to use for no good.
In the first place What the ship workers of Water 7 inherited from generation to generation It wasn't a blueprint for how to build a weapon.
Such a great task was left unfinished by Tom-san.
Tom-san attempted a great task and left it unfinished.
The blueprint worth sacrificing everything to pass on to the future.
As long as there's the danger that this woman called Nico Robin can revive ancient weapons, this weapon is needed by the world as a power of resistance.
Hey, Spanda.
What Tom-san and Iceburg tried to protect with their lives is Hurry up and give it to me! If the ancient weapon were to fall into the hands of an idiot like you and let loose, then a weapon would be needed to be built in order to resist that.
To contain a reckless outbreak is this designer's wish.
It's true If you use Nico Robin, then you could revive the ancient weapon.
Even if it's not her intention, as long as there's a chance that she could be used to do so, then she's a dangerous woman.
But for her, she has nakama that don't hesitate when looking into the face of death.
That's why I'm gonna make a bet.
At this moment If there's a chance to fulfill this designer's dream, then there's only one thing I can do.
Stop blabbering and give it to me immediately! They're mine! Tom-san In this situation, you would probably also At this moment If there's a chance to fulfill this designer's dream, then there's only one thing I can do.
Stop blabbering and give it to me immediately! They're mine! Tom-san In this situation, you would probably also You! What are you doing?! It's burnt to a crisp! Damn it! I'm gonna kill you!! Our five year long mission The blueprint that was intended to be used to resist power, was also sought after by the government.
In reality, the existence of this thing was kept a secret.
It should be destroyed once it's been revealed.
Now, there's no power to resist the ancient weapon.
If Nico Robin is to be taken by you now, the world will end.
But if the Straw Hats win What you'll have left, is absolutely nothing at all.
Personally, I'm betting on their victory.
How could you do such a stupid thing? I guess you wanna die here now too, huh? ANIKI!! ANIKI!! FRANKY ANIKI!! Oi, look! Aniki is up on the Tower of Justice! That's great! He's okay! Hey! It's aniki! Aniki! We came to help you! WE CAME WITH THE STRAW HATS!! SODOM AND GOMORRAH WORKED HARD TOO!! ANIKI!! COME HOME WITH US!! YOU'RE NOT HURT, ARE YOU?! You You guys! You guys Damn it! Who asked you to come help me? To come WHO ASKED YOU TO?! YOU DUMBASSES!! DAMN IT!! I'M NOT CRYING!! SHUT UP!! ALL OF YOU!! Hey! Are you the devil?! ROBIN'S WAITING!! HURRY AND LOWER THE BRIDGE!! Oh yeah, that's right.
HURRY UP, YOU MORONS!! That's right, huh?! You morons better hurry up! I'll kick your asses!! Th-That's true e& I love Nami-san even when she says incoherent things~!! e& Oi! Straw Hat! Seems like you took care of my subordinates.
This time, the master carpenter, the one and only Franky will be your super great fighting power! DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!! I'M STILL PISSED AT YOU ABOUT USOPP!! But he's right next to you Cutty Flam.
Why did you? To my blueprint ANIKI!! ANIKI'S FALLING INTO THE WATERFALL~!! FRANKY!! Oi, you pirates! Kokoro-san?! I can hear everything.
What are you lingering around for? Lingering around? But the bridge is only halfway Halfway is more than enough! I'll be there in four more seconds.
So jump into the waterfall with all you've got! Hey, that's from earlier! Was it the baasan? What did she mean? I don't know, but she said to jump into the waterfall.
The sea train! Why is it in the Courthouse?! Chimney, ring the bell as lively as you can! Okay! The sea train? What's the meaning of that smile? Judge!! Please get out of the way!! STOP RIGHT THERE!! HERE WE GO!! It can still run, the Rocketman! Don't underestimate the legendary shipbuilding company, Tom's Workers! Rocketman?! IT FLEW!! THEY CAME OVER!! It's a waterfall! Seems like the old times, Tom-san! I did indeed help a man named Roger AND I'M MIGHTY PROUD OF IT!! I'm Luffy.
I'm the man who's gonna be the Pirate King.
Really? Yeah.
That guy Roger was also He was an idiot too, wasn't he? And you helped him out, didn't you? Outrageously, the entire Tom's Workers' family are helping the Straw Hat now.
You would've done the same, wouldn't you? Tom-san? WE'RE GONNA HIT IT!! WE'RE GONNA CRASH!! If this goes on, Robin's in danger.
We have to do something before she passes through the Gates of Justice.
So we have to beat the guys from CP9, and get our hands on five different keys.
Anyway, we don't have time.
Everyone has to win! Wait for us, Robin.
Next time, One Piece: Capture the 5 Keys! The Straw Hats Versus CP9.
I'm gonna be the Pirate King!
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