Out With Dad (2010) s04e12 Episode Script

Counselling Vanessa - Session Forty-Seven

- So how are you doing this week? - I'm OK.
- How is Ollie? - Ollie's fine - He must be what about? Six month old now? - Six months tomorrow.
Yeah he must be getting so big.
Are Matthew and, - I'm sorry, I can't remember her name - Fatima.
Ah, Fatima.
Are Matthew and Fatima doing anything special for his big six month birthday? Sorry Um, not much I mean, my dad and Jacob and I are going over there for dinner tonight.
Are you not sleeping well again? No.
It kind of comes and goes, doesn't it? Yeah.
Do you have any idea why that might be? I don't know.
Is there anything different going in your life right now? Anything new? I don't know.
Everything's kinda normal.
Hmm OK.
Have you seen your mom recently? No, not since the last time.
I hate the way she is around Ollie.
I don't think Matthew likes it either but he's just too polite to say anything.
You mentioned you don't like her attitude around Ollie before.
In fact, you've often used the word "entitled", I think.
What what is? About what she's doing with Ollie that you don't like? I don't know, she's She gets really pissy about stuff, but then like not really.
And she is passive-aggressive and she makes all these little comments like "Oh, Ollie hasn't been Christened yet".
And she does the same thing with me.
She says that she is OK with me being bisexual, but clearly she hates it.
"Since you can be with a man, why not just be with a man? " Oh, Vanessa, that's really tough.
Yeah and it's offensive.
She doesn't get anything.
Yeah, that's very offensive! Is it any easier now that she's not living with you anymore? Oh, yeah! But it sucks with Jacob.
What about Jacob? Well, he misses her.
And he is mad at me and he well, you know You said he blames you for it.
Yeah Do you know why? I know exactly why.
I'm the reason she's gone.
My dad kicked her out, because of me.
He tried to solve one problem but caused another OK, what makes you think it's because of you? He told me.
Really? Yeah.
My dad knew that she was the reason I ran away.
Wow, Vanessa, that's that's really big.
That's tough stuff too.
Kind of felt good to say.
I'm glad to hear that.
Do you mind telling me more about why you ran away? I don't know.
Sometimes I'm glad I did it Because, like, it made my dad grow a backbone and all other good stuff came out of it.
- What are the great things? - Lots of things.
Like Matthew.
I don't know if I'd have him back in my life.
And Ollie.
And the house is a lot calmer.
Even if Jacob is mad, I don't hate being there anymore.
I don't know, I guess I'm glad I did it.
Vanessa, do you mind if I ask what you're feeling right now? I'm just really tired.
Can we just talk about it a different day ? Are you sure? OK.
Like I said, you have control here.
OK? Why don't you tell me more about what it's like looking after Ollie?
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