Outlander (2014) s07e10 Episode Script

Brotherly Love

[CLAIRE] Previously
[YOUNG IAN] Arch Bug, is that you?
He means to kill someone I love.
Your friend must love you very much
to entrust you with his dog.
I'm only looking after him
until he returns.
Jemmy knows this place.
If he got away from Cameron,
he'd run for Lallybroch.
It's best that you stay here.
You're injured.
The British will have to show you mercy.
Oh, come now, cousin.
We're celebrating your new posting.
It will be glorious.
It's John's nephew, Henry.
He was injured in battle.
We can't leave now.
I can't, but you
Have ye asked her to wait for ye?
Promise me you'll go to her.
[YOUNG IAN] But I should be
with him for the rest of his life.
[JENNY] Your Da wants you to
go and live the rest of your life.

[ROGER] Oh, Christ.
What may I do for ye?
Always guard yer head. Now push me back.
Fight as one.
See if ye can take me down.

- Mind yer feet, Jamie.
[JOHN] Stumble and ye're good as dead.
Good, Ian.
Look for yer chance!
- [THUD]
- Ah!


Jamie's hurt, Da.
No, I'm not.
But you would be in a fight.
And why is that?
Because we didna fight as one.
Fight as brothers, and ye'll never lose.
You must stand on Jamie's left, son,
for you must always protect
yer chief's weaker side.
And never leave it.
I must say
I ken Claire had a few years on you,
but I never guessed it was 200.
- Two hundred and seven.
Oh, Christ, it hurts.
Feels like there's a knife in my chest.
If I could take your place, I would.
I'm no' bothered so much
about dyin', but
holy God, the slowness of it
is killing me.
If there are miracles about
such as yer wife in the world
just think what awaits us
in paradise, eh?
One thing, though.
You could have yer leg back.
- Oh, God. Don't laugh.
Christ, Jenny'll kill me
if ye cough up a lung and die out here.

Ye remember when
we gave each other blood for blood?

That's when we lost Willie.
Ye came to me.
- Said ye'll be my brother.
Course I remember.

I've loved you as one ever since.



It will not be long now, love.

On your left, man.



Ye should have Michael
and Young Jamie help ye.
I want to do it.
When must ye leave?
I'll stay as long as ye need me.
Michael's agreed to accompany Joan
to her convent in Paris.
So I'll visit her there
and then return to Philadelphia.
Ye could come wi' me.
Stay wi' us at the Ridge.
Perhaps I'll join ye one day,
in America,
when the war is over
and the weans need me the less.
But not today.

Where d'ye think he is, Jamie?

Ian, I mean.

Is he already gone?

He's just here.

Where he's always been.

[SINGER] Sing me a song ♪
Of a lass that is gone ♪
Say, could that lass ♪
Be I? ♪
Merry of soul ♪
She sailed on a day ♪
Over the sea ♪
To Skye ♪
Billow and breeze ♪
Islands and seas ♪
Mountains of rain and sun ♪
All that was good ♪
All that was fair ♪
All that was me ♪
Is gone ♪
Sing me a song ♪
Of a lass that is gone ♪
Say, could that lass ♪
Be I? ♪
Merry of soul ♪
She sailed on a day ♪
Over the sea ♪
To Skye ♪
Sing me a song ♪
Of a lass that is gone ♪
Say, could that lass ♪
Be I? ♪
D'ye think he's gone yet?
I don't know.
Sometimes people hang on
for a long time,
even when they're very ill.
When is his birthday?
It's in May sometime.
Near Uncle Jamie's.
'Cause sometimes,
people hold on
till after their birthdays
before dying.
Were you with yer parents
when they died?
My parents died in an accident
when I was five.
I should ha' stayed wi' him.
He wanted you to go.
He wanted you to find Rachel.
I wish he could ha' met her.
Wish she could ha' met him.
Have you told her about him?
Well, you can now.
The porter at the dock assured me that
the Continental Army are still
encamped at Valley Forge.
That's where she'll be.
I'll find a horse and go after her.
All right.
Be careful.
It is still a war.

I knew the city was under
British occupation,
but I never imagined
we'd be searched upon arrival.
The porter said there's
a wee problem with spies.


Safe Passage.
Signed by General Burgoyne himself.
Thank you, sir.
Let 'em through.

Apparently, women aren't
considered much of a threat.

May I help you?
Yes. Is your mistress at home?
Bless you, Madam. I have no mistress.
The house is mine.
- You're Mrs. Woodcock?
- Mm-hmm.
[SIGHS] I'm Claire Fraser.
Please forgive my presumption.
I'm here to operate on Lord Henry Grey.
- Is he here?
- [MERCY] He is.
We've been fervently praying
you would come.
Please, call me Mercy.
I'll look in on him now, if I may.
And then perhaps afterwards,
you could tell me
where I might find his uncle, Lord John.
I'm supposed to be staying with him.
You'll find him at his nephew's side
both day and night.
It's good to see you.
Better to see you,
sooner than I could've hoped.
Well, we had a fair wind.
We made the crossing in five weeks.
Jamie had to stay in Scotland.
His brother-in-law is dying.
I'm very sorry to hear it.
You've returned to service.
I've resigned my commission,
but the uniform is mine to wear.
I do so for intimidation.
Who are you intimidating?
The city's under British control.
He's protecting me, ma'am.
I am for independency.
Henry was given
into Mrs. Woodcock's care
as a prisoner of war
when the city was still held
by the Continentals.
When it came under British control,
well, I
I did not see a reason
to change his circumstances.
He cannot be moved in any case.
Before I perform the operation,
I'll need to visit the apothecary
to purchase some vitriol to make ether.
I'm afraid you'll find that
all the vitriol in town
has already been purchased.
Who could possibly need
You never told me how
your experiment turned out,
but I remembered sending you
vitriol some years ago.
I thought you might be needing it again.
I never wrote to you before I left.
How did you know I'd come?
I knew.

[GEILLIS] What seems to be ailing him?
- Aye, uh, it's
I'm sorry.
Am I a shocking sight to ye, sir?
[ROGER] Yes, you could say that.
No, Mistress.
you're younger than I expected.

I was told that you were
very wise in the old ways
and made assumption as to your age.
It's his heart.
and his breathing is most difficult.

Do I ken ye, sir?
Well, you should.
He's your son.

Boiled foxglove steeped in tea
will help.
I'll brew some, shall I?
Thank ye, Mistress
Geillis Duncan.
And yer name, sir?
Uh, MacKenzie.
Well, then, Mr. MacKenzie,
I'll just step out
to the garden for the herbs.

Ye ken her somehow.


Her real name is Gillian Edgars.
She's a time-traveler.
Brianna and I met her in 1968
in Inverness.
She's the one you wrote about.
The one who believed in blood sacrifice.
She killed her husband
at the foot of the stones
before coming to this time.
I saw the man's burned body.
It was 12 years ago for me
but I think maybe less for her.
Mebbe I dinna want to have
her foxglove tea after all.
She's killed five husbands in all.
Or she will.
And she'll try to kill Bree.
She's disturbed.
Does she ken Robert Cameron?
from her time, is he no'?
He's from her town.
And he's a history "nut" like her too.
But but she left in 1968.
Why would Rob kidnap Jem 12 years later
and bring him to her here?
No, Rob wants Jem to take him
to the gold, but
the gold won't even be there
for another 40 years.
No, he's here by mistake.
- It's just [CHUCKLES]
It's just a coincidence
that she's here too.
Do you really believe that?
I'll take a look around.

He can't eat.
He can't swallow a thing but soup,
and none so much of that.
He wasn't but skin and bones
when they brought him to me.
Is the pain constant?
Nearly so, ma'am, and
diabolical at the least movement.
Do you have any pain in your back here?
How about here?
You were shot twice.
How many musket balls remain?
He submitted himself to two surgeries
before I arrived.
Both unsuccessful.
And a third, more recently.
Yes, after I wrote to you.
Dr. Hunter removed one of
the musket balls at Christmas.
But Henry didn't improve.
Dr. Hunter?
- Denzell Hunter?
- Oh, yes.
I I forgot.
You know him.
William mentioned that you did.
He's here in Philadelphia?
[GREY] Dr. Hunter and William both.
William is paroled and staying with me.
They met each other last year.
It seems they both saved
each other's lives
quite in succession.
At any rate,
William brought the doctor to us,
and he has done much
to restore our hopes.

The musket ball was lodged
under the pancreas.
I-I went in near the hole
it had made entering
and was able to locate it with forceps.
But the other, I could not find.
I-I worry it may lie near
the hepatic portal vein.
And I dared not probe very hard for it,
as hemorrhage would certainly
have proved fatal.
Sounds like you did what you could,
save from opening him up.
Opening him up?
What surely he would have died
of shock.
Well, you will see
what can be accomplished
with the use of ether.
John has purchased the vitriol,
but I could really use
your help in building a still.
Thee is a rare breed, Claire.
'Tis a joy to see thee again.
Now, Rachel will be pleased
to see thee too.
And I her.
I just hope Ian sees her
before he leaves for Valley Forge.
They did not have comfrey.
Denny will be disappointed.
What is it?
I've grown a beard waiting for you.
I wasn't gone but a moment.
A man could walk
three times around the city
in one of your moments.
Well, I do not see a beard.
I had the time to shave as well.
- Do we require anything more?
- Yes.
Wood ears.
[WILLIAM] Must the dog come
with you everywhere?
[RACHEL] The dog does what the dog will.
Besides, he has a nose
for the choicest mushrooms
in the market.
Will thee return to Boston soon?
I hope not.
Languishing in Boston
with the Convention Army
waiting to return to England
it's not a place for me.
And though I cannot fight,
I would rather be in a Loyalist city,
where I can be of use to General Howe.
And I would rather be with you.
Even though I am not a loyalist?
[WILLIAM] Even though.
When first we met,
I knew thee was a British soldier.
I thought maybe thee was a deserter.
But I am pleased thee is not.
Are you?
Would you not prefer that
I abjure my military service
and seek peace?
Of course I would
that thee would seek peace.
And find it.
But one cannot find peace
in oath-breaking.
I will remember that.
What's he after?
Wood ears?
He would only run so quickly
for one person.






Rollo? Rollo!
Cu snog!
[LAUGHING] Glad to see you too.
Where's Rachel?
Where is she?
What have ye done wi' her?

[GEILLIS] Do ye need one of those?

Who is it ye would wish ill upon?
One so kind as ye?
No one.
Have we met before, Mr. MacKenzie?

Ye look familiar.

You said that about my cousin too.
Perhaps if we kent each other better,
it might arouse our memories.

I'm a married man.
And I'm a married woman.
That doesn't stop most men, I find.

It stops me.

What troubles ye, Mr. MacKenzie?
[ROGER] One, you're my
many times great-grandmother.
Two, you're a murderess.
my son's been kidnapped.
poor man.
What's his name, yer lad?
He was taken two nights ago
by a man who's been seen in these parts.
Some say a faerie man.
But not you.
Do you no' believe in faeries
then, Mr. MacKenzie?
Oh, I believe I'm looking at one now.
Me? Uh
As I said, I was told you were
so wise in the old ways
as to be one of the old ones yourself.
Who was it who spoke so kindly of me?
A friend.
Robert Cameron.
ye shall have to introduce me
to this Robert Cameron
so that I can thank him
for his compliments.
Do you not know him?
I ken many Camerons,
but none of them are named Robert.
And I'm no faerie.
Would that I were,
I could help ye find yer lad.
Will ye excuse me, Mr. MacKenzie?
She's not part of it.
She doesn't know Rob. I'm sure of it.
Let's go.
Canna be mere chance.
Why her of all people?
To get you well.
Maybe that's all.
These men are askin' after ye.
Feasgar math.
Ye're the ones looking
for the faerie man?

I have something that may interest ye.

And you are?
Dougal MacKenzie, of Beannachd.
[ROGER] Oh, Christ.

[CLAIRE] If he begins to stir at all,
three or four more drops
of the ether should do it.
And make sure that
his breathing remains steady.
[MERCY] Yes, Mrs. Fraser.

[DENZELL] He doesn't feel a thing.
[MERCY] And he won't,
if I have anything to do about it.

[DENZELL] I I've seen
the insides of bodies before,
but usually,
they're shattered and ruined.
To to open the abdomen
and not even wake the patient up,
to see the organs gleaming
and throbbing with life

- Is that
- [CLAIRE] Gallbladder.
[DENZELL] Looks like a jade pear.

In the intestine.
Can you feel that?

[CLAIRE] When it entered,
it must still have been hot enough
to sear the intestinal wall.
[DENZELL] Cautery.

[CLAIRE] I think I can do a resection
cut out the damaged tissue
and stitch it back together.
I'll need your help.
I wonder how long it will take.
I have only seen Claire perform
field operations in war.
Those are often quick.
But without the imperative
of other wounded,
perhaps she will take longer.
Perhaps that is a good thing.
I wish I had your faith.
[WILLIAM] Or at least your strength.
The clock has stopped.
We will look for the dog again
after we hear of Henry's condition.
When he ran from me,
I was certain that Ian had returned.
You were correct.
Yes, but Claire said Ian
was seeking me at Valley Forge.
What if Rollo didn't find him?
Or if he was only chasing
after something else?
I will have missed Ian
and lost his dog in the same moment.
Perhaps the dog will return to the inn
where you've been staying.
[SOLDIER] Left, left, left!
[SOLDIER] March on!
The fighting will start up
again in earnest soon, won't it?
It seems so, with the winter gone.
What a strange thing.
In only a little while,
we shall be enemies again.
They're finished.
He survived.
You were wonderful in there.
I've rarely seen someone
so attentive to the task.
Thank you.
I'm so relieved it was successful.
I had begun to lose hope.
You're very close to him.
Yeah, we have become so.
May I ask you something?
My husband's name is Walter.
Dr. Hunter told me
he amputated my husband's leg
at Ticonderoga.
I was wondering if you were his wife.
He told me Walter needed
to be left at the fort,
that you went back after the retreat.
He he thought maybe
you would know if Walter
There were complications
from the surgery.
A blood clot.
I was with him when he died.
It was a quick and peaceful passing.
I'm so sorry.

He died thinking of you.
We parted in anger.

He mentioned that
said he regretted it very much.

Was but one of many quarrels.
Now I know it is the last.
He wanted to make it up to you,
if it's any consolation.
He truly loved you.

I must go and feed our horses.
I thank thee for seeing me home.
I have never felt myself
your enemy, Miss Hunter.
I hope you know that.
And I shall always be your friend.
And I, thine.
Is there more thee would say?
No. Nothing.
It will wait.

Miss Hunter.
[RACHEL] Let me go!
[BUG] I think not.
Yer friend Ian has returned.
He's looking for ye.
Oh, I could kill ye now.
But I want him to see it.
If ye swear not to scream,
I'll allow ye to breathe
for a few moments more.

Why is thee doing this?
Ian Murray killed my wife.
No, he wouldn't.
I will tell you
what he would and would not do.
[DENZELL] Ian, thee has found us.
Denzell, it's good to see you.

[CHUCKLES] She's not here.
She's tending to our horses.
- At the stables in New Market.
- Thank you.

[RACHEL] I do not blame thee
for thy grief nor thy rage,
but thee knows Ian did not
intend to harm thy wife.
Thee must know it is not right
to kill us both.
Not both, lass.
He will live with what he sees today,
as I have.
But thee cannot hope to escape.
- They will hang thee.
- Aye.
And I will see my wife again.
I could never counsel self-murder,
but if thee intends to die,
why must thee insist
upon staining thy death,
thy soul, with violence?
Ye think vengeance is a sin, a stain?
It is a glory, lass.
It is my duty to my wife.
But why must I be forced
to serve thy beastly duty?
I have done nothing to thee or thine!
[BUG] I knew you'd come for her.
[RACHEL] Ian, don't kill him. Don't.

- Let her go.
I followed ye from the Ridge, lad.
Aye, it was me in the woods.
I heard ye calling for me, but I waited,
and I watched.
I followed ye to Wilmington
to Saratoga,
to Philadelphia,
to her.
And you tell me to let her go?
No, sir!
I warned ye, did I no'?
I should ha' killed ye
the moment ye did!
[RACHEL] Please! Don't kill him!

- Ah! Ahh!



Ian! I'm here!
- [YOUNG IAN] I'm all right.
- I'm here.
You must leave.
I'll see to the body.
They won't arrest me.
Take Ian to Claire.


I'm so sorry, Ian.
It's no' yer fault.
It's no one's fault but Arch's.
Thee feared him, all this time?
What he might do?
That's why thee said thee was afraid
I might die because I loved thee?
And because I loved you.
Does thee?
Ye ken well I do.
I said it.
Thee said it, if thee said it,
in some other tongue.
I speak only English.
I love you.
The world is turning upside down, and
and yet, you were
the only constant thing,
the only thing that binds me
to the Earth.

Rachel, I

I would become Quaker for yer sake,
but I ken I'm not one in my heart.
I think I never could be.

You wouldna want me
to say words I didna mean
or pretend to be something I canna be.

I wouldn't want that.

Then how

Thy dog is a wolf, is he not?

He is.
Well mostly.
[RACHEL] And yet,
he is thy boon companion.
A creature of rare courage
and affection,
and altogether a worthy being?
Thee is a wolf too.
And I know it.

But thee is my wolf.
And if thee hunts at night
I know thee will come home.

And sleep at thy feet.


- [SISSY] Good morning, Claire.
- [CLAIRE] Good morning, Sissy.
Got anything new for me today?
Uh, the goldenseal has flowered.
- Would thee like to see?
- Marvelous.

[SISSY] Over this way.

Good foraging, ma'am?
Best haul yet.

[CLAIRE] This arrived
at Lord John's today.
"My dearest Claire"
"Ian is gone."
"It has been ten days since he passed."
I'm so sorry, Ian.
We kent it already, Auntie.
I'm at peace.
He said he's visited Joan
at her convent in France.
And he's been meeting
with some Frenchmen.
Friends of Mr. Franklin.
That must be Benjamin Franklin.
Signs it, "Your Ink-stain'd Wretch
and Most Devoted Husband, Jamie."
That's it?
"I have been so absorbed
in Composition as to forget
"my original intent
in writing to say that
I have booked Passage on the Euterpe."
"Sailing from Brest in two weeks' time."
In two weeks' time?

The letter is dated the first of April.
He left six weeks ago, Auntie.
He could be here any day.

You look as though you've seen a ghost.
No, sir.
But if you have something
that might relate to my son,
perhaps I'm seeing a guardian angel.
Ah, well, ye'll ken that better than I.
My man won this in a game of dice
with a tinker in Port na Craig.
It's some kind of charm.
Thought it might belong
to the faerie man
that's been seen about.
Do you recognize it?


No, I've
never seen its like.
Hmm. We uh, thought it might be
yer son's name.
John Murray said that
the lad's name was Jeremiah.
[ROGER] Aye.
A charm, you say?
May I keep this, sir?
I'd like to find
this tinker you spoke of.
Aye, of course.
And thank you, Mistress Duncan,
for your unexpected kindness.
Are ye the procurator fiscals' new wife?

I am.

Yer servant, Mistress.
Perhaps ye could show me yer wares?


That charm means somethin' to ye.

It's not a charm.

They're military identification tags.
They'll give them out to servicemen
about 200 years from now.

These belonged to my father.

He went missing in action.
Well, you you canna be sure of that.
How many MacKenzies are there,
for God's sake?
A lot.
But not so bloody many
who flew for the Royal Air Force.
And even fewer who disappeared
without a trace in the middle of a war.
They never found his body.

He'd be wearing strange clothing.
Short coat, long trousers.
My God.

The faerie man isn't Rob Cameron.
It's my father.
He's here.

Mrs. Fraser, I didn't see you.
- How's Henry?
- He's resting.
What's wrong?
You and your husband are Rebels,
aren't you, Mrs. Fraser?
Truly and deeply?
Deeper than you can imagine.
So whatever it is you have to say,
you can say it.
I have been working
with the Continentals.
As a courier, mostly.
Sometimes I listen at the market.
I hear things.
If they're interesting, I report them,
but mostly, I take letters.
You are a spy?
I take the letters out of the city.
Always to the same place.
Someone else gets 'em there.
I don't know who.
I only know the man I get them from,
and he's been caught.
- Are you in danger?
- I I might be.
You see, I don't know anyone else,
and I have a letter now
that must be delivered.
It's important.
It's for General Washington,
but I was followed today.
I'm certain of it.
I lost them in the market,
but they're looking for me
on all the roads out of town.
They know my face.
They know mine too.
But they never search me
when I go out of town
to Bartrams' garden.
Are you saying that you'll

Just tell me where to deliver it to.
[MERCY] The message
has to be deciphered,
but they'll know what it is
if they see it.
Even if they can't read it,
they'll arrest you.

[CLAIRE] Captain Morse.
Foraging again so soon?
We saw you only yesterday.
I'm a healer in a town
of convalescing soldiers.
You've no idea how quickly
I go through my supplies.
You cannot find what you need
at the market?

I need arrowroot.
It's not available for purchase,
but it is growing
at the garden that I visit.

It's very effective for diarrhea.
Many of my patients have dysentery
and suffer from explosive bowels.
You may accompany me if you wish.
I'd welcome the conversation.
Thank you.
Have a good day.


[CLAIRE] Ah, Mrs. Figg.
I hope I'm not late for dinner.
I'll go freshen up.
No, there is a visitor for you,
He's in the parlour with Lord John.
Come in.
There's been
- I I don't
- [CLAIRE] What is it?
- Is it Henry?
- [GREY] No, it's not Henry.
There has been I have
some bad news.
I can see that.
Sit down, please, before you fall down.
What's happened?
I sorry. Who are you?
Amias Ratliff, Madam,
captain of the HMS Roberts.
Jamie's ship, the Euterpe
was lost at sea.

Lost with all hands.

No, it wasn't.
[RATLIFF] I take no joy in telling you,
- Madam, it is true.
[GREY] Lost with all hands.
[RATLIFF] The storm
[GREY] With all hands
- [RATLIFF] Lost.
- [GREY] Was lost at sea.
[RATLIFF] The storm
I saw Euterpe go down.
[GREY] Was lost at sea.
[RATLIFF] Broaching wave
[GREY] Lost at sea.
That doesn't happen.
- [RATLIFF] Swallowed her.
- [GREY] Lost at sea.
With all hands
[RATLIFF] Swallowed her whole
into the belly of the sea.
[GREY] Claire, he has proof.
Claire, he has proof.
I was given this manifest
by an informant of mine
employed at the port in Brest.
[GREY] Lost with all hands.

[RATLIFF] I am sorry.

I am sorry.


Survivors? Surely.
He stayed in those waters
for two days searching.
There were none.
Not one body.

You're wrong.
I would feel it.
I would know.

I know this man.
He is telling the truth.
Then you don't know me.

I would feel it in my heart
if his had stopped.
Do you understand?

Mine would stop too.


Perhaps it already has.

He's dead, Claire.
He's gone.


pick you up and throw you
over my shoulder
- [JAMIE] Claire

You are my home now.

I love you so much
I can scarcely breathe.

And the day shall come that we do part.
[JAMIE] If my last words
are not, "I love you,"
you ken it's because I didna have time.

[GREY] Claire, at least
let me know you're alive.
[SOFTLY] I'm alive.
Go away.
Lord John, you have a visitor.
- Lord John.
- What a surprise.
You're stationed here now?
- I am.
- Does William know?
He's here as part of house staff.
He'd be pleased to see you.
And I him.
To what do I owe the pleasure
of your company?
It's Mrs. Fraser, I'm afraid.
How well do you know her?
Well, she's the wife
the, um
Widow of a very good friend.
I propose to arrest the lady as a spy
and wished to be certain there
was no personal attachment
on your part before I did so.
A spy?
Are you mad?
She's been delivering missives
for the Rebels.
And before you ask, yes, I'm sure.
One of my men intercepted
some of the messages.
Have a look if you like.
I'd heard she'd been received
at your residence.
Out of respect for your position,
I thought I should ask.
She is not a
She's a physician.
She's been of the greatest service
to me and my nephew.
I respect her, of course,
and I'm shocked.
But there is no attachment, no.
She's not here at the moment.
She is, um she is in mourning.
She is at church.
Of course.
And I do not wish
to cause you embarrassment.
Since she is domiciled here with you,
I can allow you a day.

You must marry me.

You can't possibly have said
what I think you said.
Indeed I did.
You must dress at once.

This is cruel.
Are you aware that
you are about to be arrested
and hanged as a spy?

So it's true, then.
Claire, if it is remotely possible
they have the evidence
that they say they have,
you must marry me now.
Why would I want to do that?
Not to mention that
I don't believe for an instant
you want to marry me.
[GREY] Believe it.
I will do it
because it is the last service
I can render Jamie Fraser.
I can protect you.
As my wife, they cannot
or at least they will not touch you.

What if I would rather let them hang me?
You would not want that.

Because you are not
the only one they will seek.
Ian and Rachel, Denzell and Mercy
all Rebels, all suspect.

- They would take them too?
- [GREY] Yes.

But I can protect you.
Please. There is not a moment to lose.
Marry me.

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