Packed to the Rafters (2008) s03e07 Episode Script

Simple Needs

JULIE: (NARRATES) A baby's needs may be simple but they're endless and time-consuming, which means the needs of the rest of my family are sometimes overlooked and that little bit more complicated.
(YAWNS) Where and when did our child get all these clothes? They're multiplying like mushrooms.
Right, then, I'm off.
Have a good day.
To the doctor.
First test results.
Potential kidney donation.
I thought that was Wednesday.
Well, it is Wednesday.
Is it'? Mmm.
Oh, I'm sorry.
My mind's all over the place.
Well, then, you probably also forgot that Nathan - your son - is taking the day off to see the divorce lawyer.
Oh, that's right! Yeah.
I'll take that as a yes.
It's alright.
You're busy.
We know that, we can see it.
We're gonna have a quiet day so Jake can man the phones.
I'm sorry.
I'm terrible.
Good luck.
Alright, well, I'll call you when Er when I know.
I've gotta get these up.
Mum, I need your opinion on something.
(GRUMBLES) Darling, can I just hang these on the line? I just need your input.
Oh, right.
The big renovation.
New doona cover.
Do you think this one will work? (RUBY CRIES) Er, yeah.
Er, yeah, I like it.
Not too busy? Hmm'? No, I'm listening.
No, not you.
The pattern.
Do you think it will clash with the wallpaper? Er, well, it depends on what you're looking for, honey.
Or there's this one.
It's a bit more simple, plain.
Sweetheart, I've Go.
Yeah, I likel like them both.
Go! Yep.
Hey! HEY, gorgeous.
Poor baby.
Manning the phones today'? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
(CH UCKLES) It's a good thing you're riding that bike of yours.
Who knows how big your bum would get sitting behind a desk? Oh, I could say the same thing about you.
Luckily, your bum's perfect.
How can one baby own all of these? What are we, harbouring a Hilton? You can talk.
I've never seen a woman with so many clothes.
At least I've stopped growing.
These are gonna last Ruby a month, tops.
Sounds like someone's jealous.
What, of Ruby'? Don't be ridiculous.
I just never had anything like this.
Come on, you're the oldest.
Parents are always obsessed with the first kid.
I'm not kidding.
Mum and Dad were really poor.
One time, they dressed me in a sack.
Aw, poor baby! Yeah.
There's a photo.
And I had to sleep in a drawer and they bathed me in the kitchen sink.
Just above the poverty line.
No, I remember it! OK, Dad was the one who bathed me and he was the friendly giant and I was his princess.
He hasn't called me that for years.
But you're not jealous of Ruby.
No, of course not.
I'm just making an observation.
Are you? Just making an observation.
JULIE: And while Rachel pined for the cosy simplicity of childhood, Carbo wrestled with the wonying implications of more adult activities.
Oi! Relax.
It's just me.
It's not your teenage stalker.
Can you stop banging on about that'? She's 13.
Calm down.
Is she still messaging you? Yes! Three emails today.
Allyou know.
Hot'? Raunchy'? Explicit? Girlfriend stuff.
You know, much, much older girlfriend stuff.
Then you can't just ignore them.
You've got to say no.
Stop her.
End it.
There's nothing to end.
Yeah, but in her mind, there is.
How hard can it be'? She's just a kid.
Who's just a kid? I didn't know, OK'? I've gotta go.
Ben? JULIE: Some kids are happy to stay kids.
Others can? wait to grow up.
Ah! Hi.
What are you doing here? ls your server down or something? I'm not getting any of your messages.
Because there are no messages! Oh, that's OK.
I'm here now.
Oh, God.
Do you want to give me a ride to school? No.
Why not? No way.
But how am I supposed to get to school? No! Way! (CAR BO STARTS E NG I N E) (TYRES SQU EAL) I still think Carbo should go to the police.
Oh, are you kidding? Some of the things he said, they'll lock him up for sure.
What about Nathan? He knows.
No, not about Carbo.
Oh, not today.
He's seeing the divorce lawyer.
Not exactly the right headspace.
Yeah, butwill it ever be'? I mean, we've been putting this off for weeks.
Good morning! I'm thinking bacon and eggs.
Who's in'? Not hungry Really? What happened to your tapeworm? You're funny.
I'm just not hungry.
All the more for me.
(WHISPERS) Not in the right headspace? OK, but you start.
Why me? (MIMICS WHISPERING) What are you guys whispering about? We need to talk.
I'll leave you to it.
No, no, no.
We need to talk to you.
Should I be worried'? There's something we've been kind of keeping from you.
We've been waiting for the right moment.
We would've told you sooner but she made us promise.
MEL: Swore us to secrecy until last week.
BEN: Until she was ready.
Stop, stop, stop.
I actually don't know who you're talking about.
She who? Sammy.
She's here in Sydney.
Since when? Since, umalways.
She never went to London.
What? What, you're telling me all this time, Sammy's been in Sydney? She said she needed time out to think.
You were both in on this? It wasn't like that.
No, no.
I ran into her by accident.
What? You've seen her, Mel? Yep.
And you too? Yeah.
We wanted to tell you.
Here's her number.
She wants you to call her.
Nathan, wait! Wait.
Come on.
Mate! Wait! How long have you known, Ben? A couple of months.
I'm sorry.
She made us promise.
Yeah, you've said.
I wanted to tell you! Heaps of times.
But it never seemed right.
And you said you were over her, that you'd moved on.
Over her? Ben, this wasn't some girlfriend.
This was my wife! I know.
I'm sorry.
Nathan, wait.
There's something else.
There's more'? Sammy wants to see the family again.
To meet Ruby.
And that's why she wants you to call her.
What, she wants mymy permission? I guess so.
You and Mel are the only two people that know she's here, right? Don't tell anyone.
OK, but No, no, no.
Listen to me, Ben.
This is my business.
If I want to tell Mum and Dad, I will, OK'? Fair enough.
Nathan I am really sorry, OK'? (CLOSES DOOR GENTLY) (RUBY owes) (CRYING STOPS) (RUBY owes) Where have you been? Oh, shooting the breeze, pondering a manicure.
I tried to call you a few times.
Sorry, darling.
I took the landline off the hook.
Ruby wouldn't settle so I thought I'd give silence a crack.
That explains why your mobile's turned off.
That didn't work either.
She was up for hours.
Can we not talk about Ruby'? I tried to have a shower.
She's got this sixth sense.
“Mummy's having time to herself.
” (RUBY SCREAMS) There we go.
Right on cue.
Can you leave her for a minute? Controlled crying won't work.
I got my results.
What results? Forget it.
Oh, sh Oh, sorry, darling.
(RUBY CRIES) Dave! Hey.
You're back.
Any calls? Just a couple in the job book.
So any news? Are we celebrating? No beer, of course.
Gotta keep the kidneys right.
Not happening.
End of story.
Oh, mate.
Dave? Darling, I am so sorry.
I I'm really tired.
Not that that's an excuse.
I might just grab a coffee, mate.
It's not your fault.
I shouldn't have snapped at you.
So what did the tests say? They knocked me back.
What? What - that's it? So soon? Yeah, pretty much.
They must've given you more than that.
Jules, I don't really want to go into the details.
OK, but there isn't anything to worry about with you, is there? It's not about me.
No, I know that.
I'm sorry.
I know how much you wanted to do this for Chel.
I just feel like I've let her down.
No, you haven't.
Yes, I have.
Bottom line is my mother needs a kidney.
And I can't give her one.
(KNOCK AT DOOR) Nathan? Oh.
Don't get so excited.
I just thought Doesn't matter.
Did you want something? Yeah, I'm actually looking for Nathan.
He's not answering his phone and I just hope he's OK.
It's a lot to deal with, this Sammy stuff.
He told you? Yeah.
Before you say anything, it wasn't technically lying.
It was more like me just not saying anything.
The meeting with the divorce lawyer'? What? What are you talking about? The Sammy stuff.
What Sammy stuff'? Nothing.
You're right.
The divorce thing.
Have you two been fighting? No.
But you've been lying to Nath.
Ben, I can tell when you're fibbing.
I'm not fibbing.
I'm your mother.
I'm not fibbing.
You so are.
What's going on? Nllthing! Ben! I'll tell him you're looking for him.
Ben! Baby.
Hey, hey.
You been stuck in there all day? No, me and Dave went out on a job.
Just got back.
In fact, I even had time to get you a little pressie.
(GASPS) Really? Oh, a pressie for me? Wait there.
Oh, Jake! What brought this on? Just open it.
(CHUCKLES) (CHUCKLES) (GIGGLES) Jake, what is this? Well, it came with the tiara.
It's a wand or something.
See, you just Woo! Woo! No, I mean, um, what does it mean? Well, I'm just tipping the scales back your way a bit.
The scales? Ruby can't have all the attention.
So you're my princess now.
Um, Jake, this It's very sweet.
Put the cape on and I'll take a photo.
No, I Listen, I'm not OK, I repeat, I'm not jealous of Ruby.
(CRASH!) I'm not here.
You didn't see me.
BEN: What are you doing? Mate, am I glad to be home.
Where's your car? Cooper Street.
Oh, not your stalker again.
Stalker's right.
First here, then work.
She came into the shop? Yeah.
After school she hung around outside and I had to do a runner.
A runner'? Yeah.
What was I supposed to do? Like we said, mate, tell her the score.
She's too young and you're not interested.
I tried that.
She didn't listen.
She's like something out of a horror flick.
Next thing you know, her head's gonna spin around and she'll spew pea soup.
Well, you wanted to be famous.
You gotta take the good with the bad.
Yeah, now I know how George and Brad feel.
You know'? When the paparazzi are chasing them.
I don't think you're quite at their level yet.
I need to relax.
Have a beer.
Have a shower.
Wash my clothes.
(PHONE RINGS) (GASPS) Nathan? Nah.
It's work.
Still haven't heard from him? Nah, his phone's switched off.
Mum's been trying to get him too.
No luck.
I'm sorry for all of this.
It's our secret, remember? Not just yours.
Maybe it's taking him a while to process it, that's all.
(SIGHS) I just wish we hadn't told him.
Nah, you can't sit on stuff like that forever.
Guessing you got the results.
Yeah, I did, and, uh my kidneys are fine.
But'? But I was rejected.
High blood pressure and cholesterol.
They reckon I'd be at risk.
But so what if I am? Life's full of risks, isn't it? I mean, they're my kidneys.
If I want to give them to someone Dave, you already gave me the gift.
I mean, you offered it.
I'm sorry.
No, don't be.
Don't ever be.
Can you manage the cholesterol thing? Yeah.
Yeah, if I eat right and exercise.
Um, if I get the numbers down, I can test again, so No, no, Dave, Dave.
You've got to think of yourself.
Your responsibility is to your family.
You've got to think of them now.
I am.
And I'm not gonna give up.
Hey, has anyone heard from Nathan? No.
Why? It's just I've been leaving messages for him.
RACHEL: Oh, wasn't he meant to be seeing that divorce lawyer? TED: Here it comes! OTHERS: Ah! Not exactly gourmet.
CHEL: Hot and there's plenty of it! TED: Yeah! Comfort food.
If anyone needs comforting.
Thanks, Dad.
That looks great.
No, no.
Not so much.
Do you know how many calories are in that'? Alright, send it my way! No! Benefits of breastfeeding.
I can eat whatever I want.
Gotta have some pay-off for being a milk bar on legs.
Oh, ha-ha! Dave? No, I'm just going to have the salad.
Salad? Mmm.
Just salad? Some pasta and cheese won't make much difference.
Difference'? Difference to what? Ohl thought you Sorry'? What? Whatwhat's going on? Can we have a word? Cholesterol.
it's just a bit high.
No big deal.
Well, big enough for you to fail a donor test.
And keeping things from me - that is a big deal.
I just didn't think now was the right time.
And why's that'? Well, you've been a little bit distracted lately.
Well, that's no excuse.
Jules, you don't even get out of your pyjamas on most days.
Right, because I'm just a self-absorbed lady of leisure.
Jules I haven't showered in two days! I was up four times last night.
Well, I'm not sleeping either and I'm working full-time.
(RU BY CRIES) Rachel? RACHEL: Got it! Yes, I have been a bit tired.
Yes, I've been off the air lately.
I'm trying to push through it.
I know.
What I can't cope with is being shut out.
Hit me over the head with a brick if I'm not listening.
I'll remember that.
So, high cholesterol? And blood pressure.
I've gotta get them down.
I get tested again in three months time.
Well, three months.
That'll fly by.
There's still a chance.
And if there's not? Oh, no.
Don't go there.
(CRIES) There we go, Miss Ruby.
All better now, darling.
Aw, as if I could ever be jealous of you.
(LAUGHS) So, how many has she got? Oh, I wasum I was just folding them and popping them away.
I think that's what big sisters do.
Well, your pasta bake's getting cold.
Don't give me that look, OK'? I'm justI'm a little bit amazed at the generational difference.
Because you were dressed in a sack and slept in a drawer.
I have already told you, I am not in anyway, shape or form, jealous of Ruby.
Everything OK'? Of course.
My pasta bake's getting cold.
JULIE: There's a child in all of us, and a mother's job is never to forget that.
(KNOCK AT DOOR) Jake not staying over? No, no.
I just needed a bit of time to myself.
Do you want me to go? No, of course not.
Hearing you talk about Ruby and jealousy (SIGHS) It's alright.
I remembered something from when you were a toddler.
Ben was just a baby.
The time I dressed him up in all my doll's clothes? No, the time I caught you putting jelly beans in his mouth.
Ah, such a good sharer, even then.
Nine jelly beans, Rachel.
I'm amazed he didn't choke.
Oh, my God, I'm a psychopath.
No, no, no.
Every mother's got a story like that.
It must be hard not being the baby anymore.
Or the only girl.
I remember things being a bit different back then.
Different? How'? Less.
Same amount of love.
But That dress I had to wear.
It was made out of a hessian sack.
The dress you wore to the fancy dress? What? (LAUGHS) You went as a street urchin.
You won! You loved that dress.
Didn't you have to bathe me in the kitchen sink? Well, it was the '80s.
Everyone bathed their kids in the sink.
I had to sleep in a drawer, though, right? No! You fell asleep in a drawer once, playing house.
There's your cot in there.
And Ben's, and Nathan's.
But Dad did call me his princess, right? Yes.
And I was I was the princess and he was He was the friendly giant, yes.
And you were the princess.
Yes, that's real.
That happened.
You funny thing.
So, anyway, I thought if you still wanted advice on doona covers Ah! I have your full attention? You do.
OK! J U LI E: And with Ruby safe for now from jellybean attack, it was time to deal with Nathan's grown-up concerns.
(PHONE BEEPS) (KNOCK AT DOOR) Hello? Hey! Hi, can I come in'? Of course.
Everything OK'? I was worried.
I've been calling you.
Sorry, I needed some time to think.
What did the lawyer say? No, I want to hear about Dad's results first.
How'd you get on? Ahll fell at the first hurdle.
High blood pressure and cholesterol.
Oh, sorry to hear that.
Well Well, I guess it's OKto tell you where I've been, then.
What do you mean? I didn't see a lawyer today.
I went and saw a doctor.
What? Are you alright? I'm fine.
I wanted to find out about testing to be a donor.
We've talked about this I figured it would be a good idea to have a plan B.
It looks like we'll need it.
No, sweetheart.
It's not necessary.
Your father's got three months to get his cholesterol down.
And what if he doesn't'? Darling, you haven't thought this through.
No, I have.
Mum, they've explained everything to me.
Ask Dad.
A test is not going to hurt Dave! Well, you know, like he said - a plan B.
I want to do this.
And I don't want you to! And what about Chel? There are other options.
Like what? Mum, I'm OK with it.
Yeah, wellfine! I can't stop you but I'm not going to give you my blessing, either.
I'm trying to do something good for once in my life.
I know that.
Then why can't you just accept it? Because I Nathan? (GRABS KEYS) (SLAMS DOOR) Jules Man Hey! Where have you been? How is that any of your business? He's been worried about you.
We both have.
Well, luckily I'm an adult and I can look after myself.
We need to talk about Sammy.
No, there's nothing to talk about.
Have you called her yet'? After all the secrets that you guys have been keeping from me, you expect me to explain myself? Nathan, we're just trying to help.
No, I don't think so, Mel.
Look, we need to talk about this.
Why? Why, so that I can tell you that everything's OK'? No.
No, you lied to me, Ben.
And you know what? I'm sick of everyone trying to make decisions for me, about me, without even consulting me.
If I want to call Sammy, I will.
If I don't, then it's none of anyone else's business, OK'? (SIGHS) GIRL: You done there? Ahhh! You alright, mate? I'm losing it, mate.
I didn't sleep all night and just now, I saw her.
She's doing my head in.
OK, that's it.
It's gotta stop.
Yeah, but how'? Well, if she's not taking the hint, you've got two options.
Yeah, which are? Option A, you go to the cops.
Mate, now you're the one who's insane.
Or option B, you go to the cops.
No way.
Yes way! She's a stalker! You're the victim.
You've done nothing wrong.
As if the cops will see it that way.
They will if you get in there first.
ls there an option C? Wait for the men with the white jackets.
Thank you, Chel.
I'll see you soon.
OK, bye.
Are you meeting up with Chel? Yes, at her place.
Can't give her a kidney if she won't accept it.
Nathan, look, I know you want my support in this.
But I just can't give it to you, darling.
I'm your mother.
Who needs to get her head around the fact that her son is an adult.
Yeah, an adult who will always be my child.
What exactly is it that you're afraid of, Mum? It's major surgery, Nathan.
You've got your whole life ahead of you.
What if you get sick somewhere down the line and you need that kidney? I won't.
What if you do? You can function perfectly well with one kidney for the rest of your life.
But why take the risk? There's a risk crossing the road.
If they didn't think I knew what I was getting myself into, they wouldn't even let me test.
I realise that.
The bottom line is, without a new kidney, Chel is going to die.
I know that too.
So what else is there to discuss? I'm an adult.
I'm making an adult decision.
You really don't have a choice in this, Mum.
Here we are.
I'll just pop it down here.
What's so urgent? (LAUGHS NERVOUSLY) OK.
Chel, I want you to accept me as a possible donor.
Nathan Before you say anything, you need to understand that this isn't some sudden decision, OK'? I've been thinking about this for weeks.
Without telling me? There was no point until I'd made up my mind.
And I needed to meet with the donor people and talk it through.
When did all that happen? Yesterday.
Don't you think it would have been better to talk to me? Like I said, there didn't seem much point.
Not until there was something concrete Nathan Chel, listen.
I've done the first round of tests.
I get the results next week but the clinic seem to think that we're in with a chance.
Did you even talk it through with your parents? It's not their call.
No, it's mine, and I won't let you.
What? You're too young to give up your health for the sake of an old, sick woman.
Chel, Chel No, I appreciate the offer, but the answer's no.
Will you please stop beating yourself up? I'm just eating my breakfast.
Oh, really? You could park a car under that bottom lip.
Nathan never leaves this early.
It's not a good sign.
Yeah, I know.
OK, maybe he is avoiding you but he's avoiding me too.
Oh, that makes me feel better.
He'll come round, and when he does you can tell him it was all my fault.
Tempting- Sammy's got to take her part of the blame.
Did you ever hear of 'shooting the messenger'? Well, you'll work it out.
Obviously he wants space, so let's give it to him.
See you tonight! Shouldn't you be at work? Not going.
Oh, so this would be option D - do nothing.
Get more twisted.
Wait for the men in the white jackets.
See you in the nuthouse, mate.
Get a hold of yourself, OK'? This is not happening.
Argh! Hey, chill.
How did you get in here? The door.
Look, Georgia, this has to stop.
But it was open.
You're just a kid.
I'm not interested, yeah? But what about all those things you texted to me? I didn't know it was you, OK'? I'm not your boyfriend, you got that'? I am not and never will be your boyfriend.
Now get out.
But, Carbo No, no.
You don't get it, kid.
You're a stalker.
A nutcase.
A total fruit loop.
You're driving me insane.
Now get out of my house! I'm not a kid! Get out now! You'll see! Now! (CRIES) I'm guessing that was her.
How'd she get in'? She let herself in.
And what happened? I told her to get out.
Laid it on the line.
Well done, mate.
How'd she take it? Started blubbing.
Had to be done.
Yeah, I know, but she's just a kid.
I really lost it, Benno.
Remember when you were 13.
Give her a week.
She'll get over it.
Mr Karandonis? Ah, no.
Can I ask what this is about? I'd like to speak with Mr Karandonis, please, if he's available.
That's the thing - he's sick.
In bed.
And it's contagious.
Oh Oh, well.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Hope it's not too serious.
At his age, you can't be too careful.
At his age? Such a nice man.
He's always happy to help, every year.
Help with what? Police Youth Centre.
The annual fundraising drive.
How about I come back another time? No, no.
I'll just grab my wallet.
Hang on.
Will this do? Thanks.
No, no - I don't need a receipt.
Well, thanks again.
Please, give your father my best.
Will do.
I thought I was a goner for sure.
You and me both, mate.
What if she ever did go to the cops? She wouldn'twould she? Maybe I should phone Chel.
You can't influence her choice.
No, I know that.
I just don't want Nathan to feel pressure from anyone.
No-one's pressuring me, Mum.
I'm so sorry that I lost it last night.
But you guys have to realise I'm not a kid.
I'm capable of making rational decisions.
We know, but it's not about that.
Dad, let me say this.
I just spoke to Chel and she said no.
Well, that's her choice, darling.
Yep, and I don't seem to have one.
Mate, for what it's worth, I'm proud of you for sticking your hand up.
I'm sure it meant a lot to Chel.
Thanks, Dad.
Oh, and something else you should know- Sammy's in Sydney.
What? What? Since when? Apparently she never left.
Ben just told me yesterday.
That's what he was talking about.
So she wants me to contact her so I'm gonna do that now.
Dad, if you can spare me? Yeah, mate.
Do what you have to do.
Thank you.
Hey, it's me.
JULIE: When do we finally become adults? Hey.
Sorry I'm late.
That's OK.
Sam Nathan Sorry.
Sorry, you go.
It's good to see you.
Yeah, you too.
Ben tells me that you want to see thesee my family.
Meet Ruby.
It's a beautiful name.
She's a beautiful baby.
I know you probably don't want to hear this, but I really miss them, you know'? They miss you too.
You cut off all contact, Sam.
I know.
I had to.
Like you had to lie - say you were in London.
I'm sorry.
I just I needed to sort out my head.
I would have respected that.
I would have tried.
Well, look, you can't be mad at Ben and Melissa, alright, 'cause I made them promise.
I'm not mad.
Sam, I'm so sorry.
Nathan, please, don't.
I still love you, Sam.
Part of me will always love you.
Maybe if there was a chance that you could justforgive me.
I have.
I have forgiven you.
OK, well, maybe there's also a chance we could work through this.
Nathan, we're separated.
And when the time comes I want a divorce.
We don't work.
We bring out the worst in each other.
You know, like I said, part of me will always love you.
We have to be over.
And you have to accept that or we're never gonna move on.
I'm sorry.
Me too.
Nathan was growing up the hard way.
Some kids, of course, never quite get there.
BEN: Mum.
Can I talk to you about something, please? Yeah, the wha-wha-wincha guy.
We're kind ofdating.
No, he called me up - asked me over.
I'm here now.
Hang on.
I gotta go.
You must be Georgia.
Come in.
Georgia, how old are you? Really? 16.
So you're nearly 14.
That's still too young for a man Nick's age.
His name's Carbo.
I had crushes too when I was your age.
It's not a crush.
Well, it is if you feel it and the other person doesn't.
But he did, at first.
Well, maybe.
But that was before he even met you and he thought you were a lot older.
So'? So it makes a big difference.
You could have got Nick into a lot of trouble.
You wouldn't want that, would you? But I told all the kids at school that we're going out.
I'm gonna look so dumb.
Everybody already hates me.
Well, why don't you just say that you dumped him? Why not'? I really like him.
Sweetheart, you can't force someone to have feelings for you.
It doesn't work that way.
Hey, you're home early.
Yeah, took an end-of-week early mark.
How'd you manage that'? Just by pulling a job out of the fire on time and under budget.
Looks and brains.
Chip off the old block.
(LAUGHS) Hey, Dad, Jake's away this weekend.
Yeah, Camel's birthday down the coast.
Watch out! (LAUGHS) So, look, I was thinking maybe we could do something together tomorrow night - you know, like just a film or have some dinner or something.
Just the two of us.
Look, Rachel, that's a great idea, but weekends mean quality time with Ruby.
But we can have a family night.
Maybe watch a DVD or something.
Yeah, sure.
That'd bethat'd be great too.
(RUBY CRIES) JULIE: Dave! Can you see what's wrong'? Duty calls.
It's alright, princess.
Daddy's coming.
(RUBY owes) I'm the princess.
That's my name.
Rachel No.
You were right.
OK, there.
Are you happy? You know, “Hide the jelly beans.
Rachel's jealous of her baby sister.
" Jelly beans'? You know, first Mum gets baby brain and now Dad.
I want my parents back.
Rach, it is OK to be jealous of your little sister.
No, it's not OK.
It's not OK to be jealous of a baby.
Who gets jealous of a baby? She can't even control her own bowels.
If you think that's bad, try being the brother of a kid with cerebral palsy.
Who gets all the attention? He does.
I got so mad once, I sawed his cricket bat in half.
That is just mean.
I think it's normal.
You know'? Doesn't matter how old you get, a little part of you always wants to be their baby.
Aw, darling.
Come on.
Come on, baby.
Hey? Take it Ruby didn't go back to sleep.
She's sucking her toes.
I forgot how flexible babies are.
(CH UCKLES) Um, if you're planning a renovation, I hate to remind you, but we still have no money.
No, it's for Rachel's room.
She's desperate for my opinion.
That's funny.
All those years she pushed us aside for friends and boyfriends.
I know, and now she's behaving like a neglected kid.
You've noticed too? She just asked me to go to the movies.
Should've seen her face when I said no.
Same when we brought Ben home from the hospital.
Yeah, maybe I have been neglecting her a bit.
Yes, well, the first step's acknowledgement, darling.
Yeah, it's just a change, I guess.
She'll get used to it.
Who's the secret admirer? It's actually a thank you from Carbo.
Long story.
NATHAN: Mum! Dad! Yeah.
In here.
You alright? There's someone here who wants to meet Ruby.
Oh, it's so good to see you.
Oh, you too.
SAM MY: Both of you.
You look well.
I am, thanks.
And in case you haven't realised Ohhh! this is Ruby.
She is gorgeous.
Hello, Ruby.
I'll leave you guys to it.
JULIE: Maybe my son really was an adult, capable of the tough decisions no matter how painful the consequences.
SONG: Everlasting Everything Hey- Hey- Do you want a beer? I won't say no.
Have you seen Sammy yet'? Mmm.
She's over there now.
Soare we OK'? Yeah, Ben.
Are you OK'? Everlasting Everything Oh, nothing can mean anything At all.
What are you doing this weekend? I don't know.
I don't know what's happening.
That's him.
Oh, my God.
He's been practically stalking me since I dumped him.
He's such a loser.
(ALL GIGGLE) ALL: Walla-walla-walla wincha! Hello.
Chel'? Oh.
To what do I owe the honour? Oh, Princess Ruby wanted a visit with her grandmother.
Oh, but she's asleep.
Plus I brought you some fruit and veg.
Not that you need a reason to visit, but I'm guessing Nathan told you about his offer to me.
Did he tell you my answer? Yeah, he did.
He didn't tell us why, though.
Where would I start? Too young, too unsettled.
Too much ahead of him.
Yeah, he is too young to understand what it could mean.
Yeah, I thought so too.
But I'm beginning to see him the way he wants to be seen.
He's not a baby anymore.
You support him in it? Nathan really wants to do this.
And at the end of the day, he's an adult and I have to respect that.
It's not my decision, it's his.
And mine.
Yeah, and yours.
Julie, I couldn't.
All I'm saying is that I'm not gonna stand in the way of Nathan wanting to help you.
If you'll let him.
And I know it's not an easy decision.
SONG: Pages turning Lights are burning See what you could not see OK.
(LAUGHS) One step at a time.
Let's just see what happens.
J U LI E: Some poet said, “The child is father of the man.
” Guess that goes for women too.
Looks good.
Oh, thanks.
You missed the 'R', though.
Yeah, well.
All gotta grow up sometime.
What is this'? (LAUGHS) It's just something Jake got for me.
It's silly, really.
Oh, no.
I reckon it suits you.
(BOTH LAUGH) Hey, dinner's ready.
I thought maybe we could watch a DVD or something.
What about Ruby'? She's not really into action flicks just yet.
Come on, princess.
Spend some time with your old man.
Maybe some part of us never grows up.
What is that'? It's heart food! High fibre, low cholesterol.
Keeps you healthy! MEL: Oooh, it looks healthy.
BEN: Eugh, it looks like dog food.
Nobody invited you to come to dinner, mate.
That's for Chel.
I'll drop it in to her later.
Poor woman.
Isn't it bad enough her kidneys are failing? Oh, Ben! I think it looks yummy.
And I think it's time we all started eating a bit more healthily.
Maybe I'll start cooking macrobiotic again.
No! Please don't.
Not unless you want the drains blocked.
I'll give it a crack.
Thank you, Dad.
You are a suck.
But I'm happy if, just for one moment, everyone in my family is happy too - child, adult or somewhere in between.
Eat yours! It's actually not bad.
BEN: I don't want to eat it! (RUBY owes) Well, almost everyone.

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