Paradise (2025) s01e03 Episode Script
The Architect of Social Well-Being
- [SINATRA] If that stuff happens
- [DR. LOUGE] It's going to happen.
- So, what do we do?
- You dig the biggest hole you can
and you get in.
preparing for a massive catastrophe
that could cause an
extinction-level event for humanity
in the very real future.
is down. It's a code red.
It's really bad, and I need
you here five minutes ago.
Copy you, I'm on my way.
All security cameras were offline
frozen on the last image,
but no one noticed because
[XAVIER] No one else was
in the house except Billy,
and he was dead to the
world on that couch.
Jane, everything's gonna be
looked at from here on out.
I need you to trust me.
Agent Collins, I'm gonna
need you to come with me.
I just don't understand
why of all the people
that could be heading this
up, they chose the one person
who was sleeping with the victim.
[DOCTOR] This is Dr. Gabriela Torabi.
She's a world-class therapist
and grief specialist.
[GABRIELA TORABI] Do you remember me?
You're we're the president's therapist.
I was yours too.
Uh, we did one session
together early on.
I have just one other
question for you, if I may.
Is a part of you happy that Cal is dead?
[BILLY PACE] Slow down, dude.
Dude, slow down. I'm
I'm gonna pass out.
- You're not gonna pass out.
- Yes, I am.
I'm gonna throw up and
I'm gonna fucking pass out.
Remind me why we're doing this again.
Billy, if you're gonna be my
eyes and ears on this thing
when we meet up, it's gotta look normal.
Us having a beer at a
fuckin' bar looks normal.
There's too many people at a bar.
- Jesus Christ.
- Alright, come on, come on.
Just walk it out.
You should be the one in
charge of this investigation, X.
Ship has already sailed.
Yeah, but why are you
public enemy number one?
I fell asleep on the couch.
Brooks and Rainey and
Jane were all on site,
it's worth mentioning
Robinson was boning the guy.
POTUS got hit and I didn't
call it in for over 30 minutes.
Plus, I was the last
person to see him alive.
[SIGHS] It is weird that he's gone.
I mean, he was a motherfucker,
but he was our motherfucker, right?
- I mean, I know you hated him.
- I didn't hate him.
- It's complicated.
- Yeah.
Why don't we just tell
everybody the truth?
What, that POTUS was murdered?
And that his tablet
with government secrets
and God knows what else is missing,
and that we think the people that
built this place are covering it up?
I mean, I'd tune in.
I need you to be careful, Billy.
- It's not really my thing, but
- I know, man.
- But try.
- Alright.
7:15 mile, Agent Pace. Not bad.
You keep that up and you
may just lose them titties.
You mean these beefy pecs?
I dunno, man, they look like
some big ol' titties to me.
[LAUGHING] Where are you off to?
- Seeing a therapist.
- Alright.
Just a second.
Dr. Torabi.
- Agent Collins.
- Bad time?
Um, n-no. No, not at all.
Oh, I, I was just playing
a little game of 52 pickup.
Looks messy.
I think I have a guess
as to why you're here.
Why did you tell me to say yes?
Agent Collins, if you'd like
to schedule an appointment,
I'd be more than happy
to set up a time
It's a simple question, Doctor.
I'm headed out.
Care to join me for a walk?
deceased is a white male.
There's a right ZMC fracture
with a severe orbital blowout.
[SIGHS] Sorry, I'm a
bit out of practice.
Continuing on to the second injury.
There's comminution of the
orbital parietal bones
cerebral sagittal sinus,
evidence of blunt force trauma.
[NORMAL] Preliminary wound
analysis suggest the murder weapon
was some sort of heavy
object, something jagged.
There are samples of
what appear to be soil
from an area around the head wound,
likely indicating a large rock.
He was first hit on his
right side while standing.
The catastrophic fracture
to the top of his cranium
likely happened while
he was on the ground,
very likely defenseless.
That said, there are signs
of ecchymosis on his hands.
Contusions, bruising,
signs of a struggle.
And you have swabbed his
fingernails for traces of DNA?
[MONTOYA] I did.
How long before any
DNA results come back?
Our tech is limited down here
and we're out of practice,
as I said, but it
How long?
A day or two.
[GABRIELA] It's still amazing to me
how resilient human beings can be.
It's been three years, and this
place has become our normal.
And trust me, it took a lot of
work to get it to feel this way.
- The insect sounds.
Those are a particularly nice touch.
The recordings were done in
national parks all over the country.
Why are we walking? You think
someone bugged your office?
They recorded every
insect they could find.
Thousands of hours.
Day, night, uh, dusk.
- Dr. Torabi.
- Yes, maybe.
- Who?
- Who do you think?
Sinatra and the billionaires.
Sounds like a rock band, doesn't it?
Agent Collins, how well do
you remember our first meeting?
- To be honest, not very.
- Hm.
Agent Xavier Collins, the
first patient I'd ever seen
take the Fifth in therapy.
I remember I asked you
about your background,
and then, uh, I distinctly
remember you saying,
"I plead the Fifth," and you
weren't being funny either.
I have seen some shit over the years,
but I have never seen that before.
Sorry, are we gonna play
games or are we gonna talk?
The only person who was less
forthcoming in therapy than you
President Bradford.
At least when we started.
But eventually, he opened up.
I sat with him
the day before his
death, but you know that.
How did he seem to you?
[WHISPERING] Something
happened that last week.
He seemed tired.
- Burdened.
- He was the president.
And he was in my office stumbling
around drunk in his bathrobe.
I wanna know why you
stepped in the other day.
I took another look at your file.
Tell me about your
relationship with your father.
Why did you two stop speaking?
[XAVIER] Sorry I'm
late. Traffic was awful.
Oh, hey, I'm the one that asked
you to brave that rush hour traffic
so we could spend a
few minutes catching up.
- And here I am.
- And here you are.
- Good son.
- I'm the best son.
- Don't push your luck.
Solo chess.
Mm-hmm. Helps focus the mind.
So does a nap.
- Relaxes me.
- You know, naps do that too.
make things more interesting.
- Uh-huh.
- Mm-hmm.
All is well at the academy?
All is well.
You'd have made a hell of a pilot.
What am I saying? You can
still fly with the best of 'em,
even if they won't allow
you to do it for a living.
I just wish that I could, you know,
I I could have done something.
I am who I am because of
what you and Mom gave me.
Poor eyesight is just part of the deal.
- How's Teri?
- That's another reason I'm late.
Uh, she's had better days.
What do you mean, better
days? I don't understand.
- Something happened?
Uh, she's been nauseous
a lot in the morning.
- Mm.
- It's like a sickness.
- Mm.
- Like a morning sickness.
- Mm.
- Dad.
[LAUGHING] I'm gonna be a grandfather.
- Now, he's getting it.
- Aah!
You know I'm too sexy
to be a grandfather.
There it is! [LAUGHING]
- Thank you, sir.
- Mm-hmm.
You pick a name yet?
You know Teri's obsessed
with Elvis, right?
- You sure she's one of us?
- Uh, she likes Presley.
I like Fritos, but it doesn't mean
I'm wanna name my
granddaughter after them.
Guess I'm gonna be flying
through Dulles a lot more, huh?
I guess so.
There's nothing to tell, really.
I'll tell you what I
know about Cal Bradford,
but you're asking me
to take a chance on you.
And I need to know more about
the man I'm taking a chance on
than what's in his file.
What do you say, do we have a deal?
look good in my boxers.
- Do I?
- Mm.
Would you like a presidential
debriefing this morning?
- You're an idiot.
- I put on our song.
[SINATRA] Agent Robinson.
I I didn't expect to
see you here. I just
A man I've known for
20 years was murdered.
Someone got access to
this house and killed him.
We put him in the ground in two days.
I'd like to find out
who did it before we do.
I know that you're upset.
I know that you cared
about him very much.
Cut the bullshit, Robinson.
Someone stole the tablet, and I
want it back, do you understand?
I'm on it.
Are you sure? Because
here's what I can't have.
I can't have some lovelorn mistress
daydreaming about her
secret workplace affair.
If it's all too close and too
fresh, I'll find someone else.
I said I'm on it.
Give me the space to do my job.
Give me the confidence
to give you the space.
They say we need more bunker babies.
- Who does?
- You know, they.
You actually think everyone's
past all the trauma?
God, no. No.
I mean, it's not like we're
ever all gonna be whole again.
But by building this place,
we gave people the tools
to begin to move on.
Take a look around. What do you see?
There's more socializing
than there is shopping.
Ancient Greeks believed
that a healthy social life
was the key to a flourishing life.
And the agora, which
is the Greek term for market,
was an important component.
It's why the population
down here was so limited.
TONGUE] just small enough
to retain that sense of community.
I mean, it's also the
ideal population size
for our oxygen filtration system.
But you know, there's no
fancy Greek word for that.
Okay, you want me to bite? I'll bite.
Why do you know so
much about this place?
Because I helped design it.
The psychological
aspects of it, that is.
I was hired to help make a community
of grieving, dislocated people
live a flourishing life.
One with grocery stores, and parks,
and a diner with the world's
all-time greatest cheese fries.
I like to think of myself as, um,
an architect of social well-being.
Because you brought in cheese fries?
Uh, the world's all-time
greatest cheese fries.
Do you think they have anything?
- [BILLY] God save the queen.
- Knock it off, Pace.
Okay, here's where we are.
Forensics didn't find any
prints or fiber evidence.
Anybody close to him
seems to have an alibi.
We have no motive, no murder weapon.
What about DNA?
[ROBINSON] Samples were taken
from the president's body.
It's gonna take a few days.
The M.E. says that the time of death
lines up with the window in
which our cameras were down.
And the preliminary autopsy report
shows that the cause of
death was blunt force trauma
from a heavy irregularly shaped object.
[CLEARING THROAT] Any other questions?
Not me.
Oh, you know what? Wait, I do have one.
Why in the holy fuck isn't Xavier here?
Agent Collins ignored protocol.
His actions that morning
were antithetical to
Don't use big words to try
to confuse me, Robinson.
He's our best agent, he should be here.
Oh, don't mind me.
Our cameras were down
the night of the murder,
so that's what we're focusing on.
What are the chances of getting
something off the surveillance system?
It's a long shot, but, uh,
maybe I could pull the equivalent
of a digital fingerprint
off the network.
It's about a 10% chance
I can get us the identity
of the person who turned them off.
How long?
I'm not a magician.
Uh, end of day, maybe.
Okay, that'll be all.
Thank you.
I'm confident that
I'm off to calm down the
most neurotic president
in the history of the world.
When I come back, I want some answers.
[XAVIER] You were hired by Sinatra?
Ah. Samantha. Sinatra to you.
We met, um, when she was utterly broken.
I was an expert in grief.
She thought I could help her,
and she gave me an opportunity.
- And now, you're here.
- And now, we're here.
Can she be trusted?
I'm done talking for a minute.
Tell me about your father.
What happened?
Attention, passengers
Mm, getting nervous about that move?
They put me on the VP's detail.
Oh, wow.
- Congratulations, son.
- Thank you very much.
And tell me, whose job is
it to choose the code names?
- No, seriously.
- Ok
- Is that the, the Secret Service?
'Cause I've got some
ideas for that imbecile.
Well, I'm sorry to inform
you, but the White House
gives out code names in
consultation with the protectees.
[SCOFFS] I read somewhere
that, um, JFK and Jackie
were "Lancer" and "Lace."
- Huh.
- Yeah.
Quite apropos, don't you think?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- People forgot that.
Hey, Dad, what's going on there?
- You got a tremor, I just saw it.
- No, it's nothing.
- Talk to me.
- It's nothing, it's nothing.
It's nothing at all. Forget about it.
What aren't you telling me?
I have Parkinson's.
Oh, don't. Come on now, don't
If you start crying, I-I, I'm
gonna call in a bomb threat.
Dad, I'm just
When did you right.
I'm so sorry.
[FRED] [QUIETLY] Oh, well
I'm dealing with it.
You know, I'm managing
all the symptoms with meds.
I'm eating healthy, exercising.
Your mother's up my ass about it.
Did you did you tell the company?
No, of course not.
What? You're hiding it?
- Ah
- What about the other flight crew?
Well, some of the guys know.
They know that they're just gonna
have to be a bit more vigilant
when we're working together.
I'm on top of it.
I can't believe what I'm hearing.
You're violating your
union's code of ethics.
- Hey, you could go to jail, Dad.
Oh, come on. Come on. [CHUCKLING]
- Alright, what would you have me do?
- Retire.
And then, I don't know, take up golf.
Take Mom to Italy, like she wants.
But you gotta stop flying, right now.
Well, I appreciate your concern,
but this is my decision to make.
- Dad, this is
- Xa
I'm a pilot, son.
That's what I am.
And, uh, I just need a little more time.
That's all.
I've got a flight to make.
My father and I had a
falling out, it happens.
He wanted me to be a pilot,
follow in his footsteps.
It turned out I couldn't do that,
so I joined the Secret Service.
I know the order of events,
okay? I read it in the profile.
- There's nothing else.
- Well, I think there is.
- I'm telling you, there isn't.
- Tell me about his last flight.
- You're frustrated.
- Yes.
- Okay, with me asking questions and
- With all of it, okay?!
But clearly, you're a very smart person,
and clearly, you've worked very hard
- at becoming, uh, an architect of
- Social well-being.
But there's nothing
normal about any of this.
I wanna know what you know about Cal,
and I don't wanna talk about my
old life, because my old life ended.
The world ended,
and everyone and
everything in it is gone.
And no amount of groceries,
or pre-recorded insect noises,
or most especially,
goddamn fuckin' cheese fries
is gonna change a thing about it.
[SIGHS] Wow.
Yeah, that was a lot.
So, what now?
Well, I mean, I have an idea, but
I don't think you're gonna like it.
Try me.
I was thinking we go
get some cheese fries.
This is bad.
What are we gonna do
if Garcia finds out?
Take it easy. He just
said there's a 90% chance
he can't figure out who
messed with the system.
Yeah, and there's a 10% chance he can.
What the fuck, Brooks?
This part of the house is off limits.
- On whose orders?
- Robinson's.
- You think he heard us?
- No.
- He could tell Robinson.
- Come here.
Don't worry so much.
If it comes down to it, I'll
deal with Robinson, alright?
Go. You go.
you need to calm down.
- Remember what the doctors told you?
Mr. President, I can protect
you in your home and in public.
But if a blood vessel
bursts in your brain
or you stroke out, well,
sir, I'm not that good.
Cal had state-of-the-art security,
look what happened to him.
Cal is dead.
He was my friend, and
we're just moving on.
Going about our lives
as if nothing happened.
They're still doing a
goddamn carnival tomorrow!
Cal was a decent and honorable man.
He was my friend, too.
And we honor him by being
clear-eyed in our pursuit of justice.
And do we know where
this pursuit is taking us?
You have no leads.
I thought you had surveillance
cameras all over the place.
Well, despite what you might have heard,
I don't record everything
that happens in this city.
Henry, you've walked
into a lot here, I get it.
It's unfair what's being asked of you.
President. I mean
It's a lot.
It's a lot.
But you're doing a fantastic job.
Really, I mean, I just
couldn't be more pleased.
You're a quiet man,
but you're steady one,
and you've stepped up to the plate.
The only person doing better
than you is your lovely wife here.
- [CHUCKLING] Oh, please. Stop.
- [SINATRA] It's true.
You are crushing it, Nance!
Your outfit at the swearing-in?
Get the fuck outta here.
- I mean, women were going crazy.
- We're gonna have to open a store.
Samantha, promise me you'll
catch whoever did this.
I will, sir.
Then, that will be all.
It's my office, sir.
Yes. Of course.
[MAGGIE] I can't believe
you're cheating on me with him.
I know, I'm sorry. I usually come here
and share a plate of
cheese fries with Maggie.
Now, obviously, down here,
um, we use nut cheese.
- [XAVIER] Mm.
- Which I know sounds disgusting
and weird in such a
larger prominent dose.
But I swear, you won't notice.
- I hate that cashew cheese crap.
- Oh no, this place does it different.
It's not the cashews,
[WHISPERS] it's the chemicals.
[MAGGIE] Here we are.
- [GABRIELA] Thank you.
[MAGGIE] One order,
extra cheese, coming up.
[GABRIELA] Mm-hmm.
I thought I knew what vigilance
looked like, but holy shit.
You've been scanning this room
from the moment we walked in.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
Do you always choose
the seat facing the door?
- Old habits die hard.
- Mm.
And what are you staring at now?
You're identifying all the
exits in the room, aren't you?
No, I did that the
minute we walked in here.
What I'm staring at is the
woman seated in that booth.
Different time and place,
I would have considered her
a potential threat.
Why? Because she's hungry?
The knife. She can use either hand.
That must be difficult.
How do you mean?
Just seeing the world as
nothing but a series of threats.
You see something different?
Well, where you see a threat, Xavier,
I see a mother who's learned to
feed her child on either side of her.
So, where are the kids?
We all lost something on our way here.
You know that as well as anyone.
I didn't lose my wife, I
know exactly where she was.
She was in a different
city when it happened,
and she died because he didn't
get her to a goddamn plane.
- Please remember to chew, Gabriela.
- Move your hand or I'll eat it.
Just let
[MOUTHFUL] So good.
- [XAVIER] After you.
- No, no, no, please. You first.
Pick a good one.
I'll take the long road ♪
- Damn, that's good.
- Mm-hmm.
God. You know what I really miss?
- You know, it's stupid, forget it.
- Mm. Oh, no, no, no, it's good.
It's good to remember the
things that brought you joy.
Soft shell crab.
Summer peaches.
Smell of a campfire.
Mm. Peaceful snowfall.
The warmth of the sun. The real sun.
I'll take the long road ♪
Sand between my toes.
On our second date, Teri and I drove
out to the beach at Sandy Point.
Teri loved the ocean.
And I do too, really.
But, um, the sand?
- Not so much.
So, a trip to the beach is
a bit like a combat mission.
It's me against this damn sand.
I gotta find just the right spot.
Fold open the chairs,
set up the umbrella,
lay out the towels just so.
I didn't realize Teri was
watching me the entire time.
So, there I am, all set up, finally.
And she just walks over
and messes all my shit up.
She was the person who could
get a little sand on me.
She was the only person
who could do that.
She sounds lovely.
I'll take the long road ♪
I'll take the long road, yeah, yeah ♪
- I'll
You said you wanted to know
about my dad's last flight.
- There you go.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
- Whose start is it?
It's mine.
Ooh, looks like the
beginning of the Scotch game.
Aha, that's aggressive for you, son.
- Something different for a change.
- Mm-hmm.
Oh, the meds are taking care
of the tremors, I'm fine.
Mm-hmm. Notice you're
wearing a different lapel pin.
I was named to the president's detail.
I mean, I'm one of like
50 agents, but still.
I wanted to tell you in person.
You get to go aboard Air Force One?
Yes, sir.
My God.
Would you like to see her?
[FRED] Hell yeah.
[XAVIER] She can fly at
over 600 miles per hour,
is equipped with 85 phone lines,
and get this, has flares for
defense against missile attacks
and can withstand a
nuclear blast on the ground.
[XAVIER] You good?
You won't understand, son.
You won't understand
till your kids get older.
Look at where you are.
Look at what you've done, son.
Look at what you've done, Dad.
The son of a Tuskegee Airman
who became one of a
handful of Black captains
of a commercial airline,
and his son now protects the
President of the United States.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Look at where we are.
And Dad, we got here by
doing things the right way.
It's time, Pop.
You can't fly anymore.
You gotta retire.
That's not your decision to make.
It shouldn't be, but
you made it my decision.
- What have you done?
These papers don't take
away years of service.
They say, "Well done, Dad."
That's what these papers
say, that's all they say.
I filed them for you, Dad.
I filed them because
I knew you wouldn't.
I'd see him on holidays, but
without the airport meetings,
things shifted.
Our relationship was never the same.
The disease progressed quickly,
and we lost him soon after that.
It must have been very
difficult to do what you did.
That's the thing, it wasn't.
It's the way he wired me, uh
it just wasn't.
You have a strong moral compass.
And it served me real well.
Well, I think it may now.
It's time to show you my cards.
[SINATRA] What do you have for me?
Something good.
You strike me as the kind
of person who likes a show.
Sit down. I'm gonna give you a show.
Bring 'em in.
Why did they do it?
That's the question
I keep asking myself.
Are you talking to
me? I don't follow.
Are we talking about the investigation?
The fireplace.
Now, why would they build
a fireplace down here?
I I don't know, ma'am.
We're we're in a cave,
and fire is elemental to who we are?
Storytellers or some bullshit?
Why did you two shut down the cameras
the night of the murder?
[WHISPERING] Tell her.
She doesn't have the footage.
[ROBINSON] That's true, Billy.
That is very true.
But we have your digital footprint.
We know you accessed the
system to shut down the cameras.
And it wasn't just the
night of the murder.
You've done it other nights too.
- In fact, you've been doing it for months.
- [SOFTLY] Please.
That all adds up to
means and opportunity.
- Now, we just need a motive.
- We were playing Wii.
Wii Tennis, actually.
- What the fuck is Wii Tennis?
- A video game.
Also, sometimes we eat his
candy from his junk drawer.
Also, I once took a nap in his bed.
Billy tried on his socks.
It's the truth.
Stupid and unprofessional as it sounds.
We've been protecting a president
inside of a secure bunker
where nothing ever happens.
Until something did happen.
We realized if we shut
down the security system,
we could we could play his
video games and use his cool shit,
and no one would really
be the worst off for it.
My God, you absolute idiots.
Everybody get the fuck outta here.
Start finding me some answers,
or I'll find someone who will.
Today was, uh, interesting.
Mm, I thought you were about
to admit that you had fun.
- Never, no.
I'm I'm tired.
Hey, do the numbers 8-1-2-0-9-2
mean anything to you?
No. No, why?
Just something I'm looking into.
There's so few people in the world.
I guess I'm one of the lucky ones.
But it doesn't feel like that.
I don't appreciate it.
I'm not sure I should have
been chosen to be here.
Honestly, I don't know why I was.
Do you play poker?
It's not my thing.
I lost my parents when
I was relatively young.
Uh, my mom as a kid,
and my dad as a teenager.
It's why I went into palliative care.
My dad taught me to play
when I was in middle school.
It was our time together, I loved it.
We'd play with tons of wild cards,
and these wild cards could be anything,
which made it even more
fun because it meant
that you always had a chance.
Xavier, you are here
because I chose you.
Everyone's here because I chose them.
[SINATRA] We need you to
choose your new lead agent.
Oh, I told you I trusted
you to make the selections.
And we have.
Cal, the world is going to shit.
You're gonna be the one
in charge when it ends,
and it's gonna be awful. This person
will be by your side the entire time.
I want it to be someone
you're comfortable with.
- Who's she?
- [SINATRA] She's on the team.
She's evaluating and
recommending candidates.
- [CAL] The gatekeeper.
- I'm Gabriela.
- Eh, both start with a G.
- This is true.
- I'm great at spelling.
- It's why I voted for you, sir.
- I like her.
- [SINATRA] Mr. President
these are all vetted and approved
candidates for your new lead agent.
[WHISTLING] There's a shit ton of 'em.
You keeping that one for yourself?
Uh, no, sir. I was actually hoping
that you would read this one first.
He's already on your detail,
but I have a pretty good
feeling about him, sir.
Let's go with your gut then.
- When do I meet him?
[GABRIELA] He's waiting in
the hallway, Mr. President.
[CAL] Okie-dokie.
We'll give you the room.
Agent Collins, come on in.
Oh, shoes off, please.
[GABRIELA] That was my main job.
Not grocery stores or cheese fries.
It was choosing the thousands of people
who would live
when everyone else would die.
And every day, I see the
faces of the thousands
that I didn't pick to be saved.
But you
You were my wild card.
If something went wrong,
I needed the person
who would do the right
thing, no matter what.
So, this was all some kind of test?
I needed to know the
man behind the file.
Tell me why you wrote
that message on your hand.
What was that all about?
I'm married.
I know.
I think we're alone now ♪
There doesn't seem
to be anyone around ♪
- What are you
- Shh.
The beating of our
hearts is the only sound ♪
Children behave ♪
That's what they say
when we're together ♪
Watch how you play ♪
They don't understand and so we're ♪
Running just as fast as we can ♪
Holding onto one another's hand ♪
- Tryin' to get away into the night ♪
Then you put your arms around me ♪
And we tumble to the
ground and you say ♪
[SOFTLY] I have a message
from the president.
I think we're alone now ♪
He said if something should
happen to him, I should find you.
Anyone around ♪
I think we're alone now ♪
He said Billy Pace is dangerous.
Is the only sound ♪
I think we're alone now ♪
The beating of our
hearts is the only sound ♪
We're alone ♪
We're alone ♪
We're alone ♪
We're alone ♪
We're alone ♪
I'm gonna be the man in
charge when the world ends.
You say it's all gone, it is gone.
[WOMAN] Time for weather change.
We all lost something on our way here.
I didn't lose my wife. I
know exactly where she was.
[ROBINSON] We're all
on Sinatra's radar now.
It's not a radar you wanna be on.
But you and me, is about
as wide as my circle
of trust goes right now.
[XAVIER] But you were
dating the murder victim.
My circle of trust is
staying put for right now.
The people need to know. I'm
gonna tell them the truth.
- No, you're not.
- I'm the president!
[SINATRA] Say it to my face.
I wanna see what it looks
like when you have balls.
You're one of the 25,000 people
lucky enough to be spared.
I'll take it all away
without so much as blinking an eye.
[CAL] We have to go!
Are you coming or not?
[SINATRA] Shut it
down. Shut it all down!
The president did something that day.
Something you don't know about.
- [SINATRA] If that stuff happens
- [DR. LOUGE] It's going to happen.
- So, what do we do?
- You dig the biggest hole you can
and you get in.
preparing for a massive catastrophe
that could cause an
extinction-level event for humanity
in the very real future.
is down. It's a code red.
It's really bad, and I need
you here five minutes ago.
Copy you, I'm on my way.
All security cameras were offline
frozen on the last image,
but no one noticed because
[XAVIER] No one else was
in the house except Billy,
and he was dead to the
world on that couch.
Jane, everything's gonna be
looked at from here on out.
I need you to trust me.
Agent Collins, I'm gonna
need you to come with me.
I just don't understand
why of all the people
that could be heading this
up, they chose the one person
who was sleeping with the victim.
[DOCTOR] This is Dr. Gabriela Torabi.
She's a world-class therapist
and grief specialist.
[GABRIELA TORABI] Do you remember me?
You're we're the president's therapist.
I was yours too.
Uh, we did one session
together early on.
I have just one other
question for you, if I may.
Is a part of you happy that Cal is dead?
[BILLY PACE] Slow down, dude.
Dude, slow down. I'm
I'm gonna pass out.
- You're not gonna pass out.
- Yes, I am.
I'm gonna throw up and
I'm gonna fucking pass out.
Remind me why we're doing this again.
Billy, if you're gonna be my
eyes and ears on this thing
when we meet up, it's gotta look normal.
Us having a beer at a
fuckin' bar looks normal.
There's too many people at a bar.
- Jesus Christ.
- Alright, come on, come on.
Just walk it out.
You should be the one in
charge of this investigation, X.
Ship has already sailed.
Yeah, but why are you
public enemy number one?
I fell asleep on the couch.
Brooks and Rainey and
Jane were all on site,
it's worth mentioning
Robinson was boning the guy.
POTUS got hit and I didn't
call it in for over 30 minutes.
Plus, I was the last
person to see him alive.
[SIGHS] It is weird that he's gone.
I mean, he was a motherfucker,
but he was our motherfucker, right?
- I mean, I know you hated him.
- I didn't hate him.
- It's complicated.
- Yeah.
Why don't we just tell
everybody the truth?
What, that POTUS was murdered?
And that his tablet
with government secrets
and God knows what else is missing,
and that we think the people that
built this place are covering it up?
I mean, I'd tune in.
I need you to be careful, Billy.
- It's not really my thing, but
- I know, man.
- But try.
- Alright.
7:15 mile, Agent Pace. Not bad.
You keep that up and you
may just lose them titties.
You mean these beefy pecs?
I dunno, man, they look like
some big ol' titties to me.
[LAUGHING] Where are you off to?
- Seeing a therapist.
- Alright.
Just a second.
Dr. Torabi.
- Agent Collins.
- Bad time?
Um, n-no. No, not at all.
Oh, I, I was just playing
a little game of 52 pickup.
Looks messy.
I think I have a guess
as to why you're here.
Why did you tell me to say yes?
Agent Collins, if you'd like
to schedule an appointment,
I'd be more than happy
to set up a time
It's a simple question, Doctor.
I'm headed out.
Care to join me for a walk?
deceased is a white male.
There's a right ZMC fracture
with a severe orbital blowout.
[SIGHS] Sorry, I'm a
bit out of practice.
Continuing on to the second injury.
There's comminution of the
orbital parietal bones
cerebral sagittal sinus,
evidence of blunt force trauma.
[NORMAL] Preliminary wound
analysis suggest the murder weapon
was some sort of heavy
object, something jagged.
There are samples of
what appear to be soil
from an area around the head wound,
likely indicating a large rock.
He was first hit on his
right side while standing.
The catastrophic fracture
to the top of his cranium
likely happened while
he was on the ground,
very likely defenseless.
That said, there are signs
of ecchymosis on his hands.
Contusions, bruising,
signs of a struggle.
And you have swabbed his
fingernails for traces of DNA?
[MONTOYA] I did.
How long before any
DNA results come back?
Our tech is limited down here
and we're out of practice,
as I said, but it
How long?
A day or two.
[GABRIELA] It's still amazing to me
how resilient human beings can be.
It's been three years, and this
place has become our normal.
And trust me, it took a lot of
work to get it to feel this way.
- The insect sounds.
Those are a particularly nice touch.
The recordings were done in
national parks all over the country.
Why are we walking? You think
someone bugged your office?
They recorded every
insect they could find.
Thousands of hours.
Day, night, uh, dusk.
- Dr. Torabi.
- Yes, maybe.
- Who?
- Who do you think?
Sinatra and the billionaires.
Sounds like a rock band, doesn't it?
Agent Collins, how well do
you remember our first meeting?
- To be honest, not very.
- Hm.
Agent Xavier Collins, the
first patient I'd ever seen
take the Fifth in therapy.
I remember I asked you
about your background,
and then, uh, I distinctly
remember you saying,
"I plead the Fifth," and you
weren't being funny either.
I have seen some shit over the years,
but I have never seen that before.
Sorry, are we gonna play
games or are we gonna talk?
The only person who was less
forthcoming in therapy than you
President Bradford.
At least when we started.
But eventually, he opened up.
I sat with him
the day before his
death, but you know that.
How did he seem to you?
[WHISPERING] Something
happened that last week.
He seemed tired.
- Burdened.
- He was the president.
And he was in my office stumbling
around drunk in his bathrobe.
I wanna know why you
stepped in the other day.
I took another look at your file.
Tell me about your
relationship with your father.
Why did you two stop speaking?
[XAVIER] Sorry I'm
late. Traffic was awful.
Oh, hey, I'm the one that asked
you to brave that rush hour traffic
so we could spend a
few minutes catching up.
- And here I am.
- And here you are.
- Good son.
- I'm the best son.
- Don't push your luck.
Solo chess.
Mm-hmm. Helps focus the mind.
So does a nap.
- Relaxes me.
- You know, naps do that too.
make things more interesting.
- Uh-huh.
- Mm-hmm.
All is well at the academy?
All is well.
You'd have made a hell of a pilot.
What am I saying? You can
still fly with the best of 'em,
even if they won't allow
you to do it for a living.
I just wish that I could, you know,
I I could have done something.
I am who I am because of
what you and Mom gave me.
Poor eyesight is just part of the deal.
- How's Teri?
- That's another reason I'm late.
Uh, she's had better days.
What do you mean, better
days? I don't understand.
- Something happened?
Uh, she's been nauseous
a lot in the morning.
- Mm.
- It's like a sickness.
- Mm.
- Like a morning sickness.
- Mm.
- Dad.
[LAUGHING] I'm gonna be a grandfather.
- Now, he's getting it.
- Aah!
You know I'm too sexy
to be a grandfather.
There it is! [LAUGHING]
- Thank you, sir.
- Mm-hmm.
You pick a name yet?
You know Teri's obsessed
with Elvis, right?
- You sure she's one of us?
- Uh, she likes Presley.
I like Fritos, but it doesn't mean
I'm wanna name my
granddaughter after them.
Guess I'm gonna be flying
through Dulles a lot more, huh?
I guess so.
There's nothing to tell, really.
I'll tell you what I
know about Cal Bradford,
but you're asking me
to take a chance on you.
And I need to know more about
the man I'm taking a chance on
than what's in his file.
What do you say, do we have a deal?
look good in my boxers.
- Do I?
- Mm.
Would you like a presidential
debriefing this morning?
- You're an idiot.
- I put on our song.
[SINATRA] Agent Robinson.
I I didn't expect to
see you here. I just
A man I've known for
20 years was murdered.
Someone got access to
this house and killed him.
We put him in the ground in two days.
I'd like to find out
who did it before we do.
I know that you're upset.
I know that you cared
about him very much.
Cut the bullshit, Robinson.
Someone stole the tablet, and I
want it back, do you understand?
I'm on it.
Are you sure? Because
here's what I can't have.
I can't have some lovelorn mistress
daydreaming about her
secret workplace affair.
If it's all too close and too
fresh, I'll find someone else.
I said I'm on it.
Give me the space to do my job.
Give me the confidence
to give you the space.
They say we need more bunker babies.
- Who does?
- You know, they.
You actually think everyone's
past all the trauma?
God, no. No.
I mean, it's not like we're
ever all gonna be whole again.
But by building this place,
we gave people the tools
to begin to move on.
Take a look around. What do you see?
There's more socializing
than there is shopping.
Ancient Greeks believed
that a healthy social life
was the key to a flourishing life.
And the agora, which
is the Greek term for market,
was an important component.
It's why the population
down here was so limited.
TONGUE] just small enough
to retain that sense of community.
I mean, it's also the
ideal population size
for our oxygen filtration system.
But you know, there's no
fancy Greek word for that.
Okay, you want me to bite? I'll bite.
Why do you know so
much about this place?
Because I helped design it.
The psychological
aspects of it, that is.
I was hired to help make a community
of grieving, dislocated people
live a flourishing life.
One with grocery stores, and parks,
and a diner with the world's
all-time greatest cheese fries.
I like to think of myself as, um,
an architect of social well-being.
Because you brought in cheese fries?
Uh, the world's all-time
greatest cheese fries.
Do you think they have anything?
- [BILLY] God save the queen.
- Knock it off, Pace.
Okay, here's where we are.
Forensics didn't find any
prints or fiber evidence.
Anybody close to him
seems to have an alibi.
We have no motive, no murder weapon.
What about DNA?
[ROBINSON] Samples were taken
from the president's body.
It's gonna take a few days.
The M.E. says that the time of death
lines up with the window in
which our cameras were down.
And the preliminary autopsy report
shows that the cause of
death was blunt force trauma
from a heavy irregularly shaped object.
[CLEARING THROAT] Any other questions?
Not me.
Oh, you know what? Wait, I do have one.
Why in the holy fuck isn't Xavier here?
Agent Collins ignored protocol.
His actions that morning
were antithetical to
Don't use big words to try
to confuse me, Robinson.
He's our best agent, he should be here.
Oh, don't mind me.
Our cameras were down
the night of the murder,
so that's what we're focusing on.
What are the chances of getting
something off the surveillance system?
It's a long shot, but, uh,
maybe I could pull the equivalent
of a digital fingerprint
off the network.
It's about a 10% chance
I can get us the identity
of the person who turned them off.
How long?
I'm not a magician.
Uh, end of day, maybe.
Okay, that'll be all.
Thank you.
I'm confident that
I'm off to calm down the
most neurotic president
in the history of the world.
When I come back, I want some answers.
[XAVIER] You were hired by Sinatra?
Ah. Samantha. Sinatra to you.
We met, um, when she was utterly broken.
I was an expert in grief.
She thought I could help her,
and she gave me an opportunity.
- And now, you're here.
- And now, we're here.
Can she be trusted?
I'm done talking for a minute.
Tell me about your father.
What happened?
Attention, passengers
Mm, getting nervous about that move?
They put me on the VP's detail.
Oh, wow.
- Congratulations, son.
- Thank you very much.
And tell me, whose job is
it to choose the code names?
- No, seriously.
- Ok
- Is that the, the Secret Service?
'Cause I've got some
ideas for that imbecile.
Well, I'm sorry to inform
you, but the White House
gives out code names in
consultation with the protectees.
[SCOFFS] I read somewhere
that, um, JFK and Jackie
were "Lancer" and "Lace."
- Huh.
- Yeah.
Quite apropos, don't you think?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- People forgot that.
Hey, Dad, what's going on there?
- You got a tremor, I just saw it.
- No, it's nothing.
- Talk to me.
- It's nothing, it's nothing.
It's nothing at all. Forget about it.
What aren't you telling me?
I have Parkinson's.
Oh, don't. Come on now, don't
If you start crying, I-I, I'm
gonna call in a bomb threat.
Dad, I'm just
When did you right.
I'm so sorry.
[FRED] [QUIETLY] Oh, well
I'm dealing with it.
You know, I'm managing
all the symptoms with meds.
I'm eating healthy, exercising.
Your mother's up my ass about it.
Did you did you tell the company?
No, of course not.
What? You're hiding it?
- Ah
- What about the other flight crew?
Well, some of the guys know.
They know that they're just gonna
have to be a bit more vigilant
when we're working together.
I'm on top of it.
I can't believe what I'm hearing.
You're violating your
union's code of ethics.
- Hey, you could go to jail, Dad.
Oh, come on. Come on. [CHUCKLING]
- Alright, what would you have me do?
- Retire.
And then, I don't know, take up golf.
Take Mom to Italy, like she wants.
But you gotta stop flying, right now.
Well, I appreciate your concern,
but this is my decision to make.
- Dad, this is
- Xa
I'm a pilot, son.
That's what I am.
And, uh, I just need a little more time.
That's all.
I've got a flight to make.
My father and I had a
falling out, it happens.
He wanted me to be a pilot,
follow in his footsteps.
It turned out I couldn't do that,
so I joined the Secret Service.
I know the order of events,
okay? I read it in the profile.
- There's nothing else.
- Well, I think there is.
- I'm telling you, there isn't.
- Tell me about his last flight.
- You're frustrated.
- Yes.
- Okay, with me asking questions and
- With all of it, okay?!
But clearly, you're a very smart person,
and clearly, you've worked very hard
- at becoming, uh, an architect of
- Social well-being.
But there's nothing
normal about any of this.
I wanna know what you know about Cal,
and I don't wanna talk about my
old life, because my old life ended.
The world ended,
and everyone and
everything in it is gone.
And no amount of groceries,
or pre-recorded insect noises,
or most especially,
goddamn fuckin' cheese fries
is gonna change a thing about it.
[SIGHS] Wow.
Yeah, that was a lot.
So, what now?
Well, I mean, I have an idea, but
I don't think you're gonna like it.
Try me.
I was thinking we go
get some cheese fries.
This is bad.
What are we gonna do
if Garcia finds out?
Take it easy. He just
said there's a 90% chance
he can't figure out who
messed with the system.
Yeah, and there's a 10% chance he can.
What the fuck, Brooks?
This part of the house is off limits.
- On whose orders?
- Robinson's.
- You think he heard us?
- No.
- He could tell Robinson.
- Come here.
Don't worry so much.
If it comes down to it, I'll
deal with Robinson, alright?
Go. You go.
you need to calm down.
- Remember what the doctors told you?
Mr. President, I can protect
you in your home and in public.
But if a blood vessel
bursts in your brain
or you stroke out, well,
sir, I'm not that good.
Cal had state-of-the-art security,
look what happened to him.
Cal is dead.
He was my friend, and
we're just moving on.
Going about our lives
as if nothing happened.
They're still doing a
goddamn carnival tomorrow!
Cal was a decent and honorable man.
He was my friend, too.
And we honor him by being
clear-eyed in our pursuit of justice.
And do we know where
this pursuit is taking us?
You have no leads.
I thought you had surveillance
cameras all over the place.
Well, despite what you might have heard,
I don't record everything
that happens in this city.
Henry, you've walked
into a lot here, I get it.
It's unfair what's being asked of you.
President. I mean
It's a lot.
It's a lot.
But you're doing a fantastic job.
Really, I mean, I just
couldn't be more pleased.
You're a quiet man,
but you're steady one,
and you've stepped up to the plate.
The only person doing better
than you is your lovely wife here.
- [CHUCKLING] Oh, please. Stop.
- [SINATRA] It's true.
You are crushing it, Nance!
Your outfit at the swearing-in?
Get the fuck outta here.
- I mean, women were going crazy.
- We're gonna have to open a store.
Samantha, promise me you'll
catch whoever did this.
I will, sir.
Then, that will be all.
It's my office, sir.
Yes. Of course.
[MAGGIE] I can't believe
you're cheating on me with him.
I know, I'm sorry. I usually come here
and share a plate of
cheese fries with Maggie.
Now, obviously, down here,
um, we use nut cheese.
- [XAVIER] Mm.
- Which I know sounds disgusting
and weird in such a
larger prominent dose.
But I swear, you won't notice.
- I hate that cashew cheese crap.
- Oh no, this place does it different.
It's not the cashews,
[WHISPERS] it's the chemicals.
[MAGGIE] Here we are.
- [GABRIELA] Thank you.
[MAGGIE] One order,
extra cheese, coming up.
[GABRIELA] Mm-hmm.
I thought I knew what vigilance
looked like, but holy shit.
You've been scanning this room
from the moment we walked in.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
Do you always choose
the seat facing the door?
- Old habits die hard.
- Mm.
And what are you staring at now?
You're identifying all the
exits in the room, aren't you?
No, I did that the
minute we walked in here.
What I'm staring at is the
woman seated in that booth.
Different time and place,
I would have considered her
a potential threat.
Why? Because she's hungry?
The knife. She can use either hand.
That must be difficult.
How do you mean?
Just seeing the world as
nothing but a series of threats.
You see something different?
Well, where you see a threat, Xavier,
I see a mother who's learned to
feed her child on either side of her.
So, where are the kids?
We all lost something on our way here.
You know that as well as anyone.
I didn't lose my wife, I
know exactly where she was.
She was in a different
city when it happened,
and she died because he didn't
get her to a goddamn plane.
- Please remember to chew, Gabriela.
- Move your hand or I'll eat it.
Just let
[MOUTHFUL] So good.
- [XAVIER] After you.
- No, no, no, please. You first.
Pick a good one.
I'll take the long road ♪
- Damn, that's good.
- Mm-hmm.
God. You know what I really miss?
- You know, it's stupid, forget it.
- Mm. Oh, no, no, no, it's good.
It's good to remember the
things that brought you joy.
Soft shell crab.
Summer peaches.
Smell of a campfire.
Mm. Peaceful snowfall.
The warmth of the sun. The real sun.
I'll take the long road ♪
Sand between my toes.
On our second date, Teri and I drove
out to the beach at Sandy Point.
Teri loved the ocean.
And I do too, really.
But, um, the sand?
- Not so much.
So, a trip to the beach is
a bit like a combat mission.
It's me against this damn sand.
I gotta find just the right spot.
Fold open the chairs,
set up the umbrella,
lay out the towels just so.
I didn't realize Teri was
watching me the entire time.
So, there I am, all set up, finally.
And she just walks over
and messes all my shit up.
She was the person who could
get a little sand on me.
She was the only person
who could do that.
She sounds lovely.
I'll take the long road ♪
I'll take the long road, yeah, yeah ♪
- I'll
You said you wanted to know
about my dad's last flight.
- There you go.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
- Whose start is it?
It's mine.
Ooh, looks like the
beginning of the Scotch game.
Aha, that's aggressive for you, son.
- Something different for a change.
- Mm-hmm.
Oh, the meds are taking care
of the tremors, I'm fine.
Mm-hmm. Notice you're
wearing a different lapel pin.
I was named to the president's detail.
I mean, I'm one of like
50 agents, but still.
I wanted to tell you in person.
You get to go aboard Air Force One?
Yes, sir.
My God.
Would you like to see her?
[FRED] Hell yeah.
[XAVIER] She can fly at
over 600 miles per hour,
is equipped with 85 phone lines,
and get this, has flares for
defense against missile attacks
and can withstand a
nuclear blast on the ground.
[XAVIER] You good?
You won't understand, son.
You won't understand
till your kids get older.
Look at where you are.
Look at what you've done, son.
Look at what you've done, Dad.
The son of a Tuskegee Airman
who became one of a
handful of Black captains
of a commercial airline,
and his son now protects the
President of the United States.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Look at where we are.
And Dad, we got here by
doing things the right way.
It's time, Pop.
You can't fly anymore.
You gotta retire.
That's not your decision to make.
It shouldn't be, but
you made it my decision.
- What have you done?
These papers don't take
away years of service.
They say, "Well done, Dad."
That's what these papers
say, that's all they say.
I filed them for you, Dad.
I filed them because
I knew you wouldn't.
I'd see him on holidays, but
without the airport meetings,
things shifted.
Our relationship was never the same.
The disease progressed quickly,
and we lost him soon after that.
It must have been very
difficult to do what you did.
That's the thing, it wasn't.
It's the way he wired me, uh
it just wasn't.
You have a strong moral compass.
And it served me real well.
Well, I think it may now.
It's time to show you my cards.
[SINATRA] What do you have for me?
Something good.
You strike me as the kind
of person who likes a show.
Sit down. I'm gonna give you a show.
Bring 'em in.
Why did they do it?
That's the question
I keep asking myself.
Are you talking to
me? I don't follow.
Are we talking about the investigation?
The fireplace.
Now, why would they build
a fireplace down here?
I I don't know, ma'am.
We're we're in a cave,
and fire is elemental to who we are?
Storytellers or some bullshit?
Why did you two shut down the cameras
the night of the murder?
[WHISPERING] Tell her.
She doesn't have the footage.
[ROBINSON] That's true, Billy.
That is very true.
But we have your digital footprint.
We know you accessed the
system to shut down the cameras.
And it wasn't just the
night of the murder.
You've done it other nights too.
- In fact, you've been doing it for months.
- [SOFTLY] Please.
That all adds up to
means and opportunity.
- Now, we just need a motive.
- We were playing Wii.
Wii Tennis, actually.
- What the fuck is Wii Tennis?
- A video game.
Also, sometimes we eat his
candy from his junk drawer.
Also, I once took a nap in his bed.
Billy tried on his socks.
It's the truth.
Stupid and unprofessional as it sounds.
We've been protecting a president
inside of a secure bunker
where nothing ever happens.
Until something did happen.
We realized if we shut
down the security system,
we could we could play his
video games and use his cool shit,
and no one would really
be the worst off for it.
My God, you absolute idiots.
Everybody get the fuck outta here.
Start finding me some answers,
or I'll find someone who will.
Today was, uh, interesting.
Mm, I thought you were about
to admit that you had fun.
- Never, no.
I'm I'm tired.
Hey, do the numbers 8-1-2-0-9-2
mean anything to you?
No. No, why?
Just something I'm looking into.
There's so few people in the world.
I guess I'm one of the lucky ones.
But it doesn't feel like that.
I don't appreciate it.
I'm not sure I should have
been chosen to be here.
Honestly, I don't know why I was.
Do you play poker?
It's not my thing.
I lost my parents when
I was relatively young.
Uh, my mom as a kid,
and my dad as a teenager.
It's why I went into palliative care.
My dad taught me to play
when I was in middle school.
It was our time together, I loved it.
We'd play with tons of wild cards,
and these wild cards could be anything,
which made it even more
fun because it meant
that you always had a chance.
Xavier, you are here
because I chose you.
Everyone's here because I chose them.
[SINATRA] We need you to
choose your new lead agent.
Oh, I told you I trusted
you to make the selections.
And we have.
Cal, the world is going to shit.
You're gonna be the one
in charge when it ends,
and it's gonna be awful. This person
will be by your side the entire time.
I want it to be someone
you're comfortable with.
- Who's she?
- [SINATRA] She's on the team.
She's evaluating and
recommending candidates.
- [CAL] The gatekeeper.
- I'm Gabriela.
- Eh, both start with a G.
- This is true.
- I'm great at spelling.
- It's why I voted for you, sir.
- I like her.
- [SINATRA] Mr. President
these are all vetted and approved
candidates for your new lead agent.
[WHISTLING] There's a shit ton of 'em.
You keeping that one for yourself?
Uh, no, sir. I was actually hoping
that you would read this one first.
He's already on your detail,
but I have a pretty good
feeling about him, sir.
Let's go with your gut then.
- When do I meet him?
[GABRIELA] He's waiting in
the hallway, Mr. President.
[CAL] Okie-dokie.
We'll give you the room.
Agent Collins, come on in.
Oh, shoes off, please.
[GABRIELA] That was my main job.
Not grocery stores or cheese fries.
It was choosing the thousands of people
who would live
when everyone else would die.
And every day, I see the
faces of the thousands
that I didn't pick to be saved.
But you
You were my wild card.
If something went wrong,
I needed the person
who would do the right
thing, no matter what.
So, this was all some kind of test?
I needed to know the
man behind the file.
Tell me why you wrote
that message on your hand.
What was that all about?
I'm married.
I know.
I think we're alone now ♪
There doesn't seem
to be anyone around ♪
- What are you
- Shh.
The beating of our
hearts is the only sound ♪
Children behave ♪
That's what they say
when we're together ♪
Watch how you play ♪
They don't understand and so we're ♪
Running just as fast as we can ♪
Holding onto one another's hand ♪
- Tryin' to get away into the night ♪
Then you put your arms around me ♪
And we tumble to the
ground and you say ♪
[SOFTLY] I have a message
from the president.
I think we're alone now ♪
He said if something should
happen to him, I should find you.
Anyone around ♪
I think we're alone now ♪
He said Billy Pace is dangerous.
Is the only sound ♪
I think we're alone now ♪
The beating of our
hearts is the only sound ♪
We're alone ♪
We're alone ♪
We're alone ♪
We're alone ♪
We're alone ♪
I'm gonna be the man in
charge when the world ends.
You say it's all gone, it is gone.
[WOMAN] Time for weather change.
We all lost something on our way here.
I didn't lose my wife. I
know exactly where she was.
[ROBINSON] We're all
on Sinatra's radar now.
It's not a radar you wanna be on.
But you and me, is about
as wide as my circle
of trust goes right now.
[XAVIER] But you were
dating the murder victim.
My circle of trust is
staying put for right now.
The people need to know. I'm
gonna tell them the truth.
- No, you're not.
- I'm the president!
[SINATRA] Say it to my face.
I wanna see what it looks
like when you have balls.
You're one of the 25,000 people
lucky enough to be spared.
I'll take it all away
without so much as blinking an eye.
[CAL] We have to go!
Are you coming or not?
[SINATRA] Shut it
down. Shut it all down!
The president did something that day.
Something you don't know about.