Paranormal Survivor (2015) s03e02 Episode Script

Bringing in Evil

1 I was scared to death, the most scared I've ever been in my life.
NARRATOR: You are about to see real people What the hell is going on here? reliving horrifying paranormal encounters for the first time.
I was definitely scared.
Our baby was in there.
NARRATOR: When evil is unintentionally brought inside a home Believe in it.
It was in my house.
- My son was in danger.
- Help! [ CRYING .]
I buried this for nearly 30 years.
be prepared to be afraid.
synced by dom.
smrc MAN: "Paranormal Survivor" three, "Nancy's poisonous Ivy," interview featuring Nancy.
Hey! NANCY: We had gone to Hollywood cemetery in Richmond, Virginia.
My husband likes civil war, cemeteries and different battlefields.
We like the history of different stuff like that.
We were have always been historical reenactors, uh, war of 1812 or the American civil war.
We love to go find a lot of history at cemeteries.
NARRATOR: Nancy had brought home what she thought was an innocent souvenir of their trip.
All through the cemetery, there's Ivy.
It grows on a lot of the graves.
The cemetery was moving to me, so I just took a little piece.
I kind of remember her saying, you know, "I wonder if I can get this to grow.
" And I never gave it any more thought, not at all.
NARRATOR: But the Ivy wasn't the innocent souvenir it seemed to be.
I hadn't experienced anything paranormal in the house until my parents went to Virginia.
They brought home a piece of Ivy, and that's when things started to get interesting.
And I had a bunch of cds and stuff beside my bed.
It sounded like someone just was going through them.
Dad, is that you? I thought it was my father at the time.
And when I said, "Hey, what are you doing?" Then everything dropped and it went quiet.
His bedroom was ransacked.
His cds were all over the floor.
And, like, he's very meticulous about his things.
What are you doing in here? My parents heard the commotion, wondered what was going on.
- What is all this? - I thought it was you.
And I said, "Were you just down here?" And he said, "No.
" I was Freaked out, to say the least.
I had never really experienced anything like that.
There was only the three of us in the house, and we couldn't really explain it.
But I was definitely scared.
When you bring haunted objects into your home, lots of times, the haunting will cause things to escalate.
It will start maneuvering things and manipulating things, and it can cause potential harm to your home.
NARRATOR: A few nights later, it was Nancy who experienced something strange.
I was in my bedroom, and the little boy was the first person coming down the hall.
He had this little straw hat.
The man was tall and thin, dark clothing.
You couldn't see through them, no.
They were just as plain as you and me sitting here.
They walked quietly.
I knew they were spirits just By seeing them.
I kind of went to see what had happened, but then they were gone.
They didn't seem harmful, but later on, things did happen that escalated, things that were bad happening to us.
It was like, "Wow.
Something is really going on here.
" The things that were going on in the house, they were just very strange.
NANCY: I was laying there, and this black mass showed up above me.
It was like a kind of, in a way, like a cloud, just kind of floating above me, but it was the feeling you got from it that scared me more than the mass itself.
It was, like, the feeling of evil, and it wanted me to come with it.
I was scared of it.
I was like I was trying to scream, but couldn't.
I was, like, paralyzed.
It just kind of stayed on top of me, and it was, like, trying to pull me into it.
I just laid there perfectly still and thought, "This is gonna go away.
" I have no idea what it was, but I was frightened.
Fully above my head.
Like, I couldn't move, and it was, like DANA: Nancy was quite upset the next morning.
By then, we'd had enough things happening in our house that we knew something was going on, and we knew there was a presence.
It was so big.
Then Lee got up, and he described something quite similar.
LEE: I woke up, and a black mass was floating above the bed, like it was trying to draw you towards it.
It definitely felt I guess evil would be the word.
The same thing happened to my mom the same time, the same night.
It it Scared me big-time.
It was definitely the scariest thing I've probably experienced.
And that's when, actually, my son said, "Mom, it's the Ivy.
" You shouldn't have taken it from the cemetery.
" NARRATOR: Desperate for answers, Lee stayed up all night looking for clues about why they were being tormented.
This page was about things people used to put on gravestones, 1800s, stuff like that, and they all had symbolic meanings.
And it turns out that people used to plant Ivy on graves because it meant eternal life.
My son, he was the one that said, "Get rid of the Ivy.
" And I wasn't sure how to do that, so I did put it out on the porch.
NARRATOR: With the Ivy out of the house, the whole family assumed life would go back to normal.
They couldn't have been more wrong.
NARRATOR: After homeowner Nancy bernier brought home Ivy from a gravestone, strange and disturbing things have been happening.
After removing the Ivy from their home, the family hoped life would return to normal.
Yeah, we always have or had a big Halloween party, neighbors, family friends.
Everyone was talking, having a good time.
Hey, dad! Can you get some more cds? And my dad went to get a cd.
And I'm walking past the bathroom, and I could hear a crackling noise.
There's a fire in the house! The house is on fire! The house is on fire! He was screaming, "The house is on fire! The house is on fire!" Smother it! NANCY: I thought the house was gonna burn down 'cause it was a big fire.
But we did get it out, and the fire, it had burned straight up the wall.
NARRATOR: The fire remained a mystery until Dana received some disturbing news.
After the fire, we had got a phone call about a month later that said my dad had passed away.
Dana's father wasn't a nice man.
He hated Dana getting married, Dana having a family.
He was just a very mean-spirited man.
He had been dead in the house for a month before anybody found him.
It wasn't till after that we found out that he died on Halloween night, and that was the same night as the fire in the house.
NARRATOR: Nancy feared that the Ivy had opened the door for all kinds of spirits, including Dana's recently departed father.
I connected the fire and his death immediately.
In my experience, when an evil person has passed away, they can still be evil in the spiritual realm.
Not all spirits are happy when they cross over, and that can cause a negative haunting.
LEE: We cleaned out my grandfather's home.
Everything was boxed up that was there.
And I picked up his wallet, and I was going through it.
And out of the corner of my eye, I saw something come across the living room.
It's probably the hardest thing to describe.
But it was a ball that was bright, almost rainbow in color, and it was swirling.
And it came right in front of my face, stayed there for about 3 or 4 seconds, and went directly out the wall to my right.
Mom! And I screamed [ LAUGHS .]
Like I was 5 years old.
What's wrong? What happened? He kept yelling, "It went through the wall! It went through the wall!" - Are you hurt? - This thing - What thing? - I was definitely afraid.
I didn't I've never seen anything like that.
This orb, this thing.
I believe that it was something to do with my grandfather.
He came to visit, and he wanted us to know it.
That was just his personality and his spirit.
He was an evil spirit.
NARRATOR: Terrified of what the spirit of Dana's father would do next, Nancy finally took action.
The Ivy was still on the porch at that time, letting the spirits in.
I pretty much demanded she get rid of it right away just so we could I guess I just wanted it over with.
It just needed to be done.
The paranormal activity stopped when I got rid of the Ivy.
After that, nothing has happened, and I'm very leery at things I let in the house that can open up that spirit world.
I keep that very closed.
To know something so small can disrupt everyone's life like that is terrifying.
I wouldn't want to experience any of it again.
NARRATOR: It's not just physical objects that can be haunted.
Certain symbols and images can act as an open invitation for paranormal entities.
And sometimes these entities can have evil intentions.
MAN: "Paranormal Survivor" three, story number six, "Natalie's unwanted guest.
" We were both so excited to own our first home.
To raise a family.
We were excited to furnish it and paint it and make it our own.
MARK: As soon as we walked in, we fell in love with the place.
We just knew that it was going to be home, sweet home.
When it came time to decorate the room, we were excited.
We started to fill it with everything we knew we would need for our baby.
Love you, baby.
We did have a mat with a skull and crossbones on it.
It's just something that my husband and I thought was maybe a little bit different.
NARRATOR: Natalie and Mark wanted to give their baby boy the best start in life, but they had no idea that the rug would welcome something disturbing into the house.
- Rub my feet.
- Ugh.
- Please? - If I can use the [ FLOORBOARD CREAKS OVERHEAD .]
NATALIE: The first things we heard sounded like footsteps.
It sounded as though there was maybe one or two people walking around.
It was loud.
It would bang and creak with each step that they took.
There was definitely no denying what it was.
I was the braver one.
So, yeah, I would go upstairs and check around and nothing.
Mark would always tell me that it was probably the house settling.
He never took it quite as seriously as I started to.
NARRATOR: Though worried, Natalie tried to ignore the strange sounds.
After a few weeks, she gave birth to her son, Cain.
Once we brought our son home from the hospital is when we really started to notice noises.
The spare bedroom was the only room that that noise was coming from.
I always felt uneasy.
I always felt that there was a presence - it's okay.
- We both tried to ignore them.
We also thought that maybe it would go away.
Oftentimes, when you ignore signs of a haunting such as footsteps, disembodied voices, it's going to escalate.
They're going to keep doing what they're doing and escalate it until they get your attention.
NARRATOR: Swept up in parenthood, Natalie and Mark endure the strange noises for 3 years.
Then, with Natalie expecting their second child, Cain told her a shocking secret.
NARRATOR: Homeowners Natalie and Mark Garcia had been harassed by strange noises ever since their son Cain was born.
But when Cain turned 3, and with Natalie expecting their second child, he told them a terrible secret.
When Cain was about 3, he had said to us, "There was a lady that was sitting on the end of my bed last night.
" He said it probably three or four more times over the course of a month.
Me and Natalie were like, "What? Like, what's going on?" Something's not right here.
" NATALIE: He did say that she was old.
He said, "She wasn't nice, but she wasn't mean.
" He said this lady's name was marg, and I realized that it was my grandmother.
I was definitely shocked.
I was very young when she had passed, and I did wonder why she would be here with my son.
I had no idea what she would be doing with him.
Cain did not seem scared by it at all.
Once again, we just decided that if we pretend it's not there, maybe it's not there.
NARRATOR: Later that year, Natalie gave birth to a daughter, Piper.
When we found out we were going to have another child, there was only one option for a room, and that would be the spare bedroom where we had been hearing the footsteps happening.
I was very hesitant about putting her in that room, only because the noises.
That room, to me, always felt colder than every other room.
So I was a little hesitant.
NARRATOR: The new baby brings an escalation of strange activity in the house.
We have a video monitor that only kicks on if there's a certain decibel.
I woke up because it turned on although I didn't hear crying.
I looked at the monitor, and all I could see was these white circles dancing across the monitor.
It was roughly 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning, and she showed me the monitor.
Some of them were bright, some of them were fuzzy, and they were just dancing across her crib.
I was definitely scared.
Our baby was in there.
Well, we went to check on her, and she seemed fine.
Piper was sleeping as soundly as a baby would sleep.
When I got into the room, I didn't see any sort of orbs, no raised light, nothing.
I tried looking for anywhere light could be coming in from, and even shaking the monitor to see if it was broken or something.
How do you explain these little orbs of light floating? We were just shocked.
It was it was starting to really get nerve-racking.
NATALIE: We started to see the orbs on the monitor daily.
Middle of the day, dead of night.
Any time we would turn the monitor on, they were there.
Cain's story and the orbs, the footsteps, it made me very uneasy.
Something was definitely, you know, happening in our home.
Orbs are balls of energy, are concentrations of energy.
It's almost a partial manifestation.
And so it is easily captured on camera.
Oftentimes, when we do take still photos or videos, it can be dust particles.
But when you see an evident orb, you know it's an orb.
NARRATOR: Unable to ignore the activity any longer and afraid of what might happen next, Natalie and Mark ask paranormal investigator Tammy Taylor for help.
I could tell from the information that she gave me that there's something very serious going on here.
I could see that the energy in this house was very dark, very heavy.
NARRATOR: Tammy was so concerned about the intensity of the energy inside that she lit Sage for protection, but it came too late for Natalie.
I had a tough time breathing.
When I had told her that I was having a tough time breathing, she had actually picked up right away on the presence.
And I could see beside her, I could see the outline of spirit.
It was a male, about 65, slim build.
He looked rather rough, as though he had gone through a rather, um, difficult time.
And I could feel him touching me.
He was running his fingers down my forearm as though he was trying to grasp onto something.
I was so scared.
I had never experienced anything like it.
And Natalie was having trouble breathing because he was exerting pressure on her.
He was trying to scare her.
He didn't want to leave.
NARRATOR: Homeowner Natalie Garcia was locked in a desperate struggle with a mysterious spirit.
If paranormal investigator Tammy Taylor didn't act fast, Natalie's life could be in danger.
And I told Natalie, "You've got to be strong.
"You've got to be really strong, because he's trying to manipulate right now.
" Oh, holy Michael And I asked for archangel Michael, the angel of protection, to protect and bless the family and to remove the negative entities.
He backed off at that point.
nuisance, snares of the devil.
NARRATOR: After making sure that Natalie was okay, Tammy went to cleanse the rest of the house before the spirit returned.
As she entered Cain's room, she made a disturbing discovery.
And I looked down, and there was a floor mat, and it was a skull and crossbones.
And I remember I gasped.
It was just like I just felt like I got hit.
NARRATOR: A powerful symbol of the dead, Tammy believed the spirits would take the skull and crossbones as an invitation into the home.
You're welcoming dead people into this house.
This was the entry point.
Our archangel I said a prayer, and I revoked any form of permission.
And I sprinkled holy water on the mat.
However, I did advise Natalie and Mark to get rid of it.
NARRATOR: There was another surprise in Piper's room.
As I went into the baby's room, I could feel all sorts of energy.
Tammy had mentioned the orbs to us, saying that they were probably angels.
They just sensed danger or an urgency to protect a baby.
I remember connecting in with the grandmother.
She came through very strong.
And she said to me, "We don't know what he's doing here.
" "He's standing here all the time, near the baby, and we don't know why.
" NARRATOR: The very things that had frightened Natalie and Mark had been protecting the children from the evil male spirit that had come into the house.
He kept saying, "It's the baby that I want.
Don't ask me to leave.
" I-I-i was I was shocked.
And I'm like, "Whatever's here has got to go.
" We got to get it out of here.
" I'm now asking archangel azrael as the angel of death to step forward, to help this man cross over.
aah! This pressure came over my chest, and it honestly felt like there was an elephant standing on my chest, and I couldn't breathe.
TAMMY: Oh, lead him to heaven.
Lead him to heaven.
He was on a mission to stay in this house, and he was putting up a fight.
He was trying to make his last stand.
He was trying to get them to just allow him to stay, and I was just adamant, "He needs to cross over.
" You could literally see a flash of light, and I was told, "He's gone.
" Immediately, there was a change in the atmosphere.
There was a change in the energy.
- They're gone.
- Oh, thank you.
She had said that it had passed over.
It just left.
And, like, happiness and joy came over me, and I could see it in Natalie, too.
thank you.
Tammy did offer some insight into who this man was.
He was not related.
We did not know him.
There you go.
Good boy.
Now, in the house, I feel like it's home again.
We haven't heard any steps, no orbs of light on the monitor, nothing.
But I don't think until you actually experience something in your own home, involving your whole family, how much it can actually It can change your life.
NARRATOR: Bringing in certain objects to your home can open the door to all kinds of spirits.
But in other cases, an object can have a specific entity attached with terrifying consequences.
MAN: "Paranormal Survivor" three, story number seven, "Julie's haunted dresser.
" I do love antiques, and I had been looking for quite some time for something that would work in the basement.
The dresser really pulled me towards it.
My mom picked up this antique dresser from the queensville auction, or antique anyways, and brought it in the home.
I said, "This is the piece.
I really want this.
" I would describe my son Michael as typical, likes his pickup trucks and country music.
He has a few part-time jobs and was just finishing high school.
Don't forget your homework.
NARRATOR: Michael immediately got a strange feeling about the dresser.
MICHAEL: As soon as the dresser went in there, I kind of felt uneased sitting in front of it.
I tried to avoid looking in the mirror.
It felt like somebody was in there, watching.
[ GASPS .]
NARRATOR: Julie Stuart had fallen in love with an antique dresser.
But as soon as she brought it home, bizarre things started to happen.
When I got the watching feeling, I would also get the feeling in my gut that it was really unwelcoming.
Like, "You have to leave.
" Mom, mom, there's a demon downstairs.
I swear to god.
I swear.
I-i just saw it.
He said that it felt like somebody was watching him and staring at him or standing off in the corner, just that there felt like something was there.
Well, at first, she kind of didn't believe me.
It's okay.
There's nothing there, honey.
But she definitely knew that I was afraid.
It is not unusual for spirits to attach themselves to a piece of furniture or some antique furniture.
At the time of death, they will try and hold on to something that they had when they were living.
It was so real.
NARRATOR: Though he was upset, Michael tried to put the experience behind him, but it was not an isolated incident.
Well, I guess it would have been a couple of weeks.
And then things slowly began to get more and more.
I was sitting in there, and I got this really, really uneasing feeling.
I could feel, like, lasers in the back of my head, staring me down.
It was getting pretty bad.
He didn't really want to be alone in the house, and he used to spend hours down there playing video games.
It felt like it must have been really angry, and it really didn't want me in the basement.
I got the message pretty much right away.
After that, I didn't go in the basement for at least a month.
NARRATOR: Michael wasn't able to escape the activity that easily.
It began to spread to the rest of the house.
And I really got this feeling.
I was like, "I have to leave.
" I went to go grab my car keys.
I went up to my room.
That's when I knew I wasn't welcome in the house.
JULIE: His sense of uneasiness in the house was really getting more and more.
hello? Mom? I need you to come home right now.
There's something in the house.
Numerous times, he would be calling my cell phone.
"Mom, are you coming home, like, now? Or how much longer are you gonna be?" I swear.
There's something in there.
He just didn't like being at the house.
I just said, "Okay.
I'll take this more seriously.
" NARRATOR: Little does Michael know the paranormal activity in his home is just getting started.
MICHAEL: It must have been about 2:00 in the morning.
And I woke up dead out of my sleep with something grabbing my arm.
It was, like, a very large hand pulling in between the cushions.
Aah! It felt like it was doing it out of anger.
Aah! It felt like I couldn't move, and it was holding me down.
Aah! Aah! It as unbelievably terrifying.
Help! [ PANTING .]
The ultimate fear was that my son was in danger.
In a case where you feel as though you're being pinned down or you were physically unable to move, it is very important that you emit a white light.
So you need to picture a white light behind you, in front of you, around you, and it's surrounding you in positivity and in happiness.
NARRATOR: Seeing Michael so traumatized, Julie wanted answers and reached out to paranormal investigator Lynda quirino.
- Hi.
- I'm Lynda.
LYNDA: Julie seemed to be upset because Michael had never been afraid in the home before.
They had lived there for a little over 10 years, and never had he seemed upset.
- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you, too.
NARRATOR: First, Lynda tried to sense the entity in the house.
I didn't notice or feel anything particularly demonic or anything odd at first.
It's really common for paranormal investigators to not feel anything right away.
Sometimes, whatever is there sort of lies in wait.
The stairs definitely felt very busy energetically [ RATTLING .]
enough to cause the door handle of Michael's bedroom to rattle.
Lynda said, "There's a lot of motion and stuff flying up and down the stairs," and it started to become more real to me that this really could be something that my son is experiencing.
MICHAEL: It kind of made me think it was true and I wasn't just imagining it, and it was going crazy in my head.
NARRATOR: But the energy upstairs was nothing compared to what she was about to encounter.
The atmosphere in the basement definitely felt colder.
Usually when there is a spirit energy present, cold spots do happen.
NARRATOR: Then Lynda sensed the dark energy was concentrated around one area Julie's antique dresser.
Immediately, I could see what appeared to me to be a female, and she seemed to be maybe from the 1800s, early 1900s, probably in her late 20s, and she was brushing her hair with one of those big paddle brushes.
NARRATOR: The mysterious woman wasn't alone.
Lynda could sense something else, something horrific.
Aah! NARRATOR: Michael Stuart has been terrorized ever since his mother Julie brought home an antique dresser.
Paranormal investigator Lynda quirino discovered a female spirit attached to it, but also something much more sinister.
Aah! LYNDA: It seemed very tall.
It definitely felt as if it was male, heavier.
Lynda did say there was a negative spirit and that the spirit was angry.
What Lynda was describing to me was making my hair stand up on my arms.
He was the one who watched me.
He was the angry spirit in the basement.
She said, "It's angry.
" It's trying to push me out of this room.
" NARRATOR: Worried about how physical the entity was, Lynda decided to remove it immediately.
These people have done nothing to you! Be gone! For a spirit to actually pull somebody means that they're obviously very strong.
Be gone! And they're aggressive, they're mean.
Yeah, it's not good.
NARRATOR: Lynda had defeated the entity for now, but it wasn't gone for good.
But she now had a better idea of what was going on and how to stop it.
I really didn't get a sense that he came with the house.
I got a sense that he was brought in.
Mirrors can be portals to different worlds.
The mirror had brought in entities, plural.
There was a female wearing a white gown and a male entity that was grabbing Michael.
It seemed to me that the best thing to do was not specifically to find out why it was there but to get rid of it altogether.
We wanted that spirit to be gone.
Lynda made the suggestion that I cleanse the house and settle the spirits down.
When clients feel particularly compromised, I do advise them to speak to the entities because it is their home.
This is my house.
They need to tell them, "Don't bother me.
Please leave me be.
" Leave us in peace.
We walked to every corner and every level of the house.
This is my house.
Explaining to the spirits that, "This is my house.
Please don't upset my son.
" NARRATOR: Eventually, they got to the dresser.
Leave us in peace.
So I had to smudge the mirrors because that's where they were coming from.
This is my house.
Smudging is a good idea.
When you smudge, it's a purification ritual.
It takes away the bad and it keeps the good.
Once we finished, I almost immediately felt a little bit more at ease.
And the house definitely felt less heavy.
Occasionally, my mother does like to go shopping for antiques, but she rarely buys them now 'cause she knows how unsettling it can be.
I guess I actually am a skeptic turned into a believer.
I would say to anyone, even if you're not believers, that these things can be real.
As often as I used to.
I rarely go in there by myself.
And sometimes, the lights still flicker.

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