Paranormal Survivor (2015) s03e04 Episode Script

When Ghosts Get Physical

I was scared to death.
The most scared I've ever been in my life.
NARRATOR: You are about to see real people What the hell is going on here? NARRATOR: Reliving horrifying paranormal encounters for the first time.
Something is here.
Something is trying to harm us.
NARRATOR: And ghosts get physical.
You could offer me a million dollars, I wouldn't go back into that place.
This is not my imagination.
Get out.
I buried this for nearly 30 years.
NARRATOR: Be prepared to be afraid.
synced by dom.
smrc MAN: "Paranormal Survivor" three, story number five Kristine's haunted apartment, featuring kristine.
I'll never forget when we moved in.
I'm just gonna take this up to my room.
We were very excited.
It was a really nice place, very spacious.
I was already envisioning how I was gonna decorate it.
It was a new beginning, and it was gonna be our home for quite some time.
I thought it was gonna be so much fun moving to this big apartment building.
I thought I was going to make so many friends, thought it was going to be just a great time.
NARRATOR: But their excitement soon wore off when unexplained events started to occur.
It was about three months after we moved in.
And I'd hear a lot of, like, footsteps.
NARRATOR: Kristine tried not to think about the activity until it could no longer be ignored.
I heard this loud crashing in the kitchen, and it just sounded like hundreds of plates just crashing to the floor.
And I bolted up and ran to the kitchen.
And I was like, "Who is breaking into my house and doing this?" I was still in denial that something paranormal was going on.
In my experience, when paranormal activity is left and not investigated, just left by itself, it tends to become more intense.
And the reason that it tends to become more intense is, basically, because you're ignoring it.
Whatever it is that's there wants our attention.
When we ignore it, it's kind of like a child who we continue to ignore.
They're gonna do something that's going to be completely crazy, completely out of the moon, off the wall.
So they're gonna intensify whatever energies there are in their immediate area.
NARRATOR: Kristine hoped the activity wouldn't get any worse.
But then it started to focus on the thing she loved most Her son, Sam.
CHILD: You want to play with me? My favorite colors are purple, green, and blue.
As time went on, I started to hear voices, and they were coming from inside my room.
I was just absolutely terrified.
I ended up covering my face in my blanket to try to hide from them.
Do you want to play with me? The most common voice I heard was a boy about my age.
And he would constantly ask me to come play with him.
He almost looked like me.
His hair was a little bit darker, and I couldn't really ever see his eyes.
KRISTINE: And I'd go check on my son, and I would ask, "Sam, you know, were you just laughing?" "Oh, no, mom, that was David.
He's laughing.
" I'd go, "Who's David?" And he would go, "Well, he's the little boy" that comes here sometimes.
" And I thought, "Okay, something's going on.
" There's something here that can't be explained.
" NARRATOR: But it soon became clear that the little boy's spirit didn't want Sam as a friend.
I was in bed, sleeping.
The door swung open so hard that it hit the wall.
And that kind of jolted me awake.
And then I heard, "Mommy.
" And I thought it was my son.
And I just patted the bed behind me, and I says, "Did you have another bad dream, Sam?" And I said, "Come to bed with mommy.
" And then I could hear the footsteps, creak, creak, creak across the wooden floor.
And I could feel the bed pressing in, like weight was going onto the bed.
And I rolled over to embrace my son, to calm him down.
And then that's when David was saying that he wanted to kill my son and take his place in his body.
Like, I just went into absolute panic.
And I just, like, bolted dead out of bed.
You know, where is my child? What did you do with my child? At that point, I thought he had carried through on his promise of getting rid of my son.
Oh, my god.
I was terrified.
Absolutely terrified.
NARRATOR: To her relief, kristine found Sam unharmed.
But from that point on, Sam was tormented on a daily basis.
My son Started to become a big target for whatever was in that apartment.
They tried to hurt him.
They would throw things at him.
They would wake him up and torment him.
Things would go flying across my room, flying towards me.
I'll never leave you alone! People screaming at me just inches from my face, yelling at me at the top of their lungs.
He was losing sleep.
He was suffering at school.
He didn't know how to deal with what was going on.
He was scared, terrified, screaming all the time.
Everything that I would hear would make me jump, would make me cry, would make me scared.
This happened for three years while we were living in that apartment.
And it started to affect me, it started to make me think about ending my own life so that I could get away from it.
And I was thinking about jumping out in front of a bus to try to escape the torment.
NARRATOR: It was clear the entity wanted to terrorize Sam to death.
Mom! NARRATOR: Kristine McGee knew her son's life was on the line after the terrifying entity haunting their apartment began escalating its attacks.
I'll never leave you alone! After three years of mental torment, the torture had become brutally physical.
He was screaming for his life.
He woke up Literally hanging in his bed.
SAM: When I woke up, I just I was filled with so much fear.
There's no way I could have gotten into that position by myself.
I knew something had to have pulled me out of the bed.
I don't remember anything from that, I just remember waking up and being scared.
That was it.
After I saw him being attacked in that way, that's when I decided that he needed to get to a safe place.
I sent him away to my parents', and I'd just had enough.
It had to stop.
It we had to go, or it was gonna kill us.
I believe that.
NARRATOR: Alone in the apartment, kristine became the focus of the torment.
I was sitting on the couch, watching TV, and I hear footsteps behind me.
It's almost like a very large man in work boots was coming up behind me.
Aah! [ GROWLING .]
And then, all of a sudden, these hands grabbed my feet.
And I looked down, and there's these hands wrapped around my ankles.
He wasn't letting go.
Whoever it was was not letting go.
[ GROWL .]
I screamed, and I pulled, like, yanked Literally yanked my feet out from his hands.
And I Was done.
I wasn't sticking around any more in that house.
I'd had enough.
I left the home.
I left everything.
Left all of my belongings, took what I could carry in my arm.
Took a few pictures of my son, clothes on my back and left.
Never never went back.
Never wanted anything to do with the place.
It just it destroyed us, totally destroyed us.
I think, if we stayed, something bad would have happened.
You could offer me a million dollars, I wouldn't go back into that place.
I believe it's still there to this day.
NARRATOR: Paranormal entities sometimes physically assault their victims so severely, they're left battered and traumatized.
But on rare occasions, a physical attack by an evil spirit can be life-threatening.
MAN: "Paranormal Survivor" three.
This is story number nine, Danielle's haunting.
Hey, guys! - We're in the back.
- Hey.
Karen and I go way back.
We've been friends well, I'd probably say at least 25 years.
Oh, how's my little guy? There's my little sweetie.
- Hey.
- How's it going? And we pretty much call each other every other day.
NARRATOR: When Danielle had some exciting news, Karen was one of the first people she told.
We're pregnant again.
When Levi was about eight months of age, we found out that we were actually pregnant with my daughter.
And just we were just over the moon, really.
Um You would have expected her to have been happy with That's great.
you know, adding another child to our family.
But for some reason, it didn't go over as smoothly as we had anticipated.
NARRATOR: Karen's behavior was weird, but it was nothing compared to the frightening events that followed.
So I started having nightmares Really scary nightmares.
In some of my dreams, it was more our family was being attacked.
Aah! It was a very dark, tall Thing.
NARRATOR: One night Danielle's terrifying dreams became a waking nightmare.
DANIELLE: I would wake up in the middle of the night, I would see this figure at the end of my bed, staring at me.
I'd have this huge heavy weight on my body.
I couldn't actually move physically.
I would try to scream, and I couldn't get anything out.
Yeah, she said, at first, it would be at the foot of our bed or just inside our room.
And then it started to be more towards her side of the bed.
The figure conveyed a very, very scary, hateful feeling, like it wanted to hurt me.
I'd be really scared.
Extremely frightening.
But it definitely just made you feel very fearful for your life.
I was fearful that that being or whatever was there was going to harm my son.
NARRATOR: Danielle low was experiencing terrible nightmares.
But then the dreams became a horrifying reality.
I was fearful that that being or whatever was there was going to harm my son.
I mean, her fear was, was someone actually there? It felt that real to her.
Shadow figures normally are malevolent.
NARRATOR: Soon the dark figure was tormenting Danielle night and day.
No matter what I was doing, I just always felt a heavy presence and just heaviness on my chest.
There was no way to get it away from me.
It just always came with this sudden feeling that something was hanging over my shoulder, watching everything that I did.
I tried to leave the house a lot.
I had told Karen that I was very worried about the safety of my children.
And she sort of just slummed it off as it was nothing.
NARRATOR: But Danielle was right to worry about the well-being of Levi and her unborn child.
DANIELLE: My husband and I usually, in the evening, would watch TV together.
So when we started to hear the footsteps in the spare bedroom, we thought, "Well, no one else is in the house other than us.
" And it almost seemed like it wanted us to know that it was there, 'cause it just started to get more and more loud.
You would hear the rocking chair move a couple of times.
And, sometimes, we would go into his room to check on him And it would slowly be rocking.
And it was just like someone had gotten up from it The gentle movement of it settling itself.
Nothing made sense as to why it was rocking.
And at that point, you know, I'm not questioning anything anymore.
There's something going on in his room.
NARRATOR: The next day, Danielle got a surprise visitor.
We hadn't really spoken to Karen as much as we used to.
How are you? Okay, just And then, when she had come by, there would always be some sort of negativity brought into the house.
And we were both on our way up to the top of the stairs.
NARRATOR: With Karen around, the activity turned dangerously violent.
DANIELLE: As I went to turn Aah! [ GRUNTS .]
aah! i just came plummeting down the stairs.
I was pretty shaken up, and I was in complete shock.
So it took a couple of minutes for me to realize, "Okay, I just fell down the stairs" and I'm pregnant, seven months here.
"This could be really bad.
" Well, I definitely did not trip, and I did definitely not lose my balance.
Something had pushed me or willed me to fall down the stairs.
Are you okay? It wasn't me.
- What happened?! - I-i-i didn't do anything.
- What happened?! - She just fell.
I don't know! And as soon as I fell down the stairs, Karen came running down the stairs, saying, "It wasn't me, it wasn't me!" I-I didn't touch you, I didn't touch you!" Obviously, who would think that, right? You know, no person's gonna throw someone else down the stairs.
It was just odd that someone would be Would be saying that.
I started to think that she possibly could be connected.
I knew that I hadn't fallen on my own accord down the stairs, so something is here, something is trying to harm us.
NARRATOR: Luckily, no lasting harm was done to mother or baby.
And soon after, Danielle and Rob welcomed their daughter, Lennon, to the world.
By contrast, Karen had disappeared from their lives.
It was hard, 'cause Karen and I were very, very close.
So it was very disappointing that she wasn't there to, you know, be a part of the happiness.
NARRATOR: Karen was gone, but the activity continued.
DANIELLE: All of a sudden, we heard a door close, and it was like a slamming door close.
By this point, I'm an absolute believer that this is happening, this is not my imagination.
That was the last straw for me.
I was just at my wit's end.
And I knew for sure something was there, and I needed someone to come and to get rid of it.
NARRATOR: Fearing for the safety of their children, Danielle and Rob asked psychic medium Tammy Taylor for help.
When I got to the house, you could see there was a sense of darkness.
Danielle had this beautiful energy.
Her family had this beautiful energy, but there was a lot of blackness.
And I knew right away that she had some sort of negative attachments connected to her.
She was scared.
She knew that there was something in the house.
Whatever it was, she wanted it gone.
NARRATOR: Concerned Danielle and her family were in danger, Tammy headed toward the source of the negative energy.
She walked up the stairs, stopped on the stair that Danielle said she fell from, and said, "Something bad really happened.
" It happened, like, right here.
"I really feel it.
" Aah! NARRATOR: After something had shoved expectant mother Danielle low down the stairs, psychic medium Tammy Taylor had a disturbing theory.
And I could see that somebody had been pushed and that this dark entity had pushed Danielle on the stairs.
So when she started to describe the figure, I-I didn't even know what to say.
I sort of had the shivers up my back and the goose bumps Just because I knew that something definitely had been there the whole time.
It takes a lot of energy for a negative entity to interfere within the physical, to be able to push somebody, to be able to push an object, to be able to push a person.
This entity clearly had a lot of anger, a lot of strength, and a clear connection to Danielle.
It was a very dangerous situation.
An entity would want to push someone down the stairs to give them a clear indication that they wish to cause harm, they don't want them to be there, they're powerful, they want to exert their force.
And by pushing them down the stairs, by doing something physical, it shows this person that they're there, and they can do something.
That's absolutely terrifying.
It's not just that they're seeing things, they're actually capable of causing physical harm.
NARRATOR: The staircase wasn't the only place that Tammy sensed dark forces.
She said that there was negative energy in Levi's bedroom.
That really alarmed me.
NARRATOR: Tammy sensed something else in Levi's room, too.
Danielle's son, a beautiful little boy, and he had his crib.
And there was a rocking chair.
I knew immediately that there was a family member, that there was an uncle sitting in that chair, and he was watching over.
He was protecting Levi from these negative entities that were in this house.
It was a comforting feeling to know that, you know, someone was there protecting him, but at the same time, it was scary that, you know, this thing or being could have been there the whole time, and we didn't even know.
NARRATOR: Fearing that the spirit of Danielle's uncle couldn't protect the family against a powerful negative entity forever, Tammy knew she had to remove the shadow figure.
And I was standing beside the bed, and I was cleansing.
I started to see visions of these shadow men.
But why?! Why would you do this to us?! DANIELLE: I right away had asked her, why is he even here? What does it want? [ GROWLS .]
NARRATOR: Tammy was stunned to discover why the shadow figure was tormenting the family.
I was given some visions of somebody who was close to Danielle.
It was a female, and somebody that Danielle had known for a long time who had a lot of anger issues, had a lot of control issues.
And that brought in more negative energy, more negative spirits.
And this shadow man was the product of that.
And was in Danielle's world, and, again, creating that fear, that discomfort and all those negative emotions.
And, again, this was projected from someone in Danielle's life.
And when I started to describe this person, Danielle knew immediately who it was.
I was very, very shocked.
I didn't really know what to think.
NARRATOR: Tammy tried to remove the negative entity once and for all, but it wasn't going without a fight.
Sometimes when you're dealing with negative entities, they'll do different things to get you to back off.
They'll frighten you.
In this case They were saying to me, "This won't work.
You have no power here.
" And I just kept forging ahead with the work.
ROB: As cliché as it sounds, it was like walking into the light.
As soon as we went through that process, it was just like a door had opened to heaven.
It was just so bright.
The feeling of darkness had gone.
And it was just a different presence in the house.
That thing was not watching over me, and I still don't wake up to bad nightmares or have that shadow man at the end of my bed.
The sounds, the doors, the walking wasn't happening anymore.
DANIELLE: You go to bed every night thinking, okay, like, you lock your doors and you take care of your children and make sure everybody's safe.
But then there's nothing there to protect you from things like this.
NARRATOR: Having just one paranormal entity that moves objects and physically harms the living can be a harrowing experience.
But when a home has multiple spirits intent on causing physical pain and suffering, life can become unbearable.
MAN: "Paranormal Survivor" three.
Rosanne's apartment, take one.
I moved into my first apartment in 1995.
It was exciting.
I was, you know, in my twenties, I was single, I had a new job.
It was a great time in my life.
Hey, sweetheart.
I brought some lunch.
Oh, thanks so much! She was extremely excited, and, you know, about being in a place on her own now.
I didn't want her to move in the first place.
But she was very excited.
What's up here? - Do you feel cold? - Oh, yeah.
So weird It's chilly.
Guess there's a draft or something.
Yeah, maybe you'll have to check it.
NARRATOR: Rosanne soon discovered that her new apartment wasn't as perfect as she thought.
There was one cold spot when you walked into the front.
You could almost see your breath.
I would just feel, you know, chills up my spine.
I thought it was a breeze coming through the front door.
So how's the moving going? Good, good.
What the heck? That's weird.
Are you seeing this? Yeah.
Is it the bulb maybe? Hey, sweetheart.
I brought some lunch.
Oh, thanks so much! NARRATOR: Rosanne cifani had just moved out of her parents' home and into her first apartment when she started to notice that something wasn't quite right.
So how's the moving going? Good, good.
What the heck? That's weird.
She was having a few issues with the electronics.
Her lights would go out.
I had a new lamp that I had just purchased.
My lamp would flicker on and off.
- I don't know.
- Whoa.
Must be something must be wrong with the plug.
I don't know what.
I just thought, because I was new in the apartment building, that's why those things were happening.
NARRATOR: In fact, almost anything rosanne touched stopped working.
My curling iron just completely died.
My television would flicker on and off.
My computer wouldn't work.
NARRATOR: Unable to find a rational explanation for the problems, rosanne became fearful that something darker was at work.
Paranormal entities can often play with things that are our energy because they are energy.
They like to draw upon energy.
So, electric things Tvs, radios, hair dryers Anything that draws any kind of energy source, they tend to play with them.
So they'll turn things off and on.
That's a strong entity.
It tells you a lot about the strength of that entity.
NARRATOR: It wasn't just the electronics.
Soon rosanne began hearing and feeling disturbing things.
I would hear these strange sounds.
It was Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.
It was a like a wavy swishing sound that would It was very loud.
So I would feel that someone was watching me.
I would feel the presence very strong.
And I did pray a lot.
So every time I would hear a swishing, I would grab my crucifix, and I would say hail Marys.
Blessed art thou amongst women.
Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother I thought my apartment was haunted at this point.
I was frightened.
God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.
NARRATOR: Rosanne tried to carry on with her life, until one incident proved too much.
When I would take a shower, I felt very uncomfortable.
I just felt like someone was always watching me.
And it was the steam from the shower.
So the words "help," h-e-l-p appeared.
It was horrifying.
I just hurried up, got dressed, and got out of there as fast as I could.
NARRATOR: Too terrified to be home alone, rosanne asked her mother to stay over.
But that didn't stop the activity.
I just remember how upset she was.
I didn't want her to stay there.
I wanted her to come back home.
A mother does not want her child, no matter how old they are, to have to go through anything of this nature.
CIFANI: We were watching the baseball game.
I heard that swishing sound again.
So I said, "Mom, see, this is what I'm talking about.
" That's the sound.
That's totally creepy.
And then it would stop.
You know, I didn't know what to think.
I was, like, freaked out myself.
CIFANI: And we heard the cupboard doors in the kitchen opening and closing.
And they were slamming.
I saw the cupboard door open and shut.
And there was no one there at all.
CIFANI: I freaked out.
That was unexplainable.
I suggested that she should have a priest come in to her apartment, and I just Wanted her to come home.
I wanted her out of that apartment.
I was getting ready for bed, and I crawled in, and I put my comforter over me.
And all of a sudden, I saw just, like, indentations on the bed that were happening up my leg.
It always started on my feet, up my thighs.
And then it would go all the way up to my head.
NARRATOR: Ever since she moved into her new apartment, rosanne cifani had been plagued by troubling activity.
But the haunting became physical when something unseen grabbed her while she slept.
It felt like hands.
There was a lot of anger.
It was an angry type of movement.
Aah! [ SOBS .]
And I would be, you know, scared and just hope it would end soon.
It was beyond terrifying.
It was beyond words.
You can't ever physically describe the fear you have when someone's touching you that you can't see.
NARRATOR: Rosanne's attack left lasting physical injuries.
As a psychic, when I get touched, it's usually a spirit validifying that I am here, I want you to talk to me.
But when somebody who doesn't understand what's happening, and they're being touched, that usually means that they don't want you there.
It's time that you need to get a professional in and have an investigation done and find out what's going on in your home.
NARRATOR: Whatever had attacked rosanne wasn't finished with her yet.
CIFANI: And it just sounded like a loud wind, a swooshing sound.
It was like a tornado of sound.
It was like something just was on a rampage through the whole place.
I was shaking.
I wanted to get out.
I literally was in my pajamas.
I didn't have shoes on.
I just needed someone to help me.
NARRATOR: No longer able to endure the relentless torment, rosanne called paranormal investigator Mary Ann winkowski for help.
I did a lot of work in those apartments.
I bet there's 400 apartments there.
I probably was there at least 75 times.
I was a little more concerned for her apartment because of her black-and-blue marks.
NARRATOR: Mary Ann immediately sensed what was behind rosanne's haunting A spiritual doorway known as a portal.
A portal is an energy opening.
It's not made by a ghost.
It is made by something very negative that happened.
If there was a murder in the house, a suicide in the house A very certain kind of spirit comes out of a portal.
It's somebody that really did something bad when they were alive.
She told me there were a couple spirits in my apartment.
One of them committed suicide in my apartment.
And one was an old woman who died in the apartment.
There was an old woman who, she said, liked to hang out in the kitchen.
And she's the one who would play with my cupboards.
I can see 'em.
I see 'em as clear as I see a regular person.
See their hair color, the clothes they have on.
She was not your sweet old lady that just died and decided to stick around.
She wanted help to cross over.
NARRATOR: Mary Ann explained that this was a residual haunting of a woman that previously lived in the apartment.
And that she was harmless.
Using her psychic abilities, Mary Ann removed the female spirit from the apartment.
As soon as I create that light, I can watch them walk into the white light.
When I can't see them anymore, I close the light, and they're where they need to be.
NARRATOR: Mary Ann then focused her attention on the male spirit.
She knew that it was the male spirit who watched rosanne in the shower And he who attacked her in bed.
NARRATOR: Disturbingly, Mary Ann also sensed the male spirit was very powerful and wouldn't leave without a fight.
WINKOWSKI: Open the heavens! Get rid of the evil! It was just a horrible feeling there.
I felt like a weight was sitting on me.
A lot of people that come out of the portal don't want to go to the light.
I think they're afraid of retribution.
CIFANI: Aah! NARRATOR: Eventually, Mary Ann was able to banish the spirit.
I felt a huge sense of peace come over me.
And I felt like it went away.
But I still didn't want to live there, so I ended up leaving.
I now understand what it feels like to have a spirit near.
It'll never go away.
I don't think that experience ever leaves a person once you feel that.
It's out there, and it's real, and it's scary.

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