Parenthood s06e03 Episode Script

The Waiting Room

I don't know what to do.
She got into a bad group in Minnesota, and I'm worried about her.
I really like you.
I really want to make a go of this.
Your mom told me that you're gonna go back to Wyoming, with her.
I don't have any other options.
I'm pregnant.
He doesn't know? Not yet.
I just sort of started telling people.
Your diagnostics show multiple blockages.
I'm afraid it's time to talk about surgery.
I was talking to Sheila again about her husband's surgery.
You know, he had the same surgery that you're having.
And, uh, she said some of the rooms at the hospital have beautiful views of the courtyard.
Really? Mmm-hmm.
Oh, boy.
Doesn't that sound exciting? We can watch the squirrels fornicate.
That'll be a hoot.
You're gonna be at the hospital for a full day before the procedure.
So, I just think it'd be nice if, you know, you had a beautiful view.
Millie, the only view I'm gonna need is you sitting next to me.
Now, look, you've seen my cards.
Anybody home? - Wow.
- How are ya? What a surprise.
Hey, sweetheart.
Oh, baby, come on, now.
There he is.
You're gonna be fine.
We wanted to see the big guy before his big day.
Well, thanks, Crosby.
Hi, Daddy.
Hi, sweetheart.
You look really good.
Oh, thanks, honey.
What? Enough hugging, all right? It's getting a little weird.
All right.
I'm good.
- Aw, come on.
- He doesn't like you.
You're gonna be fine.
Hi, baby.
I love you so much.
Don't make him stressed out.
He's already stressed out, okay? Now, look.
You guys, it's gonna be fine.
I mean, I got a 96% success rate.
That's like batting.
So, it's gonna be fine, you know.
Come on.
Oh, you guys.
I've got four just beautiful kids.
And nine wonderful grandkids.
A great-grandchild on the way.
I mean, come on, let's celebrate.
Let's have a party, huh? What? I'm pregnant.
Congratulations I guess.
- Okay.
- That happens.
One clean sweep.
- Hey, Mr.
Loose Lips.
- Oh, yeah, gosh darn.
Well, there you go.
See? Man, Amber, I am so sorry.
I mean, I just put my foot in my mouth Don't be.
just blurted it out.
Don't be.
Honestly, I thought it was great.
Oh, brother.
I was, like, extremely stressed about having to tell everybody anyway.
And you did it for me.
Besides, it's a great story we'll always have.
Hey, I have something I wanna show you.
Oh, my.
Well He's beautiful.
I mean Grandpa, you know it could possibly be a girl, right? That's okay? Well, yeah.
I mean, he, she It doesn't matter.
It's your baby.
So how's Ryan doing with all this? Uh, I haven't I haven't talked to him yet.
I know I know that I have to and I'm I will.
No, you keep it.
No, honey.
All right, look, sweetheart.
I'm gonna be there to see this child born.
Okay? I'm gonna hold him or her in my arms.
I promise.
So you keep the picture.
And you show it to Ryan.
Yeah I'm so scared.
Oh, I get it.
I mean, I get the fear, you know.
And being scared.
My God, I've been going through it the last couple of days.
Oh, God.
But he needs to know, sweetheart.
I know.
And, you know, with you and what you're going through, you know, like I know it's scary.
But you're gonna get through it with such strength because of how strong you are.
And we all get our strength from you.
So you're gonna be totally fine.
It's gonna be okay.
Oh, boy.
I wish you were my doctor.
Oh, golly, Amber.
You're an amazing girl, sweetheart.
Can I come in? Yeah.
This your new room? Oh, yeah.
This is it.
It's nice.
Brought you coffee.
Assuming you got my text.
Yeah, I did, yeah.
I got about 15 before that, yeah.
I'm sorry.
I should've I should've come over the second that everybody knew.
I should've I should've told you first.
Like, you're the closest person to me and somehow that made it the scariest to tell you.
Amber, I totally I'm really sorry.
I totally understand.
It's totally fine.
I just wanna know how you're doing, you know? Okay.
What are you gonna do? What's Ryan saying about it? Well, that's kind of what I came here to talk to you about, actually, um Uh, he doesn't know yet.
And I just woke up feeling like I had to tell him today.
So, um, I just was wondering if I could borrow your car because mine'll never make it to Wyoming.
You're trying to drive there? Yeah.
I just feel like I need to, you know, tell him to his face, so I mean, can't you call him or something? I feel like I owe it to him to talk to him person-to-person about this.
You don't owe him anything.
Um Okay.
Drew, this is something that I have to do.
And whether I borrow your car or someone else's, I'm gonna go up there.
So I'm going up there with you.
What? I am not gonna let you go up there and talk to him.
You don't have to go with me.
Yeah, I know.
But I don't want you to go up there alone.
I gotta change really quick.
Dad? Hmm Dad? Yeah, yeah.
Hold on a second.
Dad? I'm just figuring out this damn lighting.
You said you'd take me shopping.
Does he tune you out, too? Or is it just me? Huh? Uh, tune me out? He does.
Oh, yes.
Well, will you please tell him that he's supposed to take me to the mall? Yes.
I will.
Hank? He's ignoring me.
I'm not ignoring you.
Five minutes.
That's it.
Five minutes.
You said that like five hours ago.
I'm sick of being stuck here.
You know what? I'm sick of being stuck here.
So, let's go across the street to the drugstore.
It's not the mall, but they've got a great selection of lip gloss.
You wanna go? Great.
All right.
Well, I'll take that as a yes.
Hey, Hank, we're leaving for a little bit.
Gonna do some secret girl stuff.
Hank, register.
Register? - Hank! - Yeah.
Talk to you later.
You guys going? Okay.
Adam just talked to my mom.
They haven't even taken him into his room yet.
Why is this taking forever? Hmm.
I wouldn't worry about it.
Your old man's a tough guy.
He's gonna be all right.
Well, I mean, he seems tough, you know, from what you've told me about him.
And that one time I met him he seemed tough as hell.
When did you meet him? You don't remember? You did not meet my dad.
I distinctly remember that I did not introduce you to my parents because my dad has a way of making introductions to boyfriends very memorable.
You don't remember because it was before we were dating.
It was our freshman study group, in your dorm room.
Ah, you remember now, don't you? Yes.
I completely blocked that out.
He couldn't figure out where you were so he was just walking around the complex screaming your name.
- Yelling, yeah, "Julia! - Damn it.
" And then he found your complex and he walked right in your apartment with your finals survival kit.
A huge box of candy.
A huge box.
And a "Go Cal" T-shirt.
That is definitely my dad.
If I recall correctly.
He will not, to this day, admit that I went to Stanford.
I thought it was pretty cool that your old man drove across the Bay just to bring you a box of Twizzlers.
My favorite study snack.
I know.
It still is.
I know.
How do you remember this? It's a crazy detail It took me six months to get the courage to ask you out.
And then, in five dates, you blew me off because you told me that you had to focus on school.
I was very focused.
You were, indeed.
Very, very focused.
You were very adorable, too.
It's Adam again.
You should take that phone call.
Give me a kiss.
I'll see you later.
How are you liking the new school? It's okay.
Yeah, well It probably takes a little time, you know, to get used to It's okay.
Like, you don't have to try and make conversation with me.
We can just shop.
All right.
Hey, help me pick a color, though.
What do you think of that? It's kind of a classic.
Red's for old people.
Red is Red is for old Okay.
Well, I don't want that one, then.
What is What is a good color? You should get the red.
I Ruby? Did you wanna buy a lip gloss? Nah, I'm good.
Look at this.
This is a better view than the courtyard.
Okay, Mr.
This'll be your home while you come off your blood thinners.
There's your gown.
You can go ahead and put that on and put your personal belongings into the plastic bag.
Your clothing, your jewelry.
Um, don't forget your wedding ring.
And, uh, we'll get your IV going.
Okay? What are you gonna do with my stuff? I'm sorry, what's that, Mr.
Braverman? Where are you gonna put my stuff? Oh, we'll put it in the closet.
That's my wedding ring.
Solid gold.
It's very safe, Mr.
I'm sure it's safe.
Well, your wife can take your stuff home with her if that makes you feel better.
Actually, I'm spending the night here.
Well, I promise, Mr.
Braverman, we'll take very good care of your things.
I'm not putting my wedding ring in the closet.
I I'm not supposed to let you keep anything.
I'm sorry.
They won't allow any jewelry into the operating room.
I'll give it to one of the kids.
Adam'll take it.
I'll give it to Adam.
Here's, um Here's how this is gonna work.
This is not an operating room.
This is a crappy little room with a view of dead people.
This is, uh, my last night with my wife, so if you don't mind, I'm gonna I'm gonna keep my ring.
Okay? Yeah.
Is it that oak tree? Hey, you know that it's nothing, 'cause I'm not playing I Spy.
Why won't you play with me? It's such a long drive.
I don't wanna play I Spy.
I have to keep my eyes on the road.
What am I gonna say to Ryan? Like, how does one go about this tricky business? What are you trying to say to him? I mean, what is the point of going? Like, do you have something that you just wanna tell him? Well, yeah.
The point is, is that I want him to know that I'm gonna have this, like, child Yeah that's both of ours, you know? But, like, I mean, I guess, honestly, what I really want from him is just to tell him that, like I wanna do this on my own, and You know? Yeah, just tell him that.
You know what? I spy Yeah! What do you spy? with my little eye With your teeny little eye.
something that is We'll have to go to Vegas! black, and white, and red all over! Yeah! I don't even Are you noticing any difference? See how the light comes underneath there? Yeah.
They both look really good.
I just can't Hey, do you have a minute? Yeah, yeah 'Cause something happened with Ruby today.
This one's pretty good, too.
And this one.
There's not much difference.
Do you wanna talk about it later? All right.
Yeah I'm doing it again.
No, no, no.
I'm doing it again.
I'm not paying attention.
It's okay.
And I'm looking right at you.
Aw, man, you look pretty.
Look, I like the whole thing.
What happened? We just had a funny Ruby says she had fun, by the way.
Did she really? Yeah.
Well, she didn't I mean, she didn't come out and say it Right.
But she didn't She would've came in really complaining if something went bad, so I think you guys I think you're being nice.
I think you hit it off.
She's definitely in a different place than when I saw her last.
And I don't know if that's being a teenager or the fact that we're together, or Yeah.
Well, she's And that's fine.
Yeah, at that age But she She took a lipstick and just put it in her bag.
And didn't pay for it.
She Like, shoplift? Yeah.
She doesn't shoplift.
Ruby doesn't shoplift.
No, she did today.
And I asked her about it and she just shrugged it off and walked away and Are you sure you saw it right? I mean, you might've made a mistake maybe.
'Cause I don't think she does that.
No, Hank.
She's never done that with me.
I mean, I don't I don't I don't understand.
What do I do? I don't, uh Oh, God.
I suck at this, you know? I suck at being a parent.
You okay? Yeah, I just I couldn't sleep, I Just looking at this What is that? "Worst case scenario.
" What's that about? Adam's in a negativity vortex.
And he put together this email to scare the crap out of everyone in the family, which is now starting to work.
Oh, he's just scared, baby.
That's how he deals with it.
Babe, it's a big deal, you know? Your dad's having heart surgery.
It's okay to be scared.
I'm not gonna join him.
It's not gonna happen, so I refuse to go down this path with him.
I, uh, thought I had this timed better.
Um How is he? He's good.
He's good, actually.
You know.
We didn't talk about, uh We just stuck to baseball mostly.
The big A's game today.
Big A's game.
Yeah, he's convinced we're going to the Series, which I'm not too sure about, but I humored him.
So Anyway, I better get out of here before everyone gets here.
All right.
Hey, Jules.
Your dad's gonna be fine.
You know? He's a tough guy.
See ya.
Hey, Pop.
Hey, Cros.
Big day.
Yeah, man.
A's, Tigers.
We gotta win this one.
If this thing goes sideways, though, I want the truck.
You look great, Dad.
You sleep okay? Yeah.
I slept pretty good.
Mom didn't do so well, though.
"Mom didn't do so well" because I was sleeping on a cot.
Well It was uncomfortable.
I'm not nervous at all.
He'll do great.
Of course.
I'm not worried.
Braverman, it's time to take you down to surgery.
Braverman, you can walk along with us.
The rest of you will have to wait - in the OR waiting room on the third floor.
- All right.
Love you, Dad.
Yeah, me too, honey.
Love you, Daddy.
Love you, babe.
You're gonna be fine, Pop.
- Dad, 96%.
- Right.
- That's good odds.
- Hey, Cros We're gonna win this one, son.
So you're not getting the truck.
I love you.
We need to take your ring now, Mr.
I'm scared, Millie.
I'll see ya.
I love you.
What? It's just It's not just Dad.
It's that Sydney's having a really rough time at school and Oh, I'm sorry.
Yeah, and the guy that I thought I was just seeing is maybe in love with me? And I'm Hmm.
Get on base.
Yes! Honestly, could you turn that down? No, I can't turn it down.
Why not? I'm trying to keep score - Just turn it off.
- Excuse me.
I'm asking him to turn it down.
No, no, no.
What is the score? Oh.
A's up by two.
Yeah? Yeah.
- You seen this guy hit? - Yeah, yeah, yeah Hey.
How you doin', Mom? Oh, I just need coffee.
You want one? No.
No thanks.
- This is really weird.
- It's nice.
What did he say? He'll never What? Did you talk to him, though? No, I didn't talk to him.
You didn't call him? No, I Amber, oh, my God.
What? The whole point was to What if he doesn't live here? I'm pretty sure this is it.
I think.
What if he's not even in Wyoming and we just drove to Wyoming? and you can see he's trying again That's him.
Can we not look in the window like that? It's creepy.
Stop it.
Can we go to the door like civilized people? DREW: He's sleeping.
Come on, Donaldson! Pull your head out of your ass.
You blow a two-run lead like that? The A's suck.
They blow it right when it really matters.
The game's not over, though.
We got a lot of game left.
You can't count 'em out.
We're still in it.
Oh, that looks like me, man.
Oh, hey.
Good luck.
You too.
Oh, my God, remember that, that's crazy Oh, man, I hope he's getting good news.
He's not.
What's wrong with you? You're the harbinger of Crosby, I spent the last year in hospitals.
This is how it works.
If you're getting good news, they tell you out here.
If you get bad news, they take you to the bad news room so you can break down in private.
I'm kind of worried about Mom, she doesn't look so good.
She's gonna be looking just fine when they wheel Dad out, healthy.
We don't know Unless you're gonna say "96% success rate," I don't wanna hear it.
Nobody wants to hear it.
Crosby Get on base, can you? It's 64 degrees in London.
That's the paralegal from my office.
Is everything okay? I am so sorry to bother you with this here.
But Chris said it was urgent that you look through this discovery.
Sure, sure.
I'm really sorry.
No, it's fine, it'll be a good distraction.
He also wanted me to tell you he's available day or night if you have any thoughts.
Thank you.
How can they send you a giant suitcase of work? I don't know.
It's Well, it'll be a good Hmm.
I'm confused.
That's not where you went to school.
No, it's not.
Don't mind if I do.
God, he sent enough for the whole hospital.
I think I like him.
I think I like him, too.
I wish you would have told me that you guys were coming here.
It's okay, Ryan.
You don't have to This is just a freaking wreck right now.
You can stop.
You don't have to clean up.
No, no.
And my mom is like She smokes like a chimney.
It's just disgusting.
How is your mom? Uh, we have our good days.
That's good.
Amber, I'm gonna go wait in the car.
What? No.
I'll just give you a second.
You want, like, a lemonade or something? Uh, no, I'm fine.
Thank you.
Okay What are you guys doing here? I don't know I don't know how to say this.
Um I'm pregnant.
What? I'm gonna have a baby.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
What do you mean? Like, our baby? Like you're You're pregnant with our What? Yes.
But, look, I didn't come here to ask you for anything, okay? I just honestly came here What? to tell you to your face.
But I don't I don't need anything from you.
Like, I have everything handled.
Oh, my God.
We're having a baby? Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
How you doing? Well You know this day's gonna come.
You You say it at the altar, "in sickness and in health.
" You just hope that you're strong enough.
Mom, you're strong enough.
"In good times and bad, "for richer, for poorer," that's You know We've been through all that.
It's this one.
This is the tough one.
All right, let's Let's get us something to eat.
Come on.
Hey, Cros.
We've got a major problem.
Get this out.
Get this out.
I've gotta talk to you.
Bottom of the 8th.
It's tied.
Give me that.
We need to talk.
I need to give Dad Come on.
the score.
Okay? Why are you taking me into the bad news room? Listen to me.
Because I've got some bad news, all right? Oliver Rome freaked out and left the sound check in Albuquerque.
How is this relevant right now when Dad's in there getting his heart operated on? Because if he doesn't get back onstage in two hours we're gonna get sued by the promoters.
Why don't you go deal with it and I'll stay here Because Oliver Rome is your buddy.
He will listen to you.
Call him.
You go talk to him.
What is stuck up your ass? Call Oliver Rome.
I'm It's not a big deal.
You know what? You're totally incompetent.
I'll handle it.
Okay? You know what? Fine.
No He won't even listen to you.
So I'll do it.
I'm sorry.
You're such a dick.
So what are you thinking? I mean, what are you How are you feeling? I feel like I'm gonna explode.
I'm so happy.
Um Yeah.
I gotta say, I'm surprised that's your reaction.
Not at all.
You know, it's What? No, I'm gonna be there.
You're gonna be able to count on me.
And this little baby's gonna count on me.
And I'm I'm gonna be the most amazing dad you've ever seen.
And you're not doing this alone.
Okay? I promise you that.
I'm gonna be with you every step of the way.
So? How'd it go? I'm not five, Mom.
It was fine.
Something did come up, though.
Might have happened Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What might've come up? I don't know.
I don't know.
It doesn't sound like Ruby Um Sarah, you know, she might have saw wrong.
I wasn't there, so I don't know Whoa.
Wait? Why? Why was she with Sarah alone? She was Well, they went out 'cause I was working.
Oh, okay.
So then you decided to pawn her off on your girlfriend? I didn't pawn anybody off, okay? I was just They're getting to know each other.
That's the Sarah says that's important.
That's great.
Sarah thinks it's important that she get to know our daughter.
Whereas, I think it's important that you do.
Okay, this is all coming off the rails here, all right? And it Nothing probably happened.
Sarah probably saw it all wrong.
All right.
Just What did Sarah think that she saw? Ruby might've tried to steal some lipstick.
- But that doesn't sound like her, right? - So Crap.
That's what I thought.
I thought it probably didn't happen, but I just She is out of control.
And if she doesn't stop I don't know what happened.
So, what? She's stolen before? What part of our daughter being in distress did you not understand? Oh, great.
This is why I moved back here, Hank.
She steals now.
She's at a crossroads.
The stealing, the talking back, the sneaking out And now sneak She sneaks out, too? She needs a father! I know that.
Do you? Because I think if you did, then she would've been with you and not the woman that you are sleeping with.
Listen, I just I feel like you're not getting this, so I'm just gonna lay down the law here.
When Ruby is with you, she is with you, okay? I don't even want Sarah around.
Do we understand each other? Yeah.
All right, don't just nod your head.
I hate it when you do that because I know that you're not really hearing me.
I need you to say it.
I need you to say it, Hank.
I need you to say it out loud.
I'm trying, you know? I'm really trying.
Well, you're just gonna have to try a little harder.
- Hey.
- Hey.
That took forever.
I didn't mean to.
That's fine.
How'd it go? It went, like, weirdly great.
What do you mean? Just like he's I don't know, he He was, like, so excited and happy about it.
You know, it's I don't know, it's confusing for me.
It's weird being here, like, seeing him and Yeah.
It's hard for me to see him again, and Yeah, it's He was He seemed like he was kind of a mess, to me.
I mean Oh.
I don't I don't think it was that bad.
Let's just talk about it in the car, 'cause we have like I wanted to talk to you about that.
Amber Just for a second.
Drew, I'm I'm gonna stay for a little bit.
This is exactly why I came.
You're not staying here.
I am staying here.
But you don't have to stay.
I want you to go back.
And I'll be back.
What are you thinking? What am I thinking? I'm having a baby with this guy You're not having a baby with him.
Yes, I am.
You came here to tell him that you're not gonna have it with him.
I know that.
But after talking That was the whole point.
I still need to figure some things out and he's the father of my child.
I can't just He's a mess! What do you expect him to do? You couldn't even marry him.
This is different.
You're gonna raise a baby with him now? This is different.
No, it's not different.
It's exactly the same.
He's not gonna change.
He never changed.
That's not true.
He's It's, it's like Dad, you know? He's just gonna say a bunch of stuff and not live up to it It's not like Dad.
Yes, it is.
It's exactly the same.
You think that you're gonna fix him or something Well, I'm thinking of him.
He needs me right now.
First it was "getting married is gonna change him.
" Now it's, "Oh, having a baby is gonna change him.
" You're not gonna change him.
I'm just trying to help because he needs No.
You can't help him.
That's it.
You can't help.
If you were gonna help it would've already happened.
I'm sorry that you feel this way, but I'm staying to figure some things out with him.
I'm gonna leave for like an hour.
And then I'm gonna come back.
You can go deal with it, but you're not staying here.
I'll be back.
I'm not leaving you in Wyoming.
Oliver? Listen.
Do not hang up on me.
What the hell are you doing in Santa Fe, man? Yeah, well, we all have stuff going on.
You gotta get in your car right now and get back to Albuquerque.
You gotta play those pseudo-alternative songs in front of the teenyboppers.
You've got a contract, do you understand that? You can't just have some whimsical creative breakdown right now.
You know what I'm dealing with? Yeah, life or death, man.
Get in your Don't.
If you hang up on me No! You get in the car and get to the show, do you under Oliver! - Hi.
How are the kids? - Hey.
Oh, they're great.
I was just calling to see if there was an update on Zeek.
Um No.
It's been six hours, though, so hopefully something soon.
And how are you? I'm good.
I'm good.
You know, hanging in there.
Yeah? You know, it's okay if you're not.
I'm fine.
Jules, I can hear it in your voice.
If you need to get outside I know you don't wanna cry in front of your mom, but You know, if you need to I'd be happy to meet you somewhere if you just need to talk or Or whatever.
Joel, it's too hard.
What? Just, you.
Asking me how I am, and wanting to be there for me and It's confusing.
Well, you know, I care about you.
And I I care about the family.
And, you know, I just Joel, um I'm seeing someone.
Uh Yeah.
Um, yeah, so I was just I was just calling to see if Zeek was okay.
And Yeah.
We'll talk later.
How'd it go out there? Okay.
Um I just have to ask, like, what's going on with you and like the The pill stuff? Oh, you know, it's time.
I've been I'm I've been wanting to I'm gonna call the VA and set up an appointment with a doctor and get them to wean me off, you know, help me wean myself off it.
I want you to know that I will always want you to be in this baby's life.
I'm going to.
I'm going to be.
I know, but Okay.
I'm gonna be your teammate in this.
And I'm gonna be a father to that child.
Everything changed the minute you came here today.
Ryan Everything.
Ryan I believe in you.
Just like I've always believed in you.
What are you doing? But you have a lot of work to do.
And I can't do it with you.
Because I have to start taking care of myself and of this baby, right now.
And I'm sorry, but you're just not ready yet.
Well I didn't know that you were pregnant until today.
I know.
Still nothing? No.
What's going on? I called you five times.
I couldn't get a hold of Oliver and then I fought with him for a while.
And then I tried to call him back.
There's no updates? No.
No? Surgery went well.
He's recovering in the ICU now.
You can all go visit him but just for a minute, okay? So it's It's all over? There were no complications with the bypass or the valve replacement, so we'll just have to see how he responds.
Hopefully his heart muscle will get stronger.
Camille, please don't worry.
I'll check in with you tomorrow Oh.
All right.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Everything's gonna be fine.
Let's go see him.
I could've dealt with that a lot better.
- I'm sorry.
- Let's go see.
You all right? Mmm-hmm.
You sure? I just tweaked something riding, I think.

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