Phineas and Ferb s02e16 Episode Script

At the Car Wash (15 min)

Hi, Mom.
Hi, boys.
What are you kids up to today? Just trying out our new invention.
It's called the Ladybug 2000 Roving Swingset.
Want a whirl? Not right now, sweetie.
I'm going to the gardening store.
Something's been eating my hydrangeas.
Hey, Isabella.
Good thing we installed an air bag.
So, what'cha doin'? The Fireside Girls are trying to raise money to save the star-nosed mole.
And how's it going? Not very well.
We started a bake sale Then we tried cat-sitting Even a lemonade stand.
But, nothing worked.
Now what's a good way to raise some money? I got it! We construct a zip line from the top of Danville's tallest skyscraper, all the way to our– Or we could have a car wash! That's good too! We'll build the best dang car wash in the whole dang world, dang it.
I– I can't really pull that off, can I? You're not very street.
Hey, where's Perry? Way to stick that landing, Agent P.
Eight and a half, Carl? Really? Well, sir, he did separate his feet a little on the reentry.
Carl! Ugh! Hey, is something burning over on the stove? My spaghetti! Anyhoo, we've had some grave concerns.
Seems there's been some extreme seismic activity in the area.
We're pretty sure our old friend Doofenshmirtz is up to no good again.
Excuse me, sir.
I wrote my sophomore thesis on quakes and seismic events.
If you want, you can check out my website.
Oh, that's right! Hey, here's your delivery, kid.
Friction rollers, spot-free rinser, individual driers, turbo spray nozzles, jet powered vacuum, atomic collider.
I suppose you're gonna ask me if I'm too young to use this stuff.
Nah, just try not to blow a hole through the earth's core, or we'll both be in deep doody.
Stacy, I sent Jeremy a text message twelve minutes ago and he still hasn't answered.
You don't think I'm making a big deal out of this? No way.
What am I going to do, Stacy? You've got to play hard to get.
Hard to get? Jeremy thinks you'll go with him anywhere, anytime, just for the asking.
Don't be a lapdog, Candace.
Just say no! Uh-oh, Stacy.
That's Jeremy.
Hello? Hey, Candace.
I'm taking my mom's car to this crazy new car wash.
Would you like to go for a ride? A car? That is so grown-up.
I mean, hold please? Stacy, Jeremy's asking me out for a ride, in a car! Wow, that's so grown-up! But you gotta be strong.
Remember, hard to get.
Right, hard to get.
I'll call you back.
Um About the car and the ride I would love to! Wait.
I mean I better check my schedule.
You're in luck.
I can just squeeze you in.
Pick you up later.
Ah, Jeremy.
Stacy, I am like so hard to get right now.
It's like totally– Wait, what in the– Gotta go, Stacy.
Okay, Ferb.
Let's test out the turbo-charged uber-nozzle.
What the heck is going– It works! Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated! Well, it looks like that the anti-platypus security system was a total waste of money.
I am so taking that back.
Thank goodness for old reliable traps, huh? I'm so glad you're going to hang around.
Anyway, you arrived just in time to witness the unveiling of my latest invention.
Let me introduce to you, the Mountain-out-of-a-Molehill-inator.
All my life, I was told, "Don't make a mountain out of a molehill," "Don't make a mountain out of a molehill," "Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.
" Well, now I intend to do just that! This machine will infuse electricity into a small little sphere of compressed nitrogen molecules, which I will then drop into the earth, and it will make all the tiny little molehill molecules grow and grow into enormous mo– Y-You know what, it's kind of complicated.
I learned about it on some kid's website.
Oh, oh, and you know what else I found on the web? It's these pictures of cats and they write these– Oh, lo-lo-lo-look at this one.
"Invisible Cheeseburger".
No, huh? Well, it's not for everyone, I just think they're funny.
Anyway, so I take the sphere, electrify it, drop it in the ground, ta-da! Mountains! Out of molehills! I know when people say that, they usually mean it figuratively, it's an analogy, bu-bu-but making a point, I can do whatever I want.
I will be honest.
I think we look ridiculous.
Are you kiddin'? I make this look good.
Okay, Ferb.
Let's fire this baby up! (Song: Phintastic Ferbulous Car Wash) Oh, they are so busted! All right, you dweebs, what's going on here? I don't have time for this! I've got a huge date and– Scrub! Scrub! Gotta get it all clean! (Scrub) Just drive on in to our brand new machine! Shake! Shake! Gotta shake off the grime! (Shake) Just cruise on in, if you've got the time! When your Hot Rod's looks have gone downhill We'll put a smile right back on its grill You're gonna feel better, you know you will! At the Phin-tastic Ferb-ulous Car Wash! When your ride has lost its sheen And your white walls have turned green We'll soak and spray your car pristine And scrub your undercarriage clean! Rinse! Rinse! Gotta rinse off the muck! (Rinse) You won't recognize that old pick-up truck! Flush! Flush! We're gonna flush out the gunk! (Flush) Just come on in, we'll get you out of your funk! If you haven't figured out yet It's the place you should be! Take it from us, we're even on your TV! And with every wash you get this cute little tree! At the Phin-tastic Ferb-ulous Car Wash! (At the Phin-tastic Ferb-ulous Car Wash!) Car Wash! Let me outta here! Just wait 'til I get my hands on those two little– Jeremy?! Oh, hi, Jeremy! Are you here yet? Well I'm havin' a hard time gettin' there.
Looks like this whole town is going to this cool new car wash.
I might have to make it some other time.
Wait, no! I-I mean I've got to put you on hold.
Stacy! Wow, I can't believe you're still there.
So how is "hard to get" working? Working? I'm impossible to get! And now Jeremy's playing hard to get.
Wow! This car wash is really hoppin'! At this rate, the star-nosed mole will be saved in no time! Phineas, I'd love to bust you, but if you don't speed up this car wash, I'm going to miss my date with Jeremy! No biggie, big sister.
This is Big Squirt to Super Suds.
Accelerado, por favor! No, wait! Too fast! Stop! Wow! That was quite an entrance! Jeremy! You made it! Oh, I must look like a wreck.
No, you look great! Hop in! What'd you do to your hair? Hot wax.
And a sealer I think.
I like it! I'm really glad that you're goin' with me.
There's nothing I'd rather be doing.
I put an energy what'cha-ma-call-it in here and Nice.
Wow, these things go fast.
I guess I need a new battery.
Not here.
Ah! Nope.
Finally! Ah, dang it! Oh, sorry, Perry, I didn't mean to get all street there.
But now it's probably got all that, grease and refrigerator fluff on it.
Oh, there's my retainer! This is so romantic.
It's like we're going through our very own tunnel of lo– HORROR! Throw! Throw! No worries.
I'll protect you.
All right, here we go! The energy ball is growing and Ah.
All right, time for the Unstuck-inator.
You know, in hindsight, I probably should've done this in the basement.
I guess that's who's been eating Mom's hydrangeas.
Well, looks like they're safe now.
It's working! It's working! And so much better than I thought it would! All my life, everyone told me I couldn't make a mountain out of a molehill.
Well, everybody, take that! Why do I even bother? System overload.
Cliché explosion imminent.
Agent P! Who wears a shoe this size anyway? Curse you, Perry the Platypus! Oh, no! It's a hideous giant mole! Hey, shut up! No no! That mole, ya fool! I don't know what that was, but let's do it again! Stacy? Candace?! What the heck are you doin'? You're supposed to be playing hard to ge– Oh.
Oh, where am I? Hey, check it out! An aglet! So this is why you shouldn't make mountains out of molehills.
Curse you, giant mole! There goes a perfectly good car wash.
Oh, there you are, Perry! Oh no! Now, how are we supposed to save the star-nosed mole? I think he can take care of himself.
Rinse! Rinse! Gotta rinse off the muck! (Rinse) You won't recognize that old pick-up truck! Flush! Flush! We're gonna flush out the gunk! (Flush!) Just come on in, we'll get you out of your funk! If you haven't figured out yet, it's the place you should be! Take it from us, we're even on your TV! And with every wash you get this cute little tree! At the Phin-tastic Ferb-ulous Car Wash! (At the Phin-tastic Ferb-ulous Car Wash!) Car Wash!
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