Phineas and Ferb s03e47 Episode Script

Minor Monogram (15 min)

It seems like summer flies by so fast sometimes.
Yeah, before we know it, it'll be autumn.
Yes! Back to school, baby! Oh, you meant that like a bad thing.
There are a lot of great things about the fall.
Jumping in giant leaf piles.
Perfect example.
Yeah, the leaves turn such pretty colors in the fall.
I love it.
Gourds are great! What? I like gourds.
I know what we should do today.
Remember how we made S'Winter? Let's make S'Fall! Hey, where's S'Perry? Carl.
Yes? Did I ever tell you you're like the son I never had? Really, sir?! Yes.
It's because you're so unlike the son that I did have! And here he is.
Come on over here, Monty! Dad, come on.
You know it's embarrassing when you brag about me by belittling others.
Right, sorry.
Agent P, uh, you remember my son? Yeah, good to see you, Agent P.
Monty here just graduated from HSWACA! The High School Without A Cool Acronym.
Yes, I hope to follow in my father's footsteps and join you in the battle against evil.
You know, son, I've been meaning to tell you something.
Sure, Dad, shoot.
Well, as you know, my father was in the Agency, and what you don't know is that he pressured me into following in his footsteps.
But I always wanted to be an acrobat! So that explains– Yes, the constant acrobatic lessons you've been given since birth.
You, Monty Monogram, don't have to give up my dream of becoming an acrobat.
You can be anything you want to be.
But, Dad, I want to fight evil.
What? A-After all that money we spent on acrobat training? I never asked for that! Sir, I'll become an acrobat if it'll make you proud of me! Really? Hmm.
Oh, yeah, Agent P, uh Stop Doof.
A video game is more important than me? That's it! I'm done! We are so over, Johnny! Oh, hello, Vanessa, let me introduce Rodrigo to you.
He's starting evil science school in the fall and I'm mentoring him.
I'm in mid-ment.
Call me Rod.
Is that what your friends call you? No one calls me that.
It's just that you seem rather unique.
So, what's wrong, Vanessa? You seem upset.
It's just Johnny, he's such a boy.
I'm sick of it.
No ambition, no depth You always go for the wrong type of guy, these bad-boy types.
Dad, perhaps you haven't noticed but you're evil.
Hey, there's good evil and then there's bad evil.
Am I right, Rodrigo? Huh? Exactly.
So, how do we get all the leaves down, anyway? Way ahead of you.
Grab an end.
Buford, you can't! That's Phineas's tree.
That's the tree! Sentimentality or leaves.
You can't have both.
Au contraire.
(On the contrary.
) If you would kindly direct your attention to Ferb, who is modeling this S'Fall season's fashion in rapid leaf production accelerators.
Ooh la la, Monsieur Fletcher.
Anyway, Stacy, so I decided that from now on, I'm gonna stop always interrupting my life with all these stu– Stacy, I gotta call you back.
Oh, I see.
So they think they can stop me from seeing whatever giant project they're working on today by plastering leaves all over the door, huh? Well, it's not gonna work! A-ha! Um They've built a big wall of leaves to block the door! Well, I'll just dig in here and, uh Now that's a leaf pile.
Backstory! Backstory! Backstory! The backstory is what drives an evil scientist.
It is the "Why does he do what he does?" of the "What does he do?" My point is, at its best, evil science is like undergoing deep Freudian analysis with a theremin constantly playing in the background.
Hey, guys, it's such a beautiful day.
I thought maybe we could put the top down? Oh, okay.
See, you are the best– No tattoo.
Perry! Ah, Perry the Platypus! Just in time to be trapped! Just in time to be trapped! Now that's what I call getting the boot! Wow! A real agent! See, now that's a trap! I even made it based on my own daughter's fashion style.
What? Is that what you think I look lik– Wait, you made this? What size is it? Excuse me the interrupting, Dr.
Doofenshmirtz, but he can get out of there fairly easy, no? Well, duh! The trap only needs to hold him for just enough time for you to get through your evil scheme monologue.
At that point, your nemesis escapes and the race is on! Who will win? Good or evil? No one can say, except, of course, if you go by recent statistics which, it's pretty much good who wins every single time.
No matter what.
But, hey, if it was easy, everyone would take over the Tri-State Area, right? Every single person would be in charge and we'd be forced to– I don't know, decide the rules together by voting or something.
I see.
It's just that I took a few advanced trap classes in school and I was hoping to show you, the master a few of my little ideas in the hopes that you could critique them.
All right, knock yourself out.
Don't worry, little platypus agent.
When I'm through here, you'll no longer have to battle this inept loser anymore.
Because, you see, I plan to get rid of both of you.
Now we've determined that the sweet spot for entering the pile is right here, at the top.
Oh, and I made gourd helmets, by the way.
No, wait.
Baljeet, this is yours.
I like to think each individual's gourd helmet captures their unique essence in some way.
You know, in gourd.
Exactly how does this capture my essence? Right, like that's not obvious.
Yeah, come on.
Stop kidding around, Isabella.
Oh, I think we're over the drop zone.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to S'Fall! (Song: S'Fall) All the trees are ready for shakin' Grab a rake if you're into rakin' Come along, it's ours for the takin' There's a brand new season we're makin' All the leaves are gold and red And the sun's still on our head Oh, we can have it all when Summer turns to S'Fall Huh? What are they up to today? Do they really think they can escape Mom's wrath by hiding in this fun, massive, glorious, autumnal leaf pile? Well, not if I can't help it! Hmm How does it feel, Perry the Platypus? Yeah, I thought so.
Wait, you can understand him? Oh, heck no, I– I usually just pretend he's talking about recent movies I've seen.
So, uh You didn't by any chance make a left-boot trap, did you? A left-boot trap? Whoever heard of such a thing? Uh, Dad? This looks pretty serious.
The Zoondilini under swing is child's play.
Uh Should both my shoulders be dislocated from their sockets, sir? Using my intimate knowledge of the Tri-State Area, I have installed, in two precise locations, these! Yay! Falafel! Cool.
I know, huh? These massive propellers will physically dislodge the entire Tri-State Area from the Earth and raise it up into the sky where I will then pilot it around and you know, run some errands or something, and refuse to return it, until they make me their leader.
Well, that went well.
Extremely well.
Is this like a– A robot hug for a job well done? No.
It's a trap! What does that even mean, a robot hug for a job well– Who would even consider that a possibility?! I'm taking over your evil scheme, you fool! Dad, look out! Wha– Oh, you have got to be kidding me! You see, Dr.
Doofenshmirtz, I'm going to manipulate your propellers at precise angles and literally tear the Tri-State Area apart! But, hey, dummy! If you destroy the Tri-State Area, what exactly will you have left to take over? Hmm? The world.
Take over the world? Tha– That's crazy! That– That's almost left-boot-trap crazy! Oh, would you get off that? Making matching boots is normal.
You with the one boot, that's what's crazy! Join me, Vanessa, and together we will take over the world.
I'll let you get a tattoo.
I think boots should come in pairs, like people.
Join you? I don't work for him.
That's my father, you dweeb.
Well, yeah, I just thought we had a moment.
A moment? Yeah, I know.
What a dip, right? No matter.
Now, time to say goodbye to your beloved Tri-State Area! Huh? Great googly moogly! Combining fighting evil with acrobatics? Of course! It was right in front of my face the whole time.
That's my boy! Gourd helmet! A-ha! I got you now! Oh, you are so busted! I can see that you're eating candy apples.
Not something I can bust you for.
You want one, Candace? Okay, how about this one? Good.
Okay, well, at least I can still go on with my plan.
I should go pick up my dry-cleaning before it gets too la– Kids, I'm home! Mom! Mom! The boys are up to something huge! I just know it! But they've hidden it within a massive pile of leaves in the backyard.
Come help me sort through them for a few hours to find it! Wow.
Sounds great.
No leaves? No nothing? No leaves.
No nothing.
Do you guys already have snacks? We do, thanks! My work here is done.
Nice gourd helmets, though.
Well Who's up for Sprummer? Okay.
You got it from here, Agent P.
But, Vanessa, I thought you liked bad boys? Eh, I'm over it.
I think it's time I tried a A good guy.
All the trees are ready for shakin' Grab a rake if you're into rakin' Come along, it's ours for the takin' There's a brand new season we're makin' All the leaves are gold and red And the sun's still on our head Oh, we can have it all when Summer turns to S'Fall
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