Prank Encounters (2019) s01e04 Episode Script

Urgent Scare

When two complete strangers each agree to take on a one-day gig - You're gonna be a security guard.
- I am dying to get a new assistant.
it's business as usual until their paths collide and these temporary assignments turn into all-out supernatural surprises.
- My God! - No! It's the most elaborate hidden camera prank show ever devised.
- Get down! - [screaming.]
Double the stakes What is that? and double the scares.
- [screaming.]
- My God! And there's only one person with his finger on the button when you least expect it.
All right.
Let's cue another scare.
This is where fear [woman screams.]
meets funny.
You're on my prank show, Prank Encounters.
- Did you know? - No! This is Prank Encounters.
[dramatic orchestral strings.]
All right.
I have to get to the hospital.
Why? [Gaten.]
Because that's the setting for this prank encounter.
This is an urgent care clinic and in a few minutes, a very ill astronaut will be arriving.
Apparently he's got something growing inside of him and it really, really wants to get out.
It could have been something he ate out on the space station but, hey, I'm no doctor.
This is not a true story, but for these two unwitting people, it's about to be as real as it gets.
Jaeda is a college student eager to earn a few bucks answering phones at the emergency room with Dr.
Dittman who's being played by Henry.
Now, we know he's not a real doctor, but Jaeda doesn't need to know this.
And this is Abbey.
She thinks she's been hired by an executive transport company that works exclusively with government VIPs.
Astronauts, for example.
As always, everything they're about to do will be captured on hidden camera and everyone they're about to encounter are all actors.
Jaeda and Abbey have never met, but when Abbey's passenger becomes deathly ill, not only will they have to meet, but they'll have to work together to stay alive.
- Dr.
Henry Dittman.
How you doing? - Good.
My goodness.
Tell me about yourself.
I am Jaeda.
I'm 20 years old right now.
I'm in college.
We're on break right now.
- Okay.
- My major is Communications.
You're gonna be able to use your communications studies for this job.
- Okay, great.
- In a huge way.
Let's tell her what she's gonna be doing.
So, all day today, when the phone rings, we're gonna take down the patient's name, their number, their insurance, and write a little note, either on this area or next to "Insurance," of what the call is about.
It really shouldn't be very busy, because, for the most part we've moved our operations to another facility.
- Okay.
- You're answering the phone, you're filling out those forms and then the other thing is, I don't have the most dependable staff with me tonight.
I want you, if you're interested - I want you to come with me.
- Okay.
We'll do some work.
You can be my eyes and ears, keep notes.
She totally trusts Henry.
All right, show me Abbey.
[digital beeps.]
So, this is Jonathan.
- Jonathan, this is Abbey.
- [Abbey.]
- How you doing? - Good.
How are you? What we're doing tonight This company's called Stress Free Shuttle.
We pick up and drop off VIPs that work with the government or the military.
- You and I are concierges.
- Okay.
- We cater to their every need.
- Okay.
How would you say you are as people person? I can talk to a brick wall, like Awesome.
We got one person we're picking up first.
- Okay.
- He's Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey Lewis.
- Mm-hmm.
- Maybe you've heard of him? - I feel like I've heard the name.
- He was in the news recently.
- Okay.
- He works for NASA.
Okay! We're driving him to the CDC, - where he's going to be giving a speech.
- Okay.
All right guys, let's do this.
All right, the wheels are in motion.
Abbey's now on her way to our first stop to pick up our astronaut, Lieutenant Lewis.
His wife, Cathy, was saying he's very nervous about this meeting.
Jeffrey Lewis? [Gaten.]
All right, now Abbey's making contact with our actors: Jeff the astronaut and Cathy, who's playing his wife.
Hi, Cathy.
Okay, great.
Abbey's back on the road.
Too bad they're not gonna make it to the speech.
We're called "Urgent Care.
" What do you think is the most important word in "Urgent Care"? "Urgent.
" That is right.
Can I ask you something because you are a doctor? Yeah.
Recently my iron was low and stuff like that, so I got these red pills, these red iron pills from my doctor.
And, I'm like, starting to eat more - spinach and kale and stuff like that.
- Food is medicine.
Food can be a medicine, food can be a poison.
And you talk about a plant-based diet, it keeps you regular and that's what I'm saying.
Like for me, it's all about bowel movement.
You want it coming out the basement, not out the attic.
Henry's so stupid.
I just can't.
I'm so picky when it comes to food because I feel like the government hides a lot of stuff from us.
[quizzical tone.]
I feel the same way.
Like I think aliens are real.
Area 51, all that stuff out in New Mexico, I believe that.
I really think, you know, just even watching Stranger Things, I feel like that stuff really happened.
Like, I feel like there's another world.
All right, here we go.
Van's coming.
What's your speech about? Well, you know, I was up there doing some experiments.
- Mm-hmm.
- [Lt.
Col Lewis.]
We had A rover landed on an asteroid and it took a sample.
- It burrowed deep in the ground - My goodness.
- and it took a sample.
- No way! And we brought it back to the space station and, you know, they found things.
You know, nobody wants to talk about it, but [concierge.]
Had that ever been done? - [Lt.
Col Lewis.]
It was the first time.
- [Abbey.]
My gosh.
I was supposed to be in there for just six months, but then they brought me down there for three, so There's a period of quarantine.
Really? Does that feel so cool, to be a part of something happening for the first time? It does.
That's huge.
And people don't know about it.
That's what I'm gonna talk about tonight.
I'm gonna reveal some stuff that's S-H-I-T is going down, you know? Wait, what? Some people just have a different idea of what shouldn't be public knowledge.
You're doing the right thing, honey.
I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when you tell them what you discovered.
Col Lewis.]
It's time to up the stakes.
Lieutenant, ask for the snacks.
Cathy, you have any snacks? - Did you bring anything? I'm starving.
- Yeah, of course.
Could you hand him these, please? I'm just, like I can't eat enough.
He lost a lot of muscle mass.
I think it's just his body in starvation mode.
Like, he's just trying to gain those calories back.
Col Lewis coughs.]
Col Lewis grunts.]
Honey, are you okay? It's just there's that pain.
That same pain.
It's coming back.
Every time I'm starving, but when I eat, I get this, like Your eyes are bigger than your stomach? - No, I just start getting indigest - Oh, yeah.
Ah, God! Ah! Is it like a burning? Yeah, it's like heartburn.
I feel like it's I don't know if it's food or what.
Col Lewis's stomach gurgling.]
Wow! Just take deep breaths, honey.
We'll find some seltzer water when we get there.
[shrieking crescendo.]
Col Lewis grunts.]
Is he bleeding? Are you bleeding? - Honey? - Oh, my God.
- Honey? - [concierge.]
What happened? - [concierge.]
What is it? - Oh, my God! - He's bleeding.
- [concierge.]
What? Okay.
Jonathan, will you pull over, please? Okay, it's time for Dave to make an emergency call.
I'm gonna call Hold on, I'm sorry.
- [Cathy.]
Honey? - [Lt.
Col Lewis.]
My God.
- Oh, my God.
Put some pressure on it.
- [Lt.
Col Lewis.]
They're transferring us to Urgent Care.
- How it would be? - [Dr.
No, it shouldn't be.
- Hello.
Urgent Care.
- [Dave.]
All right.
Hi, yes.
We have someone, he's bleeding.
Could you tell me what's going on? [Dave.]
He's bleeding Where at, Abbey? Like in his In his abdomen.
It's an emergency.
- [Dave.]
He's bleeding in his abdomen! - Okay, how far away are you from here? [Jonathan.]
About five minutes.
We're five minutes from there.
We're coming.
- Five minutes? Okay.
- It's Dave, and Stress Free Shuttles.
He's gonna That was a lot.
All of sudden his stomach was hurting and they don't know what is going on.
- Wow! Okay.
- That was a lot.
- You wanna take a sip of water? - No.
I'm okay.
- You seem kinda shaken.
- I know, because that was a lot.
I feel like we'd be waiting, like, ten minutes on 911, at least.
Okay, Dave.
Now let's get the CDC on the phone.
[phone ringing.]
Hi, Rob.
This is Dave from Stress Free Shuttle.
There's been a slight Hold on one second, will you just It's Rob with CDC.
Hello, yes.
This is Rob.
This is Abbey, I'm with Stress Free Shuttles with him.
We have a taken a little detour.
The Lieutenant Colonel is He's kind of in some pain.
We're taking him to Urgent Care right now to get checked out.
Ask him how long we can stall the speech.
How long can we stall or push it back? We can wait another two to three hours.
All right, yeah.
We'll see what - [Lt.
Col Lewis.]
My God.
- We'll see, and keep you updated.
Make sure he's okay.
Yes, sir.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
[dramatic orchestral strings.]
All right.
It's all been leading up to this.
This is it! This is where Jaeda and Abbey collide.
Honey, we're here, okay? - Open.
- Okay.
Can you get him, Dave? [Dave.]
Yes, Doc Lieutenant, why don't you come with me? - [Abbey.]
Let's go.
- [Dave.]
Come on.
- [Lt.
Col Lewis.]
- [Dave.]
Come on, we're going in.
- Hi.
- Hi, which one of you is Abbey? Me.
- You're Abbey? - Yes.
I'm Abbey.
- I have all the - Can you please speak with Jaeda? - [Dave.]
Doctor! Help! Help! - [Jaeda.]
Could you stand right here first? - [Abbey.]
Yes, ma'am.
- Safety reasons.
- Where's the pain? - The pain is sudden.
I'm his wife.
We're gonna take him straight into I'm Dave, I talked to you on the phone.
Honey, I'm gonna call your parents, okay? I'm gonna call your Okay.
I'm sorry, I know it's a lot going on.
Yeah, it's a lot.
- [Abbey.]
His pain - Where's the pain? It's in his abdomen right here.
When did the pain begin? Shortness of breath and everything started at, like, 6:08, and then I looked over and there was blood.
- Where? - His abdomen, right here.
And, it was coming out of him? It was just coming out of him.
[Dave sighs.]
- [Dave sighs.]
- [Abbey sighs.]
Take a minute.
Take a breath.
Did he travel out the USA at all? They said three months ago he got back and then they put him in quarantine from space.
- Quarantine from space? - Yeah.
So, where are we? - What's going on? - Um - What do I know? - One minute, he was fine, and then I look over and there's, like, blood.
- Yes, I saw the blood.
- And I'm like, "All right.
" [Dr.
I'm gonna do a test for ABG.
- What is that? - Arterial blood gas.
[Dr Dittman.]
I don't know if you noticed his stomach is also distended.
He's swelling.
All right, guys, let's have a scream from Jeff.
All right, three, two, one.
- and then he traveled out the USA.
- [Lt.
Col Lewis screams.]
Yeah, I heard that.
Jaeda, you okay? Okay.
Okay, um So, he's gonna run a test for "ABG," which is arterial blood gas.
He said his stomach was distended.
Ever since he's come back from the space station, he's been acting weird.
"Weird" as in "body weird," or "mood weird"? When he first came home from space, he was He was 240 pounds.
I mean, he was a big guy, you know? He's now down to 180.
It's been three months.
- He's down to 180.
- My goodness.
And, he eats like six, seven big meals a day, and I don't know where it's going.
It's like it's just falling out of him and I don't Have you guys dealt with anything like this, this kind of rapid weight loss? I lost a lot of weight when I did the Atkins diet, so Like 10 pounds in a week.
- [Dave.]
That's pretty drastic.
- [Abbey.]
Yeah, that is pretty drastic.
So there's hope then? - Yeah, I mean he's - [Jaeda.]
What I could say, is that, like you said, you can lose weight fast from stress.
Col Lewis.]
Oh, God! [Cathy.]
Is that him? It is.
Everything is under control.
I need to talk to my assistant for a moment.
Just stay calm.
So, I need to do an ultrasound.
What is the ultrasound for? It's whatever is going on in his stomach.
- Okay.
- [Dr.
Jaeda will come with me.
We'll be back with the results as soon as possible.
Try to relax.
- [Dave.]
Thank you, doctors.
- [Dr.
You're very welcome.
His wife said that he was 240.
He's down to 180 in three months.
- She doesn't know what it could be.
- What? She said, is it stress? I said it could be stress.
That's the only way you could lose weight that fast.
[Dr Dittman.]
In three months? Did he say he'd been eating? She said he eats crazy.
He eats like seven meals a day.
She's like, "I don't know where it's going.
" You tell me what happens if you're losing 60 pounds but you eat six meals a day.
What does that tell you? I don't know.
Do you know what a parasite is? - No.
- Like a tapeworm.
That could be inside of him? - Except I don't - [Lt.
Col Lewis.]
Doctor, I need you! - Let's go see what he needs.
- Okay.
No tapeworm does that.
Not those numbers.
Not that weight.
Let's get you in gloves.
Col Lewis moaning in pain.]
I'm gonna have you right here and I want you to keep an eye on his vitals.
What's going on? - Lieutenant Colonel? - Yeah.
- You are in great hands.
- Okay.
Col Lewis moans.]
It's me, Dr.
I'm back.
[throaty moaning from Lt.
Col Lewis.]
Can you tell me where your pain is on a scale of one to ten? It's a ten.
- Ten.
- Yeah.
Okay, let me just I gotta call He's got a handler over at NASA.
I'm gonna try and get a hold of them, okay? - [Abbey.]
Okay, we're here.
- [Cathy.]
[sliding door opens & closes.]
[Cathy's footsteps walking away.]
- Didn't expect this, did you? - No.
- My gosh.
- What is going on? What the heck? - I mean - This is wild.
- This is crazy.
- Wild.
You're okay.
Just calm down.
It's okay.
We are going to perform an ultrasound to try to figure out what's going on.
Okay? [Lt.
Col Lewis.]
Can you please get whatever's inside of me out? You're okay.
I should have known better.
I should have known better to I knew it was All right, we're starting the ultrasound.
What do you think is happening? You think it's from? [Abbey.]
I feel like stuff Like, when you go out of regular-level gravity and everything, I feel like it messes with your insides.
But, like, they put him in quarantine and safely brought him back.
I don't know.
I don't get it.
Jaeda? I knew what it was, and I didn't do anything.
- Jaeda? - You gotta calm down.
I need two sets of eyes on this.
- [Dr.
What does that look like? - Oh, my I'm not moving the ultrasound wand.
This is a frozen still, but when I go back to live, look.
Col Lewis.]
What's happening? There's someone I need you to call.
I need you to call someone, please.
No, but he was saying he was doing experiments that they captured They, like, dug into an asteroid.
Like, the rover landed on the asteroid, took a specimen, and then they've been, like, doing experiments.
I don't know what for.
Try to catch your breath.
I need you to call General Comstock.
He'll know what to do.
Tell General Comstock It It might be too late for me.
Maybe he can fix it.
I need it to be contained.
Please, please do it.
- [Lt.
Col Lewis.]
It's not too late.
- What do you hear them saying? - [Dave.]
They're talking.
- They're talking really loud.
Let's make that phone call.
[tense music.]
Jaeda, have a seat.
All right.
Call General Comstock.
Yes, this is Doctor Henry Dittman.
I was instructed by Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey Lewis to call for General Comstock.
He came into our urgent care complaining of acute abdominal pain, and we immediately noticed a hard flexing.
Two experts.
Okay, when can we expect them, because he's in a great deal of pain.
Ten minutes.
I will administer the medication.
Yes, you wanna speak to my assistant.
- [Dr.
- Hello? [Jaeda.]
Thank you.
All right.
So, two experts are on the way.
Um They're gonna know exactly what it is.
He already told me it's almost something like a tapeworm, but not a tapeworm inside of him.
We did the ultrasound.
There was something moving inside of him.
But, they're gonna come.
They told us the medicine to give him right now to keep him stable, so he's about to be okay.
Okay, I left a message with his internist.
- What are we dealing with? - Abbey, tell her.
Okay, so they looked at the ultrasound and there was, like, something almost like a tapeworm moving and that they called He called General Comstock.
- Yes.
- [Cathy.]
My God.
I knew it.
I knew there was something He'd like to see his wife.
He'd like to see you.
- I want to see my husband! - Let's go.
- I'm not going without Abbey.
- [Dr.
That's fine.
- You've got all the information? - [Cathy.]
Okay, let's go.
When we go in the room, I'm - [Dave.]
Can I come? - [Dr.
No! I'm gonna keep you at safe distance.
Ladies, I'm gonna put you into surgical gloves, but I want you to stay behind a table.
It'll be for safety but you can still talk to him.
You can still communicate with him.
- [Cathy.]
My God.
- [Lt.
Col Lewis.]
God! Please stand right here.
Exactly where you were before.
- Honey, are you okay? - [Dr.
Get those gloves on.
What is [Lt.
Col Lewis.]
God, it hurts.
Please, tell it to let go.
It's okay.
Please try to stay calm for him, okay? Hold my hand, let's just get through this.
Honey, you're okay! [Cathy.]
Can you hold his hand? [Jaeda.]
I'm holding his hand.
You got him.
Okay, honey, I'm right next to you.
I'm holding your hand, too.
Okay? His vitals are normal.
We are going to put pressure on the sides of your cavity.
You can use your free hand to do it.
Don't touch his bare skin, keep it over here.
Squeeze it as hard as you need to.
We'll do a very light press.
Let's just see what the pain level is.
And one, two, three - [loud metallic bang.]
- [Dr.
What happened? - [Lt Col Lewis.]
What's going on? - I just felt something moving.
[Lt Col Lewis moaning.]
What's happening? Is he in pain? Yeah.
They're checking his pain level.
Right here.
Let's put our hands on your abdomen and on the count of three, we're gonna press.
One, two [Lt.
Col Lewis grunts.]
Describe what you felt.
A heartbeat.
It was something that just popped up.
- [heart monitor beeping.]
- [Lt.
Col Lewis grunting.]
- [Dr.
Okay - Like a baby kicked.
What? Just stay calm, okay? Just stay calm for him, okay? - [Lt.
Col Lewis.]
Please get it out! God! - [Dr.
Sir! - [Lt.
Col Lewis.]
What? Get it out! - [Cathy.]
Honey? - [screams.]
- Sir Sven, get in there and bring the box.
[FBI Agent 1.]
Go! Lock down! [FBI Agent 1.]
Lock down! Seal it! - [Cathy.]
What? - [FBI Agent 1.]
Lock down! [FBI Agent 1.]
What's in him goes in this! You understand me? [FBI Agent 1.]
It goes in there.
- I'm not gonna get it out.
- [FBI Agent 1.]
Get it out of him now! What is happening? All right.
It's time for me to get in there.
- [FBI Agent 1.]
Look at me.
- [heartbeat monitor beeps.]
We're gonna get this done.
Everybody's gonna be cool.
Okay? [Lt.
Col Lewis.]
Get it out! Do you understand me? We're gonna keep cool.
[deep gurgling.]
[FBI Agent 1.]
Are we cool? - [Lt.
Lewis screams.]
- [FBI Agent 1.]
Are you cool? [Cathy screams.]
Please, let go! - [flesh ripping.]
- [alien parasite roars.]
Oh, my God! Oh, my God! [Cathy.]
Oh, my God! [alien parasite roars.]
[all screaming.]
God! - [FBI Agent 1 screams.]
- [alien parasite growls.]
- [Cathy.]
My God.
Help him! - No, no, no! - [FBI Agent 2.]
Come with me.
- [Jaeda.]
Open the door right now! [Cathy.]
Please, help him! [Gaten.]
Doctor! Doctor! Doctor! Okay.
Listen, you're fine.
I know what to do.
I know what to do.
Calm down.
Please, listen.
You're on my new prank show on Netflix called Prank Encounters.
- Oh, my God! - [laughter.]
My God! Stop.
- [Gaten.]
Yes! - My God! Did you know? No! Did you know? My God! I was about to cry! [Jaeda.]
Y'all are too much.
- Abbey and Jaeda.
- [Abbey.]
I got something to tell you.
You're the only two people here who don't know what's going on.
Everyone else here is in on it.
That is crazy.
You guys got me.
And, Jaeda, what did you think when Gabriel popped up? I seen him come out and he was trying to hold my hand.
I'm like, "No, no! Something's coming out of you! Doctor!" Holding her hand.
I was like, my mom's a nurse! And then I was like, "She ain't ever dealt with nothing like that.
" [laughter.]
- [Abbey.]
Can you all just look at this? - I am shaking right now.
I've never see anything like that before.
Oh, yeah.
Also, um not his legs.
- [pumping electronic music.]
- [everyone laughing.]
My gosh.
I wanna cry right now.
I'm so For real, I cannot
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