Prime Suspect (US) (2011) s01e04 Episode Script

Great Guy, Yet: Dead

- Apple, cheez-its, tuna sandwich.
Apple, cheez-its-- okay, buddy, you're all set.
Go and wait in the living room, all right? Okay.
- Hey, there.
- Hey.
Hey, thanks for doing this.
No problem.
You know, Merman calls me in-- work an hour early.
It happens.
It's fine, babe.
I know you'd rather eat hot rocks than be alone with Tricia.
I'll make it up to you.
You better make it up to me.
Hey, I'll see you Saturday, okay, pal? - Okay, see you.
- Think about what you want for your birthday.
- 'Kay.
- Love you.
It's just that this is his first Big Boy party You know, friends from school, parents, people that we've known forever, and I-I was thinking, it--it just feels like it's still so new with you and Matt that it might be uncomfortable for you.
So--so, if you agree, and--and didn't come, I-I don't think that it would be, you know, the worst idea.
- Right.
- Plus, you would be so bored.
You know, kids screaming, everybody talking to each other, you know? Yeah, no.
I-I get it.
Oh, so, you're really okay with it? Yeah, fine.
But late, so-- Sorry, sorry.
Get going.
Deep breath, and just look at the pen.
And relax, let go.
- I am relaxed.
- Close your eyes.
- Deep breath.
- Mmm.
Very good.
Now eyes open, and look at the pen.
- Hmm? - Breathe, the pen.
I am looking at the pen.
Okay, I'm going to start counting backwards from ten.
- Mm-hmm.
- And when I reach one, you'll be in a deep, deep - What? - Please.
"If you didn't come I don't think it would be the worst idea.
" - This is the ex-wife? - She--she talks like someone who's never been hit in the face before.
- Okay.
You know what? - She's smiling at me as if she just scored a point off me or something.
I didn't even want to go to the damn party.
- Okay.
- Mmm.
And also she can't score if I'm not playing.
You don't seem to be in the right head space, to quit smoking right now.
I don't just want to smoke right now.
I want to shove a pack of cigarettes in my mouth and light it with a blowtorch.
Sounds about right.
Hey, we got one.
Oh, well.
Anthony Giordano, 41.
Shot four times in the torso.
Good looking guy, huh? Well, that's, uh, very helpful.
So the way it went down is, see? Somebody knifes the tire, then they waited, vic and the wife-- they show up, they see the tire, they're distracted, they're calling AAA-- "Oh, my God!" Blah, blah, blah.
The perp comes up, there's a struggle-- bang, bang, bang-- - Uh Still has a watch? Mugging gone wrong.
Hence the term "gone wrong.
" Get anything from the wife? No, she's still in shock.
Think she blinked like once the whole time I was talking to her.
If the perp is on foot, the best bet is he took off across the highway over the bridge.
Yeah, and then back into the projects and into the tall grass.
So we got the uniforms all spread out looking for him.
You really think it's a mugging? - You know Cheek Alvarez? - No.
It's his kind of job.
You pop a tire, you wait, grab and go.
So you already have the suspect, even.
I'm just saying, I wouldn't mind speaking to the lad.
I'll bet you a hundred bucks that it's not him.
Were you betting me $100 that it's not Cheek Alvarez, or that it's not a mugging? Eh, both.
You're on.
- Wait, wait, wait.
- Come on, come on.
- Wait for it.
Wait for-- There it is.
Carlos Carmello "Cheek" Alvarez.
He's doing five years, armed robbery-- Sing-Sing.
Shut the-- All right, what's your theory, Eliot Dress? Serpi-ho? Like that one? I waited for that one.
W-we were at a wedding, the reception at the, uh, uh, Gramercy Park Hotel.
- Walking back to our car-- - Uh, the Gramercy, that's kind of a hike.
They have valet there, don't they? Tony doesn't like valet.
Scratches and sticky fingers, you know? - Do I.
- Anyway, Tony, he saw the flat, he got on the phone with AAA, and and then, all of a sudden, he pushes me down hard.
Suddenly, I'm just facedown on the cement.
I scraped my hands, and, um, and I heard shots.
And then Tony, he fell down on my legs.
So, what did he look like? The shooter.
I don't know.
Tall, or short, or white? Not white? Big guy? Something? - I didn't see him.
- Not even an impression of him? I'm sorry.
Did he say anything? Did you hear anything? W-when he ran away, was there a car, maybe? - Something? - I'm sorry.
Any little bit can help us.
You're upset, so if you just think back-- I mean, one man or two men? Man, woman? Hat? Beard? Spaceship? So I-I don't understand.
There you are on the ground, next to your husband, who's being killed, and you're telling me that you don't manage to see or hear a single thing, right? I just want to be clear.
Is she allowed to be like this? We'll come back to this later, Mrs.
Thank you.
Very sorry for your loss.
Jane! That was great.
Now, you know what our problem is? She likes you too much.
You want my theory? - Yeah.
- She my theory.
Well-- People say hypnosis works for them.
Could be just the thing for you.
- Not for me.
- Ah, what can it hurt? Either she puts me under, and I come up a new man, able to leap tall cigarettes in a single bound, or I don't.
In which case, I'm no worse off.
- Right.
- Or, every time I play solitaire, turn over the Queen of Diamonds, I'll go try and kill the President.
I'll have one too, please.
- Okay, let me ask you, all right? - Now? You have a brand-new Mercedes--gorgeous.
And you can either give it to a valet at a five-star hotel or street-park it near the F.
What do you do? Am I a cheap bastard? You're a rich bastard.
I didn't say poor.
I said cheap.
Yeah, maybe.
But a gold Rolex and a custom-made suit? This guy knows how to spend a buck.
Mmm, or knew.
Top that off for you? Maybe your man likes wasting his life circling the block, looking for a space.
Maybe he's one of those eccentric rich types.
The Howard Hugheses, with the only eating chocolate bars, and the finger nails - Stop it.
- Maybe.
- And whatnot.
But the wife doesn't seem like the eccentric type.
or the circle-around-the-block type.
- What type is she? - Mmm, the type who would hire-someone-to-kill-her-husband type.
Listen to me, I got to go, but I'm going to give you the hypnotist's number.
Her name's Becky.
She's very cute.
See if she can, uh, hypnotize you into someone who doesn't think sausage is a vegetable, while she's at it.
Tony There was nobody like him.
He's the best.
The best what? Earner? Earner? No.
He just loved life.
Made you love it more when he was around.
Sure spent money like a guy who loved life.
Look at this-- $22,000, $26,000, $38,000 a month on drinks, dinners, and the hottest clubs in town? If I had this expense account I'd love life too.
Tony was about clients.
Bringing them in and keeping them happy.
He had skills very few people out there or anywhere have.
Uh, managing is as much an art as a business.
And with people looking to invest-- Tony was an artist.
This you with the Giordanos? Vacation? Yeah, that's, uh, Tony, Louise, Margaret and myself.
Oh, excuse me! I know you're a little distracted, but one more question.
Do you happen to know why Tony didn't valet his car that night? - Where did he park? - Five or six blocks away.
Oh, so Louise had to walk in those shoes? She couldn't have been too happy with him.
Didn't see anything.
He was good to me, I'll tell you that.
He spent big.
So did all his buddies.
Also like, a lot of guys come in here, and it's like they gotta flex attitude, you know? Finger snaps, barking orders, waving '50s.
Tips in 5ers.
Yeah, if you're lucky.
My dad's bar's the kind of place where the hounds tip you with a song-- actual songs.
Not kidding.
Yeah, well, Tony would tip you and then sing to you.
Kind of guy it's always good to see.
Then he gets it like this.
We had a thing.
Not a big thing, to him or me.
Just--it happened, about a year ago.
And he was right up front.
About? Leaving his wife.
It was never going to happen.
Hey, excuse me.
What's that? Uh, photo wall, from the booth.
What's t booth? Right there-- you take pictures, they stick them on the wall right there.
Kind of like at the arcade or whatever, but for free.
- Sir, did you say "free"? - Louise? - Ah.
- Guy worshipped her-- Louise this, Louise that.
He had a thing with a couple of the waitresses, girl DJ, you know, customers.
Any of them married? Jealous boyfriends? No, it was all in good fun.
No harm, no foul.
- Tony was all about Louise.
- He was all about her except the six out of seven nights he was here, eh? It's not my job to tell people what's wrong with their marriages.
There he is.
- There.
- There he is again.
'Cause apparently, he lived here.
So let's get all the names of the faces on the board, with Tony, 'kay? You got it.
- It's free.
- That's my new passport photo.
Hi there.
I'm sorry it's early.
I just needed to ask you a couple of questions, please.
Come in.
Thank you.
What a joint.
Richard stopped by on his way to work.
- Hello there.
- Hi.
Wanted to see how she was doing.
Or, do you have more questions for me? No.
No, I'm good.
Thanks, Richard.
You all right? Okay.
I'll call you tomorrow.
Thank you.
What a view! Hey, look at that.
Same one as Richard's office.
You guys are close, huh? - Mm-hmm.
- Which is why he was here, Helping you to come to terms with your grief, - I suppose.
- Why are you here, Detective? Your husband screwed around a lot, you know that? - Yes.
- You care about it? I knew who Tony was when I married him.
I just said I never wanted to be embarrassed, and I never was.
Till now.
Something used to be here, huh? Piano.
We got rid of it.
Listen, Ms.
Giordano, I'm just trying to paint myself a picture of Tonythat's all.
To help me figure out who killed him.
A mugger killed him.
- How do you know that? - What do you mean? Y-y-you, uh, you didn't see anything, remember? You don't know who it was.
Do you know who did it? Not yet.
But you would not believe how close I am.
Thank you for coming in, Mrs.
We could have done this on the phone.
He's my brother.
I didn't want to do this over the phone.
So we were looking at Tony's cell records, is how we got your name.
You guys close? You talk a lot? Or-- - Every day.
- Huh.
- Good brother.
- Yeah.
Without Tony it was like You know, "pass the potatoes.
" He keeps us all laughing.
And Please.
Tony ever mention any problems he was having? - Work? Personal life? - Nah.
Oh, I thought maybe there was some there was some money stuff, but um, it wasn't 'cause anything that he told me.
What kind of money stuff? - Uh, when our dad died-- thank you-- umWell, Tony stepped in.
He--he started taking care of us.
He started sending us money every month, just like it was nothing.
So had he stopped doing that? No, no.
He still was.
It was just one time, um, - Louise--that's his wife.
- Mm-hmm.
He thought he had hung up the cell but he didn't.
That ever happen to you? - Mmm.
- Yeah.
So anyway, I heard them fighting-- and Louise is saying that he's got to stop sending us money all the time.
And, uh, he's saying she's the one who's got to cut back.
What do you think of Louise? She seemed great.
I mean-- Anyone Tony loved so much, you got to love her too, right? - Do you know this guy? - Looks familiar, yeah.
You're a member of an elite unit now, Detective.
Got to do a little better than "looks familiar.
" In fact, got a hundred bucks if you can say who it is.
I wish I had a hundred bucks.
Oh, w-w-wait! Oh, yeah, I do, as a matter of fact.
Well, while you're thinking about it, just try to forget about how we all got it right away, - Okay? - Mmm.
Who's this Romeo? Russian loan shark Spider Skolnick.
- Spider Skolnick.
- Hey, come on! - Skip, Skip.
- Thanks very much.
No, no, no.
That doesn't count, 'cause he fed you the name.
You said if I could "say" who it was, not if I could "guess" who it was.
All right, enough.
So, we have an uptown banker, buddies with a fur-hat mobster from Brighton Beach.
That says something, right? Hmm? And you can keep your money.
Monday night, a Wall Street analyst and trader was gunned down.
His killer is still at large.
Police have yet to name a suspect but say they have several promising leads.
Low rounds at the Volga Club, huh? You ever been in there? The day me and, uh, Eddie Ross busted Stanny Ivankov out of Newark, he took us in there.
- You? - Uh, once.
They've got some babushka in the kitchen making blinis from scratch.
Come on, I mean, kid's birthday, seriously.
What do I--no ideas? You don't know? - How old, again? - Six.
Well, what's he into, Jane? He in the dinosaur phase? Robot phase? Monsters? Superheroes? How about a nice clean, crisp 20? How do you think that'd go over with Trish? Good, if you want to show her you're clueless about her son and annoy the hell out of her.
Everybody wins.
So what you want to do here? Where are you going? - You know Russian? - Uh, yeah, well Hello, gentlemen.
Hands, please.
Get up.
Get up! Everybody up, up, up! Get up! What's this? This yours? No.
Is it yours? No.
But I know how to use it.
I just can't believe it.
He was the last guy on Earth you think'd get shot to death.
His heart exploding, in the sack, maybe.
I wouldn't think he was the type to hang outwith a mobster, either.
Is that menthol? - Yes.
- Um, so how'd you meet Tony? Ha.
Strip club.
Crossroads of the world, right? So what did a guy like you and a guy like Tony talk about? I don't know.
Uh, that guy could talk to anybody about anything.
And he listened.
Not just waiting to talk, like other people.
He'd like to hang around and listen to a lot of violent, crazy people? Or just you? You like to bust everybody's nuts? Or just mine? Just yours.
Sensitive guy.
Delicate flower.
Give me that-- I hate menthol.
So, uh, did your friend borrow money from you? - I gave him some, yeah.
- How much? three separate times.
So wall-street big shot, and he's borrowing In this economy, you'd be surprised who comes to who for what.
Did he pay you back? If I'd asked him to, he would have.
Let me ask you something, seriously.
Were you and he lovers? - I told you, we're friends.
- Mm-mm, mm-mm.
I would give away a lot more than 90 grand to find the guy who pulled that trigger! Tony was The best! Yeah, we know.
I'm almost starting to believe.
We're getting his financials, but everything points to Tony's being really deep in a hole.
Hiding it well, but still-- What about the Russian? Spider? Well, he owed him 90 grand, but he can't pay it back dead.
And I don't think Spider would care one way or the other, because he thought Tony hung the moon, like everybody else.
Guy's spending like a sheik.
He's so horny he would go after a crack in the wall.
But nobody says a bad word about him.
Everybody loves him.
Well, somebody loves him-- dead.
You like the wife? I love the wife.
But she already knew about the cheating, right? Yeah.
So what does that do to your motive? Well, it kind of dings it, I guess.
But I have another motive-- life insurance-- the only major asset they had left.
- Oh, yeah? - Mm-hmm.
- How much? - I don't know.
I subpoenaed it this morning.
I should know in a day or two.
All right.
I hope it turns out to be everything you want it to be.
- What? - Nothing.
Uh, I like your sweater.
What's your problem? It's cold in here.
Six, five, Four, three, TwoOne.
Seriously, do you need something? Well, we just got a witness off the canvass.
Six blocks south of the scene.
Maybe heard the shooting, and maybe even saw the shooter.
You're kidding.
- Uh, Augie Bando, Homicide.
- This is Becky Hubbard from Anti-Crime.
Tell me more, please.
Well, here's where it starts to get flabby.
The guy's not very big on specifics.
He heard the shots, maybe saw somebody.
Not a lot of detail.
So what's his problem? I think the main problem is the guy needs glasses.
- Mmm.
- But the second problem Is when he heard the shots, it scared him out of his mind.
Where you going? Yeah, I figured we were done.
We are, you're not.
Have an idea, folks.
Five, four, three, two, one.
So if this doesn't work, should I next get out my ouija board and try to talk to the vic directly? Quiet, quiet, you.
Dean, can you hear me? Okay, I'm going to take you back to Monday night, early evening, around 6:30.
Sun's just gone down, you're in your apartment.
What are you doing? "And the payoff pitch "Swung on! It's a high fly ball "into the gap in right center! "Right fielder Jones goes for the ball! "But can't quite make it! Gordon erupts from second!" - Holy crap! - Wait.
What is that? That's Monday's game-- that's the seventh inning.
"Rounding third, headed for home, "here comes the throw! "Heslides under the tag! He's" Those were the gunshots? - Yes.
- How many? - Four.
- Yeah, what happened then? I got up, I, uh, went to the window.
Looked out, this guy is is running down the block towards my building.
I was scared.
I-I ducked down, thought maybe he was shooting at me.
- And then? - Peeked.
Saw him at the fence.
And what happened then? He's on the near side.
He's in the grass.
He's on his knees.
He's-- he's feeling around.
He's skinny.
Got stuck on the fence, goes, "damn it!" Had a hoodie on.
Couldn't see his face.
Until he got over.
Hood came off.
I got a good look at him.
That's it.
We worked the wrong end of this.
The shooter didn't go over the bridge.
He went in the opposite direction through the empty lot.
Let's go.
Where? He's down there on his knees looking for something.
I bet that something's still there, and I bet that something's is a .
38 caliber.
Thank you very much.
- Come on.
- You got it.
Excuse me.
You ask him if that runner was safe? The English guy asks for a new pint.
The Irish guy reaches into the glass, grabs ahold of the fly, shakes it as hard as he can, and shouts, "Spit it out, you bastard!" Oh, man! There's rat scat everywhere! - Hi, babe.
- I can't believe her.
- Who? - Tricia.
Saying you shouldn't come to my son's birthday party.
Sorry, I-I forgot.
I-I don't think she's totally wrong, honestly.
No, sure.
Except for how she's totally wrong.
You're as much a part of Owen's life now as that apple-bag husband of hers, so she just better get used to it.
You're going to that party.
Yay! Okay.
Crime tech says Tony was definitely shot with a .
And the orphaned .
38 we found was recently fired five times.
It's a cold piece-- serial number filed off, wiped clean.
Shooter must have worn gloves.
But, there is a partial-- on the top and bottom of the cylinder.
And it'll take a while to get a-a match to a partial, but-- If there's even a match to get.
So he--he didn't wear gloves when he loaded it.
He wiped it all down after.
Except for where the cylinder is covered by the backstrap.
You see, Detective, when he pulled the trigger, right? The cylinder rotates, and it then exposes the print that he forgot about.
We still have no suspects in the murder of Anthony Giordano.
Giordano was gunned down in cold blood three nights ago on the F.
drive in front of his wife Louise.
Cute! Thanks.
Hello, there.
How are you? Your, uh, supervisor told me you've been working here for five months.
Explains a lot-- how you keep up with your cute wardrobe.
Why Tony wouldn't valet.
I mean, here you are cutting coupons, and he's, what, borrowing money from the Russian mob? Is that a question? I couldn't tell.
But I got a few.
I'm working.
Excuse me, ma'am.
Can you show me where the dressing room is, please? - Of course.
Follow me.
- Thanks.
I know you worked really hard to make things look all nice and shiny, but they weren't, were they? He's telling you, hitting the clubs every night is his job.
Dear God, I really need to start exercising.
And where does that leave you? With a job in retail? So what was up with this guy? Drugs? Gambling? Was he supporting those girls? Richard says I don't have to talk to you.
But you go down that road, tells me an awful lot.
Why is it you think you get to talk to me like this? Because why? Because--because I was scared and covering my head when Tony got shot? And I didn't help him.
I have to live with that for the rest of my life! Okay, all right, calm down, Louise.
No matter what, all this ends for you.
It's just your job.
You get to go back to your home, to your life and your family, and I I lost everything.
So why don't you help me by telling me everything you know? Because you're on my side, right? That's why you subpoenaed the insurance policy? Yeah, they called.
I said, "fine, let her see it.
" Tony cashed it all in, last month.
No life insurance! Sorry if that puts a hole in your theory.
That looks fantastic! Totally suits you! Tony lived like a player.
But really, in what he did-- keeping the clients happy-- there's no bonuses in that.
There's no back end.
He worked with guys out there who pulled in millions.
He pulled in less but lived like it was more.
Now we loved him.
The clients loved him.
He borrowed from the firm to keep up appearances.
We looked the other way.
I was there the other morning, to tell Louise the firm was forgiving the debt.
- Mmm.
- I hoped it would at least ease the strain.
That doesn't help me.
Hey, got a hit on that partial.
And, it's someone dead, in jail, an alien? What? - Mikey Nelson.
- The bartender.
Oh, it gets better.
What? Is he connected to the wife in some way? Banging her? Stalking her? Related to her? I said "better," not "heaven.
" Hmm.
Mikeyhas priors-- juvie.
Assault and burglary.
Hey there, Mikey.
- How you doing? - Detective.
Doing a little day drinking this time? I wish.
I need a favor.
- Yeah.
- We have a witness from the night Tony was killed.
It's pretty sure he can I.
the shooter.
That's great, right? Yeah.
No, no, it is.
The crazy thing is, the guy he described fits you.
- What? - I know, right? So here's the favor I need.
Could you come down and be in a lineup, please? Number two.
"Damn it!" Mm-mm.
Number three.
"Damn it!" Could he do it louder? Louder, please.
"Damn it!" Uh, it's not him.
No, it's-- wrong hair, wrong voice.
Are you sure? Yeah.
Okay, why don't you wait outside? We'll be out in a minute.
Thank you.
We know it's him, so how come it's not him? Thanks for waiting, shouldn't be that much longer.
Yeah, sure.
What do you think? Well, looks like a guy who beat a lineup and is about to sing Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah.
- You got it? - Yeah, we got it.
But technically, we need a warrant.
Technically, it doesn't matter either way.
- Why is that? - You think getting a trap on this guy's phone is some kind of checkmate? He's not going to call anyone now Let alone his alleged accomplice.
He's going to turn his phone off.
So let me rephrase that.
This is going to work perfectly, if the guy is a moron's moron.
Okay, there, Mikey.
You're free to go.
Thanks a lot.
- Did he turn his phone off? - Yep.
Well, it's been a blast.
What did I tell you? I hate to be right, but-- Good thing, even when you turn your phone off, your GPS stays on, huh? - That true? - Yes.
Instant understandings like this make me happy to be alive.
Uh, still inside the apartment.
Apartment 3-B.
This is terrifying.
This doesn't terrify you guys that we can do this? Actually, it gives me wood.
Apartment 3-B, leased to Mary Torres.
Uh, who's that? Uh Someone, a friend of Tony's? Mikey? Someone from the club? Uh, Torres.
Nestor the dishwasher.
- Yes.
- The photo booth guy.
Run him, please.
How long's Mikey been in there now? About five or ten minutes.
All right, here we go.
Torres, Nestor.
Age 24, burglary, assault, two convictions, blah-blah-blah.
In the big boy world-- four arrests, robbery.
Pleaded out on a package deal-- he did nine months.
- Interesting.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
There he is.
You guys cover the back.
Let's go.
You got it.
- Hello-- - Mrs.
Torres? - Uh-huh - I'm from auto crime.
Um, does your son Nestor Torres live here with you? Uh-huh.
- Gun? - Yeah, yeah.
We got a hit that a car under his name was stolen.
I don't think so.
Well, that's fine, but we still need to see it to rule it out.
Do you know where he is right now? No.
Third floor, right there.
- No.
- What? Let him jump.
- Hey, don't let him jump.
- Let him jump.
Ho! Ho! Oh! Oh! Nestor, that leg's not looking so good.
Tell you what, ambulance is on the way.
Hang tight, buddy.
Reverse tuck with a twist, straight into a beam.
You even think about trying to stop him? My leg! - And I'm bleeding.
- Nestor! Ay, dios mio! I think I broke my knee.
Hey, hey, hey.
Get her out of here! Okay.
So listen up.
Nestor, we know that Mikey was in here telling you to run.
And a gun with Mikey's prints killed Tony.
Now, Nestor, tell me why you killed Tony Giordano.
Yeah, I mean, I'm just supposed to get the watch, you know, but this guy! He throws the wife down, he-- he's all over me.
- Right.
You know what? You do one thing right now, and it seals the deal.
And I tell the D.
that you cooperated more than any guy since ever.
What do you want? What do you want? Yeah, told you, don't call me.
No, I know.
I'm just going to need money.
Do you want me to go for a long time? No, you listen to me, you little son of a bitch! I didn't have to come tell you anything, all right? I could've just let the cops come and grab you.
- No! No! - Shh! Hey, hey, hey, hey! Hey! Callate! Listen, buddy, I'm not the one who pulled the trigger.
Don't just stand there! My boy is hurt! Is that your mom? Shh! Get her out of here! Come here, come here, come here! GPS his phone, cover all the subways near him, and get to his apartment.
- Are you looking? - I'm look-- I'm looking at the GPS, okay? And according to the GPS, he's around here somewhere.
Well, the guy could have ditched the phone.
The--the phone is not moving, okay? - So look, look in the street! - Why--shh! All right, fine.
You don't have to shout, though.
What? - Is that him right there? - Where? Right there! Behind the bag lady.
- I don't see him.
- Right there! Right there! Pull over.
Pull over.
Go! Go! Move! Move! Move! Move! Move! Move! Move! Go, go, go.
He's coming.
Move! Move! Hey! You had him.
You had him.
That's great.
He was right in front of you.
Well, the guy's a freaking magician.
What do you want me to do? I'm going to check the back.
That what you gonna do? Hey, uh I'm going to go that way, okay? Let me see your hands! Hands! Hands! Yes! Let me see them! - Get up! Get up! - No, no, no! It's okay.
We're detectives.
My knee, man! Make me run for two blocks! I twisted my ankle! Officer what's going on? It's okay ma'am.
It's okay, don't worry about it.
Go back to shopping.
No, you listen to me, you little son of a bitch! I could've just let the cops come and grab you.
Listen, buddy, I'm not the one who pulled the trigger.
Tony was just about done.
You know that? Borrowed money to stay above water.
He jammed me.
Well, you're even now, though.
Look, we were going to open a bar together.
Yeah, Tony and me.
I found a space-- it was perfect.
Tony said he had his end, but, you know, did I have mine? "No," I said, "I wear a fricking T-shirt to work.
" So Tony takes me to this guy who loans me 10 grand, Just like that.
- Spider Skolnick.
- Yeah.
And the vig's ten points, but, you know, what the hell? I mean, you know, we'll be rolling, right? Only, no, because Tony flakes.
Okay? He pulls out, and he acts like it's nothing.
He acts like I'm nothing.
But you know what's not nothing? Owing the Russian mob Plus an extra thousand a week for infinity.
You see? It's too thin.
The glass is all milky and the second hand doesn't sweep.
Got a guy killed for a solid tin street-corner turd.
How's that sit? Here you go.
Thank you.
You moving? Evicted.
- Where you going? - My parents.
Which is kind of perfect, since they're the only people I know who never liked Tony.
Well, at least Milner and the firm wrote off what Tony owed.
Yeah, that was a nice offer.
Accompanied by a not so nice one.
Tony's dead three days.
His boss offers a condolence bang.
I'm sorry.
No, he did not.
When you walked in, I told him to get the hell out or I would, um, get Tony's Russian mafia friends on him.
Good move.
Anyway, you take care.
Are you happy, now? That you, um, that you got him? I know I'm supposed to be, but Tony wasn't perfect, God knows.
But he was the fun the noise and the laughs in every room he was ever in.
Where is all that? Everything Tony was-- where is it? It's soQuiet.
Who did it, why-- it doesn't help.
I want to know where he is now.
You tell me that.
I wish I couldLouise.
I do.
Good night.
Gentlemen, Watch this.
Uh, Jane, about our bet - Yes? Uh-huh.
The other day, the Cheek Alvarez thing? - Yeah, I remember.
- Well, you see, how you called it and how it turned out were, technically, two different things.
Because I said it was a mugging gone wrong, and you said it was a murder for hire.
Well, technically, it was a mugging for hire.
So, just clarifying my terms.
- He's got you there.
- Okeydoke.
Guys, I'm late.
Whoa, whoa.
No, no.
This needs to be settled in the interest of morale and maintaining goodwill on future bets-- needs to be settled.
Thank you, Skip.
See, Jane, what I'm proposing is that you were right, But I was also right.
So, I propose we call it even.
- Okay.
- Only fair.
- Oh! - See you later.
And, 44 for the Megaball Oh, I want to box this one.
And then go to 3 Excuse me.
I'm sorry, could you take a break for a minute, get me a pack of smokes? Um The next one is 14 - For the love of God.
- 23 again.
And, uh, Uh, get open! - Get it open.
- All right, let's keep it going.
This one is from Jane.
From Jane.
What do you think, bud.
You like it, Owen? Cool! Awesome.
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