Public Disorder (2025) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

That's what these kids are like.
In the summer,
they vacation in Ibiza with their friends.
They spend Daddy's money.
And all while your daughter's at home.
She's shut up in her room
and won't talk to anyone.
He's laughing…
and she's weeping.
This whole fuckin' world is upside-down.
It's just not right, Miche.
Who the hell are you guys?
What do you want from me?
What did I do?
What the fuck did I do to you?
Who are you? What do you want?
Just tell me what you want!
What is that?
What are you doing?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
No, no, no, no, no, no!
No! No!
No, please!
I'm begging you! Don't! No, please!
Stop, please! Just don't do it! Don't!
No, no, no, no!
You with your daughter tonight?
No. she's with her dad but we'll
have lunch together tomorrow.
How are you?
What do you think?
The same.
Emma, don't forget your toothbrush.
What's going on?
We're going to my sister's.
It's Christmas Eve…
I know that.
Do you have her home number?
Reception's pretty bad there.
I think so, yeah.
I'll text it to you.
Can I keep the helmet, at least?
Well, let me see…
You'll need to fill out the declaration
form for a helmet, plus the 16 euro fee.
Can't I just keep it with
the rest of the uniform?
Nope, sorry.
But I'll give you an old one that's
meant for disposal if you like.
No, don't worry about it. It's fine.
What are you doing?
What does it look like I'm doing?
I'm handing in my gear.
And why would you do that?
You're just on leave.
Until mid-January,
you're still an active agent.
So what?
So you're on duty December 31st because
everyone else is on holiday.
Now you listen to me.
Just got off the phone with the Ministry…
We're about to receive
a request to dismiss
the whole Val di Susa incident.
Obviously this isn't official.
So. this has got to stay between us.
You wanna say goodbye to the others?
I've gotta be in Naples
in a couple of hours
but I'll be back by 8 tomorrow morning.
Gimme my gear back.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas Eve!
-Merry Christmas to you too!
-Don't say "Merry
Christmas," it's bad luck.
Ah, you can stick your superstitions
up your ass!
This guy's ridiculous.
A Christmas Eve with
Nobili? We are blessed!
Even Nobili's here!
Bottoms up.
-Alright everyone, look who's here!
-Ay, Pietro!
Round of applause for Pietro!
Oh, you're looking good!
Yeah, I'm all arms now! Not bad, huh?
You're not any thinner though.
What, did you eat Santa?
-Get off my ass! I've got big bones!
-You want a beer?
-And get me some more peppers.
-Got it, boss!
-Cut 'em thin. We gotta roast 'em.
Come on. Let's go upstairs.
Yeah, get going.
Tomma, bring those up too,
okay? Let's go guys,
hurry up, it's already Christmas.
Let's get a move on, grab a drink!
And take this stuff upstairs.
His wife left him.
She found him a live-in caretaker and…
up and left for her sister's.
Did he tell you that?
Called me a couple hours
ago to pick him up.
Come on, we're almost done. Let's go!
we're not just cooking for them, you know?
-I'm hoping to eat too.
-Give me a hand with this.
-Hurry up.
-Yeah, yeah. Coming.
-Listen. If you're here on Christmas Eve…
-You don't want more?
-It means you don't have a family either.
-Hey, pass the water.
Just like everybody else here.
I wasn't too happy, you know?
With what?
That you didn't visit me.
Even just a quick hello.
Even just to be polite.
A word of advice…
That's a rookie mistake.
It's the mistake of someone who
thought they were hot shit.
You saying you're over it now?
Just look at 'em.
They only feel alive
when they're together.
When they're alone, they feel worthless.
It's up to you to keep them together.
I already did my part.
Panebia, I think we should stick you
in the canteen full-time,
keep you from driving!
-You wanna say that to my face?
-Touch a nerve?
-Hey, man! You know I
-love you! Just kidding!
-You think driving you is easy?
-Oh boy…
-This fucker's always giving directions!
Pass this kiss down to Panebia!
-Like I don't know my way around!
-Oh whoa, whoa, whoa!
Let's listen up,
everyone, Decimo's got the floor!
-Alright, woo! Let's go!
-A Merry Christmas to all!
-Merry Christmas everybody!
Hey! What's up, dude?
Enzo, no getting drunk.
How are ya?
Hey! Everyone good?
I'm serious. 100
percent true, I swear! Right?
-Ooh, I made these for
-you with lots of love.
-Yeah, cool man.
-Thanks a lot.
-Alright, time to dance.
-Come on!
-You bet!
Alright then.
Hey. You guys remember Bergamo?
There were 6 of us there.
We were right under the stands
with 6000 people above us.
And we all thought to ourselves:
"Well, this is how we die."
And what about that anti-vax rally?
No one was worried because all
the protestors were ancient.
-And then that old broad charges us.
-I remember.
-You remember the old lady?
-I do remember that.
-What a bitch.
-No, she was.
-She was like a cross between
Montalcini and the old witch from Snow
-That's exactly right.
-She had these tiny little glasses
and she was screeching like a banshee!
I was trying to calm her down,
tell her it's okay to be angry, right?
Then, all of a sudden,
boom! She gets in a right hook.
Let me tell ya,
I've fought the biggest dickheads
in all Europe, huh?
But I'll never forget that
old lady's right hook!
since then I haven't been breathing right.
Tough break.
They're playing our song, Pietro.
My son's first communion.
Sfioro il tavolo con una mano
Pomeriggio strano
-Un grigio…
Would you change that fuckin' music?
Let's go.
Merry Christmas, everyone.
-Alright. Feeling tired?
-Merry Christmas.
Let's go.
Let's go have a dance.
I like you a lot.
So do I.
I'll find your drink.
What is it they say, Miche?
When you hit rock bottom,
nowhere to go but up?
Absolute bullshit!
When you hit rock bottom, you stay there!
Nah, man. Everything's spinning.
I hear ya.
What a shitty day. Believe me.
What do you mean? What happened to you?
I lost my family today…
And I almost killed a guy.
Only one person has to pay for this…
But we both know it wasn't
one person's fault.
It's not right.
Why don't we get you home
so you can sleep it off?
You were in command.
You gave the order because
it was your friend.
Because it was your friend who went down.
-And we call that a vendetta.
That's exactly what it's called.
This isn't brotherhood at all. It's…
This is…
This is how it all ends, isn't it?
You've tainted me.
Now I've become just like all of you.
Pull over.
Just up here.
We're at war, Mazi.
We're all guilty,
but somehow we're all innocent.
It's chaos, Mazi.
You mind if I…
Oh, hey.
Merry Christmas.
Thanks, same to you.
Agata should be coming down soon,
she's just putting on her shoes.
Okay. Thank you.
Do you wanna wait in here?
Uh… No. Thanks.
I'll be outside.
Hi Marta.
Hi you.
What is it?
It's a new phone!
Dad gave it to me.
Yeah, it was nothing.
So, um…
how are you?
Uh, I'm good.
I have to be on duty uh… New Year's Eve.
-Well, listen…
we're spending New Year's
Eve at a friend's house.
-But for sure we can bring her
along, that's not a problem.
-You sure?
And is that alright with you?
-Is that okay?
-Okay, well… thank you for everything.
No problem.
-And thank you for the phone.
-I'll see you soon.
It was just a little present.
So honey…
what's she like?
Your dad's new girlfriend?
Um… normal.
What is she? Is she friendly or mean?
Or nice?
Yeah, she's nice.
I'm pretty sure she works
in a grocery store.
The two of us don't talk much.
And her arm?
Do you know what happened there?
Yeah, she fell off a scooter.
She fell off a scooter?
That's what she said.
What do you want?
You texted me 20 times.
I wanted to say that I'm sorry.
Why did you pick me?
I go on social media…
looking for people to catfish.
Fucking cat fishing racket.
How many have you caught?
Just one.
What do you think of me?
At first I just thought
you were a shithead cop.
A fascist. Violent.
And then?
And then I felt bad.
Not bad like sick.
You didn't make me sick.
I felt sorry for you.
I really liked talking to you.
What's that?
My friend works in the hotel upstairs.
Wanna have sex?
I'm sorry.
Did you like it?
So are we even now?
What's that mean?
You're not going to report me, are you?
You promise?
Can I see you again?
Mom, are we going?
Have you got your skates?
Did you get one too?
We all got one, yeah.
That's probably why Manna called us in.
I gotta speak to the DA right away.
You know why Mazi.
Can't take the pressure?
Manna's in his office.
Hey, for Christ's sakes! I got a family.
How is this gonna fuckin' end, Manna?
This doesn't mean anything.
You gotta stay calm for now.
You're actually lucky they
notified you at all.
Am I gonna need a lawyer?
-If you don't have a court-appointed one.
-I don't have a lawyer.
Alright, listen to me.
After they notify you,
the prosecution has 6 months during
which they can investigate.
That doesn't mean they have any concrete
evidence against you at the moment.
But I understand why you'd be worried.
Tomorrow's the last day of the year,
and we can't do substitutions.
So, everyone on duty is confirmed.
And then, for your protection,
I'll have to suspend all of you until
the investigation has run its course.
What're we doing waiting out here?
Go sit in the back.
Hi Agata!
Hi Giulia.
Can I talk to you for a second?
-Uh, well, my bus will be here soon.
-Just for a minute.
Hop in, it's freezing out there.
Do you work at the cash?
I do now.
I used to be at the deli counter.
And that's because of…
because of your arm?
Agata was telling me…
you fell off your scooter.
Uh, yeah. It was silly,
the wheel got caught in the tram tracks.
What is it?
Did he beat you?
-Stefano. Did he beat you?
-Mom, just stop it.
Be quiet Agata. Tell me, did he beat you?
Giulia, I need you to tell me the truth.
-I'm sorry, I really have to catch my bus…
-No, you're gonna listen to me.
You aren't the issue here, you understand?
I need to know if my daughter's father is
the kind of man who beats his partner,
Giulia. Do you get that?
-I already told you that's not true.
-Fucking hell! At least look
at me when I'm talking to you!
Look at me, Giulia!
Did he hit you, yes or no?
You think I'll give a fuck if you cry but
I won't. I don't care. Does he beat you,
yes or no?
What the hell did he do to you?
He never touched your daughter.
I want Agata to hear what he did to you.
He got mad at me because one of my
male colleagues sent me a kiss emoji.
And after that, what did he do to you?
And then he kicked me.
You're the only one who can report
him for what he did. You know that.
So, am I taking you to the station now
or do you wanna get beaten tonight too?
Can you come to the hospital?
What's going on?
Hey! Giancarlo! Hello?
What happened?
Just… come now. Please.
Spaghetti with tomato sauce okay?
You'll spend New Year's Eve with Paola,
It's me and you now.
What happened?
I'm really sorry but I didn't
know who else to call.
She gave birth two days ago and I have
no idea why they waited so long.
What are the doctors saying?
That Joanna was hemorrhaging, I think…
They said something like…
”uterine atony.” I don't know.
I don't get it.
Are they gonna send me home
with the baby by myself?
I don't know.
I don't think so.
Will I have to give her formula?
Do you know how to give a baby formula?
Well, I mean…
You just do what it tells
you on the package.
Okay. And if she doesn't fall asleep?
If she doesn't, then…
What I did…
when you wouldn't fall asleep,
I used white noise.
A hairdryer.
Or the fan over a stove.
Babies like that.
She'll fall asleep in no time.
Tomorrow, I'm gonna ask to meet with
the Turin prosecutor again.
What're you gonna tell him?
The truth.
What truth?
That I saw Pietro, lying on the ground…
And so I took command.
I gave the order to charge.
To avenge a wounded colleague.
That's the truth.
What the hell are you saying?
We chased down a group
of unidentified people.
We didn't make a move to detain anybody.
All we did was beat the crap out of them.
At the end of the day it doesn't
matter who hit the kid.
I gave the order and you all obeyed it.
So I have to take responsibility for this,
at least more than any of you.
That much will be obvious to everyone.
If I do it, I'm just a rat.
If you do it, you're a hero.
But this is Mazinga.
Time to get to work.
We'll think about the rest next year.
Unit B1 to Control, this is update.
Crowd congregating on the street.
…We got trouble.
I can't leave Agata all alone.
You're right, you can't.
You don't have to leave her alone.
It's my fault, Marta.
-No, it's not.
Let's go!
Come on! Let's party!
Damn, look at them.
-We're going clubbing!
-People are out here having fun
-and we're stuck here working.
-Let's go… clubbing!
Yeah! Clubbing! Clubbing! Clubbing!
Hey Mazi!
We toasting at midnight?
Better ask the boss.
Hey Nobili!
You mind if we pop this open later?
-No, that's fine. Go for it.
He's dead.
The Turin kid. The one in the coma.
Where'd you hear that?
One of my buddies
from Genoa sent it to me.
-Let me see.
-It's everywhere online.
This message is for you,
you piece o' shit cops!
You bastards! You killed him! Fuck you!
Sooner or later, you're gonna have to pay
for what you've done!
You bastards! Fuck you, A.C.A.B!
To all Italians watching this,
let's get out there tonight and leave
one of them dead on the ground!
What's going on?
Not sure exactly but apparently
the kid from Turin is dead.
They should have told us about this.
Turn off that phone.
Must be an old report.
Call dispatch, see if they know anything.
Roma 3 Driver for dispatch,
please respond.
Yeah, well, you know how it
is. At least it's not that cold.
I wanted to say Happy New Year, Dad.
I don't know if I'll have reception later.
You have supper yet?
Yeah, they eat at 7 over here.
Promise me he'll pay.
He will, I promise.
Why don't you come over tomorrow?
We can have lunch.
Yeah, tomorrow I'll get up early and…
I'll be there.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year.
You fucking pigs!
Pull the fuck over now!
Oh shit.
The video's going viral.
It's everywhere.
There's clashes with police
in Turin already.
Get your helmets on.
Valenti, Sarri, Lovato.
The others, control a perimeter!
Roma, what's going on?
Run, run, let's go!
Come on, come on! Move!
It's locked! It's locked!
Fuck you!
Let's go!
Hey! This way!
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards!
All cops are bastards!
Salvo! Salvo!
Come on, Mazi! Get up!
Let's go, let's go!
It's me.
I wanted to let you know
that Joanna's doing well.
And they're letting me take
our baby girl home tomorrow.
Come over so you can meet her.
This is incredible, Dad.
Happy New Year.
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