Rematch (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Obviously, Garry Kasparov is phenomenal
in all kinds of chess positions,
but he's particularly good at
making the opponent's cases look bad.
It looks to me like Deep Blue
isn't going to probably lose.
We can't believe it!
Kasparov cannot believe it.
He is in shock. This was such
a fantastic chance for him,
and it just shows,
Deep Blue's true strength.
Yes! When I saw Kasparov's passed pawn,
I thought we were dead.
But Deep Blue held up!
I mean we're throwing everything we have
at him. The guy just won't break.
How did it go?
Well each time I'm winning and each time
Deep Blue finds a way out.
Deep Blue is a bad robot!
Well actually, Deep Blue might
be a good robot.
World Chess Champion,
Garry Kasparov,
the strongest player in
the game's history,
faces a showdown this weekend
with the computer Deep Blue.
Chess hasn't changed. It's the stakes
in this game that are historic.
Kasparov has said,
"it's more than a showdown".
In a way, he says "It's a defense
of the whole human race".
He is trying to put his finger
on Deep Blue.
And he has no idea what's happening now.
And I must say, he must be
a very confused World Champion.
And a big game tomorrow where he has
to defend the black pieces.
I don't remember as hot a match
I wanna see big smiles. Okay?
Garry! Garry! Garry!
Those jerks
I can't believe they booed us!
Dozens of brilliant technicians
and programmers,
an extraordinary collection of the chess
world's grandmasters,
and the most powerful computer
ever created.
And yet we still can't manage
to beat this one man.
It's not just any man.
It's Kasparov.
Garry played White in this game.
He dominated, yes, but Deep Blue was able
to block him in the end.
For the final game, we play white.
Deep Blue has played white before.
It made no difference.
- She's always been up to par.
- No, I don't want her up to par.
I want her to win.
So, you do whatever it takes.
Because I want a victory
in this last game.
Chess is war.
In its purest form.
The player's goal is to destroy the mind
and soul of the opponent.
These 64 squares push our mental
capacities to their limits.
But the real question is:
can chess ultimately
make us better human beings?
So, it's okay to publish tomorrow?
You'll have to play to find out.
Thank you!
You've got a message
Hello. Table for one?
What's this?
What happened in Game 6.
New York's a bit wet.
A bit chilly right now.
Well, it's a beautiful day in Florida.
I know. Do you know how I know?
I checked the weather on the internet!
- What a nerd!
- This old dog is learning some new tricks.
My darling husband talking on a cellphone
and doing a web search with a browser.
But you're much sexier in person
with that casual business look of yours!
You little vixen!
You know, I hate to admit it, but Brock is
right. We can't go for the draw in Game 6.
- Hi Mr. Nelson.
- Hello.
I can't picture you as a teacher.
Who do you think taught
your machine to play chess?
Deep Blue is not a bunch of teenagers
with hormones going AWOL.
Yeah. Which is exactly why
is I accepted IBM's offer.
So, for years, whenever I had
some bizarre idea, I just jotted it down.
Why didn't you bring your notes to IBM?
Because they're all bad ideas
But you never know.
That's reassuring.
- What's this?
- Cubic chess.
That one is actually
from Star Trek.
But the concept has been around
since the early 1900s.
And you play just like normal Chess?
Yeah. Almost well The challenge is that
you have to think three-dimensionally
because the pieces can move horizontally
and vertically.
Wait! Put those back.
- And you think it'll work?
- We are about to find out.
I don't want to be interrupted
by anyone except my team. Okay?
Yeah, so if there is a problem
with anything, just let me know.
Come on Garry,
beat the shit out of this computer!
Okay, thank you.
Roger, I need chairs for everyone.
- Garry?
- Vivian?
- Hello, pleased to meet you!
- You'll help us.
- Help you do what?
- The final game is tomorrow.
I'm going to use human intelligence
to beat Deep Blue.
I'm going to play chess against hundreds
of people online
to test various strategies.
"Kasparov versus the world".
It will be a global brainstorming session.
Go, chairs! Please chairs!
Can you pass me the modem?
Knight E2, the bishop checks Here
We found it! We found it!
Paul found a chess opening,
unknown to Kasparov, we think.
No, no. It's not a new opening, but it's a
new concept in the Caro-Kann for White.
I think Deep Blue needs to break
some rules.
Forgo castling, leave the kind in the
middle for a while after a queen exchange.
It might not even connect its rooks.
I know, it looks bad, maybe even terrible,
I think it has hidden potential
for counterattacks.
It's subtle. Very subtle.
But it may well be enough
to rattle Garry.
Unusual opening moves, combined
with Deep Blue's brute force, and bang!
We may have found the key
to beating Kasparov!
This is this is very good.
- But risky.
- Very risky.
Could you
An opening concept
It works because it's been tested
hundreds and hundreds of times.
But if Kasparov spots a flaw that
we didn't Deep Blue's screwed.
But with Deep Blue's computing power
It will work! It's worth the risk.
The only way to win is to go all in.
- No.
- God Damnit, Helen!
- I need a real strategy. Not a Hail Mary.
- But
No, I said no.
I have someone in Japan and the States.
- France here!
- Russia and Canada.
Brazil and Hungary for me.
- Ready?
- In Three Two One Go.
Knight to F3 Pawn to E4.
D5 and C5. Sicilian Defense.
Knight to C3!
D5. Roger?
Pawn to E4 and pawn to F4.
D5, Scandinavian defense
and D5, a reversed Dutch against
this Bird's opening. Alysa?
Pawn E4
And Pawn D4.
One more Sicilian with C5,
and the Dutch again with F5.
- Sofia?
- I have already played.
Let me see.
They played E4 and you replied
with C6. The Caro-Kann Defense.
That's perfect darling!
E4 and C6. Mama?
Let's take a break.
Take a break. Go. Go. Go.
This one didn't move yet.
The other one just played rook to D1.
Rook D1
Queen B2 Checkmate.
- Roger?
- Both of my players have resigned.
- Okay. New game.
- King to F1.
King F1 and rook F2. Checkmate.
6 wins, good job!
I'm looking for a strategy, not victories.
One more game please.
- Anything?
- No.
We've got nothing.
It's all the same shit reheated.
The real problem with Deep Blue is us.
She stands a better chance of winning
if we get out of the way.
Or maybe she
isn't an artificial intelligence
and if we hadn't have thrown
everything that we have at her,
Kasparov would have blown
her out of the water.
Maybe. That's why I should
have done the MIST test.
You had almost a year to do that before
the Rematch. Wasn't that enough?
- It wasn't an option at the time.
- Yes, and now it is too late!
I know.
You're our best chance of victory.
That's why we are gonna test
your new opening here.
If the results are conclusive,
we'll program it into Deep Blue.
I'll take the blame
if it doesn't go as we'd hope.
Come on!
Okay, go. Go. Go eat.
No. I'm staying.
- Let's go to eat.
- Yes!
- See you.
- Bye.
I know.
I tried everything
and I found nothing new.
Okay, rook GH8.
Knight to F1.
Knight takes F3.
So 5 wins for me and 13
for Deep Blue with the new concept.
72% victory
That's still pretty damn good!
Not against Kasparov.
I tested your novelty. Works well.
But in the middlegame, Deep Blue might not
be able to centralize the pieces properly.
There is also a flaw in the backup pawns.
It's starting to fall apart.
I hear there is a building in the middle
of the city over 100 stories high.
They even say a giant monkey lives
all the way up on top.
That's not true!
Your turn.
You're sacrificing your knight?
Did you learn that in chess school?
No, it's my own idea.
What is it?
IBM has analyzed all my professional games
but not the ones I played as a child.
This is a sacrifice that no machine,
not even Deep Blue
could possibly contemplate.
It goes against its DNA, but without this
sacrifice, Deep Blue
has no way of getting an advantage
and I can start the press for a win.
How can you be certain?
It's a huge risk.
- You should aim for a draw.
- No. no.
"In chess, setbacks and losses
are both inevitable
and essential if you're going to improve.
The art is in avoiding catastrophic losses
in the key battles". Your words, Garry.
"What separates a winner from a loser is
the willingness to do the unthinkable".
- Your words, mother.
- Liar.
You also said that.
Tomorrow, we go all in.
Today is the showdown in the chess match
between Man and Machine.
The score is tight going into this final
game between the IBM Deep Blue computer
and World Chess Champion
Garry Kasparov.
- Go, Garry!
- Thank you.
- Good morning Mr. Kasparov.
- Good morning.
These are the issues for the fans here
and around the world:
is Garry Kasparov the last human
world chess champion?
The bet here is that human creativity
still beat brute computing force.
But whoever wins, the contest
addresses big questions.
Man against Machine.
That's what it's all about.
I want Garry to kill that machine.
Killing the machine won't be easy.
Mr. Kasparov is afraid of this match
today. The computer isn't afraid.
And is that going to enter into
what happen this afternoon?
He's not really afraid, he is just not
playing his dashing attacking style.
This exciting conclusion in Game 5,
ending in a draw by perpetual check
after Garry queened a pawn,
set the stage for the 6th
and final decisive game.
The score is now 1 win
a piece and three draws.
Deep Blue and Garry Kasparov played
to a draw in yesterday's 5th match
Some say Kasparov's legendary
concentration cannot be beaten
by any living being.
But it's an open question
when the opponent is a cyber being.
It will be difficult and very tense
of course,
this is his last chance with Black and
he should be a little bit daring but
My prediction is that
he'll win it somehow
because Garry always comes
back in the end.
- What do you think?
- It's great man
Come on Garry! Let's go!
- Get it Garry!
- Thanks!
- Come on Garry!
- Go Garry!
Go Garry! Yeah!
150 media organizations
are covering this event.
Millions of people are watching online.
And everyone is wandering
if Kasparov can prevail.
We're excited. The whole world is
excited. But there is no tomorrow.
This is it. The score is tight.
The winner today takes it all home.
- No pain
- No pain
Take it to him!
After Deep Blue,
in the next championships,
I'll crush all of you.
One by one.
A real opening! So, now we have to face
the fact Deep Blue
is no doubt prepared
and has quickly played D2 and D4
Kasparov has captured, which is the most
frequent move in this position,
he's captured the pawn in E4.
D takes E4. Now this move
He's now got the position
This it.
This is the critical moment.
He's prepared for the kind of battle that
we've been talking about. Strategic one.
This is the kind of situation
that often tends to draw,
best in the endgame
against this machine.
Although, the machine seems to be getting
away at the last moment every time
Deep Blue sacrificed and Kasparov
shook his head for a moment
He's shaking his head as if something
disastrous has happened.
Is it possible that Kasparov has played
incorrect theoretically?
Where are you?
And wow! Kasparov, after the move C4,
has resigned!
It's insane that Deep Blue
has won the match.
Deep blue has defeated world
champion Garry Kasparov
in an absolutely stunning,
stunning 19 mover.
And Kasparov has just
simply stormed away
This is an historic day. A bunch
of diodes and silicon named Deep Blue
defeated the world's greatest chess
champion, Garry Kasparov.
Today in New York,
the game was changed forever.
The world's greatest player has
just been wiped off the board
by IBM's Deep Blue computer.
Computer programmers are calling it "The
true beginning of the information age".
A computer has beaten world's chess
champion Garry Kasparov.
The IBM computer beat Kasparov
in a one-week six game match.
Marking the first time that Kasparov
has ever lost a chess match.
It all came down to the sixth game
which lasted only 45 minutes.
The best chess player of all time
is brought to his knees
by the electronic giant.
Humanity has lost the fight.
It doesn't say anything about Game 6.
Keep reading.
- And you think it will work?
- We are about to find out.
I don't want to be interrupted
by anyone except my team.
This is a sacrifice that not even
Deep Blue could possibly contemplate
What's going on?
We think we found Kasparov's
strategy in Game 6.
Wait, what?
He's found Deep Blue's
ultimate vulnerability.
We think he's found it.
But we are not a hundred percent sure.
- How do you know that?
- That's not important.
What's important is that
we correct this vulnerability.
We played 8 trial games
Every time Deep Blue refuses
to sacrifice and achieves nothing.
So, we need the right countermove.
Deep Blue must play what
we need her to play.
No one knows with 100% certainty
if Garry will even use this tomorrow.
You're not being serious, are you?
Well, haven't you decided
on a new strategy
right before a game or in between
two moves?
- That is not the same thing!
- Well, yes, it is.
Garry may have found
a strong strategy,
but he doesn't know how
effective it will be until he tries it.
And he might get scared and decide
not to use it. We don't know.
But whatever he decides to do,
we need to be prepared.
It's not fair!
PC was right. I didn't play fair.
This wasn't IBM's doing.
This was all mine.
Grab one there
Have you seen PC?
What the hell are you doing?
Don't touch her!
- We have orders to move it!
- Order from whom?
I said from whom?
What are you gonna do to her?
- Take it apart.
- No. you don't touch her.
I need some privacy.
To say goodbye.
Okay. Sure. Whatever.
Today, there are three big letters
on everybody's lips.
The company's stock
has reached a 10-year high.
And it's still going through the roof!
And it's all thanks to you guys.
Congratulations everyone.
To you!
Here he is!
The hero of the Rematch!
None of this would have been possible
without our dearest PC.
The hell with all of you.
Fuck you,
for dismantling my baby.
- What are you talking about
- I quit.
- Ready to leave?
- Oh we're staying another few days.
Apparently, there are some interesting
things to do in New York,
other than playing chess.
Well, you've earned it.
I've had a talk with my mother.
I'd like you to be my exclusive agent.
I'd be your only client.
One. And only.
He gladly accepts!
Once I tell my thirty other clients
I no longer work for them.
Thank you. For everything.
Thank you.
You're most welcome.
Thank you.
I wish you had told me you were planning
to take Deep Blue apart.
I was hoping for a bonus
But this is
It's your severance pay.
We've already written up a press release.
Debbie will take over.
IBM is entering a new era.
Thanks to you.
But now, as in chess,
we have to sacrifice
some pieces to move forward.
Don't fall down the stairs.
I'll catch up with you.
Take Babushka's hand.
Come! Let's go outside.
Come with me.
I'm going to ask IBM for a Rematch.
As soon as possible.
It's never going to happen, Garry.
I wish you all the best.
Take care.
Besides the speed, what's the difference
between street chess and normal chess?
Street chess is
a little more civilized.
After all this, you still wanna play?
It's an addiction.
We drew in 94.
But I never did give you a Rematch.
For over 20 years, people only remember
two things about my carrier.
That I was World Champion
and that I lost to Deep Blue.
I know.
I hope that losing the Rematch
made me a better chess player.
And a better human.
In 97, we created the future.
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