Rescue: HI-Surf (2024) s01e10 Episode Script




Oh, brah.

What the hell, man?
That's my quad!
You wanted a Band-Aid
for your pinkie, man.
That's what we got.
Whoo! [LAUGHS]
- Whoa!
- What are you doing?
Whoo! [LAUGHS]
My legs!
Help me!
[SCREAMING] Help me!
Somebody stop that guy!
Welcome to the North Shore.
District 7.

Getting dangerous.

Go, go, go!

Victim run over by ATV at Naupaka Beach.
EMS and HPD en route.
10-4. Tower 7-2 responding.
I'll take the ATV.
I'm coming with you!
Everybody give us some space!
We're lifeguards. We're here to help.
- ATV ran over you?
- Yes.
Hey, I'm going after him.
No, grab the med kit.
I'll call for backup.
ATV driver fleeing the scene,
headed towards Nalu Cove.
Requesting backup.
Yeah, 10-4. 701 on my way.
[CRYING] My legs are broken.
Hey. Hey. What's your name?
- Nicole.
- Nicole?
Oh, you're gonna be fine, Nicole, OK?
You're in the best hands here.
Can you push against me?
OK, now pull.
It hurts. It hurts.
You're doing awesome, Nicole.
Probable fracture in both tibias.
The sand had some give
when he ran over her,
or it would have been worse.
Responders, HPD intercepted ATV.
Driver returning west
back towards the beach.
He's getting away.
Let's get her on her back.
All right, we're gonna flip
you over now, Nicole, OK?
On my count.
Three, two, one.
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
Drag your heart cross a razor blade ♪
Lick your wounds, swallow the pain ♪
Ain't gonna find
what you looking for ♪
Whatever you had ain't there no more ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
Love is ugly ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
Love is ugly ♪
- Derek?
- Sup, Uncle Sonny?

Derek, wait.
Derek, slow down.
There's nowhere else to go, all right?

Just give up, all right?
Hey. Come on.
Don't do anything stupid.
Just step back for me. Yeah?
Hey, hey, hey. Derek, come on.
Just come back.
- Derek! No!
He's not gonna get far.
Got a couple of skis nearby.
Sonny to Rescue 1.
We've got a runner at 236-Alpha.
10-4, Cap. We'll get him.

We got him. Got him.
Whoo! Thank God.
That was a nice job.
Well, it's a good thing
we're not in it for the glory.
Wonder how long it would take
for him to tire himself out.
I'd say probably a while.
Tweakers in Hawaii are
just made different.
- Come on!
- Whoo-hoo-hoo!

[LAUGHS] What?
Julie booked her flight, Em.
She's coming home.
When does she get back?
- Em
- It's fine.
You're getting married.
Yeah, I know.

You should go on your fitness break.

- Hey.
- Hey.
Good run?
Had better.
I thought we were driving together.
Something came up.
I just I forgot to
tell you. I'm sorry.
[SCOFFS] Are you avoiding me?
'Cause I know we were drunk,
but it was pretty great.
No, no, I'm sor
no, we're good.
Yeah. No worries.
All good. See you at work.

She my daydream ♪
Ooh ♪
She my daydream ♪
This seat taken?
Well, it depends.
Are you gonna lecture me again?
After those girls drugged
me and took all my stuff,
my Tutu went after me for
a solid 20 minutes straight.
[SIGHS] Wish I could have seen that.
Well, you would have
if you was at the
impound lot this morning.
Yeah, she was pretty much
telling anyone who would listen
about how I got rolled.
Well, you just remind me to
thank her later, all right?
No, you can thank her
later, at your wedding.
She's my plus one,
assuming the wedding's still on.
- Yeah, it's still on.
- Huh.
I got my tux fitting today.
For real?
Em and I figured it out.
Good for you.
You know, I figured
All right, let's get into it.
Will, Em, Alexander, you take 7-1.
Laka, Emerson, 7-2.
Everyone else, normal assignment.
Uh, just one last thing.
Look, I I know you guys already know,
but it's time to make it official.
Uh, I'm retiring, so, um
Yeah, all right. All right. Simmer down.
I know you're all
excited to get rid of me.
Look, things are still in motion,
but you might want to get used to seeing
this one in a black polo.
Back to work.
Back to work. Get out of here.
OK, so I'm thinking it'd be good
to do some team-building
exercises between EMS and fire.
You know, help take the
competitive edge off.
What do you think?
Oh, and for community engagement,
I'm thinking monthly food drives.
We could host them here.
I just think you'll make
an excellent captain.
Then why are you smiling?
Because that's the fun stuff.
- What's this?
- The not fun stuff.
So council meeting on
department budget is at noon.
All right, when they
address Ocean Safety,
you read those lines.
Wait, you're giving me a script?
You're performing to an audience
of one, Councilman Reed.
This is what he needs to hear.
This is the clown who built his house
across the public beach access.
Are we gonna have a problem with this?
- Nope.
- All right.
I can see you're one
foot out the door already.
Mm. Don't screw it up.
What the hell is wrong with you people?
Don't be late.
Good luck today, mate.
He's in a mood ever since he got robbed.

- Hey.
- Hey.
Well, didn't expect to see you here.
[SIGHS] My chief's out sick,
and they needed someone
to stand in for EMS.
I drew the short straw.
Man, you've been doing
that a lot lately.
Working my third night
shift in a row later.
At least one of us
is enjoying their job.
- Right, Captain?
- Oh, well, not yet.
Uh, word's out, though, huh?
Yeah, it's a sought-after job.
Is it?
It is.
- Oh!
[LAUGHS] You scared the crap out of me.
What are you doing here?
Uh, early lunch.
I figured I'd treat you for once.
- Thank you.
- Mwah.
Hey, uh, you get a chance
to look at those tour brochures?
What's the rush?
No rush. Just, uh, checking.
- Uh-huh.
- Mm-hmm.
Hey, I got some lunchtime
entertainment for us.
- Oh, Em's big debut.
- Yeah.
All right.
And now I would like to invite testimony
from Councilman Reed
regarding agenda item 3B,
the proposed new tower at Keiki Beach.
Thank you, chairwoman.
I think we're all in agreement
that Ocean Safety
does incredible things.
However, I'd like to raise
concerns on behalf of my constituents
[SIGHS] This guy is the worst.
- About the proposed tower.
We need to consider
how increased traffic
and pedestrians could become unsafe.
[WHISPERING] Ugh. This guy.
If we can figure that out,
I'm all for a new tower.
Thank you.
Thank you, Councilman Reed.
I would like to give the floor
to Lieutenant Emily Wright,
who is here representing Ocean Safety.
Thank you.
Here we go.
I'm here standing in support
of the installation of a
new tower at Keiki Beach.
Without a tower, there are
no preventative measures
to save a life on that
area of the island.
Every penny spent is a life saved.
Thank you.
We will now move on to
testimonies from the public.
As someone who actually
lives by Keiki Beach,
a new tower is a terrible idea.
It'll bring in more
people and more crime.
And it's not like lifeguards
do anything to stop it.
I saw on the news that a
neighbor's ATV was stolen
right in front of a tower.
Nothing got handled
till the cops showed up.
OK, first of all, it's not
actually our job to arrest citizens,
- but we help anyway.
- Oh, no.
In fact, we're actually the reason
that guy got caught, so you're welcome.
Lieutenant Wright,
please sit down.
And I mean, where is
this tower even gonna go?
There's no good place for it.
It's gonna block ocean views.
It's gonna bring down property values.
OK, we are talking about
one of the most dangerous
beaches on the island.
You're worried about your views?
Are you kidding me?
I'm talking about saving lives, ma'am!
Lieutenant Wright, you
do not have the floor.
As I was saying, I have
plenty of information.
I have all the data that will show
She had one job.
You got your work cut out for you.

OK, we are talking about
one of the most dangerous
beaches on the island.
You're worried about your views?
Are you kidding me?
I'm talking about saving lives, ma'am!
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Have a seat.
Well, I hope you're proud of yourself.
Come on, Cap
You probably just cost us the new tower.
Politicians like Councilman Reed
love supporting us in public.
Now, behind closed doors,
they would do anything possible
to slash our budget.
You just gave them that reason.
I was just telling the truth.
Politics isn't about telling the truth.
Get used to it, and your
job will become a lot easier.
You knew who I was when you promoted me.
I did.
So you're asking me to change?
You want the job or not?
I'll apologize if that's
what needs to happen.
Let's just wait a minute
before we play that card.
See how this goes.
You should probably
handle the next meeting.
No, by the next
meeting, I'll be retired.
You're gonna have to
figure this stuff out.
Some fancy slippers.
What, is Longs too good for you?
I got 'em for Christmas.
I bet you still believe
in Santa too, huh?
What did Santa get you?
Hey, Daddy, is this a fish skeleton?
Let me see.
- You know what I think it is?
- What?
I think it's just a really cool shell.
- Ah!
- Griffin!
I got it!
Stay there! I'll get them!

[GASPS] Griffin!

I got you.

You good?

What happened?
Thank you so much.
Never turn your back to the water.
OK? Never.
Come on.
Wait. My ring's gone.
It must have just
fallen off in the water.
Looking for jewelry isn't
part of our job, ma'am.
It was my great-grandmother's.
Well, then, you shouldn't
have brought it on vacation.
Hey, you never know what'll
wash up on shore, yeah?
Kind of harsh, don't you think?
It's a harsh world,
rookie. Get used to it.

I gotta head out.
I I cleared it with Cap.
You didn't clear it with me.
I just didn't wanna bother you.
Where are you going?
Tux fitting.
See you later.

I'm going on my lunch break.
You OK?
you ever do something you
know is gonna kick your ass,
but you do it anyway?
That's where I'm at right now.
That all I'm gonna get?
Yeah, sorry.
No, it's OK.
But just so you know,
I don't judge.
And I can keep a secret.
Copy that.
Injured surfer bleeding out at Jockos.
EMS still ten minutes out.
10-4. 7-1 on the way.

Everyone, give us some space.
- Crazy, man.
Hi. We got it.
It's gonna be OK.
What's your name?
OK, we got you, Carissa.
- She's losing blood fast.
- Yeah.
Axillary artery was cut.
- Carissa, did a fin cut you?
- Yeah.
We can't put a tourniquet on
because of its positioning.

What's your plan?
I'm gonna have to
pinch the artery closed.
OK, I'll steady her.
OK, hang on, Carissa.
This is gonna hurt.
You're doing great.
You got this.
Got it.
Guess you're working
the day shift today too.
Guess so.
Make sure to give her a heads up
if you're gonna hit a bump.
She's the only thing
keeping that girl alive.


We're looking to get
a surf polo game going.
Yeah, what's the buy-in?
That's pricey.
Inflation, braddah.
Cheaper than a bar tab.
You ever seen this guy play surf polo?
- Nope.
So painful, bro.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Tell you what.
- I'm in.
- Yeah?
Yeah. Easy money.
Don't choke, yeah?
Need a partner?
What, you ever play surf polo before?
No, but I played water polo
at Punahou all four years.
Surf polo's a whole
different beast, brah.
You got any other options?
It's only because Will's busy.
Don't let me down.
Hey, don't let me down.
Tower 7-2, it's 10-7 for break.
I'm a breath of fresh air ♪
Yes, I am the best ♪
Tell the rest to rest here ♪
If you settle for less then
you're left with a mess here ♪
Still I must confess
I'll be the best next year ♪
You can feel my style ♪
Just look around when I'm 'round ♪
And you'll see all smiles ♪
So you should wave the white flag ♪
- I don't need y'all towels ♪
- Whoo!
- Laka!
I can't be contained ♪
I think outside the box ♪
When I feed my brain ♪
And if I seem insane ♪
It's 'cause I'm on a whole nother level ♪
I don't need a lane ♪
All I need is the win ♪
And it's in my path
if I remember this ♪
I'm in high demand ♪
- Whoo!
And I hate to lose
so I'm makin' moves ♪
Ugh, why won't Laka pass him the ball?
I saw that clip of you
at the council meeting.
Yeah, I love that that moment
lives on the internet forever.
I thought it was badass.
- Yeah?
- Yeah. [LAUGHS]
What's the point of being the boss
if you can't call it like it is?
Well, apparently,
that's not how it works.
Sonny's pissed.
Emerson's got skills.
I guess.
You know, it wasn't that long ago
you were asking not to work together.
Now you live with him.
We worked things out.
I bet you did.
I'm not sleeping with him.
'Cause that gets complicated.
Like you and Will?
What was that like?
Wake up. Sex. Coffee.
Surf the point. Go to work.
Go home. Surf till dark.
Dinner. More sex.
Go to bed.
I didn't really even have to train.
That sounds amazing.

'Cause I'm makin' moves ♪
I'm in high demand ♪
Moves, moves ♪
I'm open!
- Third bout.
I'ma break the mold
and break the rules ♪
'Cause I'm makin' moves ♪
Hey, how much is Emerson
charging you for rent?
For a beach view?
Yeah, I guess you can deal with
complicated for a little bit.
- You're good.
For now.
[LAUGHS] Someone call dispatch.
We've got two fatalities at Waimea Bay.
- Oy! Oy! Huh?
- Hey, hey, hey!
Bro, what's your problem?
I thought you said
you was good, Punahou.
Yeah, I would be if
you'd pass me the ball.

- All right!
- Yeah!
- Come on!
That's what I'm talking about, baby!
Whoo-hoo! Yeah!
- Captain Jennings.
- Hey.
Did we have an appointment?
No, but I I brought you these.
Oh. [LAUGHS] None for me.
I'm watching my cholesterol.
All right.
Now, is this damage
control for your lieutenant
mouthing off at the
council meeting today?
You got here quick.
Uh, this is my farewell tour.
So it's true.
You're retiring?
Yeah, and I'm taking
today to say my goodbyes
and offer my
well, my gratitude.
And I made the list?
Of course.
Remember the fundraiser for Lisa's boy?
Yeah, the community really
rallied for that one.
Yeah, but you're the one
that pulled it all together.
Made a big difference to that family.
You sure?
Hey, you know, the lifeguards were
the real stars of the show.
I heard that kid's at college now.
That's thanks to you.
It was only a rec letter.
Kid did the rest.
Cheers to that.
Hell yeah.
You're a bad influence, Sonny.
But you've been a great captain.
We'll miss you around here.
I'll look into the budget
holdup for the new tower,
see what I can do.
I appreciate that.
What are you doing around these parts?
Trying to find my next thing.
Well, I hope you find it.
Missed you at the budget meeting.
Em put on a real show.
A small learning curve.
She'll be fine.
Keep telling yourself that.


What's up, Cap?
Hey, Em.
I, uh, wanted to stop
by with some good news.
I could use good news right now.
Well, that tower stuff blew over.
That's great.
So are you ready for this?
I'm ready.
'Cause I meant what I said.
You're going to be an amazing captain.
All right?
- You OK?
- Yeah.


Hey. I was looking for you.
- Hey.
- Hey.
How's Carissa?
Stable. Gets to keep her arm.
Em told me what you guys did.
It sounded insane.
I had to hold that artery
closed for 90 minutes.
- Wow.
- My hand started to cramp.
You guys gotta get some
surgical clamps for your kits.
Hey, you guys coming to the
surf polo thing at the bar?
Nah, you go ahead.
I'm gonna finish up here.
- You sure?
- Yeah.
- You should go.
- OK.
- It's a good time.
- OK, see you guys.
- Bye.
Still not feeling festive?
Still not ready to talk about it?
There's really not much to say.
Love sucks.
That's hard.
All you can really do is
is be honest and hope for the best.
I think I'm afraid to have
an honest conversation.
We literally saved someone's life today,
and you're afraid to
have a conversation?
I don't think so.

- Have fun.
- OK, you, too.

To the victors go the spoils.
Hey, we gotta run it back, bro, soon.
Yeah, sure.
Got your winnings.
What do we get?
The sweet prize of paying the bar tab.
Laka's lucky you saved his ass.
Don't let that guy rub off on you.
Oh, he already has.
Hand over the cash. [LAUGHS]
- That's my boy.
- Pew!
Well, kids, we've got a tab to run up.
- See you guys.
- See you there.
Oh, same time, same
place next week, right?
Hey, you coming?
What about you?
Nah, I got, uh, something to do.
Good game. You played good.
- Oh, you watched?
- Yeah.
Hey, I I know things
have been kind of weird.
Have they?
Look, that night was fun.
Really fun.
I mean it.
But I really need this apartment.
I get it.
So we're cool?
Yeah, we're cool.

When do you leave?
I wanted to look one more time.
It's seeming pretty hopeless, though.
Yeah, but you know, it's all
about knowing where to look,
so just wait here, OK?
Be right back.

Thank you!
No worries.
Thank you.
You're welcome.


All right, I'm headed out.
Hey, Cap?
Um, can I ask you a personal question?
With Jarrah, how did you
how did you know?
How did I know?
How did you know you were
doing the right thing?
Hard to say.
I mean, to be honest, there
wasn't that one moment.
I mean, she's a good person,
and I felt comfortable around her.
When I looked at her, I saw home.
Yeah, speaking of, I have a date.
First rule of marriage:
don't keep them waiting.
- All right, noted.
Thanks, Cap.
- Later, Cap.
- Later.
- Yo.
- Yo.
Heard you won surf polo.
Won? More like dominated.
How'd your fitting go?
Oh, my goodness.
[LAUGHS] Look at you.
- Spiffy.
You look awesome.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
I'm serious.
I think I'm pregnant.
- Oh, I don't know.
- Mm-hmm.
I never would have bought
a suit like this for myself,
not in a million years.
Well, I'll tell you what.
Julie's got good taste.
In suits, at least. [CHUCKLES]

So yeah.
Apparently, the whole time,
Derek was telling my guys he
would have made it to Kauai
if we hadn't stopped him.
He stole an ATV.
Well, I think he's just
taken one hit too many.
Any happier stories?
Yeah, I smoothed things over with Reed.
I thought you were gonna
make Em do the smoothing over.
Chief's not so hot on her.
I can't let Em screw this up.
Well, how is she gonna
be ready for the job
if she doesn't do it herself?
My question for you is,
are you ready for me to
be around all the time?
Well, to be honest, I
am a little bit worried.
About what?
Mm, money, mortgage, college tuition.
What you're gonna do without
the captain job in your life.
It'll work out.
Yeah, I know.
- We always make it work.
- Mm.
I don't know why you're doing this.
But you're my person.
I support you.

Come here.

Thank you.
You're welcome.

Thanks for meeting me here.
I didn't want this day to end
without telling you how I feel.
'Cause I don't think I've
ever done that before.
I love you.
And I don't want this to end.
And I think
we can make it work.

Please say something.
What do you want?
I want you.

Take your head and
rest it on my heartbeat ♪

Take those cares and let them fall ♪
That in you I have my home ♪
'Cause I belong to you ♪
And you belong to me ♪
It's all I need ♪

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