Ride (2016) s01e16 Episode Script

Pros & Cons

1 NAV: It's easy to have a crush on the boys here.
"You know, the smooth and sophisticated ones who come from all around the world.
" Kit said that? Why, yes! (SPEAKING SPANISH) Oh, hey.
Because I come from another part of the world, whereas you grew up quite close to here, did you not? (LAUGHS) JOSH: They spelled my name wrong.
Fosh Luders? What is a Fosh?! There's no Fosh! How dare she?! RUDY: I'd like to call this family meeting to order.
First on the agenda, a decision on my job offer back home.
First motion.
I would like to share with you my long list of pros for why we should stay at Covington.
One, TK.
Two, all of our friends here.
Three, I'm finally getting the hang of this riding thing.
I got a rank in the League! That's huge! Of course it's huge, and I'm very proud of you, but let me list the reasons why I think we should take this offer, seriously, alright? One, this is a once in a lifetime job.
Two, this is something our family's always dreamed of.
And three, working for Lady C is a hard way to earn your scratch.
I see that.
And I do miss our friends back home.
Wide open, clear, blue skies.
But the grey skies make you appreciate the sun more when it does come out.
And TK belongs to Covington.
What do we do about that? Well, yeah, we'd have to figure that out.
Can you see that horse on a plane? Oh, yeah.
Speaking of grey skies, Anya, I'm not sure the shades are necessary.
Excuse me, Mr.
Bridges, but I have a best friend duty that I must fulfill.
Will you please excuse us? Ow! What's that for? Okay, slow down! What is going on? I'm going to be completely honest with you.
It's not good.
It's not a bad pic.
Covington Student Spills All? No! What did she write? Elaine, queen bee, horrid, Lady C, torture chamber.
Does Covington have a panic room? Forget the panic room.
You need the witness protection program! And I assume this article paints Covington in the light it rightfully deserves.
Yes, I hope so.
At the very least, I trust that Ms.
Rooney can convey the message that Covington's one of the best of the best, if not the best.
How could she not? Oh, my.
What does it say? "My horse and I embarrassed Lady C, so she sent him away.
How mean is that? That woman is just the worst.
" Hmm.
KIT: Okay, I need a plan.
A solid plan.
Everything's going to be okay.
I just wish someone had warned you not to talk to reporters.
Okay, I get it.
Always listen to Anya.
But I didn't even say half of these things, at least not the way she wrote them down.
That's what reporters do.
Wait a second.
No one reads magazines anymore! Just old people and people on planes.
Not true.
Ask the girl whose royal identity was spilled on Blurter by some reporter.
(SIGHS) Everyone's going to read it.
Oh! We just have to figure out the best path to move forward.
How 'bout I never leave this room again, and you bring me snacks.
What have you said to me when I've wanted to hide like that? (GROANS) Well, bless your heart, honey.
But you're going to have to go outside sometime.
(SIGHS) ELAINE: I know you're in here, Bridges.
You can't hide forever.
(HORSES WHINNYING) (HORSE SNORTING) Thunder, your knee! Oh, what happened to it? (HORSE WHINNIES) I'll take care of you.
Don't worry.
AV: Nav is a skilled rider, and a real gentleman.
Oh, right, well that must be a typo, because a real gentleman would stop reading it aloud all day.
If it makes you feel any better, I didn't get mentioned, either.
But Fosh did.
But no, he's a jerk.
Nice to see you, Katherine.
I wish you couldn't.
I wish nobody could.
Twelve o'clock.
Disaster approaching.
Hurricane Covington.
Take shelter.
Good morning, Katherine, Anya.
Lovely day.
Certainly is.
Not really.
There is something bad going on inside her mind.
She never says it's a lovely day.
Even when it's a lovely day.
(BELL RINGS) (SHUDDERS) Remember after the dressage competition when you said aliens might come down and wipe everyone's memory? My dream came true for you! (LAUGHS) Yesterday's news.
You can say that again.
Please don't.
RUDY: Thank you, doctor.
What did the vet say? It's bad, isn't it? Thunder has acute synovitis, which is basically swelling in the joint in his knee.
What can I do to help? Well, he needs a lot of ice, and even more rest.
That's really the only prescription.
The good news is we got it early.
Not early enough.
I should have seen it.
I should have noticed it before.
Well, you'll watch for it next time.
Hey, this isn't your fault, Elaine.
The vet says she'll be back in a couple of days to look at him, okay? I won't leave his side.
(HORSE WHINNIES) (HORSES WHINNYING IN THE DISTANCE) Oh, hey, I was looking for my dad.
Uh, he's with the horses.
So I wanted to thank you for everything at the trial.
Loaning me Wayne, and looking after TK.
That's fine.
No worries.
You had a good round.
Good for me, anyway.
But thanks.
It felt good.
Oh, uh, Elaine - You don't talk to me, you don't look at me.
Just get out.
Get out.
Elaine, I'm really sorry.
All you ever think about is yourself.
How could you say such awful things? I know, but the reporter, she was so nice.
She twisted my words around.
Really? So you didn't say, "Elaine is a type A drill sergeant, and a bit of a monster?" I was saying what a good rider you are, but she left out all the good things I said about people, like Will.
You said something good about me? I've worked hard to get where I am.
It's not a joke.
Hey, hey! What? Dad! Dad! Yeah, I'm right here.
Hey, can we reopen the family meeting? You could read me your pro list again, because I'm thinking leaving would be good.
I think leaving would be the right thing for us.
Where did all this come from? Who cares? We can leave this weekend.
But - Sooner, if you want.
I can be packed in minutes.
Seconds if I don't fold stuff.
JOSH: And perhaps the most interesting student we met at Covington was Fosh Luders.
Yeah, you know, Fosh is a mysterious charmer, you know, and desperately popular with the girls.
Honestly, we could write a whole book about him.
But uh, oh come on, bro.
This is some of my best work.
Look, I'll read the part about you.
There's a part about me? Yeah.
"Will, he rides like the wind.
" You know, and he's a good guy.
And he's got really good hair.
Well, you know, it is ridiculous.
Doesn't matter what she did or didn't say about me.
It doesn't matter.
Who cares? I need to go for a ride.
Apparently, dude cares.
That's cool.
You know, I'll just hang solo today.
Fosh Luders, ladies.
Superstar! (GIGGLING) Yeah, likes to blaze his own trail.
I should be a writer.
Bridges! I have been waiting all day for an apology from your daughter.
One from you wouldn't hurt, either.
That article was unforgivable.
Listen, I haven't had a chance - Not only did she make the school sound bad, she offended me personally, as well.
She's unruly, unpredictable, a menace.
I'm sorry you feel that way.
Katherine's mother would never have stood for this.
You don't know a thing about her mother.
Don't pretend you do.
Well, what mother would put up with such behaviour? None that I know of.
You listen to me.
Nobody talks about my daughter like that, or her mother.
Bridges, I'm not asking.
You're not asking me anything anymore.
Consider this my resignation.
LADY C: Move along, ladies and gentlemen.
Surely you have something better to do than stand there and gape! (HORSE WHINNIES) (HORSE WHINNIES) So, Thunder's knee is swollen.
That's terrible.
My mom used to swear by this natural remedy.
It's an anti-inflammatory.
She would take turmeric and make a turmeric paste.
And I'm going to stop saying the word turmeric.
But it really works.
(HORSE WHINNIES) KIT: I'll go make some so that you can try it.
I think they're actually leaving.
No, they can't go.
Things got way more interesting around here when they arrived.
Yeah, for once we agree.
It's just so uncool! Like what are we going to do? I've got a plan.
Your plans make me kind of nervous.
Come here.
It's nothing to worry about, mate.
We're just going to clean some tack - (HORSE WHINNIES) JOSH: She said, "I feel like I belong at Covington.
" That's pretty nice, eh? Yeah, and then she said, "I'm really growing at this school.
I can't wait to see what the rest of our time here holds.
" She said that? You guys see my stapler anywhere? No, there's no stapler here.
But you'll like this.
She said, "My dad is a really big part of who I am, and who I want to be, and coming here to Covington has really strengthened our relationship.
" So, yeah.
You know, you're pretty lucky, dude.
Everyone else got totally savaged.
Well, except me.
I gotta step out.
Boys, close up when you're done.
Certainly, Mr.
I think our work here is done.
Actually, it's not.
This tack is totally not polished, and it kind of actually looks worse than before.
What were we doing? Kit? KIT'S MOM: Kit! What do you see floating around today? KIT'S MOM: Kit! What do you see floating around today? Well, that one looks like a sunflower.
You missed one that looked like a ginormous cockroach.
Ah! Hard luck for me! Mostly they just look like marshmallows, or cotton candy.
Could it be that you're seeing things because you're peckish? Someone missed lunch.
I even made peanut butter and banana, and no one came to eat them.
It's tragic, really.
Dad and I had a fight.
I suspected as much.
It was rather lonely, lunch, with both of you off sulking.
He said I sassed him.
Did you? You know I like sass.
Question authority always.
But you, my little squirrel, you have the tendency to speak before you think.
But I'm - You know that it's true.
But you can say that you come by it honestly.
You get it from your dad.
(LAUGHTER) Is he still mad? No one can stay mad at you.
Sometimes he does a pretty good job.
He plays at being tough, but you and I both know that he is the main marshmallow around here.
Still, I just don't know how to talk to him sometimes.
Never underestimate the power of a direct apology.
Don't dilly dally, just tell him that you'll listen if he needs to let you have it, and then say sorry.
Really and truly sorry.
What's that? What stinks? Turmeric paste.
Old Commodore's knee is giving him troubles again.
That horse is your real baby.
But you were here first.
I will never get over how large the skies are here.
Are the skies smaller in England? In Westingate? Smaller, not nearly as blue, but the grey skies make you appreciate the sun when it does come out.
Hey, dad! Dad! What you up to in here? Well, I tried to pack, and then I couldn't, so I figured if I came and sat in here with him, I might feel better.
I'd like to go over my pros list.
You've already read me that dad, and no offence, but I just don't think it's going to help.
One, this job was supposed to be our big adventure.
Two, you've already accomplished so much, and you have so many friends here.
Three, TK.
He's testy, stubborn, and very British.
That's not your pro list for the new job.
No, it's for here.
We belong here.
You can't just pack up your bags and run away every time you mess up.
Can't I? (LAUGHS) Aw, it's not so bad.
At least you said some nice things about me in there.
I still like you.
Yeah, you're my dad.
You have to like me.
ANYA: I have something to say.
Kit, I saw you packing your stuff, and you can't go.
You have to stay.
Look, I brought some of your favourite things.
Consider it a strange kind of Bridges-sific bribery.
White bread, American cheese - which for the record, is not cheese.
Tomato soup, oh, and pain au chocolat.
Okay, well that's my favourite, but I was short of time.
Here's the thing.
You are like my favourite thing at Covington.
And if you go, even the pain au chocolat will start to taste like sawdust.
You can't go.
NAV: No! You can't! I can't? NAV: I want you to stay.
We have many adventures ahead of us.
I'd even consider legally changing my name to Fosh if you just stick around for a bit.
ILL: Yeah, you really can't go.
I don't know what all the good things you said about me are yet.
Or even if there are any good things.
Well, I might just save them up for a rainy day.
What about the dream job? We can make up new dreams.
The ranch was an old one.
Covington can be part of our new one.
Really? Really.
What about the part where you told Lady Covington you were quitting? Is that all sorted? Oh, yeah.
That's kind of a problem.
RUDY: Pardon me, ma'am.
You're unexpected.
(CLEARS THROAT) Yes, and um, and another thing that was unexpected was the insanity that came out of my mouth earlier today.
No, I need to apologize.
So do I.
Pardon? I spoke out of turn earlier when I mentioned your wife.
It's natural that would make you quite angry.
Thank you.
I appreciate that.
KIT: (CLEARS THROAT) So am I to understand you did not mean what you said earlier about resigning? RUDY: That's correct, ma'am.
Appreciate you understanding.
I would hate to lose my stable master and my riding instructor so close to the League Gala race.
I understand, ma'am.
Nice job.
May I have a moment, too? Ms.
To what do I owe the pleasure? Okay, I know you're mad, so just let me have it.
Whatever do you mean, Katherine? I can't stand the pleasantries, okay? I'm sorry.
Really, truly sorry.
Some things came out in the article all wrong, and I said some things.
Things I shouldn't have.
Things that, taken out of context, might hurt someone's feelings.
I am not concerned with feelings, Katherine.
But I am concerned with good manners, and grace, both of which you failed to display in front of a reporter from a national magazine.
And for that I am very, very sorry, Lady Covington.
Well, let's not mention it again, since it won't happen again.
KIT: So I'm thinking we should have a little magazine burning.
Good idea.
I've started collecting these from all over campus.
Do you think our fireplace works? I think there's too many of them.
We need another bonfire night.
(KNOCK ON DOOR) Thunder's knee seems a little better.
The turmeric paste really worked.
I'm so glad.
Elaine - Yes.
I'm really sorry.
I know I said some things that really hurt you, but - I know.
The reporter twisted your words.
The moral of the story is never trust anyone who wears ghastly kitten tights.
But still, I appreciate the apology.
I guess you can stay one hundred percent now! Better unpack! Oh, I love this dress.
Is that the one from your mom? Yeah.
I love it, too.
Wow, weird.
What's weird? I never really looked at the label before, but it says Ye Olde Wiltshire Shop.
That's Elaine's aunty! She was a dress maker, remember.
Elaine talked about it in the family tree project.
(GASPS) And if Elaine's aunty made this for your mom, then - Maybe she knows where my mom is really from!
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