S.W.A.T. (2017) s08e09 Episode Script

Open Season

[NARRATOR] Previously on SWAT
You mind taking a look at a few
proposals for SWAT Academy changes?
I know SWAT Academy was your baby,
but you got to let the kid
do his own thing.
[DEACON] Dobes, how come you
never gave SWAT another shot?
Oh, come on, Deac. I'm pushing 50, man.
This time, pass or fail,
I will be right there by your side.
- What was your cellmate in for?
- Killed her boyfriend.
How you been, Nisi?
[NISI] I vouched for you,
then I find out
you ain't no drug dealer, you a cop.
I was honest with you.
But the friendship, it wasn't a lie.
prepaid call from an inmate
at Lancaster Correctional.
- That your old man?
- [ERNIE] I heard something.
What'd you hear?
There's a bounty on the head
of someone on 20-Squad.
And it's going down today.
Hi. Devin Gamble, I'm LAPD.
Can we hurry this up, please?
I really need my phone.
- I have a situation.
- Stop!
- Don't do this, McMillan.
- 10-99 in the reception area!
- No, no, no, wait.
I need my phone!
[DEACON] Hey, there he is.
SWAT Academy's oldest recruit.
Oh. [LAUGHS] Age is irrelevant.
Now, talent? That's eternal.
I appreciate the invite.
Yeah. I had to check in on my guy.
Little late in the day
for coffee, don't you think?
I need all the energy I can get.
I'm heading back to SWAT HQ
after this to get another workout in.
Another one?
Hey, Dobes, do not burn yourself out.
SWAT Academy is a marathon,
it's not a sprint.
The only way I'm gonna keep
pace with these young recruits
is if I outwork them.
Half the class is gone,
and I'm still standing.
What do you mean half the class?
Tan made his first round
of cuts yesterday.
- And he cut half the class?
- Uh-huh.
- In round one?
- Mm-hmm.
It's, uh, it's a 19-week program.
So how's training been so far?
- It's kicking my ass.
- Yeah.
But that's SWAT Academy, right?
What about Tan, as an instructor?
How's he been? I mean, is he doing okay?
Tan's tough.
He pushes us to our physical
limits and he expects
Yeah, sometimes he can be aggressive.
[SIGHS] Maybe pushes too hard.
He's definitely not one of
those ra-ra kind of coaches.
You know?
Look, Deac, I don't want
to be talking out of school.
Keep this between us?
- There you go.
Everything good?
It's Nisi.
What's a Nisi?
Nisi's a person.
She was my old cellmate back when I did
the prison undercover stint with LASD.
She killed her abusive ex, right?
And you helped her get released?
She's got a new job,
she's been seeing her kids.
I mean, she's really on the up-and-up.
Okay, so what's the problem?
Her parole officer just texted me.
Nisi missed her check-in call.
Tried calling her a few times,
she's not answering.
It's not like her
to go radio silent on me.
She work anywhere around here?
- Salon on Third.
- That's close.
- We should go.
- You don't mind?
You won't be able to relax
until you know Nisi's okay.
Come on. The beers can wait.
Yeah. Okay.
- Here you are.
- [GAMBLE] Thanks.
You're welcome.
- Pick up.
Whoa, whoa, hey,
take it easy, youngblood.
I need you to put
that gun down, right now.
Right now.
- Who are you?
- What's your name?
- T-Trae.
Trae Williams.
What the hell you think
you're doing, kid?
I-I just wanted the money.
I-I just wanted the million.
What million?
Sit down.
Sit down and don't you move!
Yeah. Commander.
[HICKS] Hondo.
Gamble's father got word
there's an open bounty
on a member of 20-Squad.
A million dollars.
Now, we don't know yet
how real this is,
or even who's been targeted,
but until further notice,
I'm ordering your team
back to HQ.
Let me save you the suspense, sir.
That bounty, it's real.
And it's on me.
Zoe. What's up?
[POWELL] Hey, Christy.
I'm looking for Nisi. Have you seen her?
No, sorry, she ducked out early.
She left her station set up.
I mean, she was here.
But she had to go.
A family emergency, I think.
Cut the BS, Christy, where's Nisi?
[CHRISTY] I think she's using again.
She started slurring her words,
and then she just blacked out.
I didn't know what to do.
I don't want her to go back to prison.
[ALFARO] How long
has she been like this?
About two hours.
We'll take her with us.
I'm not gonna arrest her.
- I'll take her to SWAT to sober up.
Come on.
Wait, what? Is Hondo okay?
[HONDO] You got any idea how
much trouble you're in, man?
You pulled a gun on a cop.
Where'd you get this?
Where'd you get it?
I-I stole it, from my mom.
This bounty, where'd you hear about it?
I hear it from Spoke.
Who the hell is Spoke?
Spoke wants you dead, man.
He's the one who put a hit out on you.
Trae, get down!
Hang on, Trae.
[MAN] Hey, watch it!
Trae, you okay?
Get down and stay put!
I'll be right back!
Move! Move your car!
Go! Now!
Trae! Trae!
Damn it!
Where's my damn phone?
Hey, yo. That's the cop.
That's the million-dollar man.
Walk away!
I said walk away!
Come on.
Any word from Gamble?
She's still making her
way back from the prison.
What's the word?
GPS showed Hondo's Charger
stalled out on a residential
street in Compton.
Stopped moving ten minutes ago.
And we haven't heard from him?
No. He's not answering his phone.
- What neighborhood?
- Leland Park.
That's One-Niner territory.
If the One-Niners know about
the bounty on Hondo,
every gang member in the area
will be after him.
Well, then we need to find him
before word spreads.
Yeah, so get out of here.
Go find him.
- This looks bad.
- If Hondo's on foot,
he's gotta be around here someplace.
Any sign of Sergeant Harrelson?
Not yet, we just started
interviewing witnesses.
All right, I want
a five-block perimeter.
No one goes in or out of here
until we find him.
Miko, you recognize him?
This beauty here is Lee Kwan.
He's an enforcer for the Golden Boys.
He's a long way from K-Town.
Explains why he's not answering.
Hondo's phone was in the car.
He must've dropped it in the crash.
All right. That means wherever he is,
he's on his own. Let's spread out,
talk to witnesses.
Somebody here saw something.
Uh, Deacon. Talk to me.
[DEACON] Hondo was run off
the road by two Golden Boys
trying to collect the bounty.
They were overmatched, though.
He took 'em both out.
After that, witnesses say
that a group of One-Niners
recognized Hondo
and they chased him
into the neighborhood.
So they already know about the bounty.
Yeah, one of the witnesses says that
they overheard him say "there's
the million-dollar man."
What about this Trae Williams kid?
Any sign of him?
No, h-he was gone.
We did find his gun and
Hondo's phone in the Charger.
All right, listen. I had GND send me
all the known One-Niner strongholds.
If the Niners caught up to Hondo,
they might've taken him to one.
What's the one closest to us?
It looks like they control
an apartment floor
about a block
from the crash site.
I'm gonna text you the location
and roll 40-Squad
to help with the search.
[DEACON] Roger that.
- LAPD! Show me your hands!
- [POWELL] Hands up!
Put your hands up right now!
- Where's Hondo Harrelson?
I got no clue, man.
I don't want that smoke.
You heard about the bounty?
Who hasn't? It's all over the streets.
But I ain't crazy enough to kill
the most famous cop in L.A. [SCOFFS]
He's not in the other units, Deac.
30-David to Command.
The apartment floor is clear.
Hondo's not here.
So where the hell is he?
[MAN] Yo. He's got to be
around here somewhere.
Hey, hold up.
Come on.
We got your ass now.
What you standing there for? Go.
It's a million dollars. Come on.
Let's split up. Find him.
911. What's your emergency?
Hello? If you're in a position
where you can't speak,
please press "one"
for emergency services.
[TAN OVER PHONE] Commander?
Tan, 911 just received
a silent distress call
from a junkyard on Grover Place.
That's four blocks from
where Hondo crashed his car.
I want you and Alfaro
to go check it out.
We're on it.
Don't even think about it.
[ACE] Go ahead, shoot him.
I ain't want to split
that million dollars anyway.
[ALFARO] Patrol's en route. Hands.
- You good, boss?
Let's get the hell out of here.
[HICKS] Welcome back.
How you holding up?
Sir, I've had a lot of
close calls through the years,
but it's something different when
it happens right on your doorstep.
Well, until we trace
the source of the bounty,
I want to keep you here at HQ.
You get any word on the kid,
Trae Williams?
No. We're still searching for him.
In the meantime, I did some
digging into Trae's mother, Deloris.
They've been in and out of homeless
shelters for the past two years.
I sent patrol units to the usual spots
to try to locate either one of them.
What about this Spoke character
Trae mentioned?
He claims that Spoke put up the bounty,
but I don't know any
major players with that name.
I don't, either.
Alfaro's talking to GND now
to see if they have anyone
with that alias on their radar, so
Did you talk with Nichelle?
Yeah. She's okay. Uh
She's worried sick,
but I just thank God that she and Vivie
are up in Seattle
with Nichelle's parents.
I don't know what I would've done if
We're gonna find whosever behind this.
I promise you.
We're looking
into every criminal in the city
with the resources to back
a million-dollar bounty.
It ain't just about the resources.
It's motivation, too.
And I can think of at least
a hundred men who want me dead.
What the hell?
Good. You're finally awake.
You pick me up at work?
- Brought you here to sober up.
- What time is it?
I got a call with my parole officer,
and if I miss it
You already missed it.
I don't know what drugs you took
Zoe, I haven't taken any.
but I hope it was worth it.
Your kids need you.
Why are you talking about my kids?
I've already smoothed
things over with your PO,
but tomorrow they're gonna
drug-test you.
And when they do,
you're gonna lose visitation
with Max and Elise,
and they might even send you
back to prison, Nisi.
For what?
The only thing I put in my system today
was coffee and some vape smoke.
So, if that's true,
- why'd you black out?
- I don't know,
but I-I haven't used since I got out.
I swear.
Oh, God. Colleen's gonna love this.
Who is Colleen?
My scumbag ex's mother.
Max and Elise's grandma.
She has custody of them
until I'm off parole.
You know, when I went
to visit them this morning,
I overheard her telling them
what a screwup I am.
[SCOFFS] This will only prove her right.
My kids are my everything, Zoe.
I would never do anything
to risk losing them again.
You got to believe me.
I don't do drugs. I'm clean.
I heard you made it back in record time.
I may have broken one
or two traffic laws
hauling ass from Lancaster.
I don't even want to know.
How's it coming along here?
[GAMBLE] I've been combing
through Hondo's career arrests,
looking for anything that might
point us to the source of this bounty,
but it's slow-moving so far.
This is like looking for
a needle in a stack of needles.
You get anything from
the One-Niners we apprehended?
They're not talking.
Whosever behind this bounty
scares the hell out of them.
They're convinced if they talk,
they're as good as dead.
I think I found this Spoke guy.
Benny Lawson, aka Spoke.
Used to run drugs for the Los Profetas
before he broke off
and went independent.
- Heroin?
- Big-time.
But Spoke had trap houses
all over East L.A.
until we took 'em all down
in a mass raid five years ago,
effectively ending his entire operation.
"We" as in SWAT?
- "We" as in 20-Squad.
- [HICKS] Did you get an address?
- Yeah.
- Grab Powell.
Link up with 40-Squad.
I want to be interrogating this
son of a bitch within an hour.
Living room, clear.
Don't know about you guys,
but this place doesn't scream
millionaire drug kingpin to me.
More like backwoods serial killer.
LAPD. Show me your hands.
- You move, he breaks your arm.
- I thought you were breaking in.
- Why are you in my apartment?
- You're making a mistake.
- 26-David.
- We're Code 4. Spoke's in custody.
- Spoke?
No one
No one's called me Spoke for years.
Whoever you're after,
you've got the wrong guy.
Whoever this Spoke is Trae mentioned,
Benny Lawson ain't it.
He hasn't used that alias since we took
his operation down in 2020.
He's completely out of the game now.
He works security someplace.
Commander, I spent the night
going through Hondo's old arrests.
Maybe we are going about this all wrong.
What if the source of the bounty
isn't some established player?
What if it's some up-and-comer,
someone trying to make a big splash?
Well, that's an interesting theory,
but what about the million dollars?
'Cause I don't know
of any up-and-comers that have
that kind of cash to burn. Do you?
No, but there's got to be
something here we're not seeing.
- None of this is adding up.
- At this point,
our best bet of ID'ing
the source is Trae Williams.
Now, Deacon and Tan have
been back on the hunt for him
since before dawn.
[SIGHS] Let's hope they find him soon.
How often did Trae's truancy
officer say he comes here?
He said he drops by his aunt's
house whenever he's in trouble.
We just got to be patient. He'll show.
Hey, let me ask you something.
Um, I heard that you already
cut half your recruits.
You heard right.
Okay, well, you still have
Eleven weeks of training left.
Don't you think you're being
a little overzealous?
No, I think I'm just being efficient.
Look, Deac,
I've given it a lot of thought.
I'm gonna cut big early so I can put
my energy into our best prospects.
I don't want to overextend myself
training officers that have
no shot at making SWAT.
Okay, but how do you know
you're picking the best recruits?
I'm pretty confident in my
ability to evaluate talent.
Let me guess, this is coming from Dobes.
I met up with him just to, you know,
check in on him,
see how training's going.
Check in on him or check in on me?
What else did he say?
He said you're tough.
He said you're pushing
the recruits to their limits.
His limits, maybe.
You know, could be Dobes
is just too old for SWAT.
You do realize that Dobes and I
are the same age, right?
Do you regret giving me SWAT Academy?
- Is that what this is about?
- No, of course not.
Then let me run it
the best way I know how.
He's here.
How's it going, Trae?
You know, I keep thinking about my wife
and my little girl
and what might have happened
if they opened that door
instead of me.
Do you hear me?
[VOICE SHAKING] I'm sorry.
You came to my home
with a loaded gun, kid.
"Sorry" doesn't cut it.
I-I wasn't going to shoot you.
Uh, I mean, I was, but
when you opened the door,
I knew I couldn't.
M-My mom and I are struggling.
A lot of people are struggling, Trae.
A lot of people.
That doesn't give you the right
to kill for money!
I-I know. I just wanted to help my mom.
She works two jobs,
and we still can't afford
a place to live.
She works so hard. It's not fair.
Trae, who is Spoke?
He's a dealer. He's dangerous.
He comes around the way, you run.
- What's his real name?
- I don't know.
I-I just call him Spoke
'cause his whip got spoke rims.
[SIGHS] So you got
your own name for him.
I like what he drives.
He's got a red Chevy Bel Air.
It's slick.
I don't know about
the spoke rims, though.
I'd probably swap 'em out
for some Keystone Klassics.
So you know your cars.
I want to design 'em one day.
When was the last time you saw Spoke?
Two days ago.
I-I was at the Quick Stop
over on Rosecrans,
right after school.
- Was he with anyone?
- Nah, he was alone.
He was on the phone, though.
Talking loud.
- What was he talking loud about?
- You.
And the million-dollar hit
he just put on your head.
Deacon and Tan found that Trae kid.
Hondo's got him in the box right now.
That's good.
Hope the kid has some answers.
- How's your friend doing?
- Nisi? She's feeling better.
Sent her home after
she sobered up last night.
Yeah? How are you doing?
I'm really disappointed in her.
Nisi seemed so dedicated to
getting her life back on track.
Today, they're gonna drug-test her,
she's gonna,
she's gonna lose everything.
She tell you what she took?
She wasn't ready to come clean with me.
She said the only thing in her
system was coffee and vape smoke.
Maybe there was something
funky in her vape pen.
What do you mean?
Might be nothing, but there's been
some black market vape
cartridges hitting shops around L.A.
Some of them have been laced
with fentanyl.
Here you go.
Maybe she took something
without knowing it.
I just got off the phone with GND.
Based on Trae's intel,
they found CCTV footage of a man
driving a red Chevrolet Bel Air
at the Quick Stop market.
Ran him through facial rec,
ID'd him as Ameer Riles.
He's a new kid on the block.
Runs a small drug operation
out of South L.A.
He any relation to Malik Riles?
Malik's his older brother.
I busted Malik back in 2015 for dealing.
He's a neighborhood kid. He was
probably only 17 years old at the time.
He should've just gotten probation,
but he drew a tough judge
who ordered a fitness hearing.
Tried him as an adult.
He ended up getting
ten months in county.
Looks like he parlayed
that ten months into ten years,
thanks to some bad behavior.
Assault on a guard, fighting,
drug possession.
He racked up a hell
of a jacket in prison.
According to this CDCR report,
Malik built a major
drug trade in Folsom.
Estimated to bring in 300 G's a month.
That's over three and a half
million dollars a year.
I know for damn sure he ain't
just keeping that money in his cell.
And I wouldn't be surprised if he was
funneling it to his baby brother, Ameer.
If Ameer has access
to those kinds of funds,
that would explain
how someone at his level
could offer up a million-dollar bounty.
You busted Malik a decade ago.
Why's Ameer coming after you now?
Malik died in prison a week ago.
- [HONDO] What?
- His cellmate shanked him.
My arrest put Malik behind bars.
Ameer's blaming me for
his brother's death.
[TAN] Hey.
Dispatch just got a threatening
911 call. You got to hear this.
What's your emergency?
[AMEER] This is a message
for Officer Hondo Harrelson.
Hondo, if you're gonna keep
hiding behind LAPD,
then I'm changing
things up, dawg.
I've put the word out.
It's open season on SWAT.
Until your bitch ass
is in the dirt,
I'm offering 20 racks to anyone
who kills a SWAT officer.
You're either gonna get
what's coming to you,
or I'm coming for your people.
It's your choice.
- Where are the other teams?
- [HICKS] The only one out is 40.
They're at a barricade in Watts.
- Connect me to comms.
- [GAMBLE] On it.
Command to 40-David. What's your status?
40-David. We're making entry.
40-David, I need you
to return to HQ, ASAP.
- [SQUAD LEADER] It's a trap!
We're taking fire.
11-99. Myers is hit.
I need additional units
to 73rd and Western.
We got shots fired and an officer down.
Officer Myers How is he?
He's in surgery at Cedars, leg wound,
but he's gonna be okay.
Commander, if Ameer's coming
after all of us,
I can't sit on the sidelines any longer.
I got to be out there.
With a million-dollar bounty
on your head?
I don't think so.
These attacks on SWAT ain't gonna stop
until Ameer goes down or I'm dead, sir.
I can't sit here doing nothing
while SWAT officers
are risking their lives because of me.
I can't have that.
How long until Ameer puts
a price on the rest of LAPD?
Every cop out there is a target.
This is on me. I have to be out there.
- Please.
- All right. All right.
You're off the bench.
But do not let
your guard down for a second.
You're who Ameer really wants.
I'm ready for him.
Excuse me, sir.
I want to check on 40-Squad.
Give me some good news.
- Did we get Ameer's LKA yet?
- We're still looking.
We've been digging
into his public records.
It seems Ameer hasn't had
a permanent address since 2020.
What about the 911 call?
Dispatch wasn't able to trace it.
We reached out to Ameer's cell provider.
- Still waiting to hear back.
- [HICKS] Look, according to GND,
Ameer's selling his product
out of abandoned houses.
But he's got to have
a base of operations.
Yeah, like a stash house
somewhere in the city,
- something more secure.
- [DEACON] Gamble and Powell
are looking into Ameer's finances.
Maybe they'll come up with something.
[HICKS] Well, let's hope so.
[GAMBLE] Ameer Riles is no Al Capone.
He actually pays his taxes.
- What a patriot.
- I am not seeing
any businesses or properties
listed under his name, though.
Not under an LLC, either.
Says here Malik Riles
owned a couple parking lots.
Probably used them to launder his money.
It's a tough place
to stash drugs, though.
What about the parents?
Maybe there's a property
under their name?
I already reached out to the IRS.
Should be sending their file
any minute now.
You have forensics
running fingerprints for you?
Yeah, but it's not for this.
It's something else.
Here. IRS. This is the one
we're waiting for.
That's interesting.
Ameer's parents owned
an old theater downtown.
Looks like it closed up a few years ago.
Building's vacant,
but it's still in their name.
Sixth and Hooper.
Wait a minute.
That's where Hondo arrested
Malik ten years ago.
Hondo already knows this place.
Let's go.
Harrelson dead yet?
Then why are you here?
Don't any of y'all want to get rich?
What the hell do you think you're doing?
I'm taking care of this, Deac.
Not without us you're not.
This ain't y'all's fight.
Your fight's always our fight.
Not when there's a bounty
out there on all your heads.
Going in there's too risky.
I can do this alone.
No, you can't.
Every day we put our lives on the line
for the people of this city,
and what gets us through it is this,
us, 20-Squad,
You go in there,
we're gonna be right behind you.
[TAN] Hell yeah.
Every step of the way.
Don't make us pull the family card,
I think Powell already did.
Deacon, Miko.
Fall in.
[MAN] Come on, everybody.
Get back to work.
Miko, door.
Don't even think about it!
I'm going hands-on.
On your knees. Hands behind your head.
[DEACON] 30-David. Found
Ameer's drug lab. No sign of Ameer.
- Moving!
- Go!
[GAMBLE] Got your six.
Cops are here!
This is Sergeant Hondo Harrelson.
Ain't nobody getting
a million dollars today.
Ah, you made this easy for me, Hondo,
coming into my house.
I guess I should thank you.
Don't be stupid, Ameer. You and your men
need to lay down your weapons
and give yourselves up.
When my brother was in prison,
he was obsessed with you, dawg.
- Move in.
- He always said,
first thing he's gonna do
when he gets out
is kill Hondo Harrelson,
the cop who put him behind bars.
my brother isn't here anymore, is he?
Malik made a lot
of bad choices in prison, man.
That's why he's dead.
- [TAN] I got one to Ameer's right.
- [GAMBLE] Four to his left.
Don't make the same mistake, Ameer.
You can still walk out of here alive.
Oh, I will, Hondo.
No doubt. Sorry I can't say
the same for you.
One suspect down!
- Second suspect down.
[HONDO] Give it up, Ameer!
Kill them already!
[GAMBLE] Tan, you hit?
No. My primary took the shot.
It's disabled.
I'm switching to secondary.
Ameer's running. I'm going after him.
Damn it. Ameer's getting away.
Tan, with me!
Here. Take my primary.
I'm going after Ameer.
20-David. Suspect's headed down
the fire escape.
I'm in pursuit.
[TAN] Suspect down!
- [GAMBLE] Suspect down.
- Show me your hands!
- All right, all right.
- [TAN] Don't move.
- Get down! Everybody get down!
Stay down. Stay down.
Stop the car.
Suspect headed to
an alley off of Seventh.
Sir, did you see a guy
[HONDO] Whoa.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey.
Take it easy. Take it easy.
Hey, old man, listen to me.
I'll give you a million dollars
if you shoot this pig.
I'll even take the fall for it.
Let me make you rich.
Get on your knees.
Ah, I guess money talks.
I mean you, jackass.
Well, I guess it doesn't talk today.
Give me the gun.
Thanks for the assist.
If I turn this in,
this drops Trae's charges
from attempted murder
to brandishing a weapon.
You sure about this?
I reached for the gun, Commander.
Trae didn't fire on purpose.
It was an accidental discharge.
And what if you'd waited
ten more seconds?
Look, I'm not gonna try
to downplay what Trae did.
He made a massive mistake today, but
Commander, there's good in him.
I can see it.
His entire life, the odds
have been stacked against him.
If they try him for attempted murder,
those odds could get worse and worse
until he's dead or in prison for life.
I'll have to make
a couple of calls, but
if this is really what you want,
it's your choice.
How's she shooting?
Not quite right.
I want to apologize.
SWAT Academy's your baby now.
I didn't mean to overstep.
Thanks. I'm sorry I called you old.
And, Deac, I know
you're just trying to look out
for SWAT Academy's
best interests, but so am I.
No, I know you are.
[SIGHS] It's just,
a 50% cut rate, this early
You might think
my methods are unorthodox,
but I don't regret
the selections I made.
I picked the officers I believe in.
I trust you did.
J-Just remember, inspiring your recruits
is just as important as making cuts.
Mrs. Ellis, I'm Officer Powell.
Thank you for coming in
on such short notice.
Well, anything that affects
my grandchildren.
What kind of trouble is Nisi in now?
Well, she was found
intoxicated yesterday.
She was in bad shape.
Can't say that surprises me.
No, I don't imagine it does.
Do you recognize this?
It's from Nisi's vape pen.
Our lab guys tested it.
It's laced with some pretty nasty stuff.
Are you implying that I had
something to do with that?
Is there another reason
your fingerprints
would be all over it?
I know Nisi was visiting her
kids at your house yesterday.
That's when you switched out
her vape cartridge.
She's a dangerous woman.
I thought if she tested
positive on her drug test,
they'd send her back to prison.
I'm just trying to protect
my grandchildren.
By separating them from their mother?
She killed my son!
And she served her time.
She earned a second chance.
You don't get to take that
away from her.
What are you going to do?
You gonna arrest me?
That's not my choice.
Lock her ass up.
I hear you, Nisi,
but let's think for a minute.
You don't have custody of your kids.
You've got no other family in L.A.
If I arrest Colleen,
your kids will get shipped off,
or worse, they'll end up in the system.
So, what? We just let her go?
I'll have her sign a statement,
admitting to what she did,
and it will clear you of the drug test.
And I'll put her on notice.
She ever tries anything like that again,
she'll end up behind bars.
I'm sorry I didn't believe you sooner.
Part of being friends is
learning how to trust each other.
And the other part
is letting your girl know
when her split ends are out of control.
- Girl, you need a haircut.
- Are we talking smack now?
- No, I'm just saying.
My two o'clock tomorrow canceled on me,
so you should swing by.
I have an opening.
Free of charge.
Pencil me in.
How many, uh, workouts
is that for you today?
That's next-level, man.
Honestly, with the way
you've been cutting the class,
I'm just trying to hang in
as long as I can.
I cut a lot of recruits this week,
and you're still here.
There's a reason for that,
and it's got nothing to do
with you and Deac being tight.
It's 'cause when I look at you,
I see a future SWAT officer.
Whatever you're doing, keep it up.
You got as good a shot
as anyone to make SWAT.
I appreciate that.
We located your mom.
She's on her way in.
You almost ruined
both of our lives, Trae.
I know.
One bad decision is all it takes,
and everything's gone.
Your dreams, your family,
your future.
Yes, sir.
Life is about the choices
we make, and, man,
did you made some awful ones.
But I don't think those choices are you,
and I wouldn't want them to
define you for the rest of your life.
My commander and I talked
to the court system,
and we worked something out.
So, what? I'm-I'm free to go?
Hell no. You ain't
getting off that easy.
My friend Leroy has an auto
shop in the neighborhood.
He started the program
for kids like you,
kids that need direction.
That's where you're headed.
You'll learn to fix cars and everything.
Now, it's every day after school, Trae.
If you ditch, I will hear about it.
I-I-I won't. I promise.
We don't always get
second chances, Trae.
You earn this one, all right?
What happens next is up to you.
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