Sakamoto Days (2025) s01e02 Episode Script

Vs Son Hee and Bancho

Thanks for shopping with us!
Man, Mr. Sakamoto,
you were so cool the other day!
That close-quarters combat was insane!
Never seen anything like it!
Even retired,
you're the absolute best for sure!
Bam, bam, and then a counterpunch!
Get back to work.
And most of them
you killed with a single blow!
What's that?
you aren't going back to being a hit man,
are you?
But you killed all those guys,
just the other day.
Made sure it wasn't fatal.
Honey, do I need to remind you
that I will file for divorce
if you break our family rule?
Good, I was just checking.
I'm going to go sweep outside.
So, what's this about a "family rule"?
You have to stop killing me in your mind!
Keep your mouth shut.
So this is Niikita Chinatown!
There's so much to see!
But why'd we come all the way here
to buy items for the shop?
Thanks, come again!
Only 50 per day!
"Heavenly Pork Buns"?
Is this what you came here for?
Got enough for Aoi and Hana, too.
He loves his family so much!
By the way, what was that "family rule"
Ms. Aoi was talking about?
Drop it.
No need to explain, just think about it!
And I'll take a peek!
Get out of my way!
Mr. Sakamoto!
Oh no, the Heavenly Pork Buns!
If we brush the dirt off, maybe we can
Maybe not.
There she is!
- You bitch!
- Get her!
Think you can shake us
sneaking through alleys like a cat?
As if I'd get caught
by a bunch of dummies like you!
Mr. Sakamoto?
We might want to leave before things
They're ruined.
Sorry, this is no time
to be worrying about that!
Wow, she's using tai chi!
Surround her!
You little--
I've got you now.
Hey! Let go of me!
Keep her alive, but mess her up good.
Let's get those legs first,
so you can't run away.
Who the hell is this guy?
Freeze! Not another step!
- No!
- I'll kill--
What's her story?
Look, there she is!
She's with her gang! Get 'em all!
"Her gang"?
We're outta here!
After them!
You won't get away!
Who even are you guys?
Where's the girl?
It seems she's slipped away
She had two men helping her escape.
We're looking into who they are.
You let her get away again?
We killed her entire clan
tracking her down!
If she disappears,
it'll all have been for nothing!
You idiot!
I'm terribly sorry, sir!
Get out of my sight!
Send them in.
Look, Son Hee,
his head is still gasping for air!
You fool
We don't play with dead bodies.
It's tasteless, Bacho.
These brothers are psychotic
Listen to me.
What we need is that girl's key.
Once we have that key,
we will be able
to rule all of the black market!
I don't care what it takes. Find the girl!
That means we can kill anyone
that gets in our way, correct?
Do what you want.
You're the daughter of a mafia family?
And not just any mafia family,
but the Lu clan?
Don't announce it to the whole world!
What do they want from you?
This little guy.
A key?
The key to our clan's hidden vault.
My parents trusted me with it.
Screw that, just get rid of it.
Nothing's worth your own life.
No way in hell!
My dad and mom
died protecting this key.
Shaotang, you go on ahead!
Run! Hurry!
If I let those guys get this now,
how can I face my parents in heaven?
Oh, I got carried away.
This isn't your problem.
Sorry for the trouble!
I guess this is goodbye.
Do you know how to make
an authentic pork bun?
Huh? A pork bun?
Well, my dad taught me the basics,
so I guess I could.
Mr. Sakamoto, don't get involved in this!
I have a bad feeling about her.
Cancel today's shopping trip.
We're going to save this girl.
But you have to make us pork buns
once we get you back alive.
Do we have a deal?
The heck? Are you two
Mr. Sakamoto!
Mr. Sakamoto!
They caught up while we were yakking.
the situation just got a lot worse.
Bacho, I keep telling you,
your hits are in bad taste.
Oh, shut up.
There's no "taste" in hits to begin with.
We see, we kill.
If you want,
we can line up their dead bodies all nice.
I'm talking about the way you kill.
It's like I'm talking to a baboon.
What's with these guys?
Son Hee and Bacho.
They're twin hit men.
They charge an absurd amount of money,
but never miss their target.
They're serial killers that find joy
in slaughtering people.
They make sketches of
their victims' heads as a hobby.
They're insane!
I guess we're famous now.
Isn't that nice, Son Hee?
You moron.
We're hit men.
We should be ashamed
that we're drawing attention.
Yeah, you should be ashamed!
Are you mad 'cause we killed your friend?
Looks like Lu's
not the only little girl here.
You think you killed my friend?
You must be pretty dumb.
Only an amateur hit man
wouldn't know Taro Sakamoto.
Talk while you can, kid.
Son of a
Who are you?
Red bean buns would be nice too.
Where are we?
That guy packs quite a punch.
Don't you think, Bacho?
The roof must have been rotting.
I'm gonna destroy him.
Little lady.
Hand over the key now,
and I'll give you an elegant death.
This is all I have left of my parents
I'll guard it with my life!
Oh, my.
Your parents said something like that
before I diced them up.
What a shame.
Obsessing over some object
over your own life?
What terrible, terrible taste.
Shut up!
How dare you!
Don't be dumb.
You can't let them get under your skin.
That vault contains all my ancestors'
wishes and hopes for generations.
Dad died protecting that.
Killed by these assholes
Okay, then.
Come on now, don't get in our way!
She was so close to seeing her
beloved parents again.
No one has the right
to tell others what's important or not.
Why are you risking your life to help me?
You're covered in blood again
I had work
"Work"? I think you mean "murder"!
How can you do something like that?
I had to work
so I could buy you a present
I don't want it. You're handing it to me
with literal blood on your hands!
That's it.
If you can't change your ways,
I guess
we can't be together.
- Someone fell!
- What?!
That was a longer drop than I thought.
Thank goodness for this snow!
You'd miss me if I died, wouldn't you?
Don't you get it?
The feeling that made you want to save me
is shared by every person out there.
Everyone is loved by someone.
So please, promise me
you won't kill anymore.
That's our rule.
To make up for
all the people you've killed,
from here on out,
spend your life saving people instead.
The bleeding's stopped.
No kill rule. Got it, Shin?
Yes, Mr. Sakamoto!
Get over yourselves, you amateurs!
Take this!
You've got some moves.
Bacho, you thinking what I'm thinking?
I sure am, Brother. Let's do it!
Cast-iron Technique,
Slashes of Hell!
We'll turn you into mincemeat!
Are you okay, Mr. Sakamoto?
I think I pulled a muscle.
Here, a pain relief patch.
Did he dodge all that?
But Slashes of Hell is inescapable!
Not to mention how big he is.
How can it be?
There's not a single scratch on him!
Bacho, you thinking what I'm thinking?
I sure am, Brother. Let's do it!
You're the third person to witness this!
Cast-iron Technique!
You bastard!
My enhanced-strength chakram!
Who is this man?
I'm not used to that kind of weight.
Here, Mr. Sakamoto, for your hand.
Damn it! Forget these two.
I'll just get the girl!
I heard that!
Seriously, who are you two?
Just a couple of retail workers.
I don't get you one bit.
Damn it! Where's Bacho and Son Hee?
There's treasure right behind these doors!
All I need is that key. That little key!
Bacho! Son Hee!
Who the hell are you?
What did you do to my guards--
Shut it.
Don't say a word.
Sorry! I'm sorry!
I'll do anything! Please!
"Sorry" won't bring back my parents!
Get ready to repent in hell!
Are you sure that's enough?
Maybe a couple extra blows--
Stop killing me in your mind!
Stay out of it.
It's enough.
You can't go around killing people
every time they upset you.
"Choose to live a happy life."
That's what Dad always said.
Anytime now, pink hair.
Can it, rude guy!
I have a name and it's Lu Shaotang.
This key is so old, it's not turning.
Now we're talking!
What's inside?
Hey, I should go in first!
Whoa! Look at all the treasure!
And books? CDs? Plushies?
What a weird collection
Look, an inventory.
Let's see.
"The head of the Lu clan shall leave
their most treasured items in this vault."
I guess each clan head
considers different things treasure.
I wonder what my dad left.
What does it say?
"Something to drink with Shaotang
when she's of age."
That's so Dad.
Come on. What does it say?
It says it's the best liquor on Earth!
Have some! A sign of my gratitude.
It better be good stuff!
Mr. Sakamoto, you held on to these?
What are these? Why are they all smashed?
Because of you.
They still taste good, though.
Japanese pork buns aren't half bad.
Yesterday, in Niikita Chinatown,
what is believed to be a gang fight
between mafia members broke out.
Witnesses say--
Good morning!
Too loud.
Headache, hungover
Here, drink this, Mr. Sakamoto.
Boss, this apron fits perfect.
What are you doing here?
I don't have a job.
I'm gonna make authentic pork buns here.
But you've got all that treasure!
I'm not using my family heirlooms.
Are you dense?
What did you say?!
Please be quiet.
By the way,
I was really moved by your story.
You know, the reason you stopped killing.
How do you know?
When we were fighting those creeps,
I saw the memory
you were thinking of, and
You're one of us now. It's your rule, too.
Yes, sir.
"Rule number one. Do not kill people."
I'll kill you if you do.
That contradicts your own rule!
From the JAA.
The bounty on this fat-ass is
one billion yen.
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