Salamander (2012) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Alex? - All's quiet.
Come on in.
LASTWEEK How many safes have been opened? - 66.
Shit! It would have to be the 66 sensitive safes.
So tell me on the phone.
Then maybe I'll arrange to meet.
A bank robbery.
At the weekend.
Something huge.
Shouldn't we call the police? Nothing's happened here.
D'you hear me? We don't know anything about a break-in.
We've got a serious problem.
We had a break-in over the weekend.
Was my safe opened? Everyone.
I've got the list here.
Minister Laridon, Senator Rasenberg, Ostmeyer from the Royal Palace, Berkovitch from the union, General Roose, Vrelust from the National Bank.
Has someone shot their mouth off? Well, I don't trust the two alarm system informers.
He knows of old-fashioned private banks where he just walks in and out.
He sits here telling anyone who'll listen.
D'you get it now? His name is Urbain Scholiers.
There are two witnesses.
And all they saw was an accident.
That was out-and-out murder.
Chief Inspector Gerardi? Why could the man be a problem? Put him on a different case.
There are enough.
Paul? André? Hello? Dad, we're home.
- Right.
I don't believe it.
I've only just got in too.
I'll clear it up in a minute.
What's happened? - Nothing.
Shall I get us a pizza? You should've said! I've just been out for something to eat with Sofie.
Honestly, darling.
If you'd called, you could've come too.
I'm going upstairs.
- OK.
Are you going to be in a bad mood all evening? Come on, tell me what's the matter.
Someone was murdered right in front of me today.
- I'm going to go and get some chips.
No, you're going to stay here.
We'll tidy up together, then I'll make you something nice.
OK? And then you're going to ask your wife what kind of day she had.
So now you know.
Go about it as inconspicuously as possible.
Will he cause problems? By then he'll no longer have a gun or a warrant card or any desire to.
But leave his wife and kid out of it.
OK? Hey, try to think about something else, darling.
Leave it until tomorrow.
- It'll have been hushed up by tomorrow.
It's something to do with a bank.
With an alarm that was switched off.
No one's allowed to know what's happened.
I need a whisky.
Number plate One, Bravo, Bravo, Uniform, Two, Two, Seven.
One moment, please.
What was the name again? Chief Inspector Paul Gerardi, Brussels Federal Police.
Chief Inspector Gerardi, we've been instructed not to provide you with any information.
What? Uh? Hello? Hello? Bloody hell.
Martin? It's late to be calling.
I'm in Vilvoorde.
I've been called out to a suicide.
Your informer, André Strubbe, has hung himself with a wire.
What? André Strubbe's hung himself? Do you believe that? Why do you think I'm calling, Paul? No, stay where you are.
OK? I'll come to you.
Hold on, Martin.
I'm being watched.
A silver Ford Focus.
What's the number plate? I'll find out on the way.
I don't care if they see me.
Guv'nor, they've found the victim's mobile phone.
Ask for a list of the last calls.
I have to go somewhere for half an hour.
You're in charge until I get back.
Can he take time off just like that? - He's been suspended for two weeks.
He's been suspended? What did he do? It's too complicated to explain.
He hasn't done anything wrong.
It's a sort of emergency measure.
In his own interests.
The best thing to do would be go to the seaside for two weeks or something.
Have a break.
That's all.
And don't worry.
Is he inside? - Yes, he's inside.
May I? Two minutes.
- Yes, of course.
Has the number plate been checked? - Yes.
Who does it belong to? - The Ministry of Justice.
It's a government number plate.
- Security Service? No, it must be cell P9.
- What? Weren't they disbanded? Anything's possible here.
- Bloody hell.
But this is what I actually came for.
You've been suspended.
- I've what? Been temporarily suspended.
- What? Others have taken over your cases.
And the report I wrote? - No further action will be taken.
Who says so? - The Public Prosecutor.
You don't believe André committed suicide either.
That's two murders in one day.
What's going on, Martin? You seem to have trodden in some very dangerous shit.
Either you go and talk to those guys outside or you take two weeks' holiday and don't get involved.
I don't know how you interpret the law, pal, but for me murder is murder.
Regardless of who's behind it.
I'm still a cop, you know.
Paul, if there was something I could do for you, I would.
I have to take your badge, your gun and your phone with me.
Go on, sign it.
My gun and my badge.
And now piss off.
They've done a good job.
I told you, they're lowlifes but they are specialists.
Any more news from the authorities? - There won't be an investigation.
So no one knows about it? We do.
800 safes.
And they chose those particular 66.
All people in leading positions.
Personal possessions gone.
No official papers.
Just private documents.
God knows what was in among them.
Who'd do something like that? What the hell are they planning to do with them? They've gone.
- What? They're not there any more.
They're not there any more? - No.
Oh no, someone else has just taken over.
OK, we'll do as we agreed.
You act normally, calmly.
Your phone.
You know I don't agree with this.
Martin said you're suspended.
- And we have to take care of ourselves.
For the umpteenth time, they're colleagues.
They want me, not you.
Once they realise I've gone, they'll go too.
OK? Come on.
See you later.
- See you later.
Let go of her.
Leave my daughter alone.
- Let go of me.
Where's your husband? - Who are you? If you're from the police, show me your card.
Who are you? Stay here.
You can't do that.
Stay here.
- We don't need your permission, madam.
Mrs Gerardi, it is in your husband's interests to tell us where he is.
Tell me who you are then.
- Think of us as his colleagues.
Prove it then, show me your card.
One of your husband's informers was murdered tonight.
He had eight calls to your husband on his phone.
And we know they met.
That doesn't mean anything.
- Why has he taken off then? Where is he? As you wish.
We'll meet again.
What's that about Dad? Is it true? - Of course not.
Who were they then? - I don't know, darling.
I don't want to go to school.
You are going to school, sweetheart.
But not now.
D'you know what we'll do? Phone Dad.
Then we'll have a drink, pull ourselves together and I'll take you to school.
Is that alright? Sweetheart.
Come here.
FATAL HITAND RUN Gerardi has gone, sir.
What d'you mean, gone? Since when? Which car? A green Volkswagen Golf.
Bravo, Quebec, Mike, Four, Nine, Nine.
Make sure every policeman in the city is looking for him.
Report him as possibly being involved in that suicide.
It'll be quicker that way, dammit.
- OK.
You're not Urbain's colleague.
No, I'm from the Federal Police.
There's one thing I don't understand.
You know Urbain was murdered yet you told the police it was an accident.
The policeman said I had to say that.
Otherwise I'd have to wait years for the insurance money.
Had Urbain changed in any way lately? Was something up? Where's the money Urbain was given? Are you going to take that away too? - Not if you help me.
Where's the money? Last time you said that Urbain was working on a remote control for a toy car belonging to a colleague's kid.
He worked on it day and night.
Day and night for a toy car? I didn't see through all the lies to start with.
He was out all the time too.
What did you think then? - That he'd found someone else.
So what did you do? - Looked for evidence.
In his wallet.
In the drawers.
In his phone.
Did you find anything? - A phone number.
A woman answered, Sylvia.
What did you say? - Nothing.
It wasn't her phone.
It belonged to her boss.
I'd got through to a bank.
Which bank? The Jonkhere Bank on Eisenhowerlaan.
Urbain had installed an alarm system there.
It wasn't another woman.
It was something much worse.
Have you still got that phone number? Thank you.
Urbain wasn't a bad person.
And he didn't deserve that.
Promise me you'll find them.
Promise me.
Look, if you can just sign this and I'll see which safe is still available.
Here you are.
May I see my safe first? If that's possible? Yes Of course.
I'll come with you.
- That's very kind of you.
Thank you.
And down another flight.
- OK.
Here we are.
As you can see, everything is very secure.
The door and the safes are from before the war.
And made from the best material.
Sylvia? - Yes? Have you got a moment? - Hello.
Excuse me.
- Thank you.
Excuse me.
Who are you? What are you doing here? Who are you? - My name is Robijns.
The deputy manager.
I asked what you are doing here.
Federal Police.
What? But we I'm just checking something.
Your bank was robbed this weekend.
That's nonsense.
- Mr Robijns, what's this? It's just been repainted.
An excellent repair job.
Yes, we've repainted here and there.
May I see your warrant card? I asked you what happened here.
No, no, no.
You're lying.
You're lying.
You're not from the police.
You can't be.
You can't be.
We were assured that Assured? Who assured you what, Mr Robijns? That the police wouldn't be involved? Take it easy.
We'll go upstairs together.
And we'll have a chat about it.
OK? Come on.
Mrs Scholiers, we know you're home.
Open the door or we'll force it open.
Take a seat and give me your business card.
Just do as I say, OK? - Yes.
Thank you.
Right So This is your mobile number and that's the bank's number.
Is there another number you can be reached on? No.
- Oh.
That's my private number.
For clients who desire discretion.
For important clients? - This is a private bank.
Was Urbain Scholiers an important client? The name's not familiar.
I got your number from him.
Urbain Scholiers.
A bank manager and an alarm system specialist.
And a bit later your bank's safe is robbed.
You've got it wrong.
- And then the specialist is murdered.
And then another person.
That's two murders, Mr Robijns.
And all that blood leads to you.
You've got an appointment, Mr Robijns.
We need a few more minutes.
- It's OK.
I helped them.
But they promised me there'd be no bloodshed.
Who promised you that? - Mr Jonkhere didn't know about it.
I was the intermediary.
- Intermediary for who? I marked the 66 safes.
- On whose orders? I can't tell you that.
If I do, they'll kill me.
Who was it? Listen.
Bring him in.
No, bring him in, doesn't matter how.
Paul Gerardi is in your bank.
And who is this Gerardi? I can show you documents.
- I want a name.
Who robbed the bank? OK, OK, OK.
May I? Hey, hey, hey, take it easy.
- Back.
Don't do anything stupid, Mr Robijns.
What's that out there? What is it? Take it easy.
Who are they? Is that for me? Have they come for me? Easy does it, easy does it.
Everything will be fine.
Don't do that.
No! Bloody hell! CONTENTS ROBBED SAFES Mr Robijns? No! - Shut your bloody mouth! Your boss has committed suicide.
Is there another staircase down? Bloody hell.
Is there another staircase down? Mr Robijns.
He shot him.
He killed Mr Robijns.
Gerardi? Paul? We'll sort this out, OK? Without using violence.
Throw your gun out here and wait for a signal from me.
D'you hear me? That's the only way to do this, Paul.
What were your orders? What were your orders? Answer me.
To neutralise you.
No one move.
Lower your gun.
Lower your gun.
Or I'll bloody kill him.
He committed suicide.
Go back.
Go back, dammit.
Stupid bastard.
You've got a lunch appointment with Mr Verschraegen.
At 2 p.
You are - Cancel everything.
No time.
Shall I fetch you a roll? - No, no.
You have to eat something, Mr Persigal.
Sir? Is there anything I can do? - Leave me alone.
No, I managed to lose them.
I just wanted to know what What? - They're looking for you.
Every inspector has got your description and that of Sarah's car.
Please, pal.
Just forget it.
Come in.
I'll make sure you're taken care of and nothing happens.
No, don't.
Don't Paul? Bloody hell.
Stupid bastard.
I've got his house keys.
Are you sure he lives alone? - Yes, he's divorced.
And his address? - I've got all his details.
Right, maybe we'll find something there.
I'm not having any police here.
- Why do you think we're here? Anything else I can do? - It's best if you wait in your office.
That was on his desk.
What do I have to read? - Here.
In July Robijns withdrew 75,000 euros from the bank.
Stood guarantor himself.
- Our deputy manager had problems.
Maybe he was being blackmailed.
Into marking those 66 safes.
But who by? Well Right.
The scenario will be as follows.
He didn't die here but at home.
His home.
In the bath, for example.
We also need a statement from his mother and his GP.
Start with that first.
It's urgent.
Come on.
And get the clean-up team in here.
Why, Robijns? Traitor.
Son of a bitch.
Dad? - Hi.
Have you come to get me? - No, I just came to see you.
Mum is cross with you.
You said they'd leave us alone.
What? Have they been in the house? - Yes.
Did they hurt you? - They pushed us and stuff but it wasn't that bad.
- Bloody hell.
Dad? - Yes? Why are they looking for you? I'll tell you later, sweetheart.
I won't be home for a few days.
Will you tell Mum that she mustn't worry? I've put a new SIM card in it.
Tell her to use this phone.
Not the home phone.
That's being tapped.
OK? Here.
And this one is for you.
My new number is already in it.
Under D for Dad.
Ugh! Didn't they have anything nicer? - Sweetheart, please.
You should call Mum.
- Yes, I'll definitely call her.
But reassure her that those men won't come back.
- Bye, sweetie.
Definitely call her, Dad, eh? - Of course.
MINISTRY OF JUSTICE Yes? - Just left Robijns' place.
The body is sorted.
He committed suicide in the bath, as agreed.
There's no clue to the bank robbers here.
Robijns was probably blackmailed into marking those safes, or something.
But like I said, any evidence is gone.
- Right, thank you.
Minister? - Hello, Armand.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
I'm up to my ears in my budget.
All they want are cutbacks and savings.
It never stops.
Take a seat, Armand.
Something to drink? - No.
I hope you're going to tell me that that Jonkhere Bank business is under control.
Or that it soon will be.
- No.
Paul Gerardi escaped.
What? With a list of the 66 names and details of the safes.
So we're no longer the only ones who know about it? No.
What will you do about it? We have to find Gerardi.
What else? - Nothing, nothing.
Just wait.
I can't keep covering up all the sneaking around.
We've already hushed two deaths up.
- Three.
The bank's deputy manager, Wim Robijns, shot himself this afternoon.
Why? He was most probably the bank robbers' spy.
Who are they? Who's behind it? Robijns had got rid of any evidence.
We cleaned up his office at the bank.
Officially he had a heart attack at home, in the bath.
His mother confirmed it.
The paperwork has been done.
Doctor's certificate.
I don't want to be responsible for this any more.
You'll have to be.
- No.
No, I don't agree.
This isn't going to be hushed up.
I'm not going to cover you and the other 65 any more just so dirty linen isn't washed in public.
I've got nothing to hide.
Anyway, it goes much further than that.
Don't care.
There are limits.
Even in this country.
So tomorrow the bank robbery and everything will become an official investigation.
Full stop.
You don't understand.
I only came to tell you about it.
Not to hear what I have to do.
I know that better than you do.
Much better.
NEXTWEEK Hello, Dad? Why do you keep bothering us? Bastard.
Hang up, sweetheart.
They've got him.
Come on.
Just how far can Persigal be trusted? He can hush the whole affair up, Cyrille.
So no one knows about our organisation? Are you sure? Bloody hell, is this some kind of court? They meet once a month.
It's a sort of what should I call it? I was just about to say goodbye, senator.
Where are you? - I can't tell you.
Think of your daughter for a moment.
And what she's going through cos you have to save the world.
His family is his weak spot.
Should we apply some pressure? Bring him to us with all his documents or we'll grab his daughter.

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