Say Nothing (2024) s01e09 Episode Script

The People in the Dirt

There will be a total
cessation of military operations.
- You'll not be taking our fucking guns.
- No deal till the Brits have gone.
Some of us are
actually strategizing.
So, it's back to
operations, is it?
The remains have been
identified as a woman.
It's an open murder case now.
How likely are you to
find out who killed her?
Someone has to talk.
What can you tell me about
the Joe Lynskey business?
I was a driver. I drove
across the border.
You're talking about
the Disappeared?
Are we gonna be talking
about Jean McConville?
The orders were always simple.
You know, I'd get a call,
and I'd be told I had a job.
Sometimes I knew
them. Sometimes I didn't.
I'd never heard of
Jean McConville.
I wasn't there
when she was taken.
Stay put.
She was arrested at Divis Flats,
and charged with
informing to the British.
That's when I was brought in.
She's to be taken down south.
Get her over the border into Dundalk.
And the boys will
handle it from there.
Is she one of the
Cumann women then?
No. A civilian. An informant.
Why's it being done like this?
What do you mean why?
Well, why not put her body in the
street? Put the fear of God in people.
- I don't know, Dolours. I didn't ask.
- Surely that's more effective.
That informants
are seen as dead.
Look, I don't
disagree with you but--
- I wanna talk to Gerry.
- Well, you can't speak to Gerry.
This isn't the
way to do it, Pat.
Well, it's the way it's
being done, Dolours.
So it's the way it's being done.
So, where are you taking me?
Legion of Mary.
They'll be taking care of me?
Will my Will my
children be brought to me?
Your children?
Is there someone with them?
Will my children
be brought to me?
Have you a handkerchief?
My nose is running.
Have you a handkerchief?
Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Wait.
Who-Who else was
in the car with you?
It was just another volunteer.
You can keep it.
These men will be taking
you the rest of the way.
She didn't even run.
They never run.
So, you drive Jean
over the border?
- Who do you leave her with?
- A gun crew.
Four men in a car.
Can you tell us the names of
the men who were there that night?
Turn that thing off, would you?
Cold-blooded murder.
Those were the
words used by police
to describe last night's shooting
at Massereene Army Barracks.
The attacks, both
vicious and sloppy,
claimed the lives of not
only two British soldiers,
but also a pizza delivery man
who was caught in the cross fire.
The IRA splinter group,
- who claimed responsibility
- Girls. Breakfast.
stated that despite the
long-standing peace agreement
- Give it back, you.
- will continue
Can you please just chill?
Ma, she keeps stealing my black
bra and getting deodorant on it.
That bra's too small
for you anyway.
- That's what I said.
- You got all the good tits in this family.
- Mom.
- Hey.
You can't compare our
bodies like that. That's shaming.
I don't think I said
anything controversial, did I?
Get you upstairs, girls. Now.
Why? What's wrong?
I'm gonna be arrested.
What's going on?
Open up. It's the police.
What the fuck did you do?
I bought them the phones.
- The phones for the job?
- For the gunmen, aye.
You fucking eejit.
At least I'm out there
trying to fix things.
What? By shooting the
fucking Domino's guy?
Sometimes in war,
there's collateral damage.
Except we're not
even at war, are we?
War doesn't stop just 'cause
Gerry Adams says it does.
Marian, my love.
It's over. We lost.
Anyway, if you want to get to Gerry,
there are better ways, you know?
The fuck you talking about?
I've been doing this little
project with Brendan Hughes.
I'm not really supposed
to talk about it.
Tape recordings.
Of what?
The truth of what happened.
Don't be insane.
Honestly, Mar, it is the most
free that I have felt in years.
We're gonna take
down Gerry Adams, Mar.
The whole fucking lot.
Dolours Price,
you are gonna get
yourself arrested or shot.
Nobody knows.
That's the brilliant bit.
Nothing comes out
until after you're dead.
- Good morning, Brendan.
- What about ye, Mrs. McKissick?
Should I get a tattoo
of a cross or a cobra?
I was, uh I was thinking of,
uh, getting a cross, you know?
You know, like a a
wee dead body on it, no?
I got the Virgin on my back.
She's got the ex-wife's face on her,
but I still get a lot
of compliments.
- You got any tattoos, Dark?
- Uh
Well, I was tempted once or
twice, when I was in the navy.
You were in the navy?
Aye. Well, the merchant navy.
Not the Not the Navy navy.
Get the fuck
Well, I was 18.
Didn't know no better.
Did you have the wee
brass buttons and all?
Had the buttons.
Ah Had the boots.
Had a beret I wore at a
jaunty wee angle like that, right?
Those are some of my
fondest memories, actually.
Here, grab us a coffee, will
you, Jim? I'm shattered today.
You want me to fucking
drink it for you as well?
Yes, sir.
Do you know what it took to
put Gerry Adams in power?
It's like getting a hundred people
to push out this big boat, right?
The boat's stuck in the sand,
and you get them to push it out.
And it's sailing off,
leaving the people behind.
That's the way I feel.
Boat's away, sailing off on
the high seas with all the
the luxuries that it brings.
And the people who launched
the boat, they're left behind.
Sitting in the fucking muck
and the dirt and
the shit and the sand.
It's not a bad turnout.
Well, he was loved.
What? No. The fucking cheek.
Okay. Dolours, keep
your voice down.
Let's not be causing
a scene now.
This is a hijacking.
Dolours, keep your voice down.
Brendan Hughes
wanted that man dead.
Okay. Let's go for a walk.
Go, go, go, go, go, go.
It's fucking treason.
I know.
You know what's sick?
The way he spits in your face,
and then tries to hand
you the handkerchief.
I know.
So, um, Brendan's tape
comes out tonight, then?
N-Not tonight, Dolours.
It's a whole process.
Nothing is going to be
public for a long, long time.
What matters is that the truth
will come out eventually, yes?
You know me. I'm just impatient.
You've reached the desk of
Allison Morris at the Irish News.
Please leave your
message after the tone.
Hello, Miss Morris. It's Dolours Price.
You don't know me, we've never met.
I don't know if you are aware
of me, but I I was a member
Well, I was a fairly prominent
member of the Irish Republican Army.
I guess you would know me well.
I bombed London.
In any case, I, uh
I would like very much
for the two of us to speak.
It's about Jean McConville.
Hello? Uh, Miss Price?
Hi. Allison Morris. Irish News.
I'm not sure if it's
still a good time?
For the interview.
You left me a message?
Quite a few actually.
Right. Yes.
But if this isn't a good time
No. This is perfect. Come on in.
Here we go.
Tell me what you know
about Jean McConville.
She was an informer.
Before she was taken, she'd been
spotted at Hastings Street Barracks.
She was reputed to
be behind a blanket.
Suspects would walk past and Jean
would say yes or no if they were IRA.
It was those slippers, you
see, that led to her arrest.
Give us the name
of your handler.
Me what?
The fucking Brit, Jean. The
one you've been touting to.
Look, I told you. It's--
Did he give you money?
Is that why you did it?
We know you've all
them mouths to feed.
I am not a tout.
I was told she confessed.
That's when I was brought in.
I was given orders by
my commanding officer,
a man called Pat,
to take her down south and
leave her with a gun crew.
And the men you left her with,
the ones who pulled the
trigger, what were their names?
Oh, I don't know their names.
I-I never knew those men.
So, you finished the
job and reported to who?
- Pat?
- No.
Not Pat.
Pat was no one.
The man running the unit,
the one giving the orders
that would've been Gerry Adams.
Can anyone else corroborate
this? This man Pat or
No. Pat's dead.
Anyone else, then?
Brendan Hughes.
I don't understand.
Have you ever heard of
something called the Belfast Project?
- Hello?
- Hey, Danny. What about you?
No, she can't right now.
Uh, she's doing an interview.
Some lady from the Irish News.
Can I ask one last
question, do you mind?
No, I don't mind.
The slippers that led to
Miss McConville's arrest.
The ones peeking out
from under the blanket.
How did they know for
sure they were Jean's?
Was there anything
special about them?
Well, they were red.
Just red?
Red, I was told.
Forgive me.
Couldn't any number of women in
Belfast own a pair of red slippers?
I mean, my slippers
are red, truth be told.
Well, I wasn't there,
so, you know
You know, Miss Price,
in other parts of the world,
Peru or Chile, for example,
the disappearing of people
is treated as a war crime.
Do you think it's a war crime?
I do.
Are you fucking mental?
Calm down, you.
If you wanted to go public,
you should've done it in '98.
At least then you'd
have gotten immunity.
I don't care about immunity.
Well, I fucking do!
People need to know
what really happened.
- History's being rewritten.
- Dolours.
That snake in his
fucking Armani.
This isn't even about
Gerry Adams. Fuck's sake!
This is about you. This
sick need for attention.
Listen to me.
You need to get fucking sober.
Just get back to St.
Patrick's, and and get over it.
You know what?
I have more clarity now
than I've had in years.
From this morning's
article in The Irish News,
- has revealed a secret
- What do you think?
archive of tapes known
as the Belfast Project.
- A series of confessions
- This
by former IRA paramilitaries.
The tapes are believed
to contain information
about the abduction and
murder of Jean McConville.
Just give that a wee stir.
One participant, former IRA
bomber, Dolours Price, is believed
to have implicated none
other than Gerry Adams
in the murder of
the mother of ten.
Gerry Adams has adamantly
denied any involvement
or role in the abduction and
murder of Jean McConville.
Where is my mother?
She was completely innocent.
Tapes are at Boston College.
In a place called the Treasure
Room. They've spoken to the IRA, UVF.
And how many of ours talked?
Around 20.
Dolours, Brendan, Ivor.
My fan club.
We're crafting a response. These
people are enemies of Sinn Féin.
And what was said? Do we know?
No. We don't. But, uh--
It's 20 hours worth of tape.
On each?
We know Dolours Price has called
you out directly for the Disappeared.
She has you issuing orders.
Uh, that woman's away with the
fairies. Nobody cares what she says.
Could Brendan have
corroborated what she said?
Like, was he around?
How much did he know?
Well, what's it say?
Her husband's a movie star.
So, I guess she goes to premieres
and puts on stupid dresses
and has been
very happy, Seamus.
All these years.
Oh, and she bombs things.
There's a big surprise, huh?
Maybe you should put it away.
Hello, this is DCI Reilly.
Hello, my name's
Helen McConville.
I would like to press
charges [sighs] formally
against the people
who took my mother.
What the fuck did you do?
Something had to change.
Well, congratulations.
You got another 15 minutes.
Dotes, what did you
actually say on these tapes?
You do believe me,
don't you, Marian?
I believe you.
Her kids were on the telly.
Jean's. The widow's.
They're saying that she didn't
do it. That she was innocent.
She was a tout, Dotes.
She talked. She
got clipped. Sin-sin.
Their faces do come
to me from time to time.
Dolours. Don't.
And Joe's.
It'll be when I'm driving.
It's worse at night.
You know what?
I'll be lying in bed, asking
all the big questions.
Could I have done
things differently?
I mean
was it all for nothing?
It's like falling
in love, isn't it?
You know, at first, it's
so thrilling, and then
and then it changes.
In the end, you've done and
said so many terrible things
that there's no way
to fix it. You know?
You need to move on.
You need to move on.
I need to move on?
You're too sensitive. You
hold on to stuff too much.
You wanna look in
the fucking mirror.
I'm the one living in the
past, you Fenian cunt?
Fucking pot-kettle.
We're both like Da.
We are. Mm-hmm.
Lippy bitch.
Hi, Dolours.
I have another one for you.
It's gone 11:00. We're late.
I'm so sorry.
Dereliction and neglect.
Which have been ignored
by direct rule ministers,
as well as the Housing Exec.
Which, I'm sure you're
all aware I'm aware.
This needs to be addressed as
a matter of the utmost urgency.
Now, we appreciate Sinn Féin's
willingness to act swiftly upon this
but we are concerned
about the Irish Language Act,
Corporation Tax Legislation
Gerry Adams, please.
This is Gerry Adams.
Mr. Adams, this is a
courtesy call from the PSNI,
informing you that you're
going to be arrested.
If you'd please report to the
Antrim Police Barracks immediately.
Are we all right?
I'm here for questioning.
Mr. Adams, this should've
been explained to you.
You need to go outside,
so that we can arrest you.
Lad, you've only got one
shot at this. Don't waste it.
Mr. Adams, pleased to meet
you. I'm Detective Hanlon.
And I'm Detective Stevens.
Ah, a Taig and a Prod?
Well, you know, times change.
Now, how can I be
of service, detectives?
Did you know Joe Lynskey?
He was the first to disappear.
Oh, I knew Joe, yeah.
I knew his mother.
How about this fella?
Kevin McKee.
I knew his family. I can't say
I knew him person-to-person.
Do you remember
what happened to him?
Oh, well, there there were rumors
about. You know, there always are.
Did you not know he disappeared?
Hannah, do you not live in the real
world? People go off. People disappear.
People bring back reports of
having seen such and such a person.
Besides, I learned a long time
ago, if you don't ask, you can't tell.
Aye, I knew Kevin
McKee. He was a good kid.
Good craic.
And, uh
Aye. Kevin McKee was a
Oh, do you recognize
the voice on that tape?
Oh, as far as I can tell, it
appears to be someone called C.
That's Brendan Hughes.
Kevin McKee was taken
away by a secret IRA unit.
And how did it function?
Uh, that squad? That unit?
Well, they were the headhunters.
Anyone that needed to be taken
away, it was Gerry's squad that--
I reject that.
- You and Brendan were friends.
- We were friendly.
But Brendan had his issues.
He hated the
He hated the peace process.
He thought I sold him out.
Did you?
If not for the peace process,
Brendan Hughes would still be
out there targeting police officers.
And you'd take the word
of someone like that?
If he was honest
about killing cops,
would he not be
honest about you?
Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams
is currently in police custody
after being arrested in
connection with the abduction
About fucking time.
and murder of widowed
mother of ten, Jean McConville
We've some champagne
in the fridge. Will we open it?
Not yet.
The body of which was discovered
buried on a beach in County Down.
Jean McConville.
- You two never met?
- I-I-I met with her daughter.
Yes. You told her that you
were in prison when it happened.
That's right. I
was in Long Kesh.
- But you weren't, Gerry.
- We looked it up.
You were released
two months prior.
Why'd you lie to the family?
I didn't lie. I-I misremembered.
What makes Jean
McConville so special?
Why did she have to disappear?
Dolours Price said that her body
should've been left in the street.
I think that attitude
is grotesque.
- Why?
- Well, it's a lone woman, ten children.
It begs compassion.
You don't think
touts should be shot?
I don't think anybody
should be shot.
So you deny having
any part in her murder?
So, what happened next? After
you drove Jean over the border?
We reported back to Pat,
and Pat reported it to Gerry.
So, there is absolutely no doubt
that Gerry Adams knew
about all of these operations?
Gave orders? Knew what was
happening? Was briefed afterwards?
Absolutely no doubt.
I have no doubt that he
knew on every occasion.
You were embarrassed.
You knew she had ten children.
You were running the world's
most sophisticated guerrilla army.
How would that have looked,
killing a woman like that?
I believe you used
the word grotesque.
No, no. That is not
what I meant or did.
You needed her to go away.
And if this is a war,
then that's a war crime.
- Mm-hmm.
- None of this is true.
Dolours Price
was clearly unwell.
Then why do her and Brendan
Hughes have the exact same story?
There was only one man who gave
the order for that woman to be executed.
And that fucking man is
now the head of Sinn Féin.
Well, Dolours and Brendan
are entitled to their opinions.
Not opinions, Gerry.
Well, what would you call it?
I mean an
oral history project,
which has no scholarly credentials,
which has no fact-checker.
- Which is run by some--
- Anthony McIntyre.
Bear with me. And you have
a dead woman. An addict--
- You know she was sober when--
- Did I give you a chance to speak?
I gave you a chance to speak.
I'd ask for the same courtesy.
A dead woman. An unstable woman.
Saying she got orders
from some other fella.
Again, not me. Another fella, also
dead, who she says spoke to me.
Well, by her own admission,
she has not exchanged one word
with me about Jean McConville.
Not a whisper.
So, when I say that woman
is entitled to her opinion,
I mean, 'cause that's
what you've got. Opinion.
Not evidence.
I could not have given
that order, Detective.
Because I have never
been a member of the IRA.
Yes, she's here. She's with me.
No, we haven't.
Okay. Thanks
for letting us know.
Yeah, I'll be sure to tell her.
Released without charges.
All right?
I'm glad they let you come.
I told them I needed to see
her body in order to grieve.
She was a brave woman.
She was a wee tout.
I'm joking.
It'll be easy work
She, uh
She say anything about me then?
She was mad about you,
you know that?
Mackers, is someone gonna
come knocking at my door?
She would never say anything
to put you in harm's way.
When we got to
that part of the story
she asked me to
turn off the tape.
So, you drive Jean
over the border.
Leave her with the
gun crew. Then what?
Turn that thing off, would you?
This is where it gets
dangerous for me.
We were called back.
Hello, Dolours. It's Pat.
Hey, Pat.
What's wrong?
- They don't wanna do it.
- Who?
The boys down south?
Where are the rest of them?
- I only brought the one pistol.
- So, who the fuck
I'm so I'm sorry,
I wasn't thinking.
But which one of us is
supposed to fucking do it, Pat?
I'll do it.
It isn't fair for him
to do it on his own.
Shouldn't be in his conscience.
So, what do you wanna do?
We'll do it together.
We'll pass the gun around.
And Helen.
And Susie.
And Billy.
And Mickey.
And Max.
and Jimmy
and Billy.
And Hannah.
And Jimmy.
And Billy.
Let me be very clear.
I am innocent of any
involvement in any conspiracy
to abduct, kill or
bury Mrs. McConville.
Mr. Adams. Mr. Adams.
This was a sustained,
malicious and untruthful campaign
run by self-proclaimed
but pseudo-Republicans.
Mr. Adams. Ms. McConville was
one of thousands of IRA victims.
Do you not feel that you
have any blood on your hands?
Not at all.
I am perfectly at peace.
You know, when it comes to some
of the things we did in those days
for some of us, it's
easier to say nothing.
To keep our
memories locked away.
You can call me
a difficult woman.
But I couldn't live
with the silence.
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