Scariest Night of My Life (2017) s01e03 Episode Script

Deadly Crush and the Wall

-August 18, 2002 -November 12, 2011 -August 29 -December 1, 2002 June 15, 1991 was the scariest night it was the scariest night was the scariest night was the scariest night was the scariest night of my life.
There was something there hovering over me.
Something wasn't right.
I was terrified.
Something was in the apartment, and it was coming after us.
Just when we thought everything was okay, it wasn't over.
I was living a nightmare.
I did not feel safe being inside the house.
Let me out! RUSSELL: All of a sudden, I feel the air change.
She engulfed us in hatred.
[ Children laughing .]
Eleven years ago, when I was five, I had an encounter.
[ Clock ticking .]
One night, I was sleeping and suddenly woke up.
I remember waking up, and I saw a little girl standing in my room.
[ Girl laughs .]
She was standing near my bedroom door.
She didn't seem to be a threat.
I sat up, and I rubbed my eyes in disbelief.
[ Girl laughs .]
I looked back up, and she wasn't there anymore.
She disappeared.
That was the last time that I saw her.
[ Clock ticking .]
Me and my dad were having dinner, chatting about this and that, a little bit of school.
I was telling him how well I was doing.
He was pretty proud.
Any plans for tonight, homework or anything? I was actually having Emma over later.
Emma? I had told him I had my friend coming over.
Me and my dad, we get along.
It's a good relationship we have.
[ Girl laughs .]
My dad, he was working for the night, and it was going to be a time for me and my friend to hang out, watch some TV, play some games, stuff like that.
My dad worked the night shift, so right after dinner, he left for his shift.
Clean this up for me? Yeah.
Have a good night.
Just don't mess up the house.
I did get a feeling like there was someone in the kitchen.
It felt like there was something there.
But I didn't pay much attention to it.
I was alone.
[ Clock ticking .]
Hey, Emma.
How's it going? I was up in my bedroom making sure that all the plans were still good with Emma.
What time do you think you'll be coming over? EMMA: I don't know.
I'm just waiting for my dad.
Are you getting a ride? Yeah.
We were just trying to figure out when she was coming over and how'd she get over.
I was grabbed on the back of my thigh.
I was just wearing a pair of shorts and felt two tugs on the back of my leg.
I turned around and looked, and there was just nothing there.
I didn't want to scare Emma, so I never really said anything.
[ Girl laughs .]
A couple of seconds later, I heard a faint giggle.
I wasn't sure if it was something outside, or if it was something inside, but I definitely heard a laugh that I'd never heard before.
[ Girl laughs .]
I did ask Emma if she had laughed, and she said, "No.
You didn't tell a joke," but I've never heard this laugh before.
It was inside the house.
It was almost like it was right behind my head, so it was pretty, pretty creepy.
[ Girl laughs .]
Before Emma showed up, I decided that I should go and check out the house.
I don't know exactly what I was looking for, if I really felt there was someone in the house with me, but I wanted to be satisfied that I was alone.
[ Girl giggles .]
I looked around, and there was absolutely nobody in the house, no way anybody could've got in.
The windows were closed, and I didn't really have an explanation for what happened.
Before Emma showed up, I got changed, put a shirt on after I took a shower and, you know, cleaned up a little bit.
The house did feel different.
It did feel like it wasn't just me there, at the time.
It felt more like there was something there that was kind of hovering over me that wasn't there before.
[ Girl giggles .]
I was kind of on-edge, and I don't know if my mind was playing tricks on me or what happened.
I wasn't thinking straight.
I got ahold of Emma and said everything was good to go.
She sent me a text saying that her dad was giving her a ride and would be picking her up when she's ready to go home.
I was pretty sure I heard the giggle again.
I looked back, and there was just nothing there.
I looked down the hallway, and there was nobody there.
[ Girl giggles .]
The giggle was a little girl, nothing threatening, just kind of, like, a young girl playing is what it sounded like.
[ Girl giggles .]
RUSSELL: The house did feel like there was something there that was kind of hovering over me.
that was kind of hovering over me.
[ Clock ticking .]
It did feel like, you know, it wasn't just me there.
It was spine-tingling.
I just had a really bad feeling.
[ Girl laughs .]
[ Knock on door .]
So Emma shows up maybe 15 minutes later.
Russell! How's it going? As soon as she comes in, I grab her jacket, put it in the closet, and we sat down on the couch to start watching TV.
It was a perfect evening.
Emma was with me just hanging out and chilling.
Emma had no idea about what happened before she showed up.
I just tried to seem as normal and as natural as possible.
[ Laughs .]
Let's see.
Really? She has no idea that I heard what I heard and that I got tugged.
[ Girl giggles .]
There was a few moments where I kind of got that sensation that there was someone there.
I kept turning around expecting to see somebody when it was just the two of us, and she was right beside me.
What are you doing? I'll be right back, just don't worry.
I started hearing noises around the house and looked around.
I looked upstairs.
I didn't find anything.
I didn't find anybody.
There was nobody around.
I kept telling Emma, you know, "There's nothing to worry about.
everything is fine," and I just sat back down, and we continued to watch TV.
Where you been? Oh.
I just went up to check something and get something.
It's fine.
She asked me a couple times, you know, what I was looking for or what I was hearing, but I was just trying to tell her, "I just kind of have an off feeling.
" [ Girl giggles .]
No thanks.
[ Girl giggles .]
I heard a faint giggle.
I knew something wasn't right.
That's when things kind of escalated, and I think that's when whatever was in my house decided that they had to step up their game.
Russell? Nothing, a noise.
That's all.
[ Screams .]
What happened? Are you hurt? Emma screamed.
I'm bleeding.
Okay, Emma.
One second.
Something scratched her leg.
She said that there was a really bad burning on her leg that seemed to be getting worse and worse as time went by.
That looks really bad.
It looked like somebody took their nails and tried to dig it into her leg as hard as possible.
It went down about a good 4 inches or so.
All right.
There we go.
Do you have any pets? After the attack, she was asking, "Is there somebody here?" or do I have any pets? I don't have dogs, cats or anything.
There was really no explanation as to what it was and what is going on.
I finally got Emma to settle down [ Girl laughs .]
and immediately, I heard a little girl giggling mischievously.
Did you hear that? It was spine-tingling.
[ Girl laughs .]
It was the same giggle I heard earlier.
There was definitely, like, a feeling that it wasn't just us in the house anymore.
[ Distorted .]
Do you want to play? That's when I heard the little girl speak for the first time.
Do you want to play? She was almost taunting, in a way.
It wasn't like a little child asking, "Do you want to play with my toys?" It was like a little girl saying, "Do you really want to play these games with me?" in a very threatening, threatening way.
Do you want to play? Did you hear that? Are you good? It was almost like a little girl getting mad at you for something.
It wasn't like she screamed at us, and it wasn't a whisper, but it was like she was just talking, like, "Do you want to play?" like, "Do you want to play these games?" It almost like she was challenging to a game that she knew she'd win.
I kept telling Emma, "Everything is okay.
You're fine.
Everything is normal.
" At the same time, a part of me was like, you know, "She got scratched.
Where does it go from here?" RUSSELL: I kept turning around expecting to see somebody when it was just the two of us.
[ Clock ticking .]
Something wasn't right.
Whatever was in my house decided that they had to step up their game.
[ Girl screams .]
How you feeling now? A little bit more.
We were in the kitchen, and I'm making hot chocolate for us.
Everything seemed perfectly normal.
We were laughing, having a good time.
All of a sudden, I feel the air change.
She's back! I can't see her or hear her, but I know she's somewhere close.
[ Girl giggles .]
[ Girl laughs .]
Did you see that?! It's okay.
The phone flew across the kitchen.
[ Girl laughs .]
Just when we thought everything was okay, It wasn't over.
She wasn't done playing.
When the phone flew across the kitchen, that's really when Emma started to realize that it wasn't just a coincidence.
It was really something paranormal.
[ Screams .]
It clicked.
It's just the girl, the little girl that I saw when I was five, 11 years ago.
[ Distorted .]
Do you want to play? She was back, and she wasn't done playing.
[ Distorted .]
Come on.
Do you want to play? I turned to Emma, and I was, "We have to get out of here.
" [ Distorted .]
Come on.
You don't want to play? RUSSELL: She was exactly as I remembered.
It's like she just attached herself to me and wanted to keep me for herself.
Let's play.
[ Screams .]
Do you want to play? It was like we were being, you know, pushed around by this girl.
We definitely felt trapped in the house.
Eventually, we realized that the front door seemed like, like, there was just nothing there, almost as if she forgot to block it.
We grabbed everything, our coats, jackets, ran out of the house.
That was the end of our night, and that was the scariest night of my life.
This was the first time I've seen the little girl since I was five years old.
She definitely had more of an attitude of, you know, "He's mine.
Don't touch.
You touch, I hurt you.
" Since I could see her, and I had a connection with her when I was five years old, it's like she just attached herself to me and always wanted to protect me from anybody and keep me for herself, almost not realizing that she isn't actually alive anymore.
I believe what had happened to Emma happened because the little girl wanted to keep me for herself.
There hasn't been anything that's happened since, but I haven't had any female friends over, just guys, and there's never any problems.
There was something in the apartment, and it felt like it was coming after us.
I smelled a horrible smell, like something had died.
I was absolutely terrified.
[ Heart beating, woman moans .]
[ Woman laughs .]
My husband, Alan, and I were recently married, and we were looking for an apartment to move into together.
Alan is a retired US Army Veteran.
We looked for an apartment for 6 months, and finally, we found what we thought was the perfect apartment, right by the lake and had a sandy shore.
It was a two-bedroom apartment.
It had great lighting inside, huge bedrooms and a lot of space.
It was exactly what we were looking for to start our lives together.
[ Clock ticking .]
We spent a couple of hours organizing things.
Some things were pretty much where I wanted them to be.
We were exhausted after that long day, and I was actually very anxious to go see the lake.
We sat on the grass and enjoyed the view.
We were outside for maybe about 45 minutes.
[ Clock ticking .]
When we walked back into the apartment our furniture had been flipped upside down, and there were clothes everywhere.
The first thing that went through my mind was that somebody had broken into the apartment.
We were baffled.
We locked the door when we left.
Didn't we? We locked it.
I know we did.
Alan looked through the entire apartment.
Our patio door was closed.
There was no force of entry in our front door, and everything was shut.
We were living on the third story, so it was pretty impossible for anybody to break in.
We were only outside for 45 minutes, so it didn't make any sense how there could be this much damage done.
[ Clock ticking .]
After what had happened, we wanted to have a small sit-down dinner and just kind of look back at what had happened, so I started cooking dinner, and Alan started picking up around the house.
[ Peaceful melody playing .]
All of a sudden, I start to hear the snow globe that I had bought.
Alan? There's no explanation to why it's going off.
It never had music before.
To my knowledge, when I bought it, it was not working.
I had bought the snow globe at a nearby garage sale.
I had asked my husband if he had fixed it, and he said that he would never touch the snow globe because he didn't like it.
When I went to go turn it off, before I touched it, it shut off.
The globe shut off by itself.
I was very confused.
I couldn't find an explanation as to why it was playing.
[ Clock ticking .]
[ Peaceful melody playing from snow globe .]
We started hearing the snow globe going off again.
At this point, I start getting very, very uneasy.
We felt like the globe had something attached to it.
[ Heart beating .]
We didn't know anything about the person that we had bought it from, so it could possibly have had something attached to it.
I knew for a fact I had turned that thing off, and it didn't run on batteries.
Alan tried to smash it, but there was no way.
That thing had a mind of its own.
I started getting really mad, and I told him something needed to be done.
[ Banging on table .]
I asked Alan if he could take the snow globe to the church trash because I couldn't handle it anymore.
Alan took it outside, and he got in our car and went to go throw it away.
We thought that maybe by leaving it at the church that maybe whatever it was that was around it would just go away.
Man: Reach for me.
[ Clock ticking .]
After Alan leaves, I'm still cleaning up around the house, trying to get it back to the way that it was.
I was cleaning up all the books that had been thrown on the floor.
I did not feel safe being inside the house.
By the time that Alan came home, I was outside of the apartment waiting for him to get home.
After Alan gets home, we go back inside, and he assures me that everything is going to be okay.
And I started getting ready for bed, trying to unwind, and when I walk into my bathroom I smelled a horrible smell, like something had died.
I turned and looked at my mirror, and I saw "[Bleep.]
you, Alan.
" and I saw "[Bleep.]
you, Alan.
" It looked like blood.
Alan! Our furniture had been flipped upside down.
I was very uneasy.
I was very uneasy.
[ Clock ticking .]
When I walked into my bathroom and looked at my mirror, it looked like blood.
[ Woman screaming .]
Alan! I screamed, and Alan ran into the room.
What is all this? Jesus Christ.
I was absolutely terrified.
There are no words.
And at this point, I didn't know what to believe.
What I had found on the mirror was -- It was like a threat, to me, especially since it was written in blood.
I didn't believe that anybody that was human would do something like this.
I knew that this was something inhuman and demonic.
We were churchgoers.
We went every Sunday, and we were really involved in our church, so we couldn't understand why a demon would come to us.
The demon was giving us a warning and at threat to get out.
Having a demon coming into your life and scaring you and your family this way, you know, you can never imagine what the feeling is like.
It looked like the demon had put their finger on the mirror and let the blood drip.
It was not a bright red color, like paint would be.
It was dark, and it smelled.
When we cleaned it off, we had to literally scrub it with an iron Brillo pad.
It took us about two hours to scrub that blood off.
It was about 2 o'clock in the morning before we finally were able to go to bed.
[ Clock ticking .]
We were completely exhausted.
It was just time to let this rest.
[ Door slams shut .]
My bedroom door shut on me.
Alan! And it's not opening.
Alan! Alan! Alan! What happened? Open the door! I hear Alan come to the door, and he starts turning the knob, trying to open it and shaking the door.
I can hear that he's trying to force his way in.
Alan! [ Banging on door .]
Baby! What's happening? I'm coming through this.
You're going to be okay.
I screamed.
Alan! Baby! Then there was a pressure on my chest, pushed me down to the ground.
I couldn't scream anymore.
[ Gasping .]
I was laying flat on my back.
[ Gasping .]
I thought that I was going to die.
[ Gasping continues .]
ALTIHA: I screamed.
The demon was giving us a warning to get out, written in blood.
[ Clock ticking .]
My bedroom door shut on me.
I thought that I was going to die.
[ Woman screams .]
[ Gasping .]
I was being pinned down and could barely breathe.
I didn't think it could get any worse.
[ Gasping continues .]
I felt pressure from my chest down to my stomach.
[ Gasping .]
I thought that I was going to die.
I thought that was the end.
[ Gasping continues .]
Alan kept telling me, "I'm coming.
I'm coming.
" What's happening? Are you okay? What's happening? [ Doorknob rattling .]
Tried to open the door, "Are you okay? Can you get up?" I wasn't responding.
I tried, and I couldn't.
I couldn't respond.
I couldn't scream.
The sound of Alan pushing on the door was getting faint, and I didn't know what to do.
I was paralyzed.
My arms nor my feet could move.
I think that the demon was trying to possess me and have a body to be in.
[ Gasping .]
And it's wanting to hurt me.
At this time, I had prayer in my mind.
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
[ Man groans .]
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
I couldn't breathe, and I just I thought that that was the end for me.
I couldn't hear Alan anymore.
He tried everything to open the door.
The demon was pushing against the door and wasn't allowing him to go in.
I was able to hear Alan kick.
[ Gasping .]
[ Bangs on door .]
At that moment, it was gone.
[ Gasps .]
Are you okay? What happened? It couldn't breathe.
What happened? Are you okay? I'm so -- No.
[ Sobs .]
I felt released of the demon, and at that point, I was able to breathe.
This huge pressure was lifted off.
I am extremely happy that I am with him and relieved that the demon allowed me to go.
We couldn't spend another minute in there.
I didn't care where we were going, but we had to leave.
And as we headed out, although my head was spinning, and my ears were ringing, I heard the faint music from the snow globe.
[ Peaceful melody playing .]
Alan was sure that he threw the snow globe out at the church dumpster.
We didn't know what to think.
We had really no explanation as to why it would be back whatsoever.
It was impossible.
I was scared out of my mind.
I feel like when the snow globe came back that it was telling us that, "There is no way that you're getting away from me.
" At this point, I don't want to be at the apartment anymore.
It was the scariest thing that I had ever encountered.
I don't know how to describe that fear.
And that was the scariest night of my life.
We couldn't understand why it was happening to us.
I don't think there was really an explanation.
We were churchgoers.
We went every Sunday.
From everything that I had believed in growing up, I knew that this was something inhuman and demonic.
After that night, we left.
We've never come back.
I think that the demon was trying to possesss me and have a body to be in.
You know, you could never imagine what the feeling is like.

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