Scariest Night of My Life (2017) s01e06 Episode Script

The Witch and Devil in Disguise

-August 18, 2002.
-December 12, 2011.
-August 29, 1982.
-December 1st.
June 15, 1991.
-was the scariest night -was the scariest night -was the scariest night -was the scariest night was the scariest night of my life.
My house gave me, like, this weird fear through my body.
I always had the feeling in the house that something was watching me or I wasn't alone.
I have never felt so scared.
[ Gasps .]
I knew it was deceiving me.
And I knew it was evil.
I was out of my mind with fear.
She floated so close, I felt the evil coming off of her.
[ Child's laughter .]
LOUANN: I love my house, but I've always felt there was something negative in it.
Before we even moved in, we drove by, and I looked out the window of the car and read the number of the house.
It said 1330.
And even though I'm not a suspicious person, I said, "I don't like the number of the house.
" After a few years in the house, I started to like it more.
And we were settling in.
Our family was around the supper table in the kitchen.
Sounds good.
There was myself, my husband, Grant Do you want to go play with your dad? and our two children.
park tomorrow? -Yeah.
-Yeah? Sound good? Yeah.
Kids were anxious to go and play.
Well, now that you boys are just about done, why don't you go play with your dad in the playroom? -Yeah.
You guys are finished? All right.
Let's go.
I'm cleaning up the kitchen.
I put the dishes in the sink.
I had the feeling like something was watching me or I wasn't alone.
It was an uncomfortable feeling.
And being a nonbeliever of any kind of paranormal, I thought it was just me having a bad day.
It was just a feeling that I had.
But it was oppressive, and it was definitely there.
I take the newspapers and organize them, fold them all up, put them in a nice, neat little pile, and I'm done.
All tidied up, ready for the next day.
[ Clattering .]
[ Indistinct talking .]
We're in the playroom, and it's early evening.
Kids are having a great time.
[ Indistinct talking .]
And I notice out of the corner of my eye, the lights were on in the kitchen.
I was sure I turned them off.
I actually turned to Grant and said, "Did you turn the kitchen light on?" Did you turn the lights on in the kitchen? No.
Why? So I walked back into the kitchen to turn the light back off.
And the newspapers that I had put together on the table were strewn about on the floor.
Grant! Grant! -Yeah? -Grant! Yeah? I said, "Grant, did you come out here and mess up the newspapers?" I just tidied this up.
What's going on here? And he came out, "No, no, I didn't.
" I said, "Well, I folded them.
" I don't really know what's happening.
I don't believe in anything paranormal.
So it has to be something else.
I thought maybe there might have been a breeze and a logical explanation for the papers to have moved.
I checked the window, and I checked the door.
There was nothing open.
I feel there's something very negative in the house.
[ Children screaming .]
LOUANN: While I'm in the kitchen with Grant, we hear a little bit of crying coming from the playroom, and it's clearly Michael.
What happened? Are you okay? Something pushed me.
-What? -What? And he's saying that somebody pushed him.
I said, "Well, who pushed you?" "Well, I don't know who pushed me, but somebody pushed me.
" -You okay, bud? -Yeah.
Are you hurt? He's just shaken up.
He was just running around, and it was like he hit an imaginary wall that wasn't there.
And it made him fall over.
But clearly, something was happening.
[ Glass breaking .]
The whole evening is kind of getting on the weird side.
There's not really a logical explanation for a lot of this.
There wasn't any way to explain it.
[ Indistinct talking .]
LOUANN: After the kids were in bed, I decided I would tidy up a little bit because it's always a disaster area.
As I'm coming back out, I noticed that there is something in the hallway.
[ Distorted evil laughter .]
And it's a little red-and-white rubber ball.
And I thought, "Okay, I don't recognize this ball.
" It doesn't look like it's any of our kids' toys, but maybe they brought it in from outside.
So I pick it up and I go to take it back into the playroom.
I guess I'll just put it with the rest of the toys.
[ Distorted evil laughter .]
And it's a mess! It's all over the place! Now I'm starting to get afraid.
I'm really thinking, "There's something weird going on here.
" I can't put my finger on it.
I can't explain it.
[ Distorted evil laughter .]
The unknown is scarier than anything.
LOUANN: The newspapers were strewn about on the floor.
Now I'm starting to get afraid.
[ Distorted evil laughter .]
The unknown is scarier than anything.
[ Screaming .]
I wanted to go get Grant right away, but I didn't dare call out or yell or scream or be scared because he was with Michael.
So I did collect myself and calmly go into the bedroom.
Grant? I need to have a word with you.
Okay? I called Grant aside, and I said, you know, "You got to go look in the playroom because there is a massive mess in there.
And there's a little rubber ball that is not even ours.
" Clearly, we're both shocked.
Shocked and scared.
I'm just thinking something's wrong, and I said to Grant, "I want to call the police.
" We should have somebody come and investigate.
This is absolutely crazy.
Isn't it? We're both pretty freaked out.
The connection between me thinking the house number was bad luck and bad luck being in the house is making a little more sense now.
So, I go to the phone, into the bedroom.
And the phone's dead.
So I go to the living room, pick up that phone.
It's dead, too.
It was really unnerving.
I'm always looking for something logical.
So maybe somebody broke in.
Maybe somebody's fooling around.
Maybe the lines got cut or something has happened.
And they were working earlier in the night because I was just talking to somebody on the phone.
So, even though I don't know what I'm looking for, I know something is not right.
I didn't want Grant to go for help because then I'm at home alone.
Both the phones are dead.
What? All of them.
I'm unhinged at this point.
I'm thinking that clearly, something's not right.
I don't know what to do anymore.
But we decided we'll stay together in the house.
Hopefully, this is it and there'll be a good reason for it all in the morning.
Well, I fall asleep and slept for several hours.
I woke up.
I'm not sure why I woke up, but something woke me up.
And I think I see something floating above the bed.
I thought maybe, "Well, I'm seeing things.
My eyes are bleary from sleep.
" And I blink, and I'm trying to focus on it and it's a book.
And it's floating above me -- just floating.
And I follow it with my eyes, and I still can't believe it.
Then, all of a sudden, it's gone.
It's almost like you're pinching yourself to wake up to figure out, "Okay, that's not real.
" I think I'm dreaming.
Objects just don't move by themselves.
So, I kind of gather myself and I think, "Okay, I got to go back to sleep.
I slept for another few hours.
And I woke up again.
I sat up because there was something at the foot of the bed.
LOUANN: I go to the living room, pick up that phone.
It's dead, too.
I don't want to move.
I'm not sure what this is.
I was out of my mind with fear.
[ Screaming .]
There was an image at the end of the bed.
And it was tall as a man, 6 feet tall, in a white gown, kind of like a monk would wear, with a white hood and long white sleeves.
It was looking at me, but I couldn't see its face.
The room is filled with a mist and ice-cold.
It's right directly at the foot of my side of the bed.
So, clearly, it's come to me.
I'm in some kind of zone.
I have no idea how else to describe it.
It started to extend its arms to me outstretched arms that were very, very long, as if, "Come to me.
Come to me.
" The only thing that I could think of is that it was a spiritual, Christian, Jesus-like figure.
It was Christlike.
And I believed in that.
That made sense to me.
As it reached closer to me, it touched me on the left side.
As it touched me, it was ice-cold, frigid-cold.
[ Distorted evil laughter .]
Now I'm in a state of pure fear.
'Cause I knew it was evil.
I knew it was deceiving me.
At that instant, I looked in its face.
[ Screaming .]
And there was no face.
[ Screams .]
I let out the most bloodcurdling series of screams.
[ Screaming .]
Now Grant wakes up.
And he sees the same thing.
But it is now just sort of gliding out the room.
We both watched it just dissipate as it went out the room and down the hall.
I was paralyzed with fear.
I would not move.
[ Louann sobbing .]
And I am besides myself in panic stage.
[ Sobbing .]
And so finally, when I can speak, I tell him Honey, I need a Bible.
I need a Bible! Okay.
I need a Bible! I need some protection.
I need something.
And I did have a Bible, but it was downstairs, in the rec room.
And I tell him exactly where to find it.
There was no way I'm putting my feet on the floor.
There was no way I'm even going out of the room.
[ Whimpering .]
And so he goes and he gets the Bible, and he brings it upstairs.
I hold it for the longest time.
And I put it under my pillow.
I slept with the Bible under my pillow for probably two, three weeks afterwards.
And that was the scariest night of my life.
I think that I was picked.
I think I was chosen to tell the story, to tell his story.
I believe the spirit that came to me took on a form I would believe.
But I believed that it was somebody that lived on the property before that had been cheated out of things and had died very young.
It came to me because it had to convince me.
If it could convince me, I could convince others.
I could tell the story.
There's a message.
[ Children laughing .]
[ Screaming .]
Two years ago, we actually purchased a dream home of ours, for Jay, myself, and Brandon.
We were very excited to actually move into this home.
It was a dream come true.
This was a happy time of my life.
We actually had everything going for us.
We just bought a new home.
It was a wonderful life.
So, it's Valentine's day.
I was actually in the kitchen.
My husband and my son were upstairs.
[ Dog barking .]
My dogs don't bark or growl.
They're actually pretty quiet animals.
[ Barking continues .]
[ Dogs whimpering .]
And then, the barking stopped.
So I started tidying up the kitchen.
[ Moaning, whimpering .]
And I started hearing this whimpering.
[ Moaning, whimpering continue .]
" It was almost like a child was scared or something.
[ Moaning, whimpering continue .]
I knew it wasn't Brandon or Jay.
As a mother, I mean, when you hear a child whimpering, I mean, you're concerned.
I was.
I mean, I felt the stress of the whimpering.
[ Moaning, whimpering continue .]
[ Moaning, whimpering continue .]
It's nighttime, so I don't understand why I was hearing this whimpering of a child.
So it sort of made me, like, nervous.
I started believing, like, "Okay, what is this?" I mean, is it outside? Is there somebody out by the door? [ Dogs barking, growling .]
So I started walking to the front door to see what was going on.
[ Barking, growling continue .]
And my dogs started growling again.
They're actually pretty quiet animals, so even when people usually knock, they don't even growl or bark.
Get back! Get back! I was very concerned it was a child out there, and I just wanted to help the child.
[ Moaning, whimpering continue .]
So I opened the door.
And the crying stopped.
I looked around, and there was nobody there.
I started hearing the whimpering again.
And I was like, "What is going on?" I was like, I mean, Is it a child? What's going on?" I actually started feeling more like a chill go through my body.
[ Moaning, whimpering continue .]
Every time I shut the door, the whimpering started.
As soon as I went out there, it seemed like the whimpering actually just stopped right there.
[ Moaning, whimpering .]
The whimpering actually started again, so I started thinking, "Maybe it's not a child.
Maybe it's something else.
" So, I was in the kitchen, and Jay and Brandon came downstairs to go out.
And I asked them You didn't make the sounds of the child crying? -What? -What are you talking about? They looked at me and said, "No, we weren't doing anything.
We've been upstairs the whole entire time.
" After Jay told me that they weren't messing with me, Jay and Brandon left.
[ Moaning, whimpering .]
I was assuming it may be possibly something different, so I was trying not to think about that.
I was getting myself a little bit scared, so I actually was trying to think of something else and turned on some romantic TV shows and started watching TV.
I'm sitting on the couch, watching TV all by myself.
My animals were there sitting right next to me.
And it was nice and quiet and very peaceful.
[ Dogs barking .]
All of a sudden, I heard, like, three huge bangs.
It was a terrifying bang -- something unnormal, almost like somebody was hitting a wall.
It was just really loud.
And they happened very quickly.
The loud three bangs -- bang, bang, bang -- was right after each other.
[ Dogs barking, growling .]
My dogs just started barking and growling.
So I started having this fear, like, where is this banging coming from? [ Barking, growling continue .]
The way it echoed, I thought the sound was coming from the garage.
Despite the little voice in my head, I was going to check.
[ Barking, growling continue .]
As I was approaching the garage door, I started feeling very fearful.
So I started to grab the doorknob, very slowly opened the doorknob 'cause I was actually pretty scared to actually open that door.
I didn't know what was going to be on the other side.
[ Door creaking .]
[ Dogs barking, growling .]
MARIE: I start hearing this whimpering.
[ Moaning, whimpering .]
The crying stopped.
All of a sudden, three huge bangs.
[ Dog barks .]
I was starting to fear for my life.
[ Screaming .]
There was nothing in there.
So I was like, "Okay.
" Maybe my mind is playing games with me.
" I looked across the room and saw an old dartboard with three darts stuck deep into it all embedded into the number 6.
666 means the devil.
I was 100% sure that those darts were not there before.
It scared the living crap out of me.
I was really starting to fear for my life.
Almost felt like something wanted me to go in there.
And then I started feeling like somebody was in the garage with me.
I started feeling this heaviness.
It was just almost like somebody was almost on my back, but I didn't see anything.
It felt like somebody was getting on my back.
I have never felt soscared.
[ Gasps .]
[ Mischievous laughter .]
It was a very horrible feeling.
I mean, I was very terrified.
And I ran into the kitchen, and I am calling Jay.
I'm like, "You get home now.
" I honestly told him if he didn't get come home right away, I was going to leave this house and never come back.
Where are you? You have to come home.
[ Breathing shakily .]
I was so terrified.
I was screaming at him to actually get back at this house.
I never really scream at him like that, and I'm, like, screaming, "Get back here now!" I think there's somebody in the house! I'm sitting on the couch, terrified.
My animals wouldn't even leave my sight.
They were both wrapped around me -- almost like they knew something bad was gonna happen.
I actually would not let Jay get off the phone.
I need you here! The whole entire time he was driving, I'm like "Get home now.
Get home.
" And I was just so terrified.
I was like, "Are you 5 minutes away? 4 minutes away? I mean, get home.
" I was making him count, like, how many minutes away he was from the home because I was so terrified.
Are you here? -I'm here.
-He's here.
[ Gasps .]
Hold me! I'm like, "Just hold me.
Hold me.
" Okay, calm down.
[ Crying .]
Calm down.
It's okay, it's okay.
It's all right.
Take deep breaths.
Deep breaths.
My husband -- he's sort of, you know, my knight in shining armor.
He keeps me feeling safe.
I just started feeling like everything was okay.
Made me feel a lot better.
I was tossing and turning.
I just could not go to bed.
Jay was sound asleep.
I don't really want to wake my husband up, so I went ahead and I grabbed my laptop and I decided to go downstairs.
I was sitting on the couch, going through my laptop, going through things, And I was like, "Okay, I'm going to shut off the light, try to go to sleep.
" I was sleeping probably for a good hour.
Something just mysteriously woke me up.
I mean, I opened my eyes, and I saw this strange light coming from, like, the hallway area, and I wasn't sure what it was.
But the light started getting, you know, even closer.
Every time it kept getting closer to me, it kept getting even, like, bigger.
The light would just like -- almost like it was covering almost my whole living room.
At that time, I'm like, "Okay, what is going on?" The closer it got, I started feeling like something was, like, on me.
I couldn't move.
I could not move my body.
That scared the crap out of me.
The light would start coming closer and closer.
And then all of a sudden, I seen this figure.
It was a witch.
MARIE: There was actually three darts in my son's dartboard, and they were all in the 6.
666 means the devil.
[ Gasps .]
And then all of a sudden, I seen this figure.
It was a witch.
[ Screaming .]
She had the most horrible face, with, like, scars, and, like ash.
And it was all wrinkly, with warts.
[ Exhales sharply .]
The most horriblest thing I've ever seen.
The closer she kept getting to me, I feared like this was the end.
I mean, I didn't know what she was gonna do.
It just like -- the fear that came through you is just, like, almost like she was ripping every emotion out of me.
I was paralyzed in fear.
I couldn't move.
I couldn't scream.
I mean, my mouth couldn't even move.
The feeling that went through my body was just terror.
It was just the horriblest feeling when you even try to look into her eyes.
I wanted to keep looking away.
Her look on her eyes, I mean -- Ohh! I did feel like she had some kind of spell or control over me, where if I kept looking into her eyes, like, she almost was gonna take me somewhere where I might not ever come back out of.
She floated so close and closer to me that she was, like, hovering over me.
I mean, I felt the evil coming off of her.
And when she hovered right over my face, I was able to actually scream.
[ Screaming .]
She just disappeared.
[ Screaming continues .]
And at that time, how loud I screamed, my husband came running down the stairs.
What's wrong? What's wrong? What's wrong? [ Crying .]
I was actually shaking in fear.
My husband said I was so white.
[ Sobbing .]
He was so worried about me -- emotionally and physically.
My husband was just sitting on the couch, and I was in a fetal position, and he was just holding me.
What I saw was a witch, something demonic.
The night ended with Jay holding me.
I couldn't actually go to sleep.
Jay was holding me this whole entire time.
I think finally when daylight hit, I actually finally fell asleep.
It scared the living crap out of me.
I wanted just to get out.
And that was the scariest night of my life.
I don't try to think about her -- just even trying to picture this woman, I mean, just scares me so bad.
The only thing we can actually think of is I collect antiques.
I might have grabbed something or purchased something that maybe belonged to something that was attached to it.
I didn't think it was human.
I've thought it was just probably a spirit or something demonic.
Maybe 'cause it didn't get ahold of me it left.

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