Serangoon Road (2013) s01e02 Episode Script

Reach Out

1 You want to be the case officer assigned to this particular piece of shit? Men only do the right thing when they're guilty.
You didn't kill her husband.
Didn't stop the guy who did.
You worked for my husband.
Winston was always very happy when you were on the case with him.
We're a team.
Well, half of nothing's nothing.
It's not nearly enough to get you out of trouble with the Red Dragons.
How much do you owe? More than I've got.
I'm on a roll, we can't just go! Come on.
You're very selfish, you know.
Hey, you could stay.
Frank's on another trip.
Frank? I didn't think you could make it.
Not many men can tie a bow tie.
Boarding school education - all the useful things.
With Sam Callaghan helping, this is my chance to find out who killed my husband.
What would the Red Dragons want? Dunno.
Caught them in the middle of it, though, so whatever it was they didn't get it.
Are you a detective now? Oh, I knew Patricia's husband, so I'm just helping her back on her feet.
Frank's away for a while.
I'm meeting Kang.
I'm supposed to be in Bugis Street first thing in the morning.
Well, I'll come with you.
Why not? I've heard so much about Bugis Street.
None of the expats go there.
No-one'll see us.
That's not a good idea.
Well, why not? Well, it's not Sydney or London, Claire.
It's too dangerous.
I'm already married to someone who keeps telling me no.
Well, in this case, he's got a point.
I didn't come to Singapore to hide away in this house or at the club.
Don't even think about it.
We could be loading the boat.
We have customers who want their goods today.
We've got to eat sometime.
Hey, this is Bugis Street.
It's for tourists.
Oh, I can't believe it.
What? What's she doing here? Hey, I'm going to buy porridge.
Shop? Do you have a shop, with more purses like these? Oh, many, many.
Nice, very nice.
No, no, we go.
This way.
Follow me.
This way, ma'am.
This way.
Beautiful things.
This way, this way.
This way, ma'am.
This way.
I think I'd rather go back.
Follow me, ma'am.
Follow me.
Boy, girl? What? No, no, no, no.
You will like! You will like! I want to go back! Hey! Sam Callaghan, come, come.
Get off! No! No! Hey! Let's go.
Oh, my bag! They have my bag.
Forget it! We are not in bloody Sydney, Claire! I told you not to come here.
I'm sorry.
Sam, just the bloke I wanted to see.
You reckon you could hook me up with your detective agency friend? I've got a job for her.
And you, if you're interested.
My husband and I came to Singapore from China in 1936.
I was 18.
My husband started a business.
We were not wealthy, but very happy.
And then the war.
My husband was worried for my safety.
He sent me back to China, to my parents.
But after the war, China closed its borders.
No-one in, no-one out.
How did you get here? Mrs Chen scraped enough money together to bribe her way back.
Now, a friend of a friend put her on to me.
But she's now an illegal immigrant, which means she can't go to the police.
50,000 Chinese men were killed by the Japanese.
I know my husband.
Li would have survived.
He would do whatever it took to live.
And also, I would have felt it in my heart if he was dead.
I would know.
So you want to do this? He said he'd pay.
He said not much.
We'll start with where you lived.
And there, the blue building.
Our neighbour used to grow vegetables in her flowerpots.
This was our home.
I was so sure.
It's alright, it's alright.
Some things are exactly the same as I remember.
Others Well, since the war, a lot of the old buildings have been bulldozed.
All the time I was in China, the work camps, then the factories, I would think of my house, orchids out the front, the tiles with offering fruits.
That picture in my mind .
of my home, our home.
It's alright.
We'll find it.
We checked ten houses she was sure of.
We spoke to the owners and we got nothing.
I think she's forgotten.
She hasn't seen it since 1942.
But I remember my house from 1942.
I was just a kid.
I still remember everything.
The garden, my amah, Mum in the kitchen.
Anyway, Singapore's changed but not that much, right? Feng has come from so far, waited so long, and risked everything.
We have to help her.
Well, we can't doorknock every house in the city.
There has to be another way to find this woman's husband.
Isn't this what I'm paying you to do? I'm not asking you to do the job.
Just get your new assistant in.
Well, she's perky and young.
That makes me feel old and tired.
Sam? Good to see you.
I'd like you to meet Maxwell Black.
He's just arrived to head up our operations here.
Nice to meet you.
And Sam here's done some consulting jobs for the company.
Security advice on our operations in the provinces, that sort of thing.
Darling, Lady Tuckworth's waiting for me.
Excuse me, gentlemen.
Back in a moment.
Well, my wife's going to love it here.
Oh, good.
Well, it's all very civilised once you get used to the heat.
A lot of partners find it lonely.
Well, it depends on your wife.
A friend of mine grew up in cattle country in the States.
Wide open spaces, miles from town.
He used to say, if you marry the pretty little thing she won't want to stay.
She wants to go to the city, spend all your money.
Who can blame her? He says, you marry the keeper.
She might have a few more pounds on her, been on a better pasture, but she's not going anywhere either.
My wife is a keeper.
Frank Simpson's wife is a pretty little thing.
I'll leave you ladies to it.
The most interesting ones are usually the most damaged.
Well, I should know.
You knew Sir Phillip was a POW, didn't you? Yeah.
I think the only place Sam Callaghan was ever locked up was at boarding school.
And Changi.
Yeah, he and his mother.
Four years.
Civilian interns.
But he must have been, what? Oh, he was just a little boy.
What about his mother? She was killed.
By the Japanese.
Excuse me.
Can I help you, Mrs Simpson? Relax.
Frank thinks I'm powdering my nose.
I wanted to say thank you.
I was an idiot.
I was kind of impressed.
I wouldn't want you to do it again, but- It was exactly what you would have done if someone told you not to.
I'd better go.
Oh, the secret society you mentioned, the Red Dragons? Yeah.
Our driver pointed them out to us on the way here.
The Tiger General himself.
Whereabouts? At a noodle shop in Chinatown.
He said they go there all the time.
I know the one.
You won't even think about doing anything stupid, will you? I just want to talk.
My grandfather will hear you.
My grandfather is displeased.
He hears you've been asking questions, making accusations about a break-in.
Three nights ago, my neighbour's office was broken into.
As you may know, she recently lost her husband.
And this has only contributed to her distress.
Why do you waste my grandfather's time? The Red Dragons have nothing to do with this.
Then it must be a rival group.
Well, thank you for bringing this to my grandfather's attention.
We will be in touch.
One more thing! Please pass on my regrets to Mrs Cheng.
Winston was a much respected man in this community and her loss is our loss.
So, your meeting.
I guess the Tiger General didn't exactly throw himself at your feet and confess? Well, he was genuinely surprised.
He had no idea about it.
What did you hope to achieve, anyway? Can't reason with them.
But robbery makes no sense.
No, it doesn't.
They didn't even take the jade Buddha from the drawer.
You send out a couple of invoices and suddenly you're being burgled.
I think something your husband was investigating could still be in play.
This could have something to do with his murder? I don't know.
Well, he had a policy.
He would never take any cases involving the secret societies.
Yeah, but maybe he didn't intend to.
Maybe he took on something small and it turned into something else.
I I found it.
I found the house.
This time I'm sure.
I started at the tea house where I used to go every Friday morning, then I made my way back here.
Yes? Hello, ma'am.
We're trying to retrace some family history.
I'm wondering if you can tell me how long you've lived in this house.
Since 1950.
I see.
May I ask who owned the house before that? My parents.
It's been in the family more than 60 years.
Thank you.
That can't be right.
I think we've made a mistake.
No mistake, this is my house.
I'm sure.
This is my house! I'm sorry I can't help you.
No, no! Feng! Excuse me! Who is this woman? That's my teapot! My teapot! I'm sorry.
Is she alright? Is she ill? My hairpin.
A present from my husband.
Feng! Put it back.
Let him go! Ow! Who is this man? He's my husband.
This is our house! I'm sorry.
My apologies.
Let's go.
Let's go.
We need to simplify this.
So if Chan Li was killed, there'll be no record.
But Feng said he ran a business, so if he's alive and he prospered, he might appear regularly in the business section.
Business Lovely.
How did you even get that into the country? The same way I got us in here.
Contacts? Bribery.
Mr McDonald, I would really appreciate your help.
I got you in.
My work here's done.
Alright, Perky, alright.
Let's get started.
Let's see.
Start with this one.
That's Li! That's him! Well, if it is, he's not calling himself Chan Li anymore.
At least not in 1955.
It says here his name is Zhang Heng.
I know that name.
You should.
They're one of the biggest timber companies in the country.
If that's really Feng's husband, then he has a new family.
What? How do you know? I went to school with his daughter, Li Fen.
So he changed his name and remarried? Yes.
Her mother's Javanese.
Timber merchants.
Wealthy family.
You can kiss your true love story goodbye.
'Heartbreaking Twist After Two-Decade Search'.
Should we tell her? No, no.
She thinks this is her husband, but I'm not a hundred percent sure.
Maybe we should ask him directly.
Make sure before we break her heart.
I'll take you to his house.
I stole it, from your husband.
You knew him? We were taken by the Japanese in the same batch.
February 20th, 1942.
The Sook Ching Massacre.
But they only took men.
I was dressed up like a man.
Some of us were so afraid of being taken as comfort women.
But you saw Chan Li? We were in the same lorry.
We were taken out of the city, into the beach.
He talked to me.
He told me to calm down.
And he told me that we would survive.
That we had to survive.
Are you sure? It was 22 years ago, and you were very upset.
Are you sure it was him? Yes.
He had a mole, just underneath his collarbone.
And he told me about his wife.
What happened? They brought us to the water.
They They lined us all up.
And then they shot us.
And Chan Li? He was killed.
He was trying to save me.
He was killed.
I'm so sorry.
He told me about the house.
I knew it was empty.
I found my husband and then we moved in.
We were so desperate.
Chan Li was dead.
I didn't think that you would come back.
My husband and I, we discussed it.
I know that money is not going to bring your husband back, but we thought that this would help you.
It'll help you to start again.
I don't want money.
I also found this.
I found this, in our house.
I didn't know that it was yours.
My hairpin.
It's not much, just a bed and roof while you get back on your feet.
Do you have children? I don't have any myself.
I also lost my husband.
In the war? No.
Four months ago.
The police said it was a robbery.
I couldn't stop thinking about what I was doing when he died.
Was I laughing on the phone with a friend, or was I doing dishes? How could my husband stop breathing and I wouldn't know? But the feeling, you mend.
They live on.
A friend of my husband told me something then, and I didn't believe him.
He said that for a long time .
you'd feel you couldn't bear the heavy rock on your chest.
And then one day you'd wake up, your rock would still be there, but you would be able to bear it.
That is how you feel now? Can you bear it? No.
But I could almost see the day that I will.
This friend.
He is either very wise, or an idiot.
He's a bit of both.
You rest.
This one.
This is Chan Li's house.
You sure? That's the same house Feng said was hers.
Su Ling? Hey! Li Fen! What are you doing here? Hi.
Hi, I'm Sam.
Hi, I'm Li Fen.
Nice to meet you.
Hey Li Fen, let's go get a cola.
What happened to Weng? Did you marry him? We split up a year ago.
Oh, what a shame.
He was sweet.
Your parents liked him, which, knowing you, is part of the problem.
And what about you? Still living at home? Mm.
Four people living in the smallest house in the whole city.
Four? Mm.
Mum's brother lives with us too.
Like there's room.
But your father could afford any house.
I know.
He's happy to spend money on clothes and books and holidays, but he just won't move.
Well, if your mother's happy Are you serious? She hates that house.
She wants us to move back to Java.
That's where she's from? My mother would do anything for us to go back to Java.
As if I'm going to find a decent husband there.
Hey, did your father ever go by a different name? Why would you ask that? I don't know.
Some people changed their names after the war.
I don't think so.
Why would he? Another cola? Frank, I wasn't expecting you.
I drove six hours on crazy roads to get here.
I couldn't stand being away from you another minute.
I know it must be hard for you, being left alone for days.
But this job, it won't be forever.
What are you doing in here, anyway? I sleep in here sometimes, when you're away.
It's nice in here.
You must be starving.
I've got everything I need right here.
The cook's made an enormous dinner.
You should eat.
It's duck, too.
It's your favourite.
Chan Li's alive.
No, he's dead.
He's definitely alive.
We just spoke to his daughter.
Definitely dead.
That woman you spoke to, Artik, she came here.
She saw him die.
Artik married him.
She's Chan Li's second wife.
Artik married him? She let Feng think he was dead.
So Feng goes away.
Of course.
I mean, her life is gone if she's suddenly wife number two.
And she'll lose all status and privilege and she'll have to move out.
Where's wife number one? Sure she was in here? She was resting right here.
Where would she go? She'd just learnt her husband had been killed.
Perhaps she would go to where she thought it happened.
Tanah Merah Beach.
I just wanted to say goodbye, and cry for him.
But I can't feel it.
I can't feel anything.
Sometimes I think of the silliest things and suddenly she's there.
My mother.
In Changi she used to make a face like a puffer fish.
I'm not doing it any justice, but it was a big .
her whole head would blow up.
It was scary.
She was a beautiful woman, my mother .
even when she was making a puffer fish face.
Feng! Get the door.
It's some kind of poison.
Her heart is slowing, but he can't do anything unless he knows what type.
Bloody hell.
When'd she get that hairpin? Artik gave it to her, when we met.
She was trying to say sorry.
But I wonder Artik put it in her hair and nicked her scalp.
I thought she was just being nervous, but You see he know all about poison.
Who you want to kill? I don't want to kill anyone.
I want to save someone.
I want to cure them.
Killing, very easy.
Saving, very difficult.
Well, how much does he want? No, not about money.
About poison.
What kind? Frog? Tree? Have to know exactly.
But the only person who knows for sure is Artik and she's not going to confess to attempted murder.
She's Javanese.
Her family's in timber.
Tree, tree, tree.
Maybe ancar tree.
Ancar tree.
Used in blow dart.
Hunt mouse deer.
Can you reverse it? No.
If you poison someone with ancar, it takes seven steps uphill, or eight steps downhill.
Either way, by step nine, dead.
But it's been 24 hours.
She's still alive, so it's not that.
Must be something else then.
Hey, those trees out the front.
Li Fen said her mother shipped them from Java.
But how're we going to know which one? Poison has to be fresh.
Plant will have tap.
He give you book.
Look for the cut.
I can't read this.
I don't even know what dialect this is! Doesn't matter.
We've just got to find the right picture.
They won't be here.
Li Fen has a violin recital.
Here, here, here.
This has been tapped.
OK, see if you can find this one.
No, no, no, no, yes! That's it? Yes.
Let's go.
He's not really going to pour bat urine down her throat, is he? Now what? Now wait.
She get better, or die.
Where are you going? To tell Zhang Heng his wife's still alive.
While she still is.
Is that the Uncle? Yes.
What are you doing here? I'm the American Cultural Attache, after all.
Ms Ch'en, always a pleasure.
It's Chen, Mr Harrison.
I should get closer and watch.
Forget it.
Why? I'm out of her league? She's out of yours.
I went to Yale.
She's Peranakan.
How old's Yale? Over 200 years.
Her family, 500.
Enjoy the show.
Mrs Simpson.
Nice surprise.
What are you doing here? The company's a sponsor.
Excuse me, duty calls.
Miss Ch'en, I was hoping that I might ask you out.
Past and passive tense.
Are you saying you were going to ask me out and now you're not? Then why are we even speaking at all? I'm saying that I've been warned that your parents might not approve.
They most certainly would not.
But would it not be more important to secure my approval first? You're very direct.
And you're very not.
Is that the way with all CIA agents, or are you just not one of the brighter ones? Perhaps I underestimated you.
Perhaps you did.
Perhaps I should start again.
Perhaps you should.
Miss Ch'en, would you do me the honour of accompanying me to dinner one night? Thank you so much for your kind invitation, Mr Harrison, but that will not be possible.
We've got to stop meeting like this, Mrs Simpson.
You and I It's just What? Convenient.
Of course.
Quick, it's him.
Come on.
Ah, ladies and gentlemen.
Could you please thank again Li Fen for her extraordinary performance this evening.
Thank you, Li Fen.
Truly something special.
Easy, easy.
Mr Zhang? Excuse me, Mr Zhang.
I'm sorry, I can't stay.
My wife is unwell.
Feng is alive.
Feng? Let's go.
Let's go! Hang on.
Your first wife.
She's here in Singapore.
She's come from China.
She's here? You're sure? Yes.
These people are crazy.
They came to the house.
They came to the house! What? You knew? She's mad.
She's paranoid.
She says she's your wife.
Heng You knew, but you didn't tell me.
I I did this for you.
I did this for us! Why? Why didn't you tell me? Let's go home.
Let's go home.
Please, stop, stop, stop.
Take me to her.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Let's go, Mother.
Li Fen, I'm so sorry.
I wanted to tell you- Come on, Mother, let's go.
Come on, Mother.
Mrs Cheng, my grandfather has been informed you had a break-in a few nights ago.
He told your associate that our people were not involved, but it appears he was wrong.
These are the culprits.
They had the wrong shophouse.
A simple mistake.
One they will pay for.
If you like, you can watch.
Watch what? My grandfather can have them killed, or, if you No! No, not necessary.
Perhaps a stern talk to.
In that case, my grandfather would like to compensate you for the damage.
I can't take Mrs Cheng appreciates the gesture.
But that's really unnecessary.
Then as a token of his sincere regret, my grandfather would like you to have this gift.
It's hideous.
Well, you turned down the money.
It's probably worth a fortune.
We can sell it.
Probably is, but we'd be rich and dead.
But should the Kuan Kong be in the north-west corner facing the door, to keep out the bad forces? The bad forces gave it to us.
You don't just give a Kuan Kong to someone.
I think it's a warning.
Maybe the Red Dragons were involved in something Winston was investigating.
Then we'll find out what.
How? You talk me through all the invoices you sent out last week.
Let's see what stirred them up.
But it's the Red Dragons.
Shouldn't we let sleeping Kuan Kongs lie? I mean, it won't bring Uncle Winston back.
I know.
But I need to find his killer.
I need justice.
Love hurts Love scars Love wounds and mars Any heart, not tough Nor strong enough To take a lot of pain Take a lot of pain Love is like a cloud Holds a lot of rain Love hurts I'm young, I know But even so I know a thing or two I've learned from you I've really learned a lot Really learned a lot Love is like a stove Burns you when it's hot Love hurts Some fools rave of happiness Blissfulness, togetherness Some fools fool themselves, I guess But they're not foolin' me I know it isn't true Know it isn't true Love is just a lie Made to make you blue Love hurts Love hurts.
Whole city's gone crazy.
The client needs the photos and we need to be paid.
I could stop you.
The Empire's stuffed, and no-one's seen the memo.
Struggling detective agency run by a widow.
Could do with all the help it could get.
What's all this about? The M-16.
Special branch.
Stay off the streets, Mr Callaghan.
You spent four years in Changi.
Do you really want to go back? This is real detective work.
We're peeling an onion.
I think we all need to take a powder here.

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