Silent Witness (1996) s09e04 Episode Script

Choices (2)

So what you hear? It's definitely Marcus shot dead.
Modest must have found that he was rolling with us.
No, sir.
The cops them have Modest.
Tery Bannard, then.
I bet it was him.
T-Boy, let's just shoot up him rass! We done no blood, we should have shot him up a long time.
We're anxious.
Hold on.
Have to do this right.
You have an issue with my conduct as head of department? No, we're not saying that, I don't think.
We're just worried that you might have taken on too much too soon.
So what are you suggesting - that I haven't been working effectively or? Come on, how exactly have I not been fulfilling my responsibilities? Leo, you have to admit you have not been yourself.
And maybe three months off was not long enough.
What would be long enough? Six months? A year, will that suit you, Harry? This has nothing to do with you.
Well, I think it has.
The way you've been behaving is affecting all of us.
I am head of this department.
My private life's nothing to do with it.
It does, you've been late, when you are here, you're distracted.
We You two have no right to tell me when I can or can't come back to work! Fine.
Well, I have to do the Taylor PM.
Ferguson's going to be here in a minute.
Emma Gardner? Yeah.
Loads of people who experiment with drugs can handle it.
But Lisa couldn't.
What did she take? E? Yeah.
What else? Heroin.
That's when she seemed to lose it.
Who did she hang around with before she died? i dunno.
Loads of people.
We met at college and then she came to stay with me.
She moved out about a year ago.
I didn't see her much after that.
Who was her supplier? I wouldn't know.
Anybody and everybody? I guess so.
I let her down.
Should have been there for her.
Seen her more often.
You should have seen her the day I did(!) Bullet entered low in the chest, exited high in the back, probably went through the heart.
So no bullet inside him? Straight through, I'm afraid.
Travelling upwards.
Fired from the hip? Not necessarily, no.
The gunman could have been on the ground.
Or crouching down.
Or crouching down.
This was found in his hand, strapped to his wrist.
Well, whatever he was up to he meant business.
Pete? Can you take this to the lab and have it tested for traces of blood? For such a clean hit this hole looks a bit Bit big? This could be a higher calibre bullet than the 9mm we've seen so far.
Orden said we should be looking for a revolver.
Something like a Magnum .
44's are a bit of a specialist item.
There are not many of them around.
You still think this is an escalation of the nightclub shootings? Why shouldn't it be? .
I'm telling you, she's just a hopeless mess.
Probably back on the smack the minute i was out of the door.
Do you think she was lying? Bloody sure of it.
That's what they all do.
At what point do you decide to write people off like that? Like what? Dismissive shrug of the shoulders and label them a junkie.
When you realise you can plead with them, you can threaten them, you can even jail them but you can't stop them.
You ain't got any gear, have you? Depends.
You got anything to put it in? Ahh, safe, D.
All right? Cheers.
I've only got a bit left.
That's all right, man.
Cheers, mate.
See you.
My condolences for your loss.
Are you gonna let me go? Not yet, Ainsley, there's something I need to discuss with you.
This is the bullet that we retrieved from Helen's body.
And this is the ballistics report.
According to which, this bullet doesn't match up with those fired by the sub-machine gun from the car.
But it does match up with those that were fired back at the car.
Now, you still deny that you returned fire? Because, you see, whoever did return fire, was the person who killed Helen Roach.
Now, Ainsley, I'm sure you didn't mean to kill her.
And I know that none of this is of your doing, but please, you co-operate with me and I'll do what I can for you.
And maybe we can prevent anyone else getting killed.
Mmm? Now, what do you say? Are you going to let me go? I'm so sorry, Ainsley.
It's not sinking in.
I can't believe it.
Me neither.
They reckon the gun that killed Helenwasn't shot from the car.
Well, that's stupid.
Where else could it have come from? No, it couldn't.
As I took it out, it must have Oh, I only had the gun for show.
Never fired it before.
Ainsley, this has got to stop.
You know that.
Where is it? Where's my gun? I'm gonna need it.
Excuse me, Dr Alexander, there's a young woman named Emma here to see you.
Emma? Yeah, she's outside.
Tell her I'll be there in a sec.
Nikki, Harry, can i have a word? Er, sorry, I've got someone waiting for me.
I'm sorry.
I haven't been, avery pleasant, or a helpful person to be around recently.
We know what you've been going through.
Well, you don't, actually, but never mind about that.
I wanted to come back to work, I needed to do things.
And that's why I'm here and There are bad days, good days and there are bloody awful days.
And I'm sorry that's tough on you and Nikki.
Oh, I also know you're both more than capable professionals.
At the same time, you have to understand that this is my grief.
So yeah, go ahead, shout at me, umdisagree with me and tell me if I'm being impossible, but please don't tell me how to mourn.
I must be insane, i should have just chucked it in the river.
Don't worry.
It'll be cool.
Cool?! Ainsley, you shot Helen.
What do you need a gun for in the first place? You have to show them who's on top.
You're looking at life, do you understand? I know what I'm doing.
What are you doing? We worked hard, me and Helen.
And I'm not going to let these people take my club away from me! Hi, I'm Nikki Alexander.
Hi, my name's Emma.
I'm friends with Lisa, I've come to see her.
I'm afraid i can't let you see Lisa's body.
No, no.
The guy told me to come down here and, um, and come and see her, because I was a friend.
Yeah, I'm afraid that's not possible.
Why not? Because you're not related to her.
You don't understand.
If she, can you just open the door yeah, just let me go and see her? And then, and then it's fine.
Because I, I know who she is, like.
I know her.
And, um, can you, Can you just let me in? I know, listen Why not? As I said, I'm afraid, I can't let you see Lisa's body.
How did she die? Was she, um I mean was, was her body? I really can't give this information out.
Oh! if you want to come to the inquest tomorrow, you can.
When did you last see Lisa? And perhaps you might know something that could help us understand what had happened to her? Um No.
Um Thanks, um I really have to Emma! Oh, blood! What's up? Look at my trainers! Would you look at my trainers! All right.
Everybody gonna have a little blast to get used to Mr Big Mac.
You see me? My goodness! Oh, go on then, show us what you got! Go on then! Go on then, blood.
Go, Jay! Yeah, boy! My turn! No, it's my turn.
My turn.
I call it from a long time.
Hold, hold on! Everybody'll get them turn.
I've, er, had to release Modest.
All we have is circumstantial evidence.
The ballistics are impressive, but not enough to stand up in court.
So what about witnesses, someone must have seen something? Oh, very likely, but they're too scared to come forward.
And with good reason.
We can't protect them.
So, where do you go from here? Oh.
The way I see it, it's, fight or flight time for Modest.
He'll fight.
He's lost his girlfriend.
We still don't know who the other gang is.
Ranks are closed.
That's how it's always been.
Gangs from south of the river slugged it out with each other.
North London and East End villains were doing the same to control their patches.
There's violence and then silence.
But when it's their friends and neighbours being killed how come they still refuse to help the police? Hmm? See you tomorrow, Leo.
I told him I'd be here.
Wayne! Get that! Wayne! Wayne? Oh, little bugger, he's gone out and not taken his keys with him.
I've told you not to go out without taking your keys and not to go out when I'm having a bath! And you've left Gemma, and you should have done your home Evening.
Bo! Boo! Boo! sorry for just turning up.
I thought I'd see how Gemma was doing.
You can see for yourself.
She's coming on well.
Oh, there we go.
No sign of a temperature.
Thanks for helping us.
DOOR SLAMS You all right? I'm back.
Got a visitor.
Smells good.
Hello, mate, how are you doing? Harry! I just popped over to see your sister.
Are you staying for supper? Oh, I can't, mate.
There's plenty, it's macaroni cheese.
Er, that's very kind but, er, I couldn't.
The baby, not you.
You're working late.
Getting ready for the inquest tomorrow.
How's it going? Well, we know there was heroin in her system.
But there's no way of telling whether that was the cause of death.
What do you think? It's probably an accidental overdose, but we'll never be sure.
I know you've done all that you can.
I hope so.
You want me to take a look? The trouble is, there's nothing for the kids.
Jenny Sutherland works her backside off for this estate, runs all sorts of community programmes.
There's an after-school club I've been tying to get Wayne involved in.
Even so, I'm terrified he'll get in with the wrong crowd.
He's a nice kid.
Yeah, they all are to start with.
It sounds like you've got a, um, great, er Mmm? Community spirit here, but you don't get that eve_here.
My neighbours are great.
We all baby-sit for each other, you know, on this block when we can.
I know you could have reported me.
You know, for leaving Wayne looking after Gemma.
I don't usually do it.
That's OK.
It's just that I work part-time and, you know I'm a single mum bringing up two children on my own, on income support.
Just like my mum did.
Oh, I'm not complaining, it's just sometimes i need a bit of a life.
I know.
So do I.
Well, Gemma's all settled.
Harry, are you gonna be staying over? Oh, Wayne(!) .
sorry! Er, no.
I've got to go to work in the morning.
Oh, mum, tell him it's OK.
Just leave it, Wayne.
Actually, it really is late, I'd, er, better make a move.
Oh, OK.
Thank you.
I enjoyed my macaroni cheese.
You're welcome.
I feel very bad - you didn't eat very much.
More than I usually I do.
Got to be careful.
Oh, no you don't.
Well, see you then.
Are you all right getting home? Oh, Wayne.
I think so, yes, thank you very much.
See you, Wayne.
See you, Harry.
See you.
Come on.
off to bed, mate.
What, you got a problem? Must have upset someone, pal.
We've come here to remember the lives of Rachel Tarling, James Preston and Helen Roach.
Our thoughts are with their families.
These young lives have been taken from us, but we pray that they will not have died in vain, and that we can work together to make our community a safer and better place for us all to live in.
I'd like you to join me now in a three-minute silence Simone, i don't need to hear this.
I'm tired.
What are you doing messing with guns, Ainsley? Do you want to end up dead, yeah? Oh, Helen would love that(!) We spray, they pray.
You should hear yourself, Ainsley.
What you talking about? You sound like a gangster! KNOCK ON DOOR Come in.
Have you got a minute? Yeah, what? These are the guys I was telling you about.
Yeah, OK.
You heard anything more yet? Who this guy is? The kid who came round, he's local.
Runs a bit of gear round the Poplar estate.
Who for? None of the usual crews.
I reckon it must be somebody new.
Well, it doesn't matter much.
So I'll call them? Arrange a meet? Yeah.
Somewhere quiet.
You all right, Chris? All right, mate.
I brought a bike for you to fix.
Just leave it there.
I'll have a look at it later.
Thanks, Chris.
Oi! School.
You're gonna be late.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Time of death is impossible to establish with great accuracy.
There was little sign of insect activity, but that could be a result of the oil in the container.
Can you give us an estimate? She'd been there for many months, that's the best I can do.
And that coincides with the last time Miss Groves was seen? That's correct.
From what soft tissue i was able to recover from her liver and musculature, toxicology subsequently revealed significant traces of both morphine and 6-mono-acetyl-morphine, consistent with the use of heroin.
Could that have caused her death? It could.
A heroin overdose can kill in a number of ways.
Not just direct toxicity, but also concomitant effects such as respiratory depression, aspiration of gastric content sedation, Loss of gag reflex and others.
But you are unable to determine the cause of death? I'm afraid so.
Ultimately the decomposition was too advanced.
Is there any evidence to suggest that she may have met her death at the hands of another person? None that I can determine from the body.
However, it does appear that her body, wrapped in the blanket along with the drug paraphernalia, may have been dragged across the floor and placed in the wooden crate before being covered over with a piece of hardboard.
By a person or persons unknown? Yes.
Although, without evidence, I should stress that this is only my personal speculation.
Thank you, Dr Alexander.
Did you have any questions for the pathologist yourself, Mrs Brook? Thank you for attending today, Doctor.
Thank you.
This has been an enquiry into the death of Lisa Groves, who was found dead on the 28th January 2005.
I've taken evidence under oath from DI Connelly and Dr Alexander.
And from the cause of death given and such evidence available at this time, there being no further witnesses to assist in my enquiry, there is only one option Why won't you listen? I've told you everything i know.
I can't help feeling you're holding something back.
No, I'm not.
Why would l? I don't know.
I just thought perhaps you needed to talk to someone.
There's nothing anyone can do now, an_ay.
She's dead.
Oh, why can't you just leave it all alone? Do you want another one? Two more teas, please.
Don't worry.
Emma! No, it's just a load of rubbish.
Out! Not you.
Heard you been doing a bit of dealing.
I don't know what you're talking about.
We want your stash.
Ain't got no stash.
You don't give, we're going to take.
if I got to kick it out of you, I will.
You know that, don't you? Here it is.
He's got a gun! Where did she disappear to? Open verdict? It was all it was ever going to be.
Told me so, didn't you? MOBILE RINGS Hello? Yeah, that's me.
No, I don't think so.
Hold on a minute, I'll check.
Yeah, it's gone.
Wayne, it's very important that you do everything i say as and when I tell you.
Do you understand? Do you want me to chuck the gun out? No, don't do that.
When I count to five, i want you to come out with your hands in the air where i can see them, and stand still in the corridor until i tell you what else to do.
Do you understand me? What, like on telly? Exactly.
OK, ready? One, two, three, four, five.
Keep coming out.
Keep coming forward.
OK, stop, stand still.
Look at me.
You're not listening, look at me, look at me! OK, Sergeant.
Yeah, cheers.
I'll deal with the suspect.
Yeah, bye.
The call came from a pharmacist in Dalton.
Emma tried to pass off your credit card with one of the new assistants.
How did they know it was Emma? The owner KNOWS her.
As soon as she saw him she legged it.
And they didn't catch her? They just let her go.
Called the local police.
So what happens now? The gun you had in your possession was a .
44 Magnum, Wayne.
They're very unusual.
And I believe that one was used to kill a man, two days ago.
So, once again, where did you get it from? I've already told you, I got it this morning on the way to school.
In Carlyle Road? Yeah.
And you were on your own? I said so earlier, didn't l? Wayne! OK, then Well, this is Carlyle Road this morning.
And there's you, on your way to school, with your mates.
And, er, you never stopped once.
Or picked anything up from the street.
So I made a mistake.
i must have found the gun some other place.
Do you mind telling me where? I can't remember.
Now, we found a fresh tyre mark in the mud next to the body.
And what I want to ask you is, where's your bike, Wayne? We've been to your flat, and it's not there.
My mate's got it.
What mate? Who's got your bike, Wayne? All right.
Two nights ago.
Where were you? I was home, looking after Gemma.
And where was your mum? She was out.
Yeah, I wasn't gone long if we could let Wayne answer for himself.
All right.
An_ay, Gemma got ill so I took her down the hospital.
And then Harry called an ambulance.
Harry? Dr Cunningham.
Oh, yeah? They said that she was OK so we just went home.
What time did you get home? About eleven.
Then what? I went to bed, didn't I? Is that true, Mrs Devlin? DOOR SLAMS Wayne! Where are you going? It's a perfectly simple question, Mrs Devlin, I'd like an answer.
Oh What's happening here? Help me.
Please help me.
It's all right now.
There, Mrs Devlin.
BANGING ON DOOR Open this door! What are you doing? How did you get in here? Door was open.
Well, what do you want? Her credit card would be a good start.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Best friends, you and Lisa, weren't you? Dangerous people, best friends.
You should just worry about nicking their mates' husbands.
Worse now, though.
All that propaganda about the dealer outside the school gate, waiting to entice school kids down the road to hell.
Not true, is it? WE know who encouraged Lisa to have her first line of smack, don't we? Her best friend! It wasn't me! You don't get it! It was HER that got ME on the smack! I wish i had never met her! You were there, weren't you? It was all right when it started.
Lisa and i were good friends.
We had a real laugh at college shared a flat.
Hung out.
We had such a great time.
But Lisa just couldn't stop.
She kept pushing it further and further.
I kept telling her to sort herself out, but she wouldn't.
Or couldn't? I wanted her to go to hospital, but she'd just start screaming at me It was horrible.
I never thought I'd end up as bad as her.
So what happened? I caught her stealing from me and l told her she had to leave.
And she went? I know I should have Left her to it, but I began to feel bad.
And I went to look for her.
You found her? I followed her to some old buildings down the road.
'We made up# And I asked her if she wanted to come back with me.
But she was cooking up, so we stayed.
In the morningwhen I woke up .
I asked what she was staring at.
And when I touched her .
she felt ice cold, and i knew she was dead.
Then what did you do? I wasn't thinking, you know? I thought I'd get the blame.
So I wrapped her up - in the blanket.
Pulled her across the floor.
I managed to get her in this big wooden crate.
I covered her up, so she'd be safe.
Safe? From the rats.
Why didn't you tell anyone? I was so scared.
What if they thought it was me? So I kept quiet that day and and then it was two and then it was a week and i couldn't What will happen to me? You don't think it was me, do you, Harry? I wasn't there.
Neither was I.
On Gemma's life it wasn't me.
And where did this gun come from? I can't tell.
Why not? I was just looking after it for someone who would never have used it.
You don't believe me, do you? I believed you when you said you found it on the street.
I just can't tell.
If people find out that I'm a grass No-one else needs to know.
Yes, I'm fine.
He won't be long now.
OK, this guy i know, he just gave me a parcel and asked me to get rid of it for him.
And you didn't know what was in it? He didn't say, he said throw it in the river.
But you didn't? I wish i had now, but i just wanted to see what was in it.
And when you had, you decided you wanted to keep it, yeah? Yeah.
Why? I dunno.
I weren't gonna do anything with it, then Winston and his little gang started pushing me around.
Now thisfriend of yours, this guy who gave you I can't say nothing about him - he's good to me.
What if he's involved in these shootings? He wouldn't.
So there's nothing to worry about.
I dunno.
I still shouldn't tell.
Look, listen, Wayne! You're in deep trouble! A man has been shot dead and we are in a police station and I've just swabbed your hands for gunpowder - that's where we stand! And you could be spending the night here in a cell.
Maybe a lot of nights.
What's going to happen to your mum and Gemma if you get taken away and put in prison for something that you didn't do? I believe you.
I believe you.
I believe you didn't shoot this man.
And we can sort this out, but you've got to give me something, anything Anything - just to prove that this time you're telling the truth.
if I tell you, you promise you won't go saying anything to the cops, or do anything to get him into trouble? i promise.
Do you? I promise.
Your man omers to let him hold onto the receipts from the door and the booze - he'd settle for that.
I'll pass that on, see what he says.
Bottom line is he wants to make a deal.
Modest don't want any more violence.
He ain't made for shooting.
I'm sorry.
Excuse me for a minute.
Simone, isn't it? Are you all right? I'm not sure.
So how'd it go? Sweet.
Are you sure he bought it? Yeah.
He thinks we've bottled it.
Well done.
One minute I'm standing looking at her engagement ring and the next bullets flying all over the place.
Tell me more about Ainsley.
He's really cut up about Helen.
He's not too cut up to re-open the club.
His head's all over the place.
I'm really worried about him.
D'you think he's gonna hurt himself or do something stupid? Both.
I don't know what to do, Jenny.
You know what he's planning.
Yes, but there's nothing i can do about it.
i can't go to the police.
Listen, Simone.
Three people we know have already died.
I'm not going to let you stick your head in the sand and say nothing if there's a chance this could happen again.
I won't have to reveal your identity to the police.
I promise.
Take this and go on in there.
All this money, man.
We should just take him out and get the metal for nothing, all right, boys? Yes, brethren.
All right.
Me want you for do it.
Go do the deal man, pussy boy! Thanks a lot.
See you, Emma.
She'll be right back out.
Maybe, maybe not.
An_ay, whatever happens, admit it, secretly you're glad you're giving her the chance.
You can lead a horse to water Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
So what's going to happen to us? Us? For what? Breaking and entering? illegally interviewing a suspect.
I won't tell if you don't.
Mr Ward? And you are? Harry Cunningham.
I'm a pathologist.
I was wondering if i could have a word with you about Wayne Devlin.
Has something happened? Yes, it has.
He's at the police station.
He had a gun at school.
What's he doing with a gun? He's only 1 2! It's serious.
The police think he might be implicated in one of the recent shootings on the estate.
Rubbish! He's a good kid.
He does errands for me all the time.
This estate gets worse and worse.
Do you think we could talk inside? I worry about Wayne.
Kids round here, they don't have much, do they? What they need is some proper role models.
Don't you think? Yeah, I do.
I was an engineer in the Army before this happened.
I specialised in firearms.
When I left the Army they helped me re-settle, and I set myself up as a gunsmith.
Then the government banned the sale of handguns.
They sold the weapons to our enemies that were used to cripple me, then made it a crime for me to earn a crust selling a few pistols to sportsmen.
Guns don't commit crime, people do.
Mr Ward, Wayne's in very serious trouble.
Someone gave him a gun, which the police believe was used in a murder.
It's very probable that he will be charged with the omence.
So if you can help at all He is a good kid, as you say.
Marcus Taylor threatened me.
I supplied him with a Big Mac and he ordered another four.
When he heard I was selling to his rivals, he weren't happy about it.
Hey, man, I want a word with you.
Actually, it's a bit more of a talking to.
You've been double-dealing.
I'm a businessman, not a charity.
Well, you wanna mind who you're doing business with, you little boy! Who are you calling boy, you jumped-up gangster? What, you having a laugh? Huh? You wanna watch your mouth! No, man.
Come on, now.
You don't have to do that, man.
Take it easy, just forget it He attacked me.
You could call it self-defense.
You know, in all my time in the Army, I never did fire a gun in anger.
I never thought it would feel like that.
Hey, pass me the weed, man! Where's the weed? MUSIC OFF All right.
I'm here talk now.
Everybody need to be focused.
Look, I mean I want no mistake, you understand? You understand? Yeah, man, I'm cool.
Come, we go have a shootout.
This yours?
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