Silent Witness (1996) s28e08 Episode Script

Vanishing Point - Part 2

- Are you travelling with anyone?
- My wife died 18 months ago
had cancer.
Nine hours of business-class bliss.
Grant Townsend. Berkshire Biofuels.
Passenger complained of stomach pains.
Now he says he's having difficulty
Tony! What's wrong?
Tony Jenkins stayed in the Westshore
Hotel. A cleaner was found dead.
Tony! Tony!
- Tony!
- Can food poisoning do this?
This isn't food poisoning.
What if this is a virus, Kit
and not one of the nice ones?
Beth Tyler, erm, senior A&E
staff nurse. It seems serious.
CAPTAIN: We'll be diverting to
Lankaran International Airport
I've found something to live for.
A cause.
What cause, Tony?
Only you have the authority
to pronounce death.
CAPTAIN: They're not allowing
the body into the terminal.
They say no crime,
so the body goes back on the plane,
goes back to the UK.
Not yet.
Testator silens
Costestes e spiritu
Testator silens. ♪
CAPTAIN: Good afternoon.
Mumbai to London, flight EV609
- Hello.
- Full roast?
- No, thank you.
- More for me.
- All quiet out there?
- Mm.
Oh, shit.
- No
- Dr Alexander
Get me a doctor! Please!
Dr Alexander? Please. Dr Alexander?
- Dr Alexander!
- What is it?
It's Mr Townsend. Please.
- What's happened?
- I'm I'm really
Oh, my gut. Help me. Help me!
- Vomiting, stomach cramps
- We've got another one, haven't we?
Tony Jenkins was sitting
barely two metres away,
so it could be airborne.
Jesus! We're all at risk.
- We need to get these off.
- Right.
- We've all been exposed, haven't we?
- We don't know.
- We just don't know what this is.
- What are we going to do?
Mr Townsend? It's OK. We're here.
We're going to get these off, OK?
Please, please, if you could
just give them some space.
We can't divert to land yet.
We're already
on a more southerly flight path
across the Black Sea
because of the Ukraine situation.
Er, would you like to take this one?
- Morning, London.
- JACK: Thank you, Professor Patel,
for allowing us to be present.
As you know, we believe
there's a direct connection
between your case there
and the death of the British passenger
on the East-West Airlines flight.
Let us get started, then, shall we?
This body presents
a potential substantial risk
which is unknown at this time
and therefore unquantified.
I will not be taking
nonessential samples,
as there is a risk
to our lab technicians.
What about the risk on the plane?
The deceased is Vikram Mehtab Sharma.
He was found unresponsive at the
Westshore Hotel at 17:30 yesterday.
I note jaundice in the sclera.
There are no petechiae in the eyes,
therefore death is unlikely
to have resulted from asphyxiation.
There is a fresh area
of superficial skin loss
on the right hand, measuring two
centimetres by three centimetres.
It looks eroded, suggesting contact
with a toxic irritant or chemical.
So he, like, picked it up?
Good assumption.
So what are we looking at - a man
who was poisoned, or the poisoner?
As a safety precaution,
I will take blood with a syringe
instead of isolating the femoral vein.
These are very stressful
circumstances for you, Dr Patel.
We do thank you for
all your care and attention.
Thank you Professor.
OVER RADIO: Flight EV609,
this is East-West Airlines
control in London.
Angus, it's Jodi.
How's it going down there?
Bit less stormy than up there.
You've got another one sick?
How do you know? Yeah, Grant Townsend,
business-class passenger, 3B.
Presenting similar symptoms.
Thing is, we're not the only ones
who know about your situation.
Several of your passengers
are posting on socials.
Shit! I'm shutting down
passenger Wi-Fi.
Looking at the throat,
I observe presence of froth
in the tracheobronchial tree,
which could suggest
terminal heart failure.
That fits with what Nikki told us -
vomiting, blood
then multiple cardiac arrests.
The cause of death is unascertained
at the moment,
- pending further tests.
- Everything that you have shown us
points to a highly poisonous toxin,
wouldn't you agree?
We cannot exclude that.
Or indeed a virus.
- But we cannot rely on guesswork.
- No. Agreed.
How soon will you have the
toxicology and virology results?
I can assure you
it is the highest priority.
Perhaps this evening, your time.
- JACK: Thank you, Professor Patel.
- Thank you, everyone.
I was in contact with Tony for
much longer than Mr Townsend was.
Beth was, too. Why am I
not showing any signs?
Maybe you've had whatever this is
before, a mild version?
Or you're asymptomatic?
Whatever this thing is, I don't
think there is a mild version.
I need to see how Beth is doing.
- Did you see who went in there?
- PASSENGER: Yeah. A woman.
- Has she been in there long?
- She has, yeah.
I know her. Excuse me.
Beth? Is that you?
I think we need to open this.
The other washroom's free now.
- Would you mind?
- Sure.
The nurse, Beth, she's in there.
- Are you sure?
- I think so.
Are you OK?
If you don't respond,
I have to open the door.
Let's open it.
Let me help.
- No!
- Beth!
What happened in there?!
KIT: Jack?
I think I've found something, and
I don't know what to do about it.
You always know what to do,
and it's usually the opposite
- of what we recommend.
- Hilarious.
I was looking for anything on the
deceased passenger, Tony Jenkins.
You were right, he has no digital
footprint. Isn't that weird?
That I was right? Inexplicable.
Perhaps Tony Jenkins was simply
who he said he was,
a man of a certain age who never
left home.
So, what did you find
that was stumping you?
I decided to
take a look at the airline itself.
- Mm?
- The owner is a guy called Saqib Bashir.
Bashir's into everything.
The airline is just a side hustle.
One of his companies was the contractor
for a luxury residential development
in Karachi that went belly up.
The company he was building it for
went under for 600 million.
Wow. He must be popular.
The guy who owns the investment company
vowed to bring Bashir down, and he
is the sort of guy who knows how.
He's military? General Moin Anwar?
Anwar runs a covert counterterrorism
They're rumoured to be behind a series
of extrajudicial killings.
- You mean assassinations.
- Anwar poisons people, Jack least according to
three different reports I found,
in India, Afghanistan, Iran.
So the owner of
East-West Airlines made an enemy
of the general who poisons people.
But Bashir isn't on Nikki's flight.
Do we really think a general
would poison an entire flight
just to get back at one man?
Malaysia Airlines shares dropped 18%
the day after Flight MH370
dropped off radar.
Why kill Bashir when you can
destroy him?
Sends a message, right?
That's why they paint out
the tail logos at crash sites.
If this is true and Anwar's involved,
we could be looking at
a military-grade nerve agent
..some kind of Novichok.
Beth was in close proximity to Tony
for at least 15 minutes before he died.
And she and Townsend
came into direct contact
on the ground in Lankaran when
it got physical,
and he ended up shoving her.
But you've been in contact
with all of them.
Are you worried?
We both have.
You'd be stupid not to be, right?
- Yeah.
- Everyone's worried.
..I'm sorry, but this might
take longer than usual.
- Can I help you?
- Quite the opposite, actually.
- I'm here to help you.
- Where are you going?
Hey! Excuse me,
you can't just come in here.
I'll call security.
She IS security, Jack.
Fiona Mason,
Foreign Office Special Services.
Sounds as shadowy as it gets.
Well, let's just say I don't see
a lot of daylight from my office.
We'd love to see where you
are with this thing, just in case.
In case of what?
Moin Anwar rose up the ranks
of the ISI in the mid-2010s.
He was responsible for taking on
the terrorist groups
and the Fidai Ansar Brigade.
- I've never heard of them.
- Exactly.
General Anwar's methods
were highly effective.
Hassan Saleem, 34 years old.
Accused of embezzling $500,000 from
one of Anwar's software companies.
He became ill on a flight
from Islamabad to Karachi in 2021,
died in hospital
from acute renal failure.
Postmortem results disappeared
from police custody service.
These were all targeted attacks.
Who's the target here,
the whole plane?!
Just to get back at
the airline's owner, Bashir?
Maybe. Three more affected now,
and they're miles away
from London still.
- Three now? How do you know that?
- The airline's told us.
Two more passengers fell ill.
- God! Nikki
- Dr Alexander is so far unaffected.
"So far"?!
What do you think happened here, Fiona?
Hmm? The cleaner
who was killed in Mumbai,
he was, what, Anwar's agent?
And he infected Tony Jenkins,
who then infected the rest of
the plane?
Well, it's a possibility.
I've done some digging on Jenkins.
Seems that Tony had never been
further than Margate
until he travelled outward to Mumbai
on an economy ticket, with a return
ticket just three days later.
And he returned business class.
Well, that's strange, isn't it?
Who paid for that?
The ticket
was paid for with a credit card
under Jenkins' name. The card
links to a new bank account,
opened four weeks ago by Anthony
Jenkins. It had about £6,000 in it.
6,000 would cover the flights
and hotel in Mumbai.
Do we really think Tony Jenkins
is some kind of
..Pakistani agent?
We don't know
what Jenkins was capable of.
Well, I think it's very possible
he was an innocent victim.
Nikki needs to know this.
She could be dealing with
some kind of military-grade
nerve agent.
And how are you going to tell her that?
There's a satellite phone onboard.
I can call her directly.
I'd rather you didn't.
I'd rather I did!
This is highly sensitive.
It IS sensitive - she's our colleague
and she's my fiancee.
I understand
that this is emotional for you
Emotional?! Screw yourself.
We need to warn Nikki.
Tell her, Harriet.
What? What's that?
What are you not telling us?
The Pakistani Prime Minister is due
in Downing Street in 48 hours
for a binational summit. He's in the
air already, which is why I'm here.
Whitehall are concerned
that the events on EV609
may be linked to his visit.
- How?
- The airline's owner, Saqib Bashir,
is a very vocal supporter
of the Pakistani PM.
The general, however, isn't.
Hang on, hang on a sec. You knew
about Bashir? And the general?
Only some of it.
- God's sake!
- You have filled in the rest.
And I have to commend you,
Mr Hodgson, on your research.
- It has been very thorough.
- So this attack on the plane,
- it is political?
- If it is, then it is heading our way.
- I'm calling Nikki.
- Jack, no!
This is serious.
I need to lock things down until we
have filled in more of the blanks.
Hand in your phone, please. Everyone.
Listen, we have got a specialist -
a team of specialists -
at Thames House.
We're working on this right now.
We will bring back that plane
and its passengers home safe.
- You have my word.
- Oh, you give us your word? That's nice.
Your phone, please.
Contact the plane. Tell Dr Alexander
everything about General Anwar
and the possibility
that this is a targeted attack.
I will make sure that Dr Alexander
gets word.
Thank you.
Sit tight. I'll be in touch.
- She'll be OK, Jack.
- Yeah.
Nah, bollocks to this.
They've blocked our phone lines. Shit!
Don't worry. We're going to get you
home to your fiance, Dr Alexander.
- Who said I was
- We gossip. HE CHUCKLES
One of the perks of the job.
- The vanishing point, right?
- Mm.
I don't want to vanish.
I want to go home, Ade.
To Jack.
To my work.
We're all going home, Nikki.
I'm so bloody stupid!
I've just worked out
why Mason came down on us.
If the whole plane
becomes contaminated,
there's no way anyone is going to
let it land, are they?
They don't want that information
getting to the plane,
and that's why she's locked us down.
Wait a minute.
I'm as worried as you are, Jack.
Where is it?
Go into the changing room,
hold it up high.
You might be lucky and pick up
some Wi-Fi from the university.
In fact, being the size you are,
you could probably get it
- sitting down.
- Are you running some narcotics empire
- we don't know about?
- No. It's my gee-gees phone.
I have a weakness for the horses
and my husband never approved,
God rest him, so
It's my little memento.
Come on, take this.
And here's
the number for the satellite phone.
You see, I'm very thorough. Go on,
off you go. Oh, and, Jack, remember,
it's always good to have
a few secrets in a marriage.
Quick. Quick!
Get Nikki back safe, go on.
Can you tell me how you're feeling,
Mr Townsend?
Who are you?
I don't know you. Get away from me.
I-I'm Nikki. The doctor.
The confusion is normal.
It's just a symptom of having
such a high temperature.
I said I don't know you!
Just leave me alone!
I'm not sick.
And you're not my doctor.
- Hello?
- Nikki, it's me.
We think this could be
a targeted poisoning,
a feud between the airline owner and
someone in the Pakistan military.
So this could be a military weapon?
Some sort of toxic nerve agent?
The Foreign Office seem to think so.
And it looks like
Tony Jenkins was involved.
Definitely seems to trace back to
the hotel where Jenkins was staying.
- You all right? You there?
- Tony said something strange.
He told me he'd found
something to live for
after his wife and daughter died,
a cause.
He was only in India for three days.
- He lied. There was no walking holiday.
- What?
Why would he lie?
Was it him, this assassin?
Maybe he
got himself mixed up in something.
He said something else, Jack,
just before he died.
I thought I'd misheard it.
Just one word.
What did he say?
Tony didn't seem like a bad man.
He just seemed a little lost.
The pathologist who PM'd
the Mumbai hotel victim
found a red mark
on the dead man's palm,
thought he might've handled the toxin.
I didn't see any marks on Tony's hands.
Although something like that
- might only present postmortem.
- Patel mentioned that.
- Tony's body is here. He's onboard.
- You said they put him in the hold.
Nikki, no.
- No, you probably can't even
- If I can get to the body,
- then maybe I could
- Could what?
You were with him till the end.
You saw him.
I need to save these passengers, Jack.
If something new
presents on the body postmortem,
- then maybe I can identify the toxin.
- Nikki, don't do anything daft, please.
At the very least,
we could establish a link
with the body in Mumbai.
That way, their toxicology results
could help us.
I've got to go, Jack.
I love you.
This is going to sound
a little unorthodox.
I need to access the hold.
O K.
But why? If it's not a stupid question.
It's not. I need to look at the body.
Armed police, executing a warrant.
Don't move!
All right, Bobby? It's been a while.
Right, let's get started
in the basement. It's through there.
I want everything bagged,
and I want the entire place
swept for any traces
of toxic substances.
- Nicest scrubs I've ever worn.
- Not quite Egyptian cotton,
but they do sell for a fortune on eBay.
The hold has the same air-con
as up here.
We transport pets and stuff, you
know, so it's got to be liveable.
It's just a little colder.
When I open the box, I don't want
any risk of contamination
with the passenger deck,
so close the hatch after me, OK?
Are you sure
you want to do this, Nikki?
Truth is
..I'd rather be sipping champagne.
Sh. It's OK.
Hello again, Tony.
Are you going to tell me
what we're dealing with now?
Internet's back up. Phone lines, too.
How did that happen?
It just did. Mason's been busy
on other things.
I assume she put your disobedience
down to youthful indiscretion.
- Busy on what other things?
- The police carried out a raid
this morning on one of the main
conduits for Pakistani intelligence
- funding in London.
- They find any nerve agents?
Not yet.
And no payments to Tony Jenkins.
So he could still be
an innocent victim in all this.
Maybe. Maybe not.
General Anwar's been known
to use clean skins -
amateurs, people with
secrets to hide, debts.
Did he have debts?
Well, that's what
I wondered. I checked bankruptcy
and insolvency. Nothing. But then
..I thought I'd take a little wander
through small claims court register.
- You know how to live.
- And there he was, Anthony Jenkins.
He was taken to small claims
by a medical supplies company
in Basildon.
So they're thinking he must have been
hard up, open to financial inducements?
Mm. This was 18 months ago.
He was living out Essex way.
There's an address.
Something else going on here.
Nikki said Tony's last word
was "victory".
I know we're meant to stay put, but
The subject is Anthony Jenkins,
a 50-year-old Caucasian male
who died on Flight EV609
at approximately 23:45 GMT.
I note the presence
of dried blood on his face,
most prominently at the mouth
and nostrils.
Also a yellowing of the sclera that
seems to have appeared postmortem.
My assumption is that some acute
and rapidly fatal process
has taken place in the subject's body,
most likely from a toxin
or other poisoning.
He has some eczema on his right hand.
None on the left.
But no evidence of erosions.
There's something
in his left trouser leg pocket.
I have removed a small perfume atomiser
from the left trouser pocket
of the deceased.
The bottle is cracked
..and appears empty, except for
a few clear drops of liquid.
I can see an area of erosions
on his left thigh.
So it's likely that
whatever was in the atomiser
leaked onto Mr Jenkins's skin,
penetrating the dermis.
I think it's reasonable to assume
that whatever is in this bottle
is the source of the toxin.
Oh, Tony
PASSENGER: You're responsible
for our lives, as well!
ADE: I am well aware
of my responsibilities.
If you can please
just return to your seat
She's not coming up until
you tell us what's going on.
We have a right to know.
Are we at risk?
I don't know. We don't know.
W-We're just trying to get back
to London, get everyone home.
She's been with the body,
she could have been in contact
with whatever's causing this.
She has been with all three patients.
So have I.
We're doing what we can to help
two sick patients pull through.
This is shit. This is shit.
You have a duty of care.
We all have families waiting for us.
So do I.
So does she.
Dr Alexander is an internationally
renowned pathologist.
She does this for a living.
Hey! Let me out!
And if she has found anything,
it could save our lives.
- Ade!
- So what do you want to do?
Let me out!
Sorry, Doctor.
What's going on?
Did you find something? Did you
find something on the body?
We're getting closer, I think.
I think the danger is isolated.
Only very few individuals are affected.
- You "think"?
- If you're looking for reassurance,
and I would be, in your position,
the evidence so far points to this -
no infection, no airborne pathogen.
The sickness is only transmitted
through close and direct contact.
So we're safe?
Well, you'll be a lot
safer if you go back to your seats
and stay away from anyone who's been
in contact with the toxin.
You found something, didn't you?
23 Hamilton Gardens.
This is the address
Tony Jenkins gave to the court.
So he was living here until a year ago?
A long way from business class.
Hello. Sorry to disturb.
I'm wondering if you know
anything about the man who used to
live next door, Tony Jenkins.
Are you police?
Do we look like police?
We work at a medical school. Tony's
on a flight with our colleague,
he's taken very ill. We're in
a bit of a race against time here.
Er they were all ill, next door,
and then they left.
Not surprising. Look at the state of
it round here.
We've got black mould in
every room, too.
Do you know where he
might have moved to?
I hope someplace better than this.
Say hi, would you?
I used to baby-sit his young one.
All right. Cheers.
That's all we've got.
Valerie Jenkins' medical records
show the same address.
- She died last year, didn't she?
- Looks like the child's death
and Val's illness put Tony in the red.
I suppose it's possible
Pakistani intelligence got to him,
paid him to go to India
AND get the poison on the plane.
You think? How would they find him?
Maybe the same way I did, small claims?
That's him, isn't it?
That's Tony?
Yeah, he volunteered here
after his wife passed.
Cancer took his whole family
from him. So sad. Poor love.
- Does he still work here?
- I haven't seen him in a fair few months.
You wouldn't have his address,
would you?
Er, I can check. Er
- Ah! 23
- Hamilton Gardens?
Oh, is he not there any more?
Was he friends with any of
the other volunteers, or?
Er, I don't think so.
He was very, um can I say? Private.
Oh, lovely, if you see him
..could you give him this?
It's his coat.
He left it, last time
he worked the tills.
What's this?
Some lettings invoice.
- Is there an address?
- Yeah.
17-minute drive away from here.
27, the way you drive.
You don't know what was in
that perfume bottle?
Not perfume.
What, so Mr Jenkins
brought poison on board? Why?
Maybe he was paid to bring the stuff
to London. The bottle was cracked.
It must have leaked onto his skin.
He wasn't expecting to die.
And they both got infected
along the way?
Townsend went down before Beth did.
He pushed past Tony
and me in the airport.
Hmm Sounds like our Mr Townsend.
Er, sorry.
He doesn't deserve this.
No-one does.
Are you all right, Beth?
Can I get you something?
Do you really believe that?
- That no-one deserves this?
- Of course. I want to help you.
Then ask me.
- Do what you did with Tony.
- What do you mean?
Record me symptoms, every thing
this evil poison does to my body.
I have Tony's recording.
You need to save your strength.
No You you went down
to see Tony, right?
What did you find?
He had a small perfume bottle
in his pocket.
You keep it.
You prove what's killing us.
You record every single
excruciating little step.
You were wrong.
Some people do
Some people do deserve to die.
Do you know what was
in that bottle, Beth?
D-Do you know what you're dying of?
He knows.
What? Who?
Ask him.
Any bright ideas?
Mm, what would you use? Let me guess -
Nikki's birthday?
Oh, wow!
Try Tony's wife, Val. 0509.
- Genius, Kit.
- Thanks.
He thought he was coming home.
Milk's still in date.
"Tony and Val.
Jack? Come and see this.
The last thing he said.
It's barely 300 yards
from Tony's house.
Do you understand what she's
talking about, Mr Townsend?
I don't know She's crazy.
She already tried to attack me once.
Did you do this, Beth?
While we were
on the ground in Azerbaijan?
Why would you poison him?!
Let me help you.
He-he needs to talk.
I don't know her!
But you will.
Tell her every single thing!
Why you're dying!
I don't know!
Tell her, and I'll help you.
I can stop this.
I can stop it. I have an anti-toxin.
ADE: Nikki, Jack is on the phone
for you. He says it's urgent.
I think I know
what this is about, Nikki.
Jenkins' daughter died
from a rare leukaemia.
He blamed a chemicals company
called Berkshire Biofuels.
Majority shareholder
is a non-dom called
TOGETHER: ..Grant Townsend.
He's right here, Jack.
He's sick.
Tony tried to take a group action,
but they tied them up
in complex disclosure requests,
drowned them in documents, you know?
So Grant Townsend was the target.
Tony came on board to kill him?
Doesn't get us any closer
to working out what the toxin is.
- I think it does, Jack.
- What?
Jack, I have to go.
I know why this is happening.
It's because of the nyraxin.
They blame me.
Nyraxin? What's nyraxin?
Tell her.
Tell her what it is.
Tell her what it does.
So everyone will know.
Tell her, and I'll help you.
Tell her.
The nyraxin comes from my factories.
Your factories?
It's a by-product
of the distillation process.
Causes cancer.
Particularly susceptible in children.
Tony's daughter.
Not just Tony's daughter.
Your child had cancer, too.
His name was Jacob.
Like Tony's daughter - leukaemia?
He always said there was
something in the soil,
in the water,
that was killing our kids.
Berkshire Biofuels.
300 yards from Tony's house.
Two miles from mine.
A release of nyraxin from the factory.
It was going on for years.
Nobody stopped it.
His lawyers made sure of that.
They all died!
No-one was listening to us. No-one.
So you decided to make him suffer?
Not just to make him suffer.
To prove it!
He denied it, all this time,
that nyraxin was killing our children,
that he was killing our children!
No proof!
No proof?! This is proof!
You, me and Tony.
Living, dying proof.
So that's what you used? That's
what's in the bottle? Nyraxin?
It causes acetylcholine build-up.
All the body processes
go into overdrive.
The organs begin to shut down
one by one.
Oh, m-m-make it stop.
Make it stop!
Starts with delirium,
then coma.
Death comes from respiratory failure
..due to paralysis
of respiratory muscles
..depression of
the central nervous system.
- Beth, enough!
- Everyone will know now.
It's in us, it's in our bodies.
Proof. Proof!
But here, on a plane full of people?
The bastard was out of the country
the whole time!
He always has security with him,
wherever he goes.
- Apart from on the plane.
- So you distilled a poison,
using nyraxin, and put it
in a perfume bottle?
We found a biochemist in Mumbai.
We didn't tell her what it was for.
A cleaner died at the hotel
Tony stayed at in Mumbai.
We never meant for anyone else
to get hurt.
Admit it! Admit what's killing you!
Ugh, anything!
You're right. I admit it.
Whatever you say.
- Please
- Beth, come on! Please! The anti-toxin!
Oh, no
I have no idea
if there's an anti-toxin
for this thing.
I'm sorry,
but we're both going to die.
But I don't want to die!
- Nikki?
- The poison. It's nyraxin.
- I need to speak to Harriet.
- Nyraxin.
I'm on it. Call you right back.
Hurry, Jack. Please.
Harriet, I need your help.
HARRIET: Nyraxin is similar
in constitution
to methamidophos
and diethyl parathion, Nikki.
It killed their children, Harriet.
The doctors didn't find an anti-toxin.
We're going to figure this out, Nikki.
If we can find something
that will do the job of the enzyme,
then we can inhibit
the parasympathetic nervous system.
Some kind of anti-cholinergic? Where
am I going to find that onboard?
This won't wait until we land.
Atropine! It's in atropine!
Eye drops, Nikki! Wait Wait.
Promethazine. Promethazine!
It's used for travel sickness!
- Promethazine?
- Eye drops and travel-sickness pills.
Oh! Go get it, Nikki! Go, go, go!
Ade, I need your help.
We need to make an announcement.
CAPTAIN: We have an urgent request.
Please listen carefully.
Can all passengers who are travelling
with travel sickness medication
check the labels?
We're looking for anything containing
the active ingredient promethazine.
Also for anyone who has eye drops
containing atropine,
also known as daturin.
Come on Come on
- I've got it!
I've got some, as well!
Thanks. Thank you.
Is this going to work?
It should stem the effects of the
nyraxin until we get on the ground.
- I just need to get the right dose.
- Huh. No pressure.
- No pressure.
- Hmm.
Here, Beth.
Wh-What is it?
It's promethazine and atropine.
Drink it now.
- Mr Townsend?
- What are you giving me?
It should slow the effects.
- No more poison!
- It's an anti-toxin.
You you can stop this?
I think we can stop this.
But we'll only know if you drink it.
It's all we've got.
It's OK, Beth.
I don't want it.
It's anti-cholinergic, Beth.
You have to, Beth. You're very sick.
We did it. In the end.
Please, Beth.
- In ten, fifteen minutes
- Everyone will know.
The factories will close.
Yes, Beth, you've won.
Here. Take the drink.
When we get back to London,
you can tell everyone.
It was always Jacob and me.
Always us.
Here, Beth. Come on.
Drink the drink. Here. Here.
Ade, quick! Quick!
Ade, quick! Quick!
We need to get her on the ground.
- Get her on the ground.
- OK.
- OK?
- OK. One, two, up.
- It's all right, Beth.
- Watch her head, watch her head.
It's OK, Beth.
Get the defib ready. It's OK, Beth.
Give her some space.
Shock delivered. Begin CPR.
Tony used the last of his money
to buy a plot for the victims they could all be together.
A gentle man.
Is this it?
Where the Earth meets the sky?
The vanishing point?
Is this where we go?
Just not yet, OK?
Not yet.
Sub extracted from file & improved by
Testator silens
Costestes e spiritu
Silentium. ♪
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