Silo (2023) s02e05 Episode Script
- [CITIZEN 1] They killed the judge!
- [CITIZEN 2] Come on!
[CITIZEN 3] Don't let them get away!
[MARTHA] So what happened?
I haven't exactly trained for this
moment. That's what happened.
- I thought I'd be the first to go down.
- Yeah.
[CHUCKLES] Me too.
- There's more people joining.
- We can't get past them.
We have to. It's the only way home.
[CARLA] Maybe not.
- The porters?
You're still mixed up with them?
We just gotta make it
down two more levels.
Try to keep up.
There's no way to argue it wasn't you.
I don't see how.
He doesn't know the
name of my listeners,
but he knows the hallmarks.
He clearly traced the campaign
to impeach Meadows back to me.
[CHILD] Mom.
- Just a minute, honey.
- [CHILD] There's a man in the kitchen.
Can I help you with that?
[BERNARD] Can't remember the
last time I made my own coffee.
I don't speak about Mayor Jahns often,
but she always made her own coffee.
She said doing the everyday tasks
of the ordinary people of the Silo
helped her feel connected to
them when nothing else did.
[INHALES SHARPLY] This job, you see,
requires me to have a different
perspective than anybody.
Here, let me.
That machine's finicky.
Um, I
I'm supposed to be pretty
good with machines.
You used to work with Rob, correct?
I used to work for him,
as he likes to remind me.
Does he discuss work with you?
Robert finds I'm not much
interested in that work anymore.
I have my job in IT and I have my son.
The Pact says, "Mothers are a vessel
to deliver our children into the world,
just as the Silo is a
vessel for the people."
In our family, we take that to heart.
Your family reads the Pact
together, I think you told me?
Every night.
Would you mind getting your
copy of the Pact for me?
You betrayed my trust, Rob.
You made me do something
I didn't want to do.
You will no longer be head
of Judicial Security.
You will not be my shadow.
But you're too valuable to sideline.
So you'll take Mary's job.
You'll be Judge.
Place your hand on the
Pact and repeat after me.
I, Robert Sims, do solemnly swear
I'm gonna go take a look.
- Calvin here?
- [CALVIN] Who's asking?
Calvin. Haven't seen you for a while.
I always stop seeing
porters after a certain age.
- Knees.
- You're gonna lead with an insult,
woman in your position?
You'll be lucky if any part
of you makes it back down.
[SCOFFS] That's why we're here.
We need a place to rest up,
and I need transport home
for me and my friends.
It'll cost you.
I may or may not have a case
of before times bourbon.
[CHUCKLES] It's gonna
take more than old booze.
Do you have anything that
belonged to Juliette Nichols?
[SOLO] Hi. What you doing?
Um, well, I didn't get
a firefighter helmet,
and I don't want to
go back in the water.
So I'm trying to see if my
old one could connect.
Hey, I was gonna ask.
Your generator is under a
hundred levels of water.
So, how are the lights on?
Um, IT has its own power source.
Comes from the outside.
Where from the outside?
Just up, like
Do you know why the generator failed?
Yeah, some Judicial raiders
had the bright idea
of blowing up the groundwater pump
on 144 to flood out Mechanical.
But they couldn't get it fixed
before the water took out the generator.
So, the water keeps
Do you think [SIGHS]
Do you think there's a way to
stop the water from rising?
Your nearest groundwater pump is on 30.
But you could run power to it.
Maybe you could stop it from rising.
- Yeah.
- Wait, you
You could stop it.
Me? No, no.
- I don't have time. I have to do this.
- No, I don't have time.
- I'm running out of time.
- You're not running out of time.
- You have months. Years to figure out
- Ten months. Ten.
- I have ten months. Yeah.
- Ten months? Oh, I have days.
- Yeah, but you don't know that for sure.
So why would I take that risk?
In ten months,
the water's coming into IT.
- In 13, it'll be completely under water.
- No. No, no, stop!
Look, this is what I need to do
and that is not working, okay?
I can't connect it.
- Where are you going?
- I need to go to the suit room
and see if I can find
a helmet that works.
[SOLO] Hey, wait!
Where are they?
They got off the stairs at 70.
Multiple cameras went down
and we don't know where they are,
but I sent a team of raiders.
They're disguised as citizens
and they're stirring up mobs
from 60 down to 130.
You put a bounty on the two leaders?
1,000 credits each.
Have Judicial erect a barricade at 130,
- in case they elude the mobs.
- They won't get by my people.
Humor me, Mr. Amundsen.
I worry. That's my job.
And in the interest of expediency,
I will overlook the use of
the phrase "my people."
Let me be very clear.
There is no manner in which
the Judicial raiders are yours.
Message just came in. We have
a location for them on 70.
[CALVIN] How do I know it's hers?
You don't.
But I do.
'Cause I'm the one who gave
it to her 20 years ago.
And I'm the one who fixed the hinge
when she used it to
pry out frozen bolts,
which I told her not to do.
I'll take it. [CHUCKLES]
Plus the two dozen refrigeration coils
you promised for your little stay.
Throw in the old booze
and, uh, we've got a deal.
- So, what's your plan?
- Grain bins.
Everyone knows the mill in 59
breaks down every other week.
No one will blink an eye at grain on
its way down to the lower mills.
Fuck that.
- I didn't promise a comfortable ride.
- I'm not asking for comfort.
It's just that we have a fourth.
Rather large. No way he'll fit.
All I got.
What about the descender rig?
- Not sure what you mean.
- [CARLA] Sure you do.
[MARTHA] I don't.
- It's a powered winch and cable system.
- It's against the Pact.
And you acquired it in some
kind of Pact-approved manner?
We took it out of circulation is all.
Porters have the exclusive
right to move all Silo goods.
People see something like that,
- they start getting other ideas.
[KNOX] We gotta go!
Raiders are coming. Let's go!
- You sent a message to Judicial.
- I was gonna help you, I promise.
But there's a price on their heads.
One that's too high to pass
up, even for old friends.
- [KNOX] McLain!
- [CARLA] Son of a bitch!
[HANK] Doc Phelan says Kennedy
hasn't been to see him. [SIGHS]
Maybe Kennedy knows his reputation.
Now the best get assigned to up top
and we end up with what's left.
Apart from me, that is. [CHUCKLES]
What is it?
I got a message from the new
head of Judicial Security.
Rick Amundsen.
What happened to Sims?
He's been sworn in as Judge.
Where's Meadows?
By the head of Mechanical
and his colleague.
Knox and Shirley?
[SHIRLEY] That didn't look
like Jules's multi-tool to me.
[MARTHA] Hell no, it was mine.
I have no idea where hers is.
- Oh, careful, careful. Okay, I got you.
- [CARLA] Okay.
- [MARTHA] Are you okay?
Listen, we better split up
because we can't keep holding
you back, slowing you down.
The bounty's on Shirley and me.
It's even odds who's
gonna get who killed.
Let's not get maudlin about it.
Get out of here. Go.
- You're not staying.
- [MARTHA] What?
You may not have anticipated
this exact scenario
when you locked yourself in
that workshop 25 years ago.
But now, nobody above 125
knows who the heck you are.
That's gonna work to your advantage.
I, however, am the head of Supply.
- Carla, I am not going
- Martha.
They are gonna need you down there.
Probably now more than ever.
It's just an ordinary scrape.
You clean it with soap
and it'll heal just fine.
Let me see.
Okay. It's not too bad.
Just keep the pressure on.
I'll be right back.
Clove oil will help with the pain
and the aromatic should help you sleep.
Thanks. Smells real nice.
But I heard my shoulder pop.
Better go see the doc about that.
That's a good idea.
He's right over there.
- [GROANS] That hurt.
- Move it around.
Don't forget to take the clove oil.
- [PATIENT] Thanks.
- [KATHLEEN] Yeah.
It's an impressive technique
for someone wearing a baby.
[KATHLEEN] Thank you.
My mother was an herbalist.
And my father was a drunk,
- who lost a lot of fights.
Dr. Pete Nichols.
Nice to meet you.
Kathleen Billings.
As in Sheriff Billings?
Now I know why you're out
here tending the wounded.
It's a good distraction.
I can't sit at home. I get too anxious.
Paul was sent to Mechanical.
There was some kind of
incident down there.
- Yeah, I heard. Some kind of fire or
- [RAIDER 1] Dr. Nichols.
Please come with us.
What's his plan?
Have the Silo take down the killers.
If he succeeds, it'll be
like a reset for him.
Like Juliette Nichols never happened.
You've run missions like that.
Raiders in plainclothes.
Big bounty on the fugitives.
Mobs chase them down.
Maybe take the law into their own hands.
A sensitive operation like
that takes experience, Rob.
Amundsen's good.
He was trained by the best,
but he isn't the best.
What if he's not up to it?
Make the most of the job, Robert.
Thank you for coming.
If you think I know something
about those Mechanical
folks, you're mistaken.
No, no, no.
No. No, it has nothing to do with that.
I just thought that you might like
some of your daughter's things.
Under normal circumstances,
these items would be put
back into circulation,
but these circumstances
are far from normal.
If these items were to be put back,
I'm afraid they would be venerated,
coveted, cause envy and dissension
and ultimately violence.
It wouldn't be the only way
that your daughter's memory
has been distorted to fit
the agendas of others.
I heard that you were tending
to people wounded in the riot
after Judge Meadows's murder.
That spirit of service gives me hope
that you might be a bigger
part of this moment.
This movement to restore
order to the Silo
and faith in the Pact.
What if I say no?
Why would you say no?
I just want to be clear.
If I don't help you, what happens?
There is nothing left for
me to lose, is there?
The Silo has taken my son,
my wife and now my daughter.
I wasn't tending to the wounded
out of a sense of duty to the Silo,
I was trying to reclaim some
sense of professional integrity.
I was trying to practice medicine
without lies, without harm.
All those birth control removals
marked Code Orange.
I see those young couples.
Their faces alight with hope.
Hope that I know is unfounded.
My profession is a sham.
The Silo took that from me too.
[CLICKS TONGUE] For whatever
reason, my daughter is dead.
You can't control what
she means to people.
You can't control what she means to me.
- [SOLO] Yeah.
- that's not your real name, is it?
Uh, no.
- Co Uh, Cole Myers is my name.
- Cole.
I went to an event and they
asked me, "Who are you with?"
And I said, "I'm solo,"
and Russell's kid was there
and he overheard me say that
and he thought that was my
name, so the name stuck.
But But hey, what's in a name?
That's from your-your play.
Romeo and Juliet before they die.
Before who dies?
Romeo and Juliet.
- They don't die. No.
- Yeah, they do.
- In ours, they do.
- [GRUNTS] Fuck.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
- [SOLO] Hey, are you hungr
I don't know, I just feel
I'm tired. Just I'm good.
Are you hungry?
- I don't know. Yeah, maybe. Maybe.
- Yeah!
- Okay, but stay
- I'ma Yeah, I'm gonna go get some food.
[SHARON] These are the reports
and briefings you're copied on.
If they have little flags,
they come with recommendations
from the mayor's office.
When you've reached your decision,
- you enter
- Sharon, I've been in Judicial
for some years now.
[SHARON] Of course, Your Honor.
We haven't been able to fabricate
your signature stamp yet.
[MUFFLED] So, if you don't mind
signing for the time being
until the stamps
Judge Sims?
[BERNARD] Good work.
The others?
The two we put the bounty
on are on the stairs.
I've got raiders out of uniform
just a couple levels below.
And we're whipping up the crowd.
Let me know when you have them.
Yes, sir.
Thank you, you can go.
Mr. Kyle.
How's your time in the mines going?
It's only been a day.
Well, you're still alive.
That's good.
what the life expectancy is
of someone sent to the mines?
[LUKAS] No, sir.
Five years.
So when Judge Meadows
cut your sentence in half,
it was a symbolic gesture at best.
It's unlikely you'd survive
your time there.
- Do you know why?
- Because it's dangerous? I
Rockfalls, suffocation,
crushing injuries,
- lost limbs, explosions gone awry.
[BERNARD] It's hard duty.
I'm going to offer you
some soft duty, Lukas.
I have a project that
requires your mind.
On the day of Judge Meadows's
murder, she relayed to me
how you were able to take small
disparate bits of information
about the lights in the night
sky and create a model that,
between you and me, was not far off.
Is that accurate?
Well, I have something
that is also fragmented
and I need you to reconstruct it.
You recognize it?
This is the hard drive that
Juliette Nichols showed you.
You can tell me the truth.
It won't put you in any
additional legal jeopardy.
Yes, I recognize it.
I smashed it because
it's a red-level relic
and it likely contains
dangerous information.
But now I no longer have
the luxury of ignorance.
I need you to find out what is on it.
You can work from this office.
Do you have any questions?
Come on.
You must know that there are
at least three people out there
in the IT bullpen that can
do this better than you.
Well, Lukas, I know that
you will work harder
than anyone I can find out there
because, well
you want to live more than five years.
Judge, is everything okay?
You tell me.
The button isn't working.
We have everything
handled here, Your Honor.
Your Honor?
Call me Rob like you
have the last ten years.
I'm trying to figure this out
[SIGHS] just like you.
I was just in my office.
My new office.
Sitting behind the desk of a woman
I worked for for the last 15 years.
Thought it might be a good idea to
see how the search for the people
who murdered her is going.
I'll make sure you get all the
relevant details on your desk
in the morning.
The suspects are still on the stairs.
We're using the plan you put in place.
- Move.
You're in an awful hurry.
Hey, my, uh, husband and I were just
headed down to see some friends.
Well, that seems unwise.
Dangerous killers on the loose.
What are you all doing out?
- We're concerned citizens.
- And who are you?
- Let's see some identification.
- Does the Pact require
citizens to show identification
to other citizens
who are concerned, or
- It does not.
- It doesn't
[CITIZEN] That one's armed!
I said stop!
I see some of you know me.
And I know some of you too.
You know who my husband is.
What you might not know
is his new position.
Judge Sims wants these
fugitives taken into custody.
You want to kill them where
they stand? Well, I do too.
But justice for Judge Meadows
doesn't only belong to us.
It belongs to the Silo.
And everyone will watch when
these two go out to clean.
Come with me, or your greasy asses
are getting strung up right here.
[SIGHS] Okay.
[CAMILLE] You'll be
safe here for a while.
You're not taking us to Judicial?
Cameras still work on the stairs,
but they're out in this alleyway.
When they see me headed back up alone,
they'll send more raiders after you.
Maybe a lot of them. So wait
till it settles down to leave.
There's a barricade on 130.
No idea how you'll get through,
but that's not my problem.
Why are you helping us?
Morning, Asa.
You're going to work early today.
And you're staying back at
your ex-wife's tonight, on 83.
I just finished the night shift.
[CAMILLE] Then your boss will just think
you're the hardest working
plumber in the Silo.
- Give me your keys.
What the fuck, Camille?
When you hear about a bounty for
the people who murdered Meadows,
you'll ignore it so that
I keep ignoring you.
[CAMILLE] You understand?
Well, can I put some pants on at least?
Don't know why you didn't
reach for those first.
[HANK] They been caught?
It's a pretty big conflict, huh?
Well, being a sheriff's deputy
while my friends are being hunted
as killers by half the Silo.
About as big as swearing
to enforce the Pact
while having a condition expressly
condemned by the Pact.
Do they know?
Sims knows.
As head of Judicial Security,
he made an allowance.
As judge, I
I may have a line on Patrick Kennedy.
Try not to eat everything in the fridge.
I'm just a hardworking guy
whose main job is to
keep the Silo running.
- It depends what you got in there.
- Shirl.
How's she expect you to
get back in without a key?
She doesn't.
If she wants me to have it,
she'll find a way to get it to me.
Word of advice, stay
as long as you need.
But if I were you, I'd be
gone before she gets back.
[STAMMERS] I'm not helping
her out of courtesy.
Took you assholes in 'cause
I'm I'm afraid of her.
You should be too.
[KNOX] This guy lives
in a fucking closet.
Do you think every department
thinks they're the ones
that keeps the Silo running?
I have said those same words
as a way to rally
everybody in Mechanical.
[SHIRLEY] And it worked
because it's true.
Even if the rest of the
Silo believes otherwise.
You're a good leader, Knox.
Mechanical would have gone to shit
years ago if it wasn't for you.
I was wrong about what to do.
I wanted to ask nicely and
Now we're gonna die for it.
We were damned from
the beginning either way.
But if we did it my way,
we'd already be dead.
Do you think Knox and Shirley
killed Judge Meadows?
Honestly? Since Jules walked,
things have gotten out of hand.
Shirley and a mob attacking my station.
Now Knox has teamed up with her.
They have no respect for Silo order.
Do I think they killed Meadows?
Not a fucking chance.
Hold on.
Hey, Frances. Hold up a sec.
You mind telling us where
you're going with that meal?
Uh, home?
But it's after midnight.
Your shift started at 6:00 a.m.
You telling me instead of sleeping,
you're gonna stay up
and eat the same food you've been
slinging for the last 18 hours?
Unless they passed a
law against that, Hank,
yeah, that's what I'm doing.
[PAUL] We know your history, Frances.
Doris Kennedy was your aunt and
you sold some of the pills she stole.
You got some proof about that?
'Cause you sure as fuck
didn't five years ago.
Whoa, whoa, Franny.
We ain't here about that.
We're here because we
figure your Uncle Patrick
isn't gonna live much longer
on hot meals alone.
So why don't you let us deliver that?
How was your first day, Judge Sims?
I signed where directed.
I went to the Watcher's room.
Tried to get some intel on the search.
Amundsen wouldn't let me in.
He did tell me three of the
suspects were still at large.
Well, if you were in charge,
they'd have been in custody hours ago.
[SANDY] Excuse me, please.
I live in 132.
Not tonight you don't.
I work for the sheriff's department.
Whatever this is, we weren't informed.
[RAIDER] This doesn't concern
the sheriff's department.
Look, if Judicial thinks they can
keep citizens from their homes
Turn around and go
back the way you came.
Are you serious?
You have no right to interfere
with someone who is a member
of the sheriff's department.
I need to get
The second we hit the
stairs, they'll see us.
And as soon as we close
this door, we're locked out.
We got to go home sometime.
I say we hit the stairs
and run like hell.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
But not down.
- Up.
- What?
Trust me.
[AMUNDSEN] They were caught in a mob.
A former raider stashed them on 73.
So we checked every residence.
Got nothing so far,
- but I've locked down the trash chute.
- [BERNARD] Hold on.
Why did an ex-raider stash them on 73?
She was concerned
they might be strung up.
[STAMMERS] Who was she?
Camille Sims.
Find those fucking Mechanicals.
- How far are we going up? [GRUNTS]
- [SHIRLEY] Just keep up.
[LUKAS] I was able
to salvage very little.
I found some fragments that overlap
with files in our database.
Uh, this is our Silo map,
and I've been using this file to
fill in some of the missing data
from one of the fragments,
which is also a map.
And now it differs from our
Silo map in a few places.
There are lines that are coming
from outside the Silo walls.
There's something on the IT level
and something on Judicial.
- Any idea what they are?
- No. Uh, there's something else.
- There, at the very bottom of the Silo
- [BERNARD] What is it?
- [LUKAS] A tunnel.
- Where does it go?
I have no idea.
[BERNARD] Well, keep working.
You've earned another 24 hours
outside of the mine, Mr. Kyle.
Sir, there was a
a folder also that I found.
Uh, I was able to retrieve
it uncorrupted, and
and look, most of the files in it were
just these department memos,
but one of them was different.
Um, it was a scan of a handwritten
letter someone wrote his wife.
Salvador Quinn.
What did it say?
Well, it's a love letter, but
then it gets kind of weird.
- It sort of It goes into this, uh
- It goes into code.
Yeah, that's exactly right.
[HANK] Watch where you step.
[PAUL] Patrick Kennedy.
Don't move.
[PATRICK] That's good advice. [SIGHS]
It really doesn't feel great when I do.
If you come any closer, I'm gonna
throw myself in this hole.
[PAUL] We're staying put, but
your wounds need treatment.
[PATRICK] Yeah, it's funny, you know,
with the guns, it looks like you're
gonna give me some fresh ones.
[HANK] You're a fugitive, seen
fire-bombing my deputy station.
You understand why we
might be a little cautious.
[PAUL] We can help you.
I don't trust you.
That's why I'm down here in the dark,
bleeding in a fucking hole!
There's a full med kit
- in the generator control room.
- Go, go.
That what you're waiting for?
Now that we're all alone,
you shoot me and hope
that Deputy Longhair
didn't count the holes
in me before he left?
We don't shoot people who
don't pose an immediate threat.
I pose an immediate threat.
The things I know,
- you'd be better to leave.
- I can't do that.
I took an oath.
Part of that is rendering available aid.
[SHOUTING] Rendering available aid?
Don't you see that it's all a lie?
Everything they told us.
The Pact.
It's just to keep us in line.
And we will never ever
find out the truth.
Sims would shoot each one of us
before he'd let that shit happen.
You know Mr. Sims?
[PATRICK] Yeah, I know him.
I helped Nichols out.
I was gagged and bagged.
Why do you think I'm down here?
Tell me.
Okay. Sure, I'll tell you.
Just give me your gun.
That's right. You can't
'cause you don't trust me.
Look, if you're gonna shoot me,
all I ask, just put it
right here, all right?
[PAUL] I found this
in Juliette Nichols's apartment.
In a book.
I destroyed the rest.
I couldn't tell you why I saved that.
You tell anyone I have
that, I'm finished.
Get me a doctor. Not a
deputy with a Band-Aid.
And I'll tell you everything
you want to know.
No, I'll tell you everything you
sure as fuck don't want to know.
New deal.
[SHIRLEY] How long is the cable?
Guess you'll find out.
This? It's not Juliette's.
But fuck you if I'm gonna
let you sell it as hers.
[BATTALION LEADER] Barnes, pick it up.
Come on.
- [AMUNDSEN] You have an update?
- Not yet.
[AMUNDSEN] Look for any groups
of two moving down the stairs.
[DIEGO] Copy.
Level 92. Two porters headed down.
I'm not far behind.
Get a message to the mayor.
[SOLO] I've got dinner.
What ya doing?
Um, I was trying to track down a helmet
that was stolen from the suit room.
So I went to an employee's
apartment, trying to find it.
Trina Samuel's.
Trina Samuel's.
Yeah. She was Solo's girlfriend.
Yeah. I haven't thought
about her in a long time.
Actually, I I I don't
like thinking about her.
- Do you want chicken or beef?
- Why are you lying to me?
I don't know what you're saying.
Solo, Trina. That's her.
That's not you, is it?
No. 'Cause this Look
at this. I found this.
Cole Myers, the IT shadow.
- That's the actual [GASPS]
- I am the IT shadow!
You don't know what
you're talking about!
Don't say those words
to me! Don't you ever!
- I am Solo!
[SHOUTING] I am the I
shadow, do you hear me?
- Okay.
- I am Solo! I am the IT shadow!
You're Solo.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
You look terrible. You should
really have something to eat.
[WHISPERS] I'm not hungry. Um
[NORMAL] I, uh I don't feel well.
I need to just, um
I'm gonna lie down.
I'm just gonna
This far enough down?
[SHIRLEY] I think so.
Now, will it hold your ass?
That I don't know.
[AMUNDSEN] Mechanical!
- [SHIRLEY] Fuck.
- Shit.
[SHIRLEY] Come on.
- There's no brake, is there?
- There's the cable,
and there's the end of the cable.
At least we'll die in the Down Deep.
[DOWN-DEEPER] Give me your hand!
- [DOWN DEEPER 2] Watch out.
- [UP-TOPPER 1] There they are!
- Get them!
[DOWN-DEEPER 3] Watch out!
- [BERNARD] Fuck!
- [AMUNDSEN] They got through, sir.
I noticed.
Keep this channel clear.
Sheriff Billings, do you copy?
Sheriff Billings.
[PAUL] Yes, Mr. Mayor?
Sheriff, I regret to inform you
that the fugitives from Mechanical
just became your problem.
I know that as a loyal
servant of the Silo,
I can count on you to bring them in.
Of course, Mr. Mayor.
You can always count on me
to faithfully serve the
Silo and the Pact.
Come on.
- [CITIZEN 1] They killed the judge!
- [CITIZEN 2] Come on!
[CITIZEN 3] Don't let them get away!
[MARTHA] So what happened?
I haven't exactly trained for this
moment. That's what happened.
- I thought I'd be the first to go down.
- Yeah.
[CHUCKLES] Me too.
- There's more people joining.
- We can't get past them.
We have to. It's the only way home.
[CARLA] Maybe not.
- The porters?
You're still mixed up with them?
We just gotta make it
down two more levels.
Try to keep up.
There's no way to argue it wasn't you.
I don't see how.
He doesn't know the
name of my listeners,
but he knows the hallmarks.
He clearly traced the campaign
to impeach Meadows back to me.
[CHILD] Mom.
- Just a minute, honey.
- [CHILD] There's a man in the kitchen.
Can I help you with that?
[BERNARD] Can't remember the
last time I made my own coffee.
I don't speak about Mayor Jahns often,
but she always made her own coffee.
She said doing the everyday tasks
of the ordinary people of the Silo
helped her feel connected to
them when nothing else did.
[INHALES SHARPLY] This job, you see,
requires me to have a different
perspective than anybody.
Here, let me.
That machine's finicky.
Um, I
I'm supposed to be pretty
good with machines.
You used to work with Rob, correct?
I used to work for him,
as he likes to remind me.
Does he discuss work with you?
Robert finds I'm not much
interested in that work anymore.
I have my job in IT and I have my son.
The Pact says, "Mothers are a vessel
to deliver our children into the world,
just as the Silo is a
vessel for the people."
In our family, we take that to heart.
Your family reads the Pact
together, I think you told me?
Every night.
Would you mind getting your
copy of the Pact for me?
You betrayed my trust, Rob.
You made me do something
I didn't want to do.
You will no longer be head
of Judicial Security.
You will not be my shadow.
But you're too valuable to sideline.
So you'll take Mary's job.
You'll be Judge.
Place your hand on the
Pact and repeat after me.
I, Robert Sims, do solemnly swear
I'm gonna go take a look.
- Calvin here?
- [CALVIN] Who's asking?
Calvin. Haven't seen you for a while.
I always stop seeing
porters after a certain age.
- Knees.
- You're gonna lead with an insult,
woman in your position?
You'll be lucky if any part
of you makes it back down.
[SCOFFS] That's why we're here.
We need a place to rest up,
and I need transport home
for me and my friends.
It'll cost you.
I may or may not have a case
of before times bourbon.
[CHUCKLES] It's gonna
take more than old booze.
Do you have anything that
belonged to Juliette Nichols?
[SOLO] Hi. What you doing?
Um, well, I didn't get
a firefighter helmet,
and I don't want to
go back in the water.
So I'm trying to see if my
old one could connect.
Hey, I was gonna ask.
Your generator is under a
hundred levels of water.
So, how are the lights on?
Um, IT has its own power source.
Comes from the outside.
Where from the outside?
Just up, like
Do you know why the generator failed?
Yeah, some Judicial raiders
had the bright idea
of blowing up the groundwater pump
on 144 to flood out Mechanical.
But they couldn't get it fixed
before the water took out the generator.
So, the water keeps
Do you think [SIGHS]
Do you think there's a way to
stop the water from rising?
Your nearest groundwater pump is on 30.
But you could run power to it.
Maybe you could stop it from rising.
- Yeah.
- Wait, you
You could stop it.
Me? No, no.
- I don't have time. I have to do this.
- No, I don't have time.
- I'm running out of time.
- You're not running out of time.
- You have months. Years to figure out
- Ten months. Ten.
- I have ten months. Yeah.
- Ten months? Oh, I have days.
- Yeah, but you don't know that for sure.
So why would I take that risk?
In ten months,
the water's coming into IT.
- In 13, it'll be completely under water.
- No. No, no, stop!
Look, this is what I need to do
and that is not working, okay?
I can't connect it.
- Where are you going?
- I need to go to the suit room
and see if I can find
a helmet that works.
[SOLO] Hey, wait!
Where are they?
They got off the stairs at 70.
Multiple cameras went down
and we don't know where they are,
but I sent a team of raiders.
They're disguised as citizens
and they're stirring up mobs
from 60 down to 130.
You put a bounty on the two leaders?
1,000 credits each.
Have Judicial erect a barricade at 130,
- in case they elude the mobs.
- They won't get by my people.
Humor me, Mr. Amundsen.
I worry. That's my job.
And in the interest of expediency,
I will overlook the use of
the phrase "my people."
Let me be very clear.
There is no manner in which
the Judicial raiders are yours.
Message just came in. We have
a location for them on 70.
[CALVIN] How do I know it's hers?
You don't.
But I do.
'Cause I'm the one who gave
it to her 20 years ago.
And I'm the one who fixed the hinge
when she used it to
pry out frozen bolts,
which I told her not to do.
I'll take it. [CHUCKLES]
Plus the two dozen refrigeration coils
you promised for your little stay.
Throw in the old booze
and, uh, we've got a deal.
- So, what's your plan?
- Grain bins.
Everyone knows the mill in 59
breaks down every other week.
No one will blink an eye at grain on
its way down to the lower mills.
Fuck that.
- I didn't promise a comfortable ride.
- I'm not asking for comfort.
It's just that we have a fourth.
Rather large. No way he'll fit.
All I got.
What about the descender rig?
- Not sure what you mean.
- [CARLA] Sure you do.
[MARTHA] I don't.
- It's a powered winch and cable system.
- It's against the Pact.
And you acquired it in some
kind of Pact-approved manner?
We took it out of circulation is all.
Porters have the exclusive
right to move all Silo goods.
People see something like that,
- they start getting other ideas.
[KNOX] We gotta go!
Raiders are coming. Let's go!
- You sent a message to Judicial.
- I was gonna help you, I promise.
But there's a price on their heads.
One that's too high to pass
up, even for old friends.
- [KNOX] McLain!
- [CARLA] Son of a bitch!
[HANK] Doc Phelan says Kennedy
hasn't been to see him. [SIGHS]
Maybe Kennedy knows his reputation.
Now the best get assigned to up top
and we end up with what's left.
Apart from me, that is. [CHUCKLES]
What is it?
I got a message from the new
head of Judicial Security.
Rick Amundsen.
What happened to Sims?
He's been sworn in as Judge.
Where's Meadows?
By the head of Mechanical
and his colleague.
Knox and Shirley?
[SHIRLEY] That didn't look
like Jules's multi-tool to me.
[MARTHA] Hell no, it was mine.
I have no idea where hers is.
- Oh, careful, careful. Okay, I got you.
- [CARLA] Okay.
- [MARTHA] Are you okay?
Listen, we better split up
because we can't keep holding
you back, slowing you down.
The bounty's on Shirley and me.
It's even odds who's
gonna get who killed.
Let's not get maudlin about it.
Get out of here. Go.
- You're not staying.
- [MARTHA] What?
You may not have anticipated
this exact scenario
when you locked yourself in
that workshop 25 years ago.
But now, nobody above 125
knows who the heck you are.
That's gonna work to your advantage.
I, however, am the head of Supply.
- Carla, I am not going
- Martha.
They are gonna need you down there.
Probably now more than ever.
It's just an ordinary scrape.
You clean it with soap
and it'll heal just fine.
Let me see.
Okay. It's not too bad.
Just keep the pressure on.
I'll be right back.
Clove oil will help with the pain
and the aromatic should help you sleep.
Thanks. Smells real nice.
But I heard my shoulder pop.
Better go see the doc about that.
That's a good idea.
He's right over there.
- [GROANS] That hurt.
- Move it around.
Don't forget to take the clove oil.
- [PATIENT] Thanks.
- [KATHLEEN] Yeah.
It's an impressive technique
for someone wearing a baby.
[KATHLEEN] Thank you.
My mother was an herbalist.
And my father was a drunk,
- who lost a lot of fights.
Dr. Pete Nichols.
Nice to meet you.
Kathleen Billings.
As in Sheriff Billings?
Now I know why you're out
here tending the wounded.
It's a good distraction.
I can't sit at home. I get too anxious.
Paul was sent to Mechanical.
There was some kind of
incident down there.
- Yeah, I heard. Some kind of fire or
- [RAIDER 1] Dr. Nichols.
Please come with us.
What's his plan?
Have the Silo take down the killers.
If he succeeds, it'll be
like a reset for him.
Like Juliette Nichols never happened.
You've run missions like that.
Raiders in plainclothes.
Big bounty on the fugitives.
Mobs chase them down.
Maybe take the law into their own hands.
A sensitive operation like
that takes experience, Rob.
Amundsen's good.
He was trained by the best,
but he isn't the best.
What if he's not up to it?
Make the most of the job, Robert.
Thank you for coming.
If you think I know something
about those Mechanical
folks, you're mistaken.
No, no, no.
No. No, it has nothing to do with that.
I just thought that you might like
some of your daughter's things.
Under normal circumstances,
these items would be put
back into circulation,
but these circumstances
are far from normal.
If these items were to be put back,
I'm afraid they would be venerated,
coveted, cause envy and dissension
and ultimately violence.
It wouldn't be the only way
that your daughter's memory
has been distorted to fit
the agendas of others.
I heard that you were tending
to people wounded in the riot
after Judge Meadows's murder.
That spirit of service gives me hope
that you might be a bigger
part of this moment.
This movement to restore
order to the Silo
and faith in the Pact.
What if I say no?
Why would you say no?
I just want to be clear.
If I don't help you, what happens?
There is nothing left for
me to lose, is there?
The Silo has taken my son,
my wife and now my daughter.
I wasn't tending to the wounded
out of a sense of duty to the Silo,
I was trying to reclaim some
sense of professional integrity.
I was trying to practice medicine
without lies, without harm.
All those birth control removals
marked Code Orange.
I see those young couples.
Their faces alight with hope.
Hope that I know is unfounded.
My profession is a sham.
The Silo took that from me too.
[CLICKS TONGUE] For whatever
reason, my daughter is dead.
You can't control what
she means to people.
You can't control what she means to me.
- [SOLO] Yeah.
- that's not your real name, is it?
Uh, no.
- Co Uh, Cole Myers is my name.
- Cole.
I went to an event and they
asked me, "Who are you with?"
And I said, "I'm solo,"
and Russell's kid was there
and he overheard me say that
and he thought that was my
name, so the name stuck.
But But hey, what's in a name?
That's from your-your play.
Romeo and Juliet before they die.
Before who dies?
Romeo and Juliet.
- They don't die. No.
- Yeah, they do.
- In ours, they do.
- [GRUNTS] Fuck.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
- [SOLO] Hey, are you hungr
I don't know, I just feel
I'm tired. Just I'm good.
Are you hungry?
- I don't know. Yeah, maybe. Maybe.
- Yeah!
- Okay, but stay
- I'ma Yeah, I'm gonna go get some food.
[SHARON] These are the reports
and briefings you're copied on.
If they have little flags,
they come with recommendations
from the mayor's office.
When you've reached your decision,
- you enter
- Sharon, I've been in Judicial
for some years now.
[SHARON] Of course, Your Honor.
We haven't been able to fabricate
your signature stamp yet.
[MUFFLED] So, if you don't mind
signing for the time being
until the stamps
Judge Sims?
[BERNARD] Good work.
The others?
The two we put the bounty
on are on the stairs.
I've got raiders out of uniform
just a couple levels below.
And we're whipping up the crowd.
Let me know when you have them.
Yes, sir.
Thank you, you can go.
Mr. Kyle.
How's your time in the mines going?
It's only been a day.
Well, you're still alive.
That's good.
what the life expectancy is
of someone sent to the mines?
[LUKAS] No, sir.
Five years.
So when Judge Meadows
cut your sentence in half,
it was a symbolic gesture at best.
It's unlikely you'd survive
your time there.
- Do you know why?
- Because it's dangerous? I
Rockfalls, suffocation,
crushing injuries,
- lost limbs, explosions gone awry.
[BERNARD] It's hard duty.
I'm going to offer you
some soft duty, Lukas.
I have a project that
requires your mind.
On the day of Judge Meadows's
murder, she relayed to me
how you were able to take small
disparate bits of information
about the lights in the night
sky and create a model that,
between you and me, was not far off.
Is that accurate?
Well, I have something
that is also fragmented
and I need you to reconstruct it.
You recognize it?
This is the hard drive that
Juliette Nichols showed you.
You can tell me the truth.
It won't put you in any
additional legal jeopardy.
Yes, I recognize it.
I smashed it because
it's a red-level relic
and it likely contains
dangerous information.
But now I no longer have
the luxury of ignorance.
I need you to find out what is on it.
You can work from this office.
Do you have any questions?
Come on.
You must know that there are
at least three people out there
in the IT bullpen that can
do this better than you.
Well, Lukas, I know that
you will work harder
than anyone I can find out there
because, well
you want to live more than five years.
Judge, is everything okay?
You tell me.
The button isn't working.
We have everything
handled here, Your Honor.
Your Honor?
Call me Rob like you
have the last ten years.
I'm trying to figure this out
[SIGHS] just like you.
I was just in my office.
My new office.
Sitting behind the desk of a woman
I worked for for the last 15 years.
Thought it might be a good idea to
see how the search for the people
who murdered her is going.
I'll make sure you get all the
relevant details on your desk
in the morning.
The suspects are still on the stairs.
We're using the plan you put in place.
- Move.
You're in an awful hurry.
Hey, my, uh, husband and I were just
headed down to see some friends.
Well, that seems unwise.
Dangerous killers on the loose.
What are you all doing out?
- We're concerned citizens.
- And who are you?
- Let's see some identification.
- Does the Pact require
citizens to show identification
to other citizens
who are concerned, or
- It does not.
- It doesn't
[CITIZEN] That one's armed!
I said stop!
I see some of you know me.
And I know some of you too.
You know who my husband is.
What you might not know
is his new position.
Judge Sims wants these
fugitives taken into custody.
You want to kill them where
they stand? Well, I do too.
But justice for Judge Meadows
doesn't only belong to us.
It belongs to the Silo.
And everyone will watch when
these two go out to clean.
Come with me, or your greasy asses
are getting strung up right here.
[SIGHS] Okay.
[CAMILLE] You'll be
safe here for a while.
You're not taking us to Judicial?
Cameras still work on the stairs,
but they're out in this alleyway.
When they see me headed back up alone,
they'll send more raiders after you.
Maybe a lot of them. So wait
till it settles down to leave.
There's a barricade on 130.
No idea how you'll get through,
but that's not my problem.
Why are you helping us?
Morning, Asa.
You're going to work early today.
And you're staying back at
your ex-wife's tonight, on 83.
I just finished the night shift.
[CAMILLE] Then your boss will just think
you're the hardest working
plumber in the Silo.
- Give me your keys.
What the fuck, Camille?
When you hear about a bounty for
the people who murdered Meadows,
you'll ignore it so that
I keep ignoring you.
[CAMILLE] You understand?
Well, can I put some pants on at least?
Don't know why you didn't
reach for those first.
[HANK] They been caught?
It's a pretty big conflict, huh?
Well, being a sheriff's deputy
while my friends are being hunted
as killers by half the Silo.
About as big as swearing
to enforce the Pact
while having a condition expressly
condemned by the Pact.
Do they know?
Sims knows.
As head of Judicial Security,
he made an allowance.
As judge, I
I may have a line on Patrick Kennedy.
Try not to eat everything in the fridge.
I'm just a hardworking guy
whose main job is to
keep the Silo running.
- It depends what you got in there.
- Shirl.
How's she expect you to
get back in without a key?
She doesn't.
If she wants me to have it,
she'll find a way to get it to me.
Word of advice, stay
as long as you need.
But if I were you, I'd be
gone before she gets back.
[STAMMERS] I'm not helping
her out of courtesy.
Took you assholes in 'cause
I'm I'm afraid of her.
You should be too.
[KNOX] This guy lives
in a fucking closet.
Do you think every department
thinks they're the ones
that keeps the Silo running?
I have said those same words
as a way to rally
everybody in Mechanical.
[SHIRLEY] And it worked
because it's true.
Even if the rest of the
Silo believes otherwise.
You're a good leader, Knox.
Mechanical would have gone to shit
years ago if it wasn't for you.
I was wrong about what to do.
I wanted to ask nicely and
Now we're gonna die for it.
We were damned from
the beginning either way.
But if we did it my way,
we'd already be dead.
Do you think Knox and Shirley
killed Judge Meadows?
Honestly? Since Jules walked,
things have gotten out of hand.
Shirley and a mob attacking my station.
Now Knox has teamed up with her.
They have no respect for Silo order.
Do I think they killed Meadows?
Not a fucking chance.
Hold on.
Hey, Frances. Hold up a sec.
You mind telling us where
you're going with that meal?
Uh, home?
But it's after midnight.
Your shift started at 6:00 a.m.
You telling me instead of sleeping,
you're gonna stay up
and eat the same food you've been
slinging for the last 18 hours?
Unless they passed a
law against that, Hank,
yeah, that's what I'm doing.
[PAUL] We know your history, Frances.
Doris Kennedy was your aunt and
you sold some of the pills she stole.
You got some proof about that?
'Cause you sure as fuck
didn't five years ago.
Whoa, whoa, Franny.
We ain't here about that.
We're here because we
figure your Uncle Patrick
isn't gonna live much longer
on hot meals alone.
So why don't you let us deliver that?
How was your first day, Judge Sims?
I signed where directed.
I went to the Watcher's room.
Tried to get some intel on the search.
Amundsen wouldn't let me in.
He did tell me three of the
suspects were still at large.
Well, if you were in charge,
they'd have been in custody hours ago.
[SANDY] Excuse me, please.
I live in 132.
Not tonight you don't.
I work for the sheriff's department.
Whatever this is, we weren't informed.
[RAIDER] This doesn't concern
the sheriff's department.
Look, if Judicial thinks they can
keep citizens from their homes
Turn around and go
back the way you came.
Are you serious?
You have no right to interfere
with someone who is a member
of the sheriff's department.
I need to get
The second we hit the
stairs, they'll see us.
And as soon as we close
this door, we're locked out.
We got to go home sometime.
I say we hit the stairs
and run like hell.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
But not down.
- Up.
- What?
Trust me.
[AMUNDSEN] They were caught in a mob.
A former raider stashed them on 73.
So we checked every residence.
Got nothing so far,
- but I've locked down the trash chute.
- [BERNARD] Hold on.
Why did an ex-raider stash them on 73?
She was concerned
they might be strung up.
[STAMMERS] Who was she?
Camille Sims.
Find those fucking Mechanicals.
- How far are we going up? [GRUNTS]
- [SHIRLEY] Just keep up.
[LUKAS] I was able
to salvage very little.
I found some fragments that overlap
with files in our database.
Uh, this is our Silo map,
and I've been using this file to
fill in some of the missing data
from one of the fragments,
which is also a map.
And now it differs from our
Silo map in a few places.
There are lines that are coming
from outside the Silo walls.
There's something on the IT level
and something on Judicial.
- Any idea what they are?
- No. Uh, there's something else.
- There, at the very bottom of the Silo
- [BERNARD] What is it?
- [LUKAS] A tunnel.
- Where does it go?
I have no idea.
[BERNARD] Well, keep working.
You've earned another 24 hours
outside of the mine, Mr. Kyle.
Sir, there was a
a folder also that I found.
Uh, I was able to retrieve
it uncorrupted, and
and look, most of the files in it were
just these department memos,
but one of them was different.
Um, it was a scan of a handwritten
letter someone wrote his wife.
Salvador Quinn.
What did it say?
Well, it's a love letter, but
then it gets kind of weird.
- It sort of It goes into this, uh
- It goes into code.
Yeah, that's exactly right.
[HANK] Watch where you step.
[PAUL] Patrick Kennedy.
Don't move.
[PATRICK] That's good advice. [SIGHS]
It really doesn't feel great when I do.
If you come any closer, I'm gonna
throw myself in this hole.
[PAUL] We're staying put, but
your wounds need treatment.
[PATRICK] Yeah, it's funny, you know,
with the guns, it looks like you're
gonna give me some fresh ones.
[HANK] You're a fugitive, seen
fire-bombing my deputy station.
You understand why we
might be a little cautious.
[PAUL] We can help you.
I don't trust you.
That's why I'm down here in the dark,
bleeding in a fucking hole!
There's a full med kit
- in the generator control room.
- Go, go.
That what you're waiting for?
Now that we're all alone,
you shoot me and hope
that Deputy Longhair
didn't count the holes
in me before he left?
We don't shoot people who
don't pose an immediate threat.
I pose an immediate threat.
The things I know,
- you'd be better to leave.
- I can't do that.
I took an oath.
Part of that is rendering available aid.
[SHOUTING] Rendering available aid?
Don't you see that it's all a lie?
Everything they told us.
The Pact.
It's just to keep us in line.
And we will never ever
find out the truth.
Sims would shoot each one of us
before he'd let that shit happen.
You know Mr. Sims?
[PATRICK] Yeah, I know him.
I helped Nichols out.
I was gagged and bagged.
Why do you think I'm down here?
Tell me.
Okay. Sure, I'll tell you.
Just give me your gun.
That's right. You can't
'cause you don't trust me.
Look, if you're gonna shoot me,
all I ask, just put it
right here, all right?
[PAUL] I found this
in Juliette Nichols's apartment.
In a book.
I destroyed the rest.
I couldn't tell you why I saved that.
You tell anyone I have
that, I'm finished.
Get me a doctor. Not a
deputy with a Band-Aid.
And I'll tell you everything
you want to know.
No, I'll tell you everything you
sure as fuck don't want to know.
New deal.
[SHIRLEY] How long is the cable?
Guess you'll find out.
This? It's not Juliette's.
But fuck you if I'm gonna
let you sell it as hers.
[BATTALION LEADER] Barnes, pick it up.
Come on.
- [AMUNDSEN] You have an update?
- Not yet.
[AMUNDSEN] Look for any groups
of two moving down the stairs.
[DIEGO] Copy.
Level 92. Two porters headed down.
I'm not far behind.
Get a message to the mayor.
[SOLO] I've got dinner.
What ya doing?
Um, I was trying to track down a helmet
that was stolen from the suit room.
So I went to an employee's
apartment, trying to find it.
Trina Samuel's.
Trina Samuel's.
Yeah. She was Solo's girlfriend.
Yeah. I haven't thought
about her in a long time.
Actually, I I I don't
like thinking about her.
- Do you want chicken or beef?
- Why are you lying to me?
I don't know what you're saying.
Solo, Trina. That's her.
That's not you, is it?
No. 'Cause this Look
at this. I found this.
Cole Myers, the IT shadow.
- That's the actual [GASPS]
- I am the IT shadow!
You don't know what
you're talking about!
Don't say those words
to me! Don't you ever!
- I am Solo!
[SHOUTING] I am the I
shadow, do you hear me?
- Okay.
- I am Solo! I am the IT shadow!
You're Solo.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
You look terrible. You should
really have something to eat.
[WHISPERS] I'm not hungry. Um
[NORMAL] I, uh I don't feel well.
I need to just, um
I'm gonna lie down.
I'm just gonna
This far enough down?
[SHIRLEY] I think so.
Now, will it hold your ass?
That I don't know.
[AMUNDSEN] Mechanical!
- [SHIRLEY] Fuck.
- Shit.
[SHIRLEY] Come on.
- There's no brake, is there?
- There's the cable,
and there's the end of the cable.
At least we'll die in the Down Deep.
[DOWN-DEEPER] Give me your hand!
- [DOWN DEEPER 2] Watch out.
- [UP-TOPPER 1] There they are!
- Get them!
[DOWN-DEEPER 3] Watch out!
- [BERNARD] Fuck!
- [AMUNDSEN] They got through, sir.
I noticed.
Keep this channel clear.
Sheriff Billings, do you copy?
Sheriff Billings.
[PAUL] Yes, Mr. Mayor?
Sheriff, I regret to inform you
that the fugitives from Mechanical
just became your problem.
I know that as a loyal
servant of the Silo,
I can count on you to bring them in.
Of course, Mr. Mayor.
You can always count on me
to faithfully serve the
Silo and the Pact.
Come on.