Silo (2023) s02e07 Episode Script
The Dive
You are about to be privy to something
that only a handful of people in
our history have had access to.
After you.
That should be enough.
- Where are you keeping the rest of it?
- It's safe.
Just be careful with it.
- Asshole.
Thank you. Appreciate it.
It's not much.
We're Mechanical.
We make a little go a long way, right?
This is gonna make a difference.
Tell 'em that's the last of it.
[BERNARD] State your
name and new position.
Lukas Kyle.
IT shadow.
Welcome, Lukas Kyle.
[BERNARD] The living
quarters are that way.
You will live here while
you familiarize yourself
with the Legacy.
The food is all right.
The bed is comfortable.
- [MARTHA] That's it. Careful.
- [TEDDY] All right. Bring it over.
- That's it.
- [MARTHA] Easy.
All set?
[BERNARD] The lights
in the sky are called
[LUKAS] Stars.
That's what Judge Meadows said.
[INHALES SHARPLY] A-All these relics,
where did they come from?
Technically, they're not relics.
They are the whole of human
history, knowledge, art.
The books you see here are a
fraction of the vault's library.
All of these,
and more than you can imagine,
are stored digitally on this.
When I was first handed that,
I searched for answers to the
questions that we have all had.
And all I could find was that the
Silo was built 352 years ago.
Beyond that, nothing about why
it was built or why we are here.
Right now, the only thing that matters
is breaking Salvador Quinn's code.
The stars will have to wait.
So why would I want to
decipher the code now?
It implies that there is a problem.
Potentially unsolvable,
that you know nothing about.
And a problem like that,
especially one which Salvador Quinn
went to such great lengths to conceal
is potentially more dangerous
than the rebellion.
How How do I, um
Ask it.
Ask it?
Lukas would like information
on secret codes and ciphers.
- Lucky you.
Several of those are actual books.
[THE ALGORITHM] Mayor Holland,
there is a Delta event
in the central shaft.
[CITIZEN 1] Did you see this?
[CITIZEN 2] Is this true?
What was it?
I don't know, but it
smells like gunpowder.
[CITIZEN 3] Why is the power on in IT?
- [CITIZEN 4] Tell us the truth!
- [CITIZEN 5] Tell us the truth!
[SOLO] You want my help?
Nope, I just want my fucking suit back.
The pump you need to restart is eight
Yeah, it's eight levels underwater.
- Yeah. That That's, uh, eight
- I know.
Look, if you had 300 feet of
waterproof power line lying around
in the vault, that'd be great.
- Mmm.
- Or h-how about this?
How about you figure out how
to get me a waterproof cable,
300 feet of tubing and then
something to push air down
so I don't drown.
And meanwhile you give me my
suit and I can go back to my silo.
- No, you know that I can't let you
- I'll come back.
I promise, when I've saved the
people in my silo, I'll come back.
You've got time. They don't. Come on.
You've got time.
Just Please, please. I promise.
Yeah, but what if your suit
fails and you die out there?
- No, no.
- What if you get there
and they don't let you in and you
don't have enough air to get back?
- If they see me coming, they're gonna
- Or what if
No, what if they let you
in and they kill you?
- They're not gonna kill me. No.
- So they don't kill you,
and then you explain to them like,
"Oh, it's dangerous outside,"
and not to make the same
mistakes that we made here
and then they just let
you go back outside.
Okay, okay, okay, okay.
Juliette, I'm sorry. I really am, but
No. We do this now.
I have the harmonium pedals
still. Would that work?
I don't need your fucking harmonium.
I need a power washer.
It's a pump, and if it can
send water, it can send air.
You want to tell us what
the hell is going on?
We didn't have a choice, okay?
You didn't have a choice?
Shooting something up the stairs?
We need to get people on our side.
We can't win this fight alone.
You could've gotten someone killed.
It wasn't designed to hurt anyone.
We just needed to send a message.
What was the message?
"We're insane down here"?
No, an actual message.
I read it,
and the only thing people
are gonna care about
is that those assholes from
Greasetown turned the power off.
- And turned it back on.
- That's like some asshole saying,
"Yeah, I hit you, but
hey, look, I stopped."
It's not how we make friends.
If either of you have a better
idea, we'd love to hear it.
We are not your allies.
We're the Sheriff's Department.
Then how about you do your job and
find out who poisoned our food?
Or does that seem like you're
being too helpful to us?
I understand you won't speak
to my head of Security?
Look at me.
I'm ancient.
I don't have time for middlemen.
Fair enough.
So, let's not waste any more
of whatever time you have left.
What can you tell me about
the gunpowder in Mechanical?
What happened to the people
I came up top with?
Knox and Shirley.
You put my mind at
ease about those idiots
and I'll tell you exactly
how much gunpowder
you have to worry about.
[SIMS] There you go.
- You all right, little man?
- [SIMS] He's fine.
Aren't you, big guy?
[CAMILLE] You know, this wasn't like
the big blackout a few weeks ago.
This was just a teeny, tiny glitch.
That's exactly what I told him.
[CAMILLE] What's that you have there?
[ANTHONY] Daddy said in the
before times, people held on to it
when things were scary.
That's right.
And what else?
It kept them safe.
Sounds pretty special, huh?
You're not hungry?
It's okay.
Why don't you go to your room?
Dad'll save the rest of the
batter for later, okay?
- You gave him a relic?
- It calmed him down.
- So he's not okay?
- Scared shitless.
Like the rest of the Silo.
People aren't just scared,
Rob. They're impressed.
It was dramatic.
And now they're asking questions.
Where's Bernard?
IT. Why?
[SIMS] Amundsen clearly
isn't up to the job,
and Bernard needs to know we
saved those raiders yesterday.
Without us Without you,
they could have taken
the stairs to the top,
used that gunpowder on
the door to the outside
instead of on some stunt.
Bernard needs my help.
You went to his office yesterday
to try to talk to him.
He knows that.
Has he reached out to you?
What are you thinking?
I'm thinking they have a point.
Their message said look to IT.
The power everywhere else
was out except for IT.
I was there. Bernard
came running back in
and then the lights in IT went out.
I think he turned them off
because he was afraid people
would see that they were on.
I know you're not defending
the rebels right now.
No, of course not. But they've
put the pressure on Bernard.
All the more reason for
me to go talk to him.
If you go to him, you're
doing him a kindness.
If you wait for him to come to
you, you're doing business.
Got it waterproofed just like you asked.
Okay, so after you plug the
power cord into the pump,
you pull on the escape line
- and this little bell is gonna ring.
- Yeah.
- It's gonna It's gonna t
It's, um Tell me that it's okay to
to plug into IT power, and
then you turn on the pump.
Then I'm gonna
I'm gonna [STAMMERS]
attach the escape line to the winch,
and I'm gonna reel
you in just like a fish.
But this is this is important, okay?
[SIGHS] I can't reel you in all
at once. We gotta go slow.
The This thing called
"the bends." Yeah.
After I read Twenty Thousand
Leagues Under the Sea,
I went on this whole ocean kick.
And turns out, if you're deep
underwater and you come up too fast,
all these bubbles start
building up in your joints.
It can make you really sick.
It can even kill you.
- What?
- Yeah, that's why you gotta go slow.
Well, what if I don't come up slow?
Then you're dead.
- What?
- Oh, but if you feel bad,
you could go back down under,
but you gotta go at least 20 feet.
- And do what?
You would [STAMMERS]
just hang out there
until you don't feel like you're
dying anymore, I guess.
- Yeah, sure. I'll do that.
No, I'm not gonna do that. You do that.
- What?
- This is your silo, so you save it.
But you're the engineer!
You seem to know exactly
what needs to be done.
- No, but I can't.
- Why?
Why can't you? Are you scared?
'Cause I'm scared. So why are
you making me do it, huh?
because I'm the head of IT.
Silo 17 is my priority.
You're not head of IT! Stop!
- You're not even Solo!
Please. Please. Please,
I'm the last one left.
I'm a failure. If I go
in the water, I'll
[STAMMERS] I'll die.
I'm a fuck up, you're not.
You C-Come on. Do it,
please. Will you do it?
You can help help
save the whole silo.
You can You can You can keep
me from ruining everything.
Please. Please.
This morning, the rebels launched
an assault on our Silo.
You all deserve to be commended
for keeping the peace
and doing so without the assistance
of radio communication.
I made the decision to
shut down the radios
during a conversation with
Sheriff Billings last night.
It is my belief that Paul Billings
has been taken hostage
and is being forced to
say the things he said.
[BERNARD] No doubt, this will be
cleared up when the rebellion is over
and Sheriff Billings
returns to the Up Top,
where he belongs.
Till then,
all radio communication throughout
the Silo remains disabled.
What does this mean?
"IT lies to us"?
I heard that power stayed on in I
while the rest of the
Silo was in the dark.
Mechanical controls
where the power goes.
They left IT powered
up for a few minutes
to cast doubt on my
department and on me.
Make no mistake, we are under attack.
Because of this,
all things rebellion-related
will be handled by Judicial.
Your job, as always, is to keep
the peace on your levels.
Judicial will take care
of everything else.
That is all for now.
Thank you for your service.
I don't know why you
guys brought me in here.
[HANK] Sure you do.
A little bite? Refresh your memory.
I had nothing to do with
poisoning the food.
[HANK] There we go.
See, I told you that you knew.
Now, here's the thing, Martin.
If you didn't poison the
food supply, who did?
I don't know who the
other listeners are.
- I swear. I
- He swears, Hank.
[HANK] Huh. Yeah, I believe him.
Do you?
Leaning towards yes.
But I also think Martin here may
be able to tell us a little bit more.
And if he helps us,
maybe we won't tell everyone
he's been ratting them out
to Judicial this whole time.
- [HANK] Hmm?
[HANK] What do you think
about that, Martin?
[SIGHS] T-There's a place
where someone leaves notes
for us in the scavenge room.
One of the collection bins
has a hollow handle,
and I don't know who
leaves the notes either.
Are we getting to the
helpful part soon or
There was a note in there today.
An order.
What kind of order?
I think we need to consider what
we'll do if we are in this alone.
We need a backup plan.
Are you gonna tell me why you kissed me?
I didn't kiss you. You kissed me.
And my point is, we need to
be prepared. Something big
Why are you looking at me like that?
[HANK] Sorry to interrupt.
[SHIRLEY] What is it?
We need to take you
and Knox into custody.
- Are we doing this again?
- I thought we
- [HANK] We're not here to arrest you.
We just talked to a listener.
There is a plot to
Well, to kill you.
Make sure we don't have any
problems with the deputies.
I will, sir.
Did you get anywhere with McLain?
Nowhere, but even if she did talk,
we wouldn't be able to
rely on the information.
Where are we on the
warrant to search Supply?
Do we need one?
The Pact would say that this
falls under emergency powers
Of course I don't need
one, but I want one
to maintain at least the
appearance of order.
So, again, do you have the warrant?
Judge Sims has not signed off on it.
Why not?
He sent word. [SIGHS]
He wants to speak to
you first in his chambers.
You finish the boots?
- Yep.
- Okay.
I put weights in 'em
just like you asked.
So that [SIGHS] You know,
that should keep you on your feet.
Um, in the before times,
they used to do this
thing called swimming,
where they would pull with their
arms and kick with their legs
to move through the
water just like a fish.
Except fish don't have
arms or legs, but
They also figured out a way
of, um, seeing underwater.
They figured if they looked through
glass that it wouldn't be blurry.
I made you these.
I made 'em out of, uh, welders' goggles.
Great. Thanks.
Okay. Can you pull that through?
How long are you gonna stay mad at me?
If the people in my silo die
Just check the lines and make sure
the power washer's running.
You don't understand
how this works, do you?
[SHARON] I'm sorry. He just barged in.
I couldn't make him stop.
[SIMS] It's all right,
Sharon. You can go.
[BERNARD] I assigned you this
position this promotion
because I never wanted
to see your face again.
There are no more
conversations between us.
No discussions.
You sign what I tell you to sign.
You sit behind that desk,
you pretend to have power,
and then you go home.
That's it. That's the rest of your life.
Now get out your rubber stamp
and give me my fucking search warrant.
- No?
- I gave you a decade of my life,
my loyalty, my faith.
The problems I've solved for you,
you don't think I paid a price for that?
And why?
Because I trusted you.
I thought we had an understanding
you'd make me your shadow.
I did want you to be my shadow, Robert.
And then I never really
got around to it, did I?
Deep down, I must've had reservations.
And then, finally,
I realized what it was.
You're very good at solving problems,
but you lack curiosity.
And that's something the
head of IT must have,
and therefore, something
that his shadow must have.
It's something my old shadow had
and something my new shadow has.
You made Lukas Kyle your shadow?
Glad you have such a
strong team at your side.
Lukas Kyle, Amundsen,
but the list ends there.
You lost the sheriff.
Every deputy on duty heard
Billings undermine you.
How long till you lose the entire
department and Judicial?
Graffiti on the stairs,
in the Up Top no less,
and you didn't pay someone to paint it.
That's not part of the
plan, is it, Bernie?
And we both know that
Amundsen is useless.
You had no idea about
the gunpowder, did you?
Because he doesn't
know what to look for.
The only reason he was able to
save those raiders yesterday
was because of me and Camille.
Now, you gotta be wondering,
"What else am I missing?"
I'll tell you.
You're running out of allies,
and you're running out of moves.
What are you missing, Rob?
After you put me in a position
where I had no choice
but to take the life of a woman
I had some affection for,
we both agreed that the two people
coming to meet her from Mechanical
would be blamed for her death,
and then they got away.
Now, your wife may have helped
save those raiders yesterday,
but she's also the reason
those fugitives made it safely
back to the Down Deep.
But you knew that already, didn't you,
considering how close
the two of you are?
[CLICKS TONGUE] What do you want?
We've got a rat problem
down here, Frances,
and I was hoping you'd
be able to help me
a little bit more than Marty Glynn.
Oh, why's that?
Come on, Frances. We both know
the kind of company you keep.
Somebody tried to poison
the food supply,
it's only gonna get worse.
- This is serious.
- Oh, it's serious?
You hear that?
- He said it's serious.
- Well, it sounds serious.
- Ow.
- Sorry.
Seriously, Hank. If you
think I know any rats,
- you can fuck off.
- Come on
[SHIRLEY] Told you Frances
was a waste of time.
Yeah. Well, you were right. [SIGHS]
[HANK] What are you looking for?
We know the listeners get
notes in the scavenge room,
so we need a list of people
who have access.
- Next drawer down.
- [PAUL] What did you file it under?
They're sending messages
to have us killed.
Let's send a message back.
Like what? [SIGHS]
We already used gunpowder to
shoot something up the shaft.
If we had enough of it,
we could send you.
You ever think that maybe
they want you dead
because you're such a pain in the ass?
You two look like you're having fun.
What can we do for you, Walk?
[MARTHA] You can tell me
about Judicial seclusion.
- You worked there.
- I worked in Judicial, yes.
Walk, come on, this isn't gonna help.
Can you please
Very few people in Judicial
even know about it,
let alone have access to it.
I know people who went into
seclusion usually didn't come out.
And I know that Shirley's right.
This line of questioning won't
lead you anywhere good.
McLain is in a fortress.
There's no way.
I at least get a message to her?
They're not allowing porters
anywhere near the barricades.
You could You could radio
one of your friends.
Come on, you could call in a favor.
You heard anything on
your radio today, Walk?
The mayor shut it down
because he didn't like
what the sheriff here was saying.
Send a computer message.
[SHIRLEY] Shut that down too.
Twenty-five years ago,
I didn't do enough.
That's how I lost her in the first
I'll be damned if I don't
do enough this time.
- [HANK] Walk.
- [MARTHA] No.
Is there anyone on the
other side of the barrier
that you can trust enough
to get a note to?
About Judicial seclusion?
Show me Show me atbash again.
- Right. You just [GROANS]
No, it-it doesn't make any sense.
Go Go back to the original.
What if they aren't letters?
Show me everything
about numeric ciphers.
You recognize any of these names
from your Judicial days?
Not yet.
[SHIRLEY] I always thought
Lorelei was a listener.
Lorelei's an asshole, not a listener.
We can't be guaranteed
it's the only place
where listeners get their orders.
You've got a problem.
After you left, Frances said
she had to go somewhere.
I was pretty sure she was
lying, so I followed her.
- [HANK] You followed her?
- [KATHLEEN] To the cafeteria.
- Things are getting out of hand.
- [KNOX] Sheriff.
No offense to either one of you,
but if it's already out of hand,
you're gonna need someone
they might actually listen to.
Get away from me!
Stick together!
Move! Hey! Calm down!
- Get back!
- She tried to kill us.
She poisoned our food.
[MAEVE] No, I didn't, I swear! Ask them!
I showed them the
poisoned food. I didn't.
- You are a filthy liar!
- [MAEVE] I am not lying!
- Stay back!
- [KNOX] It's true. It's true.
Maeve told us the food was poisoned.
You see? You crazy bitch.
- [PAUL] Okay! All right! Stay back!
All right! All right! Back!
It was nice of you to make
sure nobody got hurt.
How's your mom these days, Maeve?
The meds
They were pretty scarce before,
but since the blockade,
I can't imagine things have been easy.
She's in Medical.
Above the blockade.
I had to.
If I didn't do what they said
You were afraid they'd
do something to her.
I didn't have a choice.
But I made sure that nobody got hurt.
What about the kill order
on Knox and Shirley?
They told me to plant that note.
They said that it would upset people.
Turn them against each other.
Well, I guess it worked.
Don't kill me. [BREATHES SHAKILY]
I'm one of you.
That still means something.
We're not gonna kill you.
We're not gonna send you to
the mines like they do up top.
We're gonna give you some tough jobs,
right here in your home.
We're gonna give you
shit for a little while.
Remind you of who you are.
We're gonna make sure your mom is okay.
And you'll never turn your back
on Mechanical again, will you?
[SIGHS] No, never.
It's a book cipher.
Okay, the letters weren't
letters, they were numbers.
So, each one corresponds
to the appearance of a word
on a specific page of a specific book.
And I think the page is number 77
because seven is the only
number that Quinn used
in the portion of his message
that wasn't in code
and he used it twice.
Did you test your theory against
the books in the Legacy?
Yes, there weren't any
matches in the Legacy.
- Then you're wrong.
- I'm not wrong.
All it means is that Quinn didn't
use a book from the Legacy
to create his code,
which makes sense because he
wanted his code to be solved.
Only two people have access
to that vault, to those books.
So, he used a relic.
A book that is out in the Silo.
We need a book that's
over 140 years old.
Maybe even something that
belonged to Quinn himself.
Do you know anyone in the Silo
that might have such a relic?
One person.
And I have the book
that you can start with.
[CAMILLE] You're gonna strain your
eyes sitting in the dark like this.
You spoke to Bernard.
He told you about the two
Mechanicals I helped get away.
You had just been sworn in as Judge.
You were still trying to win Bernard
back over, which was smart.
But making friends?
That's smart too.
- So you went behind my back?
- No. I I was trying to protect you.
I knew that Bernard would
find out one way or another.
He needed to think I was taking
matters into my own hands.
Bernard couldn't think you had anything
to do with the two escaping,
and he still doesn't.
[SIMS] You want to make friends
with the rebels, Camille?
You know how dangerous they are?
[CAMILLE] And Bernard isn't?
We don't know how this is going to end.
So until we do, we play both sides.
But we don't play each other.
What you tried to do at breakfast,
tried to keep me from talking
to Bernard, from finding out
We make moves together or not at all.
No more secrets.
No more secrets.
[MARTHA] No way to get a message up top?
No way.
Sir, the camera in Martha
Walker's workshop
just went live for 30 seconds.
We're trying to get it back online.
How was it reactivated
in the first place?
[AMUNDSEN] We believe she turned it on.
Why would she do that?
[AMUNDSEN] I used the cameras
to track McLain the last few days,
to see if we could figure out
how she moved the gunpowder.
No luck there, but then I saw this.
This is from when you had the
Mechanical deputy take her
and McLain into custody while
you gave your speech to the Silo.
I checked their records.
They divorced 25 years ago.
But they still mean
something to each other.
This is very good work, Mr. Amundsen.
You are about to be privy to something
that only a handful of people in
our history have had access to.
After you.
That should be enough.
- Where are you keeping the rest of it?
- It's safe.
Just be careful with it.
- Asshole.
Thank you. Appreciate it.
It's not much.
We're Mechanical.
We make a little go a long way, right?
This is gonna make a difference.
Tell 'em that's the last of it.
[BERNARD] State your
name and new position.
Lukas Kyle.
IT shadow.
Welcome, Lukas Kyle.
[BERNARD] The living
quarters are that way.
You will live here while
you familiarize yourself
with the Legacy.
The food is all right.
The bed is comfortable.
- [MARTHA] That's it. Careful.
- [TEDDY] All right. Bring it over.
- That's it.
- [MARTHA] Easy.
All set?
[BERNARD] The lights
in the sky are called
[LUKAS] Stars.
That's what Judge Meadows said.
[INHALES SHARPLY] A-All these relics,
where did they come from?
Technically, they're not relics.
They are the whole of human
history, knowledge, art.
The books you see here are a
fraction of the vault's library.
All of these,
and more than you can imagine,
are stored digitally on this.
When I was first handed that,
I searched for answers to the
questions that we have all had.
And all I could find was that the
Silo was built 352 years ago.
Beyond that, nothing about why
it was built or why we are here.
Right now, the only thing that matters
is breaking Salvador Quinn's code.
The stars will have to wait.
So why would I want to
decipher the code now?
It implies that there is a problem.
Potentially unsolvable,
that you know nothing about.
And a problem like that,
especially one which Salvador Quinn
went to such great lengths to conceal
is potentially more dangerous
than the rebellion.
How How do I, um
Ask it.
Ask it?
Lukas would like information
on secret codes and ciphers.
- Lucky you.
Several of those are actual books.
[THE ALGORITHM] Mayor Holland,
there is a Delta event
in the central shaft.
[CITIZEN 1] Did you see this?
[CITIZEN 2] Is this true?
What was it?
I don't know, but it
smells like gunpowder.
[CITIZEN 3] Why is the power on in IT?
- [CITIZEN 4] Tell us the truth!
- [CITIZEN 5] Tell us the truth!
[SOLO] You want my help?
Nope, I just want my fucking suit back.
The pump you need to restart is eight
Yeah, it's eight levels underwater.
- Yeah. That That's, uh, eight
- I know.
Look, if you had 300 feet of
waterproof power line lying around
in the vault, that'd be great.
- Mmm.
- Or h-how about this?
How about you figure out how
to get me a waterproof cable,
300 feet of tubing and then
something to push air down
so I don't drown.
And meanwhile you give me my
suit and I can go back to my silo.
- No, you know that I can't let you
- I'll come back.
I promise, when I've saved the
people in my silo, I'll come back.
You've got time. They don't. Come on.
You've got time.
Just Please, please. I promise.
Yeah, but what if your suit
fails and you die out there?
- No, no.
- What if you get there
and they don't let you in and you
don't have enough air to get back?
- If they see me coming, they're gonna
- Or what if
No, what if they let you
in and they kill you?
- They're not gonna kill me. No.
- So they don't kill you,
and then you explain to them like,
"Oh, it's dangerous outside,"
and not to make the same
mistakes that we made here
and then they just let
you go back outside.
Okay, okay, okay, okay.
Juliette, I'm sorry. I really am, but
No. We do this now.
I have the harmonium pedals
still. Would that work?
I don't need your fucking harmonium.
I need a power washer.
It's a pump, and if it can
send water, it can send air.
You want to tell us what
the hell is going on?
We didn't have a choice, okay?
You didn't have a choice?
Shooting something up the stairs?
We need to get people on our side.
We can't win this fight alone.
You could've gotten someone killed.
It wasn't designed to hurt anyone.
We just needed to send a message.
What was the message?
"We're insane down here"?
No, an actual message.
I read it,
and the only thing people
are gonna care about
is that those assholes from
Greasetown turned the power off.
- And turned it back on.
- That's like some asshole saying,
"Yeah, I hit you, but
hey, look, I stopped."
It's not how we make friends.
If either of you have a better
idea, we'd love to hear it.
We are not your allies.
We're the Sheriff's Department.
Then how about you do your job and
find out who poisoned our food?
Or does that seem like you're
being too helpful to us?
I understand you won't speak
to my head of Security?
Look at me.
I'm ancient.
I don't have time for middlemen.
Fair enough.
So, let's not waste any more
of whatever time you have left.
What can you tell me about
the gunpowder in Mechanical?
What happened to the people
I came up top with?
Knox and Shirley.
You put my mind at
ease about those idiots
and I'll tell you exactly
how much gunpowder
you have to worry about.
[SIMS] There you go.
- You all right, little man?
- [SIMS] He's fine.
Aren't you, big guy?
[CAMILLE] You know, this wasn't like
the big blackout a few weeks ago.
This was just a teeny, tiny glitch.
That's exactly what I told him.
[CAMILLE] What's that you have there?
[ANTHONY] Daddy said in the
before times, people held on to it
when things were scary.
That's right.
And what else?
It kept them safe.
Sounds pretty special, huh?
You're not hungry?
It's okay.
Why don't you go to your room?
Dad'll save the rest of the
batter for later, okay?
- You gave him a relic?
- It calmed him down.
- So he's not okay?
- Scared shitless.
Like the rest of the Silo.
People aren't just scared,
Rob. They're impressed.
It was dramatic.
And now they're asking questions.
Where's Bernard?
IT. Why?
[SIMS] Amundsen clearly
isn't up to the job,
and Bernard needs to know we
saved those raiders yesterday.
Without us Without you,
they could have taken
the stairs to the top,
used that gunpowder on
the door to the outside
instead of on some stunt.
Bernard needs my help.
You went to his office yesterday
to try to talk to him.
He knows that.
Has he reached out to you?
What are you thinking?
I'm thinking they have a point.
Their message said look to IT.
The power everywhere else
was out except for IT.
I was there. Bernard
came running back in
and then the lights in IT went out.
I think he turned them off
because he was afraid people
would see that they were on.
I know you're not defending
the rebels right now.
No, of course not. But they've
put the pressure on Bernard.
All the more reason for
me to go talk to him.
If you go to him, you're
doing him a kindness.
If you wait for him to come to
you, you're doing business.
Got it waterproofed just like you asked.
Okay, so after you plug the
power cord into the pump,
you pull on the escape line
- and this little bell is gonna ring.
- Yeah.
- It's gonna It's gonna t
It's, um Tell me that it's okay to
to plug into IT power, and
then you turn on the pump.
Then I'm gonna
I'm gonna [STAMMERS]
attach the escape line to the winch,
and I'm gonna reel
you in just like a fish.
But this is this is important, okay?
[SIGHS] I can't reel you in all
at once. We gotta go slow.
The This thing called
"the bends." Yeah.
After I read Twenty Thousand
Leagues Under the Sea,
I went on this whole ocean kick.
And turns out, if you're deep
underwater and you come up too fast,
all these bubbles start
building up in your joints.
It can make you really sick.
It can even kill you.
- What?
- Yeah, that's why you gotta go slow.
Well, what if I don't come up slow?
Then you're dead.
- What?
- Oh, but if you feel bad,
you could go back down under,
but you gotta go at least 20 feet.
- And do what?
You would [STAMMERS]
just hang out there
until you don't feel like you're
dying anymore, I guess.
- Yeah, sure. I'll do that.
No, I'm not gonna do that. You do that.
- What?
- This is your silo, so you save it.
But you're the engineer!
You seem to know exactly
what needs to be done.
- No, but I can't.
- Why?
Why can't you? Are you scared?
'Cause I'm scared. So why are
you making me do it, huh?
because I'm the head of IT.
Silo 17 is my priority.
You're not head of IT! Stop!
- You're not even Solo!
Please. Please. Please,
I'm the last one left.
I'm a failure. If I go
in the water, I'll
[STAMMERS] I'll die.
I'm a fuck up, you're not.
You C-Come on. Do it,
please. Will you do it?
You can help help
save the whole silo.
You can You can You can keep
me from ruining everything.
Please. Please.
This morning, the rebels launched
an assault on our Silo.
You all deserve to be commended
for keeping the peace
and doing so without the assistance
of radio communication.
I made the decision to
shut down the radios
during a conversation with
Sheriff Billings last night.
It is my belief that Paul Billings
has been taken hostage
and is being forced to
say the things he said.
[BERNARD] No doubt, this will be
cleared up when the rebellion is over
and Sheriff Billings
returns to the Up Top,
where he belongs.
Till then,
all radio communication throughout
the Silo remains disabled.
What does this mean?
"IT lies to us"?
I heard that power stayed on in I
while the rest of the
Silo was in the dark.
Mechanical controls
where the power goes.
They left IT powered
up for a few minutes
to cast doubt on my
department and on me.
Make no mistake, we are under attack.
Because of this,
all things rebellion-related
will be handled by Judicial.
Your job, as always, is to keep
the peace on your levels.
Judicial will take care
of everything else.
That is all for now.
Thank you for your service.
I don't know why you
guys brought me in here.
[HANK] Sure you do.
A little bite? Refresh your memory.
I had nothing to do with
poisoning the food.
[HANK] There we go.
See, I told you that you knew.
Now, here's the thing, Martin.
If you didn't poison the
food supply, who did?
I don't know who the
other listeners are.
- I swear. I
- He swears, Hank.
[HANK] Huh. Yeah, I believe him.
Do you?
Leaning towards yes.
But I also think Martin here may
be able to tell us a little bit more.
And if he helps us,
maybe we won't tell everyone
he's been ratting them out
to Judicial this whole time.
- [HANK] Hmm?
[HANK] What do you think
about that, Martin?
[SIGHS] T-There's a place
where someone leaves notes
for us in the scavenge room.
One of the collection bins
has a hollow handle,
and I don't know who
leaves the notes either.
Are we getting to the
helpful part soon or
There was a note in there today.
An order.
What kind of order?
I think we need to consider what
we'll do if we are in this alone.
We need a backup plan.
Are you gonna tell me why you kissed me?
I didn't kiss you. You kissed me.
And my point is, we need to
be prepared. Something big
Why are you looking at me like that?
[HANK] Sorry to interrupt.
[SHIRLEY] What is it?
We need to take you
and Knox into custody.
- Are we doing this again?
- I thought we
- [HANK] We're not here to arrest you.
We just talked to a listener.
There is a plot to
Well, to kill you.
Make sure we don't have any
problems with the deputies.
I will, sir.
Did you get anywhere with McLain?
Nowhere, but even if she did talk,
we wouldn't be able to
rely on the information.
Where are we on the
warrant to search Supply?
Do we need one?
The Pact would say that this
falls under emergency powers
Of course I don't need
one, but I want one
to maintain at least the
appearance of order.
So, again, do you have the warrant?
Judge Sims has not signed off on it.
Why not?
He sent word. [SIGHS]
He wants to speak to
you first in his chambers.
You finish the boots?
- Yep.
- Okay.
I put weights in 'em
just like you asked.
So that [SIGHS] You know,
that should keep you on your feet.
Um, in the before times,
they used to do this
thing called swimming,
where they would pull with their
arms and kick with their legs
to move through the
water just like a fish.
Except fish don't have
arms or legs, but
They also figured out a way
of, um, seeing underwater.
They figured if they looked through
glass that it wouldn't be blurry.
I made you these.
I made 'em out of, uh, welders' goggles.
Great. Thanks.
Okay. Can you pull that through?
How long are you gonna stay mad at me?
If the people in my silo die
Just check the lines and make sure
the power washer's running.
You don't understand
how this works, do you?
[SHARON] I'm sorry. He just barged in.
I couldn't make him stop.
[SIMS] It's all right,
Sharon. You can go.
[BERNARD] I assigned you this
position this promotion
because I never wanted
to see your face again.
There are no more
conversations between us.
No discussions.
You sign what I tell you to sign.
You sit behind that desk,
you pretend to have power,
and then you go home.
That's it. That's the rest of your life.
Now get out your rubber stamp
and give me my fucking search warrant.
- No?
- I gave you a decade of my life,
my loyalty, my faith.
The problems I've solved for you,
you don't think I paid a price for that?
And why?
Because I trusted you.
I thought we had an understanding
you'd make me your shadow.
I did want you to be my shadow, Robert.
And then I never really
got around to it, did I?
Deep down, I must've had reservations.
And then, finally,
I realized what it was.
You're very good at solving problems,
but you lack curiosity.
And that's something the
head of IT must have,
and therefore, something
that his shadow must have.
It's something my old shadow had
and something my new shadow has.
You made Lukas Kyle your shadow?
Glad you have such a
strong team at your side.
Lukas Kyle, Amundsen,
but the list ends there.
You lost the sheriff.
Every deputy on duty heard
Billings undermine you.
How long till you lose the entire
department and Judicial?
Graffiti on the stairs,
in the Up Top no less,
and you didn't pay someone to paint it.
That's not part of the
plan, is it, Bernie?
And we both know that
Amundsen is useless.
You had no idea about
the gunpowder, did you?
Because he doesn't
know what to look for.
The only reason he was able to
save those raiders yesterday
was because of me and Camille.
Now, you gotta be wondering,
"What else am I missing?"
I'll tell you.
You're running out of allies,
and you're running out of moves.
What are you missing, Rob?
After you put me in a position
where I had no choice
but to take the life of a woman
I had some affection for,
we both agreed that the two people
coming to meet her from Mechanical
would be blamed for her death,
and then they got away.
Now, your wife may have helped
save those raiders yesterday,
but she's also the reason
those fugitives made it safely
back to the Down Deep.
But you knew that already, didn't you,
considering how close
the two of you are?
[CLICKS TONGUE] What do you want?
We've got a rat problem
down here, Frances,
and I was hoping you'd
be able to help me
a little bit more than Marty Glynn.
Oh, why's that?
Come on, Frances. We both know
the kind of company you keep.
Somebody tried to poison
the food supply,
it's only gonna get worse.
- This is serious.
- Oh, it's serious?
You hear that?
- He said it's serious.
- Well, it sounds serious.
- Ow.
- Sorry.
Seriously, Hank. If you
think I know any rats,
- you can fuck off.
- Come on
[SHIRLEY] Told you Frances
was a waste of time.
Yeah. Well, you were right. [SIGHS]
[HANK] What are you looking for?
We know the listeners get
notes in the scavenge room,
so we need a list of people
who have access.
- Next drawer down.
- [PAUL] What did you file it under?
They're sending messages
to have us killed.
Let's send a message back.
Like what? [SIGHS]
We already used gunpowder to
shoot something up the shaft.
If we had enough of it,
we could send you.
You ever think that maybe
they want you dead
because you're such a pain in the ass?
You two look like you're having fun.
What can we do for you, Walk?
[MARTHA] You can tell me
about Judicial seclusion.
- You worked there.
- I worked in Judicial, yes.
Walk, come on, this isn't gonna help.
Can you please
Very few people in Judicial
even know about it,
let alone have access to it.
I know people who went into
seclusion usually didn't come out.
And I know that Shirley's right.
This line of questioning won't
lead you anywhere good.
McLain is in a fortress.
There's no way.
I at least get a message to her?
They're not allowing porters
anywhere near the barricades.
You could You could radio
one of your friends.
Come on, you could call in a favor.
You heard anything on
your radio today, Walk?
The mayor shut it down
because he didn't like
what the sheriff here was saying.
Send a computer message.
[SHIRLEY] Shut that down too.
Twenty-five years ago,
I didn't do enough.
That's how I lost her in the first
I'll be damned if I don't
do enough this time.
- [HANK] Walk.
- [MARTHA] No.
Is there anyone on the
other side of the barrier
that you can trust enough
to get a note to?
About Judicial seclusion?
Show me Show me atbash again.
- Right. You just [GROANS]
No, it-it doesn't make any sense.
Go Go back to the original.
What if they aren't letters?
Show me everything
about numeric ciphers.
You recognize any of these names
from your Judicial days?
Not yet.
[SHIRLEY] I always thought
Lorelei was a listener.
Lorelei's an asshole, not a listener.
We can't be guaranteed
it's the only place
where listeners get their orders.
You've got a problem.
After you left, Frances said
she had to go somewhere.
I was pretty sure she was
lying, so I followed her.
- [HANK] You followed her?
- [KATHLEEN] To the cafeteria.
- Things are getting out of hand.
- [KNOX] Sheriff.
No offense to either one of you,
but if it's already out of hand,
you're gonna need someone
they might actually listen to.
Get away from me!
Stick together!
Move! Hey! Calm down!
- Get back!
- She tried to kill us.
She poisoned our food.
[MAEVE] No, I didn't, I swear! Ask them!
I showed them the
poisoned food. I didn't.
- You are a filthy liar!
- [MAEVE] I am not lying!
- Stay back!
- [KNOX] It's true. It's true.
Maeve told us the food was poisoned.
You see? You crazy bitch.
- [PAUL] Okay! All right! Stay back!
All right! All right! Back!
It was nice of you to make
sure nobody got hurt.
How's your mom these days, Maeve?
The meds
They were pretty scarce before,
but since the blockade,
I can't imagine things have been easy.
She's in Medical.
Above the blockade.
I had to.
If I didn't do what they said
You were afraid they'd
do something to her.
I didn't have a choice.
But I made sure that nobody got hurt.
What about the kill order
on Knox and Shirley?
They told me to plant that note.
They said that it would upset people.
Turn them against each other.
Well, I guess it worked.
Don't kill me. [BREATHES SHAKILY]
I'm one of you.
That still means something.
We're not gonna kill you.
We're not gonna send you to
the mines like they do up top.
We're gonna give you some tough jobs,
right here in your home.
We're gonna give you
shit for a little while.
Remind you of who you are.
We're gonna make sure your mom is okay.
And you'll never turn your back
on Mechanical again, will you?
[SIGHS] No, never.
It's a book cipher.
Okay, the letters weren't
letters, they were numbers.
So, each one corresponds
to the appearance of a word
on a specific page of a specific book.
And I think the page is number 77
because seven is the only
number that Quinn used
in the portion of his message
that wasn't in code
and he used it twice.
Did you test your theory against
the books in the Legacy?
Yes, there weren't any
matches in the Legacy.
- Then you're wrong.
- I'm not wrong.
All it means is that Quinn didn't
use a book from the Legacy
to create his code,
which makes sense because he
wanted his code to be solved.
Only two people have access
to that vault, to those books.
So, he used a relic.
A book that is out in the Silo.
We need a book that's
over 140 years old.
Maybe even something that
belonged to Quinn himself.
Do you know anyone in the Silo
that might have such a relic?
One person.
And I have the book
that you can start with.
[CAMILLE] You're gonna strain your
eyes sitting in the dark like this.
You spoke to Bernard.
He told you about the two
Mechanicals I helped get away.
You had just been sworn in as Judge.
You were still trying to win Bernard
back over, which was smart.
But making friends?
That's smart too.
- So you went behind my back?
- No. I I was trying to protect you.
I knew that Bernard would
find out one way or another.
He needed to think I was taking
matters into my own hands.
Bernard couldn't think you had anything
to do with the two escaping,
and he still doesn't.
[SIMS] You want to make friends
with the rebels, Camille?
You know how dangerous they are?
[CAMILLE] And Bernard isn't?
We don't know how this is going to end.
So until we do, we play both sides.
But we don't play each other.
What you tried to do at breakfast,
tried to keep me from talking
to Bernard, from finding out
We make moves together or not at all.
No more secrets.
No more secrets.
[MARTHA] No way to get a message up top?
No way.
Sir, the camera in Martha
Walker's workshop
just went live for 30 seconds.
We're trying to get it back online.
How was it reactivated
in the first place?
[AMUNDSEN] We believe she turned it on.
Why would she do that?
[AMUNDSEN] I used the cameras
to track McLain the last few days,
to see if we could figure out
how she moved the gunpowder.
No luck there, but then I saw this.
This is from when you had the
Mechanical deputy take her
and McLain into custody while
you gave your speech to the Silo.
I checked their records.
They divorced 25 years ago.
But they still mean
something to each other.
This is very good work, Mr. Amundsen.