Smallville s06e07 Episode Script


Wait I have a surprise for you.
I like surprises but I don't like to wait.
It'll be worth it.
Trust me.
Shut up! Come on, get up! Give it to him! Come on.
-Come on.
-You want some of this? They don't.
But I do.
Oliver? Okay, I'm pretty open minded, but kinky hide-and-seek really isn't my game.
Okay, you win.
Olly olly whatever-whatever.
Okay, Oliver, this isn't funny.
Where are you? Good one, Lois.
Don't worry, cops will have a key.
Mom, I have a big appetite, but you've got enough food here to feed an army.
I thought it'd be a good idea to invite a few people over for Thanksgiving.
Actually, I was hoping we could keep it low-key.
I'm not feeling very thankful this year.
It's going to be a hard day, especially after what just happened to Raya but company could help.
It was Dad's holiday.
He carved the turkey.
I can carve this year.
Mom, he was the one who made sure we all said what we were thankful for.
He always made sure that I was thankful for my abilities but you know what? He was wrong.
If I was normal, he would still be here carving the turkey with grandpa's old carving knife.
So you can scratch Oliver's name off the Thanksgiving guest list or any other guest list, for that matter.
I'm solo.
Well, that's too bad.
What happened? Last night he pulled another one of his trademark disappearing acts smack in the middle of a date.
Well, I'm sorry, Lois.
Oh, don't be.
I mean, who's kidding who here? We had no future.
He's a world-renowned billionaire, and I am a nail-biting Talon-dwelling, tabloid reporter.
Lois, I'm sure you'll find someone who's better suited for you.
Yeah, I know, I know, life goes on.
At least for some people.
Have you heard the news? The Green Arrow was shot last night.
It's in today's Planet.
A man found him bleeding and ran for help.
When the cops finally got there all that was left was a bloodstain.
I found the charitable organization I want to focus on.
It's Second Chance Halfway House.
I have the time, and I heard you mention them on the phone and then I found this brochure.
What an amazing program.
I don't see why they can't be in every city in the country.
Lana you'd be in contact with violent criminals just released from prison.
Maybe from time to time, but mostly I'd be at the central office.
Why not channel your energy into the Youth Foundation or the Center for Victim's Rights? Because this is what I want to do.
I'm just trying to protect you.
What is it with people feeling like they have to protect me? Lex, I don't need to be watched over.
I didn't say you did.
I want you to be safe.
Well, this isn't about what you want.
This is about what I want.
Pick any other project.
I'm sorry.
You're looking awfully healthy.
It's called exercise, Clark.
Something mortals have to do from time to time.
According to The Daily Planet the Green Arrow was shot last night.
If I was shot, don't you think I'd be in a hospital or a morgue? I'm not bulletproof like you are, Clark.
Besides, you should know better than to believe everything you read in the newspaper.
It's The Daily Planet, not the Inquisitor.
A witness saw you lying in a pool of blood.
Maybe it was someone else with a preference for green.
What's your Green Arrow gear doing in the middle of the room? I'm uploading a video.
Check this out.
See that? Now I've got footage of the scumbags, so if they try to get away I can track them down.
Oliver, you're getting sloppy.
Your gear's out in the room, the door's unlocked.
That could have been Lois.
You know what? I've had a lot on my mind lately.
You were too busy using your powers to bale hay than to realize there's a crime wave in Metropolis.
Let me ask you a question.
Are you ever gonna get off your ass and do something for a change? -I didn't come to be insulted.
-There's the door.
-I don't remember you being invited.
-Oliver, what's going on with you? I don't need advice from someone whose only worry in life -is to protect his identity.
-That's a lie, you know it.
Let me tell you, when I'm on the streets, I'm protecting people, all right? I got much bigger things to worry about.
Like staying alive.
Are you okay? -I'm fine, just get out of here.
Go! -You sure? Come in.
When did you turn the apartment into a florist shop? They're from Oliver.
Wait a second.
The guy smothers you with flowers -and you forget everything he's done? -Please, I'm not that gullible.
The whole botanical overkill was just a lame attempt to beg forgiveness.
Well, if he shows up in person to beg for forgiveness, don't answer the door.
Lois, I went to talk to him at his apartment.
You didn't.
What were you thinking? -I was looking out for you.
-I have 20/20 vision.
I look out for myself.
When I was in his apartment, I found a needle and a syringe.
Unless they're doctor-prescribed, I think Oliver's doing drugs.
This actually explains a lot.
All those times he disappeared.
I should have known.
He said that Thanksgiving was a hard time of year, made him think about his parents.
Lois, I think you might wanna keep your distance.
He has a substance abuse problem, not leprosy.
I'm not going to abandon him when he needs me the most.
He's not himself now.
Based on his behavior I don't think he's someone you wanna be around.
Well, see, that's the difference between you and me, Clark.
I don't desert people when they need help.
-You're a miracle worker, doc.
-We need to talk, Mr.
We certainly do.
I finally found myself injured badly enough to use the RL65 and it works perfectly.
Not just once.
I cut my hand, and after one injection I was completely healed.
Well, don't take any more.
Last time I checked, doctor, you worked for me.
The lab mice have been exhibiting irrational cognitive behavior -and more troubling, violent tendencies.
-I'm not a mouse, I feel fine.
Do you? No lapses in judgment? No sudden outbursts of anger? Not really, but I am starting to feel one coming on right now.
It's not worth risking possible psychosis just so you can climb Mount Everest or parachute out of your Learjet.
This isn't about my recreational activities, doctor.
We're on the verge of a medical breakthrough that can save countless lives.
I'm more than honored to be the guinea pig.
Trust me, I can handle the occasional temper tantrum.
Okay, well, I'll talk to you after the break, senator.
You have a happy Thanksgiving too.
Come on in.
I was just about to call you.
I didn't get your R.
Well, that is why I'm here.
I came in person to tell you that I won't be coming for Thanksgiving dinner.
Well, that's too bad.
I was really looking forward to seeing you.
After Lillian died, I somehow decided that I would stop celebrating Thanksgiving.
Why don't you make an exception and celebrate with us? We'd really love to have you.
I don't think Clark would agree.
The holiday's going to be difficult this year, without extra complications for him.
You're not a complication, Lionel.
You're a part of my life now, and I'm very thankful for that.
Do you know what that means to me? Do you know what you mean to me? Martha, l.
I didn't mean to.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
-I take it this wasn't a party favor.
-I broke into his apartment.
-There might be some residue still left.
-I call Oliver Queen a lot of things -I never thought I'd call him a junkie.
-I don't think he's getting high.
Come on, Clark.
You of all people should know that everyone has their secrets.
It's not a stretch to think that a jet-setting billionaire might have a habit to hide.
Can you just get it checked out? We'll know for sure.
I'll text my bio-chem buddy at Met U.
Hopefully he hasn't left for Thanksgiving.
That Green Arrow story.
That victim actually see him get shot? No, but the people that owned the car did come forward and say that he saved them that night.
He hasn't been spotted since.
-I'm gonna get this syringe to my chemist.
Why don't you head out, and I will get a hold of you as soon as I find anything.
-Are you trying to get rid of me? -No, why would I wanna do that? -Lana.
Us girls were just gonna get some lunch.
That's great.
Have a good time.
Well, that wasn't awkward at all.
I try to keep the heavenly bodies from colliding, but there's only so much I can do.
I want you to check something out for me.
Yeah, okay.
My Google is your Google.
What do you need? I'm curious about this halfway house that LuthorCorp supports.
I offered to get involved, but Lex won't let me.
He says it isn't safe.
Well, most halfway houses aren't exactly amusement parks, Lana.
I don't think that's it.
Lex swears that he's honest with me, but lately he's been a little secretive.
I don't know, maybe I'm reading into it.
No, I think you're just being cautious, which is smart.
Don't worry, we'll figure things out.
Are you all right? Lana.
-Are you okay? -What happened? From where I was sitting, it looked like you fainted.
-Let's get you to a doctor.
-No, it's okay.
Can we keep my little siesta between us? I really wouldn't want anyone to worry.
Well, it's a little late for that, but, yeah, okay.
-I didn't-- -Get away from me.
I swear to God, I'll rip your green head off.
I'm calling the cops.
See? 91 1.
-Hello? -91 1.
I need an ambulance.
Have you ever fainted before? Three times.
All in the last month.
These headaches you've been having, would you describe the pain as sharp, or dull? Sharp, like a knife.
And it's getting worse.
I've tried all of the over-the-counter pain relievers, but none of them work.
They're just migraines, right? Just a few more tests, we'll have a clearer picture.
Martha, I'm so glad you came here.
Haven't been able to stop thinking about what happened.
I wanted to apologize for-- I didn't come here for an apology, Lionel.
-You did nothing wrong.
-I did.
-I had no right to presume that I could-- -No, look there's something between us.
What it is, I don't think either of us knows but I do know I'm not ready to find out.
Not yet.
-I understand.
-I don't think you do understand.
I value our relationship.
I really want you to be with me for Thanksgiving.
Well, then, of course.
I will be there.
Lois -what happened? -Well Iucky for me, I walked in on Green Arrow pulling a reverse Santa Claus on Oliver's apartment.
The Green Arrow did this? Guess it was only a matter of time before he hit up the new billionaire in town.
Luckily, I was able to get in a few solid licks of my own.
He'll be nursing a couple broken ribs for sure.
Have you talked to Oliver yet? Has he visited you here in the hospital? No.
I tried him on all his numbers, and he was nowhere to be found.
Clark, I'm nervous.
Either he's on some kind of crazy drug bender, or Green Arrow has gotten to him.
Lois, don't worry.
I promise I'll do everything I can to track him down.
Yeah, that'll be a big help.
Look, I'll just call Chloe.
I'll take that.
-I put a bullet in your chest.
-And now you're gonna pay for it.
I don't think so.
Hey, buddy.
-How did you survive that fall? -Yoga.
Now let go of me.
You tell me how, or I'm calling the cops.
You'll call the cops anyway.
You may be able to heal, but that doesn't mean you don't feel pain.
-Let go.
-You start talking.
There's this doctor who comes to the halfway house.
We get these shots they say are vitamins.
That's some kind of vitamin, huh? What's the doctor's name? -How am I supposed to know? -What does he look like? It's not a he.
She's a chick.
Waste not, want not.
What happened, doctor, bad batch? The project's shut down.
Look, I might have come into this game a little late but I'm paying you a lot more than Queen.
-He isn't shutting down anything.
-You're right.
I am.
And I could care less about your petty rivalry.
This has gone beyond one-upmanship, doctor.
Your research is now a personal cause of mine.
Find another cause.
I won't be responsible for any more violence.
Should have thought about that when you took my money.
I admit, I was blinded by greed but now that people are getting hurt, money means nothing to me.
I'm going back to the drawing board.
All existing RL65 is being destroyed.
I'm sorry, doctor, I can't let you do that.
Hey, how's Lois? Physically, she's fine.
She's looking for Oliver.
-I can't find him anywhere.
-Maybe this will help.
My geek analyzed the liquid in that syringe, and you're right.
No one's gonna take it and go to a rave.
It's a cutting edge molecular modifier that has to do with tissue regeneration.
So it has some sort of healing power.
Conceivably, but according to my Einstein, it also packs a mean punch to a part of your brain, the amygdala, which triggers violent behavior.
Now, why in God's name would Oliver be injecting something like that? I don't know, but we better find him before he does something he regrets.
Who created the drug? A woman named Pamela Black is the only one doing that level of research.
She's a professor at Princeton, and has been taking a recent sabbatical to work with Queen lndustries.
If she's supplying drugs, then most likely Oliver's gonna show up for more.
She's dead.
And her place has been completely pillaged.
Drugs or no drugs, I can't believe Oliver would kill someone.
I don't think it was Oliver, Clark.
It was the Green Arrow.
Looks like our green hero has made the leap from Robin Hood to cold-blooded killer.
I just don't understand why a scientist was his target.
-Clark! These folders are from a halfway house in Metropolis called Second Chance.
This doctor she was giving the kids the same drugs Oliver was taking.
Lex's foundation funds this halfway house.
Lex co-opted Oliver's scientist.
Those two have been at each other since high school.
And the Green Arrow got in the way.
Ever the crusader for the underprivileged he must've gotten wind of Dr.
Black's experiments and taken care of her his own way.
If the Green Arrow found out that LuthorCorp is behind this Lex could be the next target.
I'm looking for Lex.
He's not here.
You okay? Lana, what is it? It's nothing.
I'm fine.
You don't look fine.
You can talk to me, it's okay.
It is.
Do you ever wish that you could go back in time and everything would be different? All the time.
What happened? What did-- -What did Lex do? -He didn't do anything.
If you're in trouble, Lana, I can help.
Clark, this has nothing to do with you.
Could you please just go? Your car is ready, sir.
Sorry, Luthor.
Work's not over yet.
-What is this? -Sign on the dotted line and all your assets will be divided among the 50 global charities listed below.
Would you mind telling me what I've done to deserve this? After your support of the Second Chance Halfway House I think it's a natural step.
I went by to check out the facility.
After some prodding, the director told me what you were doing to the residents.
He was lying.
So then I went to pay the good doctor a visit, and guess what? She's dead.
I knew you weren't a saint, Luthor, but killing a woman to cover your tracks? You're delusional.
Sign it.
What the hell are you doing? It's out of ink.
Drop it.
-You first.
-What do you think is faster? An arrow, or a bullet? There's only one way to find out.
What have you done? He pulled a gun, Clark.
I had no choice.
Lex? Lex? No, let nature take its course.
Oliver, that's the drugs talking.
It's not you.
Hey, that drug is the best thing that ever happened to me, Clark.
I'm not bulletproof like you are.
I gotta do whatever it takes.
-I need that drug.
-Oliver, you're not a killer.
No, but he is, Clark.
Listen to me, you and I both know the world's a better place without Lex Luthor.
That's not for us to decide, Oliver.
Where are the drugs? Lex, he took it all.
He took it all from the lab.
Let him die.
You killed him.
You killed him.
Who am I dealing with? Jekyll or Hyde? Just plain old Oliver today, Clark.
You haven't broken any glasses.
That's a good sign.
What made you come to your senses? Actually, you did.
This whole time, I just wanted to be like Clark Kent, you know.
I wanted to-- I wanted the ability to bring justice to the world without having to worry about getting killed in the process.
And then something occurred to me, and I realized that Clark Kent would never take another man's life.
I came within an inch of doing just that.
I'm not even in your league.
Oliver, you do a lot of good in this world.
You don't need to be indestructible to be a hero.
No, you're right, you're right.
Yeah-- I should be thankful for who I am, right? And the abilities that I have.
I know that.
Me too.
Now, come on, you can't be alone on Thanksgiving.
The bird's waiting.
Thanks, Clark, l-- No, I appreciate the offer, but I can't.
Lois is gonna be there and I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to be in the same zip code as me.
Now that you're back on track, I'm sure Lois is gonna want you there.
-Trust me.
-Whoa, trust you? What happened to lectures about guys with secret identities not able to handle relationships? The truth is, you and I are different, and Lois isn't Lana.
If you two are meant to be together, then who am I to stand in the way? Hey.
Are you feeling any better? Hanging in there.
Well, make yourself comfortable.
I did my due diligence on the Second Chances Halfway House, and I found-- Chloe, I'm not here to talk about the halfway house.
But there's some stuff I think you should know about Lana.
About Lex.
I don't want to hear anything more about Lex.
I can't.
What's going on? Lana, what happened? Hey, you know you can tell me anything.
Chloe I'm pregnant.
Did you cook that on the barbecue? It's a little crispy on the outside, but it's what's on the inside that counts.
I'm sure it's delicious.
Clark, would you put the hot plate on the table, please? Did you talk to Oliver today? Don't go there, Smallville.
I think that's for you.
Jimmy says hi from his mom's house and, ever the reporter, he has news.
I guess the Metropolis P.
arrested Pamela Black's killer, and you were right.
It wasn't the Green Arrow.
It was some kid from the halfway house.
I'd bet anything that Lex is somehow behind this.
I doubt we'll be able to prove it, though.
I guarantee you Lex's shredders are doing some serious overtime.
Does Lana know about this? I went by the mansion the other day, and she was upset about something.
Is she all right? Yeah.
Yeah, as far as I know.
She's fine.
Happy turkey day.
Where you been? I've been worried about you.
Listen, that's all over now.
I'm like a walking drug-free zone.
If I were to hug you right now, I wouldn't stab myself on any stray needles? Get over here.
I'm so sorry I ever hurt you.
If I could have everyone's attention, please? I'd like to make a little announcement.
Our family has a tradition that goes back way before I was even born where everyone takes a moment to say what they're most thankful for in their lives.
I would just like to say that I'm most thankful for my mom and dad whose faith in me taught me to have faith in myself.
Thank you.
-Hear, hear.
-Let's eat.
You haven't said a word all night.
Is everything okay? Everything's fine.
Happy Thanksgiving.

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