Snowfall (2017) s06e09 Episode Script


You want to stay in business, I suggest
you go buy your bricks from Louie.
Listen to me, you cracker motherfucker.
Listen to me.
If I don't have that money in 24 hours,
I-I promise to God that I will
devote every second I have
to making sure you and
everybody you care about suffers.
I need to know everything
you can tell me about Teddy
and his operation.
First time I met Teddy McDonald,
he T-boned my car, tased me,
and I woke up chained in a basement.
My moms blames the CIA
for everything, you know.
Would do anything to get back at them.
LOUIE: He didn't page you,
ask for your gun at the junkyard?
Marry me.
Don't forget that you work for me.
All I'm asking for is Franklin.
I can't do this without you, Louie.
I ain't doing this for you.
I'm doing this to be clear of Teddy.
FRANKLIN: If Teddy shows up
and you're not there,
I'm a dead man, Oso.
What the fuck?!
Deal's off the table.
They're gonna bury you
under the fucking jail.
- This is Agent Guerrero, we have a
Remove the gun you have behind your back.
TEDDY: You know how this ends, man.
The fucking CIA, they will
track you fucking down,
no matter where you go.
Whatever he promised you,
it is not worth it.
So, what you want to do?
Five minutes.
FRANKLIN: You're about to be raided.
The DEA have been surveilling you.
They know everything.
Fuck are you talking about?
- UNIFORM: Get against that car.
You should run.
Oh, you really don't want to do this.
I mean, you think killing
some old man is bad?
Working with the Soviets,
you understand they will tear
down fucking walls
to get you after this.
You and your whole fucking family.
That shit would actually scare me
if I didn't already know they cut you loose.
I'm gonna make this shit real easy.
The banks open up in the morning.
I'm gonna let you sit there until then.
Think about your life.
Whether or not you want it to continue.
And then I'll come back.
And either you'll pick up the phone
and make the transfers
and live, or you won't.
And I'll blow your fucking
brains all over that wall.
Be fucking sensible.
You cannot kill the one person
who has the thing that you need.
Sensible, huh?
You think that's where we are right now?
Tracked your father down,
stabbed him in the neck.
Burnt the place to the ground.
Went to the KGB for help.
Got you chained in a fucking basement.
I wake up in the middle
of the night sweating.
Can't fucking breathe.
Sensible been gone, motherfucker.
We're someplace else now.

None of this is necessary.
I can still help you get what you want.
I have what I want.
No, you don't.
You got problems you know nothing about.
Ground rules.
Keep quiet,
and I won't tape your mouths.
Need to shit, need to piss,
go ahead.
Ain't nobody gonna take you to the bathroom.
And ain't nobody gonna take
your chains off for any reason.
Fuck around,
play games,
get hurt.
Hey, it's me.
FRANKLIN: It worked, V.
I got 'em.
That's great news.
Listen, there's nothing you can do here.
Rest up. I'll talk to you
in the morning. Okay?
- Mm-hmm.
We're almost there, baby.
- I love you.
- I love you.
Thanks for coming.
Are you all right?
LEON: They here?
Yeah. Got 'em both in the back.
In the same room?
Got 'em shackled and bagged, it's fine.
No. They could be talking, scheming.
Yeah, I know, Oso.
Listen, you good to move Ruben
into the garage when we take off?
All right, cool.
You're going? Where?
Made a promise.
I'm gonna keep it.
I'll be back in a few hours.
All right?
BUCKLEY: It's all true.
You know how long they've been on you?
Franklin say if they know I'm involved?
Snitch bitch motherfucker waited
till after I was done helping his ass
to tell me they was coming, so no.
All right.
All right, well, you got me
hemmed up in some shit here, girl.
Okay, okay, so what's the plan?
You got money stashed away?
An exit?
I got a house near Ojai.
Cash stashed, passports,
we could go from there.
How much cash?
Almost a mil.
I want half.
Unless you want to go at it alone.
'Cause that's fine, I'll drop
your ass off right here.
Get me out of town. You can have half.
I can smell your perfume.
You need to talk to me.
Your son is in serious trouble.
CISSY: You can go, son.
I'll be fine.
I'll be out here if you need me.
Thank you.
I know you and your family
have been through a lot.
That you're frustrated
by what you might perceive
to be a lack of progress.
You betrayed my trust.
You manipulated my pain.
And my son.
I have my orders, too, Cissy.
Unfortunately, I cannot just do as I please
at all times.
The KGB has tapes of Franklin.
My briefcase.
There was a recorder sewn into the bottom.
Every conversation,
every detail of what he did,
was recorded.
Those tapes are now in the hands
of my superiors.
And if I do not check in
with them in the next 24 hours,
they will find a way into the hands
of accredited members
of the international press.
It will ruin him, ruin all of you.
I don't want that to happen.
Free me, Cissy.
I will help extract the answers
you desire from Teddy.
And once you're satisfied,
hand him over to me.
I will end this nightmare for your family.
LEON: What's he like?
The communist?
Tells you what you want to hear.
And then does whatever the fuck he wants.
So, what happens if you do what he said?
Hand Teddy over?
I lose my son.
Mrs. Saint?
Ms. Saint.
Mrs. Saint.
I thought I heard Franklin head out.
I hope he didn't leave you
here alone with us.
Tell me what you did to Alton.
Let me stop the wondering.
Give me that,
and I'll try to make sure
that things go quickly for you.
Well, I got the money.
So I'm not gonna die here.
The best thing you could do
would probably be to release me now.
And I can clean up this mess that you made.
KGB wants me to turn you over to them.
But you know backing the KGB
now gets you nothing.
No money, no answers.
Living in exile.
Do you even feel badly about any of this?
Destroying this family,
murdering my husband,
decimating an entire community.
Do you even really understand
the pain and suffering
your actions have caused?
Or is it all just
moves on a chessboard for you?
I'm sorry, I have no idea what
pain and suffering you're referring to.
You're a government officer
flooding the streets with pure cocaine.
Yeah, am I rocking it up?
Am I slinging it on the street corner?
You see me putting a fucking gun
to someone's head, saying,
"Here, you smoke this"?
Look, if these crackheads
don't have the self-control
to not throw their lives away,
you cannot pin that on me.
What fucking world are you living in?
What have you been doing
besides laundering your son's money
and helping him build an empire?
Wait, wait, wait.
You don't want to know
what happened to Alton?
I thought I did.
But however Alton died,
there's nothing that can be done
about it now.
I can only find comfort in knowing
that you will die here.
And you will never touch another
member of my family again.
Alton's not dead.
Fuck you.
Did you see a body?
Or blood?
Or signs of a struggle?
I watched you leave your building that day.
I went up the stairs, I found him alone,
I drugged him, I took him
down to a waiting car,
I drove him to an airport,
and I flew him to Puerto Rico
where I put him in a jail cell.
You're lying.
But I promise you Alton's alive.
Want to see him?

Put the hood back on.
Promise me again, Teddy won't be alive
to come after my family.
FRANKLIN: I got you.
Hope you get to see 'em again.
Yeah, me, too, amigo.
Thank you, more no.
What you gonna do now?
I have no idea what's next for me.
Back in the ring maybe?
No, El Oso is retired.
How about a new character?
The Saint!

What made you get a place
all the way out here?
We was looking for properties.
A place to park some cash.
Heard a woman at the stables
talking about it.
I got to piss.
Just, uh
Be right back.
Louie, what are you doing?
Let me see your pager.
Your pager! Give it to me.
Fuck out of here. Give me my gun back
- Jesus.
Don't know what the fuck
you think you gonna find,
but knock yourself out.
Get on the ground,
put your hands on your head.
Do it now!
I knew it.
He did page you
from Skully's the day I was grabbed.
What happened?!
What, you was too high to respond?
That's not true.
- Give me the keys.
- He didn't fucking call me!
- Ah!
Fuck! Louie.
You're crazy, you know that?
I ain't giving you my keys.
I don't want to have kill you,
have your kids find out
their daddy's murdered.
But I will put this bullet in your head
if you don't give me them keys
right fucking now!
There's no house in Ojai, is there?
And no money?
Lie faced own on the ground.
And don't fucking move until I'm gone.
How you feeling?
Can I please have some water?
The account numbers,
and I'll give you all the water you want.
What did you give Gustavo to turn me over?
Less than I thought I'd have to.
So, you were gone a couple hours.
So that's time to get over the border.
Northern Mexico.
Quit fucking stalling, Teddy.
Put yourself in my position.
Would you really give up
the only leverage that you had?
I was in your position.
When you T-boned my car,
tased me, tied me up.
You know, for the longest time
I wondered why you did that shit.
Why you didn't just walk up to me,
introduce yourself,
say you wanted to be in business?
I had to make sure you were
ready for what was coming.
See if you're strong enough.
No, no, no, that's not it.
You were manipulating me from the start.
Taking me to that Iranian bank,
acting like you wanted to help me,
when really all you wanted to do was
know where I was keeping my money.
Just like you're doing
to my mother right now
Feeding her that bullshit about Alton.
- It's not bullshit.
- It don't fucking matter.
I don't give a fuck about Alton!
Dead, alive or whatever.
The account numbers.
Last time I'm gonna ask you.
Oh, you know, I didn't memorize them.
Then, where the fuck
do you have 'em written down?
You know
I'm trying real fucking hard
to make you understand
just how desperate I am.
I hope
it's not too late before you believe me.
How do I know if I told you anything
you wouldn't just shoot?
- Goddamn it.
Not so much of a surprise on that one.
You only had about
a 16% chance of dying there.
You kill me, you get nothing.
Well, I'd have the knowledge
that you was dead
and I was the motherfucker that did it.
That's something.
- Stop, stop, stop, stop.
20% on that one, Teddy.
But now shit starts to get worse for you
very fucking quickly.
[EXHALES] This is bullshit.
[NERVOUS CHUCKLE] I You wouldn't risk
losing the money.
Are they blanks?
You think I'm bullshitting?
Oh, you've lost your mind.
Let's go again.
That's enough.
What's wrong? Huh?
What are you doing?
You see his face in there?
That motherfucker's about to crack.
We just got to stay on him, Mama.
He doesn't want to die in there.
Franklin I think we need to let this go.
Hand Teddy over to Ruben,
let the KGB handle it for us.
Let's just get the tapes and
let's just leave the country.
Mama, what the fuck are you talking about?
Baby, I see what this is doing to us.
What it's already done.
Look at me.
Revenge is the only
fucking thing on my mind,
and look at you [SOBBING SOFTLY]
This, this obsession with this money.
Look at where we are, Franklin.
- What we're becoming.
- What we're becoming?
You think we're the first people
in this world to play dirty?
[SHUSHING] - Carnegie,
Mellon, fucking Rockefeller?
They were all killers
I don't want to be a fucking killer.
And I don't want that for you.
You're too late.
I don't believe that.
Let's just, let's just get out
while we still have something to save.
- No, Franklin
- Oh, fuck.
Let the dream die, baby.
- Please.
- Franklin.
She's right.
I've been around you my whole life,
so I know how bad you want this,
and I always believed in you.
But trust me when I tell you,
you don't want to go
to the place you about to go.
It's hell down there,
and you don't even know
if you'll be able to pull yourself back up.
Let me be very clear.
I'll never give up.
I will get back my fucking money.
Everybody breaks.
Fuck, Franklin.
Sorry, baby.
You okay?
I got a call from the bank yesterday.
We've officially bounced
our first mortgage check
for Spring Street.
I told them it was just a transfer error.
Had them put a stop on all other payments,
but we are tapped out, Franklin.
Can afford to fall behind by a couple months
on any of the other properties,
but not downtown.
The moment we miss a payment,
the sharks will smell blood.
This is what the banks live for.
They will do everything they can
to take ownership away from us.
We have no friends here.
We have to get this money,
we have to get it now.
I'm doing everything I can.
Hi, Teddy.
I'm Veronique.
My mother never cooked.
- Wouldn't get within ten feet of a stove.
I thought it was some feminist thing
The rejection of societal norms.
She's that kind of woman.
And then one day,
she told me this story,
how when she was a girl
her grandmother was cooking
Christmas dinner,
and a grease fire caught in the kitchen.
Have you ever seen what
hot oil does to human skin?
I haven't either,
but apparently it was ugly enough
to scare my mother out the kitchen for life.
I really hope you do the right thing here.
She seems nice.
Do you remember when you asked me
if I was prepared to kill
your whole family
to save this operation?
If that's who I was?
Is this who you are?
Just admit that you made a mistake
and give me my fucking money, Teddy.
I can't, man, I've made promises.
I don't give a fuck
about your promises.
Last chance.
Franklin, wait.
Franklin, no, please.
Just wait.
Franklin, no.
Please don't do this.
Please don't do this.
You're making me do this.
HAVEMEYER: He's not here.
When was the last time you heard from him?
Are you Havemeyer?
I need you to tell me anything you can
about the last time you spoke to Teddy.
It was yesterday morning.
And we were
He proposed.
He was worried
about Franklin
and about the Russians.
Is he okay?
[WEAKLY]: You are an animal.
I am what you've made me.
Can I ask you something?
Why'd you do this to me?
After everything I've done for you
after always having your back
why wipe me out?
You still think this is about you.
This is about
what $70 million in covert funds can do.
I'm not talking about fucking
airplanes and penthouses.
I'm talking about [GASPING]
protecting this country
from people who want to destroy it.
I'm talking about you
your family
and your neighborhood.
You don't think that cost something?
You think that just happens?
- It doesn't just happen.
- Enough.
Enough. Stop. Stop.
Stop with your fucking bullshit, okay?
The Pentagon spends
$250 billion a year on defense.
But you needed my pocket change?
The fuck you did, man!
- Tell me the truth, Teddy.
It's all you've got left.
Why did you take my fucking money?
'Cause it's not your fucking money!
It's my cocaine and it's my operation.
I made you what you are.
Everything you have
is because I allowed you to have it.
And if I look around one day
and I decided that those funds
could be better spent
trying to preserve our way of life,
then you are goddamn right
that's what's gonna happen.
Well, now we're getting somewhere.
So, did you even think for a second
what that would do to me?
What I'd have to do
to try and get that back?
Or yes
but you just didn't give a shit?
I thought I would live
with the consequences.
Well, here they are.
FRANKLIN: You never fucking respected me.
[SNIFFLES] Never saw me as a partner.
But you know that's how I saw you?
I actually thought you was my friend.
And as fucked-up
as that sounds [CHUCKLES]
I mean, shit,
seeing as we're telling truths,
I actually thought that
we might know each other
for the rest of our lives.
Barbecues and shit.
And you know earlier
when you said I think this is all about me?
I don't.
No, no. It really is just about the money.
Everything I had to do
what I had to become to get it.
So don't give me any more bullshit about God
and country and larger sacrifices.
The fact that you cleaned me out
and took it all from me
means this shit is all about you.
Why didn't you leave me some?
I mean, shit, you could've
left me $5 million.
And said "Thank you for your service."
I still would've come at you, but at least,
at least I'd know
that you valued what I did.
But no. You took it all away from me.
You cleaned me out
because you wanted me to know
who was in charge.
You wanted me to feel like nothing, right?
you're the hero in your own story.
And in your story,
the guy that looks like you always wins.
But not this time, nigga.
You're gonna die in here.
Alone and unloved.
No star at Langley.
No father or brother to mourn you.
Not even a blip on the radar of history.
That's your story.
I wanted to hurt you so bad

'Cause you left me.
What if we split it?
I can't give it all back.
I can't.
But what if we split it?
$37 million.
You're fucking crazy. Split the money?
You're in no position to dictate terms.
TEDDY: I'm asking.
We each walk away with a small fortune
and then we go our separate ways.
But I'm not giving you up
until I have my half
and I'm free and fucking clear.
I'll put your half into an escrow account.
I can do it here,
over the phone, waiting to be transferred.
And then we decide on a
hand off place somewhere public.
And when we're both there,
and we feel secure, I'll make the final call
and transfer the funds.
And what about all of this, huh?
You just gonna forgive and forget?
Yeah, I think I've had my fill
of you and me.
I do have things to live for.
People to live for.
Where are the account numbers, Teddy?
In my wallet.
FRANKLIN: All right.

FRANKLIN: Stephen Havemeyer?
That depends. Who's this?
FRANKLIN: I'm a friend of Teddy McDonald.
He asked me to reach out to you,
arrange a time and place
to deliver him to you.
Afraid I'm not doing anything
until I know who I'm speaking to.
FRANKLIN: You know exactly who I am.
Listen, your man asked for this.
Say no, and that's fine.
Not only do you lose your chance
of getting Teddy back,
but you also lose out
getting a hold of a KGB spy.
Your choice.
Hey, Mama.
Tell me this isn't happening.
Tell me you're not gonna let that man go.
In two hours, we're gonna meet
with Teddy's handler,
we'll do the trade-off,
- this will all be over.
- Over?
[SCOFFS] You think this is how it ends?
You think Teddy's just gonna vanish,
and y'all can go on living y'all's lives?
For $37 million,
I'm willing to take that chance.
You are never gonna be safe.
Do you hear me?
That baby will never be safe.
VERONIQUE: Like he said,
- we're willing to take that
- Shut up.

So, that's it?
After all this
you're with them.
I'm sorry, Mama.
I don't want Leon or my grandchild
anywhere near the hand off, you hear me?
I'll go with you to make sure
they don't kill you right off.
And after that, I'm done.
And you and I will never see
each other again.
Can you live with that?

You ain't free yet.
Let's go.


- I'm Stephen Havemeyer.
- Franklin Saint.
You're good?
Just get me the fuck out of here.
Where's the other party?
The other party is back at my place.
HAVEMEYER: That's not what we discussed.
- FRANKLIN: I understand.
- So, what happened?
What happened is I don't know you,
so I can't trust you.
And you know why I can't?
'Cause for the longest,
I trusted Teddy McDonald,
and look where we are now.
So this is what's gonna happen.
Once Teddy makes the call
and completes the transfer,
and I'm convinced you're not
trying to fuck me,
I'll hand over the KGB agent,
and we can all live happily ever after.
What if that doesn't work for me?
Then I'll call the FBI,
and make a deal with them.
Your choice.
Come on.
WOMAN: Good afternoon. Fullerton Escrow.
Yeah. Hi
Ann O'Reilly, extension 237, please.
- What prison?
- WOMAN: Hold please.
Tell me what prison Alton is in.
Are you fucking kidding me?
I was lying. He's fucking dead.
I shot him twice
- and dumped his body.
- ANN: Account services.
Hey, Ann. It's Teddy McDonald.
We spoke a few hours ago. Mm-hmm.
Yeah, that's right. [CLEAR THROAT]
Yes, I am ready to initiate the transfer.
Yeah, the password is
No. No
Teddy. Teddy, hey!
- Hey, Teddy. Teddy.
- Oh, fuck.
Teddy! Fuck! Hold on, hold on.
Hold on, uh
He's still here. Yeah, yeah.
The pass The password?
The pa Okay. Hey, Teddy.
Come on, say the word.
Say the word, please say
Say the fucking word, man. [GRUNTS]
- Teddy
Say the fucking word! Hey!
Mama. Mama, we got to go!
Goodbye, Franklin.
[QUIETLY]: What the fuck?
- Fuck.
OFFICER: Drop the gun, lady!
- Drop the gun.
OFFICER: Secure that weapon!
Remember what I told you?
The things I've done to make this money.
After all of that, starting back at zero?
That ain't gonna happen.
You need to know
exactly who we dealing with.
What happened to burning
all this down to the ground?
- You don't wanna do this.
Wrong answer.
NARRATOR: FX's Snowfall.
The final season.
All new.
Wednesdays at 10:00 on FX.
You can run ♪
For a long time ♪
Sooner or later God'll cut you down ♪
NARRATOR: FX's Mayans.
The final season. Premieres May 24th on FX.
What's so great in Atlanta
that you can't just leave it behind?
[SHOUTING] Oh! We outside!
- I watch Criminal Minds,
and I know when someone's up
to something twisted.
- Oh, my goodness.
- Hey, wait, man. Wait, wait, wait.
- Wake up!
Oh, this feel illegal as hell.
ANNOUNCER: FX's Atlanta, the final season.
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