Sprint: The World's Fastest Humans (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Let's get it started.
She's gonna be mic'd.
Should we put the mic on here maybe?
On your marks
- Let's go!
- All right!
Okay, right here now!
- Whoo!
- Uh-oh.
I almost lost control. Oh!
You done seen another side of me ♪
Ladies, that's where we want to be.
I can't look back now, upside down ♪
I've been swimming laps now ♪
My name is Sha'Carri Richardson.
I am one of the fastest women
in the world.
I run the 100 and 200 meter dash.
I like big and fast, yes.
You can't have everybody.
I can. This is my world, they just in it.
I go by a
saying, "Look good, feel good, do good."
This time it in the game ♪
Who says you can't fucking be
sexy on the track? Ho!
You looking at my world.
If you don't like it, look away.
'Cause it just makes me feel even better.
And once I'm feeling good,
what I can do is unlimited.
Here comes Richardson,
the phenomenal freshman.
- Ohhh! 10.75!
- Oh my
- Sha'Carri Richardson.
- I've watched track for a long time.
She's celebrating
40 meters to go.
And I've never seen anyone like her.
My track record was so ruthless ♪
Here's the star of the
show, Sha'Carri Richardson.
She wants everybody
to know her name.
We've always known that Sha'Carri
can be an Olympic and world champion.
She has the talent.
Here comes Sha'Carri! 10.87!
Whoa! 10.57!
Her sprinting when it's good,
it's just fucking good.
I don't care what the
wind is. Just saw woman run 10.57 seconds.
To all the doubters,
to all the supporters, to everybody,
the best is yet to come.
With Sha'Carri,
it's always been volume 10,
"Look at me, I'm about to go in here
and shock the world!"
Sha'Carri Richardson,
all the more determined.
But you don't become great
by your times.
You become great by your medals.
The challenger,
Sha'Carri Richardson evaporated.
Jamaican, one, two, three.
Richardson's nowhere.
This is one race!
You know what I'm capable of!
Count me out if you want to.
I'm not done! I'm the sixth fastest woman
in this game ever.
And can't nobody ever take that from me!
I never quit I put my all in it ♪
Going out in the first round of the
100 meters at US Championships was tough.
Sterling start for
Sha'Carri Richardson, got some work to do.
She has to figure out how to deal
with the pressure and expectation
Sha'Carri only fourth!
Because she has yet to deliver
her best performances
when it really matters.
Sha'Carri Richardson,
11.31? Makes no sense.
We've seen the talk.
But is this a case of somebody
who has all the talent in the world
But never realizes her potential.
Whether they're winning,
whether they're losing,
athletes deserve way more respect
than when y'all come and throw
cameras in their faces.
Then be more understanding
of the fact that they are still human.
Thank you.
I love me some fast driving.
When I'm cruising, it's a little G-Wagon,
a little Mercedes when I'm cruising.
I like, Hamilton them, so you know.
- I love fast.
- Mmm!
- McLaren.
- Ferrari.
Ferrari cool.
Aston Martin.
- I would say Aston Martin!
- Aston Marin.
I'm a Bentley.
Fast, expensive and elegant.
Yeah. Yeah, you fast. See.
♪That I'm cocky ♪
I'm not like everybody else.
Even when I was younger, I used to dance.
I was like, I'm gonna dance the best
because I want to be in the middle.
Concentrate on what you got to do.
Let's go, ladies.
I work the hardest
to be in the front.
Or at choir, I'm gonna sing and practice
because I want to be in the front.
Because I just always knew I was, like,
just meant to be.
It's not about your looks.
It's about just what you have
on the inside
that's gonna get you to the goal.
Once the gun go off
that's it.
That's the gravy.
That's the entrée right there.
And you gotta be ready to eat.
If you ain't ready to eat,
you gonna starve.
And I want to clean the plate.
How good can you be?
Oh my gosh, as good as as good as
I have been divinely blessed to be.
And nothing of this fleshly
and material realm will stop that.
Boy so come get me ♪
Yeah ♪
My windows down
And I'm dong a buck fifty ♪
This year, I want to work
more. Like I want to train more.
Like I want to be
the most elite athlete that I can be.
Because I have to win
the World Championship.
Nothing else matters.
Yes, Belle.
High knees, high knees! Frequency!
Go with the arms!
Go with the arms and keep that knee up!
Come on, hip neutral, Kenny.
Hip neutral. Don't stop!
- This is hard.
- It is not that bad.
I said I'd sacrifice my first born
to get out of this, please.
Gotta keep everything up front.
Okay, let's work on
that knee-to-hip movement.
Knee-to-hip. Knee-to-hip!
As a talent,
Sha'Carri is ridiculous.
Come on,
put some force in that track.
But to do it at a championship,
it's about putting together the right
training, the right coach.
Proper technique,
building some power,
those are things that you guys can utilize
to make millions and millions of dollars.
Her personality, she
probably needs someone
that can match that.
Come on! Knees up, knees up,
knees up, knees up!
Come on, give me faster arms!
I've known Dennis for years
as a competitor,
as a friend.
First time I met Dennis was
because we almost got into a fight.
And that's just how Dennis is.
All right!
Had a little mermaid time.
Yeah, a little mermaid time.
The other one's here.
This is why we did swimming lessons
at one years old.
Oh, it's at the bottom already.
All right, good job.
She over here making her own
Little Mermaid movie.
Did she get them all?
Wave to the camera.
My name is Dennis Mitchell.
And I am the head coach of
Star Athletics Track Club.
I'm much tougher as a coach
than I am as a father, for sure.
I mean, if I walk into my kid's school
like I walk into a warm-up area,
we'd have some problems.
- Go, Aaleyah!
- Get it, boo-boo.
In my time as an athlete,
it was the era of the American titans.
- Remember this meet, Dennis?
- Yeah.
United States, as always,
has four of the world's fastest men,
but even so,
this is anything but a gimme gold.
In 1992, where I received
my first Olympic gold medal,
racing with Carl and Leroy
King Carl,
who looked to be
On that day, on that moment,
in that stadium
Dennis Mitchell,
bronze medal winner in the 100!
It meant everything to me.
Now Burrell
passes to Dennis Mitchell.
Mitchell on the third leg runs the curve,
and Mitchell takes off for the US!
And Lewis sets off down
the stretch with the lead!
Carl Lewis in his final Olympic Games,
blazing to the finish for the US!
What about the world record?
Yes! Yes!
We were like movie stars.
We were big, big time celebrities.
A world record!
Because back then,
the United States were so dominant.
Over the last few years,
I've watched us fight to do the same job.
Because now
the sport is super competitive.
Aaleyah, next year we'll start running
a little track, okay?
Well, I already did the kid's fun run.
Well, we got to do
a little more serious next year,
so you can get a little bit faster,
all right?
- But I can teach you.
- Okay.
I'm pretty good at it.
I want to win a World Championship
as a coach,
but I just haven't had the girls
or the guys that can do it.
In the women's 100 meters,
it has been two countries
which have always done well.
And here comes
Devers and Ottey finishing very fast.
Oh my word! There's nothing between it.
Could you explain
to somebody who wouldn't know the rivalry
between the USA and Jamaica
in track and field?
Think Yankees, Red Sox.
It's Flo-Jo
and she runs away with it!
Think Dallas, Washington.
If you don't even know track,
you know it's always US versus Jamaica.
Both countries always come
with their best games.
The two big favorites here.
Campbell-Brown on the inside of Felix.
Felix is now coming ahead.
Felix is going to win
her third successive world title!
It's the history
of track and field.
This rivalry goes back a very long time.
She's beaten
the double Olympic champ.
As an American athlete,
you know that against Jamaica,
there's only one success
and that's winning.
Leave 'em with nothin' ♪
Fans are so passionate.
- It can be intense.
- Yeah!
There's so much pride from both sides.
It's bragging rights.
And here comes Fraser.
And Fraser of Jamaica.
We all know that,
hey, US is who you want to beat.
Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce
of Jamaica!
She defends the title!
Ready to bust ♪
Over the last few years,
I've watched the Jamaicans go
one, two, three,
one, two, three, one, two, three.
Thompson's going to
be the Olympic champion!
Five world titles!
Including last year
at the World Championships.
It's all Jamaica!
One, two, and three!
Leave 'em with nothin' ♪
Come on, keep going!
To have
the Jamaicans be so dominant
in the event that I coach
is disheartening.
Be aggressive, ladies.
But now I have
the team that can rival
those Jamaicans when it comes to
the World Championships in Budapest.
- We want that turnover real quick.
- Yes, sir.
You got me? Because this race
is going to come in two sections.
- In the beginning and on the end.
- Definitely. Definitely.
The vicious part is that
you're going to have to go to those races
and actually take what you want.
And it's tough. And only
the toughest ones, you know, survive it.
You just got to get back in that zone,
And we got to be ready to strike
where we need to strike.
- Every-fuckin-where.
- You got me?
- Let's get ready to roll.
- All right.
Say they good times ♪
We got to get it, get it on ♪
Can get two plaantin please?
Yuh can gimmi a ripah one?
I knew I was fast when I was 11.
Run too hard ♪
There was a national
competition where I ran barefoot,
and in the 400 and the 200,
I was second in both of them in Jamaica.
What I can wind right now ♪
What I can wind right now ♪
Yuh realize wi call
di footballaz dem reggae girls
and reggae boys
and di netballas dem sunshine girls,
somn like dat?
Mi nuh think wi have
umm Jamaica ave a nickname fi yuh.
Jamaican sprint queens.
You're described in the media
as the future of Jamaican sprinting.
How does that feel?
I wish not to comment on that.
I wish not to comment on that.
Definitely not.
It's now to bring the
curtain down.
Will Shericka Jackson
ascend the throne in the 100 meter?
On your marks.
Shericka Jackson's running
Elaine Thompson-Herah will have to come
from behind.
Shericka Jackson produces
a big performance!
Sprinting - not track and field,
not athletics -
sprinting is the national
sport in Jamaica.
She upsets her rivals!
So, if you're a Jamaican champion,
that absolutely means something.
here on the track
and field.
What have we seen here?
That's me in the drop ♪
Sprinting is something
that Jamaicans love.
Here comes Usain Bolt.
They Look forward to
the World Championships.
Absolutely breathtaking!
Smashing the world record!
Because we reached the pinnacle
and we want to stay there.
he's done it again!
Life has been good to a playa ♪
It's like a lifestyle in Jamaica.
Shericka Jackson.
The last year I won
the 100,
and it changed my life forever.
She's zooming in this morning,
all glammed up
and looking like she should be on a set
for a modeling shoot.
But honestly,
being in the public eye for me
- You're nervous?
- I'm a little nervous.
That's crazy.
When I step in the room
I'm the best dressed ♪
Come on, Shericka, up!
We gettin' to it ♪
Got the whole spot
Living like a movie just sayin' ♪
Hey, Natasha.
- Morning.
- Morning. Your hair looks pink.
My name is Paul Francis.
Really nice. The chicken patty.
Shericka Jackson is
an amazing athlete,
and I maybe shouldn't say this,
but one of my favorite persons,
and the future
in Jamaican female sprinting.
Going into the 100 meters
at the World Championships,
her shoulders really are carrying
the burden of Jamaican expectation.
my country has been spoilt,
and Jamaicans no longer
even recognize silver and bronze medal.
They want winners and winners only.
Soaring high
Soaring high ♪
Soaring high
Soaring high ♪
Soaring high ♪
- Welcome!
- Hi!
- Thank you!
- Motivated ♪
Shericka Jackson showed
the US she's the best.
- I'm good.
- You're a star enuh.
Thank you!
Gwaan infront a mi man.
But if you come in after someone
that has set the bar high,
Yaah tek ova fi Shelly.
there's a lot more pressure.
Yuh inna yuh own lane,
yah gwaan good man. Mi rate yuh enuh.
Anyting, quickli.
A celebrity enuh man.
Anyting fi you right now.
Can I get fried chicken?
Small or large fried chicken?
I enjoyed being a high school
star. There was no pressure.
Right now all eyes on you.
Now people gonna have
high expectation of you.
- Have a wonderful day!
- You too!
It is something that if you let
can affect you badly.
Women's 200 meters.
Heat number five, lane two.
Shericka Jackson.
At the Olympic Games
Jackson cruising
in lane two.
Jamaica was expecting me to win
a gold medal.
She's conserving energy.
But I was super nervous.
And I made a silly mistake.
If Jackson doesn't hurry up,
she's gonna get nicked on the outset.
Oh, I tell you what.
Shericka Jackson was, uh,
playing that rather dangerously.
Her time of 23.26 will leave her out.
How many times? Run through the tape.
The third fastest woman
in the world this year
is not in the semifinals.
The Jamaicans cannot now do a clean sweep.
I would probably sit here all day.
After the Olympics,
I was so shaken
that I had a mental breakdown.
Here. Positivity.
Positivity broke mi glass.
See it in a positive.
The thing is, like, I realized this year
I need it much more happier.
So that, that's something
I want to change.
You are the predator.
Top of the food chain.
Who is pr who is at the top right now?
You and Sha'Carri are the fastest.
If you beat she,
that means you're gonna go top.
I'm here to win a gold medal.
Let's go!
Lining up against Shericka,
she's a great competitor.
And the talent that she has
puts it into my mind
to bring out the best in myself.
- Let's go, y'all!
- Come on!
Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!
- Breathe!
- Let's go, fellas!
Let's go! Aaah!
You ain't got no help right now.
This place is occupied.
- You might wanna calm down.
- I'm a dude that stands on my business.
How do you feel about
the shit-talking?
Oh, I wish there was more of it.
- It's not about the speed
- We gonna
Having a persona
in this sport
it helps with the reality
of just what, you know,
you have to go through
and what you have to deal with.
You wanna do it? I'll do it right here
in front of your ass.
Do it like on Drumline, you know?
It helps with directing that energy.
Let's go, let's go, let's go!
Let's go!
Seize the moment right ♪
That's the circuit I've been developing
over the last 20 years of my coaching
that helps them get ready
to have a stronger arm swing.
My coach, when he was on the
scene, he was a force to be reckoned with.
Let's go!
I was knocking it.
That's something
he brings to his group.
What you got goin' on?
He was adamant about just,
if you gonna be in my group,
you gonna work hard,
regardless of your talent.
You good, girl?
And so we
complement each other very well.
We both know where we want to go.
He's the best.
You can quote me on that.
You guys are in, pretty good damn shape.
These next two months are gonna dictate,
you know, kinda how this year's gonna go.
You guys that have been here before
know that we're about to crank things up,
you know, real hard.
Let's get our minds
and bodies ready to go.
Give me everything you've got.
["I Hope You Hear Me"
- Welcome to Poland.
- Yeah ♪
The world's greatest athletes are in town
for the next stop in the Diamond League.
I hope they hear me ♪
With everybody's eyes
on the women's 100,
where the world's two
fastest women are going head-to-head
for the last time
before the World Championships.
Well atlees it hot. Last year did chilly.
Get dis ya wedah ya tomoro
majik wouldn't create?
Once mi get my first 30 mi gud enuh.
As we get ready
for the World Championships in Budapest,
these events are a chance
to test yourself against the people
who you know you're gonna have to face.
Go out there and win.
And it is a huge psychological advantage
because a lot of people feel like
the person who wins
is probably going to be
the world champion.
I'm sure the US is going to be a lot more
determined than we are
because they think
they have something to topple.
But when the pressure is up, we'll see.
- I'm glad you rested
- I slept good.
and you're not worrying.
I told you to stop doing that.
Give me a kiss!
Knowing that
the world's eyes are on me,
I have experienced moments
where I have allowed it to overwhelm me.
Oh my gosh, I was in the Dallas News?
Oh yeah, send me a picture.
But looking in
the mirror every day
and being my biggest critic
is something that I have actually learned
to use as motivation.
Don't give up.
- Never give up.
- Never. Oh, never.
You never told me that.
I don't know how to do that one.
I'm gonna keep on telling you
until I can't tell you no more.
Yes, ma'am!
No matter what happens
in the world, on social media,
Give me a kiss!
I pick up the phone, I call my family.
They keep me grounded.
They never let me forget
where I come from, and I love that.
No matter what, I still know who I am.
Love you, girl!
I love you more, Mamie.
I'm going to bring you back your medal.
I love you.
- I'll talk to you later.
- Bye-bye! Yes, girl!
Sha'Carri has looked
different this year.
She's been saying the right things.
She's been doing the right things.
She's been as focused as
I've ever seen her as an athlete.
But can you go to the world stage,
look those Jamaican women in the eye,
and defeat them?
Because if she does not leave
the Diamond League with a win,
people will question
whether she can deliver.
Happy birthday to you! ♪
Happy birthday to you! ♪
Blow them out. Good job.
Everything I do ♪
I do it to be the best daddy ♪
Any competition
that we compete in, it's war.
I'm just a coach, coach.
This sport is 90% mental.
So the job that I have
is to give the aura
that Star Athletics and the athletes
that I coach are ready to compete,
and you have to deal with us today.
I want everyone to know
that it is time for battle.
I've been doing
this shit my whole life ♪
I got to find out where I'm going.
I don't know where I'm going.
You don't want to ♪
You don't really want to mob
You don't want to know your eyes ♪
When it comes to the best
You would never try ♪
You would never ♪
It is war every time
USA and Jamaica step on the track.
Sha'Carri may be short,
but that girl's got
a very big personality,
not to be played with
when she steps on that track.
Attention, please.
This is the last call for 800 women.
We are leaving in two minutes.
Birthday girl your time enuh.
Two minutes.
We're not one minute late.
We have one minute to go.
- Okay, one minute to go.
- Okay.
Birthday girl. Okay.
One time for the birthday girl ♪
One time for the ♪
Before the race starts,
there's sort of a warm-up area.
Yeah, this is fire.
A lot of psychological games being played.
Yeah, this is nice.
Somebody's sitting down
in the corner quietly,
trying to listen to their music,
but somebody else is jumping up and down
or being loud
and trying to get in your head
and trying to distract you
because they think maybe that's going
to throw one person off of their game
and that's one less person to deal with.
I gotta natural flair
with a rare hustle ♪
Livin' life without a care
I'm prepared for trouble ♪
We don't respect excuses
All we respect is muscle ♪
It's killin' me kid
You don't want no trouble ♪
I gotta natural flair
with a rare hustle ♪
Livin' life without a care
I'm prepared for trouble ♪
We don't respect excuses ♪
I learned from the best!
Let's hit those blocks.
When we step onto the track,
it's a different energy.
You have to have confidence.
You jumping in?
You didn't speak,
so I'm going to take these all for real.
We in war right now.
Those cones are ours. Get her out of it.
I've measured out lane two.
Explode forward. Come on.
Carri! Work the track.
Come on. Come on!
Come on, get up!
We don't respect excuses
All we respect is muscle ♪
- That was good.
- It was! Yeah.
That looks special.
That Yeah. That looks special.
That's what I want to see, ladies.
You guys know what you need to do, man.
Let's be all in.
All in!
Before any battle, you got to
get into your competitor's head.
And if what we do as a group
causes other individuals to fear us,
we've had a good day.
Hey, go out and be you now.
We strike fear.
- Your name?
- Richardson.
Okay, thanks.
On the day of competition,
no matter what you say
and no matter how you treat me,
I will not let it affect me.
Once you take a deep breath,
I'm ready.
It's business time.
Ladies, five minutes to go.
Five minutes before we leave.
Ah-Ah ♪
Ah-Ah ♪
Anthonique! Ewa! Shericka! Carri!
Party rock is in the house tonight ♪
Line up please! Line up!
Come on, ladies, here we go.
All ready, let's go.
Ah-Ah ♪
Ladies and gentlemen,
the women's 100 meters.
The matchup that everybody's
going to be watching here is five and six.
Sha'Carri Richardson
and Shericka Jackson.
One of the big sprint
clashes of the summer.
When I get on that line,
I don't see anybody else.
And as soon as the gun go off,
I'm released.
Jackson gets a good start.
Richardson digging deep.
Sha'Carri Richardson
in full stride.
She will take the win.
Sha'Carri Richardson!
Richardson. 10.76 seconds!
Happy birthday!
- Did you wish her a happy birthday?
- Yes, I did!
All the ladies in the race are amazing,
especially the birthday girl.
Any time we line up, it's an amazing race.
Thank y'all! I'm having fun.
Peace, love, and light. Mwah!
Nah-Nah-Nah ♪
Nah-Nah-Nah ♪
Being in that race was
There's no turning back now.
It just made me hungrier.
Unbreakable ♪
The World Championship in Budapest is
the most important?
You can't be champion
till you get a medal.
So I'm looking forward to doing my best
and going there and winning gold.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
I am excited
of what more is there to come,
and what more can I do.
Nah-Nah-Nah ♪
I'm excited on unleashing my greatness.
Ouu that pain tastes bitter ♪
But you don't let 'em see you cry ♪
Winning that race was
a vindication.
We know we can compete at this level.
Now they finally see
what Sha'Carri can do.
Nah-Nah-Nah ♪
All right, fellas.
Round one.
- No doubt.
- Yes, sir.
- Good job, sir.
- Yes, sir.
Good job, sir.
I know it's a long haul, man.
Dennis jokes around.
He needs to satisfy himself that,
you know, his goals are being met.
Most of the things he says, they fly over
because they have little
or zero psychological effect on me.
The stakes just changed
for Sha'Carri
because now everybody has to shut up.
"Remember when you doubted me
when I didn't make the US team?
I told you I'd be here. Look.
Now you're going to see what happens
when I'm the queen."
Because it's not going to be
no Jamaica show anymore.
The US is back.
Unbreakable ♪
You have to know how to bounce back from
a, um, a bad race or a race that you think
you could have executed properly.
The race is already gone.
There is nothing you can do.
I know probably when I get back,
coach will tell me what I did wrong.
Like, "Oh, I got a good start!"
He was like, "No, I don't think that was
the best part of the race."
For me, I think I make mistakes.
Now we're ready
for the World Championship.
World Championship is the goal.
How were their questions? Good?
It was pretty good.
They just kept asking about Shericka.
I'm like, ask me about my race.
Stop asking about Shericka.
Gotta respect all the ladies.
- Yes. All the Great. The legend.
- They're great athletes.
I respect her most
out of all the Jamaicans.
Today was your day. That's all.
- But it was her birthday.
- It was?
Today her birthday.
I like when athletes bring their A game.
And she always stir it up, you know?
I don't expect you're going to come
and bring your B game
because it's my birthday.
Nah. We don't play that game.
All right. Still got room to improve.
I can't wait. I cannot wait.
I'm really excited about Budapest.
I only got one question
So is that all you got? ♪
I need to figure out where is my
- and do we need to make adjustments?
- Get there!
It's the one opportunity
for the World Championships to prove that
Noah's the best sprinter.
What's happening?
Is Zharnel always
in the conversation?
He is now.
I'm the world's fastest man of 2023.
That should give him enough confidence
for him to think that he might win.
But he'd have to beat me in the 200.
And that ain't happening.
Livin' life without a care
I'm prepared for trouble ♪
We don't respect excuses
All we respect is muscle ♪
It's killin' me kid
You don't want no trouble ♪
I gotta natural flair
with a rare hustle ♪
Livin' life without a care
I'm prepared for trouble ♪
We don't respect excuses
All we respect is muscle ♪
It's killin' me kid
You don't want no trouble ♪
Subtitle creation by: Lesley Taylor
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