St. Denis Medical (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

Gimme the Scuttlebutt

What's that?
A life needs saving?
Well, it's a good thing I just had
a nap in our comfy, cozy on-call room.
Our doctors must be well-rested.
Working tired is the
same as working drunk.
Although, from a liability standpoint,
tired is better than drunk.
But oh, this room has a humidifier.
Oh, Jesus!
Shut the door!
[EXHALES SHARPLY] They look well-rested.
- So
- Oh, my God.
- Are they out there?
- Yeah, all of them.
The whole camera crew is out there.
- What?
- Even the sound guy.
- Oh.
- What's his name?
What is his name?

This morning, unfortunately, I found
two colleagues misusing
one of on-call rooms
in a sensual manner,
and it doesn't matter who it is.
Oh, man. Who could it have been?
- Lacy and Paul?
- Nope, wasn't them.
No, I think she's back
with Dr. Richards in Neuro.
Are you serious? They're together?
Man, ever since that guy got hair plugs,
he has been unstoppable.
Oh, that whole department's blowing up.
- Dr. Sullivan just got veneers.
- Wait, really?
Is there a is there
a text chain I'm not on?
I heard someone saw Stephanie
sneaking out
of the on-call room before her shift.
- Where did you hear that?
- Hector.
- Oh, bro!
- I'm sorry, man.
You said that was a secret.
I come on, Matt.
Things change when you're in charge.
You are out of the loop.
People don't want to confide in you,
even though you're a very regular,
very cool person.
But, boy, when I was just a doctor,
I was a walking "Page Six."
Who has a pill problem? Oh, Mary.
Who lost custody of her kids?
Also Mary.
Yeah, yeah, Mary had a lot of problems.
You know, all this hanky-panky,
it might have been OK in the past,
but times have changed.
No more sex at work.
Come on! How is there a question?
Yeah, I hate to side with Joyce here,
but are people really
that desperate to do it
in the same room they go
to watch their grandpas die?
Like, even if we weren't at work,
who's having midday sex anyway?
Like, that is not a thing
when you're married with small children.
Trust me, you barely have time
for a nighttime sex.
Can we please go
back to guessing who hooked up
instead of doing these
sad lady stand-up bits?
No, wait, I'm not I'm not
Alex, Alex, you don't have to justify
your troubled marriage to anybody.
I'm not saying that.
I'm saying that when you're married,
sometimes it's hard
to schedule sex, and so
Babe, we're just gonna
leave it there, OK?
OK, fine, the jig is up.
It was me and Dr. Taylor
in the on-call room with the
- well, you know what I used.
- Oh.
- Ugh.
Oh, hey, guys.
Um, I feel like I want to
clarify that thing from earlier
because it felt like you guys
thought that was, like,
sad or something.
Do you want us to say it wasn't sad?
- We'll say whatever you want.
- No.
No, I'm just saying,
you know, when I said that
I have to schedule sex,
I didn't mean it like,
you know, oh, let me get my planner out,
and I'll just pencil you in.
You know, I mean, sometimes I do
have to do that, though,
because our calendar
will fill up really quickly,
and then months will go by.
It's been months since
you've done it with your husband?
I don't know the exact date, Serena.
Do you need to check the planner?
It's been three months, OK?
Oh, come on. That is not that bad.
Three months is, like, 100 days.
If you haven't worked out in 100 days,
you wouldn't say, "I work out."
You'd say, "I used to work out."
Just like you used to have sex.
OK, but it's not like we don't want to.
It's just, with kid stuff and
house stuff and my promotion,
it's really hard. Ron! Ron!
OK, you were married.
Will you please tell them that sometimes
intimacy takes a back seat,
and that is completely normal?
Oh, absolutely.
After a few years, you have kids.
- It just ebbs and flows.
- See? Yeah.
And that is just called being married.
Well, well, we technically
are no longer married.
I guess it just kept on ebbing.
And now she's on a ski trip
with a guy named Kent,
so I may not be the best person
to talk to this about.
OK, thank thank you.
Thank you so much.
That's good. You know what?
That that is not
gonna happen to us, OK?
And we are not gonna hit
100 days, all right?
I am going to have a talk [CHUCKLES]
With him today.
I can't imagine going that long.
I have sex once a week.
I tell folks I'm going
to Wendy's for lunch,
but I'm really meeting up with
my ex, Shelly, at her condo.
It's the same Wendy's bag every time,
and no one can tell the difference.
Shelly is pretty toxic, though.
Oof. Tuesdays, huh?
The old second-in-command to Monday.
Well, I guess you could say that.
Nobody else does, but sure.
It's just been such a wild week already.
You know, hookups, affairs, hair plugs.
Did you know about
all this before the meeting?
Pretty much.
Can hardly get any work done
without somebody
coming over to talk about
something stupid.
- Not unlike now.
- Right.
So people are including you
on their little group chats.
That's nice. That's nice for you.
- Are you jealous?
- No.
I'm concerned about gossip in general.
- It's bad for morale.
- Right.
When you gossip, you hurt three people.
You hurt yourself, you hurt the person
you're gossiping about,
and you hurt the person who
doesn't get to hear the gossip
by making them feel left out.
You know, you could force
everyone to tell you
all of their secrets. You're the boss.
Well, how would that even
no, come on.
Come on. How?
[CHUCKLES] How would I do that?
Hey, sweetie.
Um, I was thinking that maybe later,
you and I could have some
private time, you know?
Like, naked private time.
Yes, Tim, like sex.
Oh, right, I forgot about poker night.
Um, OK, well, you know, tomorrow
tomorrow is totally booked,
too, isn't it?
OK, you know what?
Just meet me here at 2:00, OK?
Yeah, still about the sex.
Hey, team?
Team, I just wanted to say
I'm sorry for earlier
when I was all, "Ah, you can't
do sex stuff at work.
I'm a mean old hag."
Well, that is what you said
and, frankly, how you said it.
Look, things happen,
but I do not need to know
who's doing what with whom.
That is not my business,
but it is very thorny legally.
So HR insists that all of you fill out
one of these mutual consent forms.
Ah, yes, how every
passionate encounter begins,
- with a form.
Well, that's HR for you.
Damn you, #MeToo, huh?
No, that was important.
It had to happen.
It really did.
Well, I don't know
if you realize this, Joyce,
but this would mean
that you would end up knowing
everyone's personal, private details.
No, not me. The system.
The system would know the details.
I'm just a vessel for the system.
So we should return these to HR?
Uh, no.
You can return them to, uh, to me.
Yeah, me first, and then I'll
I'll deal with them.
Legalese and liability,
that's all these are for.
Will I then be informed
of all the relationships
and goings-on? Yes.
Is it my job to know? Kind of, yes.
Is it required by HR that I do this?
Girl, where is the fire?
Mm, well, I'm sneaking my lunch now,
and then later, Tim's gonna pick me up.
I'll have my full hour.
We're gonna go to
the Courtyard by Marriott
- and, you know, talk.
- Oh, look at you.
- Yeah.
- I'm so proud.
That's how I do it.
Also, the hotel's only,
like, 12 minutes away.
So 12 there, 12 back.
That leaves 36 minutes for
the discussion and, you know,
- general cleanup.
- OK.
- First, wow.
- Mm.
Second, maybe let me
throw some paint on that face
and we change your scrubs.
I don't think Tim's
gonna care, honestly.
I mean, he sees me in sweatpants
most of the time, anyway.
Oh, wow, I can tell by your face
that's maybe part of the problem.
You gotta keep it spicy.
Seduce him a little.
You can't just be like,
"Hey, bro, wanna [BLEEP]
- in 12 minutes?"
- What? No.
- Oh!
- See?
Too aggro. Not cute.
I said no because that was
just like, obviously, a joke,
or like a prank of sorts.
That's not that's not
how people suggest sex.
Maybe on websites.
But, you know, we are IRL, so
sorry, what was the question?
Well, it kills spontaneity.
I'll tell you that much.
Dear God, please be talking
to someone else.
These sex clearance forms
that Herr Commandant Joyce
wants us to fill out,
they're ridiculous.
I mean, without random hookups,
what's the point
of all those boozy fundraisers we do?
I don't know.
Maybe raising money
for muscular dystrophy?
Oh, come on, Ron. Grow up.
Look, in my many run-ins with Eros,
I've found that carnal love
comes on fast.
Oh, yeah.
And you never know who's gonna spark
with who and when and how.
You know, I just noticed that nurse,
Callie, has a crazy lisp,
and now I can't get her out of my mind.
Well, here's a thought.
Maybe have everybody fill out
a form about everybody else.
Then you got all your bases covered.
You're talking about
preclearing the hookups.
Oh, Ronnie, you crazy son of a bitch.
You've just cracked
this thing wide open.
People here trust me.
They feel they can come to me
for advice, support,
guidance, you name it.
I just don't know
where they got that idea.
So with my AAA discount, on top of
my Wells Fargo points,
the room is basically free.
I mean, if that doesn't
get you guys in the mood.
- Yeah.
- There.
- What do you think?
- Oh, wow.
I really like this lipstick color.
Where'd you get it?
You know that box where we put the stuff
we pull out of people's anal cavities?
I'm kidding. [LAUGHS]
It's not from the butt box.
Raj, did you get a form?
Candace, form?
I'll put it right here under your keys.
No way. Are you serious?
No. Why would Claire do that?
You know why. [LAUGHTER]
Oh, I bet you know. I bet you know.
Oh, sorry, we'll get back to work.
No, no, no. As you were.
So what's going on with Claire-bear?
Give me the scuttlebutt.
The what?
Just tell the story.
Well, a few of us went out last night.
Of course you did.
Fun group of ladies like you,
a bunch of troublemakers.
Well, it did get a little crazy.
Ah! Who called it?
OK, so Claire, she took these edibles.
- And then
OK, OK, um
I'm thinking this might not be
a great story to tell at work.
Here's something.
Did you guys ever work
with Mary Jenkins in the ICU,
like, 22 years ago? Because get this.
She died.
Now, it's very, very simple.
Just put down anyone you could
conceivably ever hook up with,
and then you don't have
to think about paperwork
when arousal strikes.
So we fill out a form for anyone
- who we might want to be with?
- Exactly.
It could be someone you have a crush on.
Could be people you can't stand.
You know, that kind of sex can really
get you out of a dark place.
Oh, which reminds me,
what's Stella's last name?
- Baporia.
- Baporia.
- Insane, but OK.
- I don't know.
This kind of feels like harassment,
but I can't exactly describe why.
What? No, it's a fail-safe.
Everything would be consensual.
The forms are a backup, not a guarantee.
Come on, how are you not getting this?
So what if you can't remember
the person's name?
Is it OK to put down their body shape
and presumed racial background?
That is a great idea.
Yes, thank you for being
a problem solver,
not a problem creator, Dakota.
- What?
Hey, Tim.
- Look at you.
- I know, right?
Serena did my makeup and my hair.
But I washed my own face, though.
- Oh.
- Hey.
Um, you can let go of the door, baby.
- Oh, yep.
- Yep.
Uh, well, this is kind of awesome.
I can't believe we're
doing this in the afternoon.
I know, right?
It's like, what are we, 15?
Right? 15? Wow
You know, we should go.
- We should get this show on the
- Alex, I'm so sorry.
I know you're on your lunch.
Really quick, do we need to
run labs on the patient in 110?
No, I just need you
to monitor his vitals.
- OK, gotcha.
- Yeah.
Uh, Matt, I'm sorry.
Did did you check
to make sure he's been given
Cipro and not penicillin?
Because he's allergic, so
Um, not sure.
But I assume
that I would have done that.
OK, well, I have to go.
So did you, or didn't you?
I feel like I did.
OK, you know what?
I'm just gonna go check real quick, OK?
- Two minutes.
- Of course.
- Do your thing.
- Mm-hmm.
Alex is a great boss,
really patient with me.
Well, you're probably not a screw-up
like that new guy that she keeps saying
is improving a lot.
She really likes him.
Hardy-har-har, real funny.
Well, I guess the art of romance
is just some dumb punchline
to you people.
What are you talking about?
What I'm talking about, Dakota,
is that I've only received one
pre-consent form,
and it's from somebody named Fart.
I was doubting myself on that fart joke.
Just overthinking it.
But hearing Bruce say it?
It just works.
- Here you go.
- Yes!
All right. My gal, Val.
That's what I'm talking about.
I got to admit, I'm a little surprised.
I wasn't sure you'd get the vision.
Joyce doesn't like things
to be too spicy.
But me? I like spice.
Yeah, you do.
Look at all those names. Wow.
Now we're talking, yeah?
It only takes one domino to fall.
God bless.
She's got just about everybody on here.
Men, women, lab techs. That's a shame.
Hey, guys and gals.
Oh, you will never believe
what I just overheard.
Cynthia is cheating on Brian.
[LAUGHS] Can you believe it?
I'm Cynthia.
Well, it's a good thing
Brian's not here, huh?
Brian, huh?
That took too long, but we're good.
We're well, we're cutting it close.
No, hey, I can make it go
as fast as we need.
Oh, honey, let's maybe not
sound so proud of that.
I'm kind of excited
about this, to be honest.
- Oh, God, that looks bad.
Yep, huge pile-up on 84.
- 84 East or West?
- East.
Damn it.
We're not gonna make it
to the hotel in time.
Also, the accident,
I'm sad about that, too.
Well, I mean, I got the iPad in the car.
Why don't we just put on
"The Crown" and hang out?
I don't want to just hang out.
You know what? Here, come with me.
You never know who was or wasn't joking
or not joking about what,
so can't hurt to fill out
one of these, you know,
just so it's on file.
Well, Matty [GASPS]
I didn't know you were
seeing somebody at work.
Hey, Joyce.
Um, yeah, you know what?
I'm actually not.
- I changed my mind, so
- Who is it. Who is it?
- No, Joyce, Joyce
- Just let me see.
- Joyce
- I'm gonna find out anyway.
Oh, my God.
It's in there now.
And you're not allowed
to grab it because
that's my private area.
Do you have your insurance card, sir?
So, Val, I was looking
at your consent form,
and I noticed the lack
of my name, Bruce Schweitz,
and I realized, Brucie,
you didn't clarify
if you were eligible, you big dummy.
People might think you aren't,
since you're the organizer.
But just FYI, I am eligible.
- Yeah, I know.
Hold on, bud.
You know, putting my name down
doesn't commit you
to hooking up with me.
- It's a "just in case" thing.
- Like a fail-safe.
Yes! That's what I said earlier.
- Look at that. Same wavelength.
- I get it.
OK, it's just you've listed
half the hospital here.
I'm into a lot of types.
And like you said,
you never know what'll happen.
Right. That's why I'm confused.
OK, are you here for a throat thing?
Because that's not an emergency.
It's just disruptive. [LAUGHS]
What are you doing back already?
We had to pivot, and I need a room.
Oh, I got you. I see you.
Room 321.
Oh, if it's too intense up there
hey, Parker, do people still have
adult conversations in that room
with the broken Pyxis machine?
- No, it got rats.
- How many?
Like, a rat, or a community?
No, that's OK. We'll just
Oh, there's a guy in a coma in 313.
He won't know
what's happening, probably.
No. No, thank you.
There's the oncology rooms,
but some people feel weird about that.
Yeah, I would.
I would feel weird about that.
- Weird about what?
- Nothing.
- Alex wants a place to smash.
- Oh!
Well, go in the VIP suite.
Nobody ever goes in there.
- Ooh, and it's got a bidet.
- Thanks, team.
It takes a village,
and I am truly horrified.
Let's go. Excuse me.
- So they all know?
- Yeah.
So I have 18 minutes left on my break.
So we just really need to just get right
- to the heart of things, OK?
- Are we gonna get caught in this room?
No. Let's just save the
questions for after, yeah?
Well, should I put some music on?
Oh, my gosh. That would be perfect, yes.
Oh, wow, they have 5G in here?
- OK.
- Oh!
So I guess we have to
take this off-site now.
Hey, what's your deal with Saturday?
I have a girls' dinner
at 6:00, but I could be done
Yeah, we all have stuff. Excuse me.
Oh, boy, that was
a marathon of a surgery.
Yeah, but it was all worth it
so that that
little girl could walk again. [SNIFFS]
- What was that?
- I didn't say anything.
Gotcha, yeah. Yeah.
Hey, you got a good girl here.
Yeah, one of the best.
One of my favorites.
I'm not putting you
on my sex list, Bruce.
What? [LAUGHS]
I wouldn't. I don't even yeah.
I I can see what you're doing.
And it's damn sexy.
Honestly, if we could just
sorry, can we take a sec?
Um, I kind of feel like
an on-demand sex android,
which I always thought would be kind of
a cool role-play for us,
- but, you know?
- Right, oh.
- Well, no, I mean, it's
- Yeah, no, no, no.
- I'm sorry.
- It's okay. No.
Oh, my gosh, don't. Don't I'm sorry.
Listen, we haven't had sex in a while.
And I just I think I got in
my head about what that means.
- You know what I mean?
- Oh, honey.
- I think we're fine.
- Yeah.
But, I mean, I love this.
I just think
No, yeah, I just this is insane.
So I probably I wouldn't be attracted
- to me right now, either.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
I definitely did not say
I'm not attracted to you.
- No, sweetie, it's fine.
- Honey, no, this is super sexy that you
wanted to do this for us.
And I'm never not attracted to you.
You're my dream girl.

Listen, let's clear
the elephant in the room.
This morning, whenever I yelled "no,"
I was just joking because you were.
And I really want
to make sure you know that.
I guess I've been listening to a lot of
Joy Behar's podcasts recently,
so I was just in a silly mood, you know?
Yeah, for sure.
Um, unless you weren't joking
because I actually, uh

Uh, love for you to listen
to Joy Behar's podcast
because it is really fun.
All right.
Weapons of war
Symptoms of madness
Yes, Sanderson, I know I'm the boss.
I'm just saying,
it would be nice to feel like
I'm part of the group again.
I don't I don't know
if we have Paramount+.
Why aren't you listening to me?
OK, well, I'm let me go
someplace where I can
- Oh, good God!
- Oh!
- [BLEEP].
- Oh, my God!
Joyce, sorry! I'm so sorry!
It's OK. Uh, I won't tell anybody.
Your secret's safe with me.
You know what I realized today?
I can be the boss, but I can
also be part of the group.
Those two things are not exclusive.
I can wear my fancy boss pants,
or I can wear my scuttlebutt slacks.
And, look, I get it.
We're at work more than anyplace else,
and the stakes are high here
life, death, et cetera.
So feelings are gonna develop,
and things will happen
crushes, romances, flings, heartbreaks.
I really thought we had something.
But was it all a lie?
But no matter what,
we all deserve respect.
And if you know a secret about someone,
- keep it to yourself.
- Keep what to yourself?
Guess who I saw
hooking up in the VIP suite.
She told everyone, didn't she?
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