Star Trek: Deep Space Nine s02e13 Episode Script

Armageddon Game

Chief Medical Officer's log,|supplemental.
Chief O'Brien and l are helping|the T'Lani and the Kelleruns eliminate their stockpiles of harvesters, biomechanical gene disrupters used by both sides|in their centuries-long war.
Dr Nydom, how's our muon charge? Coming up to full power.
Computer, this is harvester|test sequence number 375.
Muon generator now at full power.
l hope this works|because l'm running out of ideas.
We've only been trying to eliminate|the harvesters for a week.
lt feels like more than a month.
l've never seen a nanobiogenic weapon|so resistant to radiation.
lt's a matter of finding the right|combination of muon frequencies.
lt should be simple,|but it's not.
Start the sequence|or we will be here for a month.
Right, Chief.
lntroducing the harvester|into the genetic bath.
Beginning muon influx.
Doctor, please check|for any gene disrupter phasing.
The integrity of the sample|is holding steady.
- No genetic disruption at all.
|- Are you sure? Check the sequence again.
- The results are identical.
|- What? lt worked, didn't it? Would somebody say something? lt worked all right.
The harvesters have been destroyed.
Good news, l take it? Ambassador Sharat, we have found|a way to eliminate the harvesters.
Well done.
l knew if our people stopped killing|each other and worked together, we could put an end|to these horrible weapons.
This is a symbol of the new future|we have embarked upon.
And we couldn't have done it without|the help of our Federation friends.
At first we questioned Dr Nydom's|decision to bring in outside help, but it was the right thing to do.
|We're all very grateful.
lt was our pleasure.
Eliminating the harvesters|is only half the task.
All scientific data|must be wiped out as well.
l've purged every file in the T'Lani|and Kellerun data banks.
lf anyone wants to build these things,|they'll have to start afresh.
- Then it's finished.
|- Not quite.
We shouldn't rest until the entire Kellerun and T'Lani|supply of harvesters has been destroyed.
We will begin immediately.
Commander,|Dr Bashir is on subspace.
ln here.
We have some good news.
l've already heard.
l received a message|from both ambassadors informing me of your success.
Congratulations, gentlemen.
Thank you.
But the doctor deserves the credit.
- lt was a team effort.
|- The doctor's modest.
He came up with muon rays as a possible solution.
- Luckily, it worked.
|- When will you be back? Soon, l hope.
The ambassador|mentioned a celebration.
lt's set for tonight,|but the chief is anxious to return.
lt's been a long week.
We can spare you for another day.
l agree.
|lf that's OK with you, Chief.
Another day won't kill me.
That's the spirit.
We'll expect you back|day after tomorrow.
Enjoy yourselves.
|You've earned it.
The last cylinder.
|You should have the honour, Doctor.
My pleasure.
lt's ironic that the war should come|to an end up here above T'Lani lll, a planet whose entire population|was decimated by harvesters.
l hope this will be a lasting peace.
Weapons aren't allowed up here.
They're all dead.
We'll be too if we don't get out of here.
|O'Brien to Ganges.
Computer,|activate remote transporter sequence.
They must be jamming communications|with the runabout.
We can't stay here.
We'll have to|beam down to the surface.
l'll programme the system to overload|30 seconds after we transport.
Let's go.
l'll have a cup of Alterian chowder, uttaberry crìpes and a slice of - Kira to Sisko.
|- Go ahead, Major.
The T'Lani and Kellerun ambassadors|have arrived.
- They want to see you.
|- Are O'Brien and Bashir with them? No.
And the ambassadors|refuse to speak to anyone but you.
Show them to my office.
|l'll have to cancel that order.
Are you saying both of my officers|are dead? Along with some of|our greatest scientists.
- We're sorry you share our misfortune.
|- What happened? - lt was|- lt was a terrible accident.
lt appears one of your officers,|a Chief O'Brien, l believe, tripped a security device.
Lethal radiation flooded the room,|killing everyone.
Ambassador Sharat transported|off the ship before the accident.
This security device lt was built decades ago.
|We didn't even know it existed.
How do you know that O'Brien|caused the accident? l returned to the ship|after the accident.
l checked the internal security sensors.
They recorded the incident.
We assumed you'd want|to see for yourself.
Thank you.
Commander, l want you to know we don't blame|Chief O'Brien for what happened.
He and Dr Bashir will always be|considered heroes to both our peoples.
They helped destroy the harvesters.
Extend our sympathies|to their families.
l'll do that.
Chief, in here.
Wait! Don't touch anything.
There's food and medical supplies.
They could be booby-trapped.
The Cardassians used to rig supplies|with grenades.
l've seen more than one soldier|permanently lose his appetite that way.
- Did you find anything?|- Looks all right.
At least we won't starve.
- Here.
|- No.
- l thought you loved military rations.
|- Federation rations.
l've had enough T'Lani food|to last me a lifetime.
We have to warn the T'Lani that|the Kelleruns have broken the treaty.
Why wait till the harvesters were|destroyed before making their move? Maybe they didn't destroy all of them.
Maybe they think they can defeat|the T'Lani with conventional weapons.
That might continue the war|for 100 years.
We'd better keep moving.
Listen to me, Julian.
The Kelleruns will expect us|to be on the move.
lf we run,|their sensors will pick us up.
lf we stay still, maybe it will take them|longer to find us.
We have only one chance|to survive this thing: stay alive until Commander Sisko|finds us.
That won't be for another day.
|He thinks we're on T'Lani Prime.
l said it was our only chance.
|l didn't say it was a good one.
What have we here? Looks like some kind of com system.
Maybe we can contact the T'Lani|from here.
Can you get it working? l'll have to open it up,|see if there's a backup power supply.
- Why don't you take a seat, Doctor?|- l thought maybe l could help.
l took the engineering|extension courses at Starfleet Medical.
- They were actually quite informative.
|- Julian.
Do you really want to help me?|Then let me do my job.
Of course.
- l'll inventory the supplies.
|- Fine.
Why don't you do that? The last cylinder.
|You should have the honour, Doctor.
My pleasure.
The harvesters have been destroyed.
All records of their existence|must be wiped out.
l've purged every file in the T'Lani|and Kellerun data banks.
lf anyone wants to build these things,|they'll have to start afresh.
Then it's finished.
Hold on.
What's this? Closing the last file has activated|some kind of security programme part of the original operating system.
l can't shut it down.
|Do you know anything about it? - Try cutting the power.
|- lt's not responding.
l've heard of security weapons like this.
A pulse that vaporises anyone|who doesn't enter the proper code.
l'm surprised the chief didn't detect it.
lt must have been deep in the system.
l'd like to talk to the chief of security|for that ship.
- So would l.
|- They lost people, too.
The T'Lani were responsible|for their safety.
They should have known|about that device and deactivated it.
Contact Bajoran medical officials.
We'll need a doctor|temporarily assigned until Starfleet can replace Dr Bashir.
Dax, inform Starfleet of the accident.
Tell them we'll need a new medical|officer and a new chief of operations.
Would you like me to go with you|to see Mrs O'Brien? No.
l'll take care of it.
Find out how l can contact|Julian's family.
lnform the crew we'll be holding|a memorial service - tomorrow evening at 18:00 hours.
|- Yes, sir.
l know the next few days|are going to be hard, but we all have jobs to do.
- Having any luck?|- Stop asking me that.
l'm sorry.
lt's just all this standing around.
|l'm used to doing something.
Keep your eyes open|for any Kellerun soldiers.
Don't worry.
l will.
- lt's such a mess in here.
|- You'll make it work.
lt's the kind of challenge you live for.
l was looking forward|to the celebrations on T'Lani Prime.
Did you notice that T'Lani women|are quite attractive? l'm not blind, you know.
Of course not.
|But you are married.
Being married doesn't mean|you stop looking at women.
As long as your wife|doesn't see you look.
Tonight's celebrations|would have been an adventure.
The most you could have hoped for|was a good meal.
Women! That's all you think about.
No, it isn't.
Though l do think|about them a lot.
One of these days|you'll fall in love with one.
- l did once.
|- Not work out? Not quite.
|l don't know.
Somehow,|marriage just doesn't seem fair.
- Fair?|- Fair to them.
Look at us.
|Our lives are constantly in danger.
There's enough to worry about without the wife and kids|worrying about us.
l'm sorry, Chief.
l just feel that way.
A lot of career officers feel that way.
You career officers don't know|what you're missing.
Really? That may be so.
|l just look at you and Mrs O'Brien - What about me and Mrs O'Brien?|- Nothing.
- What?|- Absolutely nothing.
lt's no secret that your assignment|to this station hasn't been conducive|to your marriage.
- Say that again?|- Why don't we just forget it? That's the first intelligent thing|you've said since we got here.
- Are you cold?|- Yes.
Aren't you? No, it's quite warm in here.
- You're looking a little pale.
|- l'm fine.
You're running a fever.
- You'd better sit down.
|- l've got work to do.
Roll up your sleeve.
|Do it.
You were behind the genetic bath|when it shattered? You have something to tell me? You've been infected by the harvesters.
Come in.
Commander Sisko.
- Something's happened to Miles.
|- There was an accident.
Both your husband and Dr Bashir|were involved.
- They're dead?|- l'm sorry.
Tell me what happened.
The T'Lani security sensors|recorded the entire incident.
- l want to see it.
|- l'll have it sent to you.
Miles was a fine officer|and a fine man.
l'll miss him.
Thank you, Commander.
|l would like to be alone now.
lf there's anything you need,|just let me know.
- Chief.
|- lt's my eyes.
They're getting fuzzy.
- l'll take over.
|- You can't fix it.
You're going to talk me through it.
|Take a seat.
Just for a minute or two.
Tell me where you left off.
You see the dark blue coil|in the upper right-hand corner? No.
lt's there,|beside the green cylinder.
Just below it.
- l see it.
|- You have to You have to lock the base|of the coil into the tiny receptor just below it.
l just remembered l still have|Julian's medical school diaries.
You read them? He felt they would help me|understand him better.
By reading about all the women|he went out with? That's not what they were about.
He told me that they were|about his innermost thoughts, his struggle to graduate top of his class, his dream of having a career|in Starfleet, his constant fear of failure.
Really? And did you?|Understand him better? l never got around to reading them.
l suppose l should send them|to his parents.
- You could keep them.
|- Really? l think he'd like that.
|He cared a great deal about you.
l know.
|l cared about him too.
These are on the house.
How come? A toast to the memory|of Chief O'Brien and Dr Bashir.
That's very thoughtful, Quark.
l can be thoughtful.
To our departed comrades.
We may have had our differences,|but l'll say this for them.
lt's the highest tribute l can think of: they were good customers, always paid their bar bills on time.
- That's it?|- l'm not done yet.
At times like this, l'm reminded|of the 57th Rule of Acquisition: ''Good customers|are as rare as latinum.
''Treasure them.
'' Major, l need to see Commander Sisko.
|lt's very important.
l wanted you to know how sorry l am.
|How sorry we all are.
Thank you.
- lf anyone wants to build these|- lt's coming up in a few seconds.
Computer, freeze image.
- Do you see it?|- l see the chief drinking coffee.
- Now look at the time index.
|- 15:00 hours.
Miles never drinks coffee|in the afternoon.
lt keeps him up.
Maybe he made an exception.
|Working long hours My husband never drinks coffee|late in the day.
Maybe it's tea.
The data clip contained|a spectroscopic analysis.
The liquid consists of vegetable-based|oils and caffeine.
lt's coffee.
- Someone altered the recording?|- And l want to know why.
When were you planning on bringing|the Ganges back from T'Lani lll? - Tomorrow.
|- l see no reason to wait.
- l'll leave right away.
|- Good.
l'll come with you.
Mrs O'Brien, if this recording has been altered,|we'll find out why.
You were right.
The contacts|on the sub-processor are corroded.
They need to be cleaned.
l think there are some sterile pads|in the med kit.
Here we go.
Don't leave me, Chief.
|l still need you.
Don't worry.
|l'm not going anywhere.
- So who was she?|- Who? ''Not quite.
'' Palis.
Palis Delon.
She was a ballerina.
|She had the most exquisite feet.
l'm serious.
lt's important|for a dancer to have good arches.
She was gorgeous,|not to mention brilliant.
l couldn't believe how anyone|could be so graceful.
- She was crazy about you?|- We were crazy about each other.
l used to think,|''Julian, you lucky devil.
''You've found the perfect woman.
'' We used to finish each|other's thoughts.
- What do you think?|- Good.
Put it back in the com panel.
Looks like we have some power.
No response from the transmitter.
Try retuning the RF-oscillators.
So what happened with you and Palis? What happened is l graduated.
Her father was the administrator|at a medical complex in Paris.
He offered me a job, said|l'd be chief of surgery in five years.
But you'd have to give up|your Starfleet career.
l can't tell you how close l came.
But here l am.
- You made your choice.
|- Yeah.
Sometimes l wake up in the night|and l think to myself: ''Will l ever find anyone|that wonderful again?'' The oscillator's working,|but the frequency's fluctuating.
Let me take a look.
- What is it?|- lt's my legs.
l can't feel them.
We're approaching T'Lani lll,|in orbit alongside the Ganges.
Open a channel to the T'Lani cruiser.
Commander Sisko,|what a pleasant surprise.
You're here for your runabout? We're leaving for the memorial service.
|You're welcome to join us.
Perhaps we will.
First l'd like to see|where the accident took place.
Of course.
l'll beam over to the Ganges|and take a look around.
Good idea.
Chief, it's working.
Signal's very faint.
Switch to a higher carrier frequency.
Reset the actuators|on the chamber's coil.
lt's weak.
l'm sending a distress|signal every two minutes.
Let's hope the T'Lani find us|before the Kelleruns.
They'd better get here soon.
Don't worry, Chief.
|l'm going to get you home.
- ln a box maybe.
|- Don't give up on me now.
l'm not giving up.
|l'm dying.
Listen to me, Julian.
- You must tell Keiko and Molly|- You'll tell them yourself.
You were wrong, you know?|About marriage.
- Whatever you say, Chief.
|- Listen to me, Julian! You're the one who's always|talking about adventure.
Adventure! Marriage is the greatest adventure|of them all.
lt's filled with pitfalls and setbacks|and mistakes, but it's a journey worth taking|because you take it together.
l know Keiko's been unhappy|about us coming to the station.
We still argue about it.
But that's all right.
At the end of the day,|we both know we love each other.
- That's all that matters.
|- You'd better get some rest.
The T'Lani will be here soon.
There's still some traces|of the radiation pulse.
That's to be expected,|but it poses no danger.
Have you learned anything else|about the device that caused the accident? We're working on it.
Ambassador Sharat|brought you the data clip? He showed it to you|when you arrived? Of course.
Could it have been altered|before you saw it? Why would Ambassador Sharat|alter the data clip? - l have no idea.
|- Dax to Sisko.
When you're through,|could you join me on the Ganges? l'll be here a few more minutes.
The T'Lani and the Kellerun|have made peace.
That peace cannot survive|unless both sides trust each other.
What is it? Someone erased five seconds|from the Ganges' computer log.
l thought it was a power fluctuation, but the log shows traces|of a remote transport command.
ls there any indication|of transporter activity? Somebody erased it later? Look at the time index|when the call for transport came.
Three minutes after the accident.
lf either Chief O'Brien or Julian|made that request They would have been alive|after the fail-safe device went off.
Chief Don't leave me now.
That's better.
|Now you're doing it.
Tell me, Julian.
|Ever talk to that ballerina of yours? Not since l left Earth.
- Maybe you should.
|- Maybe one day l will.
Chief O'Brien was infected|when the Kelleruns attacked your ship.
They killed all the scientists.
|You're too late, Sharat.
No, Doctor.
|He's right on time.
- Why kill Nydom and the others?|- To ensure peace will last.
We destroyed the harvesters.
|There was no reason lt's not enough to destroy them.
We have to be sure|no one can recreate them.
The only way was|to eliminate everyone who possessed such knowledge,|including the two of you.
We have no use|for such horrible weapons.
As long as the knowledge exists,|there's a danger it may be used.
l am sorry, Doctor.
|You have the consolation of knowing that your deaths will be|for a noble cause.
- Wait.
|- Let him speak.
Help me up.
l want to die on my feet.
l'm sorry l didn't get us home,|Chief.
You did your best.
lt's been an honour serving with you.
Thank you, Chief.
That means a lot.
Commander, am l glad to see you! He'll die if we don't get him|back to the station.
He was exposed to the harvesters.
|That should stabilise him.
They said you died.
We would have if the T'Lani|and Kelleruns had had their way.
The T'Lani cruiser's hailing us.
lgnore them.
Send a distress signal on|all Federation subspace frequencies.
They're blocking|subspace communication with a broadband inversion.
They're hailing us again.
ls the inversion affecting sensors|as well? All short-range sensors are useless.
Which means theirs are useless too.
Commander Sisko is attempting|to escape.
We're in pursuit.
Their runabout is no match for this ship.
|Fire a warning shot.
- Commander Sisko's hailing us.
|- l thought he would.
By firing on this vessel,|you've committed an act of war.
We have no quarrel|with the Federation, but we insist you turn over|Dr Bashir and Chief O'Brien.
- So you can murder them?|- Unfortunately, your officers have seen the data|on the development of the harvesters.
They have no intention|of using that information.
That is irrelevant.
The threat remains as long|as the knowledge exists.
l know this is painful.
lt wasn't easy to order the deaths|of our own people.
- And if l refuse to turn them over?|- You can't fight us.
We can destroy your runabout.
Dax and l know nothing|of the harvesters.
We'll do whatever we have to.
You have one minute to turn over|Dr Bashir and Chief O'Brien.
You want them?|You'll have to take us all.
- He leaves us no choice.
|- The runabout is turning.
Full stop.
- He's preparing to fire.
|- Employ shields.
- Shields employed.
|- Put the runabout on screen.
He knows his phasers can't hurt us.
- He's aiming his vessel at us.
|- The man must be crazy.
Fire phasers.
lt's over.
Head back to T'Lani lll.
Prepare to take|the other runabout in tow.
Sensors indicate the other runabout|is no longer in orbit.
- Then where is it?|- l don't know.
- lt's gone.
|- lt can't have disappeared.
l'm picking up a warp signature.
Maybe they weren't|on that runabout we destroyed.
They could have transported|to the other runabout.
And then piloted the first ship|by remote navigation.
- But we saw them die.
|- Did we? - What's this?|- Something Molly made for you.
lt's lovely.
|She has real talent.
- How's my patient?|- Better.
Can l go home? You should be out of here by tomorrow.
|l wanted you to know how much l appreciated|what you said on T'Lani lll.
- What did l say?|- lt was an honour serving with me.
- Right.
|- l'd like to return the compliment.
lt's been an honour serving|with you too, Chief.
They say when two people|face death together, it creates a bond that cannot be broken.
- l never believed that|- Julian.
Ermof course, you'd like|to be alone.
l understand.
- Miles, he saved your life.
|- He'll never let me forget it.
What was it like spending|all that time with him? lt was hell.
|The man never stops talking.
l wouldn't mind|a cup of coffee right now.
You never drink coffee|in the afternoon.
- Sure l do.
|- You do?
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