Star Trek: Deep Space Nine s03e21 Episode Script

The Die is Cast (2)

Last time on ''Deep Space Nine'' Medical emergency on the Promenade.
l find it odd that a conduit|behind Garak's shop should happen to overload.
Why would the Romulans destroy|the Flaxian's ship? The Romulans hired the Flaxian|to kill Garak and then killed the Flaxian|when he failed.
- Why do the Romulans want to kill you?|- l have no idea.
You are investigating a very insignificant piece|of a much larger puzzle.
What do you mean? There's been a great deal|of unusual Romulan activity.
You dragged me into this.
|Now you're going to co-operate.
Dragged you in? l don't know You blew up your own shop, Garak.
- lt's a Romulan warbird.
|- ln Cardassian space? You're going to attack the Dominion.
You're going to strike them before|they come into the Alpha Quadrant.
l'm asking you to serve|Cardassia again.
By my side.
This is the man|who put you into exile.
This is the man who tried|to have you killed.
Yes, he is.
But it doesn't matter.
l'm back.
And now the conclusion.
Modern theatre has been on the decline|since the 23rd century.
Look at the plays coming out of Earth and compare them to the works|of Willemheld, Barton or Chow-yun.
Playwrights are obsessed|with writing human interpretations of alien theatrical works|while ignoring our own cultural heritage in the hopes of|Chief, are you listening to me? - What?|- l thought so.
l heard every word you said.
- And what do you think?|- About what? Any of it.
ldon't know.
What do you want me to say? Say you agree.
|Say you disagree.
Say you hate theatre.
|Just say something.
Julian, you said you wanted|to have lunch.
We're having lunch.
l was hoping for a little more|conversation with my plomeek soup.
My mother taught me if you try|to combine talking and eating, you'll end up doing neither very well.
Garak taught me to think of lunch|as an arena for philosophical debate.
Still no word about Garak and Odo? The starship Portland|and a Cardassian cruiser are searching the Algira sector|for the runabout.
That's not entirely bad news.
lf the runabout had been destroyed,|they would have found debris.
- Kira to O'Brien.
|- Go ahead, Major.
Report to ops, Chief.
There's|something we'd like you to look at.
Our sensors picked up|high concentrations of tetryon particles|moving toward the station.
- What do you think?|- Subspace energy fluctuations, quantum fractures in|the electrodynamic field.
You've got me.
- lt's getting closer.
|- And larger.
The concentrations have increased|ten per cent in 30 seconds.
Energy surge bearing 21 0, mark 31 5.
A ship is decloaking.
|lt's a Romulan warbird.
Open a channel to Another warbird is decloaking at 01 0|No.
lt's a Cardassian ship.
A Cardassian ship|with a cloaking device? Definitely Cardassian, Keldon-class.
There's an entire fleet decloaking.
Red Alert.
|All hands to battle stations.
Shields up, stand by weapons.
- Try to hail them.
|- They haven't locked onto us yet.
The lead ship's headed|for the wormhole.
No response to our hails.
They're headed|for the Gamma Quadrant.
Open a priority channel|to Starfleet Command now.
You should have seen Legate Porania when l told him l was going|into retirement.
He was literally speechless.
|A rare event.
l wanted to invent treason charges|so l wouldn't hear his voice again.
And you would have.
You had|quite a vicious streak in those days.
l learned from the best.
No, you had a gift.
l never met anyone who relished|an interrogation as much as you.
Remember getting the confession|out of Dr Parmak? - l never even touched him.
|- That was the beauty of it.
- You sat there for three hours.
|- Four.
After four hours of watching you|stare at him, he confessed.
l was good, wasn't l? You were brilliant.
|Afterwards, he just kept saying, ''His eyes, his eyes.
'' l've missed you, Elim.
Things haven't|been the same since you left.
l've missed you too, Enabran.
We're getting sentimental|in our old age.
Next we'll be crying over|our lost youth.
Whatever happened to Dr Parmak? He spent three years in a labour camp,|then returned to Cardassia Prime.
l think he's practising medicine again.
When we get back,|you should look him up.
There are a number of people|l intend to look up.
For instance, do you remember|a Gul named Dukat? The business with the arms merchant.
|You'd like him eliminated? The thought had crossed my mind.
When this mission is completed,|you can eliminate anyone you want.
l'll make up a list for Mila.
You'd better give it to me.
|Mila may not be around much longer.
She knows a great deal about me.
|Too much for her own good.
Still, it would be a shame|to have her killed.
She's proven that she can be trusted and you'd be hard put|to find a better housekeeper.
- ls this a request l hear?|- Not at all.
Just an observation.
No reason to pretend, Garak.
You're fond of Mila.
|You don't want her hurt, right? lf you want an excuse to spare|your housekeeper, you don't need me|to provide you with one.
You can do it out of the kindness|of your heart.
Mila always believed you were innocent|of betraying Cardassia and me.
- l was.
|- Of course.
No wonder the Romulans|can't conquer the galaxy.
No one can stomach their cuisine.
Colonel Lovok.
Allow me to introduce|my associate, Elim Garak.
- What is his role to be?|- He will do whatever l require.
Elim is a cherished colleague|of long standing.
You will not enter the bridge|or any secured space unescorted.
- lf you do, you will be killed.
|- Direct, isn't he? The Colonel believes in wasting|little time on pleasantries.
The fleet is setting course for|the Founders' homeworld at warp 6.
That's a bit slow.
|Something wrong with your engines? lf we travel any faster, our warp signatures may be detected|by the Jem'Hadar.
Very clever.
The changeling is on C deck.
|There are force fields in place.
Which brings us to your first|assignment, Garak.
Explain to Odo that it would be|in everyone's best interest if he provided us with the information|he has on his people.
That might prove difficult.
|He can be quite stubborn.
Then you'll have to find a way|of convincing him.
Well, Odo.
l trust the accommodations|meet with your approval? You have to admit it's better|than a prison cell.
There are force fields|and a guard outside the door.
- Feels like a prison cell to me.
|- l see your point.
Believe me, if it were my decision l don't believe you, Garak, so save us both some trouble|and leave me alone.
Why, Constable, you seem positively|disappointed in me.
l suppose it's understandable.
l did pledge my undying devotion|and eternal allegiance to both you and the Federation.
And you and l've been through|so much together.
l know you considered|me a close friend.
- No wonder you feel betrayed.
|- You're wasting your time, Garak.
l don't care about the rationalisations|you come up with to justify your actions.
l don't need to justify anything to you.
Living on Deep Space 9|has made you rusty.
Your lies are becoming transparent.
|Be careful.
You don't want Tain to know|that you're feeling guilty.
You are imaginative, Constable, but l suggest that you put|those creative powers to better use.
We would like you to share your unique|insights on the Founders.
We would be most grateful|for any information you could provide.
- And if l refuse?|- Really, Odo.
You must stop reading those|crime novels Chief O'Brien gives you.
lt's poisoning your thinking.
|l'm not here to threaten you.
l just want to talk.
l don't feel like talking.
Surely you can see that we share|a common enemy: the Founders.
By co-operating,|you'll be helping us provide security for the entire Alpha Quadrant.
The only common enemy you and l|share is Enabran Tain.
The difference between you and l|is that you don't know it.
l suggest that you think over|what l've said, Constable.
l was about to make|the same suggestion.
Since the Jem'Hadar are addicted|to a drug only the Founders can provide, we expect the Jem'Hadar to die|once their supplies of the drug run out.
A matter of days.
However,|that will give them enough time to stage a counterattack|against the Alpha Quadrant.
l suggest you place|the Cardassian fleet on alert.
l take this action in defence|of the Cardassian state.
You and Central Command have|neglected the security of our people and allowed peace with Bajor|to blind you to the real threat: the Dominion.
|l intend to remove that threat.
Let history be my judge.
That message was intercepted|earlier today.
Another was sent|to the Romulan Senate.
Both governments are denying|any prior knowledge of Tain's plan.
Are they going to do anything|to stop Tain? Both claim to be studying ways|to stop Tain, but we believe that they'll wait|to see if he succeeds.
That could plunge Romulus and|Cardassia into war with the Dominion.
Only if he fails.
His plan looks like|it's got a chance of success.
He's commanding 20 ships|manned by combat veterans.
They know the location|of the Founders' homeworld and have modified their cloaks|to prevent detection.
lt sounds like you hope|Tain will succeed.
l never hope for war, Major.
But if it comes, l'd rather see|the Dominion on the losing side.
But we have to plan for the worst.
Ben, evacuate DS9|of all non-essential personnel and put the Defiant on standby alert.
Even if Tain succeeds, the Jem'Hadar|are going to look for revenge.
They may not be too particular|about their targets.
We believe Security Chief Odo|is aboard one of the Romulan ships.
Odo said the runabout had been|caught in a tractor beam.
That suggests he was taken aboard|one of their ships.
l'd like to take the Defiant|and determine if he's still alive.
l'm sorry about your officer, but l want the Defiant guarding Bajor.
|That's your top priority.
Toddman out.
Commander Eddington, is Starfleet planning to send|reinforcements to this sector? Yes, sir.
A task force of nine starships|is due to arrive tomorrow.
Nine starships.
l want the Defiant ready to leave|for the Gamma Quadrant in two hours.
Admiral Toddman's orders|were quite clear l am not going to abandon my officer.
Toddman's concerned|about the defence of Bajor.
So am l.
lf we detect a force heading for|the Alpha Quadrant, we'll warn DS9.
We'll do all we can to stop them|before they reach the wormhole.
l consider this a volunteer mission,|but don't volunteer yet.
There's a good chance|you won't be coming back.
Even if you do, you'll probably be facing|a general court martial.
lf you decide to go, be aboard|the Defiant at 1 5:30 hours.
- All stations report.
|- Tactical ready.
- Engines on-line.
|- Helm ready.
The security detachment is aboard.
|Phaser rifles have been issued.
Priority message from Starfleet|Command.
lt's Admiral Toddman.
He's repeating his order|not to enter the Gamma Quadrant.
That's what you think it says.
How can you be sure when|a transmission is as garbled as that? You're right.
There's a lot of subspace|interference on this channel.
- Must be an ion storm.
|- Must be.
Aft thrusters back one quarter.
|Port and starboard at station keeping.
Cloaking device operating|within normal parameters.
Set course for|the Founders' homeworld, warp 8.
The Founders' planet lies at these|co-ordinates within the Omarion Nebula.
There are no Jem'Hadar bases nearby.
Even if the Founders sent out|a distress call, it would take seven hours|for help to arrive.
We wait until we've entered orbit,|then begin massive bombardment.
Analysis indicates the planet's crust|will be destroyed within one hour.
That should more than take care|of the Founders.
Unless they have some planetary|defences we don't know about.
There is one person here who might|answer that question: Mr Odo.
Anything he knows was undoubtedly|included in his report to Starfleet.
The Constable is remarkably thorough|in these matters.
There was a time when you were eager|to begin an interrogation.
l remember having to restrain|your enthusiasm on several occasions.
Then you should also remember|the pride l took in my work.
l don't think that interrogating someone|who can alter their form is likely to provide amusement|or information.
l wouldn't worry about Mr Odo's|shape-shifting.
The Obsidian Order|has developed a device which should prove effective|in neutralising him.
l was not informed about this.
lt's a prototype.
We haven't had|a chance to test ituntil now.
Perhaps the Tal Shiar should take over|the interrogation of the changeling.
lt's all right, Garak.
lt's my fault.
l should've known you'd develop feelings|for the people you've been living with.
But l never expected|that you would become friends with someone who worked|for the Bajorans.
This has nothing to do|with my friends or my feelings.
l don't believe he has the information|you want.
|Colonel Lovok will find out.
l brought Odo here.
He's my prisoner and my responsibility.
- You don't have to do this.
|- Yes, l do.
We both know|that you won't trust me until l do.
All right.
l look forward to hearing your results.
l'm reading a power fluctuation|in the cloaking device.
What kind of fluctuation? l can't locate the source of the problem,|but it's getting worse.
- We're decloaking!|- All stop.
Full scan, Lieutenant.
- Any other ships in the area?|- Nothing in sensor range.
lf the Jem'Hadar show up|while we're decloaked We'll have to fight our way out of here.
Everything looks fine.
The projection matrix looks normal.
|The cloaking device should be working.
Maybe a spatial anomaly is interfering|with the cloak's systems.
This isn't the result of a spatial|anomaly, Major.
The tetryon compositor|has been sabotaged.
- How do you know that?|- Because l sabotaged it.
l was under orders to stop you from|pursuing the Romulan-Cardassian fleet.
- You've turned us into sitting ducks!|- We can still defend ourselves.
l didn't damage the ship's weapon|systems or the engines.
But without the cloak,|we'll have to return to DS9.
l'm sorry, Commander.
|l didn't want to do this.
Odo's my friend, too, but Admiral|Toddman gave me an order.
- l couldn't disobey it.
|- l don't suppose you could.
Chief, how long until you can fix|the tetryon compositor? - About ten hours.
|- You've got two.
l'll have to confine you to quarters,|Mr Eddington.
lf we run into the Jem'Hadar,|you'll need a chief security officer.
What makes you think|we'll trust you again? Because l give you my word.
l never question the word|of anyone who wears that uniform.
Don't make me change that policy.
Man your station, Commander.
But l'd stay out of the Chief's way|if l were you.
lt must be time for you to return|to your liquid state, so l thought l'd bring you something|to relax in.
Before you go for a swim,|l have a few questions to ask you.
l have nothing to say.
l can see l'm going to have to take|some steps l had hoped to avoid.
Oh, no.
You're going to torture me,|aren't you? How l've been dreading this.
|Please have mercy, Garak.
You do have a certain flair for sarcasm.
lt's one of the things l like about you.
You can go now.
l'd bring those guards back|if l were you.
Yes, under normal circumstances,|you would pose quite a threat to me.
You could turn yourself|into a Vicarian razorback or stretch out your arms|and strangle me from across the room.
- But not this time.
|- And why is that? This device is emitting a stasis field designed to prevent a changeling|from altering his biomolecular structure.
lt must be very disconcerting for you to be locked into a humanoid form.
l'm sure you were looking forward|to returning to your liquid state.
Tell me.
What will happen|if you can't revert to a liquid? - l don't know.
|- An honest answer.
But it's probably safe to say|that it won't be pleasant.
There's nothing l can tell you about the|Founders that you don't already know.
- l wish l could believe that.
|- Why don't you? Because you and l are so alike.
We both value our privacy, our secrets.
There's something|you haven't told anyone, something you didn't even share|with Starfleet and Commander Sisko.
Hm? But you are going to tell me, Odo.
There's nothing to tell.
Perhaps something will come to you.
|l can wait.
The question iscan you? Major, leave the Chief alone.
What makes you think l'm going|to see O'Brien? lt's been three hours.
l just wanted|to see if he needed some help.
For now, the best thing we can do|is to stay out of his way.
What's the matter, Garak? You don't look very happy.
|Aren't you enjoying yourself? There is no pleasure in this for me,|Constable.
l'm simply doing my job.
Your job, yes.
This is the job you've been waiting for.
All these years of exile and here you are|interrogating a prisoner again.
lt must fill you with pride.
Just tell me what l need to know|and this will end.
But you don't want it to end,|do you, Garak? lsn't this what you've been|dreaming of? Back at work serving Cardassia.
That's right.
And you have|information that l need, information that it's my duty|to extract from you.
lt's not personal.
Odo, talk to me.
|Tell me something.
Anything! Lie if you have to,|but say it now.
- Home.
l want to go home.
|- And you will, l promise.
When this is over,|l'll take you back to Deep Space 9.
No, not the station.
Home, with my people.
You want to return to the Founders? l thought you'd turned your back|on them.
They're still my people.
l tried to deny it, l tried to forget,|but l can't.
They're my people and l want to be with them|in the Great Link.
l knew there was something secret|you were holding back.
Now you've found it, l hope it's useful.
Repairs are complete, sir.
|The cloaking device is on-line.
A souvenir of your handiwork.
- Engage cloak.
|- The cloak is operating normally.
Resume course to the Founders' planet,|maximum warp.
- Did you get anything out of him?|- Nothing.
He never broke.
That's unfortunate.
|l see no further use for Mr Odo.
Terminate him.
He is a member of the Bajoran militia|and an officer on Deep Space 9.
We may not wish to provoke|the Federation by killing him.
- l agree with Garak.
|- Do you? We don't know if all the Founders|will be on the planet when we attack.
We should be prepared to encounter|other changelings in the future.
l want to take Odo back to Romulus|for further study.
All right, in the interest of co-operation.
Bridge to Colonel Lovok.
|We've entered the Omarion Nebula.
We should be in orbit of the planet|in 1 5 minutes.
lt seems the moment is nearly at hand.
Can l do something for you? - Why protect the changeling?|- l wasn't trying to protect him.
You thought it was a good idea|to keep him alive as well.
My interest is based on the strategic|interests of the Romulan Empire.
But you seem to have|a personal interest in him.
What else am l feeling? l've never been psychoanalysed|by a Romulan.
This is a fascinating experience.
You are a practised liar, Mr Garak,|but l am a practised observer.
l am going to be observing you|very closely.
- We are within disrupter range.
|- Scan the planet.
Multiple life forms.
|They appear to be in a liquid state.
Signal the fleet|to lock onto their targets.
We will open fire|the moment we drop our cloaks.
All weapons charged.
So much for the Dominion.
Open fire.
- The first barrage is complete.
|- Effect? No change in life form readings.
Some of them had to be killed.
Readings confirmed.
There's no change|in the number of life signs.
They're using a transponder|to send false sensor readings.
- The planet's deserted.
|- Colonel, signal the fleet to Ships coming out of the nebula.
|Jem'Hadar fighters.
How many? - l asked you a question!|- 1 50.
Tactical display.
lt's a trap.
They've been waiting|for us all along.
The Koranak has been destroyed.
|Makar and Belak have lost power.
Concentrate fire on ships|attacking on the port quarter.
They'll destroy every ship if we stay.
Our only hope is to return|to the Alpha Quadrant.
The Jem'Hadar have cut us off.
|We need to make our stand here.
How could this be? l'm afraid the fault, dear Tain,|is not in our stars but in ourselves.
Something l learned from Dr Bashir.
Main power's out.
Bridge to Engineering.
We need power|to the weapons.
l'll be in Engineering.
|Tain, take command.
Four more Jem'Hadar vessels|closing on our position.
The attack is not proceeding|according to plan? l suggest we make our way|to the runabout.
For once, l agree with you.
You will need this in order to gain|access to your runabout.
Why are you doing this? No changeling|has ever harmed another.
- You are one of the Founders?|- Of course.
This whole plan was the Founders' idea.
You wanted the Tal Shiar and|the Obsidian Order to combine forces so you could wipe them out.
Tain originated the plan.
We did everything we could|to carry it forward.
The Tal Shiar and the Obsidian Order|are ruthless organisations, - a definite threat to us.
|- But not after today.
After today, the only real threat to us|are the Klingons and the Federation.
l doubt that either of them will be|a threat for much longer.
lt is not too late for you, Odo.
|Come with me.
You can still become one|with the Great Link if you wish.
Thank you.
But my answer is still no.
Come on.
The runabout is that way, section 25.
- Where are you going?|- To get Tain.
l still owe him a personal debt|and l have to try to repay it.
Wait for us as long as you can.
Tain, we have to go! There must have been an informant.
Yes, there was an informant.
|Colonel Lovok is a changeling.
That's something we can discuss|at another time.
l have underestimated the Founders.
There was a time when nothing got|past me.
Remember, Elim? Yes, l do.
But now we have to go! Go where? Back to Mila|and my quiet retirement? l must be getting old.
|l let my pride override my instinct.
ln the old days, l would have kept|Lovok at arm's length.
- He was too cagey, too smart.
|- l can't just leave you here.
l always had a soft spot for you, Garak.
|Another of my flaws.
Enabran! These Founders, Elim.
|They're very good.
Next time we should be more careful.
You can be very persuasive|on occasion.
ln the future, l hope you'll consider|using gentler language.
A Jem'Hadar ship is following us.
|Raise shields.
Aft shields down to 50%.
|More speed would be advisable.
The warp drive is off-line.
Shields down to 30%.
Another ship is approaching|to starboard.
Shields down to 1 5%.
Main power's failing.
|We're losing speed.
The shields are gone.
Odo, l hope that you will accept my sincere apologies for all this.
- A little late, isn't it?|- Nevertheless.
l may not agree with what you did, but l can understand|your desire to return home.
Thank you.
What? Three more coming in.
Fire on the lead ship,|then bring us back to the runabout.
Two life signs on the runabout.
Bridge to Transporter Room.
|Beam them aboard, Chief.
Four more Jem'Hadar ships closing.
- l've got them.
|- Raise shields.
- Welcome back.
|- Thank you.
- That looks painful.
|- lt is.
But it did save my life.
- Shields at 80%.
|- Attack pattern Omega lV.
Hold fire until we're within 500 metres.
We might get pretty singed|at that range.
Not as singed as they're going|to get.
Engage! - 500.
|- Fire! - The third ship is still pursuing.
|- Aft torpedoes.
Direct hit on their port nacelle.
|We're out of their weapons' range.
Any other signs of pursuit? The other fighters are concentrating|on the remaining ships.
Let's not wait around for them.
|Set course for the wormhole.
- lt's good to see you again.
|- Likewise, Major.
There's no indication that any Romulan|or Cardassian vessel survived.
Sounds like Wolf 359 all over again.
l had the same thought.
l've decided not to file charges|against anyone on the Defiant.
But if you pull a stunt like that again,|l'll court martial you or promote you.
- You'll be in a lot of trouble.
|- l'll keep that in mind, sir.
l just read the report that you wrote|and l wanted to thank you.
Me? For what? For not mentioning my desire|to return to my people.
l consider the entire conversation|as something best forgotten.
As do l.
Quark has expressed an interest|in renting this space if you're not going to use it.
He mentioned something|about an Argelian massage facility.
l don't think Commander Sisko would|approve of such an interesting facility.
l tend to agree.
But do l think he would approve|of a tailor's shop.
Do you know|what the sad part is, Odo? l'm a very good tailor.
Garak, l was thinking that you and l should|have breakfast together sometime.
Why, Constable,|l thought you didn't eat.
l don't.

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