Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi (2022) s01e03 Episode Script


You've been studying that tablet
for a long time.
Are the answers you need
over Master Katri's death in that file?
And Senator Larik's testimony
isn't enough for you?
Master Katri died from an ambush.
My instincts tell me
it is not that simple.
Who ambushed the senator? Why?
And if Master Katri was killed,
how did the senator escape?
Why are you concerning yourself
with these questions?
The Council gave us our instructions.
To return Master Katri's body
to the Jedi Temple,
so she can have a proper burial.
But something more should be done.
Since we are not members of the Council,
we cannot involve ourselves
in local political skirmishes,
unless requested by
the Jedi High Council or Senate.
My friend,
your devotion to rules is sometimes
inspiring and sometimes maddening.
Welcome to Raxus Secundus.
I am Jedi Master Windu,
and this is Master Dooku.
We are here to see Senator Larik.
We are saddened by
what happened to Master Katri.
She was well respected and will be missed.
I will take you to Senator Larik.
I was at my residence on Coruscant
when I was contacted by these rebels.
Considering they were threatening war,
I decided to return to Raxus,
to hear them out.
Why would you choose to go
without a security detail?
Because I hoped for peace on Raxus,
and I'm willing to do anything for it.
I confided as much to Master Katri
when she arrived.
Being the Jedi that she was,
she refused to let me out of her sight.
And she paid for it with her life.
Senator, we've taken enough of your time.
If you can show us
where Master Katri's body is
Before we do that,
I'd like to see where you and Katri went
to meet this informer.
To go back there and relive the incident
would be heartbreaking.
I can show you
where this tragic incident happened.
We responded to
the senator's distress signal.
By the time we arrived,
it was too late to save Master Katri.
Let us be on our way.
It's obvious that he's hiding something.
We should take this information
back to the Council.
Would you want Katri to leave
without finding out what happened to you?
I would want her to follow protocol.
[birds chirping]
How many attackers were there, Senator?
It happened so fast.
I-I couldn't give you an exact number.
Master Katri exited the ship first,
and before she could clear the area,
they descended upon her.
Firing upon her immediately?
From what I can remember.
It was terrifying.
If Master Katri were fired upon here,
why are there no blast marks on your ship?
No damage?
Judging from your description,
someone fired
from the direction of the ship.
For a Jedi to succumb
to a surprise attack is rare.
Unless that attack is from someone
one would trust. Like you.
I will have the truth.
Dooku. Stand down.
The guards killed her!
Tell us what really happened.
You and all of the Senate puppets
will see a reckoning!
Tell us your reason
for killing Master Katri.
We are part of a group who learned
Larik was using a Senate seat
to become rich at the expense
of our people and planet.
He was willing to bleed Raxus dry,
luring off-world companies to come in
and industrialize the land.
He was selling off our planet
piece by piece.
All from his comfortable residence
on faraway Coruscant.
So you lured Larik here.
However, if you killed Katri,
why did you let the senator live?
Because we were going to force him
to put forth our own agenda
at the next Senate hearing meeting.
Why didn't you take this
to the proper authorities?
Katri was a keeper of the peace.
Jedi are lapdogs of the Senate.
Their bidding always comes first.
It's evident throughout the galaxy.
Jedi claim peace but mostly keep
law and order for the rich and powerful.
Katri was a Jedi. She would've listened.
Your ideology, while faulty,
does have its points.
I'm surprised to hear that from a Jedi.
[Windu] Dooku.
I don't condone your methods,
but you had every right
to protect your planet.
Make sure your people don't lose heart
and evolve, Semage.
It is the only way
you will truly have victory.
I say that for all of us.
The Council will have questions.
I believe they'll be happy to know
that we solved Master Katri's murder.
But will they be happy with your tactics?
I have no problem explaining myself.
Now, let me ask you one thing.
Do you think the Jedi
will truly keep peace
if they continue to take everything
the Senate says as law?
Luckily, we are guided by our Council
and not by politics nor ego.
Master Katri was patient
with younglings and Jedi
who questioned themselves relentlessly.
She was of the Force.
It flowed with certainty through her.
A minute?
I am told you will be presented
with Master Katri's Council seat.
I will.
Is this something you knew was happening
before we left for Raxus?
I was as surprised as you are now.
Dooku, you and I both were together
when the mission was assigned.
I stuck to the mission.
You decided to interfere in a way
that led to a senator's death.
I will speak to the Council
on your behalf.
How kind of you, Master Jedi.
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