Strike (2017) s06e01 Episode Script
Season 6, Episode 1
Your birthday present.
You already got me flowers.
Oh, I should have done better.
If it's not too late, I'd like to
buy you some new perfume.
That's what you wanted, isn't it?
- Did Ilsa tell you that?
- I don't want to choose it for you.
You pick it out and I'll pay for it.
Afterwards, I'll take you to dinner.
How do you know about sheep diseases?
Er, Charlotte's family kept
sheep on Arran.
It's probably a tax write-off.
I spent a bit of time there before
her step-mum climbed into my bed.
Ah! What did you do?
- Well
- Oh, I really don't
I You don't have to tell me.
- I didn't shag her!
- Oh, no. It was one in the morning.
- Mm.
I jumped up, I fell over the washstand.
Charlotte ran in,
thought I'd keeled over, pissed.
She started screaming,
and then Sir Anthony came up
in his dressing gown,
but he hadn't done the belt up.
You haven't truly experienced
the ruling classes
until you've had
a knight of the realm shout at you
- with his cock hanging out.
He collected stamps
and shotguns and wives.
- She was number three.
- Mm.
Well, I mean, I can't really
talk, can I?
I screwed up my marriage in less
than a year.
You didn't screw it up,
Matthew had the affair.
Yeah, but I, er
I never really wanted to be there.
You know I tried to end it
on our honeymoon?
It was just
It was all wrong, really. But I, erm
I chickened out.
Anyway, people keep trying to set me up.
How's that going?
Mm, it's not.
None of them are
Oh! Sorry.
Still can't get used to heels.
- I struggle with them too.
I'll get you a taxi.
No, you don't need to do that.
You've spent way too much.
We're doing OK.
A lot of that's down to you.
It's the least I can do.
I should do more.
Strike, I
You and me
Me and you
Somehow we made it through
I may be gone
I may be far away
But I'll walk beside you
Every step of the way
When you're used
Black and blued
Don't think about it
Never doubt it
I'll walk beside you. ♪
The model was a red-head.
Elizabeth Siddal. Do you know about her?
She married Rossetti,
got her heart broken.
What do you see?
Erm, I guess
..roses and nettles.
It's like he's saying
love and pain belong together.
an appointment?
- No.
- We're strictly by appointment.
Er, then can I make an appointment
to see Robin Ellacott straight away?
Daisies for innocence
and a willow tree for purity.
It's Ophelia's whole story.
Are you up to seeing someone?
I can tell her to come back.
- Who is she?
Her name's Edie Ledwell.
Is she a nutter?
Do you want me to ask her?
- Any kissing?
- He hasn't touched her.
Maybe he's not interested.
I don't think he's after her views
- on pre-Raphaelite painters.
So, Midge, how you finding the job?
Yeah, loving it.
Plenty of fresh air.
I'm due in Mayfair.
Keep your camera ready.
If they kiss, it'll be one-and-done.
Why isn't your name on the door?
Oh, the door was there before me.
You're here now.
It's just a door.
Look, I'm really sorry,
I'm afraid if it's about a case,
we're not taking on any new clients.
There's a waiting list.
Er, can I can I smoke?
Er, it it's a nonsmoking building.
Well, somebody smokes.
- Not in office hours.
- It's fine.
I've got gum, erm
That's for you.
We're fully booked.
Well, I can pay more
than your usual rate.
If I'm honest, I'm totally desperate,
so you can charge me whatever you like.
Can I at least tell you what it is
I don't know what else to do.
Do you want to take a seat?
Have you heard of The Ink Black Heart?
Erm, it's a TV show, isn't it?
It is now. It started
as a cartoon we put on the web.
Me and my ex-boyfriend made it.
Erm, it's going to be a film soon.
Sorry, I just really need
We've got a lot of fans and most of
them are great, but one of them
Oh, fuck it.
Can I please have a cigarette?
Er, yeah, you can have one
out the window.
One of the fans is stalking me online,
and it's not because they like me.
They completely hate me.
It's like they've made it their
mission to make my life unbearable.
I mean, I can handle the trolls,
but this is nothing like that.
This has been every single day
for three years.
Well, if it's stalking,
then the police should
I've already tried.
They can't do anything,
because no-one knows
this person's real name.
They use the name Anomie for all
their accounts.
Anomie was one of the creators of an
online game based on my cartoon.
They've, er
..posted pictures of my flat.
They've told people I used to work
as a prostitute, which isn't true.
Erm, they've even convinced
Josh that I'm Anomie.
Like I'm harassing myself
just to get sympathy.
Josh is who I made the show with.
This is someone I used to love,
and even he thinks I'm a scheming bitch.
I mean
Everything is poisoned.
I feel like I'm losing my mind.
And do you want to know
what the worst thing is?
Anomie is someone who knows me.
They know loads of stuff -
and true things,
like when I tried to kill myself
- I'm so sorry
- Har Sorry.
Hardly anyone knew, but Anomie did.
They knew which hospital I was in.
They tweeted it.
Saying I'd done it for attention.
I think I've covered everything.
It's all in the folder.
I think There's a possibility
it might be
somebody I used to live with,
a guy called Pez
- Miss Ledwell
- The point is, I don't know.
These people were my friends,
and now I'm thinking, "Is it you?
Do you really hate me that much?"
Please help me.
..even if we were available,
we just don't have that
kind of expertise.
These agencies are cyber specialists.
They're both good.
I, er
I really wanted it to be you.
Er, I've read about you.
Mr Strike
is very good at what he does
No. No, I wanted you.
But it's OK.
I get it. You're too busy.
So am I.
Is there really no chance at all?
One of those agencies will help you.
What happened to your neck?
Oh, just clumsy.
That's two hours of the worst
conversation you'll ever hear.
Right at the end,
he says he's got a flat in Chelsea.
Can you ask the client, see
if she knows anything about that?
Will do. Thanks.
I'm really sorry
we couldn't be of more help.
Right, well, bye, then.
You should get this door fixed.
Oh, my sister's going to a party.
Why didn't she invite you?
Because I'm dead?! Because you've
eaten off all my skin and flesh?!
- It's not like you were using it!
- Argh!
Sad, so very sad.
Come on, Paperwhite. You're dead.
Things can only get better.
Begone, foul thing!
I'm not foul!
Look at yourself. A good heart is pink.
You are pickled in evil!
Can we still play together?
Yes! Let's play a game, bwah!
Drek wants to play!
MIDGE: Is that The Ink Black Heart?
Tell me you're not into that.
Why? Oh, my ex was obsessed.
She used to do all the voices.
"Sad, so very sad."
"Play the game, bwah!"
Oh, shoot me now.
The person who created it just came in.
Oh, what, Edie Ledwell?
Yeah. Did your ex talk about her
as well?
Oh, yeah. In Beth's world,
Edie Ledwell is a bigot, a 'phobe,
a racist, a disablist.
Is she, though?
Probably not.
But Beth basically lives
her life online,
and you're not a true ally unless
you've burnt someone at the stake
before breakfast.
She's left this in the loo.
Did she leave an address?
No. And she's done it on purpose,
hasn't she?
Er, she's probably got an agent.
I'll get it back to her.
What, you're not taking her case?
We can't. We've got no capacity.
We most definitely do not.
Kipping in the office like a teenager
because you've been out working so late.
I'm agreeing with you.
Do you know where I'm
supposed to be next?
Petherton Road.
So, a couple of your fans have
created an online game
based on one of your characters.
Yeah, Drek's Game.
We checked that out.
The detail's unreal.
Anomie and Morehouse, thanks very much.
It's weird, though,
because in our cartoon,
Drek's game isn't really a game.
You know, the whole point is
that Drek makes up
the rules as he goes along
so he can watch everyone lose.
It's not a game you can actually play.
Anomie and Morehouse don't
seem to understand that.
Robin reckons that job might be
finished now.
She could do the antiques job with
you if it still needs two people.
Put her and Barclay on it.
Sam's doing that other thing in Chelsea.
I'll take over on the Chelsea job.
- Thank you.
- Allan Yeoman.
Robin Ellacott. I'm a private detective.
Yes, Edie said she'd met you.
Were you expecting me?
Well, she did say that
if you happened to come by,
that I might try to change your mind.
I did give her the names
of two digital specialists.
I've called the ones you suggested.
- Fingers crossed.
- Great.
Here's her file.
Will you give Edie my best?
Er, one second, erm
She, er, left this for you
..on the off-chance you'd drop in.
She didn't mean to waste your time,
she just had her heart set on you.
Can I ask, why does Anomie
hate her so much?
He's built an entire game dedicated
to her cartoon.
I'd have thought she'd be his hero.
All we can think of is,
she once said in an interview
she thought Drek's Game
didn't understand Drek's character.
I think I might have seen that.
She said that Drek's games aren't
really games you can play,
in the cartoon.
That's when the abuse
from Anomie started.
Three years later, here we are.
She's really been through hell.
Her break-up with Josh was terrible
and now he's accused her of doing
all manner of nasty things.
I've been very worried about her.
Will you tell her that I watched
the show and I really liked it?
She's very talented.
She is. And, erm, yes, I'll do that.
Thank you.
Take care.
- Ilsa!
- Hello!
Thanks for coming.
I can't wait to show you this.
- I'll wait outside.
- Thank you.
There's only one bedroom, but
I can get a sofa-bed in here.
I think it's great.
What's the, er, chain situation?
Oh, there's no chain.
The landlord wants a quick sale, so
What does Cormoran think of it?
Er, I haven't told him yet.
What's going on with the two of you?
Well Well, I'll tell him
at some point.
Don't try to bullshit me.
I've been a lawyer since I was a foetus.
Well, Cormoran took me out for birthday last month.
And as I was leaving, he, er
..went to kiss me.
- Oh, my God!
- I just panicked.
I kind of pulled away, and I
Oh, I can still remember
the look on his face.
He just sort of bundled me into
a taxi and that was that, aha.
I just panicked.
I don't know.
Come on.
..I knew he'd regret it
once he sobered up.
..I couldn't stand the idea
of hearing him say
that it was a mistake. I just
I just didn't want to hear him
say he hadn't meant it.
So what are you saying?
Are you in love with him?
I definitely don't want to be.
That'd screw everything up.
You haven't talked about it?
You know, the agency means a lot to me
and I don't want to mess that up.
Anyway, I've got a mortgage now,
so I need to focus on the job.
That's exactly what he'd say.
Can you bill eight hours
on the Fingers case?
Did you see that?
- Hmm?
- He's come in with an overnight bag.
Pat, I'm trying to concentrate.
It's called success syndrome.
Once all your bills are paid
and you're on top of your game,
you start filling the void
with booze and unsuitable women
and cigarettes.
Isn't this the girl
we had in here a while back?
Oh, Edie Ledwell, yeah.
Has her film been announced?
No, love. She's been murdered.
Mr Strike
..could you come in here?
Want something stronger?
I don't want to talk to the police
smelling of booze.
I'm fine, I
If I keeled over every time someone
was stabbed in London
I'd spend half my life unconscious.
Her being killed had nothing to do
with us not taking the case.
You know that, don't you?
Yeah, obviously, I know that.
She was desperate, though.
Can you just, erm?
Can you just give me a couple of
minutes to get myself together?
Evening. I'm DCI Richard Murphy.
This is Angela Darwish.
Cormoran Strike. Head through there.
How are we spelling "Anomie"?
It means a lack of usual ethical
and social standards.
It can also mean feeling
disconnected from people.
Edie wanted us to find out
who they were.
She thought it was probably someone
close to her,
because when she tried to kill herself,
Anomie knew which hospital she was
sent to.
She mentioned someone
she used to live with.
Was that Wally Cardew?
I-I think it was someone called
Pez, I think
I didn't take notes, because I knew
we couldn't take the case.
How was her state of mind?
She was anxious.
She needed to smoke.
She bit her fingernails.
Her clothes were creased. I mean,
she had an expensive handbag
but her boots needed reheeling and
And she had fingertip bruising
on her neck.
I asked her about it,
she just made up an excuse.
Was she in a relationship?
Er, she had a fiance,
but he's not a suspect.
Did she say anything about being
attacked for her political beliefs?
She didn't mention politics.
Well, unless you've got anything?
No, I think we're all done here.
Sorry, can I ask what happened?
I know you're not allowed to share
anything officially,
but we've got great relationships
with the police
and we're used to confidentiality.
I think that would be OK.
She was due to meet a man called
Josh Blay in Highgate Cemetery.
- Her ex-boyfriend.
- Mm.
They were both attacked.
We think she was already dead
before he arrived.
Now, he's had surgery,
but he's still touch-and-go.
Any witnesses?
No. Nothing on cameras either.
Now, her phone was taken, so we're
hoping they'll be stupid enough
to turn it on.
I'm afraid that's all we can share.
Thank you.
If I need to get hold of you,
where are you based?
Everything goes through DCI Murphy.
Thanks again.
Sorry, do you mind?
You beat me to it.
Did you notice the way he's DCI Murphy
but she's just Angela Darwish?
I asked how I could get hold of her,
and she dodged it.
What are you saying?
I think she might be MI5.
They work with the police
on counter-terrorism.
Why would Edie Ledwell be
a target for terrorists?
I don't know, but they did ask about
her politics, didn't they?
And that guy they mentioned,
Wally Cardew.
He used to voice
a character on her cartoon,
but she sacked him for being alt-right.
It's not our case, though, is it?
So we're wasting our time.
I'm going to go home.
See you.
- MAN: Where do we start?
- EDIE: Oh, you know where we started.
Yeah, I'm talking about for this!
Oh, er, where do we start?
MAN: Talk about your plans
for world domination.
That's a given.
Katya, what do you reckon?
Katya's our media mastermind.
So this video is all her fault.
Well, Edie and Josh,
you're two episodes in,
you've had a great reaction,
what do you want to say to all
the people who've discovered
The Ink Black Heart?
Thank you?
Oh, don't make it sound like a question!
It's like you're not sure
if you should give a shit.
Should I?
Er, thank you for watching.
We really appreciate it, a lot.
So, I got fired from playing Drek
because I made some jokes.
Process that.
A comedy cartoon fires me
for doing comedy sketches.
Did I pick on disabled people? No.
I went for everyone,
and I wasn't even going for them.
I was going for the kind of idiots
that fire people like me
over "values".
I mean, what values are
we talking about, Edie?
Because we all know your values.
Shagging other people's boyfriends,
nicking other people's ideas.
Are they values? I don't know.
Ask Kea Niven, maybe.
Where did the inspiration
for Harty come from?
When I was a kid,
my mum told me this story
about this evil person who swapped
their heart for a stone
so they wouldn't have to feel
any remorse
for the things they'd done.
And then we were in the cemetery one day
and I had this idea that maybe
their heart lived on
after the evil man was buried.
But he's turned black,
because he's pickled in evil.
Oh, but he's not really evil, though.
It's just no-one will believe him
because of who his owner was.
Thank you.
What's up, everyone?
I can't say "Bwah" any more
because apparently
that's copyright infringement,
even though me saying it
that exact same way
is where Edie got the idea for
Drek's voice in the first place.
I can't get any auditions,
because Edie fired me for being
whatever, racist, disablist
No-one will touch me.
So she didn't just get me
fired from one job,
she got me fired from
the whole industry.
So this is me now.
I'm going to do my own thing.
Just me and you guys, going direct.
No mainstream media required.
Mali and Nigeria, they were all
minting it, selling African slaves!
And then the Royal Navy shut down
their business and they're furious!
The Navy lost 17,000 men
freeing 150,000 slaves.
That's called paying a price.
But this lot, they don't want
to hear about that.
No, they're like, "Aw, they blew all
their slave money,
"and then we stopped them
from selling human beings
"and so we need to give them
some more money!"
And I'm like, "Why?"
Instead of calling for reparations,
how about sending the Royal Navy
a thank-you note instead?
I'm going to be doing
some more pranks later on.
Come down and say hello.
Details in my socials.
Play the game, bwah!
Next question from the fans,
from LepinesDisciple
..are you guys a couple?
Yeah, no spoilers.
Are you saying you know how it ends?
Oh, it has to end badly.
What, in a haze of drink and drugs?
Ha! No, that's now.
These are the good times.
Yeah, I'll email it over.
Oh, erm, I'll ring you back.
Yeah, yeah.
- Oh, hey.
- Hi.
I wanted to update you on Edie Ledwell,
in the strictest confidence, of course.
Great, thank you.
Do you want to come up?
No, no, that's OK.
- I need to be getting back.
- OK.
Erm, there's going to be an article
in the papers.
It'll say that a far-right group
called The Halvening
are claiming responsibility
for the murder of Edie Ledwell,
along with pipe-bombs being
sent to three female MPs.
I mean, the journalist says
it's come from one source,
done over email. But we've been
following this lot
for several months and everything
they've told the journalist
looks credible.
Have you got anything else on Anomie?
We had a look, and he spent
a lot of time and effort
trying to tear Edie down,
which fits with one of
The Halvening's strategies.
But this game he created
- Drek's Game.
- Yeah.
It's been running for three years.
I don't see The Halvening bothering
to build a whole game
just to go after one target.
Well, apart from what's in this article,
is there any evidence that
The Halvening killed Edie?
Well, we know the killer used
a Taser on Edie and Josh,
and according
to the journalist's source,
The Halvening use Bitcoin to
get their kit off the dark web.
Things like high-quality latex disguises
and materials for making bombs.
Using a Taser fits with that.
Why have they gone public now?
Don't know. Maybe one of them
grew a conscience?
Or they might have decided
that now it's time
to start taking credit for what
they've done.
It's hard to tell.
We've got a big team
working on all of this.
I just thought you'd want to know.
Thank you, I really appreciate it.
Er, it's nice seeing you again.
You too.
Strike and Ellacott Agency.
One moment.
Allan Yeoman for you.
Mr Yeoman, I've been meaning to call
- Hi.
- I am so sorry to hear about Edie.
I wish we'd been able to help.
You might still be able to.
Would you consider meeting me?
Yeah, of course we would.
Good to see you again, Miss Ellacott.
I'm Allan Yeoman,
I represented Edie Ledwell.
This is Richard Elgar,
- the head of Mavericker Films.
- Hello.
His company will be making
The Ink Black Heart film.
Don't let my accent throw you off -
we're a British company.
This is Edie's uncle, Grant Ledwell,
her next of kin.
- Hello.
- We thought we should include him.
I've taken on managing Edie's
share of The Ink Black Heart.
- Sorry for your loss.
- Please, sit down.
Have you, erm, heard anything
more from the police investigation?
Well, they reckon it's far-right nutters
angry about Wally Cardew getting fired.
Have you seen the papers?
Oh, we read the article, yeah.
What about Josh Blay? How is he?
I've spoken to Katya Upcott a few times.
She's Josh's agent, they're very close.
Josh is partially paralysed.
I don't think he remembers very much.
I wouldn't rely on Josh Blay.
Why do you say that?
Well, I'm just saying that he's
the only one who benefits
from all this, isn't he?
He's the only creator left.
He's not the only Ledwell, though.
If the knife had gone
two millimetres to the left,
he'd have been killed. I don't think
anyone believes Josh is a suspect.
We should say that making this film
is absolutely in Josh's
best interests.
The cost of his ongoing care
is going to be significant.
I think he treated Edie very badly.
Guys, if I may. We should let
the police do their job.
We're here to discuss the film.
Well, exactly. We can't sit here
all day.
OK, so, what we'd like you to do
is find out who Anomie is.
He's the creator of Drek's Game.
I thought there were two creators.
Sure, but the other guy, Morehouse,
he's never been a problem.
Anomie is jeopardising our movie.
Just before Edie died, we were
about to close the film deal.
Now, as Edie's heir, Grant can sign,
but as things stand,
Josh won't go ahead.
Not while Anomie is still active.
Josh just wants more money.
ALLAN: Josh knows how vicious
Anomie can be.
He's worried Anomie will
turn his sights on him.
No, it's me Anomie's targeting.
He's coming after me already.
What kind of things is he doing?
Well, saying stuff like me
and Heather started as an affair.
Is that true? I'm not prying.
I just want to know
if Anomie's information is accurate.
Well, my first marriage was over
in all but name.
But there's other stuff,
like knowing my ex-wife has lupus.
He's hostile to anyone
involved in the film project.
And if he continues like this, he's
going to toxify the entire brand.
No, but he's not hostile to Josh,
though, is he?
Always leaves Josh alone.
Now, this film is supposed
to be a no-brainer,
but now we've got Josh holding out
and we've got Edie's fiance, who's
trying to get paid for a script
That's not relevant here.
Who is Edie's fiance?
Oh, some bloke called Phillip Ormond.
He's a total chancer.
Find out who Anomie is
so we can get Josh to sign the deal.
That's what we're hoping
you will do for us.
We tried the cyber route you
suggested, but it went nowhere.
Security around the game is top notch.
We need a new approach.
Can I just ask, were gaming rights
part of the film deal?
Yeah, and they still are.
So could you shut down Drek's Game
on the basis of copyright
and go after Anomie that way?
He hasn't monetised his game,
so it would be hard to make
the case for financial loss.
And since we don't have a real
person to take to court
Quite. We need Anomie's real name.
How under-the-radar are you
planning on being?
We want to be discreet.
Josh's agent knows what we're doing
and she's supportive,
so you can talk to Katya,
maybe Josh as well,
provided he's up to it.
You were Edie's first choice,
and I think with good reason.
So you think you might be able to
help us?
I'm in.
Thank you.
I have one question.
If we find out who Anomie is
..what do you plan to do about it?
Once we have a name,
it shouldn't be hard to turn
Anomie from hunter to hunted.
We'll find evidence of hypocrisy,
racial insensitivity,
sexual harassment.
There's always something.
We'll put it out there.
Those who live by the mob,
die by the mob.
Thank you.
We'll get started.
Edie was convinced that Anomie
was someone who knew her.
She tried to figure it out herself
by looking at Anomie's tweets.
When Edie attempted suicide,
Anomie knew about it
within hours of it happening.
And likewise, when they were
in talks about a feature film,
Anomie already knew which production
company was involved.
So Anomie is obviously someone
with access to inside information.
Now, this first group of suspects
are people that Josh and Edie
worked with.
Most of them still live together
in an artists' collective
up in Highgate.
Would you do the lights, Midge?
..haze of drink and drugs.
- Nah, that's now.
- Ha-ha!
These are the good times.
We're not doing this on our own.
North Grove Collective, say hello.
Nils is not just our landlord
and an artist in his own right,
but today, he's also our cameraman.
Er, this is too many jobs.
That is Nils de Jung.
He owns the building they live in.
It's Pez Pierce, ladies and gentlemen.
Though it's mostly the
ladies I'm talking to now.
And this guy is who Edie told me
was her main suspect.
Ha, ha, ha. Cheers, girls.
Swing by any time!
Tell them who you play.
Oh, I play Magspie, a thieving magpie.
And the fact that I'm a Scouser
is purely coincidental.
But if this interview ever goes
missing, though
That'll be because it was too shite
to even go on the internet!
- Oh, you've done me already.
- Take a bow though, girl.
Now, this is Katya Upcott.
She started out helping them with
PR and ended up as their agent.
Edie moved on, but Josh stayed with her.
She had access to all
their deal negotiations.
Hey, why am I last?
Main event, mate.
Headliner always comes on last.
That's right, bwah!
Cos it's all about Drek!
You mean it's all about Wally.
Play the game, bwah!
STRIKE: Wally Cardew is someone the
police are already interested in
as a suspect in Edie's murder.
I've looked at the comments section
on his video channel.
It's full of people urging him
to check out
- the Brotherhood of Ultima Thule.
- What's that?
They're an alt-right movement.
They reckon they're
reviving Viking ideals.
I'm not sure the original Vikings
were that bothered about
feminists or racial purity.
I'm thinking they might be a feeder
group for The Halvening,
who have claimed responsibility
for Edie's murder.
North Grove offer evening art classes
which anyone can sign up for,
so I have enrolled
in a class with Mariam,
who is married to Nils.
So I'll be watching Nils and Pez.
Are you doing Venetia Hall again?
Er, no, I am Jessica,
marketing executive
who's always regretted dropping
A-level art.
And what about the others?
So, this is Kea Niven,
Josh's ex-girlfriend,
and Yasmin Weatherhead
is a PA that Edie fired.
Edie ended up discounting both of them,
because when Josh broke up with Kea,
she no longer had access
to inside information.
And the same goes for Yasmin.
They're not ruled out as Anomie,
they're just low priority.
And Yasmin's a writer?
She's writing a book about being
an Ink Black Heart fan.
Oh, that's my holiday reading sorted.
The last one we've added is not
someone Edie had as a suspect.
Phillip Ormond, her fiance.
Ormond lived with Edie, so he had
access to personal information.
She also had bruising on her neck
which she avoided talking about,
so we definitely need to watch him.
What we want to do is rule out as
many of these as soon as possible.
You're all going to follow
Anomie on Twitter.
If Anomie's active and you can see
your suspect's
not on a computer or on a phone,
we can rule them out.
How often does Anomie tweet?
Five or six times a day.
More if they get into an argument.
We should also sign up for Drek's Game.
Anomie's on there all the time.
My ex used to get dead excited
when she was talking to him.
Like she'd met the Pope
or something. It's ridiculous.
Drek says no new players. Ha-ha, ha-ha!
Maybe they're worried
about the police sniffing about?
Murphy mentioned The Halvening might
have used the game
to stir up hate against Edie, so, yeah.
Is there a chance your ex might
let us use her login?
Oh, er, we've not spoken for,
like, a year.
Yeah, the relationship ended
with a lot of daytime sex.
Only, I wasn't the one having it
with her.
Oh, sorry. Forget I asked.
Twitter it is.
Barclay, you're on the fiance,
Phillip Ormond.
He teaches in Gospel Oak
and lives in Finchley.
Midge, you're on Katya Upcott.
I'm going to be watching Wally.
I'm not being funny, but you should
try and look like that more often.
Yeah, Jessica is anxious about
people thinking
she's a corporate sell-out.
Jessica could be working for Satan
and most boys won't give a monkey's
with her looking like you do.
Before you go,
can you take a look at the rota?
I've got you down for 60 hours
this week.
Yeah, I know, we need to find more
See you.
How's she going to find a boyfriend
if she never stops working?
Maybe she's shagging Strike?
She's got more sense than that.
Here I am in Regent's Park asking
people what they like
to eat for dinner on a Friday night.
Here, I got a good one here
with this geezer here.
Got a good one here now.
Excuse me, mate! Excuse me, mate.
- Erm, want to talk about it? No?
- Barclay?
- Do you speak English?
I've got eyes on Edie's fiance.
He's glued to his phone.
Nothing happening on Anomie's Twitter.
You're all set up, then? Aye, I'm
using an account I used to have
that's still got a few followers.
Bit less suss than a new one, eh?
So long as it doesn't
have your name on it.
Username's Tartan Rizla.
You're a class act, Barclay.
- Right, I'm off.
- Yep, see you.
- Er, I'm from California.
- Oh, right.
- What do you think of the food here?
- I mean, yeah, it's OK.
You like noodles?
- What?!
- Noodles! You like roodles?
Screw you, dude!
- Oh, he don't like noodle!
- Friggin' freak!
Hi, I'm Jessica, here for life drawing.
Ah, that's my class.
I'm Mariam. Follow me.
There we go.
Right, we're ready for drawing.
We just need the life bit now.
One sec.
Er, we're starting.
This is Preston, or Pez.
He lives here. He's a very talented
artist in his own right.
Jessica's our new girl.
Jessica, why don't you tell us
what you're hoping
to get out of the class?
Erm, hi, I'm Jessica.
Er, I did A-level art,
but nothing since then.
Erm, I work in marketing and I, er
I suppose I'm here because I'm hoping
there's more to life than marketing.
I guess I just
Er er
Er, I just, erm
I really like drawing.
Well, you've come to the right place.
Right, get started, everyone.
Oh, that's beautiful work on
the hand. You can certainly draw.
- Thanks.
- But, er, this
Oh, I just haven't got to that bit yet.
Well, a penis is far less
challenging than a hand.
Right, time's up, everyone.
Drinks in the kitchen.
Fuck. Ah!
Wow, this is amazing.
Ha-ha. Mariam did that about
five or six years ago.
Everyone in it's a mate of hers.
I'm helping roof the house.
Ledwell and Blay are on there.
Ledwell and who, sorry?
You seriously don't know who they are?
They created The Ink Black Heart.
They met here. This house is iconic.
I haven't seen you here before.
I joined an oil painting class.
Edie was murdered last month.
Yeah, she was,
and she was a mate of mine,
so her being murdered
isn't fucking gossip.
So don't show up here pretending
that you want to paint.
The cemetery's only down the road.
Go on, have a sniff around,
there might be still some
of her blood on the grass
if you're wanting a souvenir.
Oh, I'm sorry.
The fans are the worst.
I'm so sorry about your friend.
Not much to say, is there?
Edie's at the top. She's chucking an
apple from the tree to Josh.
"A state of anomie is impossible
wherever organs"
Come on.
Why don't we grab a proper drink,
you and me?
Erm, I've actually got an early
start, but, er, next week?
Yeah, I'll hold you to that. have a broad-based appeal, Wally.
Crucially, you know how to use humour,
and that's powerful, because the
majority of people in this country,
deep down, they're race realists
like we are,
but they're afraid to say
what they think.
But you say exactly
what you think, Wally,
and that's why people love you.
If you decide to join us,
we can amplify that.
Midge, you are amazing.
You got the login.
Yeah, you owe me big time.
- Right.
- Now, you can't just jump in.
Beth's been playing this game
for years, people know her.
Do you want to tell me a bit about her?
Yeah. A lying, cheating bitch.
I might need a little bit more
than that. Sorry, it's late.
- No, it's fine.
- I really appreciate this.
- Right, username
- Mm-hm.
..Buffypaws95037 all one word.
- Password
- Mm-hm.
So, this is the home page where
everybody meets.
I mean, the whole game
is a glorified chatroom, really.
Weird, it won't let me screen shot.
No, it's against the rules.
Double click on Buffy Paws
and you can see her point of view.
AUTOMATED VOICE: Hi, how are you?
Yeah, no, I enjoyed it. Really?
- Whoa!
- You all right?
Come on, mate.
Are you all right, mate?
I missed this place.
Favourite kind of dog?
Oh, trick question.
Beth likes cats.
LOL. Welcome back.
Come with me.
Ah! Argh!
Come here!
Bravo, kilo, I need back up now!
Suspect is 6'3", leather jacket,
tattoos on his
..horrible bald head.
What's going on?
Oh, never seen this.
I'm not sure where he's taking you.
Ask me the question.
What question?
You came back because you want to know.
Did I kill Edie Ledwell?
I did.
And you are welcome.
Your birthday present.
You already got me flowers.
Oh, I should have done better.
If it's not too late, I'd like to
buy you some new perfume.
That's what you wanted, isn't it?
- Did Ilsa tell you that?
- I don't want to choose it for you.
You pick it out and I'll pay for it.
Afterwards, I'll take you to dinner.
How do you know about sheep diseases?
Er, Charlotte's family kept
sheep on Arran.
It's probably a tax write-off.
I spent a bit of time there before
her step-mum climbed into my bed.
Ah! What did you do?
- Well
- Oh, I really don't
I You don't have to tell me.
- I didn't shag her!
- Oh, no. It was one in the morning.
- Mm.
I jumped up, I fell over the washstand.
Charlotte ran in,
thought I'd keeled over, pissed.
She started screaming,
and then Sir Anthony came up
in his dressing gown,
but he hadn't done the belt up.
You haven't truly experienced
the ruling classes
until you've had
a knight of the realm shout at you
- with his cock hanging out.
He collected stamps
and shotguns and wives.
- She was number three.
- Mm.
Well, I mean, I can't really
talk, can I?
I screwed up my marriage in less
than a year.
You didn't screw it up,
Matthew had the affair.
Yeah, but I, er
I never really wanted to be there.
You know I tried to end it
on our honeymoon?
It was just
It was all wrong, really. But I, erm
I chickened out.
Anyway, people keep trying to set me up.
How's that going?
Mm, it's not.
None of them are
Oh! Sorry.
Still can't get used to heels.
- I struggle with them too.
I'll get you a taxi.
No, you don't need to do that.
You've spent way too much.
We're doing OK.
A lot of that's down to you.
It's the least I can do.
I should do more.
Strike, I
You and me
Me and you
Somehow we made it through
I may be gone
I may be far away
But I'll walk beside you
Every step of the way
When you're used
Black and blued
Don't think about it
Never doubt it
I'll walk beside you. ♪
The model was a red-head.
Elizabeth Siddal. Do you know about her?
She married Rossetti,
got her heart broken.
What do you see?
Erm, I guess
..roses and nettles.
It's like he's saying
love and pain belong together.
an appointment?
- No.
- We're strictly by appointment.
Er, then can I make an appointment
to see Robin Ellacott straight away?
Daisies for innocence
and a willow tree for purity.
It's Ophelia's whole story.
Are you up to seeing someone?
I can tell her to come back.
- Who is she?
Her name's Edie Ledwell.
Is she a nutter?
Do you want me to ask her?
- Any kissing?
- He hasn't touched her.
Maybe he's not interested.
I don't think he's after her views
- on pre-Raphaelite painters.
So, Midge, how you finding the job?
Yeah, loving it.
Plenty of fresh air.
I'm due in Mayfair.
Keep your camera ready.
If they kiss, it'll be one-and-done.
Why isn't your name on the door?
Oh, the door was there before me.
You're here now.
It's just a door.
Look, I'm really sorry,
I'm afraid if it's about a case,
we're not taking on any new clients.
There's a waiting list.
Er, can I can I smoke?
Er, it it's a nonsmoking building.
Well, somebody smokes.
- Not in office hours.
- It's fine.
I've got gum, erm
That's for you.
We're fully booked.
Well, I can pay more
than your usual rate.
If I'm honest, I'm totally desperate,
so you can charge me whatever you like.
Can I at least tell you what it is
I don't know what else to do.
Do you want to take a seat?
Have you heard of The Ink Black Heart?
Erm, it's a TV show, isn't it?
It is now. It started
as a cartoon we put on the web.
Me and my ex-boyfriend made it.
Erm, it's going to be a film soon.
Sorry, I just really need
We've got a lot of fans and most of
them are great, but one of them
Oh, fuck it.
Can I please have a cigarette?
Er, yeah, you can have one
out the window.
One of the fans is stalking me online,
and it's not because they like me.
They completely hate me.
It's like they've made it their
mission to make my life unbearable.
I mean, I can handle the trolls,
but this is nothing like that.
This has been every single day
for three years.
Well, if it's stalking,
then the police should
I've already tried.
They can't do anything,
because no-one knows
this person's real name.
They use the name Anomie for all
their accounts.
Anomie was one of the creators of an
online game based on my cartoon.
They've, er
..posted pictures of my flat.
They've told people I used to work
as a prostitute, which isn't true.
Erm, they've even convinced
Josh that I'm Anomie.
Like I'm harassing myself
just to get sympathy.
Josh is who I made the show with.
This is someone I used to love,
and even he thinks I'm a scheming bitch.
I mean
Everything is poisoned.
I feel like I'm losing my mind.
And do you want to know
what the worst thing is?
Anomie is someone who knows me.
They know loads of stuff -
and true things,
like when I tried to kill myself
- I'm so sorry
- Har Sorry.
Hardly anyone knew, but Anomie did.
They knew which hospital I was in.
They tweeted it.
Saying I'd done it for attention.
I think I've covered everything.
It's all in the folder.
I think There's a possibility
it might be
somebody I used to live with,
a guy called Pez
- Miss Ledwell
- The point is, I don't know.
These people were my friends,
and now I'm thinking, "Is it you?
Do you really hate me that much?"
Please help me.
..even if we were available,
we just don't have that
kind of expertise.
These agencies are cyber specialists.
They're both good.
I, er
I really wanted it to be you.
Er, I've read about you.
Mr Strike
is very good at what he does
No. No, I wanted you.
But it's OK.
I get it. You're too busy.
So am I.
Is there really no chance at all?
One of those agencies will help you.
What happened to your neck?
Oh, just clumsy.
That's two hours of the worst
conversation you'll ever hear.
Right at the end,
he says he's got a flat in Chelsea.
Can you ask the client, see
if she knows anything about that?
Will do. Thanks.
I'm really sorry
we couldn't be of more help.
Right, well, bye, then.
You should get this door fixed.
Oh, my sister's going to a party.
Why didn't she invite you?
Because I'm dead?! Because you've
eaten off all my skin and flesh?!
- It's not like you were using it!
- Argh!
Sad, so very sad.
Come on, Paperwhite. You're dead.
Things can only get better.
Begone, foul thing!
I'm not foul!
Look at yourself. A good heart is pink.
You are pickled in evil!
Can we still play together?
Yes! Let's play a game, bwah!
Drek wants to play!
MIDGE: Is that The Ink Black Heart?
Tell me you're not into that.
Why? Oh, my ex was obsessed.
She used to do all the voices.
"Sad, so very sad."
"Play the game, bwah!"
Oh, shoot me now.
The person who created it just came in.
Oh, what, Edie Ledwell?
Yeah. Did your ex talk about her
as well?
Oh, yeah. In Beth's world,
Edie Ledwell is a bigot, a 'phobe,
a racist, a disablist.
Is she, though?
Probably not.
But Beth basically lives
her life online,
and you're not a true ally unless
you've burnt someone at the stake
before breakfast.
She's left this in the loo.
Did she leave an address?
No. And she's done it on purpose,
hasn't she?
Er, she's probably got an agent.
I'll get it back to her.
What, you're not taking her case?
We can't. We've got no capacity.
We most definitely do not.
Kipping in the office like a teenager
because you've been out working so late.
I'm agreeing with you.
Do you know where I'm
supposed to be next?
Petherton Road.
So, a couple of your fans have
created an online game
based on one of your characters.
Yeah, Drek's Game.
We checked that out.
The detail's unreal.
Anomie and Morehouse, thanks very much.
It's weird, though,
because in our cartoon,
Drek's game isn't really a game.
You know, the whole point is
that Drek makes up
the rules as he goes along
so he can watch everyone lose.
It's not a game you can actually play.
Anomie and Morehouse don't
seem to understand that.
Robin reckons that job might be
finished now.
She could do the antiques job with
you if it still needs two people.
Put her and Barclay on it.
Sam's doing that other thing in Chelsea.
I'll take over on the Chelsea job.
- Thank you.
- Allan Yeoman.
Robin Ellacott. I'm a private detective.
Yes, Edie said she'd met you.
Were you expecting me?
Well, she did say that
if you happened to come by,
that I might try to change your mind.
I did give her the names
of two digital specialists.
I've called the ones you suggested.
- Fingers crossed.
- Great.
Here's her file.
Will you give Edie my best?
Er, one second, erm
She, er, left this for you
..on the off-chance you'd drop in.
She didn't mean to waste your time,
she just had her heart set on you.
Can I ask, why does Anomie
hate her so much?
He's built an entire game dedicated
to her cartoon.
I'd have thought she'd be his hero.
All we can think of is,
she once said in an interview
she thought Drek's Game
didn't understand Drek's character.
I think I might have seen that.
She said that Drek's games aren't
really games you can play,
in the cartoon.
That's when the abuse
from Anomie started.
Three years later, here we are.
She's really been through hell.
Her break-up with Josh was terrible
and now he's accused her of doing
all manner of nasty things.
I've been very worried about her.
Will you tell her that I watched
the show and I really liked it?
She's very talented.
She is. And, erm, yes, I'll do that.
Thank you.
Take care.
- Ilsa!
- Hello!
Thanks for coming.
I can't wait to show you this.
- I'll wait outside.
- Thank you.
There's only one bedroom, but
I can get a sofa-bed in here.
I think it's great.
What's the, er, chain situation?
Oh, there's no chain.
The landlord wants a quick sale, so
What does Cormoran think of it?
Er, I haven't told him yet.
What's going on with the two of you?
Well Well, I'll tell him
at some point.
Don't try to bullshit me.
I've been a lawyer since I was a foetus.
Well, Cormoran took me out for birthday last month.
And as I was leaving, he, er
..went to kiss me.
- Oh, my God!
- I just panicked.
I kind of pulled away, and I
Oh, I can still remember
the look on his face.
He just sort of bundled me into
a taxi and that was that, aha.
I just panicked.
I don't know.
Come on.
..I knew he'd regret it
once he sobered up.
..I couldn't stand the idea
of hearing him say
that it was a mistake. I just
I just didn't want to hear him
say he hadn't meant it.
So what are you saying?
Are you in love with him?
I definitely don't want to be.
That'd screw everything up.
You haven't talked about it?
You know, the agency means a lot to me
and I don't want to mess that up.
Anyway, I've got a mortgage now,
so I need to focus on the job.
That's exactly what he'd say.
Can you bill eight hours
on the Fingers case?
Did you see that?
- Hmm?
- He's come in with an overnight bag.
Pat, I'm trying to concentrate.
It's called success syndrome.
Once all your bills are paid
and you're on top of your game,
you start filling the void
with booze and unsuitable women
and cigarettes.
Isn't this the girl
we had in here a while back?
Oh, Edie Ledwell, yeah.
Has her film been announced?
No, love. She's been murdered.
Mr Strike
..could you come in here?
Want something stronger?
I don't want to talk to the police
smelling of booze.
I'm fine, I
If I keeled over every time someone
was stabbed in London
I'd spend half my life unconscious.
Her being killed had nothing to do
with us not taking the case.
You know that, don't you?
Yeah, obviously, I know that.
She was desperate, though.
Can you just, erm?
Can you just give me a couple of
minutes to get myself together?
Evening. I'm DCI Richard Murphy.
This is Angela Darwish.
Cormoran Strike. Head through there.
How are we spelling "Anomie"?
It means a lack of usual ethical
and social standards.
It can also mean feeling
disconnected from people.
Edie wanted us to find out
who they were.
She thought it was probably someone
close to her,
because when she tried to kill herself,
Anomie knew which hospital she was
sent to.
She mentioned someone
she used to live with.
Was that Wally Cardew?
I-I think it was someone called
Pez, I think
I didn't take notes, because I knew
we couldn't take the case.
How was her state of mind?
She was anxious.
She needed to smoke.
She bit her fingernails.
Her clothes were creased. I mean,
she had an expensive handbag
but her boots needed reheeling and
And she had fingertip bruising
on her neck.
I asked her about it,
she just made up an excuse.
Was she in a relationship?
Er, she had a fiance,
but he's not a suspect.
Did she say anything about being
attacked for her political beliefs?
She didn't mention politics.
Well, unless you've got anything?
No, I think we're all done here.
Sorry, can I ask what happened?
I know you're not allowed to share
anything officially,
but we've got great relationships
with the police
and we're used to confidentiality.
I think that would be OK.
She was due to meet a man called
Josh Blay in Highgate Cemetery.
- Her ex-boyfriend.
- Mm.
They were both attacked.
We think she was already dead
before he arrived.
Now, he's had surgery,
but he's still touch-and-go.
Any witnesses?
No. Nothing on cameras either.
Now, her phone was taken, so we're
hoping they'll be stupid enough
to turn it on.
I'm afraid that's all we can share.
Thank you.
If I need to get hold of you,
where are you based?
Everything goes through DCI Murphy.
Thanks again.
Sorry, do you mind?
You beat me to it.
Did you notice the way he's DCI Murphy
but she's just Angela Darwish?
I asked how I could get hold of her,
and she dodged it.
What are you saying?
I think she might be MI5.
They work with the police
on counter-terrorism.
Why would Edie Ledwell be
a target for terrorists?
I don't know, but they did ask about
her politics, didn't they?
And that guy they mentioned,
Wally Cardew.
He used to voice
a character on her cartoon,
but she sacked him for being alt-right.
It's not our case, though, is it?
So we're wasting our time.
I'm going to go home.
See you.
- MAN: Where do we start?
- EDIE: Oh, you know where we started.
Yeah, I'm talking about for this!
Oh, er, where do we start?
MAN: Talk about your plans
for world domination.
That's a given.
Katya, what do you reckon?
Katya's our media mastermind.
So this video is all her fault.
Well, Edie and Josh,
you're two episodes in,
you've had a great reaction,
what do you want to say to all
the people who've discovered
The Ink Black Heart?
Thank you?
Oh, don't make it sound like a question!
It's like you're not sure
if you should give a shit.
Should I?
Er, thank you for watching.
We really appreciate it, a lot.
So, I got fired from playing Drek
because I made some jokes.
Process that.
A comedy cartoon fires me
for doing comedy sketches.
Did I pick on disabled people? No.
I went for everyone,
and I wasn't even going for them.
I was going for the kind of idiots
that fire people like me
over "values".
I mean, what values are
we talking about, Edie?
Because we all know your values.
Shagging other people's boyfriends,
nicking other people's ideas.
Are they values? I don't know.
Ask Kea Niven, maybe.
Where did the inspiration
for Harty come from?
When I was a kid,
my mum told me this story
about this evil person who swapped
their heart for a stone
so they wouldn't have to feel
any remorse
for the things they'd done.
And then we were in the cemetery one day
and I had this idea that maybe
their heart lived on
after the evil man was buried.
But he's turned black,
because he's pickled in evil.
Oh, but he's not really evil, though.
It's just no-one will believe him
because of who his owner was.
Thank you.
What's up, everyone?
I can't say "Bwah" any more
because apparently
that's copyright infringement,
even though me saying it
that exact same way
is where Edie got the idea for
Drek's voice in the first place.
I can't get any auditions,
because Edie fired me for being
whatever, racist, disablist
No-one will touch me.
So she didn't just get me
fired from one job,
she got me fired from
the whole industry.
So this is me now.
I'm going to do my own thing.
Just me and you guys, going direct.
No mainstream media required.
Mali and Nigeria, they were all
minting it, selling African slaves!
And then the Royal Navy shut down
their business and they're furious!
The Navy lost 17,000 men
freeing 150,000 slaves.
That's called paying a price.
But this lot, they don't want
to hear about that.
No, they're like, "Aw, they blew all
their slave money,
"and then we stopped them
from selling human beings
"and so we need to give them
some more money!"
And I'm like, "Why?"
Instead of calling for reparations,
how about sending the Royal Navy
a thank-you note instead?
I'm going to be doing
some more pranks later on.
Come down and say hello.
Details in my socials.
Play the game, bwah!
Next question from the fans,
from LepinesDisciple
..are you guys a couple?
Yeah, no spoilers.
Are you saying you know how it ends?
Oh, it has to end badly.
What, in a haze of drink and drugs?
Ha! No, that's now.
These are the good times.
Yeah, I'll email it over.
Oh, erm, I'll ring you back.
Yeah, yeah.
- Oh, hey.
- Hi.
I wanted to update you on Edie Ledwell,
in the strictest confidence, of course.
Great, thank you.
Do you want to come up?
No, no, that's OK.
- I need to be getting back.
- OK.
Erm, there's going to be an article
in the papers.
It'll say that a far-right group
called The Halvening
are claiming responsibility
for the murder of Edie Ledwell,
along with pipe-bombs being
sent to three female MPs.
I mean, the journalist says
it's come from one source,
done over email. But we've been
following this lot
for several months and everything
they've told the journalist
looks credible.
Have you got anything else on Anomie?
We had a look, and he spent
a lot of time and effort
trying to tear Edie down,
which fits with one of
The Halvening's strategies.
But this game he created
- Drek's Game.
- Yeah.
It's been running for three years.
I don't see The Halvening bothering
to build a whole game
just to go after one target.
Well, apart from what's in this article,
is there any evidence that
The Halvening killed Edie?
Well, we know the killer used
a Taser on Edie and Josh,
and according
to the journalist's source,
The Halvening use Bitcoin to
get their kit off the dark web.
Things like high-quality latex disguises
and materials for making bombs.
Using a Taser fits with that.
Why have they gone public now?
Don't know. Maybe one of them
grew a conscience?
Or they might have decided
that now it's time
to start taking credit for what
they've done.
It's hard to tell.
We've got a big team
working on all of this.
I just thought you'd want to know.
Thank you, I really appreciate it.
Er, it's nice seeing you again.
You too.
Strike and Ellacott Agency.
One moment.
Allan Yeoman for you.
Mr Yeoman, I've been meaning to call
- Hi.
- I am so sorry to hear about Edie.
I wish we'd been able to help.
You might still be able to.
Would you consider meeting me?
Yeah, of course we would.
Good to see you again, Miss Ellacott.
I'm Allan Yeoman,
I represented Edie Ledwell.
This is Richard Elgar,
- the head of Mavericker Films.
- Hello.
His company will be making
The Ink Black Heart film.
Don't let my accent throw you off -
we're a British company.
This is Edie's uncle, Grant Ledwell,
her next of kin.
- Hello.
- We thought we should include him.
I've taken on managing Edie's
share of The Ink Black Heart.
- Sorry for your loss.
- Please, sit down.
Have you, erm, heard anything
more from the police investigation?
Well, they reckon it's far-right nutters
angry about Wally Cardew getting fired.
Have you seen the papers?
Oh, we read the article, yeah.
What about Josh Blay? How is he?
I've spoken to Katya Upcott a few times.
She's Josh's agent, they're very close.
Josh is partially paralysed.
I don't think he remembers very much.
I wouldn't rely on Josh Blay.
Why do you say that?
Well, I'm just saying that he's
the only one who benefits
from all this, isn't he?
He's the only creator left.
He's not the only Ledwell, though.
If the knife had gone
two millimetres to the left,
he'd have been killed. I don't think
anyone believes Josh is a suspect.
We should say that making this film
is absolutely in Josh's
best interests.
The cost of his ongoing care
is going to be significant.
I think he treated Edie very badly.
Guys, if I may. We should let
the police do their job.
We're here to discuss the film.
Well, exactly. We can't sit here
all day.
OK, so, what we'd like you to do
is find out who Anomie is.
He's the creator of Drek's Game.
I thought there were two creators.
Sure, but the other guy, Morehouse,
he's never been a problem.
Anomie is jeopardising our movie.
Just before Edie died, we were
about to close the film deal.
Now, as Edie's heir, Grant can sign,
but as things stand,
Josh won't go ahead.
Not while Anomie is still active.
Josh just wants more money.
ALLAN: Josh knows how vicious
Anomie can be.
He's worried Anomie will
turn his sights on him.
No, it's me Anomie's targeting.
He's coming after me already.
What kind of things is he doing?
Well, saying stuff like me
and Heather started as an affair.
Is that true? I'm not prying.
I just want to know
if Anomie's information is accurate.
Well, my first marriage was over
in all but name.
But there's other stuff,
like knowing my ex-wife has lupus.
He's hostile to anyone
involved in the film project.
And if he continues like this, he's
going to toxify the entire brand.
No, but he's not hostile to Josh,
though, is he?
Always leaves Josh alone.
Now, this film is supposed
to be a no-brainer,
but now we've got Josh holding out
and we've got Edie's fiance, who's
trying to get paid for a script
That's not relevant here.
Who is Edie's fiance?
Oh, some bloke called Phillip Ormond.
He's a total chancer.
Find out who Anomie is
so we can get Josh to sign the deal.
That's what we're hoping
you will do for us.
We tried the cyber route you
suggested, but it went nowhere.
Security around the game is top notch.
We need a new approach.
Can I just ask, were gaming rights
part of the film deal?
Yeah, and they still are.
So could you shut down Drek's Game
on the basis of copyright
and go after Anomie that way?
He hasn't monetised his game,
so it would be hard to make
the case for financial loss.
And since we don't have a real
person to take to court
Quite. We need Anomie's real name.
How under-the-radar are you
planning on being?
We want to be discreet.
Josh's agent knows what we're doing
and she's supportive,
so you can talk to Katya,
maybe Josh as well,
provided he's up to it.
You were Edie's first choice,
and I think with good reason.
So you think you might be able to
help us?
I'm in.
Thank you.
I have one question.
If we find out who Anomie is
..what do you plan to do about it?
Once we have a name,
it shouldn't be hard to turn
Anomie from hunter to hunted.
We'll find evidence of hypocrisy,
racial insensitivity,
sexual harassment.
There's always something.
We'll put it out there.
Those who live by the mob,
die by the mob.
Thank you.
We'll get started.
Edie was convinced that Anomie
was someone who knew her.
She tried to figure it out herself
by looking at Anomie's tweets.
When Edie attempted suicide,
Anomie knew about it
within hours of it happening.
And likewise, when they were
in talks about a feature film,
Anomie already knew which production
company was involved.
So Anomie is obviously someone
with access to inside information.
Now, this first group of suspects
are people that Josh and Edie
worked with.
Most of them still live together
in an artists' collective
up in Highgate.
Would you do the lights, Midge?
..haze of drink and drugs.
- Nah, that's now.
- Ha-ha!
These are the good times.
We're not doing this on our own.
North Grove Collective, say hello.
Nils is not just our landlord
and an artist in his own right,
but today, he's also our cameraman.
Er, this is too many jobs.
That is Nils de Jung.
He owns the building they live in.
It's Pez Pierce, ladies and gentlemen.
Though it's mostly the
ladies I'm talking to now.
And this guy is who Edie told me
was her main suspect.
Ha, ha, ha. Cheers, girls.
Swing by any time!
Tell them who you play.
Oh, I play Magspie, a thieving magpie.
And the fact that I'm a Scouser
is purely coincidental.
But if this interview ever goes
missing, though
That'll be because it was too shite
to even go on the internet!
- Oh, you've done me already.
- Take a bow though, girl.
Now, this is Katya Upcott.
She started out helping them with
PR and ended up as their agent.
Edie moved on, but Josh stayed with her.
She had access to all
their deal negotiations.
Hey, why am I last?
Main event, mate.
Headliner always comes on last.
That's right, bwah!
Cos it's all about Drek!
You mean it's all about Wally.
Play the game, bwah!
STRIKE: Wally Cardew is someone the
police are already interested in
as a suspect in Edie's murder.
I've looked at the comments section
on his video channel.
It's full of people urging him
to check out
- the Brotherhood of Ultima Thule.
- What's that?
They're an alt-right movement.
They reckon they're
reviving Viking ideals.
I'm not sure the original Vikings
were that bothered about
feminists or racial purity.
I'm thinking they might be a feeder
group for The Halvening,
who have claimed responsibility
for Edie's murder.
North Grove offer evening art classes
which anyone can sign up for,
so I have enrolled
in a class with Mariam,
who is married to Nils.
So I'll be watching Nils and Pez.
Are you doing Venetia Hall again?
Er, no, I am Jessica,
marketing executive
who's always regretted dropping
A-level art.
And what about the others?
So, this is Kea Niven,
Josh's ex-girlfriend,
and Yasmin Weatherhead
is a PA that Edie fired.
Edie ended up discounting both of them,
because when Josh broke up with Kea,
she no longer had access
to inside information.
And the same goes for Yasmin.
They're not ruled out as Anomie,
they're just low priority.
And Yasmin's a writer?
She's writing a book about being
an Ink Black Heart fan.
Oh, that's my holiday reading sorted.
The last one we've added is not
someone Edie had as a suspect.
Phillip Ormond, her fiance.
Ormond lived with Edie, so he had
access to personal information.
She also had bruising on her neck
which she avoided talking about,
so we definitely need to watch him.
What we want to do is rule out as
many of these as soon as possible.
You're all going to follow
Anomie on Twitter.
If Anomie's active and you can see
your suspect's
not on a computer or on a phone,
we can rule them out.
How often does Anomie tweet?
Five or six times a day.
More if they get into an argument.
We should also sign up for Drek's Game.
Anomie's on there all the time.
My ex used to get dead excited
when she was talking to him.
Like she'd met the Pope
or something. It's ridiculous.
Drek says no new players. Ha-ha, ha-ha!
Maybe they're worried
about the police sniffing about?
Murphy mentioned The Halvening might
have used the game
to stir up hate against Edie, so, yeah.
Is there a chance your ex might
let us use her login?
Oh, er, we've not spoken for,
like, a year.
Yeah, the relationship ended
with a lot of daytime sex.
Only, I wasn't the one having it
with her.
Oh, sorry. Forget I asked.
Twitter it is.
Barclay, you're on the fiance,
Phillip Ormond.
He teaches in Gospel Oak
and lives in Finchley.
Midge, you're on Katya Upcott.
I'm going to be watching Wally.
I'm not being funny, but you should
try and look like that more often.
Yeah, Jessica is anxious about
people thinking
she's a corporate sell-out.
Jessica could be working for Satan
and most boys won't give a monkey's
with her looking like you do.
Before you go,
can you take a look at the rota?
I've got you down for 60 hours
this week.
Yeah, I know, we need to find more
See you.
How's she going to find a boyfriend
if she never stops working?
Maybe she's shagging Strike?
She's got more sense than that.
Here I am in Regent's Park asking
people what they like
to eat for dinner on a Friday night.
Here, I got a good one here
with this geezer here.
Got a good one here now.
Excuse me, mate! Excuse me, mate.
- Erm, want to talk about it? No?
- Barclay?
- Do you speak English?
I've got eyes on Edie's fiance.
He's glued to his phone.
Nothing happening on Anomie's Twitter.
You're all set up, then? Aye, I'm
using an account I used to have
that's still got a few followers.
Bit less suss than a new one, eh?
So long as it doesn't
have your name on it.
Username's Tartan Rizla.
You're a class act, Barclay.
- Right, I'm off.
- Yep, see you.
- Er, I'm from California.
- Oh, right.
- What do you think of the food here?
- I mean, yeah, it's OK.
You like noodles?
- What?!
- Noodles! You like roodles?
Screw you, dude!
- Oh, he don't like noodle!
- Friggin' freak!
Hi, I'm Jessica, here for life drawing.
Ah, that's my class.
I'm Mariam. Follow me.
There we go.
Right, we're ready for drawing.
We just need the life bit now.
One sec.
Er, we're starting.
This is Preston, or Pez.
He lives here. He's a very talented
artist in his own right.
Jessica's our new girl.
Jessica, why don't you tell us
what you're hoping
to get out of the class?
Erm, hi, I'm Jessica.
Er, I did A-level art,
but nothing since then.
Erm, I work in marketing and I, er
I suppose I'm here because I'm hoping
there's more to life than marketing.
I guess I just
Er er
Er, I just, erm
I really like drawing.
Well, you've come to the right place.
Right, get started, everyone.
Oh, that's beautiful work on
the hand. You can certainly draw.
- Thanks.
- But, er, this
Oh, I just haven't got to that bit yet.
Well, a penis is far less
challenging than a hand.
Right, time's up, everyone.
Drinks in the kitchen.
Fuck. Ah!
Wow, this is amazing.
Ha-ha. Mariam did that about
five or six years ago.
Everyone in it's a mate of hers.
I'm helping roof the house.
Ledwell and Blay are on there.
Ledwell and who, sorry?
You seriously don't know who they are?
They created The Ink Black Heart.
They met here. This house is iconic.
I haven't seen you here before.
I joined an oil painting class.
Edie was murdered last month.
Yeah, she was,
and she was a mate of mine,
so her being murdered
isn't fucking gossip.
So don't show up here pretending
that you want to paint.
The cemetery's only down the road.
Go on, have a sniff around,
there might be still some
of her blood on the grass
if you're wanting a souvenir.
Oh, I'm sorry.
The fans are the worst.
I'm so sorry about your friend.
Not much to say, is there?
Edie's at the top. She's chucking an
apple from the tree to Josh.
"A state of anomie is impossible
wherever organs"
Come on.
Why don't we grab a proper drink,
you and me?
Erm, I've actually got an early
start, but, er, next week?
Yeah, I'll hold you to that. have a broad-based appeal, Wally.
Crucially, you know how to use humour,
and that's powerful, because the
majority of people in this country,
deep down, they're race realists
like we are,
but they're afraid to say
what they think.
But you say exactly
what you think, Wally,
and that's why people love you.
If you decide to join us,
we can amplify that.
Midge, you are amazing.
You got the login.
Yeah, you owe me big time.
- Right.
- Now, you can't just jump in.
Beth's been playing this game
for years, people know her.
Do you want to tell me a bit about her?
Yeah. A lying, cheating bitch.
I might need a little bit more
than that. Sorry, it's late.
- No, it's fine.
- I really appreciate this.
- Right, username
- Mm-hm.
..Buffypaws95037 all one word.
- Password
- Mm-hm.
So, this is the home page where
everybody meets.
I mean, the whole game
is a glorified chatroom, really.
Weird, it won't let me screen shot.
No, it's against the rules.
Double click on Buffy Paws
and you can see her point of view.
AUTOMATED VOICE: Hi, how are you?
Yeah, no, I enjoyed it. Really?
- Whoa!
- You all right?
Come on, mate.
Are you all right, mate?
I missed this place.
Favourite kind of dog?
Oh, trick question.
Beth likes cats.
LOL. Welcome back.
Come with me.
Ah! Argh!
Come here!
Bravo, kilo, I need back up now!
Suspect is 6'3", leather jacket,
tattoos on his
..horrible bald head.
What's going on?
Oh, never seen this.
I'm not sure where he's taking you.
Ask me the question.
What question?
You came back because you want to know.
Did I kill Edie Ledwell?
I did.
And you are welcome.