Surface (2005) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Previously on Surface.
We identified the tagger.
Laura Daughtery.
Information must be controlled.
If anything happens to Dr.
Daughtery, I will quit.
He just ate Amber Lu's dog, dude.
That's bad.
Furella's here from Animal Control.
You gotta move Nim.
I thought I'd put Nim inside your mom's car.
You didn't! Oh, you boys are in big trouble.
Come on! Let go of me! Well, young man, you've really outdone yourself.
Lying to us about a pet lizard.
Anything you wanna say for yourself, partner? I'm going to talk to the only person I know that saw the same thing I did.
Is that a whale? Would you mind coming with me for a moment? Who's asking? Yeah, just hang on a second.
Nobody's going anywhere.
Hey, hey, hey! That's enough.
My little brother didn't die for nothing.
Sure, buddy.
Get in the car.
There are government interests They're trying to keep control of what is happening here.
They have decided to have you involved.
Why should I work for you after what you've done to me? Because you will be present for history.
It's happened! Singh, I was looking at the sea orchid and it hit me.
It was It was triple bond.
One I'd never seen before.
Adenine, glycine, kerotine over and over again.
A-G-K, A-G-K, A-G-K, with no detectable mathematical pattern.
On the first chromosome, 15th sector, 29th quadrant.
It wasn't until I looked at the sea orchid that I realized I haven't had my coffee today.
I've found it.
What? The origin.
I know the origin of the species.
I know where it comes from.
Hon? Hon, did you hear something? Mmm-mmm.
Nim, no.
What are you doing? You stay where I put you, okay? You know what would happen if Mom found you down here.
Salt, like the ocean.
You like that, huh? Come on, Nim.
Everything so far.
Only the beginning.
We have to set you up in Washington immediately.
With Dahl? Yeah, with everyone.
Pentagon, DOD, White House.
Let me make a call, get you on a plane to DC.
Sherman, we briefed Joint Chiefs, White House, NSA.
I'll have Command fly him out tonight.
They're scrambling transport from Edwards.
A DOD plane will meet you at the tarmac in 30 minutes.
You're not going? This is out of my league.
Good luck.
I don't understand why you're not coming home in the meantime.
Because they've made me sign an affidavit that says I won't leave the state until my court date.
So you are not gonna see the kids for a month? I don't like it any more than you do, babe.
And we have to pay $2,500 to a bail bondsman? Do you think Mr.
Connelly's okay? I think so.
Hello? I wasn't gonna ask you for that money.
You can't enable him.
Not now.
Rich, you know we're only getting a paycheck for three more weeks.
Of course I know that, baby.
Come on.
Look, you're gonna have to have some faith here, all right? Is Daddy in jail? I do have faith.
Real faith.
Well, how about having some real faith in me? You know, I'm doing what I think is right, here.
Hon, don't twist this around on me when you are the one in California with some other woman.
All right, we can't talk about this right now.
I love you.
I can't tell that woman nothing.
She just There comes a time when you gotta trust someone.
Oh, okay.
Thank you very much.
Thank you, sir.
Everything okay? Who was it? Marin County Sheriff.
Well, thank you for coming down.
Like I told you, this is an older gentleman.
A hit-and-run.
No witnesses or No, and no skid marks before the impact.
Why'd you call me? Well, the paramedics found your business card near the body.
It's the only lead we got.
Now prepare yourselves.
The victim has multiple blunt force injuries.
There is significant bruising and abrasions.
Do you know him, ma'am? Yes.
His name is His name is Alexander Cirko.
Alexander C-I-R-K-O? Mind if I ask you a few questions, ma'am? Not at all.
I'll tell you one thing.
That wasn't no car accident.
You see him two days ago, y'all swap war stories then bam, hit-and-run.
Come on, that doesn't sound a little weird to you? Cirko just told me he was bringing me into the investigation.
That's what I'm talking about.
You're almost in and he gets in an accident? Come on, now.
You know what? Let's try to get out this way.
Miles! Miles, get out of bed.
It's one in the afternoon! Okay, okay.
Jeez, Nim.
What did you do? Oh, my gosh.
Nim, I told you, not in the house.
He's gonna sleep the whole day away.
Nim, stop.
No play.
Nim, no play.
Stop that, boy.
Let go! Miles.
Well, I was beginning to think you'd gotten bitten by a tsetse fly.
Um, I didn't sleep so good.
I don't blame you.
It smells horrible in there.
Why don't you clean out the pigsty? Yeah, okay.
And you promised to sweep out the garage today.
No, I'll do it.
Jeez, Nim.
Stay in there.
I'll be back.
Well, I'm actually walking out of the house right now.
Yeah, so, can I call you later? Yeah, oh, that.
Well, holding your children accountable that's all it takes, really.
Yeah, Miles.
Yeah, Miles is coming around.
I'll talk to you around 2:00? This is Alexander Cirko.
Please leave me a message.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
The rest of you all, down in there.
We have an intruder in Corridor F.
I see him.
That way! You need to watch Move! There he is.
Hold it right there! Hey, hey, hold it right there! Block on three! There he is.
Go! I got him! This way! Take this way.
Okay, go.
Yeah, I got it, I got it.
That's right, go! Go! Yeah.
Yeah, you think? This way, everybody! There he is! Get there.
Get to that It's armed! This is Security 3, we've got a breach on 4, taking south elevator.
Look for an exit on south All right, what does it say about Cirko? "Cirko was a maverick among biologists "whose critical refinement of Darwin's Origin of Species "polarized the scientific community.
" Well, he more than just polarized it.
I mean, he was stripped of his chair at Berkeley for his theory of spontaneous equilibrium.
"And cast him as a defiant outsider "for the latter stages of what was once a bright academic future.
" That's right.
Well, guy had enemies.
Definitely was not an accident.
Can you get me some salt? Yeah.
Where is it? On the counter.
Hey! What you got there? Jesse! Jesse! It's time for dinner! Jesse? Jesse! Jesse! Jesse! Mom, look! Jesse! Never do that to me again, you hear me? Do what? What did that man say to you? What did he want? He wanted to know where to fish around here.
Have you found Dr.
Singh? We haven't been able to locate him as yet.
But you've taken care of the recovered research? Yes, sir.
Packed up and shipped to DC as you requested.
We're organizing a team debriefing for lower personnel.
There is one issue, however.
What is it? Videotape from the lab showed that Singh might have gotten away with the specimen, some kind of marine flora.
Find Singh.
Recover the specimen.
It's of the utmost importance.
I understand, sir.
Oh, my God.
Phil? Phil.
Don't let my mom see us together.
From now on our friendship's gotta be covert.
But why? They think you're a bad influence.
So that's how it is.
A little adversity and you just throw me under the bus? I'm grounded, man.
I've never been grounded before, ever.
Not for anything.
Well, if it's any consolation, Nim's back.
Big whoop.
The thing never liked me anyway.
Is that my dad's car? What's he doing home? Mom? Is Dad home? Yeah.
Why do you suppose that is, Miles, huh? Whoa.
Is it here? Huh? What? The thing.
Is it here? I don't know what you're talking about.
Miles, I can't listen to this anymore.
I've had it.
Your dad and I both have.
Mom, if you just gave him a chance What did you say? If you only met him I did meet him, Miles.
He was in my kitchen cabinet.
This isn't about your lizard.
It's about your Iying.
I am very disappointed in you, Son.
I'm up to my ass in depositions on a Saturday.
The last thing I need is your mother calling me up, hysterical, in the middle of a work day.
I know, Dad, I'm sorry.
Sorry isn't gonna cut it anymore.
I'm tired of sorry.
I wouldn't do that, Dad Son of a bitch, the teeth on that thing.
He wouldn't hurt anyone.
It's in the floor, isn't it? Isn't it? It's in the floor.
Miles, out of the way.
Out of the way.
Promise you won't hurt him.
It's already killed a poodle, Miles.
What do you want it to kill next? A baby? Your sister? Don't answer that.
It's in the walls now.
He'll come to me.
I trained him.
You can't train a lizard, Miles.
He's just scared! I trained him to do a lot of things.
He fetches, and he can do these jumps out of the pool.
This is all a big joke to you, isn't it? You're 14, Miles.
You're too big for pet lizards.
Time to start acting like an adult.
I'm trying.
Like you were trying to tell the truth? Honesty is all we got, buddy.
That's it.
Without it we're strangers.
Just go to your room.
Please don't hurt him.
Just go, Miles.
Well, come on, you think you can take the champ? Let's have it.
You think you've got what it takes to take the belt? Come on! You're biting my hair! I got the suplex and the body slam.
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Look, look, look! It's us! Hey, hang on, buddy.
Hang on.
with us now, an eyewitness.
Now, tell us, what did you see? This huge thing.
I don't know what it was.
It had orange eyes Oh, come on really smooth skin like a salamander's.
Are you seeing this? It's not the first time I saw it Salamander? I know.
at the river road at the mouth of the bay.
Also, on a day of the new moon.
These creatures are connected to the zodiac.
Oh, that poor, poor woman.
Well, whatever it was, it was selling a lot of T-shirts.
For now, News Three, Michelle Hey.
Hey, man.
Hey, you all right? Huh? Come on, now, buddy.
Wake up.
Oh, my God.
Do you know him? Yes, he's Krishna Singh.
He's an evolutionary biologist.
He's Cirko's right-hand guy.
I'm not getting a pulse.
Oh, my God.
I feel sick, Rich.
I really do.
I can't even Hey, hey! Everything all right out here? Hey, hey, there's been a bad accident! Could you please call us an ambulance? Sure, right away.
Try to open from the inside of that door.
Let's try to get that door open.
Just reach in with your hand.
There's a little handle in there.
Hey! Hey! He wanted you to have this.
Just take it easy, man.
Just take it easy.
We could just throw it into the ocean.
We could.
Forget that we even got it.
Walk away.
You know, call the police, let the authorities deal with it.
The authorities.
Like Cirko and Singh.
You know, whoever hit Cirko and killed Singh, they want what's in this locker.
And we go sniffing around, we're fair game.
Not only us.
I mean, our families, too.
Walk away.
I can't.
And this ain't just about my brother anymore.
There's something more.
I can't explain it.
But I couldn't go back to hawking insurance policies if I tried.
I understand if you want to do something different.
Have you taken a look at the house upstairs? Yes, I have.
Yeah, you know what that's gonna cost to replace? I know, and I don't know who to trust.
I don't know You know, where do you start with him? I don't know what's got into this kid, but it's out of control.
I'll tell you that right now.
Well, that's why we need I think Word to the wise-ass.
You might want to stay in your room.
What are they doing? Uh, wondering how they ended up with such a defective son.
Just so you know, boys and their creepy animals, you're supposed to have outgrown that by now.
Did Dad find him? That's what you're worried about? That thing? Did he? You're hitting puberty and going completely insane.
Mom and Dad are only trying to help you.
You've heard the horror stories of affluent kids with a sense of entitlement, right? Yes, yes.
I just don't want that to happen to Miles, Ron.
Yeah, well, we've already given him too much.
Way too much.
First it's Iying, then he's sneaking out, getting drunk with his buddies, then he's dealing pot.
Yeah, well, I didn't have half the advantages he's had.
Well, look what he's done with them.
I just think we should at least explore other options, that's all.
Like what? Well, something Outward Bound, maybe military school.
Something that will teach him character, discipline.
I didn't even know where he's going with this whole thing.
I don't know what's wrong with him.
I don't get it.
But we've got a decision to make.
Are we gonna be parents or are we gonna be friends? Well, where do you draw the line? Come on, Nim.
He's 14 years old.
Line's already drawn.
Okay, we definitely need to find you a new crib, 'cause, well, we may have just been voted off the island.
Which, you know, in a way, I understand.
What did you do? Ate some salt.
And a poodle.
Which, yeah, I guess is wrong.
But, swear to God, Nim, I really don't see that we're the big problem here.
Don't worry.
We're gonna stash you someplace safe.
Hi, Cheryl.
Hi, Laura.
Sorry to intrude.
Sean, hey.
How you doing, buddy? How you doing? Fine.
Hey, how you doing? Rich Connelly.
Oh, sorry.
This is Rich, my friend who I Sean.
Sean, a pleasure.
told you about.
He's the one who saw the The new vertebrate.
The new vertebrate.
That's right.
So, I heard about your job.
What happened? Something about plagiarism or It's an allegation, Sean.
She was framed.
It's really Things are really complicated right now, and I think it would be a good idea if Jesse stayed here.
There's a body outside our house.
A body.
You wanna tell me what's going on, Laura? Look, Laura believes the government is covering up the existence of a new species and is killing people to do it.
Well, it's not that extreme.
Laura, come on.
Well, it is that extreme.
I mean, the situation is really extreme.
And I think the same thing, too.
For what it's worth.
But, Sean, I know how this looks, and I know how it sounds.
But I wouldn't do it if I didn't have a reason.
Hey, Jesse, why don't you come on in and I'll put you to bed.
Yeah, okay.
That's a good idea, right? Hey, you know how much I love you, don't you? Infinity? Infinity plus one.
Promise me you'll find it.
Tomorrow we do this.
Let's go.
Not bad, right? Me and Phil come out here sometimes.
It's like a hang out.
You know, Mom and Dad aren't usually like this.
They They just gotta get used to you, that's all.
I got to go.
Yes, sir, that's right, he's been gone for about five or six hours.
Yes, I understand, but he's never run away from home before.
Yes, sir.
Okay, thank you.
Don't worry.
He's a smart kid.
He'll be okay.
Here, here, here.
Trees and lots of cover.
Good place for a sniping.
Can you shut up and help me with this thing, please? Here, here, here.
That's it.
That's it.
Stop, stop.
It's stuck.
It's stuck.
All right, all right, all right.
Oh, my gosh.
Well, I'm not really good with small spaces.
I'm a girl.
Oh, come on.
You're a girl who drives submarines and tags little sea critters All right, all right.
Get your butt in there.
If I don't come out in 10 minutes, call the police.
Yeah, yeah.
Shoot, if you're not back in 10 minutes, I'm calling an air strike.
All right.
Stay cool.
Rich, there's something in here you're not gonna believe.
You gotta see this, Rich.
Rich, you gotta see this.
You're never gonna believe what's in here.
Hey! Hey! Hey, Daughtery! Come on! What are you doing? I need you to pull me in.
There's somebody coming! Yeah, but you won't fit.
Yeah, but I can't even, I mean Come on, get me in there! Somebody's coming! Wait! I gotta get in there! Careful! Look, I gotta go.
Nim, I'll be back, okay? It's just that, I don't know, I got school, and my parents.
I don't really want to think about my parents.
Look, I need you to stay.
Stay! Oh, man.
God, they must have been watching us the whole time.
Don't you think we should come clean? I think we should come clean.
These are not people that are gonna listen to reason, you know what I mean? Well, we don't even know what kind of people these are.
What we need Ha, ha! We need a weapon.
Are you sure we shouldn't just go out there and just, you know, pretend like we're totally meant to be here.
We've got keys.
I mean Look, I'll tell you what.
You talk.
I'm gonna hit.
We'll see who gets out of here.
What the hell am I supposed to do with this? Use your imagination.
Hey, the car's gone.
He's gone.
Yeah, just a little bit paranoid, I guess, huh? No, you're not.
That's what they do.
That's their technique to get you out into the open.
What are you talking about, "technique"? How in the world do you know what their technique is? I'm an oceanographer, and I spend a lot of time on boats reading spy novels.
Wait a minute.
Just a second ago, you're talking about reasoning Yes, then I remembered that I got framed, and that Cirko is in ICU and that Singh is dead.
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.
over that way.
You sure? Look, they switch off in a second.
It's gotta be It's jammed.
Give me a hand with this, all right? Ready? One, two, three! You folks having any trouble? Supposed to check in at the guard station.
Uh, yeah.
Sorry about that.
Almost called the police but I figured I'd come, have a look-see.
Well, we'll sure make sure to do that next time.
Sorry, buddy, promise.
Okay? Thank you, boys.
Feel like an idiot? No.
No more than usual.
Hey, it's a funny-looking thing, ain't it? It's the research.
Hmm? What? What research? Mine.
He used my research to track the migration patterns.
Don't worry, Mr.
and Mrs.
The boat is gone, you know he's on the water.
I'll find him.
Be careful with him.
There he is! There he is now! Miles! Miles! Miles! It's okay! Miles! Miles! Miles, come back! Stop! It's the police! Don't scare him! Don't scare him! Miles, it's all right.
Miles, nobody's gonna hurt you.
Miles, you're not in trouble Miles, come back! Miles, come back.
Don't scare him.
Don't scare him! It's okay, honey! Nobody's gonna do anything.
You're not in a lot of trouble right now.
Turn around We'll talk through it, sweetheart.
It's okay, just come back.
Sweetheart? You're not in a lot of trouble right now.
If you just stop and turn around, we're gonna be fine.
We're gonna be fine! Miles! Come back.
It's okay.
Just come back.
Okay, Nim.
Time to go.
It's not gonna be safe much longer.
Get in.
Nim, get in.
Come on, Nim.
Crap, dude, you scared the bejeebs out of me.
Good, maybe you'll start acting normal.
You're parents are wigging.
How did you find me anyways? Did you see where I hid the boat? How many times have we come here, idiot.
It wasn't that difficult.
Where did you put your bike? Right next to the "Find Miles Here" sign I posted up on the road.
Okay, okay.
I just wanna make sure they don't find us.
Are you okay? They're gonna take him.
They're gonna take him.
Oh, but we Look, we gotta put him somewhere.
We just We gotta leave.
Have you got any money? My little sister just had a birthday.
She's sitting on maybe $100.
Okay, I need it here.
I had almost $300 stashed up in my bookcase if Nim didn't shred it.
Son, you probably think you're in so much trouble right now, things can't get any worse.
But that's not accurate.
Now step away from that thing.
You can't take him.
Is he dead? We gotta call 911.
Dude! Take him.
Take him! No, no, that's terrible.
I'm sorry.
Thank you.
Yes, thank you for calling.
What's up? Cirko passed away.
The police are calling it a homicide.
No, Daughtery.
No, what are we doing? This is my house.
I'm not leaving.
No, wait, get in the truck.
There are laws.
This is my home.
I do not have to go.
Laura, get in the truck, now! Come on!
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