Tangled: The Series (2017) s03e03 Episode Script

Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf?

1 I got the wind in my hair and a fire within 'Cause there's something beginning I got a mystery to solve and excitement to spare That beautiful breeze blowing through I'm ready to follow it who knows where And I'll get there, I swear With the wind in my hair My! What big teeth you have! - Hi, Mary.
- Well, hello, Princess! Looking good up there, Monty! Red and Angry, welcome to New, Old Corona! You know, it's about time you guys decided to settle down near us.
We were getting kinda sick of life on the road.
Never knowing what you're gonna eat, or where you're gonna stay.
I mean, you should see the treehouse we've been staying in.
- Yeah! It's - A total dump.
With the Princess' initiative to rebuild Old Corona, you're gonna have your choice of places to live! Ugh! What is with you? - You're acting weird.
- It's just I like the treehouse.
Ugh! Not this again, Red.
Look, this is what is best for us.
- But, but I - Your Majesty! - Help! - Earl! What's the matter? It's my sheep.
Come quick! What are they doing up there? Something's got them scared.
- Like what? - I'm not sure, but the same thing happened to my neighbor's flock.
In fact, livestock all over Corona's been acting strange.
Don't worry, we'll get to the bottom of this.
Max, do your thing.
Come on! These look like wolf prints.
If they are, that is one big wolf.
No, this is something else.
These tracks aren't side by side.
Whatever made them walks on two feet.
That can't be right.
Uh, are you sure about that? Let's move! Eugene, Lance, come on! Stay on it! Who are you? Captain Creighton, world-class big-game tracker, at your service.
Do you treat all Corona's guests this way? Should we be impressed or disgusted? Disgusted it is.
So, uh, Captain, what is a world-class tracker doing in Corona? Uh, tracking? Okay, yeah, th-that's on me.
I could've been more specific.
Tracking what? Uh, that thing that's been terrorizing your sheep? A werewolf.
Now, who do I gotta slug to get a glass of water around here, huh? D-d-did you just say werewolf? It's all right here in this book.
What we are dealing with here is Maledicta Lupus, the Wolf's Curse.
But, for you laymen, a werewolf.
The wolf's curse travels the globe in search of host bodies.
It feeds on untapped rage, so its ideal host is someone who harbors a deep-seated anger.
It inhabits his body, and causes him to turn into a raging werewolf every full moon for the rest of his life! And here's where it gets interesting.
The wolf has a new home here in Corona.
W-who is it? "Who is it?" If I knew that, you think I'd be wasting my time with you milksops? The wolf can be anybody! But the good news is I'm not just tracking this thing.
I'm not leaving Corona until I've destroyed it.
Hm Uh-oh.
Let me be clear, Captain.
You will not be destroying anything in my kingdom.
Ooh, I'm not sure you can stop me.
Ow! Oh, you're making a huge mistake! I will take that ch I didn't time that right.
I wanted to slam it after "chance.
" We knew what you were going for, yeah.
Okay, guys.
There's a werewolf out there, and we have to take action.
Uh, excuse me, uh, Princess, ha, just a question here.
Uh, was throwing the werewolf hunter out of the castle the best idea? But, you heard her! She wants to destroy the monster.
Well, that monster is one of my subjects.
So, we have to find it before she can.
So, the plan is we do this quietly.
We do not want a panic on our hands.
Okay, we're gonna need a new plan.
I know you've all heard the werewolf rumors, and I am here to tell you there is nothing to be afraid of.
We have everything under contro Come on, Red! We gotta go! We're not going anywhere! We belong here! You said so yourself! Red, I just had the weirdest Where'd you go? Red? What's wrong? You seem so sad since you got here.
No, no, I like it here.
But, this This is not me.
I mean, Angry says this is what's best for us, and Does she know you feel this way? I tried, but she doesn't wanna hear it.
I know it's not easy, but you have to find a way to get through to your sister.
In the meantime, we've gotta figure out a way to find this werewolf.
Wow! That's something I never imagined myself saying.
It's called the Mark of the Wolf, and Creighton's book says that a werewolf in its human form has this blue paw-shaped blemish somewhere on the person's hands, arms, or face.
The only other clue is that Creighton said the curse feeds on someone with a repressed rage? Well, that shouldn't be so hard.
Everyone in Corona is so sweet.
You call these plumbagos? Oh yes, the invisible wall.
Let's go.
Okay, this is gonna be harder than I thought.
Gonna be a full moon tonight.
Better hope you find your little wolf friend before I do.
Um, excuse me, I'm sorry, Princess Rapunzel? Listen, I know we've had our differences, but I've really come to appreciate how much you do for our kingdom, and I thought I'd bring you an olive branch.
It's made of licorice.
Uh, actually, I don't like licorice.
In fact, no one likes licorice, Monty.
What, but, no! I just I was a fool to reconcile! A fool, I tell you! Uncle Monty, the werewolf? Come on! No way! Forgive me, Princess, but that's I mean that's just - That's just crazy talk.
- Come on.
You've never once suspected Monty had a darker side? Okay, fine! But, he has the mark! We should at least investigate that.
All right, it's closing time.
Hm Giddy up! He's trying to get away! All right! Let's see how you like cinnamon taffy! Sour balls away! So good, but sour! Oh no! Not the gumballs! Not the gumballs! Nooooo! Oh! Tell my story! What? Hol Princess? What is wrong with you!? I know your secret.
All right! All right, fine! I found a bunch of stale licorice in my back room.
I was just trying to get rid of it! Lock me up! It's wrong! It was wrong! No! Wait, what? No, I'm talking about the wolf's curse.
The wolf's cur Hold on.
Wait, you think I'm the werewolf? I saw the wolf's mark on your neck.
What, this? No! Th-this is paint! Paint from the renovations this morning! But, wh Why did you run away from us? Well, three people hopped out of the shadows and came after me! What would you have done? Besides, if I were the wolf, shouldn't I be sprouting fur and fangs about now? Oh no, the full moon.
Lance, help these people out of here! You know, Old Corona should really consider enforcing leash laws.
Eugene, keep Creighton busy! I'm going after that wolf.
Uh, something tells me that we're not chasing it anymore, Pascal.
My! What big teeth you have.
Ooh! Tsk tsk, Captain.
Never bring a crossbow to a sword fight.
Ugh! You're still a milksop! Well, it's no frying pan, but there's nothing like a classic to get the job done.
No, it can't be.
The wolf it's Red! Angry! Where is Red? What's what's wrong? Okay.
Oh, how do I say this? Um Red Red has been hiding something.
Lemme guess, she doesn't wanna settle down in Corona? No.
W yes, yes, she is hiding that, but this is something else.
Okay, I'll take you to her.
If Red's anywhere, this is where she'd be.
I'm not the monster.
No one said you were a monster.
I I'm sorry.
Red how did this happen? Last month, when you decided we needed to settle down, I wanted to tell you that I liked it out here.
I wasn't ready to move, but you wouldn't hear me.
I went for a walk that night, and that was when it found me.
It told me it could help me be heard.
That it could use all of my angry feelings and give me what I want.
All I had to do was let it.
You should've told me, Red.
Guys, the important thing is there's a way out of this.
This has a ritual that can get rid of the wolf, but we can only do it on the final night of the full moon.
- That's tonight.
- Now, here's the tricky part.
It has to be done on mystical ground, and the only place like that around is Janus Point.
Hey, remember that art teacher who brought us out here for her painting class, heh? Whatever happened to her? Well, she turned out to b a hideous she-demon who tried to steal your very soul.
Oh, right.
Okay, Red.
All you have to do now is repeat what I say.
"I swear this wolf away.
" I I swear this wolf away.
"Not to give in to its rage.
Wolf be gone!" Not to give in to its rage.
Wolf be Red, you can do it.
Just say it.
It's okay, kid, you're almost there.
Come on, Red.
You have to! I don't want to! Maybe I like being the wolf! Maybe maybe I'm tired of everyone telling me what to do! And I'm sick of people assuming I'm okay, just because I won't say I'm not! And another thing! I don't even like the name Red! I only went along with it because everyone expected me to! Told you not to give them nicknames.
What if I wanted to be the angry one?! Just once, I wanted to be the one to call the shots! Being the wolf lets me do that! I'm sorry.
I-I didn't mean to be so bossy.
We can figure this out together, but let's just finish this.
Doesn't matter if you finish.
This whole "ritual" is bunk.
I added it to the book so I'd know when and where the wolf would be.
Thanks, Princess.
Leave the girl alone.
She ain't a girl anymore.
She's a monster, and the sooner you realize that, the better.
No! - Wow, she's fast.
- Where could she be going? Uh, guys? - Where's Creighton? - What? The hunt is on.
Nuh, false alarm.
Dumb bunny.
Please! I-I-I wasn't gonna hurt you! I-I-I'm actually a dog person, and I I I-I love dogs Catalina, stop! It's me, Kiera.
Please don't hurt her.
She may be a jerk, but you're not a monster.
I'm sorry I didn't listen better.
I promise I'll try harder, but please, let her go.
It's okay to be angry and frustrated, but this? This is not the way you deal with those feelings.
We'll all help, Catalina.
- I promise.
- Please.
I love you.
Yeah! Listen to her! Bunnies! Best hug ever! Ground floor please, Ulf.
I brought some of the princess' old paintings from the castle! Thought they might spruce the place up.
Bet one of the bunch.
Look at that.
Hoo! So handsome.
Thank you so much for fixing this place up for us, Rapunzel.
I'm just glad we found a way for you guys to stay close by after all.
Yeah! Not quite civilized, not quite the wild.
I'd say it's picture perfect.
But just promise me if you ever need anything, you know, like, help managing the then you're gonna ask for it.
- I promise.
- Because the last thing we want is for you to bury your anger again.
That never helped anyone.
- You're doing it wrong.
- You.
What are you doing here? I'm here to help you learn to master the MoonStone's power.
It responds to hatred and anger.
If you truly want to wield the MoonStone, you mustn't be afraid to tap into the depths of your deepest rage.
Remember what she put you through, and use that fury, Cassandra.
Oh-oh, oh-oh Now I got my eyes open and wide My heart burnin' like fire Feels like I'm so alive I'm never going back Whatever I want now, I'm gonna chase Who I am I can't contain it I'm not gonna hold it in 'Cause there's more of me to give Oh yeah, there's more of me to give
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