Tayo, the Little Bus (2010) s01e09 Episode Script

Our New Friend, Gani

Let's go!
Tayao, Tayao!
He's a friendly little bus,
speeding up, slowing down.
Taya always loves to run.
Taya, Taya, Taya, Tio, Taya,
he's a friendly little bus.
Speeding up, slowing down.
Taya's always having fun.
Buffy or smooth.
Windy or strange.
He's not scared of anything ahead.
Even when it's dark and scary,
he's not alone with his friends.
There is nothing here to dread.
Taya, Kyo, Tayo, he's a friendly
little bus, speeding up, slowing down,
Tayo we've loved to run.
Tayo, Tayo, Tayo, Tayo,
he's a friendly little bus.
With his friends, by his
sign, smiling in the sun.
It's a brand new D2D.
Let's have some fun!
Our new friend, Ghani.
Our new friend, Ghani.
You can come down now.
You can come down now.
Wow, I feel great now.
Thanks a lot, Hannah.
Gotta go now.
See you soon.
How are you, Hannah?
Oh, hi, Rookie!
Hi, Pat!
Oh, it's nothing. I came to give
you back the toolbox I borrowed.
Oh, thanks.
Thanks a lot. It was really helpful.
What's that picture?
Oh, this?
I don't recognize him.
Oh, his name is Wundee.
How come I've never seen
him here in the garage?
Oh, he was scrapped last year.
He worked for a very long time.
A new bus that inherited
Wundi's memory chip is
coming in tomorrow, so
I just thought of Wondi.
With his memory chip?
Does that mean that the new bus is going
to inherit all of Wondi's memories?
No, that won't be the case.
The old memories have probably
been deleted from the chip.
Hey, Rookie, it's almost time
to change shifts. Let's go.
Goodbye, Hannah.
Bye, guys.
Who was it in the picture?
It was a bus named Wendy.
Do you know him?
Oh, of course.
He had been around for a very long time.
Ever since Hannah first
came to the bus garage.
He and Hannah were very good friends.
He was a hardworking, nice bus
who just loved to help others.
so everyone liked him.
But he got too rusty
after working so long,
so he had to be scrapped last year.
Uh, by the way, what was
that about his memory chip?
Oh, Hannah felt sad to see Wondi go.
So she kept Wondi's memory
chip until not too long ago.
A new day has arrived.
Good morning!
Wow, you're all up so early.
A new bus is coming to the garage today.
Huh? A new bus?
When's he coming?
Yeah, what color is he?
What's his name?
Whoa, guys, one at a time.
Hey, Hannah!
Ooh, there he comes.
Hi, you guys.
Good, you're all here.
Hello, Cito!
So, he's the new bus, and he'll
be joining you guys today.
Why don't you say hi?
Uh, hi guys.
My name is Gani.
Hello, Gany!
I'm Tayo!
And I'm Rogi!
And my name is Lanny!
It's nice to meet you.
Oh, hello.
I'm Hannah.
Hi, Hannah.
Hi, Hannah.
Why don't you give him
a tour of the garage?
I would, but I have to go to work now.
Could one of you give him a tour instead?
Me! Me! I'll give him a tour!
All right, Tyo, you do it then.
Let's go, Ghani!
Taya is delighted to have a new friend.
This over here is the car wash.
I see.
Let me show you how you can wash up.
Follow me.
You have to go in this way.
Watch me closely.
What's going on?
What's going on?
What's wrong?
I don't know.
I can't stop the machine!
Shut down the system.
Shutting down the system.
I'm safe!
Did you stop the machine?
You can command the machine
to stop in an emergency.
Oh, that's right.
I think Hannah told me that.
Are you okay?
I'm okay.
How embarrassing.
I wanted to look cool.
Let's move on to the charging station.
Taya, the little bus.
This is where we get charged.
Oh, I see.
This time, I'll show
you how to charge up.
Watch and learn.
Please move back.
Please open the charging hole.
Oh, no, I farted.
Oh no.
I'll try again.
Charging initiated.
I'm so embarrassed. I
made another mistake.
See that? Now you try it.
Charging is complete.
I bet he'll make a mistake too.
Charging initiated.
What is going on?
It's his first time, but
he's doing it perfectly.
All finished?
Charging is complete.
Let's go to the training course.
This is strange.
It doesn't seem like
Ghani's new to this at all.
And this is where we practice
driving before we hit the road.
After you finish up your training
here, you'll be able to start working.
Oh, I almost forgot.
I've got to go to work now.
Do you want to join me?
Can I really?
Of course.
I'll show you the right.
Follow me.
It's confusing, right?
It's confusing, right?
Everyone's like that at first.
I'll show him what I can do.
Hey, you see that bus stop over there?
I'll show you how to pick up
passengers at the bus stop.
Let's go.
You need to start slowing down here
to stop precisely at the bus stop.
Tyo, I think you should
slow down a little more.
What do you mean? This
is the perfect speed.
Watch closely.
Oh, my brand new suit is ruined.
My pants are all dirty now!
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
You have to be extra careful here.
The rain makes a puddle at this bus stop.
Oh, right. It was rainy yesterday.
But how did you know that, Ghani?
I have no idea.
What's that?
Oh no! The road's under construction!
I have to go through this
place to get to the next stop.
Oh! It's under construction.
Yeah. Tyo, do you know how
to get to bus stop number 23?
I'm on my way there as well.
But this is the only way I know.
What should we do?
The passengers are all waiting.
Um, guys, I know another way around.
How do you know?
Shut down the system.
Shutting down the system.
Taya thought of all of the
things Gani did at the garage.
The rain makes the
puddle at this bus stop.
Rogi, let's just follow
Gani's directions.
You sure?
Ghani, please take the lead.
How would Gani know the way
when we don't even know it?
Let's just try following you.
I can't believe we're doing this.
Gani can't guide us.
This is its first time downtown.
Let's turn right.
For some reason, Taya felt
like Gani could find the way.
Hey, Tayo, aren't you listening?
Hey, wait for me!
Ghani, are you sure
this is the right way?
Um, probably.
Gany seems unsure of the directions.
Let's just trust him and see how it goes.
Let's go.
Hey, hey guys, wait up!
That's the bus stop, right?
He was right!
How could this happen?
Thanks a lot anyway, Gani.
How did you figure it out this time?
Well, I just feel like
I've always known it.
Hi, Lanny! You're back!
Where are the other guys?
Well, Rogi still has more shifts to run.
But Taya and Gany should
be coming back soon.
Oh, there they are!
Welcome back.
Ghani! Did you have fun?
What is it?
Hey, Hannah, I have
something to tell you.
What is it?
Uh, something's strange about Ghani.
Strange? How so?
He's new, but he does everything
perfectly and knows everything.
Oh, really?
Somehow he was able to guide Rogi
and I when we almost got lost.
Can you do this?
Why can't I do that?
You know, Taya?
He seems like an ordinary boss
to me, just like the rest of you.
But something's different about him.
Ghani's! Not how you do it.
The little bosses have
a new friend named Gani.
So, is Ghani really keeping a secret?
Wake up bright and early and
the sun is smiling in the sky.
Little Bus Tyo!
Wash yourself and eat a hearty
breakfast and it's time to fly.
Little Bus Tyo, it's time
to start a brand new day.
See you later!
Rum, brum, brum, rum, rum,
Happy as can ever be.
He's the best friend you can have.
I'm sure you'll agree.
Stop at the red light and go
when the light turns green.
Little Bus Tyo!
He's the happiest bus that
you've ever seen your face!
Little Bus Tyo!
Let's go on a fun-filled ride!
Hug, hong.
Room, roam from Tyo.
Happy as can ever be.
He's the best friend you can have.
I'm sure you'll agree.
I'm sure you'll agree.
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