Tayo, the Little Bus (2010) s01e19 Episode Script

Lani's Misunderstanding

Let's go!
Tayao, Tayao, Tayao.
He's a friendly little bus,
speeding up, slowing down.
Taya always loves to run.
Taya, Taya, Tio, Taya,
he's a friendly little bus.
Speeding up, slowing down.
Taya's always having fun.
Buffy or smooth, windy or strange.
He's not scared of anything ahead.
Even when it's dark and
scary, he's not alone.
With his friends, there
is nothing here to dread.
Tayo, Tayo, Tayo, he's a
friendly little bus, speeding up, Taya Tayo, Tayo, Tayo,
Tayao, he's a friendly little
bus, speeding up, slowing
down, Tayao we've loved to run.
Tayo, Tayo, Tayo, he's a
friendly little little bit.
with his friends, by his
side, smiling in the sun.
It's a brand new D2D.
Let's have some fun!
Lanny's misunderstanding!
It's another great day at work for Lanny.
It's another great day at work for Lanny.
Well, here we are.
See you later.
Oh, that's Lanny!
Welcome aboard!
That's my girl.
Such a good bus.
Excuse me!
The lights changed!
Oh, I'm sorry.
We'll be leaving now!
With Cito!
I guess you didn't see me.
Hey, Lanny!
You're home early today.
I wanted to practice
for my test tomorrow.
I hurried home so I
could do the same thing.
Well, let's go in and practice together.
Let's go, Lanny.
Oh, you guys!
Hey! You guys are back early!
Hi, guys!
Where are you guys going?
We're going to go practice driving
at the video training center.
We're on our way there, too.
Oh, no.
What's wrong?
The training center can
only fit one bus at a time.
There won't be enough time
for everyone to practice?
What should we do?
You guys can practice.
I won't practice today.
Are you sure?
Come to think of it, Lanny
always aces the test.
Is that true?
You're incredible, Lanny!
Are you sure you'll be
okay without practicing?
Yes, it's fine.
I wanted to go to bed early today anyway.
Well, I'm gonna go first!
Thank you so much, Lanny.
Actually, I do need the practice.
There's nothing I can do now.
Oh, Bito!
Oh, hi, Lanny.
I saw you on the rest.
earlier today.
Didn't you see me?
I'm waiting for you.
Hold on.
I need to talk to Hannah.
There he goes again.
It's a new day.
The buses have gathered in front of
the training center for the test.
Everyone did really well.
Taya and Gani both did very well,
and it was their first time.
What about me?
What about me?
Your score has also improved, Rogi.
You must have practiced a lot, Rogi.
Of course.
Okay, it's your turn, Lanny.
I'm sure you'll do as well as
you always do, right, Lanny?
Of course!
Just don't get a big head, Lanny.
Lanny wants to ace the test
in order to please C-Toh.
You may begin.
Please stop.
at the next bus stop.
Where is the bus stop?
I don't know this road.
I knew I should have practiced yesterday.
Oh, there it is!
You have passed the bus stop!
Oh, no!
Oh, no!
You have failed.
Please try again.
Did you ace the test?
Lanny, what happened back there?
You passed the bus stop, and you caused a
car accident by coming to a sudden stop.
Oh, come on, nobody's perfect.
But that was too much.
Did you bother to practice at all, Lanny?
I was gonna practice yesterday.
I knew it.
You didn't even practice.
It's not like I didn't want to practice.
You could have caused a big
accident if you were on the road.
Why are you always picking on me?
You ignored me all day yesterday,
and you're picking on me now!
What? Yesterday?
I'm going to work!
Lanny, wait!
See you later.
Lanny is done for the
day, but she doesn't
feel like going back
to the garage so soon.
She thinks that Sito
doesn't care for her.
Oh, where should I go now?
Hello, where are you going?
Oh, I'm going back to
the construction site.
Construction site?
Can I come with you?
Sure think. You're more than welcome.
Follow me.
Yay, thank you.
Hey, guys.
Hey, look who's here!
Long time no sea, Lanny!
What brings you all the way here?
Oh, I just wanted to see
what the site looked like.
Come on, I'll give you a tour.
No, no, no, no, no.
I'll give you the tour, Lanny.
I'm sure Lanny would rather I do it.
No, no, no, no, no.
I'll give her the tour.
Everybody likes me except for Cito.
I said I'll give her the tour.
I brought her here, so
I'll give her the tour.
Lanny, why don't you come with me?
It's okay.
I can manage on my own.
You're too busy to get right.
Oh, no, I'm stuck in a puddle.
I can't get out on my own.
Excuse me!
That was me!
That was Max!
Excuse me!
Taya, the little bus.
I'm all dirty now.
Are you okay?
I guess I'll be going now.
What about the tour?
I'll come again some other time.
See you later.
You'll see you again, Lattie.
This is all your food.
What did I do?
Sito would have warned me
about that puddle in advance.
Lanny, be careful of
the construction site.
Just up ahead.
Who cares? It doesn't like me anyway.
Hey guys.
It's Sito!
Have any of you seen Lanny?
She hasn't come back yet.
Her shift should be over.
I wonder where she went.
Maybe I was too hard on her.
I have something to tell you about Lanny.
The reason she wasn't able to
practice was because of us.
I had no idea.
I'm going to find her.
Concerned about Lanny, Sito goes
out into the city to find her.
I need to go wash up.
Oh, Frank's fire station
is right around here.
Frank's fire station
is right around here.
Oh, hi, Lanny.
You're covered in dirt. What happened?
Could I use the car wash here?
It's right in the back.
That's the fire alarm.
Sorry, I have to go.
See you later.
Oh, Frank.
Oh, Frank.
I don't know how to
use the car wash here.
Lanny remembered the day
when she first arrived,
and Sito taught her how
to use the car wash.
How is it? You okay?
Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Where is she?
Oh, this place is.
This is my favorite place in the city.
Isn't it pretty?
Yes, it's almost as pretty as you.
Oh, really?
No worry if I don't return soon.
Okay, I'll go back to
the garage right now.
I can't move!
I must be all our gas!
Oh, hello! Is anyone there?
Oh, what should I do?
I'm so scared!
Oh, I had a feeling you'd be here.
Oh, Sito!
Let's go, Lanny.
Let's go, Lanny.
Everyone's worried.
Um, I'm all out of gas.
Oh, so that's what happened.
Here, hold on to this.
Well, let's go.
Were you hurt by what I said earlier?
I'm sorry.
for being so hard on you,
when you must have been
upset about failing the test.
I know you failed the test.
But I'm still very proud of you
for always trying your best.
Are you still mad at me?
Um, Cito, I'm sorry I made you worry.
It's okay.
Cito, how did you know where to find me?
Well, this is your favorite
place in the world.
He really do care about me.
I love you, Cito.
Lanny realized she was
wrong about Cito all along.
Cito cares about her very deeply.
Thank you, Cito.
Wake up bright and early and
the sun is smiling in the sky.
Little Bus Tyo!
Wash yourself and eat a hearty
breakfast and it's time to fly.
Little Bus Tyo, it's time to fly.
Start a brand new day.
See you later!
Brum, brum, brum, frum, trum,
Happy as can ever be.
He's the best friend you can have.
I'm sure you'll agree.
Stop at the red light and go
when the light turns green.
Little Bus Tyo,
He's the happiest bus that
you've ever seen your face.
Little Bus Tyo, let's go.
Oh, on a fun-filled ride.
Hug, hunk!
Rum, roem, fro from Tyo.
Happy as can ever be.
He's the best friend you can have.
I'm sure you'll agree.
I'm sure you'll agree.
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